




楼主: 般若白莲
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 楼主| 发表于 13-1-20 19:39:12 | 只看该作者
Charlie Z. Song 发表于 13-1-18 06:08

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-1-23 23:48:05 | 只看该作者

  2012-12-25 09:45 阅读(1) 转载自 发疯的钢琴

Aus einem elenden Zustand sich zu erheben, muß selbst mit gewollter Energie leicht sein. Ich reiße mich vom Sessel los, umlaufe den Tisch, mache Kopf und Hals beweglich, bringe Feuer in die Augen, spanne die Muskeln um sie herum. Arbeite jedem Gefühl entgegen, begrüße A. stürmisch, wenn er jetzt kommen wird, dulde B. freundlich in meinem Zimmer, ziehe bei C. alles, was gesagt wird, trotz Schmerz und Mühe mit langen Zügen in mich hinein.

Aber selbst wenn es so geht, wird mit jedem Fehler, der nicht ausbleiben kann, das Ganze, das Leichte und das Schwere, stocken, und ich werde mich im Kreise zurückdrehen müssen.

Deshalb bleibt doch der beste Rat, alles hinzunehmen, als schwere Masse sich verhalten, und fühle man sich selbst fortgeblasen, keinen unnötigen Schritt sich ablocken lassen, den anderen mit Tierblick anschaun, keine Reue fühlen, kurz, das, was vom Leben als Gespenst noch übrig ist, mit eigener Hand niederdrücken, das heißt, die letzte grabmäßige Ruhe noch vermehren und nichts außer ihr mehr bestehen lassen.

Eine charakteristische Bewegung eines solchen Zustandes ist das Hinfahren des kleinen Fingers über die Augenbrauen.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 00:00:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 般若白莲 于 13-1-24 00:03 编辑


2012-12-25 01:32 阅读(36) 转载自 Snow & Lotus

  德语可分成六大板块: 词汇 ,语法,听力,口语,阅读,写作。下面我将分别讲讲我是怎么学习这六大块的。

  学好德语的秘籍之 词汇

   词汇 :是语言的血液。没有人会怀疑大词汇量带来的好处和便利,这一点在我们做阅读时感觉最为明显。有这么一种说法:要想进行简单的对话,词汇量的下限为1000,要想基本看懂一般的德文报纸杂志,词汇量下限为5000.于是很多中国学生狂背词汇,又有很多人反对干背 单词 。





  2. 口语中的单词:你不仅要知道它的意思还要能准确说出来,但会不会写不重要——最主要是你跟别人交流时要能把它说出来。背时要尽可能开口并准确的“读背”。
  3. 听力中的单词:听到它时要能迅速反应出它的意思,最好能写出来——这里关键的是要能反应出它的意思,背时可以通过自己的录音,反复的听熟。




  学好德语的秘籍之 语法



  听上去似乎是有道理的。但我想说的是,这种观点至少对我行不通,事实上很多人也是这样。因为我们都不是小孩了,不能光靠模仿去学习语言,然后再形成只靠语感的语言习惯。我们已经变得复杂的大脑会影响我们对语言的单纯模仿,因此我们必须好好学语法,尤其是在开始阶段。那学习语法的意义有哪些呢?首先对于初学者,如果不去了解语法这个骨架,他们甚至学完了初级还不懂得造句,因为德语和汉语是完全不同的两种语言,而我们的大脑一直受着已有汉语思维的左右,但是我们又不能用左右着我们的汉语语感去造德语句子。所以我们只有先了解和掌握语法这个骨架才能明白,德语和汉语有哪些不同,德语的语序是按照什么秩序组织起来的,我们只有知道了这个规则才能够造出句子,这对初学者涉入德语殿堂意义重大。再说了,语法是咱们中国人的传统强项,和其他学习德语的老外相比我们简直就是语法天才。尽管 考试 时语法所占的分值不多,但我们没有理由放弃这块容易到手的瘦肉。所以说语法得好好学。


  学好德语的秘籍之 听力





  2. 回想。很多人常会有这样一种习惯,在老师念一篇听力文章的过程中,他们经常要去回味和琢磨刚才听到的某句话或某个单词,他们潜意识里认为,刚才那句话我差不多就听懂了,只要再回味一下就能理解它的意思。或者刚才那个单词我以前背过,只是一时忘了它的意思,只要回想一下就肯定就能想起。然而事实往往相反,回想通常是徒劳的,可怕的是在你回想的时间里你必然会错过老师念的许多内容,所以请务必放弃回想!听力考的是瞬间的理解能力,如果你在那一瞬间没有理解的话干脆就拉倒,别去回想,就当自己确实没理解。虽然有时回想一下或许就会理解了,但你往往不值得这么做。你的注意力应该跟随着老师所念到的内容。


  3. 听记两难全。这是所有人都会遇到的困难。请你选择下面适合你自己的听记方式。

  a) 老师读第一遍时不记,第二遍时再做记录。当你边听边记时,你的大脑专注的是细节而不是总体。第一遍不记,你便能从总体上把握文章的内容和脉络,第二遍再去记录文章的细节。这样做的好处是:因为你已经总体上听了一遍,所以在你第二遍做记录之前你心里就已经有底了,知道大概要记录哪些东西了。即使你在关键的地方没听懂或者没记下来也没关系,因为你已经知道了文章的整体思想和作者的观点,不懂的地方你可以凭借你对文章的印象去猜测,这种猜测往往八九不离十,虽然不一定能猜全,但答案的方向肯定不会错。

  b) 上面这种方法是大多老师所提倡的。不过我想,这对于听力水平高的同学值得提倡,但对于听力较差的学生或许就不那么凑效了。因为他们听完第一遍后根本没什么感觉,他们至少要听两遍才能知道文章的大概内容。对于这样的同学我建议:两遍都记!别去管文章总体讲什么,你的注意力要充分集中在关键部分和答案细节。如果两遍都记,那么你记下来的细节会更多,命中可能性会更大,完了最后正式答题时再去整理你的记录。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 00:09:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 般若白莲 于 13-1-24 05:18 编辑


2012-12-25 08:44 阅读(0) 转载自 秋日暖阳


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 00:12:05 | 只看该作者

2012-12-25 08:58 阅读(10) 转载自 大海

  据《青岛早报》报道:2006年,德国商人亨利安来到青岛投资生产大型齿轮。而在他之前,亨利安家族已经有三代生产齿轮的历史。20106月,亨利安80岁的父亲来到青岛,父子两人游览到江苏路基督教堂时,走进塔楼里看到了教堂钟表依然在正常使用。亨利安说:当我们在钟表上看到‘J.F.WEULE’这几个字,父亲就很激动,因为这是德国100多年前就有名的钟表制造商。100多年前,J.F.WEULE钟表的齿轮,都是我们亨利安家来供应。保证钟表正常运转的齿轮有小有大,总共20多个,每一个都如102年前设计者设计的那样,严丝合缝,正常运转。教堂工作人员说,这么多年来从来没有维修过这座钟表,就是每三四天都要给这些齿轮涂抹一次机油。亨利安表示:根据目前的情况,这些齿轮没有任何问题,还能再用上300年,真要维修时,恐怕是我的曾孙一代了。”(段海鹰。百年不用修还能跑三百年。青岛早报,2011.3.4(5)), ^1 J* q) N( P5 ]
( A5 x

% Q8 V0 _, W( `# K' j& S

  ]3 U( W) X9 F' z

! g( j! r1 U9 Z" U

' d4 w& ^% l! ?) x

  _& z' B$ c3 I9 |. }/ a! A

' T1 N1 W9 K2 b! @! q" F; t
  1853年由DanielStraub先生在德国小镇盖斯林根创建的小型金属制品加工厂,WMF,即符腾堡金属制品厂(WuerttembergischeMetallwarenfabrik)100多年来专注于厨房用具,今天则成长为一个大企业。它是全球厨房用品顶级奢侈品牌,并成为不锈钢厨房及餐桌餐具用品的代名词。其产品包括餐具、锅具、刀具、厨房器具、餐桌用品、咖啡机等,品种超过1.5万多种。WMF一直是世界上大多数五星级酒店、高档餐厅的指定首选,并于近年来进入我国中心城市高档商场,是厨房中的奔驰宝马- @! l- k" t"
y, V2 l7 Q8 _

9 k. h6 I) k9 i5 U, C/ T# X,
|3 U  德国人理性严谨的民族性格,必然演化为其生活与工作中的标准主义。德国人生活中的标准比比皆是,如:烹饪佐料添加量、垃圾分类规范、什么时间段居民不可出噪音、列车几点几分停在站台的哪条线。他们是一个离开标准寸步难行的民族。这种标准化性格也必然被带入其制造业。从A4纸尺寸,到楼梯的阶梯间距,我们今天时常接触的标准很多都来自德国。全球三分之二的国际机械制造标准来自德国标准化学会标准”——DIN(DeutschesInstitutfuerNormung)。可以说,德国是世界工业标准化的发源地。DIN标准涵盖了机械、化工、汽车、服务业等所有产业门类,超过3万项,是德国制造的基础。

" z( a8 ^+ L. M5 F7 n
  标准主义在德国企业的具体表现首先是标准为尊。在德国制造的过程中,标准就是法律。尊重标准、遵守标准,就像戴安全带和遵守红绿灯一样自然。其次是标准为先,亦即在具体的生产制造之前,先立标准。奔驰公司通过实施标准为先的质量文化,实现零缺陷目标。其有效途径就是尽可能详细地完善每个环节和部件的标准。(王小瑛。奔驰:质量基因裂变。商学院2006.6.)# a4 R0 X0 W2
Q% n: _3 \$ C3 [

7 x4 [1 q) s  N( I8 h& o
    精确主义, g2 e6 y)
r" o/ M' a; u' B* ^2 \
  对于标准的依赖、追求和坚守,必然导致对于精确的追求。而对于精确的追求,必然反过来提高标准的精度。前述德国标准化学会标准DIN是世界上最高的工业标准。. z/ Q&
G( e) p) S

! B0 v( x( H, I) J# a
  德国人的精确主义,必然会带入其制造业。据《欧洲时报》报道,德国制衣业委托一家研究所重新测量和统计有关德国人身材的数据,目的是为了获得更准确的制衣尺寸。精确主义直接给德国制造带来了精密的特性。  H% N
# q, c% x6 `

; ~8 I3 S" U" T, {! h1 G

% L6 G, N5 V) H8 k0 ?

: Q& J/ s2 B* b, x1 W2 N

5 V1 n0 I% P( d$ ~- P) z1 [% t

6 R# o  n/ G& l8 d+ q
  必须指出的是,德式认真,比起日式认真,其背后蕴含着深刻的美学情怀。这片土地,饱受欧洲古典音乐浸润滋养。”(陈晋总撰稿。大国崛起。中央电视台,2007.)我认为,在以古典音乐为主要艺术形式的审美熏陶中,德国不仅像霍尔德林所言诗一般地栖息;还美学地生活和工作。记得在德国学习期间,曾看到一位小伙子在墙上陶醉地挥舞刷子,犹如乐手登台演奏。我起先以为是艺术系学生在作画。后来发现他是个油漆工,在粉刷外墙。这与前述海尔杨绵绵总裁所提到的那个眼光里充满欣赏的工人,都是在美学地工作。由此不难理解马克思的美学思想——美是人类本质力量的对象化。6 l! A+ h%
m# [/ V! a3 h9 g
  秩序(程序)主义7 z! y4 i
! _6 k! s& X
  标准主义的时间维度表现是程序主义,其空间表现则是秩序主义。而广义的秩序概念却涵盖了程序,是个内涵很广的概念。德语秩序”(Ordnung)一词,与本文相关的含义有:整顿、整理,整齐,调理,规则、规章,次序、顺序,制度,()安宁、秩序、纪律。6 L  b
- d/ ~* }0 E  w3 Z0 Y  C
  德国人严守秩序。有一谚语:秩序是生命的一半。德国人特别依赖和习惯于遵守秩序,离开了秩序就会感到焦虑和寸步难行。- q3 a
0 B% @6 r0 ^0 {7 P

  ]5 Q$ M4 W2 p2 f  q
  秩序主义在具体工作中则主要表现为流程主义。例如:在某企业德国设备安装现场,六名技师先是对着图纸和流程图开会研究,然后开始工作。看不到闲散窝工者,也看不到忙乱无措者。一切按照程序悄然推进。总之,德国人无论是擦玻璃、做饭,还是加工零件、安装设备,不论干什么都离不开雷打不动的两个前提:一个是程序,另一个是工具。什么程序必用什么工具,什么工具必配什么程序,不得有丝毫变通。”(赵彤。德国:擦玻璃也追求完美。家庭保健报,2010-04-01(15))9 U/ V: k4 P# o  \( A,
X" B

9 {9 [4 b  N0 V% `* o! ^& P
  厚实精神2 \$ i; m/ t2 g. |8 d'

1 q4 P( l( W9 x2 h! k$ E. v) d3 B, {
  责任感、可靠和诚实使得德国无假货,并且货真价实。责任感使得德国严肃地承担战争责任,而得到国际社会接纳,并于目前成为联合国非常任理事国。德国人对工作负责、对客户负责、对产品负责,并以人的可靠和诚实,保证了产品的可靠和真实。总之,德国制造的厚实外观与表现,来自于其制造者的厚实精神。* }
4 u" w& V+ o& F4 p, S
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 00:14:03 | 只看该作者

2012-12-25 02:42 阅读(23) 转载自 天道酬勤







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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 00:19:45 | 只看该作者

2012-12-25 03:10 阅读(0) 转载自 一定会搞定数理化的YUKI

されることは幸福ではない。愛することこそ幸福だ。 (ヘルマン?ヘッセ )

愛することにかけては、女性こそ専门家で、男性は永远に素人である。 (三岛由纪夫)

安定は恋を殺し、不安は恋をかきたてる。 (マルセル?ブルースト)

男がどんな理屈を並べても、女の涙一滴にはかなわない。 (ボルテール)

男にとって愛は生活の一部だが、女にとって愛はその全部である。 (バイロン)

男は目で恋をし、女は耳で恋に落ちる。 (ワイアット)

恋の喜びは一瞬しか続かない。恋の悲しみは一生続く。 (フロリアン)

恋人どうしのけんかは、恋の更新である。 (テレンティウス)

恋をして恋を失った方が、一度も恋をしなかったよりマシである。 (テニソン)

心がわりせぬことは、恋愛の妄想である。 (ヴォーヴォナグル)

全ての場合を通じて、恋愛は忍耐である。 (萩原朔太郎)

その女を手に入れる事ができない期間だけ、男はその女に熱狂させられる。 (キルケゴール)


男性は女性の最初の恋人になりたがるが、女性は男性の最後の恋人になりたがる。 (オスカー?ワイルド)

ひどく憎んでいる限り、まだいいくらか愛しているのである。 (デズウリエール夫人)

ほどほどに愛しなさい。长続きする恋はそういう恋だよ。 (シェークスピア)

もっとも永く続く愛は、報われぬ愛である。 (モーム)

今、手をつないでいるその人に出会えたのは、キセキのような、かくりつです。光の中に出ても、その手をはなすことのないように。by 野ブタをプロデュース

◆人は誰でもタイムマシンを持っている。过去へは記憶が、未来へは希望が连れて行ってくれる 。by タイムマシン
每个人都拥有一个时光机器,让我们带着过去的记忆和未来的希望前行。By 时光机器

◆俺がお前の記憶になる。by わたしの頭の中の消しゴム
我会成为你的记忆。By 我脑海中的橡皮擦

◆目はいつも欲しいものを追い求める 。by ハンニバル?レクター
眼睛总是追逐着想要的东西。By Hannibal Lecter

◆大いなる力には大いなる責任が供なる 。by スパイダーマン ベン?パーカー
能力越大,责任越大 BY 蜘蛛侠

◆何かを手に入れれば何かを失う。何かを求めて前に進むんだ。同じところにとどまっていたらダメなんだ。by 头文字D 秋山 渉
得到什么就会失去什么。有所追求才会向前行进。不能停留在同一个地方。By 头文字D 秋山涉

◆失敗を恐れては若い芽は育たない。by 海猿
害怕失败就培育不出幼芽。By 海猿

◆これからは後ろを振り返り、弱かった自分を見つめながら、ゆっくり前へ進むよ。走ったりはしない。ゆっくりと??。 by 恋空 美嘉
从此以后边回顾身后、注视柔弱的自己,边慢慢前进。不会奔跑,而是慢慢地,前行… By 恋空 美嘉

◆誰にも光と影がある。大事なのはどちらを選ぶかだ。人はそこで決まる。by ハリーポッターと不死鳥の骑士団
谁都有正直和黑暗的一面。重要的是选择哪边。人因此而不同。By 哈利波特与不死鸟的骑士

◆運命というのは 努力した人に 偶然という橋をかけてくれる。by 猟奇的な彼女
命运会给那些努力了的人搭一座叫做偶然的桥。(命运垂青那些努力的人。)By 我的野蛮女友

◆あなたとのたくさんの思い出が、私の人生を輝かせてくれた。本当に側にいてくれてありがとう。忘れないよ。あなたと過ごした大切な時間。by 世界の中心で、愛を叫ぶ
和你之间那么多的回忆照耀了我的人生。真的很谢谢你在我身边。我不会忘记的哦,和你度过的那些珍贵的时间。By 在世界的中心呼唤爱

◆傷の深さも痛みも半分ずつ。二人で割って半分こだね。by KIDS 小野アサト
伤也好痛也好,两个人分担的话就会减少到一半。By KIDS(伤) 小野アサト

世の中は金だ。金が悲劇を生む。by ハゲタカ
人世就是金钱的世界,金钱是悲剧的开始。By 秃鹰



I love you



一目见てから 惚れました
自从第一眼见到开始 就迷上了




失敗に失望するな。もし挑戦しないなら、そ れは失敗と同じなのだから。

頭脳は鍛えてこそ、健康を保持することがで きる、体と同じである。


いつも食事の前に本を読むこと。この習慣が 確実に成功をもたらす。

仕事での大きな成功は、能力によるものでは ない、たゆまぬ努力と強い意志によるものである。

大きなことができないのならば、大きな想い で、小さなことをすればよい。大きなチャンス を待つのではなく、毎日の小さなチャンスをつ かみ取り、大きなチャンスに変えるのだ。


どんな困難にも打ち勝とうとする強い決心が あれば、挫折に負けることなどない。

間違いを恐れることはない、この世界に、間 違いなどないものではないのだから。

1長者の万灯より貧者の一灯 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情谊重
2一葉落ちて天下の秋を知る 一叶知秋
3一事が万事 触类旁通
4.人を呪わば穴二つ 害人终害己
5.三人寄れば文殊の智恵 三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮
6.胸三寸におさむ 不动声色
7.三寸の舌に五尺の身をあやまる 言多必失
8石の上にも三年 水到渠成;功到自然成
9、五十歩百歩 五十步笑百步;半斤八两
10男子家を出ずれば七人のてきあり 在家千日好,出门万事难
11九仞の功をいっきにかく 功亏一篑
12十日の菊、六日の菖蒲(しょうぶ) 明日黄花;事过境迁
13花より団子 舍华求实
14言わぬが花 沉默是金
15。他人の花が赤い 家花不如野香
16。腐ってもたい 瘦死的骆驼比马大
17蓼を食う虫にも好き好き 萝卜白菜各有所好
18.馬にはのってみよ人には添ってみよ 路遥知马力;日久见人心
19.人生万事塞翁が馬 塞翁失马焉之非福
20。うまの耳に念仏 对牛弹琴
21.青息吐息(あおいきといき) 长吁短叹,无计可施
22.一言居士(いちげんこじ) 遇事总要发表自己见解的人
23.绝体绝命(ぜったいぜつめい) 一筹莫展,穷途末路
24.手前味噌(てまえみそ) 自吹自擂,自我吹嘘
25.当意即妙(とういそくみょう) 随机应变
26.十人十色(じゅうにんといろく) (人的性格爱好,想法)各有不同
27.歳月人を待たず 岁月不等人
28.人は身かけによらぬ 人不可貌相
29.目には目を、歯には歯を 以牙还牙,以眼还眼
30毒をもっと毒を制す 以毒攻毒
31.鬼も十八番茶も出花 女人十八一朵花
32.三十六计 は逃げるに如かず 三十六计走为上策
33.立て板に水 口若悬河
34.善は急げ 先下手为强
35.后の祭り 马后炮
36.待てば海路 の日和あり 好戏在后面
37.一目惚れ 一见钟情
38.痘痕もえくぼ 情人眼里出西施
39.かめの甲より年の功 姜还是老的辣
40泣き面に蜂 雪上加霜
41.猫に小判 对牛弹琴
42.虎の威を借る狐 狐假虎威
43.鹿を指して馬となす 指鹿为马
44.炒り豆に花が咲く 铁树开花
45.落花情あれども流水意なし 落花有意流水无情
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 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 01:47:19 | 只看该作者
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单元1 中英论坛讲话1

It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends. The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed.


It is a sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme "The Challenge of Globalization" for our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me.


On 11th September, I, along with a number of world statesmen, was in Beijing to discuss China and the World in the 21st Century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated economic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that day. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize more clearly than at any other time just how very important "understanding" between the nations of the world is.


Our Forum, and the discussions we will have in the next day and a half, are part of this vital process of understanding. Globalization is a challenge for all of us, both developed and developing countries and we have a lot to share and learn. As globalization increases and as all our countries come to terms with the global reach of many industries, we can, as different nations, work together to understand the issues and effects these developments bring.


These opportunities can only be grasped by people. People talking, travelling, exchanging ideas and experiences. And that is what we are here today to do. Our discussions here will centre around a number of very interesting issues: trade and the environment in the globalization of the economy, Chinese culture facing the world, e-learning and e-commerce, balancing public purposes and commercial interests in the media, and China after WTO to name but a few.


As far as I can see, joining the WTO presents a huge challenge for China. The requirements of joining WTO for corporate governance, for transparency and for reliable and enforceable laws, whilst producing some pain in the short term, will no doubt be part of the way in which economic growth can be encouraged and sustained. I personally am much looking forward to my own involvement in the discussions on small and medium sized enterprises.


China's decision to embrace the dynamism of the private sector brings up the role small firms can play in achieving rapid growth and innovation. They are, and can be, a significant engine for economic development. So we have much work to do in our forum. We want to show our Chinese friends how much of a partner the UK can be but also that as a sign of a mature and true relationship, we can afford to be frank and open in our discussions with one another.


This will be particularly true in the sessions on issues of competitiveness and corporate governance that will be held tomorrow. We are building on discussions and relationships that are already well founded and I believe that this forum will take the special role that our meeting plays in the relations between our two countries further forward.


单元2 中英论坛讲话2


We are meeting our British friends once again by the beautiful River Thames, for our third conference. On behalf of the Chinese delegates, I'd like to thank our British colleagues for your invitation and your excellent programme. Since last year's conference, China has undergone yet more changes.

尽管当前国际经济形势并不理想,但是中国的经济仍然保持了较高的增长速度。前9个月工业增长10.3% ,农村经济仍然繁荣。还有一个方面使中国人民高兴:外资企业仍然大量到中国寻求发展。

Although the world economy isn't doing well, the Chinese economy has continued to grow at a relatively high rate. In the first 9 months, industrial output grew by 10.3%. The rural economy continues to prosper. There is something else that the Chinese people are happy about. Foreign companies continue to come to China in large numbers.


From January to September, 18,580 foreign direct investment projects were approved, with direct investment worth 49.347 billion dollars, of which 32.2 billion dollars has been utilized. This is an increase of 20.66% on last year. In the first 3 quarters of this year, the Chinese economy grew at a rate of 7.6%.


Increasing domestic demand is the key to maintaining high growth and a healthy economy. After WTO entry, China will bring its own practices in line with the international market and will open up further.


We believe that a market as big as 1.3 billion people will provide substantial impetus to the world economy. China will continue its large-scale infrastructure programme, upgrade its industrial equipment and improve agricultural production as well as its processing capability.


All of the above requires an environment of international cooperation. In the next 10 years, China will import about 3,000 billion dollars of equipment, technology and products. That is a massive market with huge commercial opportunities. After WTO entry, weaker industries in China will face serious challenges.


There are still many problems to be solved in environment, in energy, in water resources, in the reform of the economic system, in the development of the northwest, and in reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. China has thrown its door wide open, and reached out with open arms, welcoming UK as well as other countries in the world to continue to cooperate for our mutual benefit. The development of a partnership between China and the UK requires a healthy and stable political relationship between the two countries.


Expanding economic and trade cooperation and cooperation in other fields are conducive to the development of a bilateral political relationship. It is beneficial to the interests of our two peoples. I hope all our friends at this conference will make joint efforts, to continue to contribute to the comprehensive development of the Sino-UK relationship.

单元3 英中30年讲话(英音)

In the space of a single generation, relations between the United Kingdom and the People's Republic of China have been transformed. Government-to-government and business-to-business links are closer and more varied than ever before. But the most exciting changes have been in the links between the British and Chinese peoples. Chinese communities have long existed as a respected and cherished presence in British cities.


But today, more and more British people are visiting China to see for themselves the new dynamism of great cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We are re-discovering China's incomparably rich cultural heritage, as well as its immense economic potential. The Chinese ar re-discovering Britain, too. We are delighted to welcome more Chinese visitors to our country each year. Many more Chinese are finding out about Britain through modern media like television and the Internet.


Indeed, there are more Chinese people learning the English language than there are native speakers of English in the world today. This growing relationship is measurable, too, in financial terms. British firms now have a huge presence in China, a sign of their confidence in the country and its future. The UK is the largest European investor, and a British company, BP, is investing more capital in China than any other foreign firm. The largest foreign manufacturing investment in Western China is also British.


The UK is China's second largest European trading partner. British exports to China last year, at £3.72 billion were up 17% on the year 2000. China's exports to Britain are at an all-time high. Many Chinese enterprises now regard Britain's flexible and open economy has an ideal launching pad into the wider European market. All this is a far cry from 1972, when the UK and the PRC first exchanged Ambassadors. Then, there were virtually no Chinese students in Britain. Today, there are over 20,000--one of the largest overseas communities at our universities.


Then, there were no direct air services between Beijing and London. This year, more than a quarter of a million British tourists will travel to China. Then, no serving British Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary had ever visited China. Last year, there were visits from eleven British ministers. The changing nature of international relations requires governments to work ever more closely together for their mutual benefit. In the globalised world economy, the security and prosperity of individual countries often depends on events beyond our borders.


We are interdependent as well as independent. Challenges such as fighting environmental damage, ensuring global human rights are properly observed, removing barriers to trade and investments, and reducing poverty, have become truly global issues. They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organizations like the UN, the WTO and ASEM. In the 21st century, bilateral relations between countries will depend on progress on issues like these.


As two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, our governments work together on a daily basis on problems affecting every corner of the world. Another change in the relationship between Britain and China has been developments in Hong Kong. I am delighted that Hong Kong has prospered since 1997, and that "On Country, Two Systems" is proving such an effective approach.


As a signatory of the Joint Declaration, the UK has an abiding interest in the continued well-being of the Special Administrative Region. But this is only a part of our wider commitment to China. We are increasing the resources we allocate through our Department for International Development to poverty reduction in China from £25m this year to £60m by 2004.


单元4 中国经济介绍


Our economy is doing really well. The internal mechanism for economic growth has been strengthened. We have, to a large extent, struck the right balance between speed, quality and economic benefit. But it is also clear to us that there are no countries in the world that can perpetuate an economic boom and high-speed growth. China won't be an exception.


The achievements of the reform have been there for all to see. But, as the economic climate changes, there are now new problems. These include the reform of the state-owned enterprises, substantial unemployment, the polarization of income, corruption, risks in the financial sector and ecological and environmental damage. All of them require our immediate attention and effective solutions in the shortest time possible.


Personally, I believe China needs to pay attention to the following areas. One, we must provide guidance more forcefully using economic and legal means in the property development market, restrict blind development in up-market properties, and to promote the construction of economical and practical properties. Two, we must monitor international as well as domestic economic development closely so as to be able to respond quickly.


Three, we must strengthen the regulation of the automobile and steel industries, reigning in low-grade repetitive construction and disorderly competition. We need to stop overheating in some sectors from spreading while at the same time encouraging rational elements in our economic growth. This is an issue of maintaining the right balance.


Whilst we need to regulate the overheating of investment in some sectors, we need to take measures to solve the problem of supply falling further behind demand in others. Four, we need to coordinate our efforts to solve the problem of severe shortages of power supply in some regions. We must improve the management of water resources and seek to reduce water shortages in some regions. At the same time, we must accelerate the reform of water pricing in cities and rural areas.


Five, we must continue our campaign to have a corruption free government. We are starting with the State Council, to set an example of conduct, to ensure that our government is well co-coordinated, fair and transparent, uncorrupted and highly efficient. These measures demonstrate our determination to clear the road ahead, the road to economic growth.


China is still poor. Based on the official poverty threshold of 600 yuan, we still have over 20 million people living in poverty. That's using China's criteria. Based on the UN's threshold of one dollar per person per day, we have over 100 million people living in poverty.


China's total debt is about 13,000 billion yuan, the equivalent of 1.3 times of our GDP. This is a considerable burden. On the other hand, challenges brought by our WTO entry are also difficult tasks. The financial reform in China must speed up to be ready for international competition. On the whole, I'm optimistic about China achieving over 7% growth a year.

单元5 新车推出仪式(美音)

Good morning everybody. And welcome to the launch of our new L50, and to this presentation. In a way, launch is no longer the correct word. Many of you have already had a chance to get to know the new car in your test drive this morning. So, I will not dwell on the technical capabilities of thsi car. What I would like to do is to share with you the thoughts that have gone into developing this new model so that you'll have a better idea of why it's such an exciting car to drive.


I will also talk a bit about what has been happening in our company--the direction we are heading, our strategy, and our ambitions. After that, I'll talk about some of the major stages in our design and development of this model. After this presentation, we'll have lunch, which is served in the main conference hall. Our chef has promised a few surprises. I'm as curious as you are about what these might be. But, back to the presentation.


Our new L50 is the first in a family of new cars to be launched this year and in the next couple of years. It is the result of the most ambitious investment in our company's history--£125 million, in design and development, in production capabilities, in sales network and in our own people. The investment is based on our understanding of the market and our goal for the future. So what are they then?


We want to sell 800,000 cars a year for the next 5 years. So far this year, we've already sold 560,000, and congratulations to those of you that have contributed to this success. This represents nearly 20% increase over the previous year at a time when the market has declined by nearly 10%. Much of the increased sales have come from the commitment and dedication of our dealers and our staff. Thank you and well done.


The launch of this L50 will mark the beginning of a series of launches, giving us a full range of new cars, 3-door, 5-door, estate, diesel, and from 1 liter all the way up to our luxury 2 liter saloons. A convertible and a 4-wheel drive are also in the final design stage. With this new family, we'll be able to compete robustly with any competitor in US, and will be able to take on the EU market too. But products alone are not enough.


We've put substantial amount of money and effort into upgrading our retail operation, into our dealer network and into our own sales force. This is built on our in-depth knowledge of our customers, what they want and what they need. It is based on the strength of our brand. If you visit one of our re-branded showrooms, you'll get a strong impression of our brand and what we stand for. We are taking market shares from our competitors. We are on target to take even more.


We believe that the most effective way of getting more customers and growing our business is by new cars. Not just any new cars. It has to be new cars that re-enforce our brand value. Having test driven the L50, I'm sure you will all agree with me that the new L50 is exactly that--an embodiment of performance, safety, and functionality. These are the core elements of our brand value. These are the features that have caught the attention of media across Europe. These will be repeated in each and every new member of the family.


That's all I'd like to say at this stage. My colleagues will now take you through some of te highlights in the design and development. This is a short video we produced just before this launch. It is meant to answer some questions .What is the thinking behind this development? How do we translate concepts into a new model? How does our core value influence the thinking of people on the factory floor and in showrooms? Ladies and gentlemen, the new L50.


单元6 中国金融介绍


Today, I'd like to talk about the financial reform in China. China has achieved a great deal in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but we still have a lot to do. Given that time is short, I won't try to cover everything, but to put forward a few ideas that I feel quite strongly about, some food for thought.


After WTO entry, the transition period is not much more than 2 years. China, within this short time, must complete its strategic set-up in preparation for the entry of foreign competitors. We must complete the reform of the wholly state-owned commercial banks, and help qualified commercial banks to seek listings in the stock market. We need to ride the wave of financial globalization.


In my view, during the Tenth Five-Year Plan, China must break up the handful of wholly state-owned commercial banks into a greater number of share-owed commercial banks. The People's Bank of China will remain the central bank. We should begin to consider allowing the establishment of provincial level banks. Each bank will be an independent legal person.


China must improve the structural reform of its commercial banks. I particularly want to see better training for managers and improvement in their skills. I would suggest here that we learn from banks in developed countries and produce a generation of Chinese managers that know themselves and their competitors equally well.


I recommend early piloting of comprehensive services, allowing pilot financial institutions to operate in areas common among foreign commercial banks, to offer a wide range of services to customers. The selection of pilot banks must be based on their performance in recent years, their strength, and their success in the financial reform.


The new business areas may include the launch of new loan products, according to the market principle of supply and demand, so as to meet the requirements of economic and social development. Mortgages over recent years are an excellent example. In addition, banks in developed countries offer insurance and personal investment services. That's also worth considering.


Linked to this, China must establish the market mechanism for interest on loans as soon as possible, to allow commercial banks to decide on their own floating interest rates by taking into account the base rate from the central bank, and their own operations in the market as well as their own interests.  This is not just an issue of banking reform. It will greatly improve the services banks offer to consumers, stimulating economic growth.


We must rationalize our regulatory system. The regulator must have the capacity to regulate comprehensive services. It must also be able to recognize the nature of business of each bank and treat them accordingly. That is to say, the regulator must be able to treat different commercial banks differently. Under the current circumstances, I don't think the wholly state-owned commercial banks are ready for comprehensive services.

单元7 英国金融体系(英音)

Traditionally HM Treasury, along with the Bank of England, has been responsible for deciding all aspects of the UK's economic and financial policy. Following the 1997 election, in which the Labor Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth.


I would like to explain the key features of the UK economic policy framework, identify the key institutions, their leaders and their main responsibilities. There are three main institutions. The first is HM Treasury which is responsible for the overall economic framework and for fiscal policy in particular. It is led by the Chancellor, Gordon Brown who is an elected politician.


He is supported by 4 junior ministers with specific responsibilities, who are also elected politicians. The Ministers receive advice from three main sources: civil servants, political advisers. And for some specific projects, business leaders also prepare advice. Fiscal policy is decided through two main processes: the budget and the spending review process.


The budget is presented each spring to Parliament. It sets out tax policy for the year. Since 1997 there has also been a pre-budget report. This explains progress and suggests some ideas for discussion. Later in the Spring Budget a decision is made. Spending policy is decided every three years. There are two main elements of spending policy. Both are decided at the same time.


One, the amount of money which each department receives and two, using this money, targets each department will achieve. For example for the Education Department a target for how many children pass exams. The second main institution is the Bank of England. It is led by someone non-political; at the moment, Eddie George. In 1997 it was given full independence to set interest rates. A committee, which includes a Treasury civil servant, makes the decision.


The level of interest rates is set in order to achieve a certain rate of inflation. This target rate is decided by the Chancellor. Therefore although the bank can decide the level of interest rates without any interference, the macroeconomic position is guided by an elected politician who is responsible to the country. The Bank also deals in the foreign exchange market.


Finally, the Financial Services Authority is responsible for monitoring and regulating the financial services industry. It has four main aims. One, maintaining confidence in the UK financial system. They supervise stock exchanges. Two, promoting public understanding of the financial system. They help consumers to become informed consumers, so that they can manage their financial affairs more effectively.


Three, securing the right degrees of protection for consumers. They monitor how firms and individuals are meeting standards. Where serious problems arise they investigate and, if appropriate, discipline or prosecute those that have violated rules. Four, helping to reduce financial crime. Their work focuses on three main types of financial crime: money laundering; fraud, and criminal market misconduct such as insider dealing.


单元8 中国电讯行业


First of all, I would like to welcome you to this presentation. As you know, China has become a member of the WTO. In accordance with the agreement, China will gradually lift its restrictions on the telecommunications infrastructure market and the value-adding market, allowing foreign companies to invest directly in China or to set up joint ventures.


The telecommunications market in China has enormous potentials. The mobile phone market alone will be worth no less than 150 billion yuan. It is estimated that the telecommunications industry, the telecommunications infrastructure network and user equipment, just the three of them combined, will be worth at least 1,500 billion yuan by 2005. The growth potential of the market can be seen in many ways.


One, the number of telecommunications users continues to grow. Every year, we need to provide a large amount of user equipment for new users. Not only that, existing users need to upgrade their equipment too. The growth of users in turn requires networks and the infrastructure to expand, upgrade and improve, driving the demand for network equipment and the construction  of network-related facilities.


Two, as telecommunications is a very profitable business, some non-telecommunication companies are also itching to have a piece of the action. Companies in the value-adding and computer network business are particularly keen to enter the telecommunications market. Further liberalization will bring opportunities to these companies. This will make it a new area for foreign investment in the very near future.


Three, telecommunication technology is developing fast. New technology and new equipment are introduced all the time. The international telecommunications manufacturing industry is attracted by relatively high quality and yet cheap labor in China. The manufacturing of telecommunications user equipment and network equipment in China is beginning to show its supremacy. As telecom and network facilities continue to develop and upgrade, there will be numerous opportunities in manufacturing.


Four, after several stages of reform, there are now China Unicom, China Railcom, China Telecom, China Netcom, China Mobile and China Satellite, the six main players. They are all keen to become stronger, keen to attract foreign investment, offering foreign capital a fast-track entry into the Chinese market.


The telecommunications industry in China has accumulated fast capital for over a decade. It's highly profitable and will provide sufficient finance for joint ventures. In 2005, investment in telecommunications infrastructure and network facilities in China will exceed 250 billion yuan. That includes not only new equipment and new facilities, but also the maintenance and repair of existing equipment.


Of course, the lifting of control will take place in stages. But there will be fewer and fewer restrictions. Many people are describing the telecommunications market in China as a goldmine for foreign investment. In the past decade, foreign investment in China's telecommunications market has been richly rewarded. So, I hope you won't hold back any more. When the market is completely open, the best opportunities may have been snatched up by others.

单元9 威尔士宴会讲话(英音)

Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, my lords, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you tonight to this magnificent castle. We warmly welcome you and your distinguished delegation to Wales. Wales is a small country compared with China. However, the Welsh people have made a significant contribution to the development of the United Kingdom and to the part the UK has played throughout the world.


Welsh companies make an important contribution to the United Kingdom economy. Some are represented here this evening. Many already trade with China. Many more would like to do so. This is one aspect of the growing relationship between our two countries. China is a focal point for trade and investment from Wales. Wales' exports to China are valued at over £250 million. It's good, but not good enough. I would encourage Welsh companies to do better.


I would also ask you, Mr. Chairman, to help increase the awareness of Wales among Chinese companies, particularly among Chinese companies that are considering their first move into Europe. Fr many years, Wales has been one of the most popular destinations for foreign investment in Europe. Investors in Wales have brought over £12 billion into the country and continue to reinvest once established.


Investors are not limited to US and Europe. Many companies from the Far East have chosen to establish their European operations here. Our Welsh Development Agency has set up an office in China. It demonstrates our commitment to your country. Meanwhile, Welsh companies are increasingly focused on outward investment and establishing joint ventures with partners in China. China's accession to the World Trade Organization will present new opportunities for both our economies.


Developing special relationships with China is something to which we attach great importance, not only through trade but in other areas such as science, education and justice. Recently, the Welsh Science Mission visited China. The visit raised Wales' profile with the Chinese scientific community. It also established an exchange scheme in which Welsh scientists will benefit.


The warm reception the delegation received in China was a clear signal of the highly productive relationship which Wales and China have developed. During the visit, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with our Chinese counterparts in the scientific community. This will encourage and facilitate greater scientific co-operation between China and Wales. I understand that tomorrow morning; there will be several working group meetings to explore other areas of common interest. I look forward to receiving their report in due course.


Mr. Chairman, as you are aware, there has been contact at ministerial level. Not long ago, we were delighted to receive a visit from his Excellency Mr. Wen Jiabao. As you know already, his visit was a great success. In return, our Deputy First Minister has just accepted a generous invitation to lead a delegation to China later this year. They will be visiting Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. They are looking forward to the visit.  


These visits are clear signals of the highly productive relationship which Wales and China have developed. Judging by the crowds that have gathered here tonight, I am very confident that the relationship will continue to grow. Thank you for taking the time to include a visit to Wales in your busy and demanding programme. We are honored by your presence here this evening and would ask you to take back with you the warmest good wishes from the people of Wales and the United Kingdom. May I now propose a toast.


单元10 中国农业介绍


Now, I'm going to talk about agriculture in China.  Crops and plantations: There has been substantial restructuring, leading to considerable development in high quality agricultural products. Production to order has become a new area of growth. Agriculture related legislation and law enforcement have improved. Fighting natural disaster to protect harvests has generated impressive results. We have largely achieved the objectives in our plan.


Forestry: The Chinese government attaches great importance to forestry. Our tree planting and green creation projects have made steady progress. The forestry economy continues to grow. In 2002, the total value of forestry output was 390 billion yuan. Remarkable results have been achieved in the management and protection of forestry resources. Our investment in forestry continues to grow. In 2002, it stood at over 17 billion yuan.


Fisheries: The fishing economy in China has maintained its balanced development. The total production of aqua products stands at 42.79 million tons, worth over 280 billion yuan. Marine farming is developing well. There have been major breakthroughs in laws and regulations in the fishing industry. Our export is strong. So is our international cooperation.


Animal husbandry production continues to grow. In 2002, we produced a total of 65.234 million tons of meat, 9.98 million tons of dairy products and 78 million tons of animal feed. The animal husbandry industry has increased efforts to adjust its internal structure. Eco-development in grassland areas is being carried out on all fronts. Reform at administration level has also played an extremely important part in the development of the industry.


Agricultural mechanization continues in pace and in quality, contributing to agriculture and the rural economy. There has been further progress in the use of combine harvesters, and achievements in the promotion of mechanization technology. We have drawn on advanced technology and management expertise of foreign countries, and have extended our exchanges and cooperation.


In 2002, we spent 7.3 billion days working on irrigation infrastructure projects, with a total investment of 51.8 billion yuan. We designated 20 large irrigation areas as reform pilot programmes. The total finance for drinking water projects in the rural areas in China amounted to more than 2 billion yuan, solving drinking water problems for nearly 9 million people.


We have achieved a great deal in agricultural environmental protection and in the development of renewable energy. The eco-agriculture demo counties and the eco-homeland plan have generated clear economic, ecological and social benefit. We combine eco-agriculture with restructuring, bringing eco-agriculture in China to a new stage.


In the face of increasing competition at home and abroad, township enterprises, driven by the reform, have maintained healthy growth. There are over 25 million township enterprises in China, employing 130 million people, generating tax revenue of more than 200 billion yuan. They are a powerhouse in the rural economy of China.

单元11 辉瑞制药有限公司(美音)

Welcome to Pfizer--the world's largest, most valuable and fastest-growing pharmaceutical company. Ours is a noble purpose: to help realize humanity's quest for longer, healthier, happier lives. Our mission is to become the world's most valued company in serving patients, customers, colleagues, investors, business partners and the communities where we work and live. We now employ 90,000 people worldwide, turning well over $30 billion a year, spending more than $5 billion a ear on research & development. Our products are available in more than 150 countries.


It all started back in 1849, when Charles Pfizer & Company opened as a fine-chemicals business. It was a modest red-brick building in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, New York. It served as office, laboratory, factory, and warehouse. The company's first product was santonin--a palatable antiparasitic which was an immediate success. For the past 154 years, Pfizer has been discovering, developing, manufacturing, and marketing leading prescription medicines for humans and animals and many for the world's best-known consumer brands.


Pfizer is built on three pillars: a broad portfolio of human pharmaceuticals meeting essential medical needs; a wide range of consumer products aimed at self-care and well-being; and health products for livestock and companion animals. Research and development is the lifeblood of our business. To continue our heritage of innovation, we support the world's largest privately funded biomedical research organization, engaging 12,000 scientists and other research colleagues worldwide.


We currently have nearly 100 new medicines in various stages of development, and are working on dozens of new uses for our current medicines. Our targets include many of humanity's most feared illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer, HIV/ADIS, depression and schizophrenia. Pfizer is also a leader in contributing to the development of communities where we live and work.


We have pioneered numerous initiatives to improve access to medicines including the International Trachoma Initiative, aimed at the world's greatest cause of preventable blindness, and the Diflucan Partnership, aimed at HIV/AIDS patients in developing nations. Through the Pfizer Foundation, we are building with our partners an advanced infectious disease treatment and medical education center in Kampala, Uganda.


In the United States, we sponsor the Pfizer for Living Share Card, a program that provides eligible, low-income Medicare recipients without prescription drug coverage the opportunity to purchase a 30-day supply of Pfizer medicines for $15 per prescription. A career with Pfizer is one of the most rewarding choices you can make. Pfizer has been recognized as one of the nation's best employers and most admired companies. We seek talented people from a broad array of disciplines and prize diversity of thought and experience.


Our company is thoroughly grounded in our values. They begin with a prized personal and organizational quality--Integrity--and end with a shared concern for Community. Our values include Leadership, Innovation, Performance, Teamwork, Customer Focus, and Respect for People. These values guide every decision we make, everywhere we make them. As you can sense by now, these are exciting times for our company.


We demand of ourselves and others the highest ethical standards, and our products and processes will be of the highest quality. We are deeply committed to meeting the needs of our customers, and we constantly focus on customer satisfaction. We play an active role in making every country and community in which we operate a better place to live and work. I hope you will enjoy your visit for the rest of the day. Thank you.

我们对自己和别人都有最高的道德标准。我们的产品和流程将是最高质量的。我们致力于满足顾客的需要,不断地关注顾客的满意程度。我们积极努力,把我们业务所在的国家和社区建设成生活和工作的更加美好的地方。我希望和唯美 今天的访问愉快,谢谢。

单元12 中国能源行业


Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm delighted to be here in the beautiful city of Hanover, to attend the prestigious Hanover Industrial Exhibition, and to speak on the opening of the energy market as well as on cooperation between China and Germany in the area of energy. Firstly, on behalf of the Economic and Trade Commission of China, I'd like to thank you for inviting me to this forum.


After 20 years of reform and opening up to outside world, the Chinese economy is continuing to grow at a fast pace. Our GDP growth averages 9.5% per year. Imports and Exports have grown by 12.4 times. In 2001, the world economy and trade growth suffered severe setbacks. But domestic demand continued to grow in China. We adopted a pro-active fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. We pressed on with reforms and restructuring and achieved excellent results.


Our GDP grew by 7.3% compared with 2000. Imports and exports broke through 500 billion US dollars barrier, an increase of 7.5%. In the first quarter of this year, our industrial added value reached 649.4 billion yuan, a year on year increase of 10.9%. It has paved the way for achieving the planned GDP growth of 7%.


Energy is an important basis as well as safeguard for economic and social development. China is one of the largest energy products and consumers in the world. In order to ease the pressure of economic growth on energy supply, the Chinese government, over the years, has formulated a series of encouraging policies in energy investment, energy development and application, in pricing, and in the credit system.


After continuous efforts, towards the end of the 1990s, there was a significant shift in China's energy supply and demand. We said goodbye to overall energy shortages. In 2000, the national energy output reached 1.09 billion tons of standard coal units.


Of the main sources of energy, our coal output number two in the world, our crude oil is number five and our electricity number two. The energy industry has become an important driving force in the Chinese economy. Whilst energy output continues to grow at a fast pace, China presses forward with economic restructuring. We are increasing our efforts in technical development. We are working harder to save our resources and to increase integrated applications. Our energy consumption per unit continues to fall.


From 1995 to 2000, China's energy consumption per 10,000 yuan GDP dropped from 3.97 tons of standard coal to 2.77 tons. The cumulated saving and reduced energy use amounted to 410 million tons of standard coal. It reduces production costs and helps the environment. As China continues to open to the outside world, the energy market is opening up faster.


Foreign companies are investing in major energy areas such as electricity, coal, oil and gas. In electricity generation alone, cumulative foreign investment exceeds 17 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, Chinese coal exports have also been on the increase. In 2001, coal exports amounted to 85.9 million tons, an increase of 46% throughout 2000, making China the second largest coal exporter in the world.

单元13 渣打银行(英音)

Standard Chartered is the world's leading emerging market bank. It employs 29,000 people in over 500 offices in more than 50 countries in the Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, United Kingdom and the Americas. Our global headquarters is in London. The Bank serves both Consumer and Wholesale Banking customers. The Consumer Bank provides credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, deposit taking activity and wealth management services to individuals and medium-sized businesses.


The Wholesale Bank provides services to multinational, regional and domestic corporate and institutional clients in trade finance, cash management, custody, lending, foreign exchange, interest rate management and debt capital markets. Like all companies we are operating in a climate of massive change. We are therefore developing new strategies to ensure that our business keeps abreast of the moves to apply the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility.


Standard Chartered recognizes its responsibilities to its staff and to the communities in which it operates. We believe that with appropriate policies and practices in place we can be a legitimate influence for good by promoting the best standards of socially responsible business in the developing world. By doing so we hope to stimulate positive change and greater engagement. Standard Chartered strives to operate in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations of society.


Our objective is to benefit all of our stakeholders including our shareholders, customers, staff and the communities in which we operate. We strongly support the trend towards delivering shareholder value in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible manner. We also believe that improved transparency through reporting and improved engagement through dialogue offers clear benefits, not only for society, but also for Standard Chartered.


A responsible organization will be better able to attract and retain its customers, employees, shareholders and suppliers. It will operate with greater cohesion and clearer focus. It will be better able to listen and respond rapidly to changing needs and markets. Responsibility, dialogue, action and reporting are the key elements in a virtuous circle through which everyone benefits. We are proud to promote our support for Corporate Social Responsibility.


Standard Chartered offers personal financial solutions relevant to you as an individual. Some of these include priority banking, credit card, insurance, personal investment as well as deposit and retail services. We treasure building a relationship with you, developing an understanding of your changing financial needs at different stages of your life. Our long heritage of nearly 150 years has enabled us to change with time, offering quality products by means that are convenient to you.


Business Financial Services offer one of the widest ranges of banking products and services in the market today. Managing a growing business demands most of your time and energy. That is why working with the right bank can help your business sail more smoothly. Corporate & Institutional banking provides cash management, custody and trade finance services. We offer a one-stop risk management solution to our customers--the local corporate, multinational companies, investment and financial institutions, and central banks.


Corporate & Institute banking provides cash management, custody and trade finance services through our strong market networks in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. We provide a bridge to these markets for clients from the U.S and Europe. With 150 years in the emerging markets the Bank has unmatched knowledge and understanding of its customers in its markets.


单元14 中国能源行业2


The problem we are facing is structural, and very acute. Domestic oil supply is increasingly falling behind demand. Imports are increasing every year. The proportion of natural gas in our primary energy consumption has fallen well below the world average. There is very little clean and highly efficient energy. It does not meet the requirements of energy efficiency and environmental protection.


The energy industry still works with outdated technology and equipment. There is much room for improvement in safe production practices. In the next ten years, or even more, Chinese economy will continue to grow at about 7% per annum. Comprehensive energy and power consumption are expected to grow at 3% and 6% respectively.


As our economy continues to grow, as standards of living continue to rise, as environmental protection improves, the demands for energy development are reaching a new level. The Chinese government faces a major issue. That is to achieve sustainable energy development and to balance energy production and consumption with the environment and society.


To meet the demand for sustainable social and economic development, the Chinese government will continue with its policy of "developing energy and at the same time saving it, with the saving taking priority". We will take advantage of our rich resources, optimize our energy structure, and improve energy efficiency and environmental protection.


During the Tenth Five-Year period, China will rely primarily on coal and will increase the use of high quality coal. We will reform large-scale mines and develop high output and high efficiency mines. We will develop coal bed resources and increase our efforts in the research and development of clean coal technology. We will work on oil and gas simultaneously, speeding up our exploitation and use of natural gas, increasing its use in our energy consumption.


We need to pay attention to wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, and other new and renewable energy sources. We are aiming to quadruple the annual exploitation of new and renewable energy sources by 2005 from 3 million tons of standard coal to 13 million tons of standard coal. We will improve our ability to save energy and promote integrated applications. We aim to reduce our unit consumption per ten thousand yuan GDP to 2.2 tons of standard coal in 2005.


China and the European Union have enjoyed 20 years of good relations in the energy area. Germany has world-class technology in the development of new energy and in environmental protection. We welcome German companies to invest in the development and application of energy sources, particularly the application of new energy sources in China. After WTO entry, we will open up our energy market wider and further.


There are a whole range of large-scale projects such as the Three Gorges Power Station, "Western Gas Going East" and "Western Electricity Going East". They will create more opportunities for cooperation in the energy field between China and Germany. We would like to work with Germany, to strengthen cooperation on the basis of many years of joint efforts. Thank you.

单元15 保诚保险集团(英音)

Prudential was founded in 1848, as the Prudential Mutual Assurance, Investment and Loan Association in London. The company grew from a small life assurance company, with a customer base limited to the well-off middle classes, to Britain's largest life company by number of policy-holders. In 1854 Prudential opened its industrial department and began to sell "penny policies" that could be afforded by poorer people.


The department really began to expand in 1856 when the company pioneered infantile insurance, allowing parents to insure the lives of children under the age of ten. By keeping statistical records about policy-holders, Prudential was able to calculate accurate premium rates and improve the benefits payable on policies. By the turn of the century one third of the population was insured with "the Pru". By the mid-1870s, the company started to employ lady clersk and use "modern" calculators and typewriters.


By 1900 there were nearly 15,000 agents collecting Prudential premiums. Until 1915 Prudential sold life assurance only. In 1915 the range of business was extended with the opening of the general branch, through which fire, accident, marine and other forms of insurance were sold from 1919 onwards. During the 1920s Prudential began to expand overseas and agencies were set up all over the world to sell Prudential policies.


In Britain, new policies were introduced for women, family protection and long term saving opportunities. In the post war period the range of Prudential's products changed towards an emphasis on savings, annuities, pensions and family income protection. In the 1970s a number of acquisitions were made and in 1978 Prudential Corporation was set up as the holding company for the group. The focus on adopting new sales and marketing techniques to promote products dominated the 1980s.


