本帖最后由 mal 于 14-6-30 04:34 编辑
首先要调整的是食物。孩子生病后,首先断掉了当水喝的橙子汁和椰子汁,只喝白水。为了补充Omega 3,大量吃坚果。吃各种浆果 。3,4个月后,孩子额头上的红色疙瘩基本消失。
最近,坚果浆果吃的多些了,并开始喝蜂蜜。状态回升中。又吃了3天花粉蜂王精,感觉胃口好了,不太疲劳了。准备过一阵吃蜂胶,主要为了它的消炎功能。 惊讶地发现坚果浆果都有消炎的作用。
花粉蜂王精 蜂胶 有激素问题,要注意观察。另外,消炎的东西也不能吃太多太长久。 吃抗生素似乎会引起抑郁?
bipolar disorder的特征是神经元的变化,如树突重塑和神经胶质和神经元细胞的损失。这些变化已经被科学家的假设由慢性炎症引起的。
New medication classes are needed to improve treatment effectiveness in the depressed phase of bipolar disorder (BD). Extant evidence suggests that BD is characterised by neural changes such as dendritic remodelling and glial and neuronal cell loss. These changes have been hypothesised to result from chronic inflammation.
High levels of inflammation induce depressive symptoms, especially those that are more somatic, such as tiredness, loss of appetite, and disturbed sleep.
Inflammation is a key element in the pathogenesis of depression, and using anti-inflammatory drugs is a novel strategy that uses a completely new antidepressant approach, finally, after 20 years of me-too drugs