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部分翻译 Help Yourself out of Depression -- 帮助你自己走出抑郁的一些具体步骤

发表于 09-5-13 23:02:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Help Yourself out of DepressionExperts give advice about steps people can take to help ease their depression. (continued)
Reactivate Relationships, InterestsIf you've withdrawn from the socialarena, you should take small steps toward getting back into it. Don'texpect to show up at a party and command the room, but do try to getout and see some people. Meet with someone briefly for coffee, or maybedrop in on a friend to return something you borrowed.
It can help to talk about your problems with someone close to you. "Iurge daily contact, at least over the telephone, with a confidant,"Aikens says. This person should not act like a therapist. He or sheneeds only to listen. It shouldn't be someone who might make you feelworse by getting irritated with you or giving you harsh advice.
A support group may help, too. Joining one, says Lea Ann Browning, aspokeswoman for the National Mental Health Association, based inAlexandria, Va., need not be a long-term commitment. "A lot of peoplecan benefit from a support group for six or eight weeks," she tellsWebMD.
一个支持组织也会有所帮助。加入一个,但不用当作是长期的。位于Alexandria的国家精神健康组织的发言人Lea Ann Browning说道。
Also think about things you used to enjoy or find satisfaction indoing, but no longer do. Starting with small steps, begin to get backinto doing them.
"Don't expect to enjoy it to begin with," Bilsker says. Like taking your medicine, do it because it's good for you.
If, for instance, a painter hasn't worked on a painting in a long time,she might start by taking out her materials and setting them up. Thenshe could commit to making a sketch, and so forth.
"You can think of it as 'loosening up' the depression," Aikens says."You're maintaining and extending your psychological range of motion."
“你可以把它想象成是把抑郁’散化’,Aikens说。你在呵护并且拓展你情绪的心理广度。”(译注,这句话有点抽象。自我感觉是说通过做一些事情,把情绪转移,并且拓宽你的情绪,这样就做到了’loosen up’。也就是说,你不是仅仅关注在你的问题上)

Walk Away From DepressionMotivation to exercise may be scarce whenyou're feeling well, let alone when you are depressed, but try to do itanyhow.

"The typical things that we all know are important to taking care ofourselves become that much more important when you're dealing withdepression," Browning says.

Exercise is a proven tonic for depression. For decades studies havebeen showing that aerobic exercise improves mood in people who aredepressed.

Researchers recently found that the amount of aerobic exerciserecommended by the CDC for general good health -- equivalent to 30minutes of moderate-intensity exercise at least five days a week -- canbring about big improvements in depression.

The study, published in the January 2005 issue of American Journal ofPreventive Medicine, involved people with mild-to-moderate depressionwho did various amounts of exercise for 12 weeks. All groups in thestudy, including those in the control group, who only did stretches,had some improvement, but those who exercised as much as the CDCrecommends fared best. In that group, 46% of the people reduced theirsymptoms by one-half, as rated on a scale of depression severity, and42% no longer qualified as depressed when the study ended.

在2005年American Journal of PreventiveMedicine(貌似美国一个学院派杂志啦,具体您可别问我^^)一月刊的研究报告中指出,一些有中轻度抑郁的受访人群他们在12周里面做了各种体育活动。所有的研究人群都有一些改善,这包括那些只联系拉伸运动的受控人群。但那些与CDC所推荐的方式活动的人群有着最佳的改善。在那组中,用抑郁衡量表评估下来,46%的人的症状减少过半,在研究结束的时候有42%的人可以被排除出抑郁人群。

It's important to start slowly with exercise. Decide what you can do,and as Aikens suggests, do a little bit less than that. If you thinkyou could manage a 20-minute brisk walk, try 15 minutes first, anddon't be discouraged if you don't feel better afterward.


"A person shouldn't have high expectations," Aikens says. "Theyshouldn't expect to necessarily feel cheerful or completely undepressedafter going for a walk."
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