The sales force was restructured to deal better with customer needs and new channels of communication were opened through telephone sales and Independent Financial Advisers. In 1986, Prudence was launched as the new image for Prudential Corporation, the traditional values of the company presented in a modern forward-looking way. The 1990s saw further diversification of products and methods of communication.


Sales by telephone and through IFAs have gradually reduced the role of direct sales in customer's home. In 1997 Scottish Amicable was acquired, strengthening Prudential's position in the IFA sector. The launch of Egg in 1998 saw Prudential use a new distribution channel, targeting the Internet generation. The acquisition of M&G, the fund managers, in 1999 strengthened the Group's investment portfolio. In recent years Prudential has expended in key markets, principally the United States and Asia.


Prudential Corporation Asia has operational businesses in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, China, Vietnam and the Philippines. New business ventures have been established in Japan and Korea in the last year. In the Unites States, Prudential's subsidiary, Jackson National Life is represented in all states and distributes products through independent agents as well as financial institutions and broker-dealers. The extent of the importance of international business can be seen by the fact that over 50% of the group's sales are international.


Prudential's history ahs been about change and innovation. Throughout its history Prudential has had to survive in difficult markets where other businesses folded. It recognized that it had to grasp the difficulties of communicating the value of its products to differing and diverse markets through periods of great political and social change. The development of new products and the emergence of new markets have established Prudential as a significant player in the world of international retail financial services.


单元16 中国信息行业1


First, I'd like to talk about the development of informatisation in China. I'll then talk about the challenges we face and our plans. Information technology is developing rapidly. Economies are becoming globalised. The world is moving towards informatisation. As part of our reform and opening up our market, China has seized the opportunity and has achieved fast growth in the manufacturing of electronic information products, and in the telecommunication and software industries.


During the 90s of the last century in particular, China's information industry grew at over 20%, twice the speed of its GDP during the same period. The Chinese information industry has developed to a considerable scale and standard, increasing its contribution to the national economy, and becoming increasingly a driving force for other industries.


The electronic information manufacturing industry has become the number one pillar industry. China is now capable of producing whole machines as well as components. We have a very well balanced industrial structure with research and development as well as production capabilities. Processing capabilities have been improving. There have been breakthroughs in some areas of technology. China has become a major producer in the world of color TV, DVD, digital exchanges, displayers and components.


Electronic information products are being exported to other parts of the world. Whilst the world IT market is down, the Chinese IT industry maintains its speed of growth. From January to September 2001, the cumulated industrial output of the electronic information industry amounted to 942.5 billion yuan, an increase of 30%. Now, I'll talk briefly about China's telecommunications industry.


The telecommunications industry has become an important basis for our economic and social development. China has a world-class telecommunications network. The size and coverage of our network of fixed landline and mobile phones put us among the leading countries in the world. Our user numbers are number two and number one in the world respectively. The Chinese telecommunications industry offers a whole range of services. It meets the basic needs of the country at many levels.


By September 2001, there were 1.3 million km of long distance fiber optic cables, and 300 million telephone users. China has telephone penetration of over 24%, of which mobile phones make up over 9.2%. There has been a major breakthrough in the reform of the telecommunications system. After 1998, China accelerated the pace of its reform, breaking up the monopoly.


There are now China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Netcom, and many other operators. Competition among them has replaced the monopoly. We will implement our WTO bilateral and multi-lateral agreements, allowing foreign companies to enter the Chinese market gradually. The telecommunications market in China will begin to open up to international competition.


The software industry has become a new growth area in our national economy. In the area of Chinese language processing, China leads the world. Recently, in order to help the software and the integrated circuit industries, the Chinese Government issued special policies, creating a favorable environment.

单元17 罗克维尔公司(美音)

Rockwell Automation is a leading industrial automation company focused to be the most valued global provider of power, control and information solutions. With a focus on automation solutions that help customers meet productivity objectives, the company brings together leading brands in industrial automation.


We are also a leading provider of contact management technologies and applications, marketed under the Rockwell FirstPoint Contact brands that help companies more efficiently manage interaction with their own customers. Global technical and customer service is an integral part of Rockwell Automation, with nearly 5,600 distributors, system integrators and agents serving customers in 80 countries.


We extend our capabilities through partnerships with a network of reliable local companies in distribution, software and product referencing. With leading brands and strategic partnerships, we deliver industry solutions around the world. Rockwell Automation is financially and strategically focused on helping manufacturers address the growing competitive pressures to reduce costs, conserve resources, improve productivity and reduce the time to market for material goods and services.


For example, the newly formed Global Manufacturing Solutions business will be a focal point of Rockwell Automation's core growth strategy. It will provide total cost of ownership solutions, such as asset and integration management and consulting services that will allow manufacturers to quickly respond to industry trends. The company has three major business units and 50% stake in the Rockwell Scientific Company.


First, Rockwell Automation Control Systems. The business is organized into three operating units: Components and Packaged Applications, Automation Control and Information Group and Global Manufacturing Solutions. These businesses provide a comprehensive suite of automation solutions along a value-added continuum that ranges from power and components to control and information platforms to global manufacturing solutions.


Second, Rockwell Automation Power System. The business is organized into two groups including, Dodge mechanical power transmission products and Reliance Electric industrial motors and drives found in every industry and commercial application. Reliance Electric and Dodge products have been powering industrial plants since the early 1900s, controlling machine movement and speed in some of the most demanding manufacturing environments.


Third, Rockwell FirstPoint Contact. It is a global provider of complete customer contact solutions that support multiple channels, including voice, e-mail, web, wireless and VoIP, through a unique open interaction infrastructure. The first to develop technology to help automate customer call centers, Rockwell FirstPoint Contact has a 30 year global reputation for reliability, dependability, on-time, on-budget delivery and superior customer service.


In addition to its business divisions, Rockwell Automation shares ownership of Rockwell Scientific Company with avionics and communications industry leader Rockwell Collins Operating from facilities in Thousand Oaks and Palo Alto, California. Rockwell Scientific Company conducts research on projects ranging from disruptive technologies intended to catalyze new business opportunities to technology application and transition.


单元18 中国信息行业2


Informatisation in China has achieved a good balance between speed and well-planned progression. In we look at the Internet, there are now over 10 million computers connected with nearly 30 million users. There are 3,600 licensed operators with over 260,000 Chinese websites.


If this trend continues, by the end of the year, there will be 61 million users, second only to the US. As one principle application of the Internet, e-commerce has seen good growth in China. Studies show that there are now over 1,100 e-commerce websites. In 2000, e-commerce sales reached 77.16 billion yuan.


It is estimated that in 2003, China will become the third largest on-line market in the Asia-Pacific with sales of over 56 billion US dollars. It is expected that in the next few years, the software and information service industries in China will maintain their growth rate of over 30%. To achieve that target, we face serious challenges. First, we must break through the bottleneck of band width.


We must accelerate the development of our R&D as well as our production capabilities with super capacity, advanced technology, flexibility as well as efficiency, and an economy of scale. We must achieve breakthroughs in application as well as integration, coordination and interactive sharing. Our priority has to be the transformation of traditional industries, driving forward informationsation on all fronts. The information industry in China forms the basis for informatisation. It is also part of the process.


In our understanding, informatisation refers to the use of modern information technology in agriculture, industry, science and technology and in society. Over several decades, we have built up a comprehensive information system that meets China's needs. We are continuing to drive forward informatisation in all fields, regions, enterprises and communities.


Our understanding of the importance of informatisation has reached a new level. China has made the informatisation its national strategy, encompassing the entire modernization programme. We declare that we want to drive industrialization and modernization with informatisation. We want to take the advantage of the fact that we are a new comer to make substantial improvements in our social productivity.


70% of the national priority enterprises have been connected to the Internet. Over 50% have set up an intranet connexion. Many companies such as Lenovo, Haier and Konka have started upgrading their management information systems. All this will help to improve the core competitiveness of China companies.


That was my introduction to China's information industry, its challenges and future direction. I hope it helps you to understand us. Now I'm happy to take your questions.

单元19 霍尔塞特公司 (英音)

Our reputation for engineering excellence has created a sound base for our future business. The Holset turbocharger is an intrinsic part of the modern diesel engine, delivering efficient combustion and high levels of power density reliably--mile after mile, hour after hour. We are clearly focused on the heavy-duty turbo-charger market, thereby committing our engineering resources to the specific product requirements of this key market sector.


With our continued investment in technology, people and facilities, the future of Holset has never looked so bright. We will continue to bring you integrated air handling solutions to the demanding requirements of tomorrow's medium and heavy duty diesel engines, and beyond .We pride ourselves on our industry-leading standards of customer care. Our worldwide aftersales activities are operated through a separate division known as Holset Service.


Wherever you are in the world we will provide you with a comprehensive range of replacement turbochargers and spare parts. Our service and distribution centers in the UK, Holland, Brazil and the USA supply 170 distributors in 70 countries, and are supported by the latest integrated computer systems for planning and controlling inventory. The network's technical capability and impressively fast response ensures the maximum up-time to keep our turbos and your engines running and running.


Holset recognizes the link between a skilled, trained and motivated workforce and the company's overall performance. In all areas of our activity--new products, manufacturing systems, technology, customer service and even our local communities--it is Holset people who make the difference. In encouraging these attitudes, Holset people can expect 5% of their time with the company to be spent on training. We provide the best working conditions, buildings and facilities.


Our system of team-based working is designed to bring out the best in our people in whose minds and hands the next generation of turbocharger technology will ultimately take shape. Holset has a proven track record in delivering outstanding technology solutions and bringing innovation to the turbocharger place. Our turbocharger specialists pursue an in-depth understanding of the fundamental elements that combine to produce world class turbochargers.


This expertise coupled with our comprehensive design criteria and development resources combine to create definitive turbocharger solutions. Since 1973 Holset has been owned by Cummins Inc. of Indiana USA, the world's largest producer of heavy-duty diesel engines. Backed by the resources of Cummins Inc. Holset turbochargers can invest in technology, people and facilities to bring turbocharger technology to the market place.


To support the growing Chinese market, in February 1996 Wuxi Holset was established. This is a joint venture between HOlset Turbochargers and Wuxi Power Engineering Co. Ltd. Wuxi Holset enjoys a leading position in MR turbos in the Chinese turbocharger market and serve an extensive customer base including leading Chinese truck manufacturers. They also have a strong and growing presence in the aftermarket.


Holset Turbochargers aim to improve the quality of life in local communities through donations, supporting activities of our employees, business/community partnerships and practices that encourage and support our employees in contributing their time and resources to this end. Our world-wide sites achieve this through community action committees representative of the entire workforce.


单元20 中国法制改革1


Today, I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to visit this historic and prestigious university, and to give a speech. Looking back over the past one hundred years, there have been tremendous developments and changes in the political, economic, social and legal spheres that were appropriate to the individual characteristics of our respective countries. After 20 years of reform, China has undergone a world of changes.


Today, I'd like to focus on the development of our legal system and our judicial reform. The rule of law in China has been developed in accordance with the individual characteristics of China. For over 20 years, in order to safeguard and facilitate reform and modernization, we have carried out political reforms along with economic reforms. We have also been working on our democratic legal system.


The People's Congress is the comer stone of the political system in China. The state administrative, judicial and procuratory organs at all levels are appointed by the Congress and accountable to it. This system suits China. It is the correct choice made by the Chinese people. At the second plenary session of the Ninth People's Congress, we approved the revised constitution. The rule of law, to develop a socialist country ruled by the law, has been written into the constitution as our basic strategy.


That was a milestone in the development of our legal system. It demonstrates China's commitment to the rule of law and its unequivocal attitude. It the past 20 years, we have achieved much in legislation. The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee have instigated 370 laws and decisions about the law. The central government formulated more than 800 national level administrative regulations. The local People's Congresses formulated over 7,000 bylaws and regulations.


In order to develop the socialist market economy, China has instigated Corporation Law, Guarantee Law, Negotiable Instruments Law, Securities Law, Contract Law and Sole Proprietor Enterprise Law. In order to develop socialist democratic politics, and to protect the lawful interests of citizens, we have revised the Criminal Law, Criminal Prosecution Law and the Law of the Organization of Village Councils. At the same time, we have instigated Administrative Reconsideration Law.


The Supreme People's Court has promulgated many judicial interpretations of procedural matters in prosecution. The formulation and implementation of the system is a major achievement in the reform of the judicial system in China. Generally speaking, we now have the initial framework of a socialist legal system based on our constitution. In accordance with the strategy of ruling the country by law, China is confident that it will have a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics by 2010.


China is a country of several legal traditions. After the return of Hong Kong and Macao, China successfully implemented the policy of "One Country, Two Systems". The Inland China uses the socialist system. Hong Kong and Macao continue with their previous social and economic systems, maintaining their way of life. Furthermore, there has been very little change to their legal systems. This has created a unique entity unseen anywhere else in the world.


To avoid clashes between legal systems, China has instigated, in conjunction with Hong King and Macao, a set of regulations aimed at resolving legal conflicts arising from different legal traditions. This has improved judicial communication and coordination across legal boundaries. It has also facilitated the implementation of the principles of "One Country, Two Systems", "Hong Kong Ruled by Hong Kong People" and "Macao Ruled by Macao People".

单元21 梅森律师事务所 (英音)

Welcome to Aylesbury Street. We are delighted to have the opportunity to talk to you this morning regarding some of the practical legal issues that we have come across on rail projects. We hope that this session can stimulate some useful discussions which we can continue over lunch, to which we have invited a number of our railway industry associates from differing businesses and organizations.


Masons and Rail. As a leading international construction and engineering law firm, Masons has a long and active involvement in providing advice to and working with members of the railway industry. Projects with which we have been associated include Hong Kong. We have provided advice to KCRC over many years, including advice on the development of the light rail scheme in the New Territories.


Channel Tunnel. We acted as advisor to the TML consortium regarding a wide range of issues arising from the construction of what is probably the greatest European civil engineering project of the last century. Malaysia. We have acted for the sponsors of the Kuala Lumpur light rails stem and associated infrastructure. Singapore. We worked with the contractor for the MRT system. Sough Africa. We are currently working with the government of the Gauteng/Johannesburg province in relation to the procurement of a new rail network using private-public partnership methods.

英法海底隧道:我们担任了TML财团的咨询顾问,就广泛的建设问题提供咨询,为这个很可能是上个世纪欧洲规模最大的建设工程项目作出了贡献。马来西亚:我们的客户是吉隆坡轻轨系统和相关基础设施的赞助者。新加坡:我们与MRT 系统的合同商合作。南非:我们正在帮助Gauteng、约翰内斯堡的省政府,策划购买一个新的铁路网络。通过采用公私伙伴关系的方式。

UK. We are perhaps the pre-eminent law firm in the light rail sector, having acted for the concession company on the Arrow Light Rail project in Nottingham in the Midlands, which is the first such scheme to reach financial close under the UK government's "private finance initiative", and we are currently active on the four other light rail schemes that have gone out to bidders.


Masons lawyers were involved in advising contractors on the major Jubilee Line Extension of London Underground, and we are currently advising on aspects of the LUL PPP scheme. Europe. Europe. Masons has worked on projects throughout Europe. We have acted for bankers in relation to the Barcelona metro, provided advice on private rail franchises in Scandinavia and are currently acting for the Irish governments' Railway Procurement Agency in the procurement of a metro system for Dublin.


Rail opportunities: As I am sure you are aware, these are very exciting times for those of us who work on rail projects. For example, in United Kingdom, the government has announced that it proposes to invest £6 billion in the rail sector over the next 10 years. In many countries, much of the infrastructure that is being used dates back to the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century and needs replacing.


There are many projects under way at present in the United Kingdom and further field to up-date out-dated technology in the field of signaling and control systems, track geometry, rolling stock and so on. In the wider context, the demand to reduce the harmful environmental effects of private vehicle use is leading to demands for a "modal shift" to public transportation, and we are seeing increasing numbers of schemes being drawn up for light rail systems, tramways, guided buses and metros.


Rail challenges: From both a technological and legal perspective, rail projects can produce bigger challenges than almost any other type of infrastructure projects. The next hour or so, my partner Jon Hart will be speaking about particular issues that they see as fundamental, including funding and financing aspects of rail projects as well as design, construction and some operational issues. There will also be time for questions.

铁路的挑战:从技术和法律角度看,铁路项目带来的挑战会超过任何其他形式的基础设施项目。在接下来一小时左右的时间里,我的合伙人Jon Hart将谈谈他们认为具有根本性质的几个特别问题,其中包括铁路项目的资金来源和融资,还有设计、建设和一些操作上的问题。然后还有时间提问题。

单元22 中国法制改革2


As our legal system continues to develop, our courts are improving, too. The People's Courts are playing an increasingly important role in the social life of our country. We carry out duties bestowed on us by the Constitution and the law. We fight serious crimes. We protect the life and property of the people. We create the social conditions for economic development. We use the law to punish those who sabotage the order of the market economy.


The People's Courts maintain order in the market economy, crack down on embezzlement and briber, punish corruption, handle civil, economic and administrative cases, balance economic relations, resolving social conflicts, and upholding social justice. The People's Courts pass fair judgments in social conflicts and disputes, and have become an indispensable part of our economic development and social life.


China has promulgated the Law on Judges. This is a major event in our legal development. The Law on Judges has established the status and duties of judges in China for the first time. It has clarified the rights and obligations of judges, and specified management principles and systems relating to judges. It has laid the foundation for future development of the judge system in China.


The Supreme People's Court of China is meeting the State's request to drive forward judicial reform. In accordance with the Constitution and such statutes as Prosecution Law, we have increased our efforts to rationalize the management system of our courts. We have now implemented central management and coordination by the Senior People's Courts. We have established the system of People's Jurors. It is now all above board.


Judges across the country have abandoned the old uniform, and now wear black robes with red lapels and a neckline decorated with a yellow band in court. This keeps with the times. It symbolizes the progress of democratic legal development in China. The Supreme People's Court has issues regulations of legal aid, a sign that the legal aid system in China is moving from inception towards maturity.


These are major steps forward in our judicial reform. It has brought momentum to the development of our democratic legal system. We are confident that we will have a socialist trial mechanism and an organizational system that is fairer, corruption free, more efficient and more civilized, with Chinese characteristics. China's experience has proven that the rule of law is the only way forward for a modern society.


Without the rule of law, a nation can't prosper and people won't be happy. Without the rule of law, there will not be long-term order and security. China has clearly stated its goal is to be the development of socialist democratic politics, a country ruled by law, and the development of a socialist country ruled by law. In order to meet the requirements of economic reform and modernization, we will continue to drive forward the reform of our political system.


We will strengthen our democratic legal system, carry forward the judicial reform, implement laws to the letter, and uphold judicial justice. There is great prospect in the development of our legal system and judicial reform. We have an excellent foundation for friendly exchanges between the legal and judicial professions of our two countries. The legal and judicial profession in China wishes to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with colleagues in your country, and to make new contributions to the friendly cooperation between our two countries.

单元23 万能工具公司 (美音)

Universal Instruments is a global electronics productivity specialist, providing innovative circuit, semiconductor, and back-end assembly technologies and equipment, integrated system solutions, and process expertise to manufacturers in every sector of the electronics industry. A subsidiary of Dover Corporation, which is listed in the New York Exchange, Universal Instruments is headquartered in Binghamton, New York.


Universal Instruments is a multinational company with sales, service, product training, and parts distribution locations throughout the world. In addition, the corporation operates manufacturing facilities in both Binghamton, New York, and Shekou, China. Universal Instruments employs more than 1,100 people and operates in more than 30 countries. All Universal employees worldwide operate under a common mission: to be a global supplier of automated electronic assembly technology, equipment, and support through product innovation and enhancement of customer productivity.


Universal Instrument traces its roots to the Universal Instruments and Metal Company, a safety pin manufacturer founded in 1919. Through time, the company discontinued safety pin production and made a transition to a machining and tool and die business. By controlling costs during the Great Depression, Universal continued to grow through World War II, when the company's tool and die talents were pressed to meet the needs of the state's small arms manufacturers.


This work continued until the 1950s, when Universal entered the electronics assembly equipment manufacturing industry. Universal first built electronic circuit assembly equipment for through hole components in the 1960s. In the early 1990s Universal developed a modular platform concept and shipped its first platform-based surface mount technology machines in 1993.


With an installed base of several thousand machines, Universal's GSM Platform is widely accepted an has evolved into an industry standard. Today, Universal Instruments is regarded as a leading manufacturer of electronic assembly equipment. Universal Instruments offers a robust and flexible line of products to meet virtually all your circuit assembly equipment needs. Combined with our direct service and support, Universal is well positioned to be your full line supplier.


We use these products, in addition to our process expertise, to help you meet your challenges. Universal Instruments provides industry-leading support and services worldwide to help our customers achieve maximum efficiency and productivity. Indeed, Universal Instruments is considered to have developed and deployed the most comprehensive service infrastructure in the industry. We combine that infrastructure with a team of skilled, dedicated employees who are committed to providing the best service possible.


At Universal Instruments, we expect service to become an increasingly significant competitive differentiator as the sophistication of manufacturing processes increases. Changes in customer demographics are placing increasing demands on our global customers as new and used machines find their way into environs with inexperienced or limited support infrastructure. With this in mind, you can be sure Universal Instruments takes its service commitment very seriously.


At our technology day road shows, being scheduled in locations throughout the world during 2003, you can look forward to meeting members of Universal's team who are eager to help you develop an assembly solution that not only meets, but surpasses your manufacturing goals. What is more, Universal experts can help solve process issues, service and training concerns, and ultimately, work with you as a partner to ensure your success. Our first show will take place on Wednesday, at the Rosen Plaza in Orlando, Florida.

我们的巡回技术展览预定于2003年在世界各地举行。届时,大家可以会见万能工具公司的成员,他们热心于帮助你们发展组装解决方案,不仅要满足,而且要超出你们的制造生产目标。不仅如此,万能工具公司的专家们还能够帮助解决流程问题,解决服务和培训上的问题,而且最终与你们一起确保你们的成功。我们的巡回展览的第一站是星期三,在佛罗里达的奥兰多的Rosen Plaza。

单元24 北京开发区介绍


The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area is very well located. We have the Capital behind us, the Bo Sea in front, and the Jingjintang Motorway to the east. It takes only 30 minutes to drive to the Capital's International Airport. 10 minutes to the city, 15 minutes to the Beijing Railway Cargo Station, and one and half hours to the Tianjin New Port.


The Area was established in August 1994. It is the only national level development area in Beijing approved by the State Council. We have the same authority to approve projects as the municipal government of Beijing. We have a management system of international standards.


Under the leadership of the People's Government of the City of Beijing and the Management Committee of the Area, we have taken full advantage of the preferential policies and achieved impressive results. There are already multinational companies from the US, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Canada and Holland, settling down in our area.


The first phase of the Beijing Development Area covers 15 square kilometers. It has been well planned. There is a golf course to the east, Liangshui River to the west, and a green belt, one kilometer wide to the north. Within the Area, there is an industrial zone in the east, a residential area in the west, and an area for public utilities in-between.


In addition, there is a 143 square kilometers support area, providing ample space for future development. We now have a good mix of companies in pharmaceutical manufacturing, information technology, in opto-mechatronics as well as in new materials. We are very pleased with the way things are going.


Currently, there are 963 companies in the Area with total investment of 3.54 billion US dollars. Among them, there are 269 of the three types, and 33 from the world's top 500, with a combined investment of nearly 2.7 billion dollars. Their registered capital was just under 2.37 billion dollars. There are 694 Chinese companies with a combined registered capital of just under 6.9 billion RMB.


In the next few years we will continue to take strong measures to improve the investment environment, to develop new competitive advantages, and to make our area a happy home for hi-tech and new-tech companies, multinationals, and large-scale backbone industrial enterprises.


We have been pursuing the policy of ecological and sustainable development. Many of our environmental indicators are better than in the city itself. To ensure the quality of the environment, we set our goal as "attracting investment by being green, staying green through investment". Within our area, we have green grass, blossoming flowers, clean air and a truly lvely environment.

单元25  Enviros环保公司(英音)

Enviros was founded in 1995 and brought together a number of consultancies with a track record of performance in the environmental field, including Aspinwall, March and Quantisci. Enviros has over 350 people in ten offices in the UK, one office in the Irish Republic, two offices in mainland Europe and one office in Canada. Through partner organizations we extend globally, with active projects on every continent.


Enviros is managed on cross-office basis in line with our market facing divisions. Each division is headed by a director and, together with Dave Murphy, Jeff Iliffe and the four support service directors--Finance, HR, IT and Marketing, make up Enviros' senior management team. Each division is then divided up into groups and the teams reflecting our ideas of expertise. A team typically consists of 5 to 10 consultants.

Enviros实行跨办事处管理,按照面对市场的部门划分。每个部门都由一位董事领导,另外,Dave Murphy, Jeff Iliff和四位支持服务部门的董事,即财务、人事、信息技术和市场推广董事,组成了高层经理队伍。每个部门分成小组,小组分成团队,反映出我们的专长。团队的典型人数是5~10名咨询人员。

Enviros offers a comprehensive package of expertise in business strategy, economics, energy engineering and management, feasibility studies, design and project management, training and specialist software to enable clients to comply with laws and regulations. We help clients to meet climate-change-related requirements of legislation and key performance criteria as well as deliver significant cost savings.


We work with clients and their financial intermediaries to assess the environmental assets and liabilities of a business. We cover all the main regional finance centers in the UK, and through our membership of the CAT Alliance, we can offer advice in more than 50 countries for cross border deals. We are an associate member of the British Venture Capital Association and, with the CAT Alliance, a member of the European Venture Capital Association.


Sustainable waste management requires organizations to design products that use fewer materials; use processes that produce less waste; put waste to good use through re-use, recycling, composting and using waste as fuel; and to choose products made from recycled materials. In waste and resources management, Enviros provides strategic, technical and economic solutions throughout the UK, Ireland and the rest of Europe.


We have an enviable record of the environmental management of land and water assets for major landholders. With an increasing need to regenerate "brown field" sites, a solutions-based approach to land and water resources has created an unrivalled reputation in the field of contaminated land, redevelopment and its associated disciplines. Decisions on environmental protection require knowledge of how potential hazards would be affected by changes in management practices.


With respect to storage and disposal facilities for radio-active and other hazardous wastes, it is crucial to understand how contaminants move through the geosphere and how long-term performance of disposal facilities can be affected by geological and climatic changes over time. Alongside its UK offices, the group has an office in Barcelona which serves the main local and international waste management agencies as well as key industrial multinational companies.


The team in Barcelona provide chemical and geochemical, hydrological and geological, environmental assessment and software application capabilities, and apply these to a range of radioactive and industrial waster management, soil and ground water pollution problems and environmental management related issues. A major project the Barcelona teams have contributed to is the Epicenter Project to improve environmental performance in organizations across the EU.


单元26 上海招商介绍


Shanghai is on the tip of the Yangtze Delta, in the middle of China's coastline running down from the north to the south. It is very well located. Shanghai averages about 4 meters above sea level. It has a tropical monsoon climate, with four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall. The third largest island in China, the Chongming Island, is within Shanghai's territory.


Shanghai has grown from about 636.18 square kilometers in 1949 to about 6,340 square kilometers today. Its population has grown from 5.2 million in 1949 to about 13.27 million today. Shanghai is striving towards its goal of becoming a modern, international metropolitan city. It is China's window to the world and a powerhouse of the Chinese economy.


After the reform and opening up, Shanghai's economy has maintained rapid growth. In 2001, its GDP was 495 billion yuan. Its per capita GDP broke through 4,500 US dollars barrier. It handled 221 million tons of cargo. It exported 276 million US dollars worth of goods and services. It brought in 199.56 billion yuan of tax revenue and invested 198.43 billion yuan in fixed assets. Its GDP growth has been at over 10% a year for 10 consecutive years.


Shanghai is responsible for one twelfth of China's industrial output, one tenth of cargo handling, a quarter of imports and exports, and one eighth of the tax revenue. Shanghai has been making substantial contributions to the modernization of China.


Shanghai is an international city with excellent transport links. It has airline routes to 59 cities in the world, 14 international sea routes. There are 2 international airports and it has the biggest port in China, linking up with over 1,100 ports in over 200 countries and regions. There are nearly one hundred railway lines. Shanghai's excellent transport links have benefited its relationship with the rest of the world.


Shanghai leads China with its modern education system. There are 32 institutions of higher education, 37 adult colleges, 5 senior trade and technical colleges and 267 mid-range trade and technical schools. In the Tenth Five Year Plan, Shanghai will continue to improve its lifelong learning system, accelerate the training and gathering of talents, in order to build up a large pool of human resources.


Shanghai is a highly developed financial city. The People's Bank of China, the Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Construction Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China and the Communication Bank of China all have branches in Shanghai. Together with the share dealing networks, they are everywhere. It is particularly worth mentioning here that many foreign banks have set up branches and offices in Shanghai.


Shanghai has an excellent investment environment and excellent policies, covering dozens of sectors in more than ten industries. There are also concessions for products that are solely destined for export. In order to encourage foreign investment, if you invest in large projects that take a long time to recover investment, for example in the construction and operation of energy and transport infrastructures, you will be entitled to special concessions in addition to the benefits enjoyed by foreign investors.

单元27 富戴劳公司(英音)

In 1884 Joseph and Jules Fuerst established in London an international trading company. It traded as Fuerst Brothers until 1957 when it was acquired by Mrs. Eileen Day Lawson. Trading thereafter as Fuerst Day Lawson the company prospered and expanded into many of the fields covered by the present Group.

1884年,Joseph和Jules Fuerst在伦敦成立了一家国际贸易公司。以富尔斯特兄弟为名营业到1957年,然后被戴•劳森太太收购。收购后,以富尔斯特•戴•劳森为名,公司繁荣发展,扩展到现有集团经营的许多领域。

Organic growth was supplemented by the acquisition of other trading companies in related product areas including Union Merchants Overseas in 1968, Fox Roy Merchants and R. Verney in 1972 and J. C. Duffus in 1978. During the 1980's separate trading identities were created. An increasing involvement in fruit juices led to the formation of Fuerst Day Lawson Citrus and was followed by moves into generic pharmaceuticals, food additives and honey.

自我增长之外,我们还收购了其他相关产品领域的贸易公司,其中包括1968年收购联合海外商品公司,1972年收购Fox Roy商品公司和R. Verney公司,1978年收购J.C.Duffus公司。80年代,建立了不同的贸易品牌。果汁方面的业务越来越多,于是成立了富尔斯特•戴•劳森柑橘公司,接着进入普通医药、食品添加剂和蜂蜜行业。

In 1984 more open policies in China encouraged a substantial development of the Group's business with the world's most populous country and a representative office in Shanghai was opened. In 1987 and after 14 years in the business, Maurice Day Lawson became Group Chief Executive and the majority shareholder. In 1992 the Group acquired part of the activities of the London Export Corporation, adding a liaison office in Beijing to its existing office in Shanghai.


By the end of 1996 annual sales exceeded 220 million US dollars. Following significant growth it was decided in 1997 to simplify the operational and trading structure of the Group into divisions under the Fuerst Day Lawson name. The Holding Company, Fuerst Day Lawson Holdings Ltd, provides strategic direction and other services to its subsidiary companies. Its principal subsidiary, Fuerst Day Lawson Ltd, comprises six specialist divisions.


While each division has its own logistics department providing contract administration, it can also draw on Group services. These include the Group's leverage in the international freight market, giving competitive costs of carriage, and a tracking system which can identify the location of a single container and determine its shipment and arrival time to within 24 hours. The Group also provides centralized computer and communications services supported by a team of Information Technology experts.


The key to FDL's success is its people, skills, knowledge and experience. Over 50% of the account executives and directors have been with the Group for more than ten years. The successful selection, development and training of personnel is critical to FDL's ability to provide a high standard of service to its customers and to respond t otheir needs. The Group therefore provides bonus, profit share and incentive schemes to aid staff motivation, to strengthen personal commitment and to build teams which embrace with enthusiasm both personal and corporate objectives.


As a market leader, FDL is able to attract quality staff. It actively seeks out those who are energetic, persistent, and sensitive to other nations' cultures and good communicator. The FDL account executive is enthusiastic, committed and ready to board an airplane at a moment's notice to manage the consequences of floods and droughts, local politics and customs, and the complexities of currencies and rising markets in order to deliver security to FDL customers 365 days a year.


Individual training programmes are regularly monitored and updated to ensure that staff widen their knowledge of trading, business and management practices. Staff als are encouraged to keep abreast of innovations in the markets in which they operate. Investment in the development of personnel at all levels is one of the processes which enables FDL to maintain a high quality service for its customers and to ensure its own continued success and growth.


单元28 广东招商介绍


I'm delighted to have the opportunity today to be here with you and to talk about economic and trade relationships I'd like to tell you about the economic development in Guangdong, and our strategy and plans for the future. I hope this will help you to understand Guangdong better.


Guangdong is at the southern end of China, covering an area of 178,000 square kilometers, with a population of over 77 million. We are next to the South China Sea, close to Hong Kong and Macao SARs, with a large population of overseas Chinese. We have an abundant supply of talents, excellent external communications and a long history in foreign trade. Our contact with the outside world is multi-leveled and multi-dimensional.


After 20 years of reform and opening up, Guangdong has developed from a relatively backward border province, to one of the most developed economies in China. Our GPD grew from 18.5 billion yuan in 1978 to 1055 billion yuan in 2001, a 57-fold increase. Our tax revenue increased by over 15 folds, consumption 39.6 times, savings 428.8 times, savings 428.8 times.


By the end of 2..1, we had invested over 40 billion yuan in the urban infrastructure. Our water supply capacity was more than 2.37 million cubic meters per day. There were 868.94 kilometers of new roads in the city and 135 new bridges. Our gas utilization had reached 93.93%. Our green coverage was 33.73%. Guangzhou has been awarded the title of "International Garden City" by the International Garden Association.


Guangdong has come a long way in its infrastructure development. It's number one in China in highways, motorways, passenger and cargo transport. In 2001, we invested 27 billion yuan in our transport system, developed many roads, routes, stations, ports and docks. We have 51 class-one ports and 99 class-two ports.


In terms of foreign trade, our total exports in 2001 stood at 176.495 billion US dollars. We have seen steady growth in our traditional export market, and initial results in our newly developed markets. Our exports to the US, EU and Japan have been increasing steadily. Our exports to Africa, ASEAN, India and Russia have been growing even faster.


Guangdong takes environmental protection very seriously. In 2001, we invested in the project of "three concurrencies". The rate of implementation has been 97.8%. 99.8% of the development projects have done their environmental impact assessment as required. 5 counties of the province have been included in a pilot project to establish National Ecological Demonstration Areas. The quantitative assessment of the integrated improvement of urban environments has now been extended to cover 52 municipalities.


Guangdong has decided on its blueprint for reform and development in the new century. The core components are the strategy of an externally driven economy, science and education led, and sustainable development. The strategy will be embodied mainly in the priority given to science and technology, and to education. We need to attract a large number of technical and other types of talents to Guangdong, to integrate technology and production, to make hi-tech and new-tech industry the priority area of growth in our economy development.

单元29 惠普公司(美音)

It all began in the garage and a pie shop. In 1939, Stanford University classmates Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP. The company's first product, built in a Palo Alto garage, was an audio oscillator--an electronic test instrument used y sound engineers. One of HP's first customers was Walt Disney Studios, which purchased eight oscillators to develop and test an innovative sound system for the movie, "Fantasia". Compaq Computer Corporation was formed after a 1982 meeting in a Houston, Texas, pie shop.


Together, employees in the new HP share a passion for customer, an intense focus on teamwork, speed and agility, and a commitment to trust and respect for all individuals. Today, HP is a leading global provider of products, technologies, solutions and services to consumers and business. The company's offerings span IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services, and imaging and printing.


Our $4 billion annual research and development investment fuels the invention of products, solutions and new technologies so we can better serve customers and enter new markets. We invent, engineer and deliver technology solutions that drive business value, create social value and improve the lives of our customers. Since our first year in business in 1939, HP has given back to the communities in which we do business, in the form of philanthropic donations of technology, money and time.


While the scale and reach of our business has changed during the past 60 years, our commitment hasn't. The challenge is to continue to shape the impact of corporations as a constructive force, using our heritage and our actions as tools for doing so. Today, we're employing new models of engagement and new business and technology solutions to enable more people to participate in the world economy, via information technology.


HP has four core business groups. Enterprise Systems Group. ESG focuses on providing the key technology components of enterprise IT infrastructure to enhance business agility, including enterprise storage, servers, management software and a variety of solutions. Imaging and Printing Group. HP is the leading provider of printing and imaging solutions for both business and consumers.


IPG includes printer hardware, all-in-ones, digital imaging devices such as cameras and scanners, and associated supplies and accessories. It also is expanding into the commercial printing market. HP Services. HP Services is a premier global IT services team. It offers guidance, know-how and a comprehensive portfolio of services to help customers realize measurable business value from their IT investment.


Personal System Group. PSG focuses on providing simple, reliable and affordable personal-computing solutions and devices for home and business use, including desktop and notebook PCs, workstations, thin clients, smart handhelds and personal devices. In addition to the four business groups, HP Labs provides a central research function for the company. HP Labs is focused on inventing new technologies that change markets and create business opportunities.


The May 2002 merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Computer Corporation forged a dynamic, powerful team of 140,000 employees with capabilities in 160 countries and doing business in 43 currencies and 15 languages. Revenues for the combined companies were $72 billion for the fiscal year that ended October 31, 2002. Chairman and CEO Carly Fiorina leads HP, which has corporate headquarters in Palo Alto, California.


单元30 福建招商介绍


Firstly, I'd like to give you a general introduction to Fujian. Then, I'll talk about the main activities of our future plans. Fujian is one of the priority development areas of China. It is along the southeast coast of China, bordering Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Guangdong. It faces Taiwan across the sea. It is one of the closest provinces to Southeast Asia.


Fujian is an important gateway between China and the rest of the world. Fujian has a mild and humid climate. Temperatures average 17-21 degrees centigrade. The average rainfall is 1,400--2,000mm. Fujian covers an area of 120,140 square kilometers. It has 22 deep ports where ten-thousand-ton docks can be built.


In the year 2000, Fujian's population stood at 34.7 million. Fujian is well-known as the home for overseas Chinese. It is also the ancestor land for people in Taiwan. More than 8 million overseas Chinese as well as 80% of the people in Taiwan can trace their roots back to Fujian. Fujian has a long coastline of more than 3,300 kilometers with over 1,400 islands both large and small.


The East China Sea and the South China Sea converge off the coast of Fujian, a subtropical zone with rich fishing resources. 125,000 square kilometers of sea are suitable for fishing. 2,700 square kilometers of sea are suitable for seafood farming. There are over 500 species of fish. Fujian is one of the main fishing areas in China.


Fujian has very rich underground water resources. There are over 100 hot springs. Most hold warm water at between 40-60 degrees centigrade. Fujian has one of the four largest forests in China, with over 6 million hectares of forest and nearly 400 million cubic meters of timber reserve. Its timber output is number 3 in China. Its forest coverage is 52.4%, number one in China.


Between 1978 and 1998, there was fundamental change in Fujian's economy and social development. Its economic strength improved substantially. GDP rose from number 23 in 1978 to number 11 now. Per capita GDP rose from number 22 to number 6.


The people in both urban and rural areas have seen their incomes increase and their standards of living improve. Fujian is opening up deeper and wider to the outside world. It has special economic zones, open cities along the coast, economic and technological development zones, investment zones for Taiwanese business, tax exemption zones and hi-tech parks. This is truly multi-level and multi-dimensional development.


We have developed a market economy in line with international practices. To enable Fujian to benefit fully, and to attract foreign investment, the Chinese government holds China's only inward investment and trade fair in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

单元31 国际发展援助(英音)

DFID's overarching objective is the elimination of global poverty. Despite remarkable progress over the last twenty years, there are still large numbers of poor people in China--approximately 200 million--who live in abject poverty, on a daily consumption level of less than 1 dollar per day.


Relatively recently, China has undergone fundamental changes from a centrally planned economy to one which embraces market forces; and from a largely rural based society to an increasingly urban one. Although rapid economic development has dramatically reduced the numbers of poor people, inequality has increased, especially between the more affluent coastal eastern regions and the poorer inland western regions.


The commitment of the Government of China and their strong track record in poverty reduction makes DFID confident that it can work effectively with the Government and key partners to further reduce poverty; and to make progress towards a set of internationally agreed development goals.


DFID's Country Strategy Paper for China and further details of our project portfolio are available via the Internet. Our Country Strategy Paper explains how DFID aims to contribute to progress towards the Millennium Develo9pment Goals in China, and provides a basis to measure progress. We are hoping to complete an updated version of the Country Strategy Paper by mid-2002.


The China Programme is about to enter a period of expansion. Depending on the availability of resources it is hoped the programme will expand from £25 2001/2 to around £60 in 2004/5. The principal activities of the programme are outlined below.


Human Development. DFID work in this area focuses primarily on the fields of education and health: In education, the current programme supports improvement in basic education and skills for development. In Gansu Province, our programme focuses on increasing access to education for poor boys and girls and minorities; and on improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching in poor counties.


We are developing a partnership with the World Bank and Chinese Government which supports similar objectives for basic education in more provinces. The final details for this co-financed project, through which DFID grant funds will be blended with World Bank loan funds, have yet to be confirmed, but the DFID contribution is expected to be between £35m-£55m.


We are entering into a partnership with the All-China Women's Federation (DFID contribution: £2m) which focuses o improving the skills and promoting the rights of women and girls. DFID is also developing teacher training projects in the poorer western provinces. This is a Distance Learning Project and is worth £4m.


单元32 辽宁招商介绍


Liaoning is in the southern part of Northeast China. We have Hebei Province in the southwest via the Shanhai Pass, Inner Mongolia in the northwest, Jilin Province in the northeast and North Korea in the southeast, across a river. Liaoning covers an area of 147,500 square kilometers, with a population of 42.38 million. It is in the monsoon zone with plenty of sunshine and a mild climate.


Liaoning has rich agricultural, mineral, tourist and marine resources. We produce large quantities of crops in the central region, and large quantities of fruits in the southwest. Over 100 types of mineral ores have been discovered. Liaoning Province was the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty. We have the Shenyang "Forbidden City" and the Three Tombs from the early Qing Dynasty. Liaoning has a coastline of 2,920 kilometers with 50,000 square kilometers of exploitable sea close to land.


Liaoning is a heavy industrial centre in China. In 2001, our GDP was 503.31 billion RMB, averaging 11,876 yuan per person. We have a hundred years of industrial history. Total output is 355.697 billion yuan. Agriculture is spread out in 4 regions. In 2001, the total value of output from agriculture, forestry, husbandry and fishing was 104.56 billion yuan. Township enterprises are a new powerhouse, contributing 167.16 billion yuan to the economy in 2001.


Liaoning is strong in scientific research. We have a whole range of science and research institutions, with a fairly balanced portfolio of capabilities. We are fairly strong in project research and in development. There are 962 research and development organizations working in a variety of fields, 10 national priority laboratories, 16 national engineering research centers, and more than 1.5 million specialists and technicians. The hi-tech and new-tech industries in Liaoning generate output to the value of 128.1 billion yuan.


Liaoning has excellent transport systems. There are 6 trunk railway lines and 29 branch lines. We have over 2,000 kilometers of motorway. Every city is linked by a motorway. Every village is linked by a tarmac road. We have 10 ports with 150 berths, capable of handling 110 million tons of cargo. We have 6 airports, of which 2 are international airports serving 114 domestic routes and 13 international routes.


Liaoning's international relations are led by senior officials, using many different means. It is wide ranging and has generated good results. Since 2000, we have received heads of state or government from Russia, Germany, North Korea, India, the UAE, Australia, Japan, the EU and Italy. Liaoning is twinned with 78 cities in 22 countries and regions.


In recent years, Liaoning has maintained steady growth in its foreign economic relationship and export. It has over 22,000 inward investment ventures from over 50 countries and regions, with a total investment of 25 billion US dollars. It has 310 projects with an investment of 5 million US dollars.


Liaoning's education, culture and sports are all blossoming. There are 38,738 schools, colleges, and universities with 9.78 million students. There are 9 national priority subject areas, 8 national priority laboratories. Sports are crowned with glory. Liaoning has 50 world champions and 104 Asian champions. More than 20 million people regularly participate in physical exercise.

单元33 国际发展援助2 (英音)

HIV/AIDS is a major concern in China. DFID is helping to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS by strengthening capacity in HIV/AIDS planning and policy development at national and provincial levels. The HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Project will spend £15.3m over 5 years and aims to develop replicable models of prevention, treatment and care. The two focus provinces are Yunnan and Sichuan.


DFID has designed, with Chinese counterparts and the World Bank, a major programme in TB prevention and control, recognizing that TB is primarily a disease of the poor. This blended finance project is worth US $104m over 7 years. DFID's contribution is approximately £28m. The environment. Protection of the environment is directly relevant to the livelihoods and well being of poor people. It has clear implications for sustainable development and wider global concerns.


DFID supports environmental management in a number of ways. The Yunnan Environmental Development Programme in Yunnan Province assists the provincial government to prepare and implement pro-poor, environmentally sustainable development plans. The Water Sector Development Programme aims to assist the introduction of sustainable water resource management, and rural water and sanitization. Here, DFID's contribution is £6.9m over 3 years.


The Water Equity Project is worth £5m over 4 years. It is working towards reforming the management of small-scale rural water facilities. The reform process is participatory, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable in order to maximize the benefits to poor farmers, particularly women. In another collaboration with the World Bank, DFID is working to improve the farming conditions, with focus on poverty reduction, spending up to £5m over 4 years.


This project is due to start in August 2002. DFID is providing technical support to the Chinese government in their review of the national Water Law. And DFID supports the Environmental Economics Working Group of the China Council for International Co-operation on Environment and Development. The aim here is to help China to integrate environmental considerations into development policies and planning.


DFID is also working with the World Bank and Global Environmental Facility to improve energy efficiency in China. This initiative will help to decrease the growth of greenhouse gas emissions and associated global impacts, and contribute towards sustainable development. Social and economic reform. Support to State Owned Enterprise reform is a central theme. A three-year SOE reform project addresses two main issues: enterprise restructuring and enterprise development.


The project is located in Sichuan and Liaoning provinces. DFID contribution is £19m. The enterprise restructuring element will develop models fro the survival of enterprises which would otherwise be liquidated, thereby saving jobs and reducing social dislocation in the long term. The enterprise development element is designed to help absorb labor laid ff by the process of SOE reform through providing support to small enterprises. In recent years there have recorded much faster growth than the SOE sector.


As additional support to pro-poor private sector development, DFID works with the International Finance Corporation in implementing a private sector development project in Sichuan Province. The International Finance Corporation--China Project Development Facility will see DFID spend £2.1m over 3 years. A pilot project focusing on the provision of unemployment insurance is expected to reduce urban poverty in six counties through the establishment of social security safety nets.


单元34 江西招商介绍


Jiangxi is in the southeast of China with Fujian to the east, Guangdong to the south, Hunan to the west and Zhejiang, Anhui and Hubei to the north. Jiangxi covers an area of 166,900 square kilometers with a population of 41.398 million. We have a mild climate, plenty of rainfall, and an excellent eco-environment. 59.7% of our land is covered by forests. We are among the best regions in China.


Jiangxi has rich natural resources. There are over 4,000 species of seed plants, over 600 species of vertebrates, more than 140 mineral ores and over 100 hot springs. Underground water exploitation averages 6.8 billion cubic meters a year. We potentially have 6.1 million kilowatts of hydroelectric power to be exploited. We generate 21.561 billion kilowatt-hour of electricity. There are over 2,400 rivers in Jiangxi.


Our economy has maintained good growth. In 2001, our GDP was 217.6 billion yuan. In agriculture, we have crops, edible oil, vegetables, pigs, oranges and fresh water fish. We are an important agricultural province in China. We have automobile, mechanical, electronic, chemical, metallurgical and construction material industries as well as food processing, textile and pharmaceutical capabilities. Some of our industrial products are either close to, or already among the best in China.


Jiangxi continues to boost its investment in hydroelectric power, energy, transport and telecommunications infrastructure. We have completed a large number of "backbone projects", substantially improving our infrastructure. The Jingjiu Railway that was opened in 1996 runs through 26 counties, cities and regions in Jiangxi. It extends more than 700 kilometers throughout our province. Jiangxi has several motorways as well as 4 civil aviation airports.


We are driving forward our strategy of "Developing Jiangxi with Science and Education" and increasing our investment in education year by year. There are now 32 institutions of higher education with 196,455 undergraduates, 151,036 junior vocational school students, and over 10,307 senior vocational school students. Our cultural sector is developing healthily. We have 78 performing arts groups, 113 cultural centers, 104 public libraries, 81 museums, and 12 television channels.


In terms of economy and trade, the consumption market remains steady and good. Retail is worth a total of 76.33 billion yuan a year. The total value of imports and exports stands at 1.53 billion US dollars. There are 2,284 companies of the "three types" and 169 foreign investment companies. The total investment utilized stands at 540 million US dollars.


We are much more aware of environmental protection and are doing more in this area. We have made considerable progress. There are now 69 smoke and dust control areas covering 419 square kilometers. There are 51 areas where noise has been reduced to the required level, benefiting a total area of 237 square kilometers. We have 13 nationally approved ecological demonstration areas, 57 nature reserves, of which 3 are national level ones.


People's welfare and social security. Our population has been growing very slowly. The income of residents in urban areas continues to rise, averaging 5,506 yuan a year. The income of the rural population averages 2.231 yuan a year. We have largely stable employment and reemployment. We have made considerable progress in our social welfare development. We welcome you to Jiangxi to invest, to set up factories and to develop your business.

单元35 Interpublic集团 (美音)

Interpublic is more than a company; it's a concept--a group of commonly owned but autonomous advertising and communications services enterprises. They include such industry leaders as McCann Erickson World group, FCB Group, a new global marketing resource called The Partnership, and the Advanced Marketing Services Group. Interpublic is a truly global company in a fast-moving global economy, prepared to serve its multi-national clients as well as regional and local businesses in markets everywhere.

Interpublic不仅是一个公司,而且是一个概念——一组既不属于同一集团,又是自治的广告和沟通服务企业。其中包括行业领先的McCann Erickson环球集团。FCB集团,一个以“伙伴关系”命名的全球市场推广新资源,和高级市场推广服务集团。Interpublic是个名副其实的全球公司,在快速发展的全球经济中,随时准备在任何市场为跨国客户和区域以及当地企业服务。

Interpublic values its nearly 60,000 employees, who work for Interpublic agencies in approximately 130 countries. They are responsible for anticipating and satisfying client needs--and, hence, for Interpublic's success. Interpublic's stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol IPG. The beginning of the Interpublic Group of Companies dates to the turn of the twentieth century, with the birth of the Alfred W. Erickso Agency in 1902 and the H.K. McCann Company in 1911.


In 1930, the two agencies merged to form McCann-Erickson, the genesis of an advertising powerhouse that would later encompass a myriad of agencies and reach around the globe. Interpublic joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1971. In the decades since, we have carefully added building block after building block to our organization, offering clients the strength and consolidated resources of a major holding company and the personal attention and individual creativity of the agencies and communications specialists that comprise its family.


Center for Marketing Intelligence. Today's Center for Marketing Intelligence (CMI) is a unique research entity that provides the Interpublic Group companies with fast, accurate and complete information about the U.S. market. CMI's research covers a broad spectrum of product and service categories and advertising and marketing subjects. CMI has extensive resources to develop its vital research.


CMI's 20-person staff responds to individual company requests for analysis of markets and trends to assist in gaining new business and servicing existing clients. CMI briefings to clients of Interpublic Group companies encompass category trends, brand shares and trends analysis, brand positions and advertising, new products and outlooks. CMI will also take on special assignments for Interpublic Group companies, including workshops and seminars on special topics.


Strategic Ventures Group. The Interpublic Group of Companies is committed to a consistent mission: helping clients build brands and businesses and strengthening relationships with customers via its range of advertising, marketing and communications services. The Strategic Ventures Group is committed to connecting strategic resources to our clients. We've established close relationships with many of the innovative leaders within our companies who champion new ideas.


We also have enhanced our due diligence process to ensure our partners are meaningfully aligned and connected with our companies and clients. To optimize our process, we monitor and respond to our companies' ability to deliver robust marketing and communications services. No matter how the services and technologies evolve, Interpublic remains dedicated to staying ahead of the curve--providing superior capabilities, tools and solutions required by clients around the globe.


Year after year, no other organizations serve as many marketers, selling so many diverse products and services in so many parts of the world, as do the agencies and companies of the Interpublic Group. Interpublic is growing in new ways, too, adding an array of specialized resources to help our agencies and their clients meet increasingly complex communications challenges. In just over 30 years, the Interpublic Group has watched its gross income and profits rise over 1,100 percent.


单元36 云南招商介绍


I'm very pleased to be here with you. First, let me give you an introduction to Yunnan Province. I'll then talk about the main areas for future development. Yunnan is in the southwest of China and is one of the provinces designated for development by the policy for the development of the West. It covers an area of 390,000 square kilometers with the Euro-Asian continent to the north, Vietnam, Laos, and Burma to the south.


Yunnan has borders of over 4,000 kilometers. There are 20 ports and over 90 channels linking us with the outside world. Yunnan is becoming an important land route linking China with South Asia and Southeast Asia. Yunnan is home to many nationalities. The population of just under 43 million includes 26 nationalities. Yunnan was the cradle of ancient civilizations. We have a very colorful cultural heritage.


Yunnan has some of the richest resources in China, with more than 10,000 species of plants and the same again for insects. We have more than 1,700 species of vertebrates and large quantities of a whole range of mineral deposits. We have water reserves of 222.2 billion cubic meters, with a hydroelectric power capacity of over 90 million kilowatts. We are known as the Kingdom of Plants, Kingdom of Animals, and Gene Bank.


After 23 years of reform and opening up our market, our GDP has been growing at more than 9% a year. Our output of phosphoric fertilizers and phosphorus ore is number one in China. Our sugar cane and rubber are number two. Our tea, number three, and our non-ferrous metals number two.


