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You Can't Fight Depression on Your Own

发表于 08-8-15 16:34:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

You Can't Fight Depression on Your Own
Two things happened today that made me want to pound my head against a wall, Charlie Brown-style. The first was that I got an email from a woman who said that she is suffering from severe depression, but that friends and family want her to try to "talk herself out of it", and not get involved with medication and therapy. Now, it is not unusual for me to get an email from someone who either (1) feels they should be able to handle their own depression without treatment (2) feels that someone close to them should be able to handle their depression on their own, or (3) is being talked out of seeking treatment by family or friends. These emails never fail to raise my blood pressure a few notches.
The stress from this communication was doubled when the second thing happened, which is that I went to the Psychology/Self-help section at my local bookstore. It seems to be the largest section in the store. As I looked for legitimate books on depression and its treatment, I couldn't help but see all the "help yourself" titles in that section, as well as what I call the "Thank God I'm here to tell you what to do, you pathetic loser" books. Dr. Laura Schlessinger was telling me that I do 10 stupid things to mess up my life (only 10, Dr. Laura?), John Roger and Peter McWilliams were telling me that I couldn't afford the luxury of a negative thought (gee, and I was having so much fun spoiling myself with those negative thoughts), countless others were telling me that if I just bought their book and put some effort into it, I could be happier, sexier, smarter, successful and more fulfilled. When it came to depression, there was no shortage of advice. Apparently I can embrace depression, use it as a tool for self-discovery, and run it off (at the same time I'm running off those belgian waffles, I guess - how handy). By this time I was way past pounding my head against a wall, and into the Yosemite Sam stage, in which I want to jump up and down and swear uncontrollably.
Let me pause for a moment to explain exactly what I mean when I talk about depression. I'm not referring to the normal down periods that everyone goes through once in a while, that can be brought on by a rainy day, a broken heart, the flu or even for no particular reason. We mope around, listen to sad music and feel sorry for ourselves. These moods go away within a couple of days, and we can enjoy life again. Clinical depression is much more than that, and is comparable to a down mood as much as a sneeze is comparable to pneumonia. It is an illness that affects a person in many different ways. It can affect appetite, sleep patterns, powers of concentration, and even slow down movement and speech. While the predominant feeling depression brings is often sadness or a blue mood, it can also be a numb, empty feeling, anxiety, hopelessness, loss of self-esteem or self-worth, inability to make decisions or a combination of these. Unlike a passing mood, clinical depression dominates a person's life and brings it to a screeching halt.
Back in the bookstore, I was relieved to see that there are also many books that address depression in a responsible manner, explaining that it is an illness and encouraging the sufferer to seek treatment from a physician. It seems, however, that too often the influence of these books and other educational material about depression is drowned out by the belief that depression is simply a down mood or negative attitude that any self-respecting person should be able to overcome. I read recently of a study in which 75% of adults said that someone with depression could get better just by being more positive. Can you imagine the same 75% saying that someone who is paralyzed just needs to work out more, or that someone who is mentally retarded just needs to think "power thoughts"?
This attitude is dangerous for a couple of reasons. First, the number one cause of suicide is untreated depression. Why don't people get treatment for depression? Probably because they are being told by society, well-meaning family and friends and their own misconceptions of mental illness that depression is just a mood that they should be able to control. They believe that a life-threatening illness can be managed by happy talk and an upbeat demeanor. I know what I'm talking about. I tried for years to defeat my (undiagnosed) depression by thinking of reasons I was lucky and telling myself that that cold empty feeling had no cause and therefore didn't have any validity. It's like trying to treat diabetes by skipping dessert. It doesn't work, and it's dangerous to your health.
The second reason this "talk yourself out of it" attitude is dangerous is that depression can be caused by an undiagnosed illness such as heart disease, thyroid dysfunction, cancer, infectious diseases and immune/autoimmune disorders. Depression can even be brought on by vitamin or mineral deficiencies or prescription and over-the-counter drugs. If you don't treat depression as an illness and get yourself checked out by a physician or psychiatrist, you run the risk of leaving a serious illness undiagnosed.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of depression, make an appointment to see a doctor. If you know someone who seems to be showing the symptoms, encourage him or her to see a doctor. Don't believe the myth that we can "handle" depression on our own.

