唐娜说,“I fit some stereotypically 'autistic' personality traits like the Sensitive (ie related to Avoidant PD), the Solitary (ie related to Schizoid PD), the Idiosyncratic (ie related to Schizotypal PD), the Conscientious (ie related to Obsessive Compulsive PD) but also fit the Serious (ie related to Depressive PD), the Vigilant (ie related to Paranoid PD) which could also present as 'relatively 'autistic'' personality traits... and then I fit the Exuberant (ie related to Cyclothymic PD) which used to be the Artistic trait and can mimic bipolar... and that one makes me ... well... exuberant... ”。这里面提到的有回避型人格,分裂型人格,强迫人格,抑郁人格,妄想人格,循环型人格。你认为她应该去做诊断吗?问题是,她要是不去,谁也没辙,你说是不是?
唐娜确实比较喜欢给自己贴标签,她又是学心理学的,所以,她给自己贴的心理标签应该不会太不靠谱。我所不太确定的,就是到目前为止,我还没有看到其他专家讨论自闭症和人格障碍的关系,没有人回应唐娜关于人格障碍的说法。其实我很想知道,心理学的内行们对此如何看。如果我看到相应的文章,一定会分享的。 |