With rich natural resources and a unique heritage, tourism in Yunnan is prospering. It has become one of the pillar industries in Yunnan. In 2001, there were more than 1.1 million person-visits from abroad and 45.7 million person-visits from within China. The income from tourism was over 21 billion yuan.


Yunnan has established trading and friendly relationships with over 110 countries and regions around the world. There are over 660 companies and research organizations with import and export licenses. 15 products each brought in more than 10 million US dollars from exports. The main export earners are tin, aluminum, lead, zinc, steal, and tea. Our total exports amounted to 1.99 billion US dollars.


Yunnan established friendly and trading relationship with your country in as early as 1959. Between 1996 and 2001, bilateral trade amounted to 233 million US dollars. The UK has 19 investment projects in Yunnan with a total investment of 95.9 million US dollars. When Her Majesty the Queen Elisabeth the Second visited China in 1986, she successfully visited Yunnan. Your Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, His Excellency Stephen Byers, and your Ambassador to China, Sir Anthony Galsworthy led a delegation to the Kunming Expo in 1999.


In the process of developing a free trade zone between China and the ASEAN, Yunnan will be among the first to introduce free investment and trade. We are fully implementing the strategy to develop the West. Yunnan has launched many major projects. The need for more investment is increasing fast. This will create new opportunities in several areas for our friends at home and abroad.
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 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 01:51:08 | 只看该作者
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The barbed, opinionated female columnist, rushing to judgment on everything and everybody, was a uniquely American contribution to the craft of journalism, untill it crossed the Atlantic in the late 1960s.


She thrived in the celebrity culture that emerged in the late 20th century because it gave her a large and rapicly changing cast of heroes and villains to write about.


She railed against hypocrisy, pretentiousness and self-regard, while lauding modesty, fidelity, decency, and achievement.



China's 25-Year Achievement Of The Economic Reform Program And The Opening Up To The Outside World


   Though China has scored impressive achievements in its development, we must not lose sight of our problems: overpopulation, a weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and the fairly sharp contradictions between the country's ecological environment and natural resources on the one hand and its economic and social development on the other.
China's per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1,000 US dollars last year, still ranks well behind the 100th place in the world. To realize China's modernization program and offer all the Chinese people a prosperous life there is yet an uphill battle to fight.


We have already set our vision for the first 20 years of this century, which involves the building of a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard in an all-round way for the benefit of well over one billion Chinese people. By 2020 the GDP will be quadrupled from the figure of 2000 to 4 trillion US dollars, with the per capita level averaging at 3,000 US dollars. By then the nation will be immersed in an ambience of greater social harmony with an improved quality of life for the people, featuring a more developed economy, more sound democracy, more thriving culture and more advanced science and education.


    Though China has scored impressive achievements in its development, we must not lose sight of our problems: overpopulation, a weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and the fairly sharp contradictions between the country's ecological environment and natural resources on the one hand and its economic and social development on the other.
China's per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1,000 US dollars last year, still ranks well behind the 100th place in the world. To realize China's modernization program and offer all the Chinese people a prosperous life there is yet an uphill battle to fight.


We have already set our vision for the first 20 years of this century, which involves the building of a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard in an all-round way for the benefit of well over one billion Chinese people. By 2020 the GDP will be quadrupled from the figure of 2000 to 4 trillion US dollars, with the per capita level averaging at 3,000 US dollars. By then the nation will be immersed in an ambience of greater social harmony with an improved quality of life for the people, featuring a more developed economy, more sound democracy, more thriving culture and more advanced science and education.


I've got more sentences from a passage entitled Aragat, Father and Leader of Palestinian Nationalism
1. Yasir Arafat, who died this morning in Paris, was the wily and enigmatic father of Palestinian nationalism. He was 75
2. Mr Afafat assumed many poses, but the image that endures was that of the Arab fighter , the guerrilla in olive-green military fatigues and his tradewark checkered head scarf.
1.wily: Full of wiles; cunning, sly 老谋深算的,诡计多端的
2.enigmatic: Of or resembling an enigma; puzzling 谜一般的
2  阿拉法特一生中有过很多的形象,但永不磨灭的那个是作为阿拉伯战士的形象,一个穿着橄榄绿军装和戴着他那标志性的方格头巾的游击队员的形象。



Among all categories of translation, simultaneous interpretation is the hardest.
Amid the tense atmosphere of international conference, it is difficult to listen to the speaker and interpret his words simultaneously.
To acquire such skills, one is required to have the following qualifications: solid foundation of both Chinese and English, proficient English listening and speaking, good pronunciation and intonation of both languages, quick-wittedness, quick response, a genuine interest in international affairs, and encyclopedic knowledge.
So Students will be admitted mainly based on their performance in the second round of the test.
Examinees can prepare for the exam on their own according to the requirement.
The test of Translation from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English is given by GSTI. The test aims at testing examinees' translation ability. Translation theories will not be tested.
The English proficiency test is given by the English Department. Candidates for GSTI and the English Department will take the same proficiency test.

1. As in Asia and Africa, China is rapidly expanding its economic and diplomatic presence in Latin America.


2. China is, of course, not popular everywhere in the region. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost in the sectors such as textiles and electronics in Mexico and elsewhere in Central America due to Chinese competition in manufacturing exports. But this is increasingly being offset, especially in the South, by the booming commodity trade.


3. China is expected to eclipse Argentina as Brazil's second-largest export destination by next year.


4. "You can't arrive to do business in Beijing and trot out English--- that won't do."


5. "When your culture has 5,000 years under your belt, you've got the patience to move slowly."

“要是你们国家也已经有了5000年的文化,你也会有这种耐性。”(上面说了中国乐于缓慢推进贸易关系,以便不和美国激烈争抢生意所以这里不必译出 to move slowly.”

Still water runs deep. 大智若愚。

四.Background knowledge of interpretation

Advice to Students Wishing to Become Conference Interpreters
We live in an age of international communication. International contacts are on the increase, and as a result more people than ever, from different backgrounds and cultures and who speak different languages, find themselves coming together to discuss issues of all kinds - economic, political, legal, cultural, technical. If they are to communicate effectively these people must feel able to express themselves in complete confidence that they will be understood by others.

This is where conference interpreters have an invaluable role to play, facilitating communication between people who speak a different language and serving as a bridge between different cultures. But what exactly is conference interpretation? How is it practiced? How does one become an interpreter? These are some of the questions which this publication sets out to answer.


1. She is the last person to trust with a secret.


2. I want to talk to you about your late husband.


3. The late mayor is still working actively in politics.

4. You are killing me.

5. The story about him became smaller and faded from the public eye by and by.

6. We should seek settlement in the context of that incident.


7. It has been said that the individual American is generous, but that the American nation is hard.


8. IBM has a quite handsome increase of productivity this year.


9. The expansion of educational opportunities promoted the American ideal of equal opportunity for all.


10. The diverse population presents great challenges to the society; racism and discrimination remain problems.


A flow of words is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,不能证明真有才智。

四,   background knowledge

1. What is conference interpretation?
To interpret a speech is not to translate it word for word. To interpret a speech from its source language is to transfer its semantic, connotative and aesthetic content into another language, using the lexical, syntactic and stylistic resources of the second, or "target" language for that purpose. To interpret is first and foremost to understand the intended message perfectly. It can then be "detached" from the words used to convey it in the original and reconstituted, in all its subtlety, in words of the target language. Interpreting is a constant to-ing and fro-ing between different ways of thinking and cultural universes.

There are two modes of interpreting:
•  Simultaneous interpretation: the interpreter sits in a booth, in front of a microphone, listens through headphones to the incoming message in the source language and communicates it over the microphone to whoever is listening in the target language. In other words, simultaneous interpretation is an intensive information processing task and in a six-hour working day the interpreter will "process" the equivalent of about 65 typewritten pages.
•  Consecutive interpretation: the interpreter sits at the conference table with the delegates, listening to whoever is speaking in the source language and making notes as the speech progresses. When the speaker has finished, the interpreter reproduces (consecutively) the message in the target language, in its entirety and as though s/he were making the original speech.
Whereas simultaneous interpretation is advisable for meetings in which a number of languages are spoken and with a large number of participants or in the media, consecutive interpretation is often more suitable for smaller meetings which are technical or confidential, or for formal occasions such as banquets and official visits, where two or a maximum of three languages are being used.

五,   经典例句欣赏

11. Both newspapers and periodicals are heavily dependent on advertising for financial support.  


12. 一个国家一定要有稳定的形势,才能把经济建设搞上去。

The stability is essential for the promotion of economic growth in a country.

13. 中国不搞扩张。

China does not pursue expansion.

14. 我们要搞好信息基础网络建设。

We will build information network infrastructure.

15. 大力加强社会主义精神文明建设。

We should vigorously promote socialist cultural and ethic progress.

16. The percentage of US children living without their father present has ballooned.


17. E-commerce has not yet been enthusiastically embraced.


18. 千方百计扩大就业。

We should expand employment by all possible means.

19. 今后五到十年,是中国经济和社会发展的重要时期,也是我国改革的攻坚阶段。

The coming five to ten years will be an important period for China’s economic and social development and also a crucial period for its reform.

20. 参加上海全球财富论坛的代表一致看好中国市场。

Participants in the Shanghai Fortune Global Forum agree that China’s economy has great potential/holds great promise.
Participants in the Shanghai Fortune Global Forum agree that China’s market promises to be thriving.

六,   每天一个口译常用词汇

    Be compatible with

1.Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not compatible with each other.   


2.Compatible family relations


3.compatible blood.  



性质相反的, 矛盾的, 不调和的

5,  incompatible blood types.


6. incompatible views on religion.


7. the incompatible offices of prosecutor and judge.


8, a medication that is incompatible with alcohol.


The one that is incompatible.


Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly.


愚蠢, 荒唐事, 轻松歌舞剧, 讽刺剧, 傻念头, 傻话, 耗费巨大而又无益的事, <古>放荡

He regretted the follies of his youth.


2. The interpreter's professional status

A conference interpreter can be self-employed (free lance) or employed as a permanent or staff interpreter by a national or international organization in the public or the private sector. There are pros and cons to each of these professional statuses.
Depending on language combination, a freelance has considerable freedom of choice and greater mobility: the interpreter's working life can be organized according to preference, accepting or refusing offers of work. Certain language combinations may involve more travel than others. As a freelance, the interpreter works for a range of organizations, public and private, is likely to cover a wide variety of topics and to come into contact with very diverse groups. An interpreter's reputation rests on the quality of her/his work. Such a reputation takes a number of years to establish but once solidly established, colleagues and organizations will call on that person.
A very important consideration in any freelance's career is the choice of location from which the interpreter operates, which in turn will depend on her/his language combination. The large international organizations tend increasingly to recruit locally - at a time of tight budgets, costs, including travel allowances, must be contained. So an interpreter with a language combination of interest to the European Union will have more chance of getting work if based in Brussels than if located in Geneva or Rome.
The staff interpreter, on the other hand, has a steady job and the various benefits that go with it. Having only one employer s/he becomes part of a group and can become involved in the organization's activities. Life as a staff interpreter is more predictable.
This notwithstanding, it should be clearly understood that being a freelance or a staff interpreter is not simply a matter of choice. The great majority of conference interpreters work free lance; becoming a staff or permanent interpreter depends on a variety of factors, language combination being one. Even so, it is a fact that interpreters may and do change status - permanents become freelancers and vice versa. In the interpreting teams of international organizations, the two work side by side without distinction, a fact that is a defining feature of the profession. Both kinds of interpreters share the same responsibility, regardless of status, seniority or gender.

Section 4 classic sentences 经典例句欣赏


21. The popularity of television and the difficulty of financing plays have helped to close many theatres. But now it seems the theatre is about to pick up again after a period of decline.


22. Great knowledge, experience and wisdom will help a man in a top position to achieve his ambition.



23. Americans are great joiners, as the huge number of organizations available in the United States attests.


24. The American airline industry has enjoyed significant expansion in the last twenty years.


25. The growing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people raised social and political issues.


26. Antiwar demonstrations, black civil rights protests, women’s rights activities, and rebellion by young people against traditional authority characterized the 1960s.


27. Population grew both as a result of natural increase and of continued immigration.


28. They are waiting for a sight of the Queen passing by.


29. He personified the evil that was in the world.


30. We can house/accommodate you if the hotels are full.


Section 5.  Bilingual news
Administration officials say Powell presented the broad outlines of a possible U.N. resolution, which the U.S. hopes could give reluctant3 countries like India, France, and Germany necessary political cover to send troops to Iraq. The resolution could also include a call for countries to donate4 money, to unfreeze Iraqi assets and a warning to Iraq’s neighbors to keep Jihads out.  But a key stumbling block continues to be U.S. reluctance to cede5 any power in Iraq.  


Section 6 a word to the wise

Embodiment 体现,化身,具体化

1.    An embodiment of democracy


2.    The new highway is the embodiment of the very latest designing ideas.


3.“As John Adams embodied the old style, Andrew Jackson embodied the new”(Richard Hofstadter)


Section 7. Hot words


cordless telephone with caller ID


WAP ( wireless application protocol )

下海 plunge into the commercial sea
下网 off line
小康之家 well-off family; comfortably-off family
新秀 up-and-coming star, rising star
新新人类 New Human Being ; X Generation
信息港 inforport
形象小姐 / 先生 image representative of a product or a brand
证券营业部 stock exchange; security exchange  虚拟网 virtual net
学生处 students' affairs division
研究生毕业证 / 学位证 graduate diploma/graudate degree's diploma
摇钱树 cash cow
以人为本 people oriented; people foremost
易拉罐 pop can
舆论导向 direction of public opinion
运球 dribble
在职博士生 on-job doctorate
早恋 puppy love
招生就业指导办公室 enrolment and vocation guidance office

1. A lawyer would make a better statesman than a soldier.


A lawyer would make a better statesman than soldier.


2. He is a child of ten.
    He is a father of ten.(十岁孩子的父亲)
3. He served me with a kind of coffee.
    He served me with coffee of a kind.(象是咖啡的东西)
4. You love me better than he.(和you平行)
    You love me better than him.(和me平行)
5. This is a photo of me.(本人的)
    This is a photo of mine.(我所有的)
6. They are an industrious people.(民族)
    They are industrious people.(人)
7. He is not a fool.
    He is no fool.(很聪明)
8. He has no more than ten books.(只有十本)
    He has not more than ten books.(不足十本)
9. He is not a little afraid of it.(很怕)
    He is not a bit afraid of it.(一点不怕)
10. I ask you nothing.(没问你什么)
    I ask you for nothing.(没求你什么)
11. We hadn't anything to eat.(没吃的东西了)
    We didn't have anything to eat.(没吃什么)
12. This is the same knife as I have lost.(和我丢刀子一样)
    This is the same knife that I have lost.(就是我丢的刀子)
13. Ask him when he comes back.(他回来时问他)
    Ask him if he will come back.(问他是否回来)
14. He is afraid to go out.(不敢出去)
    He is afraid of going out.(怕出去)
15. He is the only son of a poor man.(独生子)
    He is only a son of a poor man.(不过)
16. I am busy at the moment.(眼下)
    I am busy for the moment.(暂时)
17. He went to Beijing for pleasure.(游玩)
    He went to Beijing with pleasure.(高兴地)
    He went to Beijing at pleasure.(随心所欲地)
18. He presented a pistol to me.(送我一支手枪)
    He presented a pistol at me.(拿手枪对着我)
19. His English is anything but correct.(错误百出)
    His English is nothing but correct.(不错)
20. He is a man of family.(出身豪门)
    He is a family man.(有家室的人)
21. He is too glad to do so.
    He is only glad to do so.(极高兴)
22. I know him.
    I know of him.(听说过他)
23. I hope he will come.
    I wish he would come.(多希望他来)
24. I sent him to the doctor.
    I sent him for the doctor.(请医生)
25. He threw a bone to the dog.
    He threw a bone at the dog.(用石头砸狗)26. He has nothing to write.(没写什么)
    He has nothing to write with.(没笔写)
27. He has no one help him.(不让人帮他)
    He has no one to help him.(没有帮他的人)
28. Have you finished your work yet?
    Have you finished your work already?(已完,表示吃惊)
29. Did you do any work last night?
    Did you do some work last night?(表示知道,肯定)
30. I left the window open.(忘了关窗户)
    I kept the window open.(表示故意)
31. Your request is out of question.(没问题)
    Your request is out of the question.(不可能)
32. The old man is in charge of the children.(照料孩子)
    The old man is in the charge of the children.(被孩子照料)
33. He is a worker and writer.(是工人兼作家)
    He is a worker and a writer.(是工人又是作家)
34. He asked her to keep house.(管家)
    He asked her to keep the house.(看家)
35. He is a woman with child.(怀孕)
    He is a woman with a child.
36. They are sitting at table.(吃饭)
    They are sitting at the table.
37. He has words with me.(争吵)
    He has a word with me.(说两句话)
38. They are of age.(成人)
    They are of an age.(同龄)
39. We are not behind time.(落后)
    We are not behind the times.(落伍)
40. They began to run in sight of this.(看见这个)
    They began to run in the sight of this.(鉴于这个)
41. Anyhow, he works.(不管怎样)
    He works anyhow.(马马乎乎)
42. You may as well take this.(还是收下)
    You may take this as well.(也收下)
43. His speech was reported at length in the newspapers.(详细地)
    At length, his speech was reported in the newspapers.(终于)
44. He kept her company.(陪着她)
    He kept company with her.(交朋友)
45. He simply spoke.(只不过)
    He spoke simply.(简单地)
46. They saw him through.(帮他到底)
    They saw through him.(看透他了)
47. May we meet again!(愿我们再见)
    We may meet again.
48. He had something to say.
    He had to say something.(必须发言)
49. Aren't you ashamed to talk like that?(规劝,表示事情没发生)
    Aren't you ashamed of talking lie that?(责备,表示事情已发生)
50. The soil is fit to plant cotton.(可以种)
    The soil is fit for cotton planting.(适宜种)
51. We asked him to speak from experience.(经验)
    We asked him to speak about his experiences.(经历)
52. It is his manner that annoys me.(举止)
    It is his manners that annoy me.(礼貌)
53. He is my boy friend.(男朋友)
    He is my boy's friend.(男孩的朋友)
54. You helped him, as well as I.(象我一样)
    You helped him, as well as me.(你帮我,也帮他)
55. What's the time?
    How's the time?(还有多少时间)
56. He went to sea.(当水手)
    He went to the sea.(到海滨)
57. What kind of doctor is he?(什么博士)
    What kind of a doctor is he?(他算什么博士啊)
58. She bought a red and green dress.(一件)
    She bought a red and a green dress.(两件)
59. He thought about the problem.(考虑)
    He thought of the problem.(想到)
60. He doesn't think much about that suggestion.(他没怎么考虑那条建议)
    He doesn't think much of that suggestion.(评价不高)
61. He worked at a table.(伏案工作)
    He worked on a table.(做桌子)
62. We shall not be home by six.(6点不能到家)
    We shall not be home till six.(6点才能到家)
63. The teacher began by telling them a story.(故事作引子)
    The teacher began with a story.(先讲了个故事)
64. Give me a glass for wine.(酒杯)
    Give me a glass of wine.(一杯酒)
65. He was familiar to me.(很熟)
    He was familiar with me.(很随便)
66. He escaped prison.(没进监狱)
    He escaped from prison.(越狱)
67. He quotes Shakespeare.(莎士比亚的话)
    He quotes from Shakespeare(莎士比亚的作品)
68. We camped there for the summer.(整个夏天)
    We camped there in the summer.(夏天)
69. Cloth is made from cotton.(棉花加工成)
    Cloth is made of cotton.(棉纱织成)
70. He sat on my left.(挨着左边)
    He sat to my left.(坐在左手)
71. He is one of the boys who has seen the film.
    He is the one of the boys who has seen the film.(唯一个)
72. He opened the door to me.(给我开门)
    He opened the door for me.(替我开门)
73. It is very useful to him.(他觉得)
    It is very useful for him.(对他来说)

1.  收入分配关系尚未理顺  
Things have to be straightened out in the distribution of income.

2.  市场经济秩序有待继续整顿和规范。  
The order of the market economy has to be further rectified and standardized.

3.  有些地方治安不太好。  
Public order is poor in some places.

4.  一些党员领导干部的形势主义,官僚主义作风,和弄虚作假,铺张浪费的行为相当严重,有些地方腐败现象还很严重。  
Formalism, bureaucratic style of work, falsification, extravagance and waste are still serious problems among some leading cadres in our Party, and corruption is still conspicuous in some places.

5.  党的领导方式和执政方式与新形势新任务的要求还不完全适应,有的党组织软弱涣散。  
The Party’s way of leadership and governance still is still unable to meet the requirements of the new situation and new tasks. Some Party organizations are feeble and lax.

6.  我们必须高度重视存在的问题,继续采取有效的措施加以解决。
  We must attach great importance to these problems and continue to solve these problems though effective measures.

7.  五年来的成就,是在改革开放特别是一九八九年十三届四中全会以来的实践基础上取得的。
Our achievements over the past 5 years have been scored through reform and opening up especially since the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee in 1989.

8.  这十三年来,国际风云变幻,我国改革开放和现代化进程波澜壮阔。
These thirteen years have witnessed a highly volatile international situation and a magnificent upsurge in China’s reform, opening up and modernization.

9.  二十世纪八十年代末九十年代初,国内发生严重政治风波,东欧剧变,苏联解体,世界社会主义出现严重曲折,我国社会主义事业的发展面临空前巨大的困难和压力。
From the late 1980s and the early 1990s, there occurred serious political disturbances in China, drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Socialism in the world has suffered serious setbacks. China was faced with unprecedented difficulties and pressure in developing the socialist cause.  

At this critical juncture bearing on the destiny of the Party and state, the Party Central Committee relied firmly on all the comrades in the Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and unswervingly adhered to the line prevailing since the third plenary session of the eleventh Central Committee and thus brought the overall situation of reform and development under control, and safeguarded the great socialist cause with Chinese characteristics

After comrade Deng Xiaoping made remarks on his tour of the south, the Fourteenth Congress decided to establish a socialist market economy as the goal of reform, thus ushering in a new stage for reform, opening up, and modernization.  

To develop a market economy under socialism is a great pioneering undertaking never tried before in history. It is a historic contribution of the Chinese communists to the development of Marxism. It has given expression to our Party’s tremendous courage to persist in making theoretical innovation and keeping pace with the times.

The shift from the planned economy to the socialist market economy represented a new historic breakthrough in reform and opening up and brought about entirely new prospects

14.邓小平同志逝世以后,我们高举邓小平同志的伟大旗帜,开拓进取,把中国特色社会主义事业全面推向21世纪。  After the demise of comrade Deng Xiao Ping, we held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and made pioneering efforts to advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century in an all-round way.

15.十三年来,我们思想统一,目标明确,工作扎实,取得了重大的历史性成就。  Over the past 13 years, with clearly defined objectives, we worked with one heart and one mind and scored historic achievements.

16. 2001年,我国国内生产总值达到九万五千九百三十三亿元,比一九八九年增长近两倍,年均增长百分之九点三,经济总量已居世界第六位。  
In 2001, China’s GDP reached 9.5933 trillion yuan, almost tripling that of 1989, representing an average annual increase of 9.3 percent. China came up to the sixth place in the world in terms of economic aggregate.

On the whole, the people made a historic leap from having only adequate food and clothing to leading a well-off life.

18. 人们公认,这十三年是我国综合国力大幅度跃升,人民得到实惠最多的时期,是我国社会长期保持安定团结,政通人和的时期,是我国国际影响显著扩大,民族凝聚力级大增强的时期。
As is universally recognized, the 13 years have been a period in which China’s overall national strength has risen by a big margin, the people have received more tangible benefits than ever before, and China has enjoyed long-term social stability and solidarity and had a good government and a united people. China’s influence in the word has grown notably and the cohesion of the nation has increased remarkably.

   The hard work of our Party and people and their great achievements have attracted worldwide attention and will surely go down as a glorious page in the annals of the great rejuvenations of the Chinese nation.

A review of the past 13 years shows that we have traversed a tortuous course and that our achievements are hard won.

[英文]:Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.



The girls arrayed themselves in their finest clothes.

The truth comes out.

The two theories vary, but they are compossible.

Misery loves company.

I congratulate myself on my narrow escape.

All things conspired to make him happy.

She is richly endowed by nature.

She exulted to find that she had succeeded.

He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing.

You can't come round with such yarns.

It has no counterpart in the world.

The storm clouds gathered darkly.

The data is not enough to be convincing.

He was daunted by the amount of work still to be done.

He was silent in default by any excuse.

There is no denying the fact.事实无可否认。

Her eyes became dimmed with tears. 她  泪眼蒙眬。

Defeat after defeat filled us with despair.接二连三的失败,使我们深感绝望。

His speech was dreary.他的演讲枯燥乏味。

The state was in disruption.这个国家处于分崩离析之中。


Play truant: 逃学     
Mend one’s way : improve one’s habits   repent: 悔过
Brocade curtains :织锦帘子   
Weave: 用手工或机器编织
Sneak out of  the  classroom,: 悄悄溜出教室     
The quest for knowledge/ gold/ happiness:探求   
Cast an eye /a glance on:  literarily means look   
Make one’s hair stand on end :使人毛骨悚然      
Shake with anger: 气得发抖
A pair of scissors :  scissors won’t cut through wire.
Confound 使迷惑   
语重心长的说:say sth with feelings
Feeling: showing strong emotion , heartfelt
Serve: divide or break or separate sth by cutting
Conscience-stricken: filled with remorse  于心不安的;受良心责备的
羞愧的;羞怯的: shamefaced     Regretful: 痛惜的,遗憾的
钻研各家学说: study the doctrines of various schools
Arrange for sb to do sth: 安排某人做
捅:poke sb with sth/give sb a slight push  
聋哑人:deaf mute   
手语:sign language   
自愿:on one’s own account
The Northern Warlord government: 北洋军阀
巴黎和会:the Paris Peace Conference
无产阶级,小资产阶级  民族资产阶级:
the proletariat  the petty bourgeoisie  the national bourgeoisie
罢工:to go on stike
Step up: increase the amount of sth or speed up the process of sth in order to improve the situation
帝国主义加紧侵略 : step the aggression \invasion against china
Met out sth to sb: 给予( 处罚,奖赏等)
Dismiss from office:  撤职
作为促成某事的手段: be instrumental in doing sth
Pave the way for sth  为 ~~~  开路
第二国际成立大会:the congress marking the founding of the Second International
Streamer 横标   
专刊:special issue     
平民教育:popular education   
八小时工作制:the eight-hour day

Americans working hong hours often look jealously upon Europeans's month-long vacations. While, Europeans envy Americans' high salaries. An opinion piece from the US New Yorker magazine explains how one side of the Atlantic ended up with more free time while the other got more cash.


All presidents, whatever their confession or denomination, are closet numerologists. Numbers are how they read the mood and track the progress of the nation they govern, For George Bush, the numbers-rising casualty rates in Iraq, falling approval ratings at home-have not been good of late. Hence he is turning with some enthusiasm to a happier set of figures: those tracking the American economy's resilience and resurgence.

最近,伊拉克美军伤亡人数的不断增加, 国内支持率不断下降, 这些都对布什总统不利。因此他就尽量避开这些负面的数字,转而谈及一些正面的数字---也就是那些能显示出美国经济有着较强的适应能力以及美国经济复苏的那些数字。

Ariel Sharon has spent more of his life as a soldier than a politician, and it has often been said that he is better at tactics than strategy.
This familiar point is highly relevant today because even he cannot foresee the outcome of his dramatic decision to resign as leader of the Likud and form a new party to fight early elections

What a noble medium the English language is. It is not possible to write a page without experiencing positive pleasure at the richness and variety, the flexibility and the profoundness of our mother-tongue.
If an English writer cannot say what he has to say in English, and in simple English, it is probably not worth saying. What a pity that English is not more generally studied. I am not going to attack classical education. No one who has the slightest pretension to literary tastes can be insensible to its attraction. But I confess our present educational system excites in my mind grave misgivings, which I cannot believe is the best or even reasonable, a system that thrusts upon reluctant and uncomprehending multitudes treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few. To the vast majority of children who attend our public schools, classical education is from beginning to end long, useless and meaningless. If I am told that classical subjects are the best preparation for the study of English, I reply that by far this preparatory stage is incomplete and without deriving and of the benefits which are promised as its result.

  每当用我们母语英语写一页文字的时候,我们都无一例外的为其语言的灵活, 丰富和奥妙而感到欣慰。要是有个作家无法用英语,而且是用简单英语来表达一件事的话,

Greenie said: “My sister, you have surely achieved perfection in sword dancing."

we really should not slacken our vigilance against Fa Hai

This is the last time I log on to the internet before the postgraduate entrance exam.
I am well prepared and I am embattled to try my best in the exam.
  God bless me!
There is a well-versed sentence by Ms Liu Xin. I want to share it with all of you, hoping that you and me and all others who are striving for our goal could finally make it!
" Well ten years ago, when I was competing in this competition, I spoke about choice. Well I really do think we are making choices all the time, but sometimes some choices turn out to be so significant that they actually set the course for the next phase of your life. For that I feel deeply grateful for China Daily and all the others who together make this competition a big success."


1. A radical change in mentalities is under way both in the public sector, which has now been forced to admit that its own means of action are insufficient to meet their development targets, and the private sector, which is becoming aware of its capacity to contribute to the developing countries’ emergence on the world stage in the role of future partners in local and global markets.
Dialogue can be established within the framework of an already increasing number of forums, as well as in project formulation. The presence of other civil society actors and support from the international organizations – as much in the thinking and debate as in the actions undertaken– are crucial factors or enabling people to make sense of the new prospects for cooperation.
The new twenty-first century world order demands that decision-making be opened up to dialogue with new actors. Civil society’s innovative energy has already produced a good number of important initiatives and proposals in many areas. And the business world offers economic resources and know-how that can greatly contribute to development strategy deployment and the promotion of cultural diversity. These are the reasons behind the United Nations Secretary-General's decision to launch the “Global Compact” programme, which outlines a basic code of ethics for private sector partnership. UNESCO intends to establish cultural patronage agreements with businesses aimed, inter alia, at supporting the initiatives of countries in the South.

2. Economists have long been a natural constituency in favor of growth. Since even the richest country has limited resources, the central economic problem is choice: Shall we fund tax cuts for the rich or investment in infrastructure and research and development, war in Iraq or assistance for the poor in developing countries and our own? By providing more total resources, growth should, in theory, make these choices less painful.
The United States, however, has powerfully demonstrated that while growth increases supply, it also raises aspirations. Choices that rich countries have to make thus seem to be no easier than those confronting poor countries, even though the tradeoffs are more heart-wrenching in the case of the poor. Brazil, for example, must choose whether to use its limited health budget to pay full-market price for AIDS drugs; some AIDS victims may live as a result, but people in need of other health care will die, because money that could have been spent on their needs is simply not there. More growth-provided resources, in this instance, mean the difference between life and death.
Still, growth has had its critics. There is a well-developed populist antigrowth literature concerned with, among other things, the impact of growth on the environment and on poverty.
Historically, economists have questioned whether, at least in the early stages of development, growth is accompanied by societal goods such as greater equality and a better environment. Nobel Prize-winning economist Simon Kuznets argued, based on experiences largely before World War II, that there is an increase in inequality in the early stages of development. Arthur Lewis, another Nobel economist, went further: greater inequality, he argued, is necessary to generate the savings that growth requires. A later generation of economists has posited the existence of an environmental Kuznets curve: the early stages of growth cause environmental degradation, not environmental health.
Kuznets and his descendants held out the prospect that eventually growth would bring more social justice (greater equality, less poverty) and a better environment. But there is nothing inevitable about this -- which means that even if it has been true in the past, it may not be in the future. Inequality did seem to fall in the United States after the Great Depression, but in the last 30 years it has increased enormously. Many forms of pollution have gone down as richer countries have turned their mind to air-quality issues, but greenhouse gas emissions -- with all the dangers they present for global warming -- have continued to increase with economic growth, especially in the United States.

3. 中国是欧亚地区重要的国家。中国的发展离不开世界,更离不开欧亚地区。同样,世界的发展、欧亚地区的发展也离不开中国。中国的发展给世界各国尤其是欧亚地区国家带来重要机遇。中国稳定和谐的政治社会环境、丰富优秀的劳动力资源和潜力巨大的市场,为与世界各国尤其是欧亚地区国家开展互利互惠的经济合作提供了理想的场所。我们高兴地看到,通过这些年的不懈努力,中国的中西部地区和东北等老工业基地有了长足进步,呈现美好的发展前景。我们欢迎欧亚地区国家积极参与中国西部大开发和东北老工业基地振兴,增强中国与欧亚地区各国互利合作的生机与活力。欧亚地区国家与中国有传统友谊,经济互补性强,中国政府将鼓励、支持中国企业与欧亚地区发展贸易、投资办厂,实现共同发展。

4. 中国公司想创造世界品牌,外国公司想增加在中国的销量,这些都正改变着中国的设计产业。中国制造商意识到,若他们想在本国市场脱颖而出,在外国市场崭露头角,就必须设计更好的产品。索尼这样的外国公司也开始明白,从前海外公司常把随便什么地方设计的产品拿到中国来卖,而现在,中国消费者变得更加挑剔,他们不再那样容易满足了。


Climate change

If people mean anything at all by the expression “untimely death”, they must believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others. Death in old age is rarely called untimely—a long life is thought to be a full one. But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best years lay ahead and the measure of that life was still to be taken.
History denies this, of course. Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26, and only half playfully judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year. The idea that the life cut shor t is unfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue.

如果人们说起“英年早逝”的却有什么意味的话,他们一定时认为相比之下,某些死亡更合天意。年迈而终很少被称作未尽天年,人们便认为长寿即,意味着生命的圆满。 但是,如果一个年轻人与世长辞,人们便认为他最好的年华尚在后头,其前途无可限量。
然而历史否定了 这种。 在有名的“英年早逝”者中, 我们会想起马丽莲。梦露和詹姆斯。迪恩,他们的生命极短促又圆满。约翰济慈26岁就逝世了。虽难作家难以接受这个实事,但他们过了26岁,就会半开玩笑地说他们此生是失败的。 视英年早逝为不圆满的观念是不和逻辑的,因为衡量生命的尺度是生命给世界留下 的印记,是生命的力度和美德。


The actual aim of the present language educational system has to some degree deviated from its main purpose of cultural communication to an exam-oriented one. Therefore, Students are solely interested in passing the language test required by a foreign country, but pay little attention to studying various cultures. The consequence of this is that students become tired of language learning and since they lose the purpose of language learning they become less interested in cultural communication, which will have a big impact on China’s globalization. This fallacy in language education has long been having a negative effect on China. For lack of knowledge about various cultures, some Chinese people tend to either blindly worship or remain fearful toward foreign cultures saying that they would block China’s opening up to the outside world and hinder China’s engagement with the outside world. I live in a family with three generations of teachers. As a teacher, I am aware of my responsibility as a cultural inheritor and a creator of new cultures and my obligation to help students and other people understand the similarities and differences between various cultures, and critically assimilate foreign cultures. In order to achieve this goal, I should have a deep understanding of the differences between different cultures.
In addition, as an ancient saying goes, the rise and fall of a country concern its every citizen. As I have stated above, our country is confronted with many problems in ethics, economy or society as a result of cultural clashes from abroad, clashes between domestic cultural beliefs and the change in Confucianism which has remained the main culture of China for thousands of years. To cope with the above problems, I have the responsibility to help leaders to help people to be more rational and tolerant toward the assimilation of foreign and Chinese cultures while carrying forward and perfecting our traditionally cherished culture, in order to further understand the differences between different cultures, actively participate in international affairs and create a favorable international environment for China’s economic development. All these require me to learn more about Islamic and other western cultures which still remain a mystery to most Chinese people.

blow the whistle
To expose a wrongdoing in the hope of bringing it to a halt:
an attorney who blew the whistle on governmental corruption.
The recent airplane crash confirms my belief that stronger safety regulations are needed.
1 assess a penalty 征收罚金
2 cost function 价值函数
3 demand function 需求函数
4 parameter 参数
5 marginal cost 边际成本
6 file a petition  申请诉讼

① riot police 防暴警察(即anti-riot police,而不是暴乱的警察)
②crisis law 反危机法案(即anti-crisis law)
另外,英文报刊文章标题的翻译有时也采用反译法。如《中国日报》(China Daily)曾刊登一则新闻,题目是Inflation is target of bank's new policy,主要说的是银行在1995年将来取有力措施制止通货膨胀。但题目的字面意思恰恰相反。因此我们在翻译时必须把inflation看成是anti-inflation,使之文题一致。这样的标题在英文报刊中比较常见,目的是为简练及醒目,在翻译时要格外注意,切勿望文生义。
(1) Sidney Simon called the college grading system "archaic,prescientific,bureaucratic invention",and "about as accurate as police estimates of crowds of peace marches."
以上译文,忽略了说话人的语气。其实,西蒙是在抨击大学评级制度。他说话时,前面直接用了archaic,prescientific和bureaucratic几个贬义词,而后面的褒义词accurate实际上是一个反语。因为我们知道,警察在估计示威人数时只能说出大概,往往和实际人数出入很大,极不准确。所以说话人所表达的真正含义是not accurate,或inaccurate。这样,可理解成about as inaccurate,as police estimates of crowds of peace marches,译成汉语就是:简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样不准确。就是把accurate反过来译,即反译。
(2) This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the ANC leadership: accountability.
(3) In fact, the willingness to experiment is one of the most striking features, and it seems to be rooted in confidence rather than security.

① riot police 防暴警察(即anti-riot police,而不是暴乱的警察)
②crisis law 反危机法案(即anti-crisis law)
另外,英文报刊文章标题的翻译有时也采用反译法。如《中国日报》(China Daily)曾刊登一则新闻,题目是Inflation is target of bank's new policy,主要说的是银行在1995年将来取有力措施制止通货膨胀。但题目的字面意思恰恰相反。因此我们在翻译时必须把inflation看成是anti-inflation,使之文题一致。这样的标题在英文报刊中比较常见,目的是为简练及醒目,在翻译时要格外注意,切勿望文生义。
(1) Sidney Simon called the college grading system "archaic, prescientific, bureaucratic invention",and "about as accurate as police estimates of crowds of peace marches."
以上译文,忽略了说话人的语气。其实,西蒙是在抨击大学评级制度。他说话时,前面直接用了archaic,prescientific和bureaucratic几个贬义词,而后面的褒义词accurate实际上是一个反语。因为我们知道,警察在估计示威人数时只能说出大概,往往和实际人数出入很大,极不准确。所以说话人所表达的真正含义是not accurate,或inaccurate。这样,可理解成about as inaccurate,as police estimates of crowds of peace marches,译成汉语就是:简直同警察估计和平示威人数一样不准确。就是把accurate反过来译,即反译。
(2) This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the ANC leadership: accountability.
On Sustainable Development
  Governments and the UN system have also marginalized sustainable development by failing to articulate serious objectives and coherent strategies for its implementation. Agenda 21 embraced every goal offered up in anticipation of the Rio summit, but it set no specific priorities or targets, making it impossible to mobilize support for any strategy or to measure progress. At the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, the process reached its lowest point with a sprawling and incoherent plan. Participants endorsed eight broad Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)--including the eradication of extreme poverty, the provision of universal primary education, and the assurance of equality for women--that had been crafted at the UN's Millennium Summit two years earlier. Since then, the UN Secretariat has parsed these broad objectives into 18 specific targets and 48 indicators. But the MDGs are already losing traction because governments have limited power to directly affect these outcomes. Most of the world is closer to meeting the MDGs now that it was a decade ago, but that is largely because human welfare has generally been improving. The most striking exceptions are found in the many African countries that score worse today on most measures of human welfare.

Anyway, things are much better than before.
Shangai is another example. It has all the necessary conditions for faster progress.
The world is watching the reforms in our country.
4.未来经济发展在很大程度上取决于---the development of our economy will depend to a large extent on ---
The world used to be dominated by two superpowers. Now things have changed.
Nobody had ever known that one could walk across the Huaihe.



Strategic priorities and major tasks during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period

The Outline (draft) lays out the overall arrangements for economic and social development and for reform and opening up in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period and sets out clear tasks and policy measures.
First, we must build a new socialist countryside. Among all the strategic tasks before us, the Outline (draft) gives top priority to solving the problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The outline stresses the need to continue balancing economic and social development in urban and rural areas and to make steady progress in building a new socialist countryside by developing production, improving living standards, fostering more civil behavior, improving the overall cleanliness of villages, and exercising democratic management. We need to increase overall agricultural capacity, promote agricultural restructuring, intensify development of rural infrastructure, and increase farmers’ incomes. We will focus on implementing key projects to establish large production bases for grain, cotton and edible oil, industrialize production of superior quality grain varieties, build water conservancy facilities and safe drinking water supplies, build roads and methane production facilities, and develop education, culture and health in rural areas. We must also comprehensively promote overall rural reform and basically complete reform of town and township government bodies, rural compulsory education, and fiscal management in counties and townships. We need to create a new type of farmer who has a good basic education and understands both agricultural techniques and business operations. All localities and government departments must substantially change their thinking and priorities in their economic work. More development funds need to be directed toward solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and public services need to be made more widely available in rural areas. All of society should energetically support rural development.

A: There is a clear stress in the outline on the need to continue balancing economic and social development in urban and rural areas and to make steady progress in building a new socialist countryside by developing production, improving living standards, fostering more civil behavior, improving the overall cleanliness of villages, and exercising democratic management.
B: The outline stresses the need to continue balancing economic and social development in urban and rural areas and to make steady progress in building a new socialist countryside by producing more goods, making people better off, encouraging them to behave in a more civil manner and to manage in a democratic way.

After studying this bidding document carefully, and considering the construction ability, we present a reasonable offer of 4833192 Yuan with 12 months the time limit for the project

1. France was convulsed by a new labor contract that will weaken job protection for young employees.
convulse :  To shake or agitate violently: 使…强烈地震动或狂躁不安:
2. scam 诡计
3. foil a coup attempt  挫败了一起预谋的政变
4. defect
To disown allegiance to one's country and take up residence in another:
a Soviet citizen who defected to Israel.
To abandon a position or an association, often to join an opposing group:
defected from the party over the issue of free trade.
5. His chief opponent will be Horacio Serpa, a Liberal whom he defeated in 2002 and who won a party primary held in parallel with the legislative vote.        
Primary: A meeting of the registered voters of a political party for the purpose of nominating candidates and for choosing delegates to their party convention.
6. Canada’s new Conservative Prime Minister, Stepen Harper, made a two-day visit to his country’s troops in Afghanistan. He rejected calls for a parliamentary debate on their deployment, which was ordered by the previous Liberal government.
Deployment: n.展开,部署,调度
7.  Democratic leaders backed away from a move by Russ Feingold, a senator from Wisconsin, to censure Mr. Bush for a controversial domestic eavesdropping program.
Censure: To criticize severely; blame. 指责:严厉批评;责备
To express official disapproval of:
“Whether the Senate will censure one of its members for conflict of interest”(Washington Post)
Eavesdropping: 偷听
8.  Human Rights Watch that Representatives from Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tiger rebels were extorting money from the Sri Lankan diaspora, mainly in Britain and Canada to fund a “final war”.
Extort: To obtain from another by coercion or intimidation.
The dispersion of Jews outside of Israel from the sixth century b.c. , when the Jews were exiled to Babylonia, until the present time.
犹太人在外的散居:从公元前 6世纪起,那时犹太人被驱逐到巴比伦,在以色列外边散居,直到现在。
Often diaspora The body of Jews or Jewish communities outside Palestine or modern Israel.
常作 diaspora 散居在外的犹太人机构或团体:在巴勒斯坦或现代以色列之外的犹太人机构或犹太人团体
diaspora A dispersion of an originally homogeneous people.
diaspora 向国外散居:原本同一种民族人民的散居
diaspora A dispersion of an originally homogeneous entity, such as a language or a culture:
diaspora 传播:原本同一种民族实体的传播,比如语言或文化:
“the diaspora of English into several mutually incomprehensible languages”(Randolph Quirk)
15.No one knows what he will be like in that job, despite his quite successful tenure as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
1)  Tenure 任期
2) Chancellor of the Exchequer  财政部长
16.Coddling monsters has a price
1) To cook in water just below the boiling point:
coddle eggs. 煮鸡蛋
2) To treat indulgently; baby.See Synonyms at pamper
溺爱地对待;纵容参见 pamper
17. Malign
1) Evil in disposition, nature, or intent.恶毒的,邪恶的:性情、本质或动机上邪恶的
2) Evil in influence; injurious.有害的:具不良影响的;有害的
3) Having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent.恶意的:具有或表现出恶意或不良愿望的;含有恶意的

Slobodan Milosevic
Mar 16th 2006
From Economist.com
Slobodan Milosevic became president of Yugoslavia in 1989. In the ensuing six years he ignited conflicts in Croatia (1991) and Bosnia (1992) that killed thousands. These wars ended with the signing of the Dayton peace agreement in 1995.
Having been almost overthrown, Mr. Milosevic bounced back to be re-elected president in July 1997. Later that year, in response to a rebellion in Kosovo, he brutally repressed the province's ethnic-Albanian residents. This angered fellow NATO members whose bombing campaign (and the imposing of sanctions) undermined Mr. Milosevic. In September 2000 he relinquished the presidency to Vojislav Kostunica, but only after popular protests.
Mr. Milosevic was indicted for war crimes in May 1999 and went on trial in The Hague. Proceedings were interrupted by his poor health, and also that of the presiding judge, whose decision to step down in the spring of 2004 almost forced a retrial. In the end, he cheated justice: on March 11th 2006 he was found dead in his cell. Historians will mull why Mr. Milosevic’s presidency was tolerated for so many years.
18. Serbia 塞尔维亚
19 afield
1)  Off the usual or desired track. See Synonyms at amiss
偏离地:偏离惯常或预期的轨迹地参见 amiss
2)  Away from one's home or usual environment.
3) To or on a field.上战场,在战场上
20 demagogue
A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.
21. wreak :To bring about; cause:带来;引起:
wreak havoc.带来灾难
1) To inflict (vengeance or punishment) upon a person.
2) To express or gratify (anger, malevolence, or resentment); vent.
22 collude
To act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose; conspire.
23. carve up 瓜分
24.Loom 临近
25.Belgrade: The capital and largest city of Yugoslavia, in the eastern part of the country at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers. Founded in the 3rd century b.c. , it was the primary city of Serbia from the 12th century until the formation of Yugoslavia in the 20th century. Population, 936,200.
贝尔格莱德:南斯拉夫首都和最大城市,位于该国东部的多瑙河与萨瓦河的汇合处。建于公元前 3世纪,从12世纪到南斯拉夫形成的20世纪,该城为塞尔维亚的主要城市。人口936,200
26.condone To overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without protest or censure. See Synonyms at forgive
宽恕:毫无抗议或责备之意地忽视、谅解或宽恕(冒犯行为)参见 forgive
9.     NASDAQ-----National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System.
10. Consolidation: The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations.
11.MP下院议员 a member of the house of commons
12. Petulant
Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish.任性的,脾气坏的:无理由地激怒的或发脾气的;易怒的
Contemptuous in speech or behavior.言行无礼,狂妄的
13.mark time: 踏步, 停顿不前
14 patronage
1)  Support, encouragement, or championship, as of a person, an institution, an event, or a cause, from a patron.庇护,保护:保护人对某人、机构、事件或事业的支持、鼓励或维护
2)  Support or encouragement proffered in a condescending manner:施惠:恩赐的态度所给予的帮助或鼓励:
It seems our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the bank's patronage.
3) The trade given to a commercial establishment by its customers:
Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage.店老板感谢圣诞节顾客的光临
4) Customers or patrons considered as a group; clientele:顾客,常客:顾客或老主顾总称;常客:
The grand old hotel has a loyal but demanding patronage.
5) The power to distribute or appoint people to governmental or political positions.
6) The act of distributing or appointing people to such positions.
7) The positions so distributed or filled.
8) The right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.
27. Queasiness n.  恶心
28 peacekeeper 维和部队
The art of leading a country: 治国艺术:领导国家的艺术:
“They placed free access to scientific knowledge far above the exigencies of statecraft”(Anthony Burgess)
30. integral
1) Essential or necessary for completeness; constituent:必须的:构成整体所必须的;应有的:
The kitchen is an integral part of a house.厨房是房子不可缺的部分
2) Possessing everything essential; entire.完整的:具有全部要素的;完整的
3) Expressed or expressible as or in terms of integers.整数的:用整数表示的或可用整数表示的
4) Expressed as or involving integrals.积分的:表示为或包含整数的
5) A complete unit; a whole.整体;全体
31 stomach: Courage; spirit.勇气,精神
32. Interlocutor:
1) Someone who takes part in a conversation, often formally or officially.
2) The performer in a minstrel show who is placed midway between the end men and engages in banter with them.
33. And confronting a monster may ultimately be harder if you have spent many years playing down his monstrosity.
1) One that is monstrous.可怕的人
2) The quality or character of being monstrous.怪异的特点或性质
Play down 降低, 贬低, 减少
34. egregious: Conspicuously bad or offensive. See Synonyms at flagrant
极端恶劣的:明显的坏的或令人恼怒的参见 flagrant
35. pawn
1) Something given as security for a loan; a pledge or guaranty.
2) The condition of being held as a pledge against the payment of a loan:
jewels in pawn.典押的珠宝
3) A person serving as security; a hostage.
4) The act of pawning.
5) To give or deposit (personal property) as security for the payment of money borrowed.
6) To risk; hazard:冒险;赌:
7) pawn one's honor.以名誉作赌注
36. teething troubles: 暂时的困难
37 stalwart:
1) Having or marked by imposing physical strength.强壮的或表现为结实的
2) Firm and resolute; stout. See Synonyms at strong
坚定和坚决的;勇敢的参见 strong
3) One who is physically and morally strong.
4) One who steadfastly supports an organization or a cause:
Party stalwarts.
38. farce
A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery:
The election was a farce, for it was fixed.
39 unnerve
1) To deprive of fortitude, strength, or firmness of purpose.
To make nervous or upset.使…紧张或慌张
40 Sorbonne
41. OECD=Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
42.for them even the two years under the new job contracts would offer them job experience that might lead up to something better than the life on a dole.
1) Charitable dispensation of goods, especially money, food, or clothing.
2) A share of money, food, or clothing that has been charitably given.
3) Chiefly British the distribution by the government of relief payments to the unemployed; welfare.
1) An open excavation or pit from which stone is obtained by digging, cutting, or blasting.
学词汇: repudiate
To reject the validity or authority of:
“Chaucer . . . not only came to doubt the worth of his extraordinary body of work, but repudiated it”(Joyce Carol Oates)
To reject emphatically as unfounded, untrue, or unjust:
repudiated the accusation. 驳斥控诉
To refuse to recognize or pay: 拒付:拒绝承认或请偿:
repudiate a debt.
To disown (a child, for example).
To refuse to have any dealings with.
1. tenure
The status of holding one's position on a permanent basis without periodic contract renewals:
a teacher granted tenure on a faculty.
2. prude n.
2.  crap
Excrement. 粪便
An act of defecating. 通大便的行为
Worthless nonsense; rubbish.
63.account :财务帐;帐户
A record of financial transactions kept in a ledger.
A bank account
A customer or client
Let’s check the account again.
How much is left in our bank account.
This firm is our best account.
64.accounting :会计
A system and process of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance between assets and liabilities.
You need to discuss that matter with the accounting department.
65.accumulation :资本增益
An addition to capital investments or stock from profits.
What kink of accumulation are you getting on the ABC stock?
66.affluence :富裕
The condition of substantial wealth and economic power.
Luxury cars are targeted towards the affluent segment of a population.
67.affiliate :成员,分公司
A business that contracts to work with another business.
The ABC office supply company is one of our many affiliates.

