For as long as I can remember I was frighteningly, although often wonderfully, beholden to moods. Intensely emotional as a child, mercurial as a young girl, first severely depressed as an adolescent, and then unrelentingly caught up in the cycles of manic-depresive illness by the time I became, both by necessity and intellectual inclination, a student of moods. It has been the only way I know to understand, indeed to accept, the illness I have; it also has been the only way I know to try and make a difference in the lives of others who also suffer from mood disorders. The disease that has, on several occasions, nearly killed me does kill tens of thousands of people every year:most are young; most die unnecessarily; and many are among the most imaginative and gifted that we as a society have.
从我能够记事起,我会有恐慌但大多数时候感觉极佳并相当感激我的情绪带给我的能量. 孩童般的热情好奇, 小女孩的机智善辩, 青年人的极度沮丧, 我被不停的循环着的抑郁狂躁症无情的擢住,直到我成为心理学的学生,这既是我自身的需要也是我兴趣所在. 这是我惟一能做的,去理解和对抗此病而不是仅被动的接受它.这也是我惟一知道能试着让自己和其它同样患着情感障碍疾病的人有所不同生活方式. 这个病数次差点儿让我自杀死去, 而每年都有成千上万的人因此病被夺走他们的生命. 他们大多数年轻的生命毫无理由的逝去, 他们拥有着社会需要的创造力和天赋. |