大 海 啊 故 乡0023--忧 郁 症 患 者 乐 乐 的 心 声 03/17/2006 2:42pmBostonOffice
Now i am in the office, Adam, the Amrican editor, and Ahh, the Marketing manager, are here. i just have done translating
articles. The chinese editor, Anita Chang, is off since she claimed she is sick. i just had a lunch alone having pizza. i borrowed
books from the local library, one of them is: Wang, Xiaobo and Li, Yihe. Wang once studed in the USA, in 1988, he and his
wife, Li, Yinhe, had to choose whether they stayed in the US or went back to China. It's hard for them! Finally they went
back. they said they never regret their decision. Wang published several books, and Li have done several papers. They feel
so great they wanted to share theri experiences to others. |