1 you can't be too careful in your work.
错: 你工作不能太仔细
对: 你工作应当越仔细越好
2 he was only too pleased to let them go.
3 all his letters were not received.
错: 他所有的信都没收到
对: 他的信没有全部收到
4 people will be long forgetting her.
错: 人们将在很长时间内忘记她
美国著名杂志Reader's Digest 上一篇文章谈到“幸福”,现将其中的“幸福”片断节选如下:
The notion that we have to work at happiness comes as news to many people. We assume it's a feeling that comes as a result of good things that just happen to us, things over which we have little or no control. But the opposite is true: happiness is largely under our control. It is a battle to be waged and not a feeling to be waited.
Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happier--a relative, an acquaintance or, often, someone we barely know, I once met a young man who struck me as particularly successful and happy. He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their daughters, and of his joy at being a radio talk-show host in a city he loved. I remember thinking that he was one of those lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right. Then we started talking about the Internet. He blessed its existence, he told me, because he could look up information on multiple sclerosis, the terrible disease afflicting his wife, I felt like a fool for assuming nothing unhappy existed in his life.
Almost all of us have images of how life should be. The problem, of course, is that only rarely do people's jobs, spouses, and children live up to these imagined ideals. Here's a personal example: No one in my family had ever divorced. I assumed that marriage was for life. So when my wife and I divorced after five years of marriage and three years after the birth of our son, my world caved in. I was a failure in my own eyes.
I later remarried but confided to my wife, Fran,  that I could not shake the feeling that my family life had failed. She asked me what was wrong with our family now. I had to admit that, our family life was wonderful. "Then why don't you celebrate it?" she asked. That is what I decided to do. But first I had to get rid of the image of a "perfect" family.
One effective way of sabotaging happiness is to look at something and fixate on even the smallest flaw. It's like looking up at a tiled ceiling and concentrating on the space where one tile is missing. As a bald man told me, "Whenever I enter a room, all I see is hair." Once you've determined what your missing tile is, explore whether acquiring it will really make you happy. Then do one of three things: get it, replace it with a different tile, or forget about it and focus on the tiles in your life that are not missing.
I have spent years studying happiness, and one of the most significant conclusion I've drawn is this; there is little correlation between the circumstance of people's lives and how happy they are, A moment's reflection should make this obvious. We all know people who have had a relatively easy life yet are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy
China will lift jet fuel surcharges for the second time in a year on domestic flights to help air carriers cope with the impact of soaring oil prices.
Starting from September 1, the surcharge for each passenger flying less than 800 kilometers will rise to 60 yuan from the current 30 yuan, the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, the industry regulator, said on its website on Friday.
Charge作“索价”时动词和名词兼可用,如:That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.(那家海滨旅馆在夏天休假期间漫天要价);The charge for a front-row seat is $3.(前排座位票价每张三美元。)
请看《中国日报》相关报道:Taxi passengers in Shanghai started to feel the pinch of soaring fuel prices as the city began to roll out its first taxi fare hike since 1998.
The flag-fall price in downtown, which covers the first 3 kilometers of a trip, has risen to 11 yuan from 10 yuan during the daytime. And the price after 11 pm will climb to 14 yuan from 13 yuan .
估计您也猜出来了,flag-fall price就是“起步价”的相应英文表达。Flag-fall(比赛开始)本是体育术语,尤其在田径比赛时,很形象地描述出了“裁判手中的小红旗朝下一挥,比赛立马开始”的情景。随着计程车的使用,flag-fall(比赛开始)逐渐由体育术语延伸为与人们生活密切相关的“起步(价)”。
另外,既然提到了flag,忍不住想起了Dido那首对爱执著、为爱不言放弃的《White flag》,摘几句歌词:
Well I will go down with this ship/And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door/I'm in love and always will be
“我将乘船一直走下去,永远不会投降;在我的门上也永远不会挂有白旗,我爱你,直到永远。”这里的white flag直译为“白旗”,实质上表达的可是与surrender(投降)相同的意思哦。例如:
A white flag is used as a token of surrender.(白旗被用来作为投降的信号。)
He had to show the white flag at the end of the debate.(辩论到最后他只好认输。)
educational history 学历
educational background 教育程度
educational system 学制
academic year 学年
term/ semester 学期
diploma 文凭
tuition 学费
School 学校
fee-paying school 付费学校/私立学校
public school 公立学校
regular school 普通学校
primary/elementary school 小学
high/middle school 中学
university 大学
college 学院
academy 高等专科院校
normal school 师范院校
Curriculum 课程
courses taken 所修的课程
major 主修课
minor 辅修课
specialized course 专业课
compulsory course 必修课
optional course 选修课
Activities 各项活动
social practice 社会实践
extracurricular activities 课外活动
physical activities 体育活动
recreational activities 娱乐活动
academic activities 学术活动
social activities 社会活动
Rewards 奖励
scholarship 奖学金
excellent League member 优秀团员
excellent leader 优秀干部
"Three Goods" student 三好学生
Faculty and Students 教师和学生
principal 中学校长(美)
headmaster 中小学校长(英)
11. 重复引进introduction of redundant technical facilities; importation of redundant technical facilities; repeated importation of equipment and technology
It is necessary to introduce advanced technology and equipment. However, we should focus on absorption and innovation instead of lingering on importation of redundant technical facilities.

12. 出口创汇能力capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports
The capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports of the city’s agricultural products has reached 10 million US dollars, 80 times before the restructuring.

13. 出口加工区
export processing zone; areas for processing export products
With the state permission, Chengdu has constructed the export processing zone, which provides a good environment for introducing projects.

14. 创业园high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
We must strengthen the environmental construction of innovative undertaking and work hard on the capacity construction of science and technology parks of universities, software parks and other science and technology pioneer parks.

15. 促进全球经济一体化foster integration with the global economy
No doubt the cultural impact of the Internet epoch plays an important role in fostering integration with the global economy and ushering in the epoch of knowledge economy.
Newcomers don't like the smells城里人闻不惯那味儿(陈继龙  编译)
GEORGE WILLIAMS, one of Scottsdale's last remaining cowboys, has been r_aising______① horses and cattle on his 120 acres for 20 years. (1)The cattle go to the slaughterhouse, the horses to rodeos[1]. But Mr Williams is stomping[2] mad.

His problems began last year when dishonest neighbours started to steal his cattle. Then other neighbours, most of them newcomers, took offence at his horses roaming on their properties. Arizona is an open-range[3] state: l__ivestock_____② have the right of way and there is no fine for trespassing[4]. This has been on the law books since 1913. (2)Mr Williams, who is elderly and in poor health, is angry that he has to spend so much of his time fielding[5] complaints and retrieving stolen cattle.

去年,有些不厚道的邻居开始偷他的牛,之后他的麻烦便接踵而至。有的邻居(大多数都是刚刚迁来的人)还攻击他那些跑到他们地里的马。亚利桑那是一个开阔的“草原之州”,家畜在公路上享有优先通行权,对家畜侵入他人土地也不予罚款。(译注:“the right of way”可指“优先通行权”和“允许在别人的土地上穿行”,根据上下文,这里是指前者,因为后面的trespass有“进入别人的私人土地”的意思。)自1913年以来,这就一直有法律明文规定。威廉斯很生气,因为年老体弱的他不得不花很多的时间来回应别人的怨言和找回被偷的牛。
Such grumbles are common in Arizona. The most recent Department of Agriculture census shows that 1,213 of Arizona's 8,507 farms closed down between 1997 and 2002. Many cattlemen are moving out to more remote parts of the state. Arable[6] farmers are struggling, too. Norman Knox, a respected grain farmer in Gilbert, recently learned that the owner of his rented land wants to build condos. Mr Knox is 72 and has to move. He r_reckons______③ that 50-70% of the farmland in Gilbert has been sold for development in the past two years.

This affects not only cowboys and farmers, but small businessmen too. (3)For 20 years, Gary Young, owner of Gilbert's Higley Feed, sold range blocks and cubes to cattlemen who fed them to cattle during the droughts. But 18 months ago he switched to selling pet food and baby chicks to new home-owners.

这不但影响了牛仔和农民,也影响到了小商业者。吉尔伯特Higley饲料公司老板盖瑞•扬二十年来一直向牧民销售固体块状浓缩牧用汤料(译注:range此处是指“草原”,与前文的“open-range”一致;block指块状物体,cube指立方体,这里应该代指块状饲料或“浓缩草料”等,即可能是将牲畜所需饲料进行固化、压缩并切割成块状。是不是类似于“压缩饼干”?另,在英语中stock cube是指“固体浓缩汤料”,加上后面提到的“干旱时饲喂”,因此准确的译文可能为“固体块状浓缩牧用汤料”),干旱时牧民们就用这些汤料来喂牛。可是,一年半前他已经转行向新来的住户售卖宠物食品和小鸡了。
Locals worry about the precious, dwindling cowboy culture. Arizona's tourism boards like to promote a steady interest in all things cowboy and western[7]. Last year more British and German tourists came than usual, and many of them were looking p___recisely____⑤ for that. (5)Arizona's Dude[8] Ranch Association fills its $350-a-night luxury ranches most of the year; roughly a third of the guests are European.

(6)Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky[9] attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture. In Prescott, estate agents promote “American Ranch-style” homes with posters of backlit[10] horse riders. On the other side of the street is Whiskey Row, a famous strip of historic cowboy bars. But in Matt's Saloon on Saturday night, real cattlemen could not be found.

Farm folk like Mr Knox and Mr Williams are weighing up their options. Many will migrate to remoter places where land is cheaper and not crowded with city people. (7)Younger ones take on side-jobs as contractors and are cattlehands part-time. Older cowboys aren't sure what to do.

The Arizona
    College in Scottsdale, which trains cattlehands, conducts the school for profit but also for m____aintaining____⑥ the cowboy culture. The six-day courses include cattle-herding, rustling[11] and ranch-survival skills. The owner, herself a rancher, says the courses are popular, especially with retired businessmen.

1. 根据上下文和英文释义,补全单词:
①r_______(v. to look after animals or grow plants so that they can be sold or used as food)
②l_______(n. animals such as cows and sheep that are kept on a farm)
③r________(v. to guess a number or amount, without calculating it exactly)
④d________(adj. of a good enough standard or quality)
⑤p________(adv. exactly the right thing)
⑥m________(v. to make something continue in the same way or at the same standard as before)
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):
1. rodeo n. 牛仔驯马、用绳索捕捉牲畜、骑马赛跑等娱乐活动;牧马技术表演
2. stomp v. 踩踏;跺脚
3. open range 开放牧场;开旷草原
4. trespass v.(未经允许)进入别人的私人土地
5. field v. to answer questions, telephone calls etc, especially when there are a lot of them or the questions are difficult回答(问题、电话访问,尤指较多或较难回答时)
6. arable adj.与种植或耕种有关的(arable land可耕地)
7. western n. 西部电影(尤指反映19世纪美国西部牛仔生活的电影)
8. dude n. 在西部牧场度假的城里人;纨绔子弟
9. cheeky adj.无礼的;厚颜无耻的
10. backlight v. 从后面照亮
11. rustle v.偷(牛、马等牲畜)

1. ①raising 饲养
②livestock 家畜
③reckons 估算
④decent 尚可的,不错的
表示“very good”:excellent极好的, fantastic绝妙的,极好的, wonderful惊人的,极好的, great美妙的,好极了的, terrific非常棒的,妙极了的, neat极好的,极佳的 , superb极好的,一流的, amazing惊人的,了不起的, outstanding杰出的,出色的, brilliant超群的,才华横溢的, impressive给人留下深刻印象的, fine, first-class一流的, out of this world超级的,超一流的
表示“of good quality”high quality, top quality, superior, deluxe精品的, classy上等的,优等的
表示“morally good”: decent大方的,得体的, virtuous善良的,有道德的, respectable可敬的, honorable可敬的,光荣的, upright正直的,诚实的, beyond reproach无可指摘的
⑤precisely 正好
⑥maintaining 保持,维持;保养(continue/carry on • perpetuate使永存,使不朽 • keep up维持,继续 • preserve维持,维护,保存)
2. 中国物价与经济
Not all economists buy the overall notion that Chinese prices will soon pump up inflation rates in the industrialized world and force central bankers to press harder on the brakes.
Populations are not equal in terms of experiencing health problems, low-income populations tend to experience all the health problems we worry about at greater rates."
无障碍设计:disabled access /wheelchair access
投标人: bidder
招标人:bid inviter
英语文摘上的文章Inequality and American Dream
1. The world’s most impressive economic machine needs a little adjusting.
2. More than any other country, America defines itself by a collective dream:the dream of economic opportunity and upward mobility.
3. Its proudest boast is that it offers a chance of the good life to everybody who is willing to work hard and play by the rules. 美国最引以自豪的就是谁愿意努力工作并遵守规则,就给谁提供获得美好生活的机会。
4. This ideal has made the United States the world’s strongest magnet for immigrants; it has also reconciled ordinary Americans to the rough side of a dynamic economy, with all its inequalities and insecurities.
5. Who cares if the boss earns 300 times more than the average working stiff, if the stiff knows he can become the boss? 尽管蓝领工人们的老板的薪水是他们的300多倍,可谁也不会有半句怨言,因为他们认为说不定将来他们也会成为老板
6. Look ‘around the world and the supremacy of “the American Model might seem assured. 环顾全球,可见美国模式确实已经取得了至高无上的地位。
7. No other rich country has so successfully harnessed the modern juggernauts of technology and globalization. 没有哪个国家能象美国一样如此成功地驾驭了科技和全球化带来的巨大冲击。
8. The hallmarks of American capitalism--- a willingness to take risks , a light regulatory touch and sharp competition---have spawned enormous wealth. 冒险精神、宽松的管理、激烈的竞争这三个标志如今为美国资本主义美国带来了巨额财富。
9. “This economy is powerful, productive and prosperous,” George Bush boasted recently, and by many yardsticks he is right.
10.  Growth is fast, unemployment is low and profits are fat.
It is hardly surprising that so many other governments are trying to “Americanize” their economies--- whether through the European Union’s Lisbon Agenda or Japan’s Koizumi reforms.
A ticket for corruption罚单,为腐败而开(陈继龙  编译)
“THE UN needs a good smack in the face,” fumed one city councillor. New York has long been fed up with the United Nations and its diplomats. (1)The city has 1,700 of them, about 1,699 too many. Their meetings cause endless traffic jams and annoying multi-car motorcades[1]. As for their outstanding fines for traffic violations (more than $18m at the last count), these have so infuriated[2] Michael Bloomberg, New York's mayor, that in 2002 he vowed to tow away illegally parked consular[3] vehicles. Colin Powell, then secretary of state, had to step in to broker[4] a c_______①.
一位市议员怒气冲天地说:“该狠狠地给联合国一记耳光。”长期以来,纽约已经受够了联合国和它的那些外交官员们。对于这座城市来说,就算只有一名这样的外交官也嫌多,何况却有1700名。他们开会造成无休无止的交通堵塞,会议用车组成的长长的车队也让人烦恼不已。至于他们违反交通规则却不缴罚款一事(最新统计数字显示超过1800万美金),更是让纽约市长迈克尔•布卢姆伯格感到大为光火,以致于他在2002年就发誓要将那些违规停靠的领事馆车辆拖走。(译注:outstanding 这里是“未付清的,有待偿还的”的意思。at the last count是指“according to the latest information about a particular situation”)时任国务卿的科林•鲍威尔不得不从中斡旋,最后双方才达成妥协。
Can anything be done? In 2002 Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton, New York's senators, added an a_______② to a foreign-aid bill that allowed the city to recoup[5] unpaid parking tickets from foreign-aid disbursements to offending countries. But now a new weapon has been discovered: shame. (2)Two economists have found a direct correlation between the number of people who park by the city's fire hydrants and in its loading bays[6], and the level of corruption in their home countries.
A study by Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel, economists at Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley, gives a rare picture of how people from different cultures perform under new cultural n_______③. For instance, between 1997 and 2002 diplomats from Chad averaged 124 unpaid parking violations; diplomats from Canada and the United Kingdom had none. The results from 146 countries were strikingly similar to the Transparency International corruption index, which rates countries by their level of perceived sleaze[7]. In the case of parking violations, diplomats from countries with low levels of corruption behaved well, even when they could get away with breaking the rules. (3)The culture of their home country was imported to New York, and they acted accordingly.
The same a_______④ to high-corruption countries. (4)Their diplomats became increasingly comfortable with parking where they liked; as they spent more time in New York, their number of violations increased by 8-18%. Overall, diplomats accumulated 150,000 unpaid parking tickets during the five years under review.
(5)Yet any moral superiority New Yorkers may feel should be tempered by the behaviour of the American embassy in London. Last year, embassy s_______⑤ stopped paying the congestion[8] charge—now &pound;8, or over $15—for bringing cars into central London. The growing pile of unpaid charges now stands at $716,000.
1. 根据上下文和英文释义,补全单词:
①c_______(n. an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first, or the act of making this agreement)
②a_______(n. a small change, improvement, or addition that is made to a law or document, or the process of doing this)
③n________(n. generally accepted standards of social behaviour)
④a________(v. to have an effect on or to concern a particular person, group, or situation)
⑤s________(n. the people who work for an organization)
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):
1. motorcade n. 车队
2. infuriate v. 让某人感到极度愤怒
3. consular adj. 领事的
4. broker v.从中调解,安排;斡旋
5. recoup v. 补偿;弥补;挽回损失(recover)
6. loading bay 码头(=loading dock)
7. sleaze n. 不道德的行为(与性及谎言有关)
8. congestion n. 交通堵塞
By the end of this year, China's foreign exchange reserves will likely exceed $ 1trillion. This is a huge amount of money, about 43% of China's gross domestic product and easily the largest stockpile in the world.
(注意 a trillion = 一万亿)
It is also far more than China needs.Yet with the mainland abosorbing some $20 billion to $30 billion worth of capital inflows a month from its trade surplus, foreign direct investment, and other sources, there seems to be no stopping it.
The Chinese money machine raises two big issues. Much attention has been focused on how best to stop the reserves from increasing further and whether Beijing financial authorities should let the yuan appreciate. Let's put that debate aside for the moment and dwell on another more interesting question: What should China do with all those money.
失败是成功之母 不要害怕挫折。没有任何时候比你因正当理由而受挫时离胜利更近
Do not be afraid of defeat. You are never so near to victory as when defeated in a good cause
On this Labor Day, David Wessel, deputy Washington bureau chief of The Wall Street Journal, talks to Steve Inskeep about wages of the American worker. Wessel says that according to new government figures, American productivity is up, but very often, wages are not.
The economy is growing, the unemployment is usually low by historical standards. But for the typical worker, ___1___. The new census bureau numbers to which we refer said that for workers, ___2___ work full-time year round. The ones at middle of the middle of the income distribution, their wages fell last year by 1.8% after adjusting for inflation. And they are actually lower in 2005 than they were back in 1998.
Where is the money going?
A lot of it is ___3___. It is going to workers but it’s not going to all workers. The best-off workers, the ones with the ___4___ or who have ___5___ with baseball teams or CEOs. Their wages are going up quite nicely. They’re getting a widening slice of the pie.
There is something wrong with the system in which the economy can be doing so well but the workers at the middle are not doing so well. Or a system in which the gap between the wages of the ___6___ is widening.
___7___ is a symbolic point of this broader issue. ___8___ have saved consumers more money that it might be costing the employees in terms of keeping salaries low and cutting health benefits.
The economy is succeeding if there are more ___9___.
1.wages are not going up
2.male workers
3. going into profits
4.most education
5.sweet contracts
6.CEO and the average assembly line worker
8.technological companies
9.winners than losers
①France today is no superpower, but French influence in some spheres significant.
  考点: sphere: 1)range or extent (of sb’s interests, activity, influence, etc) (个人的兴趣、活动、影响的)范围;领域
eg. a sphere of influence: area over which a country, etc claims certain rights
2)person’s place in society 社会地位
eg. She is distinguished in many different spheres.她在社会各界都出了名。
②Nothing has cemented French influence in the world like the decision made by the victorious World War Ⅱ powers in 1945 to include France as one of the five permanent, veto-wielding members of the Security Council.
考点: 正反译法:Nothing has cemented…→这点最直接地体现在
cement: establish (sth) firmly; strengthen 加强
eg. cement a friendship→结成牢不可破的友谊
断句译法:in 1945 to include→决定,即…
③Until the end of the Cold War, France rarely found itself in disagreement with or the U.S. on major issues.
④But the U.N. veto today takes on larger significance as France struggles to decide whether it wants to lead the European Union in defiance of American power or in partnership with it.
转性译法:名→动    defiance→蔑视   partnership→合作
正反译法:takes on larger significance
take on: (不用于被动式)表现;呈现(某种品质,外表);装出
eg. Her eyes took on a hurt expression. 她的眼神里透露出伤痕。
⑤As America’s great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations, the question of a “grand gesture” by the French toward the American war in Iraq has been raised.
  考点: D-day: The unnamed day on which an operation or offensive is to be launched, especially June 6, 1944, the day on which the Allied forces invaded France during World War II.
转态译法:has been raised→呼之欲出
名词词组译为分句:the question of→是否
⑥Administration officials hint that, perhaps, just perhaps, the French President will use the occasion of France’s rescue as an opportunity to square the accountants——to issue a blanket endorsement of America’s plan for Iraq’s future and throw its support behind the transfer of power looming at the end of the month.
考点: 抽象译法:square accounts with→与…结算; 清算; 向…报仇
blank endorsement→ n. An endorsement on a check or negotiable note that names no payee, making it payable to the bearer.
分词短语的翻译:定语前置法:power looming at the end of the month
loom: seem imminent; impend:
⑦France seems unlikely to see D-Day as an opportunity to make good on a 60-year-old debt.
考点: make good: pay for, replace or repair sth that has been lost or damaged
⑧Beyond nice speeches and some truly fine cuisine, don’t expect France to liberate America from Iraq.
Octopus Kills Shark
An octopus decides on its next meal, and it’s a shark!
Here is a Giant Pacific Octopus in an equally giant aquarium tank. Ok, that’s all great for mum and dad and the whole family who come to see the octopus, except ------ now, there are sharks in this tank as well. Sharks that are ___1___ predators and _____2_____and that had been known to veer from their usual fishy diets to ___3___on an occasional octopus. These are spiny dogfish sharks. Did anybody ask the octopus about this? Uh… No. What the aquarium folks are thinking is that the octopus can use its ability to ___4___itself as protection. And if that doesn’t work, it has the strength to fight off the shark, or at least dash to the nearest hiding hole that it can_____5_____. The aquarium folks soon realize what does happen when you put these sharks and octopi in the same tank. And you are about to see it too, if you got the courage to keep watching if only through your splayed fingers.
The octopus, not in the habit of attacking sharks. The shark, ___________6___________, they can puncture anything that touches them. The octopus, can its powers of defense saved in such tight quarters? The shark, menacing on the prowl, just______________7____________. I’ve got a feeling this real-life version of jaws isn’t going to be pretty. And so the shark, err, um, the, the shark…. err, uh, boy, my glad I didn’t have a bet down on this matchup. That’s right, this is what happened ---- the giant Pacific octopus as seen here in this amazing, so close you feel like you might get squashed footage, was making short berk of the shark in the tank. ______8______kept showing up at the bottom of the tank, what you are seeing, this footage, was taken to see what was doing in the supposedly invisible predators. The aquarium staff learned something new about the octopi, there was a danger in the tank, all right? But it was all to the sharks. That’s one way to defend yourself from a predator---- eliminate them
1. voracious
2. opportunistic feeders
3. munch
4. camouflage
5. squeeze into
6. sharp spines jutting out from its dorsal fins
7. itching to use those rows of teeth to crush its next meal
8. Dogfish carcasses
186.爱国人士 patriotic personage
187.班主任Class Discipline Adviser/Head Teacher
188.半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school
189.半文盲 semiliterate; functional illiterate
190.必修课 required/compulsory course
句子: 成为有理想,有道德,有文化,守纪律的劳动者
To become working people with lofty ideals, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline
晚间新闻script 听写
1. Two students who have admitted to robbing a Chinese herbalist last month have narrowly escaped lengthy jail terms. Deputy District Court Judge Ada Yim today sent 16-year-old Mak Chi-ho to a correctional centre and ordered Chan Pak-kit who's also 16 to perform 240 hours of community service. The judge also placed both teenagers under a curfew from 8 pm. to 6:30 am. In handing down her sentence, Judge Yim acknowledged the pair: "had the courage to admit their mistakes," which is why she did not give them the maximum penalty of a six-year jail term.
July 16, 2006
PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, thank you for coming by to say hello. I remember fondly your visit to Washington, D.C., a very successful trip to our Nation's Capital and other parts of our country. I want to thank you for the discussion we've had today.
The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution dealing with the North Korean issue, and I want to thank you for your leadership on that, Mr. President. We're working together on the Iranian[adj.伊朗的 n.伊朗人] issue. We talked about the Middle East. I want to thank you very much for our continued dialogue on bilateral[adj.有两面的, 双边的] issues. We spent a lot of time on economics and trade.
All in all, it's a continuation[n.继续, 续集, 延长, 延长物, 扩建物, 附加部分, (报刊等的)续刊、增刊, 续篇] of the very good dialogue we had during your trip to Washington, and I want to thank you for coming.
PRESIDENT HU: (As translated.) Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very happy to have the opportunity to meet you here. As President Bush said, just now we had a very friendly and candid[adj.率直、坦白而诚实的] discussion. To start with the discussion, I expressed my heartfelt[adj.衷心的, 真心真意的] thanks to the American side for the warm reception afforded to me during my visit to the United States in April this year by President Bush, the American government and the American people.
In addition, we also had an in-depth discussion on the China-U.S. relationship and major international issues of mutual interest. Both President Bush and I speak highly of the development of China-U.S. relationship as it is today. We also are happy to see that the agreement President Bush and I reached on comprehensively moving forward the constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relationship is being gradually implemented[(implement):n.工具 vt. 实现,使生效,执行].
We both agreed to continue to view and handle the China-U.S. relationship from a strategic[a. 战略的,战略上的] plane, I mean a long-term perspective. In addition, we also agreed to work hard to expand the convergent[adj.会集于一点的, 会聚性的, 收敛的] interests between the two countries and step up our pragmatic[adj.国事的, 团体事务的, 实际的, 注重实效的] cooperation in the economic, trade, energy, science, technology, counter-terrorism[n.恐怖主义, 恐怖统治, 恐怖行动], non[adv.非, 不]-proliferation[n.增殖, 分芽繁殖] and military fields.
At the same time, we also believe that we need to respect and properly address each other's concerns and properly handle the sensitive issues in the bilateral[adj.有两面的, 双边的] relationship, so that we can continue to move forward this relationship.
We both believe that against the current backdrop[n.舞台背景;背景] of a complex and volatile[adj.挥发性的] international situation, to enhance the consultation[n.请教, 咨询, 磋商, [医]会诊] and the coordination between China and the United States on major regional, as well as international issues, serves the interests of both countries. This is also crucial to international peace and stability[n.稳定,稳定性,巩固].
Both sides expressed their commitment to maintain peace and stability[n.稳定,稳定性,巩固] on the Korean Peninsula[n.半岛] and in Northeast Asia as a whole, and both sides agreed to continue their efforts to move forward the six-party talks, so that at the end of the day, the entire Korean Peninsula[n.半岛] could be denuclearized[(denuclearize):v.撤除核武器] in peaceful way through dialogue and in negotiations.
Both sides expressed their commitment to maintain peace and stability[n.稳定,稳定性,巩固] on the Korean Peninsula[n.半岛] and in Northeast Asia as a whole, and both sides agreed to continue their efforts to move forward the six-party talks, so that at the end of the day, the entire Korean Peninsula[n.半岛] could be denuclearized[(denuclearize):v.撤除核武器] in peaceful way through dialogue and in negotiations.
Both sides indicated their willingness to work together to continue to seek a peaceful solution to the Iranian[adj.伊朗的 n.伊朗人] nuclear issue. We also discussed the situation in the Middle East.
In this afternoon's discussion, we also spent quite a lot of time in an in-depth manner on our economic ties and trade, and on the Taiwan question.
I am satisfied with the discussion with President Bush. Thank you.



There was a man of the state of Chu who sold shields and spears. He bragged about his shields saying:” My shields are so hard that nothing can pierce through them .”He also bragged about his spears saying:” My spears are so sharp that there is nothing they cannot pierce through.” Someone said:” What would happen if people were to use your spears to pierce through your shields?’ That person could not answer. Now, shields that cannot be pierced through and spears that can pierced through anything cannot exist at the sane time.


There was a person from the state of Song who was concerned that his sprouts would not grow tall and who therefore pulled them up a bit. He returned home looking exhausted and spoke to the people in his family saying:” Today I am tired out! I have just helped the sprouts grow taller.” His son rushed out and went to the fields to look at the sprouts; it turned out that the sprouts had all withered.
The people in the world who do not help their sprouts grow are few indeed! The people who think there is no advantage in nurturing them are the people who abandon them; these are the people who do not weed their sprouts. The people who want to help their sprouts grow are the people who pull them up a bit. The method of pulling them up a bit not only has no benefit, but on the contrary also injures them.



201 Though energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it can be transformed from one form to another.
202. In the subsequent years there was a trend of higher yields in tilled plots, although the increase was non-significant.
203. The following exercise, while overly simplistic, may nevertheless be helpful in understanding the problem.
204. Whereas there are numerous instance of this type of coincidence, there are also many example of the opposite.
205. Not but what the world’s oceans are abundant in various resources, only a small part of them is in use.
206. As a result, the tsunami of 1957 killed no one in Hawaii, even though water levels were locally higher than 1946.
207. If for no reason than that electricity was off the machine stopped running, it is too old to work any longer.
208. Admitting that the vast expanse of oceans seems terrible, they provide us with abundant resources.
209. The chemical composition of water remains constant whether it is in solid, liquid or gaseous state.
210. All substances on the earth, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, are made up of atoms.

  ①Our manager nodded to express his approval.
  ②Our manager nodded approval.

  ①Bridegroom and bride bowed to their parents.
   ②Bride and bridegroom bowed to their parents.

Farm experts know that it has taken hundreds of years of breeding different varieties of corn to get the kinds we have today.
理解之初,我们可以从头看起。首先是Farm experts know,这是一个主谓结构,看起来是句子的主句;that it has taken hundreds of years,从连词that来看,它是名词从句;是主句中谓语动词know的宾语;of breeding different varieties of corn为介词短语,是hundreds of years的定语;to get the kinds是不定式短语,从前面的that it has taken……来看,这个不定式短语才是该句子的真正主语,it只是形式主语;最后的we have today又是一个句子,它只能是定语从句,用来修饰the kinds。到这里,全句的意思就清楚了,剩下的便是如何将它整理成文字了。


出口退税机制   Export tax rebate system
多年积累的深层次问题  Long-standing and deep-seated problems
改善缺医少药的状况 Alleviate the shortage of medical services and medicines
阶段性政策   Interim policy
公正  Notary service
Pilot plan to transform state-owned commercial banks into stock entities strengthen, support and protect agriculture
粮食风险基金Grain risk fund
盲目投资Haphazard investment
南水北调工程东线Eastern route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project
农村非农产业Non-agricultural industries in rural areas
农村税费改革试点Experimental reform of rural taxes and administrative charges
农民人均纯收入Rural per capita net income
配套措施Supporting measures
群众体育Amateur sports
森工Logging industry
社会投资Nongovernmental investment
贴息贷款Soft loan
拖欠工程款Default on construction cost
文化体制改革Cultural restructuring
县乡机构改革Reforms of county and township government institutions
消费信贷Consumption on credit
循环经济和情节生产Recycling industries and clean production
优先安置Hiring preference
增强经济发展后劲Increase the potential for economic development
政府工作的着力点The government’s priorities
Mechanism for investigating and prosecuting law enforcement improprieties
职工代表大会Workers’ conference
Systems for making collective decisions on major issues, for soliciting opinions from experts, for keeping the public informed and holding public hearings, and for accountability in policy-making
Separate secondary lines of business from core business, turn secondary lines into independent companies
Transform the resource-based economies of certain cities
Measures for assisting vagrants and beggars with no means of support in cities
Appropriately increase investment from the central budget for regular construction
Carry out more special programs to address safety problems
保证物流畅通Ensure unimpeded flow of goods and materials
超期羁押Detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits
独立自主自办的原则Principle of independence and self-governance
Integrate the subsistence allowances for laid-off workers into the unemployment insurance system
Establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban and rural areas
Looting the aged 对老年人的掠夺
A corruption scandal in Shanghai makes political mileage for Hu Jintao
EVEN if they were well managed, China's social-security funds would find themselves hugely in the red in a few years' time, as a bulge of retired workers start demanding pensions. But recent allegations of massive corruption in the management of Shanghai's fund, involving the illicit use of $400m, reveal just how much officials can worsen the problem.
For a city that is trying to promote itself as China's sophisticated financial capital, the scandal is a serious blow. For President Hu Jintao, eager to display his authority in the run-up to an important Communist Party conclave next year, it may be beneficial. In his handling of the allegations, he has shown a willingness to crack down on waywardness in the provinces, which have been frustrating the central leadership's efforts to rein in the economy. As a particularly powerful enclave, which enjoys the status of a province, and is reputed—though evidence for this is debatable—to be a bastion of Mr. Hu's political rivals, Shanghai was a perfect case for Mr. Hu to act upon. More than 100 officials have been dispatched from Beijing to investigate the alleged graft, according to the government news agency, Xinhua.
China's official media have described it as Shanghai's biggest financial scandal in many years. It allegedly involves the misappropriation of one-third of the city's $1.2 billion social-security fund. Since the scandal was uncovered in July, the director of Shanghai's Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau, Zhu Junyi, and a district government chief, Qin Yu, have been sacked. Mr. Qin happens to be a former top aide of the city's party chief, Chen Liangyu, who is also a member of the ruling Politburo. Several prominent people in the business world are being questioned. On September 5th Chinese media said Wu Minglie, the chairman of one of Shanghai's biggest property developers, New Huangpu Group, had been detained.
According to Chinese press reports, the fund lent money that was used to invest in risky toll-road and real-estate projects. In theory, social-security funds should mainly be invested in treasury bonds and bank deposits, which yield very low returns. The government has been cautious about allowing funds to be put into stocks because China's capital markets are still rather rough and ready. It also fears that any loosening of controls could encourage abuses by local officials. But a lack of transparency in the management of funds, combined with pressures to make up pension deficits, still result in frequent wrongdoing. Xinhua quoted an official as saying that 16 billion yuan ($2 billion) had been embezzled from the funds since 1998.
Shanghai's case is the latest in a series of big corruption stories reported by the Chinese media in recent weeks. A deputy mayor of Beijing, a chief prosecutor in nearby Tianjin, a deputy commander of the navy and a deputy governor are among those who have been arrested. But the scandal in Shanghai has aroused particular attention because of widespread public concerns about meager pensions and unemployment benefits as well as the fast-rising cost of health care. A commentary on one official newspaper website spoke of a “crisis of confidence” in the social-security system generated by the Shanghai case. The famous words of Lord Acton, a 19th-century historian, were quoted in another: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
The Chinese media say government auditors are now examining accounts at social-security departments across the country. Such checks are conducted regularly, but this time they are being carried out by officials from other regions, in an apparent effort to minimise the possibility of cover-ups.
The Economist's primary focus is world news, politics and business, but it also runs regular sections on science and technology as well as books and the arts. Every two weeks, the newspaper includes, as an additional section, an in-depth survey of a particular business issue, business sector or geographical region. Every three months, The Economist publishes a quarterly technology survey.
Articles often take a definite editorial stance and almost never carry a byline. This means that no specific person or persons can be named as the author. Not even the name of the editor (from 2006, John Micklethwait) is printed in the issue. It is a longstanding tradition that an editor's only signed article during his tenure is written on the occasion of his departure from the position. The author of a piece is named in certain circumstances: when notable persons are invited to contribute opinion pieces; when Economist writers compile surveys; and to highlight a potential conflict of interest over a book review. The names of Economist editors and correspondents can be located, however, via the staff pages of the website.
The newspaper has a trademark tight writing style that is famous for putting a maximum amount of information into a minimum of column inches. The one feature most articles have in common is the concluding witticism. Some have joked that as long as the writers can deliver that, their political or other opinions do not matter. Since 1995, The Economist has published one obituary every week, of a famous (or infamous) person from any field of endeavor.
The Economist is famous for its Big Mac index, which uses the price of a Big Mac hamburger sold by McDonald's in different countries as an informal measure of purchasing power parity between two currencies. It has turned out to be a whimsical but surprisingly accurate index for comparison. In January 2004, this index was joined by a Starbucks "tall latte index".
The newspaper is also a co-sponsor of the Copenhagen Consensus.
Each of the opinion columns in the newspaper is devoted to a particular area of interest. The names of these columns reflect the topic they concentrate on:
1.Bagehot (Britain) - named for Walter Bagehot, nineteenth century British constitutional expert and early editor of The Economist.
2.Charlemagne (Europe) - named for Charlemagne, founder of the Frankish Empire.
Lexington (United States) - named for Lexington, Massachusetts, the site of the beginning of the American War of Independence.
3.Buttonwood (finance) - named for the buttonwood tree where early Wall Street traders gathered. This is an online column.
Two other regular columns are:
1.Face Value: about prominent people in the business world
2.Economic Focus: a general economics column frequently based on academic research
The magazine goes to press on Thursdays, is available online from Thursday evening GMT, and is available on newsstands in many countries the next day. It is printed in seven sites around the world.
The Economist newspaper sponsors yearly "Innovation Awards", in the categories of bioscience, computing and communications, energy and the environment, social and economic innovation, business-process innovation, consumer products, and a special “no boundaries” category.
The Economist also produces the annual The World in [Year] publication.

The August 5, 1843 prospectus for the newspaper, enumerated thirteen areas of coverage that its editors wanted the newspaper to focus on:
1.Original leading articles, in which free-trade principles will be most rigidly applied to all the important questions  of the day.
2.Articles relating to some practical, commercial, agricultural, or foreign topic of passing interest, such as foreign treaties.
3.An article on the elementary principles of political economy, applied to practical experience, covering the laws related to prices, wages, rent, exchange, revenue, and taxes.
4.Parliamentary reports, with particular focus on commerce, agriculture, and free trade.
5.Reports and accounts of popular movements advocating free trade.
6.General news from the Court, the Metrpolis, the Provinces, Scotland, and Ireland.
7.Commercial topics such as changes in fiscal regulations, the state and prospects of the markets, imports and exports, foreign news, the state of the manufacturing districts, notices of important new mechanical improvements, shipping news, the money market, and the progress of railways and public companies.
8.Agricultural topics, including the application of geology and chemistry; notices of new and improved implements, state of crops, markets, prices, foreign markets and prices converted into English money; from time to time, in some detail, the plans pursued in Belgium, Switzerland, and other well-cultivated countries.
9.Colonial and foreign topics, including trade, produce, political and fiscal changes, and other matters, including exposés on the evils of restriction and protection, and the advantages of free intercourse and trade.
10.Law reports, confined chiefly to areas important to commerce, manufacturing, and agriculture.
11.Books, confined chiefly, but not so exclusively, to commerce, manufacturing, and agriculture, and including all treatises on political economy, finance, or taxation.
12.A commercial gazette, with prices and statistics of the week.
13.Correspondence and inquiries from the newspaper's readers.

Main article: The Economist editorial stance
When the newspaper was founded, the term "economism" denoted what would today be termed fiscal conservatism in the United States, or economic liberalism in the rest of the world (and historically in the United States as well). The Economist generally supports free markets, and opposes socialism. It is in favor of globalization. Economic liberalism is generally associated with the right, but is now favoured by some traditionally left-wing parties. It also supports social liberalism, which is often seen as left-wing, especially in the United States. This contrast derives in part from The Economist's roots in classical liberalism, disfavoring government interference in either social or economic activity. According to former editor Bill Emmott "The Economist's philosophy has always been liberal, not conservative" (this meant in the non-modern-American senses of those terms). In modern American terms its stance is called libertarianism. However, the views taken by individual contributors are quite diverse.
The Economist has endorsed both the Labor Party and the Conservative Party in recent British elections, and both Republican and Democratic candidates in the United States.
A history of The Economist by the editors of Economist.com puts it this way:
What, besides free trade and free markets, does The Economist believe in? "It is to the Radicals that The Economist still likes to think of itself as belonging. The extreme centre is the paper's historical position." That is as true today as when former Economist editor Geoffrey Crowther said it in 1955. The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability. It has backed conservatives such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It has supported the Americans in Vietnam. But it has also endorsed Harold Wilson and Bill Clinton, and espoused a variety of liberal causes: opposing capital punishment from its earliest days, while favoring penal reform and decolonization, as well as—more recently—gun control and gay marriage.
The Economist has frequently criticized figures and countries deemed corrupt. In recent years, for example, it has been critical of Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's former Prime Minister (who dubbed it The Ecommunist); Laurent Kabila, the late president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and Robert Mugabe, the head of government in Zimbabwe. The Economist also called for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation after the emergence of the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse. Although The Economist supported George W. Bush's election campaign in 2000 and vocally supported the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the editors backed John Kerry in the 2004 election and the editorial tone has since become increasingly critical of the Bush administration due to its general disagreement with the paper's classical liberalism.

Tone and voice
The Economist does not print by-lines identifying the authors of articles. In their own words: "It is written anonymously, because it is a paper whose collective voice and personality matter more than the identities of individual journalists."
The editorial staff enforces a strictly uniform voice throughout the magazine.  As a result, most articles read as though they were written by a single author, displaying dry, understated wit, and precise use of language.
It does not explain terms like invisible hand, macroeconomics, or demand curve, and may take just six or seven words to explain the theory of comparative advantage. The newspaper usually does not translate short French quotes or phrases, and sentences in Ancient Greek or Latin are not uncommon, although these are translated.
It strives to be well-rounded. As well as financial and economic issues, it reports on science, culture, language, literature, and art, and is careful to hire writers and editors who are well-versed in these subjects.
The publication is not without a sense of whimsy. Most articles conclude with a witticism; some have joked that as long as the writers can deliver that, their opinions do not matter. The Letters section usually concludes with an odd or light-hearted letter. One notable example simply asked, "What is the idiot's corner, and how can I get published there?"
Circulation for the newspaper, audited by Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), was 1,038,552 for the first half of 2005. Sales inside North America were 51 per cent of the total, with sales in the UK making up 15 per cent of the total and continental Europe 20 per cent. The Economist claims sales, both by subscription and on newstands, in 201 countries.
The newspaper consciously adopts an internationalist approach and notes that over 80% of its readership is from outside the UK, its country of publication.
The Economist Newspaper Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Economist Group. One half of The Economist Group is owned by private shareholders, including members of the Rothschild banking family of England, and the other half by the Financial Times, a subsidiary of The Pearson Group. The editorial independence of The Economist is strictly upheld. An independent trust board, which has power to block any changes of the editor, exists to ensure this.
The Economist frequently receives letters from senior businesspeople, politicians and spokespeople for government departments, Non-Governmental Organizations and pressure-groups. While well-written or witty responses from anyone will be considered, controversial issues will frequently produce a torrent of letters. For example, the survey of Corporate Social Responsibility, published January 2005, produced largely critical letters from Oxfam, the UN World Food Programme, UN Global Compact, the Chairman of BT, an ex-Director of Shell and the UK Institute of Directors.
Censorship of  The Economist
Sections of The Economist criticizing authoritarian regimes, such as China, are frequently removed from the newspaper by the authorities in those countries. Nelson Mandela stated that he used to receive The Economist while imprisoned in South Africa until the authorities there realized that it was not restricted to covering economic issues and was taking a very strong line against the apartheid regime. The government of Saudi Arabia (among others) censors the magazine, which often appears on newsstands with missing pages. Some issues (such as one covering King Fahd's death in 2005) were banned from the kingdom. Robert Mugabe's government in Zimbabwe went further, and imprisoned The Economist's correspondent there, charging him with violating an infamous statute against "publishing untruth" (although he was later acquitted, only to receive a deportation order). In June 15, 2006 Iran banned the sale of The Economist due to a map incorrectly labeling the Persian Gulf as the 'Gulf' [16]. Iran's action can be put into context within the larger issue of the Persian


原文:Mr Hu finally goes to Washington

  A state visit in Chinese eyes, but not in America's. Don't expect a love-in  “VERY positive and complex.” That is how George Bush ambivalently characterized his country's relations with China this week. When his counterpart, Hu Jintao, pays his first presidential visit to the White House on April 20th, Mr. Bush will struggle to manage a relationship that many in Washington view more simply as negative. The two leaders are anxious to avoid letting their disputes seriously damage ties. But much will depend on how they manage opinion at home.
This is a particularly sensitive time. The approach of America's mid-term elections in November is encouraging both Democrats and Republicans to play to voters' concerns about the threat China's rapid economic rise is said to pose to American jobs. The administration wants China to help check the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea. China wants America to restrain Taiwan, where the approach of presidential elections in 2008 is already threatening to whip up new turbulence in the island's uneasy relationship with the mainland. Neither side thinks the other is delivering enough.
Mr. Hu is especially keen for this visit, his first to Washington since he became Communist Party chief in 2002 and president in 2003, to establish his credentials at home as a statesman. He should have gone last September, but the trip was blown off course by Hurricane Katrina. However, Mr. Bush, anxious not to appear too friendly with a country that so many Americans view with suspicion, is not laying out the full red carpet. Chinese officials insist on calling this a state visit. The White House is not using that level of protocol. State visits involve a formal dinner; Mr. Hu will only be given lunch.
Gulf naming dispute.neral Newspaper.
Such niceties are important to Mr. Hu. Like Mr. Bush, he is under pressure at home. The party is beginning to gear up for its five-yearly congress next year and Mr Hu needs all the authority he can muster to ensure that he succeeds in placing his protégés in key positions. As in America's Congress, there is growing anxiety in China about the impact of globalisation. Mr. Hu wants to look strong in the presence of Mr. Bush. This means not appearing to capitulate to America's trade demands.
But Mr. Hu is making conciliatory gestures. China does not want a trade war that could damage its biggest overseas market. To help reduce America's record trade deficit with China, valued by the Americans at $202 billion last year (see chart), a Chinese delegation last week embarked on a buying tour in America that is expected to result in some $15 billion-worth of deals. As part of this, on April 11th, China signed a deal agreeing to buy 80 Boeing planes worth $4.6 billion, and said it would resume buying American beef, banned since 2003 because of mad-cow fears.
In response to American concerns about rampant violations of intellectual-property rights in China, the Chinese authorities have staged a show of resolve in recent weeks. Some shops in Beijing selling pirated DVDs have been closed. Banners have appeared on the streets urging citizens not to buy them. In late March the government ordered computer manufacturers to pre-load licensed operating-system software onto machines to prevent retailers using pirated versions.
Such shows of goodwill are unlikely to have much impact. Mr. Bush has urged Mr. Hu to use his visit to make some announcement on China's undervalued currency. But there is little likelihood that Mr. Hu will say anything important about this. In recent weeks, China has allowed the yuan to appreciate a little more quickly, but shows no desire to take the big steps demanded by those American politicians who argue that it is as much as 40% undervalued. Mr. Hu's primary concern is about stability at home, and a rapid revaluation would threaten this. Fortunately for him, Mr. Bush, unlike some members of Congress, appears disinclined to take up cudgels. The release of a Treasury report, which could accuse China of manipulating its currency, has been delayed until after the visitor leaves. Even in Congress cooler heads might still prevail. Last month two senators withdrew a bill that threatened 27.5% tariffs on Chinese imports if China failed to revalue its currency by a large margin.
Mr. Hu's officials have responded with a show of enthusiasm to the Bush administration's suggestions, first made last year, that China's role in the world should be one of “responsible stakeholder”. China likes to draw attention to its mediating role in efforts to persuade North Korea to give up its nuclear-weapons programme. It tried to take advantage of a private forum in Tokyo this week, which senior North Korean and American officials attended, to persuade North

Korea to resume negotiations. But these efforts appeared unsuccessful. Likewise, China says the Iranian nuclear dispute should be resolved without sanctions or force. But it has not publicly threatened to use its UN veto to block any American attempt to escalate pressure on Iran.
In recent months, China has even shown tentative signs of wanting progress in talks with representatives of the Dalai Lama and of the Vatican. Few expect breakthroughs soon. But in a gesture clearly aimed at pleasing Mr. Bush, China last month allowed a Tibetan nun who had been imprisoned for 14 years for her outspoken support of the Dalai Lama to go to America for medical treatment. Still, Mr. Hu has shown no real willingness to ease his suppression of dissent. Worried that rapid economic and social change could trigger instability, he is tightening controls. Mr. Bush recently described China as a “big opportunity for democracy”. On this, Mr. Hu will disappoint him.


原文:How to make China even richer

Let the peasants own their land
IN 1940, nine years before his Communist Party seized power, Mao Zedong set out his plans for a “new China”. The republic would, he said, “take certain necessary steps” to confiscate land from rural landlords. Under the principle of “land to the tiller”, it would then “turn the land over to the private ownership of the peasants.” If only things had turned out this way.
The “necessary steps” involved widespread slaughter. Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of landowning rural residents and their families were executed or beaten to death by fellow villagers. The peasants got their small parcels of land, but not for long. By the late 1950s, private land ownership had been eliminated and peasants had become property-less members of “People's Communes”. It was an upheaval that, along with bad weather and a frenzied attempt to catch up with American levels of industrial production, contributed to millions more deaths in a nationwide famine.
As our survey describes, China has yet to undo the damage. A few years after Mao's death in 1976, the People's Communes were dismantled. Under Deng Xiaoping, agricultural production soared as for the first time in 30 years peasants were allocated (but not given full ownership of) plots of land to farm independently. This marked the start of the economic transformation that today holds the world spellbound. But it is the prosperity of urban China that mesmerises foreign businesses. Since its boom in the early 1980s, the countryside has lagged ever further behind.
This time, a genuine great leap forward
Deng kept in place two pillars of the Maoist rural order: collective land ownership and an apartheid system that barred rural residents from moving to the cities. The latter has begun to erode, due to the need for cheap labour to sustain a manufacturing boom. But the former remains firmly in place.
Now is the time to revive Mao's vision of a new landowning order. This would ease rural strife, fuel growth and help develop the genuine market economy the leadership claims to want. Giving peasants marketable ownership rights, and developing a legal system to protect them, would bring huge economic benefits. If peasants could mortgage their land, they could raise money to boost its productivity. Ownership would give them an incentive to do so. And if peasants could sell their land, they could acquire sufficient capital to start life anew in urban areas. This would boost urban consumption and encourage the migration of unproductive rural labour into the cities. For China to sustain its impressive growth rate and reduce inequalities, getting the many tens of millions of underemployed peasants off the land and into wealth-creating jobs is essential. The exodus would help those left behind to expand their land holdings and use them more efficiently.
No government, least of all the control freaks who run China, would embark on such a momentous exercise lightly. Communist Party ideologues are all too aware that a failure to handle rural issues properly can be destabilising. They worry that allowing peasants to sell their land could restore a rural landowning class, and that peasants would sell up in huge numbers and descend upon ill-prepared cities, throwing up shanty towns and pushing up crime.
Some officials also see collective ownership of rural land as one of the few remaining badges of China's professed “socialism”, and fear the explosion of divisive political debate if this bit of constitutional dogma is changed. In China's case, however, it is the absence of reform that is proving destabilising, as peasants protest violently against land seizures by local governments keen to exploit the land themselves. Though materially better off than they were in 1949, many peasants say that local bureaucrats have in effect become the landlords, sometimes using mafia-type gangs to push them off their fields.
A few opponents of land reform in the countryside say they are acting in the rural population's own interests. They point to the lack of social-security provisions for peasants. Though peasants have limited control over the land they farm, in most cases it can at least help to feed them.
The weakness of this argument is that forced appropriations by local governments have already deprived as many as 40m peasants of some or all of their land since the early 1990s, with little or no compensation. Besides, the best way to secure the welfare of the peasants is not to keep them trapped on underworked land but to spend more directly on services for the poor. With strong revenue growth, a low budget deficit and a booming economy, China can afford this. Compensating peasants for appropriated land on the basis of market values, not just minimal agricultural ones, would help too. And introducing a value-based property tax would persuade local governments to worry less about losing the one-off revenues they now enjoy from the sale of land rights.
It would be disingenuous to deny that land reform will loosen party control in the long run. A decade ago almost all urban housing was owned by the state. In one of the most dramatically successful economic reforms of the past quarter century in China, most is now privately owned. This has fostered the growth of a middle class that wants guarantees that its new assets are safe from the party's whims. Property owners are electing their own landlord committees—independent of the party—to protect their rights. A new breed of lawyers, not party stooges as most once were, is emerging to defend those whose properties are threatened by the state. Property owners want a clean environment around their homes. Green activism, which hardly existed in China a decade ago, is spurring the development of a civil society.
Even so, China's Communist Party has shown that it will take big risks if economic development demands them. Hence the widespread closure and privatization of state-owned enterprises in the past decade, with the loss of millions of jobs. The leadership knows that China's history has been one of recurring bloody upheavals by landless peasants; it is caught between wanting to retain control and wanting to avoid another upheaval. This is the moment to complete the unfinished business of rural reform.

By surrendering themselves to their mates, male mantises increase their reproductive success. Still other scientists have proposed that males actually go to great lengths to minimize their risk of being eaten
acquiring company 收购公司  
bad loan 呆帐  
chart of cash flow 现金流量表  
clearly-established ownership 产权清晰  
debt to equity 债转股  
diversity of equities 股权多元化  
economy of scale 规模经济  
emerging economies 新兴经济  
exchange-rate regime 汇率机制  
fund and financing 筹资融资  
global financial architecture 全球金融体系  
global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化  
go public 上市  
growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长  
have one's 'two commas' 百万富翁  
hedge against 套期保值  
housing mortgage 住房按揭  
holdings 控股,所持股份  
holding company 控股公司  
initial offerings 原始股  
initial public offerings 首次公募  
innovative business 创新企业  
intellectual capital 智力资本  
inter-bank lending 拆借  
internet customer 网上客户  
investment payoff period 投资回收期  
joint-stock 参股  
mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人  
means of production 生产要素  
(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹  
mergers and acquisitions 并购  
mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业  
moods 人气  
net potato 网虫  
non-store selling 直销  
offering 新股  
online-banking 网上银行业  
online-finance 在线金融  
online client (银行的)网上客户  
paper profit 账面收益  
physical assets 有形资产  
project fund system 项目资本金制度  
pyramid sale 传销  
recapitalize 资产重组  
regional currency blocks 地区货币集团  
regulate 调控  
sell off 变现  
share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权  
smart card 智能卡  
slash prices 杀价  
spare capacity 闲置的生产能力  
strong growth 强劲的增长势头  
switch trade 转手贸易  
take public 上市  
tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产  
transaction (银行的)交易  
transfer payment from the exchequer 财政转移支付  
venture-capital 风险资本  
virtual bank 虚拟银行  
wire transfer 电子转账
Central Committee.
It was the responsibility of the Party and the government to ensure equality in education, and more efforts were needed to deepen the educational reform and realign the education structure to satisfy the people, he said.
The education of patriotism needed to be enhanced to instruct students to love the country and to serve the people, and innovation and practice should be encouraged in promoting c___________ education(合成词,素质教育).
Party committees and governments must improve assistance and implement preferential policies for students from needy families, and optimize employment opportunities for college graduates, said Hu, adding the unreasonable and illegal raising of tuition fees must be eliminated.
Three tasks set in the 11th five-year plan had to be fulfilled: ensuring compulsory education, promoting vocational education and raising the quality of higher education.
政治协商制度:the system of political consultation
民族区域自治制度: the system of regional autonomy
the political situation characterized by democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony
Long-term existence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe
民主党派;Non-Communist parties
工商联;Federations of industry and commerce
无党派人士  personages without party affiliation
1. He truely seemed to be able to do almost everything.
2.the last universal man 最后一个全才
3.give this view of the man 这样评价他的。
4. make sb. tick 让某人充满活力.
5. draw sb. out = to make sb. less nervous and more willing to talk
6. half brother  同父异母的兄弟
7. write an article for the paper 为---报纸撰稿
8. the lightening rod 避雷针
9. graphic words 详细描述的词汇,生动的词汇。
10. inculate 灌输 She tries very hard to inculate traditional values into her students.
Chinese leaders caution against urban s_______(城市蔓延)
Chinese leaders warned here on Tuesday that urban s______(同标题)at the expense of the environment and excessive energy consumption was detrimental to China's modernization and contrary to the interests of the general public.
Urban planning must be carried out in an energy-e_______ and environmentally-f______ (节能环保)manner and consider the convenience of residents' daily lives, Premier Wen Jiabao stressed in a written instruction to the 2006 China Mayors' Forum that opened here on Tuesday.
He urged local city planning departments to restrict the size of cities to "a reasonable level" and pay attention to the needs of residents.
Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan told the forum's opening ceremony that measures must be taken to curb b_______ expansion(盲目扩张) and the waste of land and capital resources.
Cities should strive to outperform others in the conservation of land, water and energy resources and in improving the environment, he said.
Zeng warned that urban development must not be separated from rural growth. "An important job of mayors is to f_______(推动,促进) balanced development between cities and countryside, to enrich citizens and simultaneously bring wealth to farmers."
Keys for the above exercise
sprawl (urban sprawl 城市蔓延,城市未经规划而不规则地向外扩展,往往侵占农村。有兴趣地可以参看http://www.slate.com/id/2129636/
efficient   friendly   blind    facilitate


1  采煤沉陷区 sinkholes in coal mining areas   棚户区 shantytowns
2  传销及变相传销 pyramid schemes and the ones in disguised forms
3  手机实名制 mobile phone identification policy
4  福利腐败 corruption in the execution of welfare policy
5  内外资企业所得税统一 the unity of income taxes levied from domestic and foreign-funded enterprises
6  论文崇拜 the worship of research paper; the worship of scientific paper
|7 以房养老 use house property as the living means for one’s old age; using house property as the living means for the aged
8 《中华人民共和国公司法》 Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
9 《重大动物疫情应急条例》 Emergency Measures for Handling Major Animal Epidemics
Special Regulations for Preventing Coalmine Accidents
11 《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》
Master State Plan for Rapid Response to Public Emergencies
1.大起大落 drastic fluctuations
2.把握正确的舆论导向 maintain a correct orientation for public opinion.
3.不屈不挠 unyieldingly
4.拨乱反正 set things right
5.长治久安 the lasting political stability
6.当家作主 be the masters of the country
7.独立自主,自力更生 independence and self-reliance
8.法定人数  quorum
9.翻天覆地  earth-shaking
10.繁荣富强 prosperous and strong
11.共同富裕的原则 the principle of common prosperity
12.国家宏观调控 the state macro-control
13.国民素质的提高 the enhancement of the quality of the entire population
14.积极进取  take the initiative to make progress
15.积极推进各项配套改革:  press ahead with all the supportive reforms
16.基本国策 the basic state policy
17.基层工作  grass-roots work
18.基层民主 democracy at the grassroots level
19.继承前人的成果 inherit the achievements predecessors
20.寄予厚望 place high hopes on
21.团结一切可以团结的力量 to unite with all forces that can be united with
22.十届全国人大二次会议 the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress
23.廉政,勤政,务实,高效的政府 an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government
24.两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress
25.两手抓,两手都要硬 We must address ourselves to the problem of both material and spiritual civilization without any letup.