[ 本帖最后由 green 于 08-8-15 16:36 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 08-8-15 16:35:17 | 只看该作者

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Study: Anxiety may be bad for your heart
California autism cases continue to grow
A Clutter Too Deep for Mere Bins and Shelves
Happy? It may help keep you healthy
Anxious Depression Predicts Poorer Treatment Results
Relatives of Parkinson's Patients at Higher Psychiatric Risk
Women Who Stay Religious Less Likely to Have Anxiety Disorder
Happy Marriage Eases Wife's Workday Tension
Researchers work on cocaine vaccine
Most Psychiatrists Open to Discussing Spiritual Concerns
Post-Holiday Letdown Can Be Avoided
Generic Wellbutrin: A Less Effective Alternative?
Brought on by Darkness, Disorder Needs Light
A Blue Holiday May Be a Red Herring
Excessive tantrums in preschoolers may indicate serious mental health problems
Many Children Struggling After '05 Storms
Relatives of Parkinson's Patients at Higher Psychiatric Risk
Many Katrina Survivors Suffered Psychological Symptoms
Depression, anorexia, childbirth affect sex life
Depressed Moms' Kids at Higher Injury Risk
Unhappy? Self-Critical? Maybe You’re Just a Perfectionist
Smaller babies prone to depression, study finds
Exercise may boost brain's natural antidepressant
More Teens Victimized by Cyber-Bullies
Inflammation Can't Explain Depression's Link to Heart Disease
Diet Drug Rimonabant Tied to Depression, Anxiety
Moms-to-be often anxious, depressed: study
Eyeglasses Upgrade Helps Elderly Battle Depression
Slower brain maturity seen in ADHD kids
Ten percent of NYC suicides involve tourists
Mental illness in parents tied to higher SIDS risk
Bush signs vets' mental health bill
In the Dreamscape of Nightmares, Clues to Why We Dream at All
Sleep apnea treatment improves depression
House Backs Plan to Reduce Vet Suicides
Adolescents need support during family breakups
Depression, anxiety tied to allergies in kids
Depressed older adults enter nursing homes sooner
Military Bars Soldiers with 'Personality Disorders'
A Tragic Risk of Weight-Loss Surgery
US touts studying postpartum depression
Mental health coverage advances
Report Ranks Jobs by Rates of Depression
Family involvement may help with repeat depression
Special courts help mentally ill stay crime-free
Workplace woe: Are abusive bosses or inferior employees to blame?
Meditation a Quick Fix for Stress
Docs and suicide: "Let's not talk about it"
As Sunlight Fades, Look Out for SAD
Anorexia may represent an addiction
Work stress tied to higher depression risk
15% of Women Struggle With Pregnancy-Related Depression
15% of Women Struggle With Pregnancy-Related Depression
Study: Firms Should Help Unhappy Workers
Doctors Often Fail to Spot Suicidal Patients
Elderly at highest risk for suicide
Online 'soapie' game to help troubled youth
FDA warns of heart risks with schizophrenia drug
Depression Pushes Middle-Aged Workers to Retire
Winter may herald SAD epidemic for millions in U.K.
Experts Question Study on Youth Suicide Rates
Not Autistic or Hyperactive. Just Seeing Double at Times
Schizophrenia Gene May Have On/Off Switch
Pregnant smokers may suffer depression
Mental Health Woes Strike Half of Cancer Patients
Mentally ill undertreated globally: study
Depression more damaging than some chronic illnesses
Some Food Additives Raise Hyperactivity, Study Finds
American girls' suicide rates spike
ADHD preschoolers helped by structure, consistency
Parents' PTSD May Boost Stress in Offspring
Chinese colleges to track students' mental health
Bipolar Illness Soars as a Diagnosis for the Young
Poorer nations asked to aid mentally ill
9% of U.S. Kids Have ADHD
New bipolar disorder treatments tested
Not a Game: Simulation to Lessen War Trauma
Damp, Moldy Homes May Cause Depression
Media Spin, Celebrity and Mental Health
Bupropion doesn't prevent smoking in ADHD patients
Police log shows call to Wilson's home was for suicide attempt
Exhaustion, anger of caregiving get a name
California homeless program is cut
New Database to Help Speed Search for Bipolar Disorder Genes
Depression boosts blindness risk for diabetics
Parental Stress Can Keep Kids Obese
Battle Continues Over Vietnam PTSD Numbers
Gene May Help Spur Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Study Probes Roots of Fearful Memories
Survey: Post-storm mental health worsens
Staying silent in marital spats a killer for women
Work-Family Conflict Dogs Air Force Women After Deployment
Does Pathological Shyness Make for School Shooters?
