波波 发表于 05-12-14 11:04:47

Charlie Z. Song兄,得知你的状态越来越好,我为你感到高兴,至于睡眠问题会随着症状的消失慢慢好转的,关键是不要因为谁不好而老想着尽快入睡,那样反而容易睡不着,好像很多人都有过这种经历和经验,也正如森田疗法中所说的疑病性素质而导致的结果吧。一切顺其自然,为所当为,睡得着就睡,睡不着也躺在床上休息,就是不必去想它,慢慢就会在不知不觉中睡着的。你不妨试试!

woiyezi 发表于 05-12-14 12:55:23

同意波波的意见,顺其自然!!!睡不着就睡不着吧,生活还在继续,Enjoying your life is good idea!

绿罗裙 发表于 05-12-14 13:32:46


Charlie Z. Song 发表于 05-12-15 09:02:47

Dear Bobo,Dear Woiyezi, Dear 绿罗裙:
Thanks a lot for your kind words and encouragement!!!
Honestly i don't think it' a big deal as for my sleep problem, as long as i am feeling good, hard to be sleep? so what?
this is the first day i really begin to work, actually, so far so good, you know what? the director let me translate an article regarding "depression" haha.

Best Regards to all of you! My dearest friends!!!

woiyezi 发表于 05-12-15 10:01:31


Best Regards to Charles also!

波波 发表于 05-12-15 12:10:18

恭喜你,Charlie Z. Song兄。得知你重新开始工作,我为你高兴,在工作中会更快地恢复你的自信心,使你恢复的更好。

绿罗裙 发表于 05-12-15 12:47:38

宋大哥说:“this is the first day i really begin to work, actually, so far so good, you know what? the director let me translate an article regarding "depression" haha. ”


波波 发表于 05-12-15 17:43:55


Charlie Z. Song 发表于 05-12-17 20:39:05

it is easy for me to become proud, so please pay attention to my "shortcoming", haha.
i had a lunch with my director, she is from Taiwan, works as chinese editor of the newspaper---sampan(www.sampan.org, wondering if you guys can read it in china), Adam Smith, the english editor, he is 20s, an american boy, love to eat sushi--a japanese food, my director's husband is ABC--america-born chinese, his parents are from Hong Kong, his brother and sister are from MIT and Harvard, now are doctores, i think they earn a lot of money, My dirctor, her name is Anita Chang, is a relative of Ma, Yingjiu---recently-elected as chairman of Guo Mingdong in Taiwan.
i told her my dad is from Huangpu millitary acedomy???, his direct boss, Hao Bocui---once a premier (ZONG LI) IN taiwan......
long long.........story, isn't it?

damao73 发表于 06-6-4 11:07:31


美惠子 发表于 06-8-19 09:20:07


好吃的饺子 发表于 06-9-15 11:30:13


wssmn 发表于 06-9-19 17:04:03


木碗 发表于 06-9-25 20:14:43



sanforever 发表于 06-9-28 11:22:11

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