注意一些idioms 的翻译

1. cost an arm and leg 花费很昂贵
2. agree to disagree/differ  同意保留各自意见
3 .get the upper hand 占上风
4. pay through the nose for sth. 花大价钱买---
5.bring home the bacon 养家糊口
6.more bark than bite 刀子嘴,豆腐心
7.have a bee in one's bonnet 一心想着---
8.make sb's blood boil 让某人愤怒
9.a blessing in disguise 因祸得福 
10.bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩
11carry a chip on one's shoulder  爱生气地,怀恨在心的
12.handle with kid gloves :=handle with great care and sensitivity
13.have someone's number= 摸透了---的底细
14.keep a stiff upper lip 感情内敛,不外露
15.feel like a million dollars= feel well and attractive
16.cook the books 做假账
1. lurid
2. exhume
3. outlaw
4. recrimination
5. repudiate
6. peasantry
7  vandicate
8.  sickle
9.  hiatus
10 superstructure
11. ringleader
12. scowl
13. paunchy
14. Saturn
15. conceivable


Section IX: Miscellaneous Warrantless Searches
This section is about some of the other situations in which the police are authorized to conduct a warrantless search.
50. Can Police Secretly Listen in to Telephone Conversations Without a Search Warrant?
No. People reasonably expect their telephone conversations to be private, whether made from home or a public telephone booth. Police need a search warrant before recording or listening in to telephone conversations. (Katz v. U.S., U.S. Sup. Ct. 1967.) Federal laws enacted in 1996 extend the general privacy in telephone conversations to electronic devices like cell phones. (18 United States Code Sec. 2510.)
51. Do the Police Need a Warrant to Search My Trash?
No. People do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in garbage that they leave out for collection. (California v. Greenwood, U.S. Sup. Ct. 1988.)
Case Example: Fausto prunes his marijuana plants, placing the dead leaves and stems in a kitchen garbage bag, which he later puts in a garbage can outside his home for collection on trash day. Without Fausto's knowledge, the local police have asked the trash collector to deliver Fausto's trash directly to them rather than mixing it with other trash. The police search the trash, find the leaves and stems and seize them as evidence. Fausto is charged with marijuana cultivation, a felony.
Question: Did the police procedures in this case violate Fausto's rights under the Fourth Amendment?
Answer: No. Trash put out for collection is not within the Fourth Amendment's zone of protection. Because the trash is freely accessible to others (such as scavengers, snoops and the police) the owner has no reasonable expectation of privacy in it.
52. Is My Backyard as Subject to Fourth Amendment Protection as the Inside of My House?
Yes. However, as a practical matter, a person's privacy in his or her backyard is harder to protect than that inside the home. For instance, there is no privacy in the yard if members of the public can see into it from where they have a right to be.
Case Example 1: Officer Alex pulls into an alley behind Joshua's house, stops his car and climbs on the car roof to see over a high fence into Joshua's back yard. He spots a number of stacked boxes in an open shed. He shines his flashlight on the boxes and observes that they appear to contain electronic components. Officer Alex is aware of a recent burglary where similar components have been stolen. Officer Alex obtains a search warrant and returns to Joshua's house for a closer look. The components in the boxes match the description of the stolen ones, and Joshua is charged with the crime of receiving stolen property.
Question: Did Officer Alex violate Joshua's Fourth Amendment rights by standing on his car to peer into Joshua's backyard and shining his flashlight on the boxes?
Answer: No. Officer Alex was in a public place where he had a right to be. Even climbing onto the car and using his flashlight was fine since anyone driving in a high truck in the daytime could have made the same observations.
1、Federal laws enacted in 1996 extend the general privacy in telephone conversations to electronic devices like cell phones.
2、Did Officer Alex violate Joshua's Fourth Amendment rights by standing on his car to peer into Joshua's backyard and shining his flashlight on the boxes?
US plans reform of scrutiny panel to reassure investors
The US administration is launching an international campaign to persuade foreign investors that it is committed to an “open investment policy”, just months after intense political pressure in Congress forced CNOOC, the Chinese oil company, to abandon its multi-billion dollar bid for California-based Unocal.
美国财政部副部长罗伯特•金米特(Robert Kimmitt)在今日的《金融时报》上撰文称,政府将对美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)进行改革。这是一个由美国财政部领导的跨部门小组,行事隐秘。它以国家安全为宗旨,对外国收购美国资产的交易进行审核。改革的目的是提高审查过程的确定性和透明度。
Robert Kimmitt, the deputy Treasury secretary, writes in today’s FT that the administration will implement reforms to the Committee on Foreign Investments in the US, the secretive inter-agency panel chaired by the Treasury department that vets foreign takeovers of assets on national security grounds. The reforms are aimed at bringing greater certainty and transparency to the process.
金米特今天还将在达沃斯召开的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)上,就这一问题发表讲话。
Mr Kimmitt will also speak on the issue today at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Although pressure from Congress was largely responsible for forcing CNOOC to withdraw its bid for Unocal, the anti-China storm in Washington prompted new questions about the role of CFIUS, which has the power to block foreign takeovers deemed a risk to US security.
US plans reform of to investors
The US administration is launching an international campaign to persuade foreign investors that it is committed to an “open investment policy”, just months after intense political pressure in Congress forced CNOOC, the Chinese oil company, to abandon its multi-billion dollar bid for California-based Unocal.
美国财政部副部长罗伯特•金米特(Robert Kimmitt)在今日的《金融时报》上撰文称,政府将对美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)进行改革。这是一个由美国财政部领导的跨部门小组,行事隐秘。它以国家安全为宗旨,对外国收购美国资产的交易进行审核。改革的目的是提高审查过程的确定性和透明度。
Robert Kimmitt, writes in today’s FT that the administration will implement reforms to the Committee on Foreign Investments in the US, the secretive inter-agency panel chaired by the Treasury department that vets foreign takeovers of assets on national security grounds. The reforms are aimed at bringing greater certainty and transparency to the process.
金米特今天还将在达沃斯召开的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)上,就这一问题发表讲话。
Mr Kimmitt will also speak on the issue today at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Although pressure from Congress was largely responsible for forcing CNOOC to withdraw its bid for Unocal, the anti-China storm in Washington prompted new questions about the role of CFIUS, which has the power to block foreign takeovers deemed a risk to US security.
Fears that the CNOOC bid would be tied up in the CFIUS review were a significant factor in Unocal’s decision to accept a competing offer from Chevron, the US oil company.
A senior Treasury official said the administrative changes involve dedicating more senior policy staff to oversee CFIUS reviews, enhancing transparency to Congress about the process, and asking companies to approach CFIUS informally with their proposed deals earlier in the process in order to begin talks about potential issues as soon as possible.
But the moves do not appear to curb the broad powers that CFIUS has to review foreign takeovers, and may expand them in some ways.
The official said, for instance, that it was legitimate for the US to subject foreign deals that involve subsidized loans by a foreign state to extra scrutiny. Chevron raised the issue during the Unocal debate, saying that the CNOOC approach had an unfair advantage because of its access to state financing.

看疯狂的主妇学翻译 1

1. Just so you know, many of Freud's theories have been discredited.
2. I was just scaring them into behaving.
3. I saw it(a car) when I passed the dealership.
4. It's got GPS navigation, 200-watt stereo system, rear parking radar.
5. Did I take your breath away?
1.  正像你所知道的那样,许多弗洛伊德的理论都是名不副实的。
2.  我只是想吓唬吓唬他们,让他们乖一点。
3.  我路过车行的时候看到了这辆车.
6. I don't know why he barks at you.
7. By your own admission, your home is always clean, your clothes are always freshly pressed.
8. Despite her flaws, do you ever remember to say "thank you".
9. He is a taxidermist. 他是个动物标本搜集家.
10. She's never going to find that kind of chemistry with another man.
艰难的国运与雄健的国民National Crisis vs Heroic Nation
The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and
obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them.
[course] course是简单词汇,但很常用,要学会经常使用
the course of life from the cradle to the grave
从生到死的生活道路the course of history
历史的道路in the course of a year.
[beset] v. 困扰(by); 包围着,围绕(with)
sb. be beset by worries
sth. be beset with difficulties困难重重
[surmount] v. 战胜, 超越, 克服
surmount difficulties
[nothing short of] 相当于nothing less than或only
11.You weren't married to the guy with all the tattoos that they took away in handcuffs?
12.Susan was furious with Edie for using a dog to ingratiate herself with its owners.
13.She was also furious with Mike for not seeing through this batant maneuver.
14 I snapped at you.
15.You must be so relieved.
12.Susan 很生气,Edie 竟然用一条狗来获取它主人的芳心。
14. 我对你发脾气了/对你大喊大叫了。


The Road to Success
    by Andrew Carnegie
It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.
Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aim high”. I would not give a fig for (对……不在乎) the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say to yourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.
And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.

The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here, there, and everywhere. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” is all wrong. I tell you to “put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket.” Look round you and take notice, men who do that not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lack of concentration.
To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund; make the firm’s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, be not impatient, for as Emerson says, “No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.”

What is round table meeting/conference?
现在,联合国安理会和其它国际会议,以及在举行国际政治谈判时,大多开圆桌会议。那么,圆桌会议是怎么来的呢? 据说,以前中外会议,尤其是那些正式的会议或宴会,非常讲究主宾的席位座次,一般都是让主、尊、长者居中而坐,宾客则根据其身份、地位、辈分,一左一右,依次安排在主位的两面;但如果碰巧客人都是显贵尊长,就不好办了。
公元5 世纪时,英国的亚瑟王想出了一个办法,即他和他的骑士们举行会议时,不分上下席位,围着圆桌而坐,这样就避免了与会者席位上下而引起的纠纷。于是便形成了“圆桌会议”。
   "Round Table means everyone is equal"

看疯狂的主妇学翻译 4

16.Mike was still in love with his late wife.迈克还爱着他已故的妻子。
17.If something had happened, I would have felt like I had failed her. 要是他(狗)遭遇不测的话,我就会觉得我辜负了她的嘱托(前妻)。
18.She knew right then neither she nor Edie would be laying claim to his heart anytime soon.
19.As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me: the beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered.
20.But people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame really. There's so much to see.
High school seniors begin a new college application season amid growing signs that the nation’s top colleges and universities have deep misgivings about the sanity and fairness of the annual admissions frenzy.
A week after Harvard abandoned early admissions as a program that puts low-income students at a disadvantage, Princeton followed suit yesterday, saying it hoped other universities would do the same. “I think it’s important for there to be momentum, because I think it’s the right decision,” said Shirley M. Tilghman, Princeton’s president.


1.agribusiness :农业综合企业
The production and marketing of corps by large corporations as opposed to individual farms. 由大集团公司进行的农产品的生产和销售,与个体农场主经营方式相反。
John was forced into bankruptcy when he lost millions of dollars he had invested in a poor agribusiness venture.
2.air-pocket stock :气穴股票
Stock that falls sharply on bad news.
Company stock sometimes turns into air-pocket stock upon the news of the company’s CEO’s serious illness or death.
3.Black Monday :黑色星期一
October 19, 1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell a record 508 points in trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
4.blue chip stock :热门股票,绩优股,蓝筹股
A term used to describe high-quality stocks of financially sound corporations 指财务上可靠的公司发行的高质量股票。
Mr. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks.
5.boondoggle :无效的投资
A wasteful business venture 不见回报的经营投机
Our investment in water softeners was a boondoggle.

看疯狂的主妇学翻译 5

21. After I died, I began to surrender the parts of myself that were no longer necessary.
22.My desires, beliefs,ambitions, doubts, every trace of my humanity was discarded. 我的欲望、信仰、雄心、疑虑,我人性中的每一抹痕迹都被丢弃。
23. I discovered when moving through eternity, it helps to travel lightly.
24. In fact, I held on to only one thing, my memory.
25.I remember the easy confidence of her smile, the gentle elegance of her hands and the refined warmth of her voice. But what I remember most was the look of fear in her eyes.
In 1998, great changes took place in the income and consumption levels of urban residents. The yearly average income amounted to 5,160 yuan, increased by 3.4%.
Incomes of workers and staff members in the state-owned enterprises and collective work units are still the mainstay of family income.
The definition of average income: This is calculated by multiplying the total number of responses in each income range by the mid-point of the range and dividing by the total population. It does not include those who have no income. This is available for both household and personal income.


Citigroup Inc, the world's biggest financial services company, was keen to attract more of China's small and medium enterprises as potential clients at an expo this month in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province.



花旗银行在32 个国家中从事私人银行业务的员工可透过银行的人才、产品及策略网络,令客户获得全球投资组合的第一手资料,花旗银行协助其寻求投资机会及识别投资风险。
Citigroup Inc. is the largest financial services company in the world. For the years 2001 to 2004 it has alternated with General Electric in being the largest and most profitable corporation in the world, with a market cap of $240 billion and $1.5 trillion in assets. The formation of Citigroup was announced on April 7, 1998 through a merger of Citicorp and Travelers Group. It was the first US company to combine banking with insurance under writing since the Great Depression.


What kind of program is Desperate Housewives?
Desperate Housewives is an American television series, created by Marc Cherry, that began airing on ABC in 2004. Set on
Wisteria Lane in the fictional town of Fairview, the series tracks the lives of four housewives, following their domestic struggles while several mysteries unfold in the background. The tone and style of the series combine elements of drama, comedy, mystery, satire, and soap opera.
26. Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling, and for a woman who despised loose end, that was unacceptable.
开始意识到她的世界在瓦解, 对于一个讲究完美的女人(连扣子没系牢都看不顺眼的女人), 那是不可接受的.

27. They don't need to be burdened with our marital problems, and if we're working things out, the least we could do is try to keep up appearances.
他们不应该承担我们婚姻问题的压力, 我们要解决问题的话, 至少我们应该表面上过得去.

28. We are in marriage counseling, Bree; I think that would confuse things.

29. I'm not being flip, I'm just pointing out a reality.

30 Tennis lessons are a plausible alibi.
How green is your Apple?  你的“苹果”有多绿?(陈继龙 编译)

(1)DISPOSING of computers, monitors, printers and mobile phones is a large and growing environmental problem. Some 20m-50m tonnes of “e-waste” is produced each year, most of which ends up in the developing world. According to the European Union, e-waste is now the fastest-growing category. Last month new rules came into force in both Europe and California to oblige the industry to take responsibility for it. In Europe the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive limits the use of many toxic materials in new electronic products sold in the European Union. In California mobile-phone r________① must now take back and recycle old phones.

Many technology firms are already eliminating certain chemicals and offering recycling schemes to help their customers dispose of obsolete equipment. Yet there is a wide variation in just how green different companies are, according to Greenpeace, an environmental l_______② group that launches a new e-waste campaign on August 25th. (2)It has ranked the top mobile-phone and PC-makers based on their progress in eliminating chemicals and in taking back and recycling products.

The RoHS rules ban products containing any more than trace amounts of lead, mercury, cadmium[1] and other hazardous substances, including some nasty materials called brominated flame-retardants (BFRs)[2]. To do well in Greenpeace's rankings, firms must make sure both products and production processes are free of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)[3] and some BFRs that are not on the RoHS list. (3)Greenpeace also wants companies to adopt a “precautionary principle” and avoid chemicals if their environmental impact is uncertain.


Although not everyone will agree with Greenpeace's methodology, its ranking still has some merit. Nokia does well: the world's biggest handset-maker has already got rid of PVC from its products and will eliminate all BFRs from next year. But, Greenpeace g________③, it is not sufficiently “precautionary” in other areas. Dell, however, scores well in this regard and on recycling, but loses marks for not having phased out PVC and BFRs yet, though it has set a deadline for doing so.


Perhaps the biggest surprise is the poor rating of Apple. (4)Despite having an image steeped in California's counterculture[4], it is one of the worst heel-draggers, says Zeina Al-Hajj of Greenpeace. The company insists that it has a strong record in recycling and has eliminated BFRs and PVC from the main plastic parts in its products. It scores badly because it has not eliminated such chemicals altogether, has not set time limits for doing so, does not provide a full list of regulated substances and is insufficiently precautionary for Greenpeace's t_______④. As for recycling, the 9,500 tonnes of electronics Apple says it has recycled since 1994 is puny[5] given the amount of equipment the firm sells, says Ms Al-Hajj. Apple responds that many of its products (such as the iPod music-player) are small and light. Greenpeace points out that Nokia also makes tiny devices, but is much better at recycling them.


(5)Alas for Apple, whatever the pros and cons of Greenpeace's ranking criteria, consumers are likely to be influenced by it anyway. Comically, Greenpeace is now considering a plan to promote its e-waste campaign via podcasting—a technology that Apple helped to p_______⑤.

1. 根据上下文和英文释义,补全单词:
①r_______(n. a person or business that sells goods to customers in a shop)
②l_______(n. an attempt to persuade a government to change a law, make a new law etc)
③g________(v. to keep complaining in an unhappy way [= moan])
④t________(n. the kind of things that someone likes)
⑤p________(v. to make something well known and liked)
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):
1. cadmium n. 镉
2. brominated flame-retardants (BFRs) n. 溴化阻燃剂
3. polyvinyl chloride (PVC) n.聚氯乙烯
4. counterculture n.反正统(主流)文化
5. puny adj.小的,微不足道的
1. ①retailers 零售商(wholesaler 批发商)
②lobby 游说(团)
③grumbles 抱怨,发牢骚
④tastes 偏好,喜好
⑤popularize 普及,推广


“Jin Yamei has experienced much too much bitterness and had much too many misfortunes in her life. She has braved all the adversities all alone and refused to be frustrated or show any sign of it. This world has been too cruel to her. And yet she spent all her life serving the interests of the children and workers of her country.”
金雅梅    天津创办护士学校第一人
Jin Yamei---Founder of the First Nursing School in Tianjin
She gave up her comfortable life in America and resolutely returned to China with a view to developing China’s medical cause
2.  她三岁时,父母相继死于流行瘟疫。
When she was three years old, her parents died one after another of an epidemic plague.
3. 应该说,她已经融入了美国社会,习惯了美国的生活方式。
In fact, she had integrated into American society and become accustomed to American way of life.
4. 她5岁时离开中国,记忆中对祖国的印象非常模糊,但她却没有忘记自己的悲苦身世---父母双亲是因为医疗技术落后而被夺走生命的, 无论如何也要为改变这种局面而尽到自己的责任。
As she left China at the age of 5, her memory of Motherland was dim. However, never for a moment had she forgotten her sad life experience there--- her parents died because of backward medical treatment. So she wanted to do something to change the situation.
5.    行医 practice medicine
6.    治病疗养 medical treatment and recuperation
7.    西班牙籍的葡萄牙音乐家 a Portuguese Spanish musician
8.    生了一个男孩 give birth to a boy
9.    婚后夫妻之间感情并不融洽,勉强维持了10年最终离异,把孩子留给男方。 The marriage was not a happy one and it ended up in divorce after ten years of making do with each other, leaving the child in the care of the father.
10.    更为不幸的是,儿子成年后死于一战。
But more heartbreaking was that her son died in the First World War
11.    北洋女医院院长  Director of Beiyang Women’s Hospital
12.    1902年袁世凯出任直隶总督。
In 1902 Yuan Shikai assumed the office of Governor---General of Zhili Province.
13.    医院经费经袁世凯决定由海关按月拨款700元,不足部分由绅商捐助。
Yuan decided that Tianjin Customs was to appropriate 700 silver dollars a month to cater for the hospital’s expenditures, with the balance, if any, to be made up by wealth businessmen.
14.    把---办的井然有序 keep --- running in good order
15.    受到妇女的信任 win the trust of female patients
16.    特别值得一提的是,金雅梅为了培养医护人员,争取到了袁世凯拨银两万两,与1908年创办了天津的第一说护士学校。
One thing worth special mentioning was that in order to train nurses for the hospital, Jin Yamei, having procured 20,000 silver dollars from Yuan Shikai, set up the first nursing school of Tianjin in 1908.
17.    护校附属于北洋女医院,初名为女医学堂,金雅梅任堂长,招收贫寒人家女孩,在授课学习的同时在医院实习,培养了天津最早的一批护士。
The school was named Girls’ Nursing
School attached to Beiyang Women’s Hospital. Jin offered to take the responsibility as the schoolmaster.  The school had trained the first nurses that Tianjin had ever had. The students of the school were enrolled mainly from poor families. They did their practice in the hospital while attending classes in school.
18.  津门绅士严修等人出面接办医院,同时接受社会赞助,得以维持。
And then Yan Xiu and other gentries of Tianjin took over the institutions and provided funds and with additional sponsorships from other walks of life, the hospital managed to get along.
19. 1934年因患肺结核而去世,年终70岁。
In 1934 she died of tuberculosis at the age of 70.
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the country's biggest lender, started consultations yesterday on the pricing of its initial public offering (IPO).
1.Bank of China 中国银行
2.Bank of Comunications 交通银行
3.China Merchants Bank 招商银行
4.Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行
5.China Everbright Bank 中国光大银行
6.China Construction Bank 中国建设银行
7.Guangdong Development Bank 广东发展银行
8.Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 浦发银行
The definition of bank: The essential function of a bank is to provide services related to the storing of deposits and the extending of credit. The evolution of banking dates back to the earliest writing, and continues in the present where a bank is a financial institution that provides banking and other financial services.
The dark side of debt
1.    Lending was a sober business punctuated by odd moments of lunacy.
2.Petrodollar: funds held by oil producers because of the sharp rise in oil prices in international market  1974石油美元
3. Lenders recycled petrodollars to third-world countries in the na&iuml;ve belief that countries, because they cannot go bust will not default.
向外贷款的国家把石油美元重新循环到第三世界的国家, 天真地认为只要国家不灭亡就不会拖欠贷款.
4. The world is once again in the grip of the spree of lending, but this time to companies rather than countries. 全球又掀起了贷款狂热的浪潮,可这次不是贷给国家,而是贷给公司。
5. What is striking is that much of this lending is happening not through public share and bond markets nor exclusively through banks.
1)  Bond:
certificate promising repayment of debt: a certificate issued by the government or a company promising to pay back borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest on a specified date (债券)
2)  Share:
part of company’s stock: any of the equal, usually small, parts into which a company’s capital stock is divided
3)  Futures: 期货:为买卖商品或股票而规定在将来一定时期交货的契约
Commodities traded for later delivery: goods or stocks sold for future delivery, or the contracts for them
2. Compensation to come: something to be given later as compensation (informal)
• He was willing to make the concession with the expectation that some futures would be forthcoming.
6. The issuance of syndicated loans vaulted to $3.5 trillion last year from $2.3 trillion in 2000.
7. Thanks to the low cost of debt, private lenders such as hedge funds are extending vast amounts of credit to leveraged buy-out firms and other private borrowers.
Hedge fund: 对冲基金         
risk-taking investment company: an investment company that is organized as a limited partnership and uses high-risk techniques in the hope of making large profits
Leveraged buyout: 融资收买,融资买入
way of buying a commercial company: a takeover strategy in which a controlling proportion of a company’s shares is bought using borrowed money, the collateral for which is assets belonging to the purchased company
8. In thinly traded, lightly regulated, and untransparent markets, the bold can make an awful lot of money---and they can lose it on an even more extravagant scale.
9.On the back of 紧跟着
10. suffer catastrophic losses 损失惨重
11. Moreover, business people have perfectly good reasons to operate out of the public gaze. 商人们还完全有理由来进行暗箱操作。
12 The trouble is that the vulnerabilities of debt’s dark side have not yet been fully tested by the next act of collective lunacy.
13 claret 红葡萄酒
14. Company pension funds and mutual funds put money into the securities of states and listed firms and hoped that they did well.
1.    pension fund 养老抚恤基金
2.    mutual fund n.(名词)
An investment company that continually offers new shares and buys existing shares back on demand and uses its capital to invest in diversified securities of other companies.
15. The benefits of this hyperactive shuffling of money spread well beyond financial markets.
16. If companies are buying more cheaply and sensibly to make acquisitions, pay dividends and buy back their own shares, businesses everywhere should run more efficiently
17. sloppy: 太随意
18.  accounting money owed: all debts and other financial obligations that appear on a balance sheet
19.Commendably 很好的值得赞扬的
20.simulate 模拟
21. keep tab on 监视
22. Regulators now hint that it might eventually be necessary to supervise credit hedge funds, now monitored via their brokers.
23. When the next recession reveals the next act of lunacy, and when the urge to re-regulate business takes hold, remember that today’s successes were founded partly on those freedoms
Thailand’s Dangerous Coup
1. coup 政变
seizure of political power: the sudden overthrow of a government and seizure of political power, especially in a violent way and by the military. Also called coup d’état
2. a grim-faced general 一位一脸严肃的将军
3. Revising the constitution may turn out, alas, to be an impossible task, so that the army regretfully has no choice but to remain in power as it has been done Myanmar these past 18 years.
4.  escapade: An adventurous, unconventional act or undertaking.
5. Thailand was certainly no paragon of democracy before Tuesday night.
6. lambaste 责骂
7. nepotism 偏袒(亲人等)
8. Mr Thaksin was particularly hated by urban Thais because of his open-handed courting of rural vote, using debt forgiveness and expensive subsidies for health care and rural development.
泰国城市居民尤其讨厌Thaksin 因为他为了获得农民的投票,对农民总慷慨地献殷勤,如免除债务,拨大量的补助来改善农村医疗保险和发展农村各项事业。
9. canny:
Careful and shrewd, especially where one's own interests are concerned.
10. populism
A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.
11. He had won a thumping election victory of 2001 on the back of such promises.
12.adrift 漂泊不定的
13. political impasse 政治僵局
14. rile sb. 激怒某人
15. snag 阻碍
16.bouy 支撑,鼓励
17. military putsch 军事暴动
18. barracks n.兵营, 许多人居住的简陋房舍
19. limp-wristed
an offensive term meaning effeminate (insult)
[From the stereotypic attitude offensively associated with effeminate or homosexual men, with hands relaxed from raised wrists]
20 The malign consequences of the coup may not be confined to Thailand itself.
21.In Malaysia, there is no military threat, though there is a long-established tendency to authoritarianism within the ruling party, UMNO, that might now be reinforced. 虽然在马来西亚不存在军事政变的威胁,在执政党马来西亚全国联合组织中却一直存在根深蒂固的独裁主义,而且愈演愈烈。
United Malays National Organization (UMNO), the dominant party in the ruling National Front coalition
It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.
directly ad.直接地;坦率地,直截了当地
effectively ad.有效地;生效地
You may not have heard of the painter of this portrait——he is rather obscure.
The meaning of this poem is obscure really do not understand it.
The room is too obsure for reading.
vt. 使变模糊,掩盖
Words and sentences that obsure the meaning must be discarded.
Very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very obscure
Voracious News Reader 酷爱读报的民族
1. All over the country, most people read the same newspapers and the dominant position of the London papers may reflect a lack of regional identity.
2. The Times has a reputation for extreme caution in its attitudes and this reputation is on the whole deserved.
3. The Guardian has made great progress during the past fifteen years, particularly among intelligent people who find the Times too uncritical of established interests.
4.    Well produced and edited and full of real information, Daily Telegraph deserves to be considered as belong to the same class of journalism as The Times and The Guardian.
5.  The Daily Express reflects the rather nationalistic and imperialistic opinions of its founder, Lord Beaverbrook, the most famous of the press baron.
6. The Daily Express owes much of its success to skill in the technique of popular journalism. &laquo;每日快报&raquo;之所以取得成功,主要是归功于其擅长报道大众新闻的特色。
7. The Mirror and Sun are tabloids, being printed on paper half the normal size for a newspaper and relying much on pictures, strip cartoons and human interest stories for their popular appeal.
8.  The Sun has been successful in gaining circulation, some of it won from the defunct Sketch.
9. The name of Financial Times indicates its character. 金融时报的名字,顾名思义,其特点不言自明。
10. That such a paper should have had the largest percentage increase in circulation of any national daily is an indication of the current development of ownership of capital in Britain.


1. What is the National Day?
The National Day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a country. Often the National Day will be a national holiday. Most countries have a single National Day per year, though a few, for example Pakistan, have more than one. The National Day is often taken as the date on which a state or territory achieved independence. Other dates such as the country's patron saint day, or a significant historic date are sometimes used.
2. Over 3 million people are to travel by air during Golden week(an article from China Daily) The General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) forecast that 3.06 million people will travel by air during the upcoming National Day holiday, an increase of 13.5 percent from a year ago.
CAAC predicts the peak times for air travel will be on September 29 and 30.
Airlines have been urged to take preventative measures to deal with passengers stranded due to postponement of flights during the"Golden Week" holiday from October 1 to 7.
Brazil’s Presidential Election
Who leads Latin America?
1. economic torpor 经济处于瘫痪状态,经济迟滞不前
2. Four years ago, when he was elected Brazil’s president by a landslide, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Shiva seemed destined to become the spokesman for a new, more confident, and more socially just Latin America.
四年前,Luiz Inacio Lula Da Shiva以绝对的选票当选了巴西总统,从那时起他似乎注定要成为充满自信和公正的新拉丁美洲的代言人。
3.  Not only does Brazil the world’s fourth largest democracy, have legitimate aspirations to regional leadership and to a bigger role in the world. Mr Da Shilva’s own life story the seventh child of a dirt poor family from the Northeastern backlands who rose to become a trade union leader---entitled him to assume the moral leadership of a new, democratic Latin America left, one that seemed to have freed itself from the past attachment to an all-powerful state.
一方面,巴西是世界第四大民主共和国,理所当然要争取拉美地区的领导权,并在世界舞台上扮演更大的角色。另一方面,出生于巴西东北贫苦家庭排行老七的Da Shilva先生,一越而成为工会主席,他自己的这段经历也让他完全有资格成为这个崭新的民主的拉丁美洲的领导,成为这个似乎已经摆脱受大国摆布的新拉美的领导。
4. Four years on, Lula seems almost certain to win a second term, either in a general election on October 1st or a run-off ballot a month later. Sadly however, he has lost some lustre.
5. On September 20th in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, he trumped even Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the adolescent stridency of his anti-Americanism, referring to George Bush as “the devil”.
他在九月二十日联合国大会上发言时,年轻气盛地大声宣扬反美主义,把布什说成了恶魔,甚至拿出了伊朗总理Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 作为王牌。
6. Loudness is not necessarily persuasive. 声音大不一定就意味着有说服力。
7. largesse: 慷慨 formal when someone gives money or gifts to people who have less than they do, or the money or gifts that they give
8. He has dispensed largesse from Argentina to Africa, and hopes that this will win Venezuela one of the two rotating seats for Latin America on the UN Security Council. 他在阿根廷和非洲国家慷慨解囊,就是为了能让委内瑞拉取得安理会中代表拉丁美洲的两个轮换席位之一。
1. For this he has also secured the support of China and Russia, as well as that of a bunch of dictators from Belarus to North Korea. 为了达到此目的,他也争取到了中国和俄罗斯,以及白俄罗斯,北朝鲜领导者的支持。
2. autocrat: dictator a corporate autocrat 某一团体的独断专行者
11. What is odd is that Venezuela’s UN candidacy has the backing of Brazil. 让人想不通的是委内瑞拉成为联合国安理会候选成员国的地位得到了巴西的支持。
12.Orchestrate a scheme 进行了一次预谋
13.Smear:  to stain or attempt to destroy the reputation of; vilify:
Political enemies who smeared his name.
14. scam:  a fraudulent business scheme; a swindle.
15. steer clear of debt default 把债还清了
16.Stick to responsible macroeconomic policies
17.Swelling tax revenues rather than smarter spending have kept the fiscal accounts under control. 巴西之所以能掌控财政帐目,不是归功于政府支出巧妙,而是猛涨税收的结果。
18.Red tape:
Official forms and procedures, especially when oppressively complex and time consuming.
19. Most Brazilians concluded long ago that their country’ politicians are irredeemably corrupt.
20.But many identify in Lula one of their own, and do not see him as having benefited personally from the graft.
Graft: Unscrupulous use of one's position to derive profit or advantages; extortion.
Money or an advantage gained or yielded by unscrupulous means.
To gain by or practice unscrupulous use of one's position.
21. Thanks to a successful anti-poverty program that channels small cash payments to 11m families, to low inflation, wider access to education, and big increases in the minimum wages, the incomes of the poor are rising much faster than those of the middle class. The result is that in a country notorious for its inequalities, income is more equally distributed today than at any other time in the past 30 years.
22.In its second term, he should make a concerted effort to pry Brazil free from its low-growth trap.
23. And that require cuts in tax, the federal bureaucracy and wasteful government spending, as well as reforms of pensions, regulatory agencies, education, and the labor market.
24.Brazil is often bracketed with China, India, and Russia as one of the world’s emerging economic powers.
25.If its economy were expanding by 5% or 6%, Brazil’s claim to regional leadership would carry greater weight.
26."tax-and-spend" 意为“量入为出”。
财政理论将一国财政收入与支出的关系区分为"量入为出(Tax-and-spend)"、"量出为入(Spend-and -Tax)"和"财政同步(Fiscal Synchronization)"三种关系.
1.extol : praise sb or sth highly
(1)Songs of extolling the motherland are ringing far and near.
(2)extol sb as a hero 把某人当做英雄来歌颂
2.mayhem a violent disorder or confusion;havoc;a crime of maiming a person
These children are commiting mayhem in the flowerbeds.
3.shambles : a scene or condition of complete disorder or ruin 废墟
The economy was in a shambles. 经济一片混乱/经济处于混乱状态.


1) 扎实的语言基本功。译者应具有较强的驾驭译出语和译入语的能力,能正确理解原文,熟练运用本族语。试举1例如下:
This large body of men had met on the previous night, despite the elements which were opposed to them, a heavy rain falling the whole of the night and drenching them to the skin.这一大群人头天晚上还是聚到了一起,尽管老天与他们作对,整夜下着倾盆大雨,大家被淋得浑身透湿。(原文中的despite the elements which were opposed to them译作"尽管老天与他们作对",读起来未免平板滞重、佶屈聱牙,如译作"尽管天公不作美"不仅传神达意,而且文字简练、十分得体。)
2) 具有丰富的文化知识,熟悉以英语为母语的国家的诸如历史、宗教、政治、地理、军事、外交、经济、文艺、科学、风土人情、民俗习惯等方面的社会文化。这有助于正确理解原文,完美地表达原作所要传达的思想内容。例如:
It is a way, he says, of paying tribute to the rock'n'roll era that had a huge impact on him as a child. So why did the idea come off the backburner and on to paper and then celluloid? Celebrity burn-out is the answer. Hollywood's man with the golden touch had had a string of box-office success, from Sleepless in Seattle to Toy Story and Apollo 13, and had won Oscars two years in succession, for Philadelphia and then Forrest Gump.
他说这是颂扬那个给童年的他带来巨大影响的摇滚乐时代的一种方式。那么这个想法怎么会由一个不起眼的念头变成了文字,然后又变成了电影呢?答案是名人精疲力尽了。这位点石成金的好莱坞宠儿由《西雅图夜未眠》到《玩具故事》和《阿波罗13号》,获得了一连串的票房成功,并因《费城的故事》和随后的《阿甘正传》连续两年问鼎奥斯卡奖。(rock'n'roll [=rock and roll]一词于1951年因著名的电台音乐节目主持人艾伦•弗里德首次使用而流传开来。backburner是"次要地位;一时不重要的地位"。golden touch是"点金术"。Sleepless in Seattle, Toy Story, Apollo 13, Philadelphia和Forrest Gump是电影片名。Oscar是美国好莱坞电影奖。译者如不了解这些词语的文化含义就很难译好它们。)
3) 熟悉翻译理论和常用技巧,善于灵活运用各种翻译技巧。例如:
They were sons of the men who had left their homes and taken to the mountains with their broad swords by their side.他们都是那些抛妻别子、身带大刀进深山的好汉们的后代。(本例翻译时如不采取颠倒词序的方法,而译作"他们是好汉们的后代,那些好汉们曾经抛妻别子、身带大刀进入深山",文气就弱多了。
4) 熟悉各种工具书。译者的记忆力和知识面终归是有限的,因此遇到问题就应该知道怎样去查找正确的答案,从哪本书中去寻找。这就要求他应该知道怎样使用各种工具书。常见的工具书有各种单语词典和双语词典、百科全书、史书等。译者应该熟悉这些工具书各自的特点和用法,在翻译时如遇到难题就可求助它们。
Chinese Philosophies Endow My Writing with an Angelic Glamor
One afternoon, when I was eight years old, I was going to the grocer's with Mom.
2.妈妈指着街上一位骑着自行车的男子说:"这个人是疯子,他居然能看懂中文." Pointing at a man riding a bike on the street, Mother said:"He must be a madman. He even knows Chinese."
3.我至今记得那个中年男子一头爱因斯坦式的爆炸发型,更可怕的是他头发的颜色火红火红的. Today I still remember what that man looked like: he had a head of blown-up hair like Einstein's, and what was more frightening was its fiery-red color.
At that moment, I believed I had seen a real devil.
In 1966, I was at the senior high school which offered Latin and French as foreign languages.
I was very keen on Latin and French poetry.
One day I was browsing through the poetry shelves at the school library.
When I picked from the shelf an anthology of poems by the American poet Ezra Pound, a thin booklet next to it fell to the floor. I picked it up and fount it was a collection of Pound's translations of Chinese classical poetry.
I was astonished that there had ever been poetry composed by Chinese.
I thumbed through a few pages and was glued to it: never had I read poetry in such refreshing styles.
One week later, I went to Arthur Waley, and English sinologist of the early 20th century, and borrowed his The Opium War, which surprized me again. In English Textbooks of history not a single word about the war was mentioned and the average Englishmen simply did not know anything about it.
There is an old adage in the Middle East: If you give, you better get; otherwise, there will be no end to the giving. This street-smart advice, which has underscored Israel's policy toward its Arab neighbors for the past 50 years, seems to have been turned on its head by the recent flurry of unilateral proposals toward the Palestinians, including Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Herzliya speech outlining Israeli steps should Palestinians refuse to negotiate.
Going It Alone Won’t Work
by: Aaron David Miller  date: 2004-01-17
There is an old adage in the Middle East: If you give, you better get; otherwise, there will be no end to the giving. This street-smart advice, which has underscored Israel's policy toward its Arab neighbors for the past 50 years, seems to have been turned on its head by the recent flurry of unilateral proposals toward the Palestinians, including Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Herzliya speech outlining Israeli steps should Palestinians refuse to negotiate.
Unilateral actions as a substitute for negotiations cannot work, and will only exacerbate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet for the past two years, the departure point for Israelis' actions toward their Palestinian neighbors has been a unilateral one, whether it is increased settlement activity or unilateral security and economic measures. Suicide terror, aversion to Yasser Arafat, and the absence of a reliable Palestinian security partner have understandably left most Israelis ready to act by themselves.
The most dramatic manifestation of this solo approach has been the security wall. The wall reflects the frustration and fear of large sectors of the Israeli public and political establishment. Its advocates argue that even with only a third of the fence completed, it has already paid off. From April 2002 to December 2002, there were 17 successful attacks in areas that the fence now straddles, resulting in 89 deaths; from January 2003 to November 2003, there were eight attacks resulting in 51 deaths.
Unilateralism not only drives Israel's current policy, it has also influenced Israel's thinking about the future. The peace plan known as the Road Map has been completely overshadowed by initiatives that exclude any meaningful participation by a Palestinian partner. Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's bombshell interview, in which he contemplated large-scale withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza, does not include a Palestinian interlocutor. And the much anticipated initiative by Sharon calls for unilateral evacuation of some settlements, unilateral annexation of others and a trial period of negotiations with Palestinians - and, if they fail, unilateral disengagement from additional West Bank territory.
Under current circumstances, unilateralism has a powerful appeal. If it can enhance Israeli security, preserve a Jewish majority and disengage Israel from the Palestinian problem, why not pursue it? What other choice does Israel have?
Indeed, prospects for serious Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at this time are bleak. Yet pursuing unilateral initiatives that change the political and territorial status quo will neither enhance Israel's security nor end the conflict.
First, in the rough-and-tumble world of Arab-Israeli politics, withdrawal without reciprocity is an unmistakable sign of weakness that could easily diminish, not enhance, Israeli deterrence and security. The strategy of marhaliyya, the liberation of Palestine in phases, which is popular among some Palestinians, would be given a boost.
Second, unilateralism simply cannot produce the practical economic, security, and political arrangements required to end the conflict.
Israeli and Palestinian lives and futures are inextricably linked. This strategic predicament can only be resolved by cleverly negotiated and imaginatively conceived bilateral solutions.
Instead, unilateralism will leave problems galore: thousands of West Bank Palestinians within Israel's borders, no rational solutions to Palestinian labor flows, access to markets or shared water resources, and no practical security cooperation. In short, it will leave an angry and alienated Palestinian population with nowhere to go and nothing to lose.
In the end, the only outcome that has a chance of ending the conflict is a two-state solution negotiated with real reciprocity and continuing cooperation and interaction between Israelis and Palestinians. No amount of frustration with Palestinian behavior, nor the allure of unilateral solutions, will change that fact. Sadly, the only question is how long it will take Israelis and Palestinians to reach that point - and whether there will be a two-state solution to negotiate once they do.
The writer is President of Seeds of Peace, a nonprofit organization that brings together teenagers from conflict areas. For 25 years he was an adviser on Arab-Israeli negotiations to six U.S. Secretaries of State.
Source: The International Herald Tribune, January 6, 2004
Visit The International Herald Tribune website at http://www.iht.com/frontpage.html
Distributed by the Common Ground News Service.
Copyright permission has been obtained for publication.


112 词汇扩展(1)

1.可怕的 l______________
2. 挖掘  e______________
3.亡命徒 o__________
4. 揭丑,反责 r__________________
5.批判 r_______________
6.小农阶级 p______________
7. 为---辩护 v__________________
8.镰刀 s_______________
9.中断 h__________________
10.上层建筑 s_______________________
11.头目,魁首 r________________
12.皱眉头  s_____________
13.大度便便 p___________
14.土星 S______________
15.能够想到的,可以想到的 c________________


1. Traditional solutions have been tried and found w____________(行不通)
2.At this point, Spain was p_______ (准备好)to become the dominant power in Europe.
4. s________ home 豪宅
5.b____________ 庞然大物
6.m_________ duck  鸳鸯
7.m______________ 季风
8. q__________  镇压,平息
9. The future prospects of these students h_________ on their performance in  these exams.
10. The old man t___________ (步履艰难)home through the snow.

wanting, poised, unwittingly, stately, behemoth, mandarin, monsoon, quell, hinge, trudged
1. cape
2. capitation
3. carbide
4. captive
5. caption
6. capricious
7. captious
8 carpenter
9. carrier
10 cashier

词汇拓展 3

1 披肩
2 人头税
3 碳化物
4 囚犯
5 字幕
6 变化多端
7 吹毛求疵
8 木匠
9 搬运工
10 出纳员


Let's drift

I've opened the curtain of my east window here above the computer, and I sit now in a holy theater before a sky-blue stage. A little cloud above the neighbor's trees resembles Jimmy Durante's nose for a while, then becomes amorphous as it slips on north. Other clouds follow, big and little and tiny on their march toward whereness. Wisps of them lead or droop because there must always be leading and drooping.
  The trees seem to laugh at the clouds while yet reaching for them with swaying branches. Trees must think that they are real, rooted, somebody, and that perhaps the clouds are only tickled water which sometimes blocks their sun. But trees are clouds, too, of green leaves—clouds that only move a little. Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne cousins.
  And what am I but a cloud of thoughts and feelings and aspirations? Don't I put out tentative mists here and there? Don't I occasionally appear to other people as a ridiculous shape of thoughts without my intending to? Don't I drift toward the north when I feel the breezes of love and the warmth of compassion?
  If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there? Are we such rock-hard bodily lumps as we imagine?
  Drift, let me. Sing to the sky, will I. One in many, are we. Let us breathe the breeze and find therein our roots in the spirit.

1. Despite the p____________ (物资匮乏,贫困)of wartime, she managed to keep the children healthy.
2.They expected to find him p___________ (仔细研读)over his notes the night before the exam.
3. to r___________ agricultural tax 取消农业税
4.b_____________ housing prices 飞涨的物价
5. p____________________ 安慰剂
6. 谅解备忘录
7.There was no v__________ (明显的)progress on the Doha round of world trade talks, though the American trade representative, Susan Schwab, spent an extra day in Sao Paulo to talk to Brazilian officials and industrialists.
8.Most European countries are e_________ (安顿)in the European Union.
9 乙醇
10 The law aims to better protect business assets and s_____ _____(杜绝)looting of state assets, but it does little for farmers, whose collevtively owned land is vulnerable to e____________ (征占)by local officials and cannot be used as c___________ (抵押品)to secure loans.

key: privations, poring, rescind, ballooning, placebo,Memorandum of Understanding(MOU), visible ,ensconced,ethanol,stamp out, expropriation, collateral

复述一般是一个人讲话,或者一个访谈,可以涉及任何内容,比如小手帕06 Washionton consensus vs Beijing Consensus 07 准备的时候找一段3-5分钟的 BBC interview,VOA news,或者8级考试里的lecture 听,一边听一边记笔记(笔记记下关键词和他们之间的关系,以脑记为主),听两遍,然后复述。

面试给10分钟左右时间来看一篇文章,A4纸 正面一页,背面有的是半页有的是3/4页,有的从经济学家上出的 有的是从别的地方出的,可以和政治,经济,环保,农业科技,等等任何题目有关。近几年的文章内容,比如global warming, ecological farming, China has reason to suspect the military alliance between Japan and Australia, the preservation of ancient architecture vs modern building.
阅读速度是关键,有的用5分钟阅读一遍,大意还没弄明白 (给1张白纸记笔记,看都没看明白哪知道该记什么)
然后就是口语要好,语音语调是基础,重要的还是要能根据老师的问题进行展开,要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁, 胆大心细,察言观色。有的很骄傲的学生,分数好像不太高,反正礼貌点,自然点最好。
视译 就是给一篇文章 看--分钟 再口头翻译
07年是看7分钟 然后录音 视译题可以在我博客里找到 讲印度在民主制度上面临的挑战.
06年是 可持续发展 可以在论坛中我的考高翻笔记中找到(精华贴).
05年是 爱滋病好象 不清楚了.
这个就是要说的自然,不要停,不要拘泥于英语的词句,用汉语表达出来,自然流畅,遇到想不起来的单词,猜一下 一定要过渡自然.


