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[公告] 征募翻译人才翻译宣传册子

发表于 06-4-28 20:55:26 | 只看该作者


原帖由 xike 于 06-4-28 20:35 发表
现在定期吃药定期看心理医生.我愿意承担翻译工作,也非常希望能和大家成为 ...

Name: James Eugene Carrey.

Born: January 17, 1962, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.

Family: Carrey's family was Catholic, with French Canadian roots. His parents are Percy and Kathleen Carrey. He has three older siblings, John, Patricia and Rita.
Carrey has been married twice, first to Melissa Womer, with whom he had a daughter, Jane, then to actress Lauren Holly. They divorced after one year.

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Jim Carrey
His life story, career highlights and photo galleries on MSN Movies.

Education: Carrey attended high school at Agincourt Collegiate Institute, but dropped out at the age of 16.

Career: After leaving school, Carrey worked in comedy clubs. At 17 he moved to LA and began working at The Comedy Club, where he was discovered by Rodney Dangerfield and signed to open his shows.
He made his film debut in the aptly titled "Rubberface" in 1981, but didn't experience box office success until a decade later with "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective". Although panned by critics, it was a commercial success. He made headlines with "The Cable Guy", receiving a record 20 million dollar paycheck.

Depression: Best known for his lively physical comedy and almost rubber like facial expressions, Jim Carrey revealed in a 2004 60 Minutes interview that the inspiration for his funniness was "desperation".
Carrey said of his youth, "I had a sick mom, man. I wanted to make her feel better. Basically, I think she laid in bed and took a lot of pain pills. And I wanted to make her feel better. And I used to go in there and do impressions of praying mantises, and weird things, and whatever. I'd bounce off the walls and throw myself down the stairs to make her feel better."

At the age of 16 he went through even more difficult times. "My family kinda hit the skids. We were experiencing poverty at that point. We all got a job, where the whole family had to work as security guards and janitors. And I just got angry," says Carrey. "I was angry at the world for doing that to my father. I wanted to bash somebody's head in, basically."

Even though Carrey worked hard and achieved great success in his career, he still suffered from depression. In the 60 Minutes interview he explained, "There are peaks, there are valleys. But they're all kind of carved and smoothed out, and it feels like a low level of despair you live in. Where you're not getting any answers, but you're living OK. And you can smile at the office. You know? But it's a low level of despair." Carrey further revealed, "I was on Prozac for a long time. It may have helped me out of a jam for a little bit, but people stay on it forever. I had to get off at a certain point because I realized that, you know, everything's just OK."

He no longer takes Prozac or an other drug, but instead copes through spirituality. "I rarely drink coffee. I'm very serious about no alcohol, no drugs. Life is too beautiful."
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发表于 06-4-28 21:17:53 | 只看该作者


Minor Depression Can Become Major Problem


Short-term blues raise a sixfold risk for serious depression, study finds
By Randy Dotinga, HealthDay Reporter

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FRIDAY, Aug. 19 (HealthDay News) -- New research suggests a minor case of the blues could be a major cause for alarm: People with mild depression appear to be six times more likely to fall into major depression.

It's not entirely clear what the new findings mean about treatment. But they should at least give doctors an extra reason to keep an eye on patients who seem to be having a difficult time emotionally, said study co-author Joshua Fogel, an assistant professor of behavioral science at Brooklyn College, in New York City.

In view of its possible long-term effects, "minor depression is not so minor," Fogel added.

Mental-health specialists consider people to have minor depression if they're experiencing some -- but not all or nearly all -- of the many symptoms of depression, including sadness, apathy and disruptions in sleep and eating patterns, for at least two weeks.

According to the researchers, there's plenty of disagreement over what percentage of the population has minor depression, with estimates ranging from 2 percent to 23 percent. By one estimate, 8 percent to 16 percent of people over the age of 65 have minor depression.

Despite the prospect that large numbers of people suffer from minor depression, doctors don't focus on it, preferring to simply look at patients as "depressed or not depressed," Fogel said.

In the new study, Fogel and a colleague examined statistics from a 1981-1996 medical study of more than 1,600 Baltimore-area residents. They are to present their findings Friday at the American Psychological Association annual meeting, in Washington D.C.

The researchers found that the 101 people with a history of minor depression -- diagnosed in either 1981 or during the preceding year -- were six times more likely than individuals without such a history to develop major depression over the 15-year period that followed.

In total, about 19 percent of those diagnosed with minor depression early in the study were diagnosed with major depression later on.

The study also looked at how illness might contribute to major depression. People who had strokes were nearly 10 times more likely to suffer from major depression, the researchers found. However, a number of other disorders -- including diabetes, heart disorders, arthritis and cancer -- showed no links with depression.

Based on these findings, Fogel believes individuals suffering from minor depression "should consider going to someone, whether it's their primary-care physician or counselor, to seek treatment while it's somewhat minor, rather than face the risk of having it turn into something major."

Brooks Gump, an associate professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Oswego, recommended that doctors keep an eye on patients with minor depression and perhaps set up follow-up appointments to check on their progress. But Gump, who's familiar with the findings, added that the new study doesn't shed light on what kind of treatment, if any, is best for people with minor depression.

"Nothing in this study would suggest a better prognosis for those treated with mild depression relative to those not treated until the onset of major depression," Gump said.
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发表于 06-4-28 21:20:01 | 只看该作者


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发表于 06-4-28 21:22:07 | 只看该作者


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发表于 06-4-29 02:11:34 | 只看该作者


原帖由 Charlie Z. Song 于 06-4-28 20:55 发表

Name: James Eugene Carrey.

