so far there are two responses, anyway, i am in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, (just wondering where is our Leader Mr. Li, Ningzhong?), very very cold here, i put on two layer of the clothes, it seems too heavey to put forward, but still COLD!!!!!
a lot of people prefer to take taxi, so the drives of taxi(most of them are black) are happy since their business are very good, btw, most of taxis here are Lincoln, not like in China (currently is Jie Da and Sang Ta Na, right? no other meanings at all! i love our motherland!!, just the fact.)
yesterday is the first day i worked since a while ago. so far so good, i translated an article and the director praised me, then she gave me another one: how to kill Depression, haha, i am an EXPERT of depression now! the deadline is tommorrow lunch time, acurally it is today since it's 12:11am now.
last article is about immigration from Hong Kong to Canada and the USA, a lot of people run away to avoid the communists, anyway, their life are so complicated....some happy, some not; some make a lot of money, some not; some made suicide (killed themself), some not........
My question for the follower:
what would you do if you were Charlie Z. Song?
1. continue this game
2. something else
3. no idea, ask the follower to anwer this question |