1. Note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference:
Abbreviations in Note taking
Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time.
Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.
S   =   sum
f   =   frequency
Leave out periods in standard abbreviations.
cf   =   compare
e.g.   =   example
dept   =   department
Use only the first syllable of a word.
pol   =   politics
dem   =   democracy
lib   =   liberal
cap   =   capitalism
Use entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable.
pres   =   presentation
subj   =   subject
ind   =   individual
cons   =   conservative
Eliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation.
assoc   =   associate
biol   =   biology
info   =   information
ach   =   achievement
chem   =   chemistry
max   =   maximum
intro  =   introduction
conc   =   concentration
min   =   minimum
rep   =   repetition
Omit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word.
ppd   =   prepared
prblm   =   problem
estmt   =   estimate
bkgd   =   background
gvt   =   government
  Use an apostrophe in place of letters.
am't   =   amount
cont'd   =   continued
gov't   =   government
educat'l   =   educational
Form the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s.
chpts   =   chapters
egs   =   examples
fs   =   frequencies
intros   =   introductions
Use g to represent ing endings.
ckg   =   checking
estg   =   establishing
decrg   =   decreasing
exptg   =   experimenting
Spell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key.
Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand.
Leave out unimportant words.
Leave out the words a and the.
If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, substitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter.
Use symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words.
&   =   and
w/   =   with
w/o   =   without
vs   =   against
\   =   therefore
=    =   is or equal
Use technical symbols where applicable.
zb   =   German, for example
ibid   =   Latin, the same work
o   =   degrees
H2O   =   water
More reference:
Use standard maths, accounting, and science symbols. Examples:
+ plus
// parallel
Use standard abbreviations and leave out full stops. Examples:
eg example
IT dept Information Technology department
UK United Kingdom
Use only the first syllable of a word. Examples:
mar marketing
cus customer
cli client
Use the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable. Examples:
subj subject
budg budget
ind individual
To distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an apostrophe, and the ending of the word. Examples:
tech'gy technology
gen'ion generalisation
del'y delivery
Use just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation. Examples:
assoc associated
ach achievement
info information
Omit vowels from the middle of words, retaining only enough consonants to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word. Examples:
bkgd background
mvmt movement
prblm problem
Form the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding 's.' Examples:
custs customers
fs frequencies
/s ratios
Use 'g' to represent 'ing' endings. Examples:
decrg decreasing
ckg checking
estblg establishing
Spell out, rather than abbreviate short words. Examples:
Leave out unimportant verbs. Examples:
Leave out unnecessary articles. Examples:
If a term, phrase, or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting, initials can be substituted whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. Example:
January Advertising Campaign Budget JACB
Use symbols for common connective or transition words. Examples:
@ at
2 to
4 for
& and
w/ with
w/o without
vs against
Create your own set of abbreviations and symbols. You may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations for different courses or subjects.
Other Symbols and Abbreviations
as a result of / consequences of <--->
resulting in --->
and / also +
equal to / same as =
following ff
most importantly *
less than <
greater than > especially esp/


1.    按照统筹城乡发展的要求
   in line with the need to balance urban and rural development
2.    粮食综合生产能力
   overall grain production capacity
3.    坚决制止乱占滥用耕地,put an end to illegal acquisition and use of farmland
4.    纠正随意改变基本农田用途的现象
   rectify unauthorized changes in the use of primary farmland
5.    加快改革土地征收,征用制度
   to accelerate the reform of the system for land expropriation and requisition
Bonus: cutting edge 在美国口语中已经常用来形容“最先进的(技术、工艺)”。
The phrase cutting edge refers to the sharp side of a metal object, and, by extension, state-of-the-art developments in a field.
The state of the art is the highest level of development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field, achieved at a particular time.
The phrase "state of the art" should be hyphenated when it is used as an adjective, e.g.:
"This machine is an example of state-of-the-art technology", but not when used as a noun, as in the following sentence:
"The state of the art in this field is mostly related to the X technology".
Cutting edge as a synonym of the term can be used as a noun


1. 言行remarks and actions
2. 挑衅provocation
3. 公投referendum
4. 制宪write a constitution
5. 分裂主义splittism
6. 顽固坚持    obstinately cling to
7. 明确的clear-cut
8. 中国的主权和领土的完整不容分割
  China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division.
9. 坚持一个中国的原则uphold the one-China principle
10. 严重性gravity
11. 破坏和平统一undermine the prospects for peaceful reunification
12. 有利于be conducive to


Pluto has been voted off the island.
The distant, ice-covered world is no longer a true planet, according to a new definition of the term voted on by scientists today.
"Whoa! Pluto's dead," said astronomer Mike Brown, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, as he watched a Webcast of the vote. "There are finally, officially, eight planets in the solar system."
In a move that's already generating controversy and will force textbooks to be rewritten, Pluto will now be dubbed a dwarf planet.
But it's no longer part of an exclusive club, since there are more than 40 of these dwarfs, including the large asteroid Ceres and 2003 UB313, nicknamed Xena—a distant object slightly larger than Pluto discovered by Brown last year.
"We know of 44" dwarf planets so far, Brown said. "We will find hundreds. It's a very huge category."
A clear majority of researchers voted for the new definition at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in Prague, in the Czech
Republic. The IAU decides the official names of all celestial bodies.
The tough decision comes after a multiyear search for a scientific definition of the word "planet." The term never had an official meaning before.
What Is a Planet Today?
According to the new definition, a full-fledged planet is an object that orbits the sun and is large enough to have become round due to the force of its own gravity. In addition, a planet has to dominate the neighborhood around its orbit.
Pluto has been demoted because it does not dominate its neighborhood. Charon, its large "moon," is only about half the size of Pluto, while all the true planets are far larger than their moons.
In addition, bodies that dominate their neighborhoods, "sweep up" asteroids, comets, and other debris, clearing a path along their orbits. By contrast, Pluto's orbit is somewhat untidy.
1.demote: 降等级
2.asteroid 小行星
3.comet 彗星
4.debris  碎片
5.full-fledged 发育完全的完整的
6.Prague 布拉格
7.Czech Republic 捷克
8.IAU 国际天文学联合会
9. dwarf planet 矮行星

Conference Address

1.    深深的谢意deepest appreciation  heartfelt thanks
2.    为---干杯propose a toast to
3.    欧中贸易委员会Euro-Chinese Trade Council
4.    庆祝---的成立observe the foundation of
5.    拔冗光临spare some time out of your tight schedule for
6.    友好邀请cordial invitation
7.    盛情款待gracious hospitality/ warm reception
8.    更广泛更深入地交换意见a more extensive and profound exchange of views
9.    预祝---圆满成功wish--- a complete success
10.  继往开来 build on the past achievement
11. 招待宴会reception banque t
12. 华丽的大厅a magnificently decorated hall
13. 事业蒸蒸日上a thriving/flourishing business
14. 慈善家 philanthropists
15. 中国贸促会the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
16. 节日的欢乐气氛festive joy
看美剧 Everwood 不老木 学词汇 (1)

1.  bellybutton 肚脐
2.  lousy 极坏的
3.  prowess 威力,精明
4.  whacked  疲惫不堪的
5.  pry   探查
6.  hypothetically 假设的
7.  misdiagnose 误诊
8.  malpractice 医疗事故 玩忽职守
9.  monstrosity 怪物 畸形
10.  depot 仓库
11.  hobo 游民,过流浪生活
12.  staph (short for staphylococcus) infection 葡萄球菌感染
13.  tow 拖
14.  curb 路边
15.  mart(书面语) 市场 商业中心
16.  synagogue  犹太教
17.  scrawny 骨瘦如柴的
18.  divulge 泄露
19.  clavicle 锁骨
20.  distraught 心智错乱
21.  torticollis 歪脖 邪颈
22.  spike 向饮料里加酒精 调味
23.  buzz off 挂断电话 快滚 匆忙离去
24.  crack adj. 最好的 高明的
25.   pulmonary 肺部的
26.  cutaneous rash 皮疹
27.  trichosis 发病
28.  a.k.a. also known as 也成为
29.  potassium iodide 碘化钾
30. ludicrous 荒谬的,可笑的
31. asinine 愚蠢的
32. chop off 砍掉
33. gig 小快艇 二轮轻便马车
34. beau 花花公子 情郎
35. haute cuisine 高级烹饪术

看美剧Everwood 不老木学词汇2

1.blab 泄露秘密
2.in confidence 秘密地
3.birdcage 鸟笼
4.frittata 菜肉馅煎蛋饼
5.tuna 金枪鱼
6.Rwanda 卢旺达
7.drivel 胡言乱语
8.healer 医治者
9.puff 吹捧
10 play hooky 逃学
11 defibrillator 用电流停止心脏纤维性颤动的器具 简称 去纤颤器
12 looseleaf 活页的---
13 baboon 狒狒
14 protestation 明言
15 mummy 木乃伊
16 intracranial tumor 颅内肿瘤
17 silver-mining town 银矿镇
18 corncob 玉米穗
19 unattended 无人照料的
20 captivating 令人神往的,令人着迷的
21 quaint 离奇的,奇怪的
22 doily 小型装饰桌巾
23 on a sabbatical 周期性休假
24 step aside 闪到一边
25 dunk 扣篮
26 settle down 平静下来 冷静点
27 unbearable 无法忍受的
28 mechanic 技工
29 neurosurgery 神经外科(学)
30 The air here has a palliative effect on most ailments. 这得空气对所有的疾病都有缓和的效果。
Palliative 减轻的
31 antihistamine 抗组胺剂,(过敏)
32 toss up 扔上来
33 sapsucker 啄木鸟(woodpecker)的一种
34 coma 昏迷
35 windshield 挡风玻璃
36 hooping cough 百日咳
37 recital 朗诵,独奏会,独唱会
38 ticklish 易怒的
39 orchestrate 配合
40 seizure 疾病突然发作
41 sleepover 借宿
42 blame sth on sb 把---归罪于---
43 It’s all your call 你自己可以决定一切 call=decision
44 scrapbook 剪贴本
45 wholesome 有益健康的
46 resurrect 使苏醒 使复活
1. 女修道院院长(abbess), 男修道院院长 (abbot) 寺庙(monastery) 大教堂abbey
2. Abbreviations:
1) The ABC of =the basic facts 基础知识
2) AA= Associate of Arts 准文学学士
3) AB=Bachelor of Arts


1)abalone 鲍鱼
2)abacus 算盘
3) abattoir 屠宰场 (英国) slaughterhouse (美国)


1)a crashing of gears 齿轮相撞
2)have a good knowledge of 精通
3)a certain---- 有位叫---的
4)with wild abandon 纵情
5) acute abdominal pain 急性腹痛
6)be abducted 被绑架
7)fall into abeyance 终止不用

美剧 everwood介绍

everwood 中文有的翻译成不老木,有的翻译成雪山镇,维基百科上有具体的介绍,是一部经典的美剧,它贯穿着各种亲情,又涉及各种疾病,是一部开阔眼界,扩展词汇量的好剧,大家可以每天看一集,电驴上有下载,外挂正确英文字幕,看着字幕听对话。下面是维基百科解释该剧的连接。


Everwood is a prime time television drama which aired in the United States on The WB. The series is set in the fictional small town of Everwood, Colorado.
Downtown Everwood was in reality filmed in Ogden and South Salt Lake, Utah, and the series pilot was filmed in Calgary, Canada. It is primarily a serious drama with some comedic moments.
Everwood was not renewed for future production and did not return when the WB and UPN merged to form The CW Television Network.[1]
On October 2, 2006, reruns of Everwood aired weeknights on ABC Family for the duration of the series; however it was later pulled from the schedule for unknown reasons. On April 19, 2007 an interview with Ohio's Akron Beach Journal suggested that the series will be rerun in the Fall 2007 [1]
In Canada, reruns are shown weekday evenings on Vision TV.[2]

看美剧EVERWOOD学单词 (3)

1. spandex [纺]斯潘德克斯弹性纤维(用于腰带、游泳衣等)
2.calf 小牛
3.dossier 病历
4.hickey 器械
5.beaut 美丽的事物,人
6.incubate 休眠
7.pitch in 集资
8.fundraising 筹集资金
9.trout 鲑鱼
10 vested interest 既得利益
11 surrogacy 代孕
12 ultrasound 超声
13 amniocentesis 羊水诊断
14 impale 刺穿
15 gullible 易受骗的
16 needy 贫穷的
17.in a flash 瞬间
18.linebacker 后卫
19 frazzled 被激怒的 疲劳的
20 catch-22 令人左右为难的
21 windbag 爱饶舌的人
22 pinhead 小东西
23 parenthood 父母身份,亲子关系
24 gesticulate 做手势
25 flippage  flip 的名词
26 lip gloss 润唇膏
27 scowl 皱眉
28 earwax 耳垢
29.profusely 大量地
30 shoelace 鞋带
31 serrated 有锯齿的
32 smock 工作服
33 mitt 露指手套
34 spatula 抹刀 压舌板
35 barf 呕吐
36 thimble 顶针
37 sourpuss 讨人嫌的
38 yak 牦牛
39 hosiery 针织品 袜类
Gabrielle Solis and Desperate Housewives
1.选秀节目: talent contest
2.land a role 中的land用于口语中 表示get
3. Eva received her big break when she landed the part of Gabrielle Solis, the sexpot, on the hit show desperate housewives.
receive one's big break 这里指Eva的星运来了 她大红大紫的机遇来了
sexpot 性感的女人
4. The massive success of Desperate housewives has turned Eva into an instant celebrity.
让她一夜成名       一夜成名也可说become an overnight sensation
5. It's been unbelievable in every sense.
注意in every sense 加强语气 不用翻出来,也可以顺着口头的形式来做。
6.identify with 同情 与--有同感 认同
identify with someone
to understand and feel sympathy for someone. Ordinary people can identify with him in many ways, mainly because he talks to voters like an ordinary person.
identify with something
to feel that you understand a situation. So, they've run out of money? I can identify with that!
Beijing is bulging as its population has exceeded 17 million, only 1 million to go to reach the ceiling the city government has set for 2020.
Overpopulation is putting considerable pressure on the city's natural resources and environment. And experts have warned the current population, 17 million calculated at the end of June, is already 3 million more than Beijing's resources can feed.
Given this year's baby boom, triggered by the superstitious belief that babies born in the Chinese year of the pig are lucky, analysts say there is little hope for an immediate slowdown in Beijing's population growth, even with the post-Beijing Olympics lull and soaring housing prices that have driven some Beijingers to boom towns in the neighboring Hebei Province and Tianjin Municipality.

KPMG 毕马威
KPMG is a global network of professional services firms that provide audit, tax, and advisory services, with an industry focus. The aim of KPMG member firms is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of the firms' clients, people, and the capital markets. With nearly 94,000 people worldwide, member firms provide audit, tax, and advisory services from 717 cities in over 148 countries.
In 1992, KPMG was the first international accounting firm to be granted a joint venture licence in China, and our Hong Kong SAR operations have been established for over 60 years.
Currently, KPMG in China and Hong Kong SAR has some 4,200 professionals located in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong, working closely with KPMG professionals in member firms throughout the region and across the world.
KPMG in China and KPMG in the Hong Kong SAR is growing very fast. To enhance our high standards and excellent reputation, we seek out the best talent, train and transition them in The KPMG Way, and provide a challenging, supportive and satisfying working environment.
1.日新月异 change with each passing day/ change rapidly / take on a new look every day/ change for the better every day
2.知识产权落后的历史在中国已经结束了 No longer is China a country with lagging development in intellectual property rights.
China's backward development in intellectual property rights is a thing of the past.
China has put an end to its lagging development in intellectual property rights.
3. 无纸贸易 paperless trading
4.I want to focus my remarks on Canada's adjustment to global economic changes.我想重点谈谈面对国际经济变革,加拿大做出了哪些调整。
      今天老师发怒了哦,有人把NAFTA(North American Free Trade Area)北美自由贸易区翻错了,反正还是要勤查了阿,好多东西都不懂,毕马威的英文也不知道,问了一个在发改委(National Development and Reform Commission 工作的朋友,人家都知道,自叹不如。
      今天还讲了Kyoto Protocol 的运作,明白了点,有时间再研究研究,要是做和全球变暖有关的会议,必会。

外交部 http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/

Focal points

1.中美首脑会晤 China-US summit
2.应对气候变化对外工作机制 the working mechanism on climate change
3.联合国军费透明制度 the UN military transparency mechanism
4.我现在愿意回答大家的问题。Now the floor is open.
5.常规武器 conventional arms
6.冷战思维 Cold War mentality
7.联合国常规武器登记册 UN Register of Conventional

  姜瑜:女士们、先生们,大家下午好。 首先欢迎今天来旁听记者会的非洲同行和媒体的朋友们。我今天没有要主动发布的消息。我现在愿意回答大家的问题。
On the afternoon of September 4, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu held a regular press conference and answered questions on the China-US summit, the Six-party Talks, the establishment of the working mechanism on climate change, China's participation in the UN military transparency mechanism.
Jiang Yu: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I would like to welcome my African colleagues and friends from the press present here. I have no announcement to make today, and now the floor is open.
Q: Reports say that the US claimed that the PLA is probably behind the hacking into the Pentagon network. This is the second time that China is accused of attacking the network of foreign countries. What is your comment? Second, China has begun to provide the UN with details of China's military expenditure, including the import and export of conventional arms. What makes China decide to do this? Does it mean that China's military will be more transparent? Will China report to the UN what it has not reported before?
A: On the first question, the Chinese government has all along opposed to and cracked down upon any cyber crimes undermining the computer network including hacking according to law. China and the US are now devoted to the constructive relations and cooperation. The bilateral military ties enjoy a sound momentum of development. Under this backdrop, some people make wild accusations against China, suggesting that the PLA made cyber-raid against the Pentagon. This is totally groundless and a reflection of Cold War mentality.
Hacking is a global issue and China is a frequent victim in this regard. China is ready to enhance cooperation with other countries including the US in countering internet crimes.
On the second question, the Chinese government has decided to participate in the UN military transparency mechanism and resume providing the data for the UN Register of Conventional arms from this year. This is an important measure to further increase China's military transparency. We will continue to enhance military mutual trust with other countries in the world and make concerted efforts with the international community to contribute to world peace and security. China has submitted report to the UN and the UN will release relevant information according to its regulations.
BBC business report
周六上午出去办事,下午睡觉了,晚上回来收拾收拾在listening express 上下载了bbc business report 学了些经济知识和一些表达法,我觉得每天至少学点,就有一点进步。
这是个INTERVIEW,他们讲的是美国经济有可能进入低迷 economic recession/downturn/slowdown.
最近几年来,非洲利用自己丰富的自然资源向外国出口自然资源,人均收入增长了15%,但还是远远不够的.中国,印度这样rapidly developing 的发展中国家大量进口非洲资源,非洲出口资源的价格不断攀升。但是非洲自然资源的出口又受到很多外界因素的影响,很不稳定。如果美国经济进入低迷状态,中国,印度经济发展速度渐缓,都会直接影响非洲的出口,直接影响非洲人民的生活水平。
另外一个涉及到的问题就是,如何把非洲出口的利润用于减贫(poverty reduction)上来。

下面有些词 大家自己查查 我就不写出来什么意思了
1. in a nutshell  简单地; 简约地
2. on the cards 可能的;可能实现的;注定的
3. Federal Reserve
4. way behind
5. make a dent in稍微改变(少量减少);削弱
6. The cash flow is going to dry up.
7. The pace of business is going to be very subdued.

试译: 有关全球合作的两段,和一段很长的演讲. 真难,好多地方都要意译,当时那么快不太容易能一下子反应出来,以前做笔译的时候学的词性变换之类的,这里面就要迅速得变换,不容易.
And such cooperation should ensure that no region bears a disproportionate burden of adjustment.
Their robust recovery is testimony to countries' success in implementing strong economic policies.
Testimony  n-v testify
success    n-adv. sucessfully
enbrace global integration     embrace 这里翻译成 接受 而不是 拥抱
These gains are not automatic. 中 automatic 翻译成 天经地义的 而不是自动的。
economic shock = 经济动荡  而不是经济震惊
Regional cooperation in Asia must complement national policies.
这里的complement 翻译成 配合要比补充好多了。
tackle incomplete reform =完善改革
underpin the expection of=让--对---充满了信心
has the potential for = 有望实现
Uneven = 翻译成不平均也可以,但是就是没有参差不齐好。
make a significant contribution to
1. in the vanguard of  在…的前列/风口浪尖
2. durable
3. underpin
(fig 比喻) form the basis for (an argument, a claim, etc); strengthen 为(论据﹑ 主张等)打下基础; 加强; 巩固: The evidence underpinning his case was sound. 有利於他的证据是确凿的. * These developments are underpinned by solid progress in heavy industry. 重工业的稳固发展为这些进展打下了基础.
4. promise
5. spillover
6. be geared toward
7. not least
8. periphery
9. pillar
10. reciprocity
The Hague in the Netherlands 荷兰的海牙(不知道为什么翻译成海牙)
Nairobi 内罗毕
office 办事处
programme 计划署
fund 基金会
annual regular meeting 例会
council 理事会
commission 委员会
resume its session = 召开续会
emergency session 紧急会议
special session  特别会议
1) Some of them like the International Labor Organization and the Universal Postal Union, are older than the UN itself.
In recent years, a special effort has been made to reach decisions through censensusk, rather than by taking a formal vote.
3)The Secretariat consists of departments and offices with a total staff of some 7500 under the regular budget, and a nearly equal nuber under special funding.
4, special terms
Exclusive Economic Zone 专属经济区
Commission on the status of women 妇女地位委员会
World Meteorological Organization 世界气象组织
International Maritime Consultative Orgnization 国际海洋协商组织
Ambassador Dumisani S. Kumalo of South Africa, which holds the rotating presidency this month, made his remarks after the Council was briefed by the head of the UN committee monitoring the previous sanctions that were imposed on Tehran in December last year.
南非外交官Dumisani S. Kumalo 是本月的安理会轮值主席,他在听取了监督去年12月对伊朗采取制裁的委员会委员长介绍情况后发表了讲话.
Philipines is a very good warrior in the fight against terrorism.
磕磕巴巴地说话  stammer and stutter

2. 可上网的就可以浏览新闻了,到外交部上,商务部上,各大媒体上看汉语新闻的表达,出声读读,当然还有报纸,环球时报,南方周末。
3. 正在考研的同学需要准备政治,政治书实际上是特别好的提高汉语水平的一个方式,考试又要考,那看起来何乐而不为呢?
4. 也可以听广播。
5. 在做汉-英练习的时候要注意原来汉语的表达,不要翻完了就万事大吉。

插曲(episode)   such an awkward start of a day
继续教育 adult education
没大理会/没理会 pay little/no attention to
狼狈 awkward
雪上加霜 one disaster after another /add insult to injury
饥寒交迫 suffer hunger and cold
拖鞋 slipper
不适合上镜  look bad on camera
被浇了 be caught in a rain
学生证 student's ID card
祸不单行 Bad things come in twos / when it rains, it pours.
1. go from strength to strength 越来越强大
2. This theme has a particular resonance for me. 我对这个主题深有感触 。
3.statesmen 政治家
4. the fragiliy of world order 世界秩序是如此脆弱
5.come to terms with 不得不承认,接受
6.corporate governance 公司行为准则,其实也就是公司管理
7.dynamism of the private sector 私营部门的活力
8.be frank and open in our discusion开诚布公得讨论
9.build on--- 建立在---基础上

1.Invest UK 英国投资局
2.natotechonology 纳米技术
3.Doha Development agenda 多哈回合发展议程
4.Leading Edge 领先先锋 一个英国展览会的名称
5.excell in 在---方面出类拔萃
6. This is a par with the USA and Canada and way ahead of countries like Germany and Sweden.
be on a par (with something)
to be at the same level or standard
The wages of clerks were on a par with those of manual workers. We will have Christmas decorations on a par with anything on show at the MetroCentre.
be below/under par
a) to feel a little ill or lacking in energy
I've been feeling a little under par the last couple of weeks.
b) also not be up to par
to be less good than usual or below the proper standard
None of the people who'd auditioned were really up to par. The champion was playing well below par.
be par for the course
to be what you would normally expect to happen - used to show disapproval
Long hours and tough working conditions are often par for the course in catering.
the number of strokes a good player should take to hit the ball into a hole in the game of golf
The last hole is a par five.
also par value technical(票面价值)
the value of a stock or bond that is printed on it when it is first sold
bonds sold at 97% of their par value
at/above/below/under par
The notes are currently trading at 10% above par.

包子 steamed stuffed bun; steamed bun with stuffing  
肉包子 steamed bun with meat stuffing; Steamed bun with minced pork stuffing  
肉包 steamed bun with meat stuffing; steamed bun with minced pork stuffing  
猪肉包子 steamed bun with pork stuffing  
三鲜包子 steamed bun stuffed with shredded sea foods  
菜包子 steamed bun with vegetable stuffing;steamed vegetable stuffed bun  
素包子 steamed bun with vegetable stuffing;steamed vegetable stuffed bun  
豆沙包 steamed bun with sweetened bean paste;
  steamed bun stuffed with mashed red bean  
小笼蒸包 steamed stuffed bun by small bamboo food steamer  
当然还有放前面的说法比如 肉包 meat stuffed bun

1.香菇(学名:Lentinus edodes或Lentinula edodes),又名冬菇、北菇,是一种食用真菌。
2. 油菜 rape (狂汗)
3. 韭菜leek
4. 大葱 green Chinese onion /scallion
5. 豆沙 sweetened bean paste
盗版书 pirated books
IPR protection 知识产权保护
In a world of more than six billion people, there are only 587 billionares. It's an exclusive club. Would you like to join us?
Of course, the odds against you are about ten million to one. But if you think like a billionare, those odds shouldn't faze you at all.
   Billionares don't care what the odds are. We don't listen to common sense or do what's conventional or expected. We follow our vision no matter how crazy or idiotic other people think it isl. That's what the book is about--- learning how to think like a billionare.
faze:[美俚]打扰; 烦扰; 使为难; 使担忧[多用于否定句中]
The news did not faze him.
取得了可喜的成绩 scale impressive peaks
提高了学校的声誉 raise the standing of our university
2Ps=Persperation(流汗)+ Perseverance(毅力)
然后the speaker elaborated on the 2Cs.
先谈curiosity多么重要,其中一个词组很是恶心阿,creative expression and knowledge 翻成创新的表达法和知识,出现多次。
2) 汉语中说------------好奇心,填空题填什么?
还有唤醒awaken 因为我们小时候天生就有curiosity。
3) the courage to persevere in difficulties 在逆境中不屈不挠的勇气
4) quintessential 精髓的,核心的
5)Intellectual breakthroughs do not occur within a single discipline.
As we scale greater heights, I envisage Faculties to be well-springs of ideas. Correspondingly, I see a need for more botton-up involvement in developing initiatives and making decisions.


1.欧洲货币一体化 European Monetary Integration
2.偿付能力 solvency
3.朝阳产业 sunshine
4.夕阳产业 sunset industry
5 按揭 mortgage
6.收入悬殊 income disparity
7.剩余劳动力 surplus labor
8.试点工程 pilot project
9.瓶颈制约 bottleneck restrictions
10 税收减免 tax relief
11.prime rate 银行最低贷款利率
12 patent grant 专利许可
13 portfolios of financial assets财务资产的组合
14 QFII 合格的境外机构投资者
15 raffle 有奖销售
16 liquidity 变现能力,流动性
17.microeconomics 微观经济学
18 go to Chapter  11 申请破产保护
19 hedge fund 对冲基金
20 high return 高回报
The control of money, credit and fiscal policy is one of the three mainstays of the soverign state.
World's Oldest Man Hopes to Live Forever
TOKYO (AP) — The world's oldest man celebrated his 112th birthday Tuesday, saying he hoped to live forever. Born Sept. 18, 1895, Tomoji Tanabe was named world's oldest male after the death of Emiliano Mercado Del Toro of Puerto Rico. He died in January at age 115. On Tuesday, the mayor of Miyakonojo City, where Tanabe lives, presented him with a bouquet and a letter of congratulations.
When the mayor asked how many more years Tanabe wanted to live, Tanabe replied, "for infinity," according to city official Yasuo Yamashita.
With his ascetic lifestyle, Tanabe has a good shot at living for at least a little longer.
A former city land surveyor who lives with his son and daughter-in-law, Tanabe is in good health and is known to guzzle milk. He also keeps a diary, avoids alcohol, and does not smoke.
Japan has one of the world's longest average life spans, a factor often attributed to a healthy diet rich in fish and rice.
The number of Japanese living beyond 100 has almost quadrupled in the past 10 years, with the once-exclusive centenarian club soon expected to surpass 28,000, the government announced in September.
The country's centenarian population is expected to reach nearly 1 million — the world's largest — by 2050, according to U.N. projections.
The increase underscores both positive and negative sides of the country's aging population. While experts say there are more active centenarians than before, the rapidly graying population adds to concerns over Japan's overburdened public pension system.
    The world's oldest person, 114-year-old Edna Parker of Shelbyville, Ind., was born on April 20, 1893, according to Guinness World Records.
1.bouquet 花束
2.ascetic 苦刑的,修道的
3.have a shot at 有可能---,试着做---
4.land surveyor地质测量员
5.guzzle 狂吞
6.life span 寿命
7.centenarian 超过一百岁的
8.Guinness World Records 吉尼斯世界纪录
1.Steven Spielberg 史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格
2.邀请信 appointment letter
3.BOCOG 北京奥组委
4.顾问 consultant
6.中央文明委:这个我还是头一次听说 网上也没找到翻译把这个翻成了Central Commission for the promotion of civility and spiritual civilization.这个大家自己决定吧。
7.主体 entity
Everyone is a part.Everyone can contribute in a joyful manner.
to host a high-level Olympics with distinguishing features.
10.国务院颁布了477号令 The State Council has enacted the 477 decree.
12,国际惯例 international practice
   后来一个记者问问题的时候说了一个international norm 也不错
13 我们奥组委最能够这样说,最有权力这样说。
BOCOG is in the best position to talk about this
14.会徽 Olympic Emblem
15.奥运会吉祥物 Olympic Mascot
16.国家游泳中心 National Aquatic Center
17.协调小组 coordinating group
18. 行动纲领 action guideline
19.预防 forestall
20. 微生物 microorganism
21 追溯 tracking
22 shut ---out 对--进行封口
23 这些声音会更高涨 these voices will be even more vocal
1. 您的投资意向是非常明智的.
Your investment proposal is a very wise decision.
2. 你的提议很好。 Your proposal is most welcome.
3. 让我们来谈一下合资企业的事宜吧。
Let us get down to the business of this joint venture.
4. Initially, I would like to embark on this joint venture business at a moderate rate and a safe scale.
5. in the vicinity of 8 million dollars八百万美元左右
8 million dollars is more than a lucky number; it's the right number for the initiation of this joint venture.
How much would your share of investment be in this partnership?
8.construction fund 建设资金
Cordless phones are in high demand in China, but we can't guarantee a 50% domestic marketing of mobile phones.
Besides, we need to increase our foreign exchange reserve for the rainy day.


     The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Pierre de Coubertin founded it on June 23, 1894 to revive the Ancient Olympic Games. The IOC has a maximum of 115 members. The Executive Board of the IOC consists of the president, four vice-presidents and 10 other members.
     The IOC is a non-governmental non-profit organization and the creator of the Olympic Movement. It has all rights to the Olympic symbols, flag, motto, anthem and Games. Its primary responsibility is to direct the organization of the Olympic Games.
     The IOC’s task is to promote top-level sport and sport for all according to the Olympic Charter. It ensures the regular celebration of the Games, sports ethics and the protection of athletes. It also encourages the promotion of women in sports.

国际奥林匹克委员会 (International Olympic Committee -- IOC)  于1894年6月23日成立,共有49个体育组织和12个国家的79名代表参加在巴黎举行的成立大会。国际奥委会总部设在瑞士洛桑。国际奥委会是一个非政府性、非盈利性和永久性的国际体育组织。它是领导奥林匹克运动和决定有关奥林匹克运动问题的最高权力机关。
    奥林匹克委员会的委员以个人身分选入而不代表国家。1965年后当选的委员,年满72岁退休。由奥委会全体会议选出国际奥委会主席,任期8年。主席任期的延长期限只有4年。全体会议还要选出任期4年的4名副主席和6名委员,由他们与主席一起组成执行委员会。法语和英语是国际奥委会的两种官方工作语言,它还有另外四种工作语言:德语、西班牙语、俄语和阿拉伯语。现任主席雅克•罗格(  比利时人,Jacques Rogge),2001年7月任职。国际奥委会委员是由奥委会全体会议选举产生的,委员数目并不是固定的。

Russia: Tests Show Arctic Ridge Is Ours
By MIKE ECKEL – 3 days ago
MOSCOW (AP) — Preliminary tests on soil samples gathered by a Russian scientific expedition indicate that a vast mountain range under the Arctic Ocean is part of Russia's continental shelf, a government ministry said Thursday.
Russia is one of several countries that have rushed to lay claims to the area where a U.S. study suggests as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas could be hidden.
Russia's Natural Resources Ministry said preliminary results on soil core samples gathered by the research ship Akademik Fyodorov earlier this year show that the 1,240-mile Lomonosov Ridge is part of Russia's shelf. It said more geological tests would be conducted, as well.
"Results of an analysis of the Earth's crust show that the structure of the underwater Lomonosov mountain chain is similar to the world's other continental shelves, and the ridge is therefore part of Russia's land mass," the ministry said.
The controversy heated up last month when Russia sent two small submarines to plant a tiny national flag under the North Pole. Canada vowed to increase its icebreaker fleet and build two new military facilities in the Arctic, while Denmark sent a team of scientists to seek evidence that the ridge was attached to its territory of Greenland.
A U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker also set off late last month for a research expedition, though the expedition's chief scientist said the trip had been planned well before the Russian move.
Growing evidence that global warming is shrinking polar ice — opening up resource development and new shipping lanes — has added to the urgency of the claims.
The 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea gives the Arctic countries 10 years after they ratify the treaty to prove their claims under the largely uncharted polar ice pack. All but the United States have ratified the treaty, some of them several years ago.
Russia has presented evidence in the past on Arctic territories, but a U.N. commission has rejected them.


昨晚接了个活干了两个小时,关于瓷瓶公司,卖瓷瓶等东西的介绍,我把我确定的glossary 写下来。
1.       celadon 青瓷
2.       vase 瓶,花瓶
3.       chancellor 总理(德国的)
4.       Schroeder 施罗德
5.       Ministry of State Security 国家安全部
6.       state councilor 国务院委员
7.       lily 百合
8.       chastity纯洁
9.       crane 鹤
10.     珍藏be treasured up
11.   宫女maid-in-waiting
12.   优雅elegance
13.   applique 贴花
14.   鸠cooer
15.   尊wine vessel
16.   青釉celadon glaze
17.   粉青釉lavender grey glaze
18.   艺术品artwork
19.   栖息inhabit
20.   哺乳suckle
21.   蜻蜓dragonfly
22.   小荷small lotus
23.   红宝石ruby
24.   colloctor’s 收藏品
25.   定制营销体系 customized marketing system.
芦苇画,reed photo
“As the small lotus has just shown its head, a dragonfly is already perching on it”
perch 这个词也会,但是想不出来,for this paragraph, I observed a dragon fly perched on a small dead branch.  所以perch on 是最形象的了。
The Small Pond
Yang Wanli (Song)

In silence a narrow stream from an orifice fondly flows,
The shadows of trees on the sunshiny water lovingly lie.
As soon as the water lily a ting tip but newly shows,
On it already hovers the shadow of a dragonfly.

1. manager 经纪人
2.instructor 教练,技术指导
3 guide 领队
4 trainer 助理教练
5 referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判
6linesman, touch judge (橄榄球)裁判
7contestant, competitor, player 运动员
8 professional 职业运动员
9amateur 业余运动员,爱好者
10 enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者
11favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite)
12 outsider 无取胜希望者
13  championship 冠军赛,锦标赛
14champion 冠军
15 record holder 纪录创造者
16 ace 网球赛中的一分
17 Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会
18 stadium 运动场
19 track 跑道
20 ring 圈
21ground, field 场地
22pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地
23 court 网球场
24 team, side 队
25竞技性运动competitive sport  
26用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up  
27出名 make one's mark  
28体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event
29体格、体质 physique  
30 培训 groom  余的,
31带零头的 odd  
32年少者 junior
33残疾人 the handicapped/disabled  
34学龄前儿童 preschool  
36一般 at large
37 平均寿命 life expectancy
38复兴 revitalize  
39使有系统;整理 systemize
40历史悠久的 time-honored  
41跳板 spring-board
42 秋千 swing
43石弓,弩 crossbow  
44(比赛等的)观众 spectator  
取得进展 make headway
体育大国/强国 sporting/sports power
与...有关系,加入 be affiliated to/with  
落后 lag behind  武术 martial arts
五禽戏 five-animal exercises
体育运动 physical culture and sports
增强体质 to strengthen one's physique
可喜的,令人满意的 gratifying
称号,绰号 label
涌现出来 to come to the fore
源源不断 a steady flow of
队伍 contingent
又红又专/思想好,业务精 to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient
体育界 sports circle(s)
承担义务 to undertake obligation  
黑马 dark horse
冷门 an unexpected winner; dark horse
爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner
Promote physical culture and build up the people's health
锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country  
为祖国争光 to win honors for the motherland
Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat.
体育道德 sportsmanship
打出水平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play
竞技状态好 in good form
失常 to lose one's usual form
比分领先 to outscore
打成平局 to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score
失利 to lose
Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the PRC (State Physical Culture and Sports Commission)
中华全国体育总会 All-China Sports Federation
东道国 host country/nation
体育场 stadium; sports field/ground
体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium
体育锻炼 physical training
体育锻炼标准 standard for physical training
体育疗法 physical exercise therapy; sports therapy
运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast
观众 spectator
啦啦队 cheering-section 啦啦队长 cheer-leader
国家队 national team
种子队 seeded team
主队 home team
客队 visiting team
教练员 coach
裁判长 chief referee
团体项目 team event
单项 individual event
男子项目 men's event
女子项目 women's event
冠军 champion; gold medalist
全能冠军 all-round champion
亚军 running-up; second; silver medalist
第三名 third; bronze medalist
世界纪录保持者 world-record holder
运动员 athlete; sportsman
种子选手 seeded player; seed
优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete
田径运动 track and field; athletics
田赛 field events
竞赛 track events
跳高 high jump
撑杆跳高 pole jump; polevault
跳远 long/broad jump
三级跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump
标枪 javelin throw
铅球 shot put
铁饼 discus throw
链球 hammer throw
马拉松赛跑 Marathon (race)
接力 relay race; relay
跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race
竞走 walking; walking race
体操 gymnastics
自由体操 floor/free exercises
技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics
垫上运动 mat exercises
单杠 horizontal bar
双杠 parallel bars
高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars
吊环 rings
跳马 vaulting horse
鞍马 pommel horse
平衡木 balance beam
球类运动 ball games
足球 football; soccer
足球场 field; pitch
篮球 basketball
篮球场 basketball court
排球 volleyball
乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong
乒乓球拍 racket; bat
羽毛球运动 badminton
羽毛球 shuttlecock; shuttle
球拍 racket
棒球 baseball
垒球 softball
棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground
手球 handball
手球场 handball field
曲棍球 hockey; field hockey
冰上运动 ice sports
冰球运动 ice hockey
冰球场 rink
冰球 puck; rubber
速度滑冰 speed skating
花样滑冰 figure skating
冰场 skating rink; ice rink
人工冰场 artificial ice stadium
滑雪 skiing
速度滑雪 cross country ski racing
高山滑雪 alpine skiing
水上运动 water/acquatic sports
水上运动中心 aquatic sports center
水球(运动)water polo
水球场 playing pool
滑水 water-skiing
冲浪 surfing
游泳池 swimming pool
游泳馆 natatorium
自由泳 freestyle; crawl (stroke)
蛙泳 breaststroke
侧泳 sidestroke
蝶泳 butterfly (stroke)
海豚式 dolphin stroke/kick
蹼泳 fin swimming
跳台跳水 platform diving
跳板跳水 springboard diving
赛艇运动 rowing
滑艇/皮艇 canoeing
帆船运动 yachting; sailing
赛龙船 dragon-boat racing
室内运动 indoor sports 举重 weightlifting
重量级 heavyweight
中量级 middleweight
轻量级 lightweight
拳击 boxing
摔交 wresting
击剑 fencing
射击 shooting
靶场 shooting range
射箭 archery
拳术 quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing
气功 qigong; breathing exercises
自行车运动 cycling; cycle racing
车场(自行车等的)倾斜赛车场 cycling track
室内自行车赛场 indoor velodrome
摩托运动 motorcycling
登山运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing
骑术 horsemanship
赛马场 equestrian park
国际象棋 (international) chess
特级大师 grandmaster
象棋 xiangqi; Chinese chess
Nuclear Insecurity

保研考试在即 发一篇外交杂志上的文章,大家练习练习。

Since the demise of the Soviet Union(苏联解体), Washington's strategic thinking about nuclear weapons has evolved in dangerous and unwise directions. In January 2002, the Bush administration announced (出台)a new nuclear posture(姿态,政策), which it reiterated in 2006. But instead of doing what it claimed it would do -- adapt American nuclear strategy to the realities of the twenty-first century -- the administration has focused on addressing threats that either no longer exist or never required a nuclear response. Rather than protecting the United States, this posture constitutes a danger to U.S. security.
The risks posed by nuclear weapons today are daunting(望而生畏), but rarely in the same ways that they used to be. As the nuclear club has expanded since the end of the Cold War, so have the dangers posed by the possibility of an inadvertent release of nuclear weapons, a regional nuclear conflict, nuclear proliferation, or the acquisition of nuclear weapons by terrorists. At the same time, the military utility of nuclear weapons for the United States has decreased dramatically. Russia, the successor to the Soviet Union, is no longer an adversary, and the United States, now the world's unchallenged conventional military power, can address almost all its military objectives by nonnuclear means. The only valid residual mission of U.S. nuclear weapons today is thus to deter (威慑)others from using nuclear weapons. Given all this, it does not make sense for the United States to maintain a nuclear weapons stockpile of close to 10,000 warheads -- many of them set on hair-trigger (一触即发)alert -- and to continue to deploy nuclear weapons overseas.
An effective nuclear policy would take into account the limited present-day need for a nuclear arsenal as well as the military and political dangers associated with maintaining a massive stockpile. Building a new generation of warheads, as the Bush administration has proposed, would only compound these risks further.
什么是恩格尔系数 engels coefficient
1. 经过28年的改革和现在面临着挑战2者关系很松散,完全是一个时间概念,我自己感觉就是前面说一个分句,中国改革已经走过28年.然后再说现在面临着挑战. 这样听起来舒服一些.
2. 汉语喜欢重复,但有时候用代词也是很舒服的,比如用其来代替这些挑战, 你不觉得听起来很顺耳么.
3.第三个地方,如果分开的话,你不觉得有支离破碎的感觉么. 加一个逗号, 加已经成为就可以了,不用另起一句.
4.汉语也是一个很讲究音韵的语言,领导人和人民,一个是三个字一个是两个字,这就是为什么你读起来别扭还不知道原因,两面都要两个字 领导和人民 这样才通顺.
5.这段是平行结构,如果一直用短句,你为什么还要加"的"呢, 这样不是成了名词短语了么
6 环境恶化翻译的对,没有问题但是同样看一下其他平行结构,其他平行结构字数都很多,你突然来一个四字结构就显得很突兀, 所以才加上"不断" 环境不断恶化,这样稍微平行一些.
7 一般说金融体制
9.这些问题中的大部分在整个改革期间就已经存在 这句还是自己再看看,别扭死了.
10 这里不是变化,而是改革,变革.
11却跟不上变化的脚步 这句意思没错,文采稍差 可以说发展滞后,不要说得象大白话一样.
13 培养人才要比发展人才好得多
14 bureaucracy 官僚主义,官僚作风是贬义词 怎么翻译成组织机构了。
15 你犯的同样一个错误就是 严重降低 什么叫严重降低 是严重影响。
16. 对于最后一句话,我的处理意见还是一样,简洁是最好的武器。



   昨天晚上就有个关于地理环境的笔译,千字70-80,看了材料就拒掉了,一方面太专业,terms 太多,另外一方面价格也太低了。


实际上也就是,My view on whether or not Chinese Quadrangles should be dismantled/demolished
A Review of the Five Volume A History of Ancient Chinese Architecture


"Extinct" River Dolphin Spotted in China

Kevin Holden Platt in Beijing, China for National Geographic News
August 31, 2007
A confirmed sighting of a baiji dolphin just months after it was declared "extinct" has prompted scientists to launch an against-all-odds (殊死一博) plan to save the last of the rare Chinese river dwellers.
A team of marine-life scholars led by Wang Ding, a scientist at China's Institute of Hydrobiology, examined digital video footage recently taken along the eastern section of the Yangtze River. The video provides evidence of the survival of the baiji, or whitefin dolphin, the team confirmed.
Now experts at the institute are studying the feasibility of transporting the survivors to a natural preserve in a Noah's Ark-like operation, said Wang, one of China's leading authorities on the nearly decimated species.
"Functionally Extinct"?
The sighting provides a small ray of hope for scientists who had previously given up on the baiji.
A six-nation coalition of scientists, including Wang, spent five weeks late last year using high-performance optical instruments and underwater microphones to search the Yangtze, the baiji's sole habitat, for any signs of the species. (See a map of China.)
"The baiji is functionally extinct," concluded August Pfluger, head of the Swiss-based baiji.org foundation and co-organizer of the 2,200-mile (3,500-kilometer expedition), at the time.
"It is a tragedy, a loss not only for China, but for the entire world."
According to Wang, baiji dolphins apparently lived and flourished in the Yangtze for more than 19 million years before humans arrived on the scene.
Beat Mueller is a geochemist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology who was also part of the 2006 baiji expedition.
"The disappearance and extinction of such highly evolved endemic mammals as the white Yangtze River dolphin, the finless porpoise, or the Chinese sturgeon from the Yangtze River can be attributed to a multitude of circumstances, such as the deterioration and loss of their natural habitats, overfishing of the river, the heavy freight ship traffic, and others," Mueller said.
"Increasing concentrations of anthropogenic chemicals may just be one additional factor," he added.
But Wang said he and others at the hydrobiology institute are now convinced that the last survivors of the dolphin might be found along small tributaries of the Yangtze in eastern China's Anhui Province, where the amateur video was shot in mid-August.
Call to Action
Conservation specialists at the hydrobiology institute, which is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, are preparing to search those waterways, pending approval from the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture.
"We may try to catch the baiji dolphins and move them into our semi-natural Tian-e-Zhou Reserve, which is located along an oxbow of the Yangtze River, to put them under full protection," Wang said.
According to Karen Baragona, a specialist on the Yangtze at the World Wildlife Fund, the keys to the survival of the baiji are conserving oxbow lakes in the central Yangtze, creating a network of nature reserves along the river, and managing the river's entire ecosystem from a holistic perspective.
"This sighting presents a last hope that the baiji may not go the way of the dodo bird," Baragona said in a statement.
"Other species have been brought back from the brink of extinction, like the southern right whale and white rhinos, but only through the most intensive conservation efforts."
Wang, with the help of the baiji.org group, might even attempt to engineer the recovery of the dolphins through a captive breeding program.
The Baiji Conservation Aquarium has already scored small successes with a similar breeding scheme aimed at averting the extinction of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise.
Two finless calves have been born at the aquarium since it was set up two years ago.
But Wang warned that the battle to save the baiji is anything but guaranteed.
"The chances of saving the baiji are really small," he said. "But we have to try our best to save the last baiji, even if we know it may be a mission impossible."

It is a good athlete that never loses points.
这里,“It is a adj.+n. that+否定句“是个习语中常出现的句型,应理解为”even
if …+adj.,肯定句“,即”再……的,也会……“。而与此结构相似的强调句型中,

No criticism will be too severe to be gratefully acknowledged.
The changes in the education system are a step in the right direction and
will improve the teaching in our school.
这里“a step in the right direction”用来比喻”an action which helps to
improve a situation”,即“有效步骤或措施。如果是将其直译,就没有反映出”有
His speech was given a warm reception by the crowd.
“be given a warm reception”是句反语,含义为”be attacked violently in
words”。如将其直译,这句话的意思就弄反了。另一个习语”give somebody a warm
time”,用法与此相同。意为”make somebody embarrassed”。
还有 make it [a place, things] warm for sb.
使某人处境为难; 惩罚某人
Sino-American trade relations
1.ulterior motive  别有用心
2.trade surplus 贸易顺差
Chinese consumers are by no means less concerned about food safety and quality than foreign counterparts.
4.声誉 reputation
launch/initiate combined anti-dumping and contervailing investigations
6. 高密集程度的 intensive
7. 铜板纸 copperplate paper(翻译当时翻译成glossy paper了,不过还可以了,我都听不懂那个发言人连续说了5种受影响最大的产品)
8. 标准钢管 standard steel pipe
9. 薄壁矩型钢管 laminated rectangular steel pipe
10.复合编织袋 composite woven plastic sack
11 非公路用轮胎  off-the-road tires
(此次美方准备调查的轮胎,包括非公路用和非高速路使用的气胎(new pneumatic tires exclusively designed for off-the-road and off-highway use)
美国国际贸易委员会(US International Trade Commission,下称ITC)8月20日决定,部分中国非公路用(off-the-road)轮胎对美国轮胎制造业造成实质性损害,或构成实质性损害的威胁。因此,美国商会将继续对部分从中国进口的非公路用轮胎进行反补贴和
12 影响深远 the impact is profound
13.与---背道而驰 run counter to
14. 违反了美国法院的判定 breach court cases/precedents
15 替代国 surrogate country
16. 重复征税 double taxation
17. 重大失误 major flaws
18. 对倾销的计算 calculate dumping margins


The date-December 10, the UN`s International Human Rights Day-could not have been more symbolic for the passing of a man who best symbolised the international struggle to end impunity for human rights abusers in Latin America.
视译: climate change
复述:Bill Gates
What do u know about the housing market bubbles?
Do u think president Bush is a great preisdent?
to introduce or start a system, rule, legal process etc
We had no choice but to institute court proceedings against the airline.
Marchand wants to institute reforms by the end of the year.
A year after the chemotherapy(化疗) was completed a new metastasis(转移) was found and a second course was instituted.
All doctors should consider this possibility when instituting strict blood glucose (血糖)control regimens.
By 1985, he had instituted a companywide program to change to a decentralized, team-based ap-proach.
Nearly every state had instituted a student-testing program.
The earlier figures measured the number of cases which were instituted before a magistrate(地方官员,文职官员) or a justice of the peace.
This instituted a partnership between central and local government with both having as a prime objective the promotion of the education service.
We are told nothing about the heir he instituted.
Witness what happened recently to the businesses along Hayes Street when a tow-away zone was instituted to facilitate the movement of cars.


1. ninja 忍者
2.brotherhood 兄弟情谊
3. sewer 下水道
4.be named after the great Renaissance masters 以文艺复兴时期的大师命名的
5.archenemy 主要敌人
6. 他们战无不胜。
这句话大家翻译的时候通常说They are unconquerable.
电影中的表达是“Nothing could stand in their way."
7.危害人类 我们可能会翻成 do harm to people
电影里有个plague 不错 plague mankind
8. to prey upon the poor 掠夺穷人的财富
prey upon 词组掠夺,捕食,折磨
9. coward 胆小鬼
10. myth 荒诞的说法
11. snoop around 四处转转
12. ancient artifacts 古代手工艺品
13. punch in/out 上班/下班打卡
14.shaky 颤抖
15.nightwatcher 守夜人
16.rocketing interest rates  不断飙升的利率
17. The real-estate market continues its downward spiral.
18. vigilante 义务警员
这个词让我想到了刚做老师的时候查过一个词,监考(invigilator) 这个词是British English 不知道美国怎么说。
19. contention 争论
20. a priceless statue 一尊无价的塑像
21. delivery truck 送货车
22. set the alarm clock 设了闹钟
23. I'm on my way. 我就来了。(很地道)
24. hair gel 发胶
25. shareholders' meeting 股东大会
26. roll out the red carpet for 热烈欢迎某人(就像铺红地毯一样,很正式庄重地欢迎某人)


1.传染性疾病通称叫communicable diseases
2. 接触性传染病 contagious diseases
3. 呼吸道传染病 infectious diseases

1.大肠 the large intestine
2.小肠 the small intestine
3.结肠 colon
4.盲肠 cecum
5.十二指肠 duodenum
6.a gastric [duodenal] ulcer

World Bank

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. We are not a bank in the common sense. We are made up of two unique development institutions owned by 185 member countries—the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA).
Each institution plays a different but supportive role in our mission of global poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards. The IBRD focuses on middle income and creditworthy poor countries, while IDA focuses on the poorest countries in the world. Together we provide low-interest loans, interest-free credit and grants to developing countries for education, health, infrastructure, communications and many other purposes.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴与开发银行
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable development through loans, guarantees, risk management products, and analytical and advisory services. Established in 1944 as the original institution of the World Bank Group, IBRD is structured like a cooperative that is owned and operated for the benefit of its 185 member countries.
IBRD raises most of its funds on the world's financial markets and has become one of the most established borrowers since issuing its first bond in 1947. The income that IBRD has generated over the years has allowed it to fund development activities and to ensure its financial strength, which enables it to borrow at low cost and offer clients good borrowing terms.
At its Annual Meeting in September 2006, the World Bank — with the encouragement of its shareholder governments — committed to make further improvements to the services it provides its members. To meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of middle-income countries, IBRD is overhauling financial and risk management products, broadening the provision of free-standing knowledge services and making it easier for clients to deal with the Bank.
International Development Association 国际开发协会
The International Development Association is the part of the World Bank that helps the world's poorest countries. Established in 1960, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing interest-free loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve people's living conditions.

1. As my sister cradled her in her arms, the infant girl clasped her mother's outstretched finger.
2. My intuition told me that her temperament would be a sunny disposition, a joy to people around her.
3. As she grew, the cute little girl had an infectious laugh that started as a small grin, then became a giggle and grew louder and louder until it triggered a response from all the people around her and they joined in.
4. As they posed under an arch covered with climbing roses, we snapped pictures for their photo album.
5. The bride will be radiant as she comes down the aisle escorted by her father.
放爱一条生路 let go of love

婚外情:extramarital affairs
移情别恋:to shift one's love to another person/ to have a new sweetheart
Money and love are the basic components of everyone's life. The TV series draw your attention to the delicate relation between the two by telling a series of stories related to each other.
Does money mean the sacrifice of love and vice versa?
This is a question worth contemplating.

1.  Iberian Colonialism 伊比利亚殖民主义
2. old regime 旧体制
3. representative government 议会制政府
4. economically viable 经济上运行良好
5.Roman Catholicism 罗马天主教
6. the exclusion of other faiths 排挤其他宗教信仰
7. a rallying cry 战斗口号
8. egalitarian  平均主义
9. tribute 供金,供品
10. Egalitarian sentiments were often tempered by fears that the mass of the population was unprepared for self-rule and democracy.
1. nuclear weapons ambitions 核武器企图
2. Pyongyang 平壤
3. stakeholder 利益相关方
4. Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan “持久和平运动”
5. al-Qaida 基地组织
6. Taliban 塔利班
7. material breach of its obligation  实质性地违反自己的职责
8. pre-screen 对---进行预检
9. shipping crates 集装箱
10 Health and Human Services Secretary 卫生与公共服务部部长
11 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
12. National Institute of Health 国家卫生学院
13 upgrade 更新
14 on the ground 实地
1.G24 24国集团
2.financial architecture 金融框架
3. capital flow 资本流动
4.well-defined 明确的
5. creditor 债权国
6.operation framework运作框架
7.review 审议
8.balance of payments 收支平衡
9.debt relief 免除债务
10. effectiveness 有效性
efficiency 有效率
11. contributions 捐款额
12 finance for development 融资促发展
13 accessibility 可获得性
14 availability 可用性
和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence:
mutual respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity , mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful co-existence.
1. 生命力 vitality
2. 公报 convention
3. 联合声明 joint statement/communique
4. 霸权主义 hegemony
5. 强权政治 power politics
6. 与---针锋相对 repudiate
7. 主张 stand for/maintain/hold/believe/agree/put forward/propose
8. 国际关系的准则 norms governing international relations
9. 迫切希望 --- is the fervent desire of sb.
10 明确提出 explicitly put forward
11 经得起考验 stand the test (of time)
12 结束 put an end to
13 完全符合 in full compliance with
14 还是五项原则最好 ---- is the best policies to pursue
15 明确,干净利落 well-defined, clear and concise
16. 完全摆脱了旧国际关系中的不公正,不合理的因素和消极影响
completely do away with the unjust and unreasonable factors and negative influences of the old international relations
17. give full expression to  充分体现了,符合
18. 阵营 camp  集团 group
19. 定亲疏 define friends and enemy
20. 靠不住,行不通的 invariably fail
21. 特别是----  ----- in particular
22 时代的要求 the call of the time
Olympic Games Bidding Words
2008夏季奥运会2008 summer Olympics
国际奥委会the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
申办城市the bidding cities
候选城市 the candidate cities
申办2008年奥运会bid for 2008 Olympics
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO)
主办2008年奥运会host the 2008 Olympic Games
奥林匹克精神the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit
世界奥林匹克日the International Olympic Day
北京四环路the fourth ring road in Beijing
城市基础设施建设the city’s infrastructure construction
最后的投票make the final vote
绿色奥运the Green Olympics
节水龙头water-saving taps
再生纸recycled writing paper
废电池used batteries
无氟冰箱Freon-free refrigerators
闭路电视close-circuit television
友好大使the Goodwill Ambassador
长跑a long-distance running
世界大学生运动会the Universiade
固定资产投资fixed-asset investment /investment in fixed assets
China's fixed assets investment rose to 9,152.9 billion yuan (US$1,220.4 billion) in the first nine months, up 25.7 percent from the same period last year, and the increase was 1.6 percentage points lower than the growth rate in the same period last year the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced.
固定资产投资为fixed-asset investment/ investment in fixed assets。
存款准备金率benchmark lending rate
资金流动capital flowing
宏观经济调控macro-economic control
Latin American migrant money
The amount of money sent home by migrant workers to their families in Latin America has reached more than $62bn. According to the Inter-American Investment Bank, the figure could reach $100bn in four years' time. This report from Duncan Kennedy:
Listen to the story
Money from migrant workers now exceeds the combined total of all direct foreign investment and foreign aid to Latin America - sixty-two-point-three billion dollars. Twenty-three billion dollars of that was sent back to Mexico, mostly from workers living in the United States. It now ranks along with oil and tourism as Mexico's biggest foreign currency earner.
The Inter-American Development Bank, which supports the region with aid and other help, says the remittances, as they're known, will increase by about fifteen percent a year during the next four years, topping one-hundred billion dollars by 2010. The bank describes the money as a very effective poverty reduction programme because it keeps between eight and ten million families above the poverty line. But it says it also means the economies of the region are not generating enough jobs to keep workers from leaving in the first place.
Another problem is that as much of the money is sent back in small amounts, it's difficult to track. The average is between a hundred and a hundred-and-fifty dollars a month. That in turn makes it an unpredictable source of revenue for governments to tap into. The bank says it wants people to get away from what it calls cash to cash flows and into account to account transfers but the bank says the recent crackdown on illegal immigrants by the American authorities could hinder efforts to get migrants to use banks.
Duncan Kennedy, BBC, Mexico City
Listen to the words
migrant workers
people who go to another country to find employment
foreign aid
help, often financial, which is given to poorer countries by richer countries
foreign currency
money used in other countries
the amount of money which is sent somewhere, usually to pay for something
becoming larger or more than something
to track
to follow the progress of something
source of revenue
something that produces money, usually for a business or government
to tap into
to use or take from a resource
account transfers
the electronic movement of money from one bank account to another
to make something more difficult to do

交替传译口译笔记 1

1.中外合资企业 joint venture 可记作 JV
6. 外商投资可以简单用外投,国外可以用一个方框(国家)外面点个点就是国外,投资也可以记inv.
7.合作用两个圈套在一起,如果两个圈刚好碰上没有互相套在一起表示contact 接触,会晤
10. 最大程度上发挥可以用max 其实也可以用两个加号++。一个加号+比较级,两个加号++最高级。
A sino-foreign joint venture is one of complementary and mutually beneficial partnership. Foreign investment in China can maximize the strength of both parties concerned.