Born: January 17, 1962, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.

Family: Carrey's family was Catholic, with French Canadian roots. His parents are Percy and Kathleen Carrey. H ...

本名: James Eugene Carrey 金.凯瑞
生日: 1962年1月27日
出生地: 加拿大安大略湖的纽马克特

家庭: 凯瑞的一家是信奉天主教的法裔加拿大人.父亲名为Percy(珀西),母亲名为Kathleen(凯思琳).他有
   凯瑞结过两次婚,和第一任妻子Melissa Womer(玛丽莎)育有一女Jane(简);他与第二任妻子,
   女演员Lauren Holly(劳恩霍利)结婚,第二年后离婚。


职业:离开学校后,凯瑞在一些喜剧俱乐部工作。17岁的时候他开始在The Comedy Club从事表演,在
   那里他的才华被Rodney Dangerfield(罗德尼唐格菲尔德)所赏识并与他签约开始巡回演出。1981年

    她感觉舒服一些。我想她卧病在床还要服大量的药,为了让她感觉好点儿,我就表演向蟑螂祈祷,撞    墙甚至是从楼梯上摔下来的滑稽动作。”

           只是活着,你也能上班,对着人们展露微笑。但却是一种较轻的绝望。” 凯瑞又进一步坦露道:“


[ 本帖最后由 xike 于 06-4-29 02:18 编辑 ]
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发表于 06-4-29 05:10:53 | 只看该作者

Dear Xike: EXCEllENT!!! Have a short breaks, Please!!

原帖由 xike 于 06-4-29 02:11 发表

本名: James Eugene Carrey 金.凯瑞
生日: 1962年1月27日
出生地: 加拿大安大略湖的纽马克特

家庭: 凯瑞的一家是信奉天主教的法裔加拿大人.父亲名为Percy(珀西),母亲名为Kathleen(凯思琳).他有
       一 ...
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发表于 06-4-29 10:20:19 | 只看该作者
谢谢xike 朋友,你译得太好了!你的这些工作对大家都会有帮助的。
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发表于 06-4-29 11:12:24 | 只看该作者

dear 波波:都是一个战壕的难友,甭客气!!祝您一切顺利!我替您照看一下吧

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发表于 06-4-29 11:36:49 | 只看该作者
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发表于 06-4-30 12:48:49 | 只看该作者
我大致看了一下,大部分是讲得 冥想(medication),也许这对大家并不利!
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发表于 06-5-1 05:40:06 | 只看该作者
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发表于 06-5-1 07:21:27 | 只看该作者

huanying!!! huanying!!!

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发表于 06-5-2 21:24:46 | 只看该作者


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发表于 06-5-2 21:58:57 | 只看该作者

DEAR 开心蛐蛐: thanks a lot!!!!!!

Anybody wants to work with 开心蛐蛐 to translate something for this wonderful www.sunofus
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发表于 06-5-10 22:38:14 | 只看该作者

DEAR ALL: one or several friends, if interested, please translate, email to:

CSong@MHChina.org, thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Depression sufferers grow in China
(China Daily 03/08/2005 page3)

Depression is now one of the top three public health problems in China, according to Michael R. Phillips, executive director of Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Centre.
Statistics show that 5 per cent of Chinese people suffer from the disease and 13 out of 1,000 Chinese have mental health issues.
One-third of the 16,000 callers to the centre's hotline last year were found to suffer from serious depression, Phillips said. The hotline was established in 2003.
And 15 per cent of the callers harboured suicidal thoughts.
"Actually we do not really have evidence to prove that mental illness is becoming more and more common in China," said the Canadian doctor who has worked in China for 20 years.
"What has happened is a gradual increase in the awareness of the problem."
However, mental health services have not kept up with the growth in demand for help.
A study jointly conducted by the centre and the Beijing commission of science and technology shows a majority of patients get diagnosed when they pay first visits to doctors at general hospitals.
It is worrying because psychological treatment requires gradual and prolonged treatment, with many long-term meetings between doctors and patients, he said.
On another front, 90 per cent of Chinese who have committed suicide are found to have never sought psychological care.
Mental illness can result from a combination of personality traits, lifestyle stress or a lack of a social support network, experts said.
Phillips pointed out the nation's family planning policy is to some extent having a negative impact on the development of many young people's personality development.
"If children are spoilt by their parents, it prevents them from developing skills to deal with difficulties on their own," he said.
Suicide: China's Great Wall of Silence

NOVEMBER 2, 2004
Business Week

Despite the high rate of such deaths, depression is still largely ignored. But Beijing may slowly be waking up to mental-health issues

By now, readers of BusinessWeek are no doubt accustomed to seeing articles touting China as the new economic superpower that's leading the world in this or that. Biggest cell-phone population. Fastest-growing Internet population. Manufacturing mecca. Favorite location for foreign direct investment. The list goes on and on. But here's one tag the Chinese government could do without: China, suicide centerCiting the Beijing Suicide Research & Prevention Center, the official China Daily newspaper reported on Nov. 1 that China had 22 suicides for every 100,000 people. The global average is 15 per 100,000. When it comes to Chinese women, it's even worse. In the countryside, where the majority of China's 1.3 billion people live, 30 suicides occur for every 100,000 women, according to Teh-wei Hu, a professor of health economics at the University of California Berkeley, who recently co-wrote a report on the economic costs of depression in China.

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