研究的结果, paralegal没有online program, 又郁闷了一把. one full-time job, kid care, and one part-time schooling, I am not a super woman. 最后还是决定搬家, 搬到老公的公司附近, 把kid care的工作转交给他, 毕竟女儿已经6岁了. 这样一来, 我就是one full-time job and one part-time schooling (evening), 加上单程2个小时的车程. 实在受不了, 就在公司附近租个单间, 周三回去上课, 周五回去过周末. 艰难的日子, 希望早点有转机啊. 而且还不知道, 公司会不会找理由辞退我, 我有该怎么回去工作呢?
才发现来阳光的次数少了, 周五下午上了一下午的网. 周六去looked for apartments. It took the whole day and we did not find the satisfactory one. After we were back, I was upset and disturbed. I cannot fall into sleep until very late night. I made a final decision to live close to my husband's company and probably quit my job. That is a big release. Then I can look for school or part-time job nearby. That will be our real life, not like the current one, with masks and acting to do my own job.
Today is Sunday and the sun is pretty warm. We went to hiking along a small creek. It was unexpected joy for all three of us.
I did behave well yesterday afternoon, albeit a little tired, that I played with two little kids when my daughter was studying piano with her teacher. A crazy idea hit on me yesterday afternoon that I proposed to buy a house close to my husband's company. And it is feasible after the research on renting and buying. It is good to have a calm husband that I rely on for the final decision.
This morning I am working on mortgage and realtor stuff, and time flies. I hope that we can go through this smoothly. I also have two doctor's appointments this afternoon.
I did lots of things yesterday and today. I had three houses tour yesterday and make an offer today. It sounds like a dream, but it is real. I wonder if my dream will come true. To stay cool and peaceful for the coming events.
Still puzzled with my future. What should I do? Probably I need to modify my resume and take some actions on job hunting. Just give it a try.
I work for a biological company. I am doing some experiments like a technician
hahaha1973 发表于 10-4-16 10:12
I did experiments for years, but just cannot take it anymore recently. I am always in anxiety that I probably did something wrong in experiments when I was sick.