讯息关系 内容说明  方法运用
段落的顺序  显示出语篇或语意的段落 画线或排列表示
逻辑的关系 祝贺、谢词、欢迎、感想   运用笔记符号表示
强弱的程度 表达状语等修饰词,如「极为」、「少许」、「经常」、「偶而」等 在右上角用1-2个+ - !?等表示
变化的情形  升高、降低、波动、剧变  运用< >↗↘↑→等表示

4.口译笔记使用大量常见略语,例如:cf(compare), Co(company), eg(for example), etc(and so on), esp(especially), ie(that is), max(maximum), min(minimum), ref(reference), std(standard), usu(usually),等。


三. 笔记的方法
1. 纵向分页--要将版面分割以充分利用纸面,可以纵向画一条中线区隔。
2. 横向分段--在每一语意完整的段落之后画一稍长之横线,每一口译段落之后则画一条贯穿版面之横线。
3. 阶梯式排列--适用于表示讯息的先后顺序。
4. 条列式记法--适用于表达并列的讯息或是连手、对立等语意内涵。
1. 图像(?=高兴, ⊙=会议, Θ=世界、地球 )
2. 符号(+-×÷< > ? !.:↗↘↑→∵≒≠ #$㎏ ㎝ ex.…)
3. 简称或缩写(WTO APEC;TW, HK, CH, JP;Tpe, Tky, Sel ;Ecm, Mkt, 21C)
4. 原文( tie up, Hi-Tech, 危?=危机、基?=基础…)
5. 译文(人名,组织名称,专有名词…)
6. 英文(So, Now, but, Why,…)
7. 符号与文字、图像的组合与变化(Θ?= international, global,Θnet = internet, )
1. 口译为主,笔记为辅。
2. 笔记应呈现讯息的概念与结构。
3. 记下密度与难度高的讯息。
4. 笔记的内容与符号,以多重利用为原则。
5. 笔记的语言符号,必须能够沟通。
四. 口译缩略符号(左栏为原词,右栏为缩略符号)
the -             for f
that -t         from fr
and &             if .f
are r             is z
he e             be b
or o             you u
to t             your ur
in n             an a
of v             so s
at @             me m
all l            they -y
but bt           this -s
would (d         there -r
which (c         has hs
what (t         had hd
was (s         have hv
whom (m         she )e
will (l         shall )l
when (n         most m-
can kn         my m.
go g           new  nw
some sm         any an
could kd         first /-
thing -,         well (el
think -nk        say sa
do d             next nx
lie l.         until tl
time t.m         cannot knt
send s+         more mo
very vr         easy ez
A accom, accor
aG aggra, aggre, agre
C circu, circum
K cog, col,con,com,cor
D des,dis
m em,im
n en,in
X extra,extri
H hydra,hydro
N insta,inste,insti
I inter,enter,intro,intre
nK incla,incli.inclu
L letter,liter
mG magna,magni
M mis
P pr,per,pur,pre,pro,pri
R reco,recom,recon.recor
rK recla,recli.reclu
S suspe,suspi,suscep
T trans
U ulta,ulte,ulti
V. Suffix ---------------------
B ble,able,ible,ably,ibly
g/ age
" ance,inse,ancy,ensy
+ and,end,ant,ent
r/ ary,ery,ory,ury
N antic,entic
T atic,etic,itic,otic
S asict,istic,ostic,ustic
J cient,cience,sient,tience
' cial,sual,tual,tial,tially
: der,ter,tor,ther
v/ ever
F ful,fully
f/ fication
, ing
t/ ity,oty,ety,uty
K ical,acle,icle,cal
G ology,alogy,ulogy
V ive,sive,tive
L ly,ely,ily
n/ ness
P ple,ply
! sion, tion
- st,est,ist,ost
; ted
D tude
R ure
s/ us,ous,ious

中国政府-CHN gov
按我国有关规定-国定  现代化-现h 可行性-可行x   企业家-企业j  投资回报率-投回 ROL 改革开发政策-改开
感到特别亲切-特亲特殊政策和灵活政策-特灵 GDP-国民生产总值 GNP-国内生产总值 5yrP- five year plan
SOE-国有企业 FIE-外资企业 JV-合资企业
The mainland economy grew at a sizzling 11.5 percent last quarter the government said yesterday -- sparking a major selldown of stocks as investors braced for higher interest rates and other tightening measures and digested a warning from investment guru Warren Buffet.
这些词sizzling, spark, selldown, brace for, digest, guru

经济增长过热, 中国领导压力大

Premier Wen Jiabao has mounted a rare public defence of his macroeconomic policies, which have been criticised both within the Communist Party and overseas.
In an uncharacteristically assertive manner, Mr Wen arranged an interview with a group of Hong Kong reporters yesterday during his visit to Russia. The premier said the criticism directed at his economic policies was ill-founded - the strong and stable growth vindicated those policies.
"Everybody agrees that China's economy has been doing pretty well for the past five years and actually it's one bright spot [in the global economy]," said Mr Wen, who has been in charge of the economy since 2003. "If that's the case, then to label [our] macroeconomic controls as `toothless' contradicts both fact and logic."
Mr Wen's management of the world's fourth-largest economy has been a subject of heated debate. Overseas media and analysts have said his macroeconomic controls have been ineffective in cooling the sizzling economy and run the risk of damaging the mainland's long-term growth. There has even been speculation that Mr Wen has come under pressure to quit as premier at next year's annual meeting of the National People's Congress.
The 65-year-old premier, who retained his Politburo Standing Committee membership after the party's 17th National Congress last month, responded publicly to that speculation for the first time yesterday.
"I still have that pure and sincere heart," said Mr Wen, who has built a reputation as the "people's premier" through his populist approach. "I shall continue to fight on."
Mr Wen, whose cabinet faces a massive reshuffle at the NPC meeting in March, with a new crop of vice-premiers and ministers replacing retiring ones, hinted that there would be no major economic policy changes in his next five years in office.
"The current administration will endeavour to carry out its duties and the new cabinet will continue to maintain the continuity of the economic policies," he said.
Macroeconomic controls, a stable growth rate and issues "related to people's lives" - meaning health care, education and housing - were listed by Mr Wen as top work priorities for the next five years.
The mainland's double-digit economic growth since 2003 has raised concerns about an overheating economy. Despite a raft of tightening measures and many official warnings issued from the State Council, nearly every major macroeconomic barometer seems to signal the policies have failed to solve the problems.
Housing prices in mainland cities are still skyrocketing, fixed-asset investment shows no sign of abating and the stock market continues to set a new high almost daily. Inflation is also at its highest level in 11 years due to an increase in food prices.
Although the government has repeatedly vowed to tackle imbalances in its trade and international payments, the trade and current account surpluses have now ballooned to more than 10 per cent of gross domestic product, leading to talk of a US-China trade war.
The mild-mannered premier is widely perceived as lacking the toughness to push through painful economic reforms, unlike his more fiery predecessor Zhu Rongji .
In August, Citigroup chief Asia economist Huang Yiping issued a scathing report highlighting the gap between rhetoric and reality on trade and growth imbalances, the stock market, energy and pollution.
"Since the beginning of economic reform, China has been known for its decisiveness in economic policy making," he wrote. "Unfortunately, recent experiences appear to suggest that such decisiveness might be gone, at least in areas of macroeconomic policy."
He said the country's macroeconomic problems would "continue to develop until either the authorities take more decisive policy actions or something blows up".


target: 能够通过几年的知识积累最后达到可以在有准备的情况下完成医学口译任务。
1. Leptin and Obesity 瘦素与肥胖(EC)
2. 关于印发体外诊断试剂注册管理办法(试行)的通知
Notice on the Format and Basic Requirements for Application Materials for the Registration of In-Vitro Diagnostic Reagents
1.真核细胞 eukaryotic cells
2.分子细胞生物学 molecular cell biology
3. 基因编码 rapid DNA sequencing techniques
4. DNA 重组技术 recombinant DNA technology
5. 胞质桥 cytoplasmic bridge
【原 名】:charmed
【译 名】:圣女魔咒
【类 型】:喜剧 / 剧情 / 幻想
【首 播】:1999
【国 家】:美国
【语 言】:英语
    In CHARMED, the three Halliwell sisters have accepted their destiny of protecting the innocent and vanquishing evil doers, even though that is generally not on the agenda of every twenty-something on the fast track to discovering what life`s all about. Prue (Doherty), the oldest, is driven to succeed and dislikes the free-spirited antics of the youngest sister Phoebe (Milano). Piper (Combs), the earthy middle sister, mediates between her siblings. Prue has the power to move objects, Piper to freeze time and Phoebe to see the future. The sisters must band together to protect themselves, and the world, from the dark, demonic forces that seek to destroy them.
咒语选集 selected incantations
1. "The power of three will set us free"
2. "Outside of time, outside of gain, no only sorrow, no only pain."
Bangladesh makes strides in lowering storm death tolls
By Nizam Ahmed
DHAKA (Reuters) - Bangladesh has made huge strides in reducing death tolls from the cyclones that bash its coastline every year due to well-managed preparedness, aid agencies said on Saturday.
The death toll from the monster cyclone that struck Bangladesh late on Thursday, has reached nearly 1,000. But just 16 years ago, a similar cyclone killed more than 143,000 people. And another one in 1970 killed over 500,000.
Super cyclone Sidr smashed into Bangladesh's southern coastline with 250-kph winds that whipped up a 5-metre tidal surge.
The official death toll from the Thursday's cyclone was more than 900 but some newspapers on Saturday gave figures between 1,100 and 2,000, quoting their reporters in the devastated areas.
"The preparedness is better now because the people take warnings seriously in view of their past experience," Selvaratnam Sinnaduri, head of delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCRCS) told Reuters on Saturday.
Sinnaduri said early warnings by meteorologists and faster evacuation of people by skilled rescuers also contributed enormously for cyclone preparedness.
The toll could have been further reduced if people hadn't stayed behind to safeguard their homes.
"Many people still do not like to leave their homes even when pressed by rescuers, because they fear their properties would be stolen or damaged," Abdur Rob, chairman of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society told a television channel.
1. 国际红十字会和红星月会联盟 the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCRCS)
2. cyclone 气旋
3. bash 猛击
4. meteorologist 气象学家
5. evacuation 撤退
6. 孟加拉湾特强气旋风暴“SIDR”的中心今天下午2点钟位于印度安达曼群岛(Andaman Is.)布莱尔港(Port Blair)西北方约530公里的海面上,即北纬15.0度、东经89.3度,中心附近最大风力有17级(60米/秒)。
1.国有控股企业 state-controlled enterprise
2.非公有制经济 non-publicly owned economy
3.个体经济 self-employment/individually owned business


1. Piper:
Rob, can we take a rain check on the rest of the evening? It's getting kind of crowded in here.rain check
延期, 留作下次继续用的票根
2. Phoebe: So? So? It’s a day to celebrate. And not just because it’s our anniversary but because it falls on one of the most powerful wiccan days of the year. The autumnal equinox. Now, according to this witch that I met today at bookstore...
wiccan 巫术崇拜
the autumnal equinox 秋分
3. Piper: Did you find anything?
Phoebe: Nothing. But whatever it was literally came out of nowhere and disappeared into nowhere.
litterally 不光有“逐字的,按字面意思”的意思,还有几乎,简直,差不多。
come out of nowhere 文一点的翻译是空穴来风,这种对话中就是“不知道从哪跑出来的”就可以了。
4.Phoebe: Oh, wait a minute. The scariest demon we’ve ever run across opens up some portal in our attic, and steals the Book of Shadows and you want to go into the office?
arched portal拱形洞门
entry portal【核】射入口
exit portal【核】出射口
posterior intestinal portal
后肠门tower portal of bridge
5. Piper: It needs a lot of work, uh, I know that. But that’s not a problem and just because the last two owners went bankrupt, doesn’t mean it can’t work. I’ve done three separate marketing studies and found a 68% interest in the target clientele.
clientele 客户。
equinox  昼夜平分时;二分点
vernal equinox     春分
autumnal equinox   秋分
能否记住“春分”和“秋分”,关键在于能否记住 equinox 这个词。 现在我们运用英语词汇逻辑记忆法正向记忆原则,在 equinox 一词中找出“ nox ”一词。“ Nox ”是罗马古典神话中的夜女神,是“ 夜 ”的含义,“ equi ”是“ 等于 ”之意,所以,equinox 是“昼夜平分时”, 意为把白昼和黑夜分成相等的两个部分。假如取“二分点”之意,那就是太阳在天球上一年两次经过天赤道的时刻,以全球昼夜等长为特征,出现在仲春或仲秋季节的日夜分,叫做“春分”或“秋分”。因此,能记住 nox 就能记住 equinox ,而能记住equinox ,就能记住 vernalequinox 和 autumnal equinox 。
solstice             至点
summer solstice    夏至
winter solstice    冬至
“ Sol ”是罗马古典神话中的太阳神,是“太阳”的含义,“ stice ”虽然不是一个英语词,但我们可以把它理解为“到达”之意,意为太阳光直射的地点,所以,我们就能记住 summer stice 和 winter stice 终生不忘。


brutalize, technicality, cross the line , remorseless to the end
Leo: She hurt him because he murdered someone,someone Phoebe cared about very much. A dear friend who he brutalized. But a technicality set him free. Phoebe was furious, outraged. And that's when she crossed the line from protecting the innocent to punishing the guilty. She used her power to kill Greene, got caught, and her magic exposed by Nathaniel Pratt.
remorceless to the end 死不悔改
东北老工业基地rust belt  --  China's rust belt of the northeast
Concise Oxford:
  informal a region characterized by declining industry and a falling population, especially in the American Midwest and NE states.
an area in the northern US, including parts of the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin, where many large, older industries, especially the steel and car industries, have become less successful and many factories have closed down
The Rust Belt, formerly known as the Manufacturing Belt, is an area in the northeastern and upper midwestern United States, roughly between Chicago and New York City, whose economy was formerly based largely on heavy industry, manufacturing, and associated industries. This area is roughly defined as comprising the northern sections of Indiana and Ohio; the northeastern corner of Illinois; the Lower Peninsula of Michigan; the Lake Michigan shoreline of Wisconsin; western New York; at least the western half of Pennsylvania; and the northern part of West Virginia, especially that state's Northern Panhandle. It can also include North Jersey, the Twin Cities and Duluth. Sometimes the adjacent portion of the Canadian province of Ontario is included as well, giving the concept an international dimension.
Collins Cobuild:
In the United States and some other countries, the Rust Belt is a region which used to have a lot of manufacturing industry, but whose economy is now in difficulty.


A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.
As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold.
Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.
When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.
With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words… "PAID IN FULL".
How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Sometimes we don't realize the good fortune we have or we could have because we expect "the packaging" to be different. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.
sports car:赛车
dealer: 销售商
storm out of:冲出去
will: 留下遗嘱,把---留给
charmed 学词汇
1.baby shower 满月
2.atypical 不典型的
Someone or something that is atypical is not typical of its kind.
The economy of the province was atypical because it was particularly small.
He was an atypical English schoolboy.
3.precinct 管辖区
5.aloe 芦荟
Any shrubby succulent plant of the genus Aloe, in the lily family.
Native to Africa, most of the 200 or so species have a rosette of leaves at the base but no stem. Several are cultivated as ornamentals. The juice of some species, especially the popular potted plant known as true aloe (Aloe vera), is used as an ingredient in cosmetics, as a purgative, and as a treatment for burns.
6.jiggle 轻摇(especially when you jiggle a baby)
7.estrogen 雌激素
8. hold a grudge against 对---心存怨恨
He has a grudge against me. 他对我有恶意. * He has been harbouring/nursing a grudge against me. 他一直对我心怀嫉妒.
9. soulful


1. 21世纪议程 Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约)— provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development)
2. 世界环境日 World Environment Day (June 5th each year)
3.世界环境日主题 World Environment Day Themes
4.环境千年—行动起来吧!(2000) The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!
5.拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999) Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!
6.为了地球上的生命—拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas!
7.为了地球上的生命(1997) For Life on Earth
8.我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996) Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
9.国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day (29 December)
10.世界水日 World Water Day (22 March) notes 179.(12.11)
11. Acclimatization 驯化
12.Activities Implemented Jointly(AIJ) 共同执行活动
13.Adaptability 适应性
14. adabtation benefits/costs/assessment 适应性收益/成本/评估
15. adaptive capacity 适应能力
16. additionality 额外性
17. adjustment time 调整时间
18. aerosois 气溶胶
19. afforestation 造林
20. Aggregate impacts 累积影响
Total impacts summed up across sectors and/or regions. The aggregation of impacts requires knowledge of (or assumptions about) the relative importance of impacts in different sectors and regions. Measures of aggregate impacts include, for example, the total number of people affected, change in net primary productivity, number of systems undergoing change, or total economic costs.
21.沼气 biogas / marsh gas
22.污水处理厂 sewage plant  污水 sewage water
23.野生动物自然保护区 natural reserve for wild animals
24.耕地面积 arable land
25.沙漠化土地 desertified land
26.森林蓄积量 forest reserve/stock
27.森林覆盖面积 forest coverage/acreage
28.森林覆盖率 forest coverage rate
29. “三北”防护林体系 the Three Norths Shelterbelt Project
30. “不毛之地”baren land


Ancillary benefits 辅助效益
The ancillary, or side effects, of policies aimed exclusively at climate change mitigation. Such policies have an impact not only on greenhouse gas emissions, but also on resource use efficiency, like reduction in emissions of local and regional air pollutants associated with fossil-fuel use, and on issues such as transportation, agriculture, land-use practices, employment, and fuel security. Sometimes these benefits are referred to as &iexcl;°ancillary impacts&iexcl;± to reflect that in some cases the benefits may be negative. From the perspective of policies directed at abating local air pollution, greenhouse gas mitigation may also be considered an ancillary benefit, but these relationships are not considered in this assessment.

1.气候变化减缓政策 climate change mitigation policies
2.温室气体排放   greenhouse gas emission
3.资源使用效率       resource use efficiency
4.当地和区域的化石燃料使用所造成的空气污染物排放 local and regional air pollutants associated with fossil fuel use
31.可再生能源/资源:renewable energies/resources
32.一次性能源/不可再生资源 non-renewable energies/resources
33.过度捕捞 over-fishing
34.水土流失 soil erosion
35.资源枯竭 exhaustion of resources
36.生态恶化 deterioration of ecosystem
37.传统集约耕作模式 conventional intensive farming
38.土地日益贫瘠 declining soil fertility
39.赤潮 red tide
40.国家环境保护总局 SEPA State Environmental Protection Administration
Official: Chinese Gov't Attaches Importance to Issue of Climate Change  
A senior Chinese official says the Chinese Government attaches great importance to the issue of climate change.
Xie Zhenhua, deputy head of the China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), made the remarks at a high-level segment meeting of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bali, Indonesia.
He said in pursuing its economic development, China has been undertaking a series of policies and measures to address climate change and to protect the environment in accordance with the country's sustainable development strategy, and has achieved tremendous achievements."
   He added that conserving resources and protecting the environment are China's basic state policies. And the country will enhance its capacity building on addressing climate change and make new contributions to the protection of global climate.
41.多煤 rich/ample/plentiful supply of/abundant/ coal
42.贫油,少气 short supply of/insufficient oil and gas
43.---在---中占主导地位 top all the other
44.相辅相成 mutually complementary/give impetus to each other
45.双管齐下 work on these issues at one time
46.形成环保的的大气候 create an atmosphere for environmental protection
47.生态农业建设 eco-agriculture practices
48.荒山 baren hills
49.ethonal 乙醇
50.破坏性的开发 destructive exploitation
51.人类利益 human welfare
52.充电电池 rechargeable battery
53.不锈钢 stainless steel
54 上策 best sollutoin to
55.脊椎动物 vertebrate
56.高等植物higher plant
57.野生动物拯救繁育基地 wild fauna rescue and breeding bases
58.地热能,太阳能,风能,海洋能等新能源 such new energies as geothermal power, solar energy, wind energy, oceanic energy.
59.草场退化 grassland degradation
60 全国野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程 "the National Wildlife Conservation and Nature Reserves Development Program"
61. 濒危野生动物 endangered wild fauna species
62. 濒危野生植物  endangered wild flora species
63. 冶金 metallurgy 冶金的 mettallurgical
64. 建筑材料产业 construction materials industry
65. 轻工业 light industry
66. 加速技术改造 speed up technical transformation
67. 产品结构 product mix
68. 企业经济效益 economic returns of enterprises
69. 水电 hydroelectric power
70. 海洋环境 marine environment
71. 联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)
72. 生物多样性公约 Convention on Biological Diversity
73. 防治荒漠化国际公约 Convention to Combat Desertification
74. 青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
75. 沙尘暴 sand storm
76. 水产资源 aquatic resources
77. 死亡人数 death toll
78. 土壤碱化 soil alkalinization
79. 热带风暴 tropical storm
80. 热污染 thermol pollution
81. 德里宣言 Declaration of Delhi
82. 附件一国家 Annex 1 parties
83. 第二承诺期  the second commitment period
84. 限排  an emission cap
85. 不懈努力 relentless efforts
86. 美国能源部 US Department of Engergy
87. 资源利用效率 utilizatoin efficiency of resources
88. 开发推广可再生资源技术
Develop and disseminate renewable energy technologies
89. 中国21世纪议程 China's Agenda 21
90. 推广节煤炉灶 promote energy-saving stove
91. 微水电  small hydropower stations
92. 取之不尽,用之不竭 inexhaustible
93.化石能源 fossil fuels
94. 推广机构 extension institution
95. 地表水源 surface water source
96. 首都水资源可持续发展利用规划
Program for Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in the Capital
97. 植被减少 diminished vegetation
98.decibel (噪音)分贝
99. sewage purification 污水净化
100. algae outbreak 蓝藻爆发
1.中枢记忆性耳鸣central memory tinnitus
2. 主观性耳鸣subjective tinnitus
3. 前谷acupoint. indications: tinnitus; corneal opacity; numbness in fingers
4. 周围性耳鸣peripheral tinnitus
5. 外因致耳鸣extrinsic tinnitus
6. 目转耳鸣nystagmus with tinnitus
7. 神经性耳鸣nervous tinnitus
8. 耳鸣tinnitus; syrigmus
9. 耳鸣罩tinnitus masker
10.脑鸣tinnitus cerebri
Woman gets 20-months for loud music


TOKYO - A Japanese woman charged with inflicting(造成)injury on her neighbor by blasting rock music at her house for more than two years was given a 20-month prison term Tuesday, a court official said.
Miyoko Kawahara, 59, was sentenced by the Osaka High Court, revoking(撤回)an initial ruling that had given her a one-year prison term, court spokesman Takanao Kawasaki said.
Kawahara in Heguri, Nara Prefecture (state) in western Japan, was accused of causing insomnia(失眠)and headaches to her next-door neighbor by playing loud dance music almost 24 hours a day on a portable stereo she had pointed at her neighbor's house, 20 feet away.
She was arrested on April 11, 2005. The two women had had a number of disagreements that police did not elaborate on(详细说明).
"The defendant(被告)ignored calls by local authorities and continuously played music at a high volume for some 29 months," Kyodo News agency quoted presiding(首席法官)Judge Hiroshi Furukawa as telling the court.
In handing down a longer prison term than a local court ruling in April, this year, Furukawa told the court that the defendant "still maintains a hostile(敌对的)attitude toward the victim and it is highly likely she will commit the crime again," Kyodo said.
Doctors had diagnosed the neighbor as having insomnia and headaches they attributed to the noise. Kawahara started blasting the music in November 2002 and continued until her arrest.
Under Japanese law, those convicted of inflicting injury on another person face up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to 300,000 yen ($2,520).
101. 淘汰 phase out
102. 校准(仪器)calibrate
103. 咸潮 saline tide
104. 海水倒灌 seawater encroachment
(中国网的环保记者招待会上澳门记者问了咸潮saline tide 和海水倒灌seawater的问题,影响南方沿海饮水,这个就比较生僻了,不过到那时候憋也得憋出来点东西,可以用简单的语言解释下,如女翻译的处理是 salty tide, sea water coming back to the land. )
105. 在听记者招待会的时候,一位领导说单位GDP能耗下降百分之。翻译直接说engergy intensity 很简洁,查了下energy intensity的定义如下:
Energy intensity is a measure of the energy efficiency of a nation's economy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP.
• High energy intensities indicate a high price or cost of converting energy into GDP.
• Low energy intensity indicates a lower price or cost of converting energy into GDP.
106. 排放权贸易 Emissions trading is an administrative approach used to reduce air pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving emissions reductions at minimum net cost. In such a plan, a central authority (e.g., air pollution control district, state agency, or Federal agency) sets limits or "caps" on each pollutant. Groups that intend to exceed the limits may buy emissions credits from entities that are able to stay below their designated limits. This transfer is normally referred to as a trade. (In some emission trading systems a portion of the traded credits are required to be retired. By retiring some of the credits the system achieves a net reduction in emissions, as well as cost reduction, from each trade.) Most authorities agree that emissions trading is an effective strategy if properly designed and administered.
107. 清洁发展机制Clean Development Mechanism
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the only Flexibility Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol that involves developing countries. It allows developed nations to achieve part of their reduction obligations through projects in developing countries that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or 'fix' or sequester CO2 from the atmosphere.
108. Joint implementation
Agreements made between two or more nations under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
109. physical output 物量产出
110 avoided deforestation 避免毁林,避免滥伐森林
111.COD 化学需氧量 Chemical oxygen demand
In environmental chemistry, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) test is commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compounds in water. Most applications of COD determine the amount of organic pollutants found in surface water (e.g. lakes and rivers), making COD a useful measure of water quality. It is expressed in millgrams per liter (mg/L), which indicates the mass of oxygen consumed per liter of solution. Older references may express the units as parts per million (ppm).
112 ppm.【医】 兆比率(百万分之几) parts per million
Parts per million ('ppm') denotes one particle of a given substance for every 999,999 other particles. This is roughly equivalent to one drop of ink in a 40 gallon drum of water, or one second per 280 hours. 1 part in 106.
113 发改委 NDRC
114 炼钢厂  steel mill
115. 严重性  gravity
116. 污水处理厂 sewage treatment plant
117. come to grips with sth. 处理
The government’s popularity has dropped as it failed to come to grips with unemployment.
118 confidence-building树立信心
119 conbustion of fossil fuels 化石燃料燃烧
120. Montreal Protocol蒙特利尔议定书
The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer from depletion by phasing out the production of a number of substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion.
The treaty was opened for signature on September 16, 1987 and entered into force on January 1, 1989. Since then, it has undergone five revisions, in 1990 (London), 1992 (Copenhagen), 1995 (Vienna), 1997 (Montreal), and 1999 (Beijing). Due to its widespread adoption and adherence it has been hailed as an example of exceptional international cooperation with Kofi Annan quoted as saying it is "Perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date...".
《维也纳公约》签署2个月后,英国南极探险队队长J.Farman宣布,自从1977年开始观察南 极上空以来,每年都在9~11月发现有“臭氧空洞”。这个发现引起举世震惊。1985年9月, 为制定实质性控制措施的议定书,UNEP组织召开了专题讨论会。同年10月,决定成立保护臭氧层工作组,从事制定议定书的工作。
  1987年9月,由UNEP组织的“保护臭氧层公约关于含氯氟烃议定书全权代表大会”在加拿大 蒙特利尔 市召开。出席会议的有36个国家、10个国际组织的140名代表和观察员,中国政府也派代表参加了会议。
  9月16日,24个国家签署了《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》(以下简称《议定书 》)。中国政府认为这个《议定书》没有体现出发达国家是排放CFCs造成臭氧层耗减的主要 责任者,对发展中国家提出的要求不公平,所以当时没有签定这个议定书。
  由于保护臭氧层形势发展的需要,加上《议定书》制定时未能充分反映发展中国家的意见, 在1989年5月赫尔辛基缔约方第1次会议之后,开始了《议定书》的修正工作。
  1990年6月,在伦敦召开的缔约方第2次会议通过了《议定书》修正案。由于修正案基本上反 映了发展中国家的意愿,包括印度在内的许多发展中国家,都纷纷表示将加入修正后的《议 定书》。中国代表团在会上也表示将建议我国政府尽快加入修正后的《议定书》。
  1991年6月14日,中国政府驻联合国代表团将加入修正后《议定书》的文件交给联合国秘书 长。在缔约方第3次会议上,中国政府代表团宣布了中国政府正式加入修正后《议定书》的 决定。
121  World Agroforestry Centre 世界农林中心
122  peatland 泥炭地
123  “为地球植树十亿棵”活动(Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign)
124.  tree breeding 树苗育种
125.  tree cover 林木植被
126.  tree line 森林线; 树木线 ...
127.  trivial name 俗名
128.  tree savanna 稀树干草原
129.  trajectory model 轨迹模式
130 ocean dumping  海洋倾倒
131  total suspended particulates (TSP) 悬浮微粒总量
132.  total suspended solids (TSS) 悬浮固体总量
133.  间歇雨 intermittent rain
134.  风级 wind scale
135. 放射性废料积存 accumulation of radioactive waste
136. 有机污染物 organic pollutant
137. 氰化物、砷、汞排放 cyanide,arsenic, and mercury discharged
138. 铅、镉、六价铬 lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium
139. 城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse
140.垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill
141 垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator
142 水土保持 conservation of water and soil
142 水土保持 conservation of water and soil
142 水土保持 conservation of water and soil
143 海水淡化 sea water desalinization
protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource
145 防风林 wind breaks
146 防沙林 sand breaks
147.速生林 fast-growing trees
148. 珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center
149.防止沿海地带不可逆转恶化 protect coastal zones from irreversible degradation
150 大气监测系统 atmospheric monitoring system
151室内空气污染 Indoor air pollution
152 三废综合利用 multipurpose use of three types of wastes
153 工业污水 industrial effluents
154. 工业烟尘 industrial fumes
155. 水文效应hydrological effects: 地理环境变化引起的水文变化或水文响应。环境条件变化可分自然和人为两个方面。当代人类活动范围和规模空前增长,对水文过程的影响或干扰越来越大。目前对水文效应的研究大多着重于各种人类活动对水循环、水量平衡要素及水文情势的影响或改变,又称为人类活动对水文情势的影响。这种影响或改变,多遵循着水与环境关系的一般规律,但人为的水文变化比自然的水文变化快。
156. 水土保持 conservation of water and soil
157. 工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes
158. 享受国家一级保护 enjoy first-class protection of the state
159. 环保产品 environment-friendly products
160 工业粉尘 industrial dust
161 二氧化氮 nitrate dioxide
162. 天然气汽车 gas-fueled vehicles
163. 电动汽车 cell-driven vehicles/battery cars
164. environmental capacity 环境容量; 环境负荷量
The EPA-supported water quality models widely used are summarized with their major functions herein, so as to provide references for the total quantity control of pollutants based on the environmental capacity.
165. 反常天气 freakish weather
Freakish phenomena are becoming less freaky all around the world.
各国面对猪流感都不敢冒险, 严阵以待。
A: All countries do not dare to take risks and are ready to fight against swine flu.
B: All countries take no chances and are embattled to fight against swine flu.
take no chances: 不冒险,力求完全。
They did a poor job.
They underperformed.
例3 马上要出台新政策了。
They are going to issue new policies./ New policies are going to be issued.
New policies are on the horizon.
on the horizon: 即将到来。

4. 最根本的原因是他们在处理人际关系的时候技能更纯熟。
A:The fundamental reason is that they are more skillfull in inter-personal relationship.
B: What it boils down to is their more skillful way of dealing with people.

5. 我宣布这次国际研讨会开幕
I declare open the international symposium.
This international symposium is herewith inaugurated.
6.   我的决定不应视为先例。
My decision shouldn't be viewed as a precedent
My decision does not constitute a precedent.
7. 肯尼迪的后代在美国历史上都颇有名气。
Kennedy's descendants were to become quite famous in the American history.
Kennedy's offspring were to figure prominently in the American history.

8. 我们要控制价格过快上涨。
We need to curb the excessively rapid increase of prices
We need to control price hikes.

A Do you like reading very much?
B Are you an avid reader?
Are you an avid gardener? Are you looking for that special perennial, shrub or tree? Wayside Gardens is America's premier gardening company with a huge selection to satisfy the needs of most original landscape gardener. Whether your looking to plant indoors, on the patio, or in the yard Wayside Gardens has what you need in plants and supplies.
Wayside Gardens is America’s source for first-quality, unusual annuals, perennials, shrubs, roses, trees, landscaping supplies and garden décor. Visit Wayside Gardens for their daily specials, new product previews and great gardening tips.

10 在非洲投资是非常好的选择。
A To invest in Africa is a very good choice.
B Africa is a perfect investment destination.

灵感来自:Africa is a reliable investment and trade destination.
Nida的功能对等,functional equivalence 在翻译界已经是一个用的特别多的理论了。
Barclays pushed ahead, eager at the chance to transform itself into a U.S. powerhouse at potentially a fire-sale price.

“跳楼价”如果直译成 jump-down-the-building price 是什么效果呢?


这种跳楼价其实并不包含太多的文化内容,包含的是一种语言,语言表达方式的不同。这种不包含文化的意象就可以在target language里找个和它相似的意象。
fire-sale price
n. 1. a price much lower than normal market price; as, the Reagan administration sold off valuable mineral and timber resources at fire-sale prices.

那么如果是口译,想不起来fire-sale price 则可以用释意的办法,解释成at an extremely low price.

1. at a cut-throat price
英语中的恶性竞争可以译成cut-throat competition 就是竞争导致互相降价。
进一步调查发现 cut-throat price 也是超低价的意思。
a cut-throat price

1. ??????????? (?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????) : Five dollars for just a ball-point pen! That's a cut throat price for a pen like that.
2. at breakdown price
商品买卖中最常见的50句英语表达翻译,翻译兼职,兼职翻译, 英文翻译 ...
39. Price crash 削价. 40. Sale 50% off original price按原价的50%销售. 41. Sale at breakdown price 跳楼价甩卖. 42. Sale continues in store 商品继续销价. 43. ...

at 后没有a ,网上所有的表达都没有a, 也许sale at breakdown price 就是固定的吧。

3. That's our rock bottom price
最后,汉语里除了跳楼价以外,也会说大放血等,各地也有不同说法,但总的来说如果想不起来什么表达方法就意为 extremely low price, 如果想形象点则可译为 at a cut-throat price, at breakdown price, at a fire-sale price, rock bottom price.
breakdown 可以指家庭破裂 family breakdown, 关系破裂 breakdown in relations, 也可以指精神崩溃 suffer a breakdown, 汽车故障,分析,a breakdown of labor costs 劳工成本分类清单,
另外一个很好的和break有关的词break even 不亏不赚,收支平衡,收支相抵。
Last year the G8 agreed the world should seek to halve emissions by 2050, but did not spell out how this would be achieved.

拿出---的具体方案,就是spell out how---
实现减排50%,就是halve emission(reduce emissions by half)

spell out: 清楚地讲出,详细说明

它的本意是:拼写出来 spell out his name

spell 这个词其实学学不错。

1. 给某人某物施法 cast/put a spell on/over
2 破除 符咒 break the spell
3 中了魔法 under a spell
4 一阵子,一段时间 After a brief spell in the army, I returned to teaching.
5 引人入胜的  a spellbinding story
4. 听得入迷 spellbound: The storyteller held his audience spellbound.
5 单词拼写比赛 spelling bee( Am E)
汉译英中的选词和省略   Post By:2009-7-14 8:26:00
译文: Making a clean break with the past makes one a defector while indulging in it a mediocre.
We are not native English speakers, so naturally it's hard for us to choose a word without knowing too well whether it is appropriate or not. The only thing we can do is to learn more of that language to form some sort of sense of the language. In this way, whenever a word is misused, you will feel it.

As far as the word“忘记”is concerned, the first word that jumps into my mind was forget. It's ok to use forget in interpretation. But we are translating the sentence. we have encough time to ponder over the diction. At last I chose a phrase make a clean break with. This phrase means to sever from sth. completely or to forget sth. completly, a perfect match with the original intention of the speaker.

indulge in sth bad  indulge 通常接的是不好的事情,形容沉湎于恶习。
Don't indulge yourself in eating and drinking.
Don't allow yourselves to indulge in false hopes.
开始想到的是be engrossed/absorbed in, 但其实这两个更强调现在正专心做某事,不如indulge in 好。

defector 背叛,逃兵

mediocre 不光指人很平庸,还指不爱上进,安于现状的人。

To sum up, as non-native English speakers, we need to consult the dictionary from time to time to check the use of words. In this way, we can constantly improve our translating ability and maximize the quality of translation.
2. 省略(omission)
这里第2次提到makes one 的时候就省略了。
第2次提到past的时候,用it 指代了。
再举个小例子,一篇英文稿子中提及联合国时可能会出现the United Nations, UN, the international organization等说法,但如果译成汉语则都是联合国,而不要译为 “这个国际组织”,原因就是英文中不喜欢反复用一个名字来称呼一个组织。


北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 李长栓






1.      杀人案中各个人物及其动作如何表达,才不至于引起混乱,如谁是victim; lease, rent, let等动词的双向性。
2.      选择谁是victim,反映译者的立场。
3.      有人用A, B表示两个人,意思虽清楚,不符合语言习惯。
4.      it和this。A man was killed by three brothers. It all started from a dispute over rent. [it指代一个名词;this指代上述状况]
5.      区区几万元怎么说?merely a couple of wan (=10,000) yuan; a few wan kuai (10,000 yuan); a couple of ten thousand yuan.
A few dozen thousand yuan 可以,但节奏别扭。比较时可用,如:a few thousand or a few dozen thousand dollars?
Tens of thousands yuan, several tens of thousands yuan.给人以“多”的感觉,不用
6.      Yuan为什么大写?



I went home during the National Day, when I passed by the yellow river, I saw more people driving their cars, though their appearances had not changed much, I was happy when I saw them driving their car that cost more than 200 millions.

I returned to my hometown during the National Day holiday. In the village on the Yellow River, I saw more and more people driving cars. Although their appearance has not changed much, I was excited to see them own cars that cost over 200,000 yuan (USD30,000).[1]

However, my happiness ceased when I chatted with the folks and was told that two incidents that happened. The first incident happened in the neighboring village where a person was killed in his home by two bothers from the same village, the story began with the rental of land, due to the rental scuffle, the tenant beat the party whom refused to accept rental offered, the tenant was quoted as saying would kill the person because of the few million dollars involved, the victim then garnered the support from his two brothers and hence the murder, four families were shattered in this incident. The second incident happened in our village. One of our village folks, after harvesting and collecting his corn requested to drive pass the field of his neighbour, the old lady of the neighboring house refused as she treasure her crops in the field, a quarrel started and the old lady said in anger that the neighbour could either drive pass his own field or driver over her dead body. The story ended with the car drove over her!

However, my excitement disappeared when I learned about two incidents during a chat on the street. The first one happened in the neighbouring village, where a man was killed in his home by three bothers from the same village. The story began with a dispute over the land rents. A local bully wanted lease land from a villager, but the owner was unwilling to accept the low price offered. So the bully hired someone to beat up the owner and threatened that killing him was nothing but a couple of ten thousand yuan. The enraged victim then garnered the support from his two brothers. Hence the murder, and four shattered families. The second incident took place in my own village. One of our village folks needed to drive through the adjacent field to harvest corn. The neighbour, an old granny, refused as that would crush her crops. As the argument escalated into a quarrel, the old lady lay down on the ground[2] and challenged: “If you want to pass, drive over my body!” And so did the driver. The case was settled for a couple of ten thousand yuan.

While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night. When I came back from school and there was no one home, it was very natural that aunty next-door would invite me to her place for lunch. During harvest period, we were all very busy and appeal for help, the neighbour would offer their help and stayed for simple meals and chats. Now, value of life and individual’s value had undergone a tremendous change. We all realized that our country is developing the urban area in full force, we hope to see change in our living environment and believe there will be tremendous change, but those incidents that happened set me thinking, should we do more in the areas of moral values to guide our village folks to cope with the change.

While I was young, the village was so safe that we need not shut the doors at night. When I came back from school and there was no one home, the aunty next door would always invite me to her place for a meal. Everything seemed so natural. During the harvest season, when we asked our neighbours for help, the return was only a simple meal accompanied by a hearty chat. Now, life and values in the village have undergone tremendous changes. We all know that our government is developing the rural areas in full force. And I am looking forward to a better life in my home town. But the incidents set me thinking: Should we do more to preserve the traditional values when times are changing?(可以把原文改得更符合逻辑;极个别情况下才需要故意保留原文的不当)




A right of passage over a neighbor's land or waterway. An easement is a type of servitude . For every easement, there is a dominant and a servient tenement . Easements are also classified as negative (which prevents the servient land owner from doing certain things) or affirmative easements (the most common, which allows the beneficiary of the easement to do certain things, such as a right-of-way). Although right-of-ways are the most common easements, there are many others such as rights to tunnel under another's land, to use a washroom, to emit smoke or fumes, to pass over with transmission towers, to access a dock and to access a well.

Translator: Chow Wan Ee

It was my National Day holiday homecoming. Along the Yellow River stood our village, where many village folks, although clad no differently from our last encounter, were cruising behind wheels worth well over two hundred grand. That had pleased me.

But my pleasure soon turned to dismay after chatting with a village folk on a street corner. The folk related two episodes. One occurred in the adjoining village, where a man was killed in his home by three brothers. The killing was precipitated by a land lease dispute. The man had wanted to bully one of the brothers into accepting his offer price by having him thrashed and terrorised, even threatening that his life would cost no more than a meagre sum. Indignant, the brothers went after the bully. The consequence was one lost life and four broken families. Another incident took place in our village. A village folk had requested a neighbouring old lady’s permission to drive through her field to harvest his corn. Unable to bear with the thought of flattened maize plants, she refused. In a battle of wits, she lay on the field, defying her neighbour to drive “over her dead body”. Refusing to back down, the rumbling vehicle surmounted the determined human barrier. Eventually, the villager paid a couple of ten thousand yuan for a private settlement.

During my childhood days, house doors could be left ajar at night. When I came home from school occasionally to find myself alone, the aunty next door would ask me over. Taking my place at her kitchen table had seemed the most natural thing to do. During busy farming seasons, we would call for neighbours’ helping hands. Appreciation was a simple meal and a cosy tête-à-tête. These days, attitudes and values have gone on a different tangent. Certainly, the government is doing much to develop the rural economy. I am eager to witness better days at home, and am sure that sweeping changes will occur in no time. But the two episodes struck a sensitive chord. Perhaps we should also look into shaping characters and values to prevent the evacuation of moral scruples when prosperity finally ensues.


北京外国语大学高级翻译学院 李长栓



The ancient philosopher Wang Yangming offended some powerful officials of the imperial court and was demoted to the position of a local official in the remote province of Guizhou. During his term, he arrested the head of a burglary gang. In the trial, the suspect said, "I have committed a death penalty crime. You can kill me or torture me all you want but spare me the moral talk. A guy like me never talks morals. I don't even think about them."
Wang replied, "OK, I won't talk morals with you today but since it's hot, I suggest we take off our coats before the trial."
"OK," said the suspect, and took his coat off.
"It's still too hot, perhaps we should take off our shirts too," said Wang.
The gangster naturally didn’t mind being bare-chested, so he took off his shirt. Now both of them had nothing left but their pants. Wang then said, "What about the pants? We’ll be more comfortable if we’re naked."
"No way! No way!" protested the suspect.
At this point, Wang cut to his point and said, "The reason why you wouldn't take off your pants is that you still know shame. This proves that even a notorious and ruthless man like yourself is concerned with morality. "The suspect was so impressed by Wang's argument that he confessed all his crimes.
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    “A fall into the pit,  a gain in your wit.”
    To win this victory will not require much more time and effort, but to consolidate it will.
    原文:The cold weather frosted up the track last night.
    原文:My toes were frostbitten from skating too long.


    Those privileged to be present at a family festival of the Forsytes have seen that charming and instructive sight — an upper middle-class family in full plumage.
原文charming and instructive是定语,和sight搭配,但译成汉语,若想保留这样的搭配是很困难的。译文把原文的定语放到后面去处理,语言就顺了。当然,放到后面,就不一定是定语了。
    第三种方法:研究不同的译文。有些作品经不同的人翻译,便出现了不同的译本,而且都是很好的译本。例如《红楼梦》,近年来就出版了两个译本,一个是国内出版的杨宪益和他的夫人戴乃迭的译本,取名A Dream of Mansions, 另一个是英国出版的David Hawkes的译本,取名The Story of the Stone。这两个译本都很好, 不少人做了对比研究。
    这段话,在杨宪益和戴乃迭译的Lu Xun Selected Works(1956,1980)里是这样译的:
    The layout of Luzhen’s taverns is unique. In each, facing you as you enter, is a bar in the shape of a carpenter’s square where hot water is kept ready for warming rice wine.
    后来,在这两位译者译的Selected Stories of Lu Hsun(1960,1972)里,这段话就改为:
    The wine shops in Luchen are not like those in other parts of China. They all have a right-angled counter facing the street, where hot water is kept ready for warming wine.
    为什么这样修改,译者没有说,我们也无法询问,只能自己揣摩。全段讲的是鲁镇的酒店,第二个译文的wine shops作定语,一下子就把读本的注意力集中到“酒店”身上,下文也好安排。因此,比第一个译文以layout作主语为好。至少我们可以看出,原文以“格局”为主语,译文用layout不如用wine shops作主语好。认识到这一点,我们在做翻译时也就不必拘泥于原文的句子结构了。你说是不是?




    英国剑桥大学George Steiner 教授写过一本书,名叫After Babel。在第一章的末尾,他说了这样一句话:A study of translation is a study of language。这也许是对翻译研究最好的概括。你不想在语言上下点功夫吗?


    To preserve the content of the message the form must be changed .说的大概也是这个意思。
    是不是看几本书就行了?诚然,这方面的书也是有的。但只看别人得出的结论往往印象不深,时间久了,也许就忘了。因此最好亲自动手进行比较,或者至少把别人结论拿来验证一番。其实,语言对比是很有趣的,通过对比,你会发现许多过去未曾注意的东西。而且你的注意力也不会完全局限于译例。每当你有所发现的时候,你就会去查阅关于英语的权威性著作,也会去查阅关于汉语的权威性著作,看看他们对这个问题是怎么说的。比如,在我研究前面提到的“实称”与“代称”的问题时,就参考了Randolph Quirk等四位学者所著的A Grammar of Contemporary English。书中有一节专门论述substitution,我看到不仅名词有替代的说法,动词、形容词、副词等也都有替代的说法,他们把所有这些替代的说法统一称为“pro-forms”。看到这里我感到一阵惊喜,顿时觉得自己对这个问题的了解深入了一步。一个人要是学问有长进,就会感到欣慰,要是日有所进,就会觉得其乐无穷。


    十多年前,我对外国译者关于翻译标准的看法作过一些探讨,写过一篇文章,题为“外国译者追求什么样的译文?”, 发表在《中国翻译》1992年第4期上。现将其中的部分引文介绍如下。
    K. J. Maidment 在其所译Minor Attic Orators写的序言(1940)中说道:“关于译文本身,我只需要说我的目标一直是既确切(accurate),又通顺(readable),但我充分意识到往往二者都没有做到。”
    G. P. Goold 在为其所译Propertius的Elegies一书写的序言(1990)中说道:“我在本书中主要是力图以可靠的拉丁文本和优美、确切的(graceful and accurate)英译本把普洛佩提乌斯介绍给尽可能多的读者:当然首先是介绍给古典文学学者和研究人员,但也同样介绍给一般的文学爱好者。”(这个版本是拉丁文和英文对照本。)
    Michael R. Katz and William G. Wagner 在为车尔尼雪夫斯基的《怎么办?》英译本写的前言(1989)中说道:“出版这个新译本,是为了提供方便,使英国和美国读者第一次看到车尔尼雪夫斯基的《怎么办》一书的完整译本……我们希望这个完整、确切、通顺的(complete, accurate and readable)译本能使英美读者不仅了解车尔尼雪夫斯基这本小说对人类生活产生了多大的影响,而且了解它推动历史前进的动力是从哪里来的。”
    Ronald Hingley  在为其所译《契珂夫全集》写的序言(1964)中说道:“主要目的是为舞台演出提供脚本。译本一向以高度确切(strict accuracy)为宗旨,但希望避免学究气。译本从未有意识地为了字面上的忠实而使得台词不能上口,或违背原作的精神。”
    Michael Grant在为其所译《西塞罗选集》写的前言(1960)中说道:“译者的主要任务之一是使译文通顺 (readable ),否则就没有人看,也就不能达到介绍原作者的目的。在今天如果译者使用修辞色彩很浓的英语,他的译文就不会通顺,也就没有人看。……西塞罗的修辞手段是他所受的语言训练的产物,是他的风格中不可分割的一部分。如果丢掉它,你就丢掉了人们最赞赏他的一个方面,损失还不止于此。如果保留它,我在前面已经指出,你就丢掉了另外一样东西-当代通顺的英语。这种进退两难的困境是没有折中办法可以解决的。因此,我既然不准备放弃努力,要尽可能地接近真正的现代英语,就不得不放弃西塞罗的修辞手段。至于读者遭受的损失,我是非常清楚的。”
    Horace C. P. McGregor翻译了西塞罗所著《论神性》一书。他在“译者的话”(1970)中说道:任何一篇文章都包含着妥协(compromise)的成分。一个句子在这种语言里通顺流畅,在另一种语言里就会拖沓累赘。一个精彩的短语如果按字面译成另外一种语言里就可能不像样子。一个单词在另一种语言里也可能难以找到相应的词。……我的目标是真正的翻译,然而是低标准的,我有一定程度的自由,可以改变原来的语言形式,但决不有意识地脱离原作的意思和语气。最主要的是我力图使西赛罗的英文译本和拉丁文原文一样通顺(readable)。
    Edward G. Seidensticker翻译了紫式部的《源氏物语》。他在前言 (1976)中指出:此前Arthur Waley翻译的《源氏物语》是很自由的,他作了大胆删节,也作了大量的增补与美化。他说:“新译本可以称得上是个全译本,但其字数比Waley大加删节的译本还要少。这就说明无论Waley取得了多么精彩的效果。……他的节奏(rhythms)是与原作迥然
    George Gihiam 在美国康奈尔大学任职,参加了Norton Critical Edition这套丛书的编辑工作。他在为陀思妥耶夫斯基的《罪与罚》英译本写的序言(1989)中写道:“我们选择《罪与罚》一书的英译本,标准是这个译本能用当代英语确切地(accurately)体现陀思妥耶夫斯基的十九世纪俄语原作,能用今天的英语表现出和原作相一致的风格(style),不以现代词语或维多利亚时代的词语歪曲原作,而且译文本身是通顺的(readable)。根据这些原则,我们认为Jessie Coulson的译本似乎是最好的译本,经与牛津大学出版社接洽,在这里重印出版。”
    从以上几段引文来看,accuracy和readability 是译者追求的共同目标。其他方面,各位译者的侧重点是不同的,风格、精神、修辞手段、语气、节奏,不一而足,有时甚至故意反其道而行之,可见问题之复杂。


    例1  We want to get all the parties back to the negotiating table.
    例2  Their differences have been thrown into sharp relief by the present crisis.
    虽然party一词可以指“政党”,但此处与negotiating table相联系,便指“谈判的一方”了。所以,例1的意思是:我们想把有关各方拉回到谈判桌上来。Differences一词本身是有“差别”的意思,但在这个上下文里,它却指“意见分歧”。例2的意思是:目前的危机使得他们的分歧更加引人注目。
    例3  He was found guilty of murder.
    例4  There is no right of appeal against the decision.
    例5  The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school.
    例6  To graduate with honors from college
     在学校教育方面,work就指学习,a place就是an opportunity to study at a university,也就是一个入学名额,而不是一个工作职位。With honors指的是“以优异的成绩”,而不是“感到荣幸”。因此,例5的意思是:她勤劳学习,终于进了医学院。例6的意思是:以优异的成绩从大学毕业。
    例7  This new production radically reinterprets the play.
    例8  The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work.
    例9   You’ll be expected to replace any broken glasses.
    例10  Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you’re married with three kids.
    例11  I hate to say I told you so.
    例12  Ed couldn’t make it so they sent me instead.
    例13  Go on – read it to us.
英语有许多习语(idioms), 其含义往往不是从字面上可以看出的。以上三例中的I told you so,make it和go on都是习语,翻译时,不能取其字面上的含义,而要把它看作一个整体来处理。如果不知道它的意思,那就要到词典里去查一查。
    如果你手边有一本Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,在词条tell里就可以查到I told you(so), 解释为:used when sth. bad has happened, to remind sb. that you warned them about it and they did not listen to you.得到这个解释之后,就能看出例11的意思不是“我真不想说是我告诉你的”,而是“我不愿意显得自己有先见之明。”
    用同样的办法查make it, 可以查到4条解释,第3条解释为:to be able to be present at a place. 因此例12的意思就不是“埃德做不出来……”, 而是“埃德去不了,所以他们就派我去了。”
      Go on共有8条解释,最后一条是:used to encourage sb. to do sth.因此,例13的意思就不是“继续—给我们读下去”,而是“念吧—念给我们听听。”
    例14  His novels nicely describe life in Britain between the wars.
    例15  No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course.
    看来译者不一定没有看懂原文,只是在用汉语表达时用词不精确。例14只要把“期间”改为“之间”就行了。例15把main course机械地译为“主食”,字面上好像是对应的,但译者忘了“主食”是与“副食”相对而言的,通常指“用粮食制成的饭食”,和main course不是一回事儿。因此,例15后一半可改为“我吃完这道主菜就不错了。”

    例1 The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days.
    例2 Each of London’s districts had a distinct character that marked it off from its neighbours.
    例3 Police investigating the train derailment have not ruled out sabotage.
    例4 Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage.
    例3和例4,原文各有一个分词短语*作定语:investigating...和attended by ...。例3的译文用了一个主语带两个并列谓语,例4的译文用了两个主谓结构,这和上回所说的定语从句的译法是完全一样的。译文中没有出现“调查火车出轨事件的警方”之类的话。
    例5 He was the only one to speak out against the decision.
    例6 He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician.
    例5和例6,原文各有一个动词不定式短语作定语:to speak out … 和 to work with …。例5的译文直接把定语变成了谓语。例6的译文用了一个“连动式”(参看胡裕树《现代汉语》第363页),把原文动词不定式短语化作“连动谓语”的一部分。这样处理,译文比较简洁。我们设想一下,假如例5保持原文的结构,译为:“他是唯一一个站出来反对那项决定的人”,一个17个字的句子里,定语竟占了14个字,是不是显得长了一点?
    例7 The cut in interest rates is good news for homeowners.
    例8 I admire her coolness under pressure.
    例7和例8,原文各有一个介词短语作定语:in interest rates 和 under pressure。译文没有按原文的结构,译作“利率的降低”和“在压力下的冷静”,而是加了动词,译为“降低利率”和“在压力下能保持冷静”。我感觉,相对而言,英语名词用的多,汉语动词用的多。英语里常见一个句子只有一个谓语动词,剩下一大堆名词,用介词串连起来。这种句子译成汉语时,往往需要增加一些动词,这样才能使译文顺畅。
    例9 Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement.
    例10 I don’t want you mucking up my nice clean floor.
    例11 A few cushions formed a makeshift bed.
    例12 His mere presence made her feel afraid.
    这两句译文都把定语变成了状语,这也是翻译过程中常用的一种方法。汉语总说“拼了一张临时床”,听起来很怪,那就不如说“临时……拼了一张床”了。mere是用来加强语气的,但mere presense 在汉语里很难找到相应的搭配,只好在后半句用“足以”来加强语气了。
    例13 With a few notable exceptions, everyone gave something.
    例14 It’s been a nail-biting couple of weeks waiting for my results.


