上午又研究了一上午, it is too hard for career change. 几个选项, education, psychology, librarian science, paralegal, 我最终敲定paralegal. 而且给老公打了电话, 定下来, 就不要再瞻前顾后, 犹豫不决了. 而且我慢慢往前走, 累了歇一歇, 再也不能前走走, 后走走, 永远原地打转了. 吃中午饭, 然后hiking, 不能闷在家里了.
to be honest, I feel social science is not a good option.
hahaha1973 发表于 10-4-8 07:18
Thanks for your advice. I know the language barrier we have here. But my personality matches social science and my interest lies in psychology. But I am afraid of triggers for studying it. Also I wish I could enter law school to be a patent lawyer, like some of my friends. But, I am afraid of doing high risk things now.