War Stress Pushing Army Suicides Higher
Mountain climbing for mental health
Class Action Lawsuit Filed For Alleged Mistreatment of Veteran’s Mental Health/PTSD
Clinically depressed people may have damaged brain circuits
Mental Abilities: Caffeine Helps Women, but Not Men, Stay Sharp
De-Criminalizing Mental Illness
Brain blood flow helps treat depression
Army starts new psychiatric program
Web Sites Serve Up Dangerous Eating Disorders Advice
Genetic Variation Helps To Understand Predisposition To Schizophrenia
Beating the College Blues
Gene Predicts Better Outcome As Cortex Normalizes In Teens With ADHD
Stuck and Suicidal in a Post-Katrina Trailer Park
Cosmetic Breast Surgeries Tied to Increased Suicide Risk
Mental Abilities: Good Readers Better Able to Retain Brain Skills
Prenatal stress may affect babies' sleep
Malt Liquor Drinkers at Higher Risk for Substance Abuse: Study
Lengthy deployment tied to mental health disorders
Brain Studies Show ADHD Is Real Disease
Bullying tied to mental health problems later
Depression and Mental Health News Blog
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 5 - The End of It
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 4 - Cont'd
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 4 - The Last of the Spirits
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 3 - Cont'd
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 3 - The Second of the Three Spirits
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 2 - Cont'd
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 2 - The First of the Three Spirits
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 1 - Cont'd
A Christmas Carol - Chapter 1 - Marley's Ghost
A Christmas Carol
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Medication & Treatment News
For Psychiatrists, Talk Therapy Falling by Wayside
FDA faulted over unapproved uses of medications
Antidepressant Scripts Up 16 Million Over 3-Year Period
Prescription drugs easily purchased online: study
NY man claims drug caused compulsive gambling
Antidepressants tied to gastrointestinal bleeding
Drug Helps Heroin Addicts Stay Clean
Weight Gain and Antidepressants
Antipsychotics Dangerous for Elderly With Dementia
Scientists test brain pacemakers for depression
When one antidepressant doesn't work, another may
Folate and Deplin: Effective Treatments for Depression?
Aromatherapy Falls Short, Study Finds
Depression drugs 'little better than placebos': study
Daring to Think Differently About Schizophrenia
Getting 'off meds' has consequences
Epilepsy drugs linked to suicidal behavior
F.D.A. Requiring Suicide Studies in Drug Trials
Antidepressant Studies Unpublished
Drugs Offer No Benefit in Curbing Aggression, Study Finds
Depressed pilots no risk -- as long as they're on their meds: study
Antidepressant success may vary by race
Abilify Approved for Adolescents With Schizophrenia
Value of Most Post-Traumatic Stress Treatments 'Uncertain'
Winter blues: When to consider drugs
Elderly benefit from depression maintenance therapy
Mass. tracks children on psychiatric drugs
Antidepressants Boost GI Bleeding Risk
Drop in antidepressant use seen during pregnancy
Antidepressant response may predict cardiac event
Lilly Adds Strong Warning Label to Zyprexa, a Schizophrenia Drug
Talk Therapy Pivotal for Depressed Youth
Genes Tied to Bad Reactions to Antidepressant Drug
The ‘Poisonous Cocktail’ of Multiple Drugs
Tamoxifen Helps Treat Bipolar Disorder
Antidepressant as Good as Antipsychotics for Dementia
Suicide Rises in Youth; Antidepressant Debate Looms
Prescription drug abuse grows in U.S.
Teen antidepressant warning had ripple effect
Experimental Antidepressants Offer Faster Relief
Therapies: Family Sessions Found to Help Treat Bulimia
ADHD drug cuts adults' calorie, fat intake
Breakthrough drug for schizophrenia
Placebo effect may influence depression treatment
The FDA approves a powerful anti-psychotic for use in children (seriously?)
Smaller light device useful for winter blues
FDA Approves First Anti-Psychotic for Kids
To Reap Psychotherapy’s Benefits, Get a Good Fit
Prenatal antidepressants linked to preterm births
Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials: August 15, 2007
Clinical Trials August 8, 2007
Psychology & Behavior News
When People Drink Themselves Silly, and Why
Girls who feel unpopular may gain weight
Putting Your Best Cyberface Forward
Personal Convictions May Control Both Behavior and Emotions
Desk rage: Workers gone wild
Breaking Up Is Not So Hard to Do
How to Break a World of Warcraft Addiction
That Yawn After Lunch Is Perfectly Normal
Girls Really Do Prefer Pink
Secret to beating shyness revealed ... tentatively
Study: women prefer feminine faces
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