    Born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein was two years old when his parents moved to Munich, where his father opened a business in electrical supplies.
    Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past.
    One day, while I was playing with my new doll, Miss Sullivan put my big rag doll into my lap also, spelled “d-o-l-l” and tried to make me understand that “d-o-l-l” applied to both.
    If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another.
    It is like a dream to me now, floating through my mind in slow motion. Many children were playing close to the water, and we were stunned by their ignorance and daring.
    When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore.
    Great sums of money have been spent, for example in the deserts of Egypt, in “prospecting” for oil.
      …setting aside big tracts of land where nobody can fish, shoot, hunt, nor harm a single living creature with furs, fins or feathers.
    ……圈出大片土地,不准钓鱼,不准打鸟,不准打猎,凡是长皮的,长毛的或者长鳃的动物,一概不许伤害。(原文fish, shoot, hunt,由轻到重,feathers最长,放在最后。汉语则“长皮的,长毛的”连下来较顺。
    English grammar is very difficult and few writers have avoided making mistakes in it.
    This film showed how they put aside a thousand acres out West where the buffaloes roam and nobody can shoot a single one of them. If they do, they get in jail.
    The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster.
    我们一直在走的这条路表面上很好走,是一条平坦的超级公路,我们可以高速前进,但是走到尽头却要遇到灾难。(原文lies disaster 不能直译,只好改变句子结构,译作“遇到灾难”。)
    Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.
    So heedful a writer as Henry James, for instance, on occasion wrote so ungrammatically that a schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboy’s essay, would be justly indignant.
    Ideally, one day, researchers will know enough about the genesis of earthquakes……
    To protect the whale form the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber.
    They used this kind of scare tactic when I was growing up. I wonder what they use today.
    15.英语有who, which等词,可以引出定语从句,汉语多用并列分句,或单成一句,有时可把定语从句先处理。
    Richardson, who served as both Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare during the Nixon Administration, was talking about the negotiations for a Law of the Sea treaty, which came to a virtual conclusion last week after six years of deliberations.
    I have never had much patience with the writers who claim from the reader an effort to understand their meaning.
    The 180-page document, with more than 300 articles and eight annexes, definitively covers every conceivable issue dealing with the seas, from the definition of what constitutes an island to the jurisdiction over fish that live in fresh water but spawn in the ocean.
    17.英语除了有who, which等词外,还有动词的-ing形式,因此句子可以很长,但组织得很严密。汉语叙事,则多用并列结构,一层一层地把事情说清楚。有时可以把较长地句子译成几个短句。
    In the winter of 1879, James Lecky, exchequer clerk from Ireland, and privately interested in phonetics, keyboard temperament, and Gaelic, all of which subjects he imposed on me, dragged me to a meeting of a debating society called The Zetetical: a junior copy of the once well known Dialectical Society founded to discuss John Stuart Mill’s Essay on Liberty when that was new.
    The resounding success of the Curacao experiment whetted the appetites of Florida livestock raisers for a similar feat that would relieve them of the scourge of screw-worms.
    The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher,Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects.
    A gang of men, under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman, 25-year-old Phineas P. Gage, was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad.
    Poets as we know have always a made great use of alliteration. They are persuaded that the repetition of a sound gives an effect of beauty.
   “I remember thinking, ‘No. No. It’s not Jackson, it’s not my husband, it’s not my Jackson,’” she said. “But it was. He was lying in the street, right across from our house. The police said a man shot him over a parking space.”
    Words have weight, sound and appearance; it is only by considering these that you can write a sentence that is good to look at and good to listen to.
    A Valentine to One Who Cared Too Much.
    I learned a great many new words that day. I do not remember what they all were; but I do know that mother, father,sister, teacher were among them — words that were to make the world blossom for me, “like Aaron’s rod, with flowers.”




    Unpublished works of nationals of each Contracting State shall enjoy in each other Contracting State the same protection as that other State accords to unpublished works of its own nationals, as well as the  Protection specially granted by this Convention.

    1982年,周煦良在“翻译三论”一文中写道:直译可以分为三类:第一类是译音而不译意。如democracy译为“德谟克拉西”,而不译为“民主”。第二类是照字面译。如crocodile tears译作“鳄鱼的眼泪”,而不译作“虚伪的眼泪”。第三类是不按照中国语言习惯和词序而按照原文的结构或词序的翻译。如“‘你来了,’她说”。最后,他指出“这样一些直译好像为数不少,但就一篇文章,一部书来看,直译的成分毕竟是少数。”
    在国外,译界的同行也同样在这一方面进行探讨。英国剑桥大学乔治·斯坦纳教授主张意译。他在1975年发表的After Babel一书中发挥了17世纪英国学者约翰·德莱顿关于意译的主张。他写道:“翻译的正确道路,既不应是直译,也不应是模仿,而应是意译(paraphrase)。所谓意译,就是‘译者有一定限度的自由,他要时刻看到作者,这样就不至于迷失方向,但他主要是紧跟作者的意思而不死扣字眼,他可以对作者的意思加以引伸,但不能改变。’据德莱顿说,这就是埃德蒙·沃勒和西德尼·戈多尔芬1658年翻译维吉尔的史诗《伊尼德》(Aeneid)第四卷时采取的方法。更重要的是,德莱顿本人翻译维古尔、贺拉斯、奥维德、朱文纳尔、乔叟等人的著作时,也采用了这种方法,在他评论 别人的译作时(如1685年出版的Sylvae一书的序言)所阐述的也是这种方法。通过意译,‘作者的精神可以得到传播,而不会遭受损失。’好的翻译好比是‘一种写生’。最理想的情况是,译作不剥夺原作的权威,而能向我们表明假如原作本来就是用我们的语言创作的,它会是个什么样子。”


    我在高教自考《英汉翻译教程》一书中推荐过一位英国学者,名叫西奥多·萨沃里(Theodore Savory)。他在1957年发表的The Act of Translation 一书中写道:
    A fair conclusion from these ideas is that the translator’s work may be analysed into the answering of three questions. Faced with a passage in its original language, he must ask himself:
       (ⅰ)  What does the author say?
       (ⅱ)  What does he mean?
       (ⅲ)  How does he say it?
       This method of analysis may be applied to the paragraph, to the sentence, or even to the phrase.
    例1 He wasn’t drinking that night because he was the designated driver  .
    例2 He’s always lethargic after little sleep.
    例3 The thought of going out in the rain and fog discouraged him.
    例4 Our teacher has a true interest in her students.
    例5 He speaks out about problems in government.
    例6 the history of the church from the middle ages down to the present.
    例7 That’s the last we’ll hear of it.
    这7个例子,译文的问题都出在名词没有处理好。driver不等于司机。英语喜欢用名词来表示人的某种能力。a good cook 是指很会做菜的人,a good singer 是指唱歌唱得好的人。after little sleep 相当于when he doesn’t get enough sleep。the thought of ...相当于when he thought of…。interest 在这里是concern。government 一词在这里没有冠词,是一个不可数名词,相当于governance, 意思是“治理国家”。the church 是指the whole body of Christian believers。the last 在这里得意思是a final mention。基于以上的理解,我们可以把上述7个例子的译文修改如下:
    ⒈ 那天晚上他没有喝酒,因为已确定由他开车。
    ⒉ 他一睡眠不足,就无精打采。
    ⒊ 一想到外面又是雨,又是雾,他就打退堂鼓了。
    ⒋ 我们的老师真正关心自己的学生。
    ⒌ 他坦率指出治理国家方面存在的问题。
    ⒍ 基督教从中世纪到现在的历史。
    ⒎ 以后不要再提这件事了。
    例8  I’ll have a dozen eggs.
    例9  Well, mate, let’s get going.
    例10 She suffers from arthritis.
    例11 Training to be a doctor is tough.
    例12 The car doors lock automatically.
    例13 Drop me a note.
    例14 She emptied her glass.
    这7句话,译文的问题都在于动词没有处理好。例8这句话,十有八九是在小商店对售货员说的,如果是这样,I’ll have 的意思就是“我要买”。Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 对这一短语的解释是say this to ask for something that you have chosen in a restaurant or shop (见have &sup2;条,义项34)。例9有mate 一词,这句话可能是领班或组长对一起干活的人说的。如果是这样,get going 的意思就是“开始干活儿”。The Dictionary of Contemporary American English 对这个短语的解释是to begin work on something (见get 条,义项17)。单说suffer, 是有遭受痛苦的意思。但suffer from 一种疾病,则只表示患有这种疾病。 Training是从动词train演变出来的动名词。train作为及物动词,意思是训练别人,作为不及物动词,意思就是接受训练。例11就是用的第2个意思,因为没有宾语。例12值得注意的是动词的时态,lock是一般现在时,而不是过去时或现在完成时,因此这不是已经完成的一次性动作,而是可以反复做的动作,也就是说这是车门具有的一种能力。根据Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 的解释,drop sb. a line/note 意思是to send a short letter to sb. 例14有代词her, 这就表明她不是在洗杯子,而是在和别人喝酒或其他饮料,各人有自己的杯子。既然这样emptied 就不是把杯子里的东西倒掉,而是喝光。基于以上的理解,这7个例子的译文可修改如下:
    8. 我买一打鸡蛋。
    9. 好吧,伙计。咱们开始干吧。
    例15 We gave the sick boy special attention.
    例16 She lectured her children on good table manners.
    例17 She takes in stray cats who have no homes.
    例18 His death in a car accident was just another statistic in the death rate.
    例19 It was two Decembers ago when she visited us.
    例20 He put his arms around his girlfriend and squeezed her.
    例21 She is full of stress because her boss gives her too much work.  
    从the sick boy 可以看出这句话比较正式,是大夫或护士在向领导汇报工作,或向参观者客观地介绍情况,而不可能是对家长说话,因为面对家长就要说your boy。“病孩”是逐字翻过来的,而汉语里现成的说法是“患儿”。“餐桌礼仪”和“流浪猫”也都是逐字翻译,汉语里常说“吃饭要有吃饭的样子”,也常说“野猫”,为什么不用呢?亦步亦趋地跟着英文走,生造一些刺耳的字眼,是不可取的。后四个例子,词不达意,十分费解,有的甚至可笑。纵然字面上与原文对得很紧,又有什么用呢?仔细思考一下,这些例子的译文可改为:
    例22 While I do not agree with what you say, I understand your reason for saying it.
    例23 She worries about the safety of her children at school.
    例24  We have grave doubts about his honesty.
    例25 The injured horse was dispatched by its owner.
    例26 I told my son to watch out for ice on the road ahead.
    例27 He has youthful good looks.
    例28 We listened to the plane engine drone on until we fell asleep.
    例29 He started to cry.
    例30 My stubborn little boy would not put his coat on; he said, “No, no.”
    例31  I’ m tired of standing;  let’s find some chairs.
    这10个例子译文都很别扭,究其原因,都是跟原文跟的太紧。前3例中reason, safety和honesty都是名词,但在这种场合,汉语要用疑问词才比较通顺。汉语不像英语用那么多代词,尤其是物主代词。“主人”前面“它的”二字显然是多余的。英语往往以介词短语作修饰语,若照样译成汉语,则显得死板;若用个动词,句子就活了。对人或物的描写,英语多落在名词上,汉语多落在形容词上。英语多用主从结构,在许多情况下,靠的就是until, before 之类的连词。翻译时,不能看见until 就译“直到”,看见before就译“之前”,必须灵活处理才听着顺耳。这10个例子中,最别扭的就是例29了。虽然译文每个字都和原文相对应,但其节奏让人听了实在难受。最后两句表达不充分。不要把no和“不”划等号,既然这里说的是孩子不愿穿衣,“穿”字为何不说出来呢?找椅子,无非是为了坐坐,为何不说出来呢?加上“坐坐”二字,和前半句有所呼应,意思也完整。根据以上情况,译文可改为:





        1. Over long period of time in our country, state enterprise is a main provider in respect to financial income of nation.
        2. Those belonged to the latter approach pay much more attentions to the individuals.
        3. ... in term of both economics and environment.
        4. In other word, what do we think...?
        5. The actual situation is far from such a simple.
        6. In addition, the development of economy always has periods of rise as well as fall.
        7. Since 1990’s, “globalization” has almost become an “everyday word” of the mass media in various countries.
        8. Those suffering more have to ask for aids from IMF and some western countries like U.S.
        9. On June 5,1972 in Stockholm, United Nations held its first UN conference on Human Settlement, for the first time raising human environment issue into the agenda of international politics.
       10....capacity building thus becomes an only effective approach to sustainable development.

    英语的名词分可数名词和不可数名词,而且往往要和冠词连用。例1中的period, enterprise和nation都是可数名词。period在这里是泛指,没有说是哪一段时间,因此要加不定冠词,说a long period of time。enterprise在这里也是泛指,泛指往往用复数,或用单数加定冠词,表明这一类的东西,因此这里要说state enterprises,或the state enterprise, 既不用复数又不用冠词是不行的。nation在这里专指我国,一定要加定冠词,说the nation。例9中的issue也是专指,要加定冠词。

    英语有些名词既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。如preparation(s),negotiation(s),experience(s),success(es)等。这两种用法,其含义有时无大差异,有时略有不同。例2中的attention一词就属于后一种情况。据词典解释,attentions作为可数名词的复数,意思是things that sb does to try to please you or to show their interest in you。因此,例2只能用attention,不能用其复数形式。

    英语有些短语是非常固定的,叫做idioms,不能轻易改动,如in terms of,in other words,等等。因此,例3和例4中用名词的单数形式是不行的。

    英语许多词可以用作不同的词类,这在词典里都是标明的。但我们也不能随心所欲。例5 such a后面要跟名词,放个simple在那里是不行的,其实这句话只要把such a删去就行了。far from simple等于not simple,在语法上也是站得住脚的。

    用economy一词泛指一个国家或地区的经济状况,要用定冠词。词典举例:The economy is in recession. | The new oil that we have found will improve the/our economy. | the slowdown in the Japanese economy 此三例选自三本不同的词典,但都用了the,有一本词典竟先说明(often the economy), 然后才释义。

    用英语表示“二十世纪九十年代”,应该是the 1990’s。那一撇是可有可无的,但定冠词是一定要有的。这一点,许多译者容易忽略。

    例8里的IMF要加定冠词。词典举例:the IMF is an organization within the United Nations which is concerned with trade and economic development。在例8中,U.S. 用作名词,前面也须加定冠词。再如“欧盟”的缩写是the EU。词典释义中写道:The EU used to be known as the EC(European Community)。这几个名称,the IMF, the EU, the United Nations,无论是简称还是全称,在句子里作为名词出现时,都要加定冠词。有没有不加定冠词的情况呢?有的。UNESCO,NATO,ASEAN,这些词全不需要加定冠词。有什么规律可循呢?根据Michael Swan 所著 Practical English Usage(《英语用法指南》),首字母缩略词(acronyms),其读音像一个词一样,通常不用冠词。

    例10中的不定冠词须改为定冠词。根据Practical English Usage第65.4条,the经常与最高级连用,因为通常只有一个个体或集体称得上best或biggest等,其所指的是哪一个(或哪一些)是清楚的。由于同样的原因,the经常与first,next,last,same和only连用。词典举例:She is the only person for the job.


    11.     The influence of the related policies made by the government, including the policies which is considered afterwards to have played an active role in the development of the refrigerator industry, is secondary and supplementary.
        12.     The disparity between the poor and the rich in food consumption are not manifested in quantity, but in quality.
        13.     The first Constitution of the People’s Republic of China which adopted on 1954 clearly indicates in its article 45:“...”
        14.     Secondly, as mentioned above, the comparison make us to think over the reasons of different choices of welfare policies.
        15.     The rural people who made of the majority of the Chinese population did not enjoy these welfare.
        16.     After the World WarⅡ, the developed economies have been recovering and developing rapidly.
        17.     Who knows whether the SOE gains or losses?
        18.     Although all the states are facing the possibilities of either win or lost, the developed countries enjoy the more favorable position than the under-developed countries.
        19.     The government of Zhucheng town requested that the net asset in all Joint-Stock enterprises should be divided into two parts after fulfil their property assessment.
        20.     As a result, the more rapidly the country develops, the more tightly it is bounded to the international monetary and financial system.


    例11 which引导的从句中有afterwards,此时间状语的意思是“以后”,但其所指是过去发生的事,因此动词的时态应是过去时。从句主语which指的是前面的复数名词policies,因此动词应为复数。这样从句就应改为which were considered...。 例12主语disparity是单数,动词应该是is...,而不应是are...。例13 which引导的从句指的是constitution,动词应该用被动语态,因此应改为which was adopted...。


    例14主语comparison是单数,动词make需改为makes才能与主语的数一致。另外,make后面出动词不定式是不用to的,因此这个to应删去。例15 make后面跟of可以表示用什么制作,但此处要表示to form,to constitute,就要用make up。词典举例:Women make up 56% of the student numbers。因此例15中的made of应改为made up。例9,raising the...issue into the agenda也不合乎英语说法,可改为putting the...issue on the agenda。

    例16 先解决一个冠词问题。谈到“二次大战”之类的名称,英语若数字后出,则不用冠词,说Word WarⅡ就行了。若数字先出,则要定冠词,要说the Second World War。这一句主要是需要解决时间状语和动词时态一致的问题。After Word WarⅡ指的是二次大战结束后的一段时间,一般说来指的时间不太长,稍长一点也可以,但不能指到现在,动词只能是过去时。若想指到现在,就要说Since Word WarⅡ, 这样动词就可以用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。从例16的内容看,因提到recover,还是用过去时较好。这句话可改为After World WarⅡ,the developed economies recovered and developed rapidly.

    英语动词的形式变化多端。有时动词和名词的形式是一样的。如gain既可是动词,也可是名词。lose就比较复杂。动词是lose,其过去时和过去分词是lost,名词是loss, 形容词是loose。用哪种形式,全看它在句中起什么作用。例17,和前面的动词gains并列,就应该用动词loses, 而不该用名词losses。例18,在the possibilities of后面该用动名词winning or losing。例19,在after后面也该用动名词fulfilling。例20,后半句用了被动语态,但过去分词bounded是不对的。此处动词原形是bind,其过去分词应是bound,因此这里用is bound to...就对了。


        21.  When such a physical limit is reached, the food consumption and nutrition intake of the people would generally not increase despite of further rise in income.
        22. There was already a lot of discussions about the crisis in the economic as well as technical levels.
        23. On a certain degree, it is the goal but not the reality.
        24. The property assessment in the enterprise must be assessed by professional staffs and institutions that passed examination of the state.
        25. Having summed up the preliminary experience of reform in the cities and rural areas, the principle of…
        26. We should, from a long-term point of view, make efforts in developing the rural economy to reduce rural-urban disparity, therefore, labor migration from urban to rural areas, driven by benefit, will appear.
        27. The financial reform in China has made great progress, however, the whole financial market is still under restraint.
        28. But the question is, health is everybody’s basic right, what is the reason to legally enforce some people to donate their blood just for other people’s health?
        29. Government is no longer responsible for gain and loss in state enterprises since the reform, soft budget restriction in the enterprise changes more or less, the financial pressure for the enterprise aggravates.
        30. The reform of state owned enterprise was set as a key part of overall economic reform at the beginning of 80’s, since then the governments at central and local levels, entrepreneurs and economists have denoted much attentions and exerted many efforts to the reform, but one has to admit that comparing to the reforms in all the other fields in country, until now the reform of state enterprise is in the state of lowest point of “efficiency of input-output ”, from all views, the achievements we have made can not match the huge efforts (personnel resources, materials, finances and energies) we have exerted.


       例21,despite就是介词,等于in spite of,因此不能说despite of,也不能说in despite of。例22,levels前面不能用in。levels在这里指的是讨论问题的角度,前面可用on。例23,习惯说法应是To a certain degree。此外,例1中的in respect to也是不行的。可以说in respect of,也可以说with respect to,这是固定的,是不能换的。例13中的on 1954也是不行的,on只能用于日期,这里一定要用in。

    例24,主语是assessment,和动词must be assessed不搭配。把assessment删去,用property作主语,就和动词搭配了。例25,分词短语和主语不搭配,把principle换掉,用人来作主语就可以了。
    在英语里,therefore和however都是副词,不是连词,不能起连接分句的作用。词典举例:He’s only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors. 例26,可在第1个分句末尾加and。例27,可将however前面的逗号改为分号,或将此逗号改为句号,下面另起一句。



    例29和例30就有这样的问题。现在别的问题都不谈了,只谈长句里面短句之间的联系。例29有三个短句,只用逗号相连是不行的,至少要把第3个短句之前的逗号改为and。例30很长,它所包含的三个短句也都有一定的长度,因此最好把它分成三句,从since then开始另起一句,然后从from all views开始再起一句,这样就好多了。











       In everything we do we must proceed from this reality, and all planning must be   consistent with it.

       To take the road to socialism is to realize common prosperity step by step. Our  plan is as follows: where conditions permit, some areas may develop faster than others; those that develop faster can help promote the progress of those that lag behind, until all become prosperous…. One way is for the areas that become prosperous first to support the poor ones by paying more taxes or turning in more profits to the state.

       We must promote science, for that is where our hope lies.

       China is now carrying out a reform. I am all in favor of that. There is no other solution for us.

       Recently, some foreigners said that Marxism cannot be defeated. That is so not because there are so many big books, but because Marxism is the irrefutable truth.

    以上五例都用了代词以避免重复。例1用it代替this reality,例2用others,those和ones代替areas,例3至例5都用that概括了前面的话。


       例6.The delta and the narrow Nile Valley to the south make up only 3 percent of Egypt’s land but are home to 96 percent of her population. (National Geographic)

    例7.Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? (Helen Keller, The Story of My Life)

       China has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain at the present stage, and there are many favorable objective factors for her to maintain such achievement by her own efforts in the course of future development.

        Socialist China should show the world through its actions that it is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony.

    这种用she(her)指国家和船只的用法由来已久,现在指国家,倒是用it(its)的较为多见。Michael Swan所著Practical English Usage 《英语用法指南》第227条对这一问题作了详细的说明。


    例10.Everyone must accept their share of the blame. (见share条)

    例11.Should anyone call (= if anyone calls), please tell them I’m busy. (见should条)

    例12.Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. (见entitle条)
用they指单数就可避免he or she之类的累赘说法。上述《英语用法指南》第505条也对这一问题作了详细的说明。


    英国语言学家Randolph Quirk等四位学者合编的A Grammar of Contemporary English 在关于Substitution一节中指出:不仅名词短语可以有代称,状语、谓语乃至宾语从句,都可以有代称。该书把用作代称的替代词统称为pro-forms。书中举了许多例子,如:

       We saw John at eight on Monday evening. We told him then that we would be coming to the party.
        Look in the top drawer. You’ll probably find it there.
        A: John drives a car.         B: I think Bob does too.
        A: John drives a car.         B: So does Bob.

        Oxford is likely to win the next boat race. All my friends say so. (= that Oxford is likely to win the next boat race)

    以上例子中的then,there,does,so does,so都可以说是pro-forms。

    例13.Egypt, wrote the Greek historian Hecataeus, is the gift of the Nile. No other country is so dependent on a single lifeline. Egypt’s very soil was born in the Nile’s annual flood; with the flood came the life-giving mud that made Egypt the granary of the ancient world. And as rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and the snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the river was everlastingly renewed. (National Geographic)

    在第一句和第三句里,the Nile出现两次。在第四句里再次出现时,使用了代称the river。要想避免重复,译者就不能把视线局限在一个句子之内,而要照顾到上下文。

       We should boldly choose for the new leadership persons who were generally recognized as adhering to the line of reform and opening up and who had some achievements in that respect to their credit. This would convince the people that we were wholeheartedly committed to that line.



       So we must educate the army, persons working in the organs of dictatorship, the Communist Party members and the people, including the youth.

       We hold countless meetings, and our articles and speeches are too long.

    如不可能合并,则可利用so,as,to do that等词语来避免重复。

    例17.He disliked her and had never been shy of saying so.

    例18.The government could change the law if they were so minded.

       Veteran and middle-aged scientists are important, and so are young ones.

      Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces, and so does reform.


    例21.Almost at once the number of egg masses deposited on experimental goats began to decrease, as did their fertility. (Rachel Carson, Silent Spring)


       During those five years rural reform brought about many changes: grain output increased substantially, as did the peasants’ income, and rural enterprises emerged as a new force.

       At first, people were not enthusiastic about rural reform, and many waited to see how it would work. It was our policy to permit people to do that, which was much better than coercing them.

       Have you been to our countryside? The real changes have taken place there, and some of them have exceeded our expectations.



    例25.Lift and lower the right leg 20 times. Repeat with the left leg.

       Lately some people abroad have been commenting that the pace of reform in China has slowed and predicting that the government is going to change its policies. There is some basis for the first assertion but none at all for the second.

       We should have more of the three kinds of foreign-invested ventures [joint, cooperative and foreign-owned]. There is no reason to be afraid of them. So long as we keep level-headed, there is no cause for alarm.

    有时一句话后半句表示的动作和前半句是一样的,只是把施事和受事颠倒一下。这在汉语里,后半句和前半句一般用同样的结构,略显重复。英语里则有一简单的说法:vice versa。

       To promote the development of China-U.S. relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.


    例29.The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do. (Speech by President Nixon)

       China will forever be a good neighbor, a good partner and a good friend with ASEAN countries.






    In the past, we only stressed expansion of the productive forces under socialism, without mentioning the need to liberate them through reform. That conception was incomplete. Both the liberation and the expansion of the productive forces are essential.

    这是一个很典型的例子。从英语的角度考虑,“只讲”前面缺主语,译文加了we作主语。在泛泛而谈的时候,加we是最方便的。接下去,“不完全”前面还缺一个主语,这里再用we就不行了。推敲一下就可以看出,这“不完全”三字指的是上面这种认识或说法,因此译文以That conception为主语。最后,“应该”前面还缺一个主语。既然原文说应把两个方面讲全,译文就以Both the liberation and the expansion of the productive forces作主语,把这两个方面放在突出的位置上,这就是把原文的宾语变为译文的主语了。

    Therefore, those areas that are in a position to develop should not be obstructed. Where local conditions permit, development should proceed as fast as possible. There is nothing to worry about so long as we stress efficiency and quality and develop an export-oriented economy.

    The essence of socialism is liberation and development of the productive forces, elimination of exploitation and polarization, and the ultimate achievement of prosperity for all. This concept must be made clear to the people.

     That’s good. Creativity is just what we want.

     In the beginning opinions were divided about the reform and the open policy. That was normal.

    从英语的角度来看,例2“能发展就不要阻挡”需要落实到一个名词上,也就是说这一部分译文需要有个主语。下文紧接着提到“有条件的地方”,因此前面一句用those areas that...为主语就十分恰当了。例3至例5分别以This concept,Creativity和opinions为主语,也就是说都是把原文的宾语用作主语,但谓语部分各不相同,例3用了被动语态,例4和例5都是主动语态,但结构不同。由此可见,即便都是把宾语用作主语,谓语部分也要根据实际需要而定。



    China is developing its economy in three steps. Two steps will be taken in this century, to reach the point where our people have adequate food and clothing and lead a fairly comfortable life. The third step, which will take us 30 to 50 years into the next century, is to reach the level of the moderately developed countries.

     In developing the economy, we should strive to reach a higher level every few years.

    例8. 同时,我们的对外开放采取了多种方式,包括搞经济特区,开放十四个沿海城市。
    In the meantime, we have implemented the policy of opening China to the outside world in many ways, including setting up special economic zones and opening 14 coastal cities.

    Sine we introduced the reform and the open policy, we have drawn up many rules and regulations covering all fields of endeavor. Clear-cut guidelines and policies concerning economic and political affairs, science and technology, education, culture and military and foreign affairs have been worked out and expressed in precise terms.



    The reason some people hesitate to carry out the reform and the open policy and dare not break new ground is, in essence, that they’re afraid it would mean introducing too many elements of capitalism and, indeed, taking the capitalist road. The crux of the matter is whether the road is capitalist or socialist.

    By diversifying agriculture in accordance with local conditions, the peasants have grown grain and cash crops in places suited to them and have substantially increased the output of both.

    Under socialism, when the productive forces are developed, the result belongs to the people.

    Every time you turn on the television, you see a meeting being held.

    这四个例子,主语都不长,都没有定语,但在译文中保持原文的主谓搭配也是不可能的。从英语的角度看,“改革开放”怎能“迈步子”?“农业”怎能“实行多种经营”?“社会主义”怎能“发展生产力”?“电视”自己也不能“打开”。例10,从上下文看,说的是一部分人的情况,因此译文加了some people作主语,后半句加they作主语也就顺理成章了。第二句“姓‘资’还是姓‘社’”前面缺一个主语。既然前面一句已经提到the capitalist road,第二句译文以the road作主语就很方便了。例11加了the peasants作主语统管全句,和后面的谓语也就容易接上了。例12确定把原文的宾语“生产力”作为主语,后接被动语态。例13引进you作主语统管全句,读起来通顺自然。若一个主语能管到底,中间最好不要换主语,英语非常重视这一点。

    It was my idea to discourage contention, so as to have more time for action. Once disputes begin, they complicate matters and waste a lot of time. As a result, nothing is accomplished.


    We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation.

    最后这个例子最精彩。若在译文里保持“基本路线”作主语,要为谓语动词“管”字在英语里找一个对应词可就太难了。万般无奈,只好重新组织句子。结果就是现在这个译文。译者引入we作主语,动词也作相应的调整,用adhere to,把the basic line作宾语。前边的we把后边的with no vacillation也管住了。这句译文既简单,又流畅,实在太妙了。







    例1.The gloomy little study, with windows of stained glass to exclude the view, was full of dark green velvet and heavily-carved mahogany — a suite of which old Jolyon was wont to say:“Shouldn’t wonder if it made a big price some day!”


    这个例子很能说明英汉两种语言的句法特点。原文选自英国作家高尔斯华绥(John Galsworthy)的小说《福尔赛世家》(The Forsyte Saga)。原文破折号之前就是一个简单句,主语是The study,谓语动词是was。而周熙良的译文却把这半句话译成了5个并列短句,各有自己的主语和谓语,各短句之间也没有词语相连。这样一比较,两种语言各自的特点就看得很清楚了。




    Hainan Island, which is almost as big as Taiwan, has abundant natural resources, such as rich iron ore, oil and natural gas, as well as rubber and other tropical and subtropical crops. When it is fully developed, the result should be extraordinary.

    Our first objective was to solve the problem of food and clothing, which we have now done.

    We used to copy foreign models mechanically, which only hampered the development of our productive forces, induced ideological rigidity and kept the people and grass-roots units from taking any initiative.

    以上三例,译文都用了which。2003年出版的Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English第4版关于which的用法有这样一段说明:used,after a comma in writing,to add more information about the thing,situation or event you have just mentioned. 这正是以上三例中which的用法。例2 which引导的从句说明海南的大小,这只是对主语Hainan Island顺便作的一点说明,不是主要内容,这句话重点说明海南岛的资源。例3中的which代表主句中的to solve the problem of food and clothing,例4中的which代表前面整个主句,都表示结果。

    But the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has achieved remarkable successes since it was established almost eight years ago.

    It was the leaders of Guangdong Province who first came up with the proposal that special zones be established, and I agreed. But I said they should be called special economic zones, not special political zones, because we didn’t like anything of that sort.

    When the peasants, who make up 80 percent of China’s population, could not even be guaranteed adequate food and clothing, how could we demonstrate the superiority of socialism?

    以上三例分别用连词since,because和when引导状语从句。例5从上下文来看,主要想说明深圳的成绩,时间长短不是重点。若用主句或并列分句来说时间,就喧宾夺主了。例6 because起连接作用,英语讲究“形合”,这里需要有个连词。当然不一定非用because,用as,for或since也都可以。这三个例子中用的连词,最不起眼的就是when,因为它用得最多。这里不用连词行不行?不行。例7原文前半句是陈述句,后半句是问句,并不需要用连词。英语则不然,这句译文可以分成两句,陈述句和问句各自成句;若放在一个句子里,就需要用连词,当然也不一定非用when,此处用if也可以。例2第2句译文用when,也是起连接作用。

    China will never seek hegemony even if it grows rich and strong in the future.

    However, although we haven’t made any major mistakes, we have made many minor ones, because we have no experience.

    此二例中的even if和although都表示语气上的转折,这种语气上的转折并不是译者凭空加上的,而是深入分析原文得来的,这正体现了汉语“意合”的特点。一个连词也不用,各种语气的转折自在其中。译文连词加得是否得当,就看译者对原文理解得深不深了。



    Unswervingly pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace, China takes peace as the ultimate goal of its foreign policy.


    At present, both China and ASEAN countries, seizing opportunities presented by history, have formulated development strategies in light of their own national conditions and continued to develop the productive forces and maintain a sustained economic growth.


    They have played a positive role in international and regional affairs and constantly advanced their own economic development and social progress, thus making important contributions to peace, stability and development in Asia and the world at large.


    Joined together by mountains and rivers or facing each other across the sea, China and ASEAN countries have developed a profound traditional friendship among the people in the course of their age-old contacts and exchanges.

    前半句描写自然状况,不是句子的重点,译文用了两个分词短语Joined...和facing...。使用分词时,值得特别注意的是分词必须与主语保持一致,换言之,分词表示的动作必须是主语能做的。以例13为例,这句话的主语是China and ASEAN countries,它们可以face each other...,因此分词短语facing each other...是对的,没有问题。但它们不能join together...因为它们是被join together的,这一部分若译作Joining together...就错了,一定要用过去分词Joined together...。


    汉语里的并列成分,在英语里,除了用从句和分词短语之外,还可用介词短语,使句子重点突出,层次分明。本文例1中with windows of stained glass...就是一例。

    As a major developing country with a long coastline, China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, and takes it as the state’s development strategy.


      At this important historical juncture on the eve of the new century, we should approach and handle our bilateral relations from a long-range strategic perspective and forge a Chinese-ASEAN good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust oriented to the 21st century.


      For a long time 70 to 80 per cent of the rural work force was tied to the land, with an average of only about 0.1 hectare per person, and most peasants did not even have adequate food and clothing.





    例17.The young man left, and Durbeyfield lay waiting on the grass in the evening sun.

    The world is changing, and we should change our thinking and actions along with it.

    例19.The young man stood before Durbeyfield, and looked at him from head to toe.

    Most of the less developed areas are rich in resources and have great potential for development.



    2003年11月,人民教育出版社出版了《李岚清教育访谈录》。2004年金秋时节,不到一年的时间, 便有英译本问世。英译本取名Education for 1.3 Billion (《为了13亿人的教育》),是由我国的外语教学与研究出版社和英国的培生教育出版集团(Pearson Education) 共同出版的。
4.6 “尚方宝剑”和“借东风”
4.6 Applying the ‘imperial sword’ and seizing the opportunities1
Virtually all China’s universities have been involved in the overall restructuring and administrative reform. Some have been merged despite the fact that they were around for decades. Some have been renamed after they were merged. Progress, however, has largely been smooth. How do you feel about orchestrating such massive reform?
注1. 这一节的题目非常生动,用了两个典故。第一个典故,译文保留了原文的形象,第二个典故则没有保留。这是为什么?也许我们看到下面就明白了。
Li Lanqing:
The smooth progress of reform can be attributed to the following factors.2
First, we have organized studies of government policies to clarify the situation and reach a consensus on what we wanted to accomplish.3 Deng Xiaoping had put forward many scientific viewpoints on education reform. During a meeting with leaders of the four Jiaotong universities (Beijing, Shanghai, Southwest and Xi’an)4, Jiang Zemin said, “In our work on education we must tackle two major issues.5 One is that education must meet the demand of the modernization drive for qualified professionals at all levels and of all types; the other is that managerial quality and efficiency has to be raised across the board in school administration. These two issues may be seen as the two major changes essential to China’s work on education.”6
To effect the “two major changes” in higher education, which is pivotal to education as a whole, reform of the administrative system has to be deepened.7 A series of principles and policies on education reform are featured in the Program for China’s Education Reform and Development issued by the central government, the reports to the 14th and 15th National Congresses of CPC, and the reports on government work delivered by the premiers of the two successive central governments to the National People’s Congress. The NPC and its Standing Committee have passed several laws on education. We have organized careful studies of all these principles, policies, documents and laws for the single purpose of reaching a consensus among leaders at all levels.8 I likened these principles, policies, documents and laws to the “imperial sword” – symbols of supreme authority.9 We need the “imperial sword” to focus our minds and actions. The situation cries for higher education reform. At a time when the socialist modernization drive is going strong, with the socialist market economy here to stay, and science and technology progressing apace, higher education has to be transformed – both to meet the demands of socioeconomic development and to shoulder the great historical mission of rejuvenating China.10 Once the situation and tasks come into focus, reaching a consensus becomes simple.
注2. 这句译文值得注意的是attribute一词。英语需要表达“归功于……”之类的意思是,经常用这个词。
注3. 这句原文像个小标题,用分词来译也是可以的。但译文加了东西,比较长,更像一个句子,所以还是用we作主语较好。此外,“抓学习”若只译作organized studies,不够具体,所以译文加了of government policies。 这也不是随便加的,看一看下文就明白了。加在这里,也可以与下文有所呼应。Consensus后面加了on what we wanted to accomplish, 也是因为同样的道理。
注4. 这句译文在four Jiaotong universities 后面略作解释,就是照顾外国读者的需要。
注5. 原文以“我们的教育工作”为主语,但在英文里,以we作主语更便于和动词搭配。
注6. 中文的段落比较长,而英文不太喜欢很长的段落。因此,中译英时,常需在适当的地方将一段分为两段,甚至分为更多的段落。
注7. 这句原文无主语,译文没有加we,而是用了被动语态。这也是常见的一种译法。
注8. 这里原文是一句,而译文分成了三句,这样译比较清楚。
注9. 这一句把“尚方宝剑”之所指作了说明,译者更对其含义作了解释。有这句话在这里与本节的题目相呼应,意思就很清楚了,因此题目的译文保留了原文的形象。其实,即使没有这句话,题目这样译,意思也是清楚的。
注10. 原文“随着”后面有三个名词词组,译文若只用with来引导,显得结构过于单调。现在译文先用At a time when引出一个从句,然后再用with,就比较灵活。
    Second, we must look forward, waste absolutely no time on unnecessary arguing and hype, and work more in a down-to-earth way.11 In the beginning, some people had suggested criticizing the drawbacks in higher education prior to reform.12 I said no and persuaded them to look at things from the perspective of historical materialism, otherwise we could never find the criteria for telling right from wrong.13 A major reason why the Communist Party of China is a mature party is because we are good at applying dialectical materialism and historical materialism when handling the relationship between inheriting and developing. All achievements, no matter how big, have historical limits, and the “I told you so” attitude gets us nowhere.14 Today, everyone is saying the reform is correct and rather farsighted. However, many years in the future, if people use their contemporary standards to judge the reform of today, they may see it as some sort of unfathomable “antique”. But can you negate the reform and its results today because of that? Therefore, unnecessary arguments can do nothing for the progress of reform but hinder it.15 We can only proceed from reality, carry out reform to redress existing problems, and do what we can under the circumstances.16
注11. 此处与注3所谈情况一样,加we作主语。此外,arguing前面加了unnecessary 一词,这也不是译者随意加的。本段倒数第二句提到unnecessary arguments,前后呼应。
注12. 此句原文两次提到“改革”,译文都没有用reform,而把它与prior to 连用,修饰the drawbacks in higher education,真可以说用在了该用的地方。
注13. “对此我坚决不同意”译作 I said no,这是一个非常简洁有力的译法。此外,“正确的是非标准”译作the criteria for telling right from wrong,表面上“正确的”没有译,实际上已经意在其中了。这是翻译中常见的一种现象,许多形容词和副词的含义已经包含在它所修饰的词里了,就不必单独用一个词来表示。这种现象值得注意。
注14. 此处原文用了一个典故“事后诸葛亮”,若照字面译,不能使外国读者产生同样的联想,因此译文用了英语里一个相应的说法。
注15. 译文用it,避免重复“改革”。
注16. 原文是一个主语带三个并列谓语动词,译文也是一样,但原文没有用连词,译文里这个and却是必需的。
    Over this decade I always asked my colleagues to cut the hype and do more solid work. This is because reform is a process of progressive exploration. Whether we are doing things right or wrong, only time and practice can tell. Hype is unnecessary; we should not brag before our accomplishments are in place.17 Untimely publicity can trigger avoidable controversy or simplistic “campaigning,” thus affecting the progress of reform or even damaging the good results we have achieved.18
注17. 这一句说明提出上述要求的原因,内容比较多,因此译文分了三句,这样译比较清楚。
注18. simplistic 有贬义,意思是“过于简单化的”,用在这里正合适。后半句译文用了两个分词短语,说明上述做法可能产生的后果。
    Third, don’t let a good opportunity slip through your fingers.19 To promote reform you’ve got to act every time a good opportunity presents itself. One such opportunity appeared during the 1998 State Council organizational reshuffle, in which nine ministries were abolished.20 Now that these ministries were gone, what was to be done with the universities under their charge.21 We acted immediately and launched a wholesale reform by delegating reconstruction responsibilities for these universities to the local authorities, a decision well received by the localities and the universities themselves. When I visited these universities toward the end of the reform, some leaders told me that they won much attention and preferential treatment from local governments, and that their development was much faster than before. This reform was long overdue, they said.22
注19. 在这里“借东风”和“抓机遇”是同样的意思。这就是为什么本节的题目中“借东风”只译作seizing the opportunities。“借东风”本是汉语里的一个典故,来自《三国演义》,但翻译起来,很难对外国读者说清楚,只好把它要表达的意思译出来算了。但这个典故用在这里确实很生动,于是译者在英文里找了一个与之相对应的习语。根据Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)第6版,let sth slip (through your fingers)意思是to miss or fail to use an opportunity,因此用在这里是非常恰当的。
注20. reshuffle一词很有用,谈到政府的重大人事或机构变动,最常用的就是这个词。
注21. 这句译文具体说明了前面引语“皮之不存,毛将焉附?”在这里的含义,因此这句引语就没有译,若译出来就显得重复了。此外,请注意后半句what was to be done…。此处不能用what to do,因为它只是一个短语,不能独立构成一个问句。
注22. 最后一句译文加了they said。若不加,读者就可能认为最后一句是作者的话了。
    Fourth, making thorough studies and investingations and conducting scientific assessment.23 When we wield the “imperial sword” we should do it with prudence. We need to press ahead with our work in a meticulous and thoroughgoing manner.24 But we need also be good at biding our time and refrain from coercion. In other words, our work tolerates no simple-mindedness. Of all the types of mergers, none is more difficult than those between good universities. Practice, however,25 has proved that so long as we are confident of its feasibility on the basis of thorough study, and so long as leaders of all the parties involved are committed, work carefully and are supportive, such mergers can definitely happen and happen successfully.
    Naturally, it does not necessarily follow26 that the larger a university the better. Mergers can only happen when and where it makes sense. Otherwise they must not happen at all.27
注23. 第4点和第5点译文与前三点不同,没有用完整的句子,而用了分词短语来翻译第一句话,这就是把第一句话译作小标题了。
注24. 此处“工作”一词恐不是指一般的具体工作,而是指思想工作,其目的是“统一认识”。译文未能体现“统一认识”的意思。也许把our work改为persuasion就行了。不过这样一来,因为搭配的关系,可能要把and thoroughgoing删去。其实,前面有press ahead,后面有meticulous,强调的语气已经表现得很充分了。
注25. 据我观察,在英语中,however在大多数情况下不是放在句首,而是放在较后的位置。此处,虽然原文以“但”字开始,译文把however放在practice后面,是合乎英文的用法的。
注26. follow一词非常有用,它在这里的意思是to be the logical results of sth。原文“并不是”的意思是“不能从上文得出结论,认为……”,因此,译文it does not necessarily follow that … 是十分恰当的。
注27. 这句原文很短,但很有中文的特色。“合”字重复出现四次,译文绝不能
照搬,只有另想办法。《邓小平文选》第三卷有这样一句话:“农业实行多种经营,因地制宜,该种粮食的地方种粮食,该种经济作物的地方种经济作物,不仅粮食大幅度增长,经济作物也大幅度增长。”译文是:By diversifying agriculture in accordance with local conditions, the peasants have grown grain and cash crops in places suited to them and have substantially increased the output of both.
    Fifth, setting good examples and making the most of the situation. As I said before,the General Office of the State Council had held meetings in Shanghai, Nanchang, Beidaihe and Yangzhou to summarize and share the best practices and solutions from each situation. The idea was to set good examples and foster a friendly atmosphere for reform.28 In the meantime, we paid special attention to the regrouping and amalgamation of prestigious universities. Leaders of the Ministry of Education and I went on fact-finding tours to offer needed guidance.29
注28. 这一句原文较长,最后才说出这样做的目的,若译成一句,目的就不突出。现在译文使后半句单独成句,而且用The idea作主语,这个短语的意思是the aim or purpose (of sth),用在这里是很恰当的。
注29. 中文总是说“我和某某人”,把“我”字放在前头。英文则总是把I放在后头。我们要写地道的英文,这一点,不可不注意。我觉得这纯粹是一个使用语言的习惯问题,不涉及是否尊重别人。1987年,美国前总统卡特访华,,在欢迎他的宴会上讲话,他说:My wife and I … 译文是“我的夫人和我 ……”。我觉得,还是“我和我的夫人”听起来顺耳一些。你说呢?
    2002年,中央编译局翻译出版了《公民道德建设实施纲要》的英译本,题目是Program for Improving Civic Morality。这是一个很好的译本。把原文和译文对照学习,一方面可以更好地领会文件的精神,一方面也可借以提高翻译能力,真是一举两得。
    1. 社会主义道德建设是发展先进文化的重要内容。在新世纪全面建设小康社会,加快改革开放和现代化建设步伐,顺利实现第三步战略目标,必须在加强社会主义法制建设、依法治国的同时,切实加强社会主义道德建设、以德治国,把法制建设与道德建设、依法治国与以德治国紧密结合起来,通过公民道德建设的不断深化和拓展,逐步形成与发展社会主义市场经济相适应的社会主义道德体系。这是提高全民族素质的一项基础性工程,对弘扬民族精神和时代精神,形成良好的社会道德风尚,促进物质文明与精神文明协调发展,全面推进建设有中国特色社会主义伟大事业,具有十分重要的意义。
    1. Improving1 socialist morality is an important aspect2 of developing an advanced culture. In the new century, we are building a society in which people lead a fairly comfortable life, quickening the pace of reform, opening up and modernization, and attaining the strategic goals for the third stage. While we are strengthening the socialist legal system and the rule of the country by law, we must earnestly improve socialist morality, rule the country by virtue, and closely integrate the improvement of the legal system with the improvement of morality and the rule of the country by law with the rule of the country by virtue. Through a continuous process of deepening and broadening the improvement of civic morality, a socialist moral system suitable for our socialist market economy will gradually take shape and develop.3 This is a basic program for improving the quality of the whole Chinese nation. It has great significance for enhancing national spirit and a spirit of the times, cultivating good moral habits, coordinating material civilization with spiritual civilization, and advancing the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.4
注1. “建设”一词在这里译作improve是很恰当的,improving socialist morality是一个很好的搭配。我们一看见“建设”,往往首先想到construction,其实在很多情况下是不用这个词的。“建设”一词在这一段里多次出现。“建设小康社会”译作building a society in which people lead a fairly comfortable life, “现代化建设”译作modernization,“加强社会主义法制建设”译作strengthening the socialist legal system,有时也译作improvement of the legal system. 究竟怎样译,全看具体情况而定。
注2. “内容”一词在这里译作aspect,也是一个很好的选词。我们一看见“内容”二字,往往首先想到content,有时可以用,有时则不行,此处就不能用。翻译不能追求表面上词语的对应。
注3. 原文第2句很长,有140字,以极其精炼的语言对公民道德建设的重要性作了高度的概括。句中包含的政治概念和术语很多,译文若也用一句话来表述,句子可能会很臃肿,外国读者也难以领会。仔细分析一下,这句话包含三部分。“必须”之前是第一部分,说的是我们正在做的事,也就是提出这一文件的背景。“必须”引出的是第二部分,说的是我们要做的事。“通过”引出的是第三部分,说的是所要达到的目的。因此,译者就把这一句译成了三句。第一句和第二句都加we作主语,第三句以a socialist moral system … 为主语,和谓语will gradually take shape and develop搭配。
注4. 原文第3句也较长,先说这是一项什么工程,又说它在四个方面的重要意义。译文分成了两句。第2句根据英语的习惯,评价性的话要先说,然后再说各项细节,因此译文以It has great significance开始。此外,“时代精神”译作spirit of the times,这是最常见的一种译法。
    2. 党的十一届三中全会特别是十四大以来,随着改革开放和现代化建设事业的深入发展,社会主义精神文明建设呈现出积极健康向上的良好态势,公民道德建设迈出了新的步伐。爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想日益深入人心,为人民服务精神不断发扬光大,崇尚先进、学习先进蔚然成风,追求科学、文明、健康生活方式已成为人民群众的自觉行动,社会道德风尚发生了可喜变化,中华民族的传统美德与体现时代要求的新的道德观念相融合,成为我国公民道德建设发展的主流。
    2. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, and especially since the Fourteenth National Congress of the CPC, along with the deepening of the reform and opening up and the modernization drive, positive, healthy improvements have occurred in the development of socialist spiritual civilization, and significant progress has been made in the improvement of civic morality.5 Patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideology increasingly fill people’s hearts. The spirit of serving the people is growing. Admiration and emulation of models have become commonplace.6 The people have begun pursuing scientific, culturally advanced and healthy lifestyles on their own initiative.7 Gratifying changes are occurring in the prevailing customs of social morality.8 The traditional morality of the Chinese people and new moral viewpoints that embody the needs of the times are merging. This becomes the main trend in the improvement of civic morality.9
注5. 这一句说明近年来精神文明建设和公民道德建设取得的成就。原文先是两个状语,接着是两个并列分句。译文基本上保留了这一结构,但两个并列分句的主语都发生了变化。这主要是考虑到主谓搭配的问题。因为在英文里若以the development of socialist spiritual civilization作主语,或就以socialist spiritual civilization作主语,都难以和谓语make improvements 相衔接。若以the improvement of civic morality作主语,也难以和谓语make progress 相衔接。因此,这两个分句就分别以improvements 和progress作主语了。
注6. 本段原文第二句从六个方面具体说明第一句所作的论断,最后指出这就是主流。译文用了六个独立的句子表述这六个方面。前三句都保留了原来的主语。值得注意的是第三句,译文没有用动宾结构,而是用的抽象名词,Admiration and emulation of models。
注7. 这一句译文若以“追求……”或“自觉行动”作主语,都不如以“人民群众”作主语具体生动、一目了然。
注8. 这一句和注5所说的情况是一样的,因此译文以Gratifying changes作主语。
注9. 六个方面说完以后,用This加以归纳,作为最后一句译文的主语。这样,译文就把原文一句分成了七句,有的保留原文的主语,有的变换了主语,照顾到了主谓的搭配,语言也比较流畅,比译成一个长句要好。
    3. 但是,我国公民道德建设方面仍然存在着不少问题。社会的一些领域和一些地方道德失范,是非、善恶、美丑界限混淆,拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义有所滋长,见利忘义、损公肥私行为时有发生,不讲信用、欺骗欺诈成为社会公害,以权谋私、腐化堕落现象严重存在。这些问题如果得不到及时有效解决,必然损害正常的经济和社会秩序,损害改革发展稳定的大局,应当引起全党全社会高度重视。
    3. However, there are still a number of problems in the improvement of civic morality.10 There are poor moral standards in some sectors of society and areas of the country.11 There, the distinctions between right and wrong, good and evil, and beauty and ugliness are blurred; and money worship, hedonism and extreme individualism are growing.12 Forsaking principle for profit and lining one’s pocket at public expense are frequent occurrences.13 Deceit and fraud have become a public scourge, and abuse of power for personal benefit and corrupt and degenerate phenomena are very serious.14 If these problems cannot be solved in a timely and effective way, they will inevitably disrupt the normal economic and social orders and adversely affect reform, development and stability. Therefore, the whole Party and society at large should attach great importance to them.15
注10. “存在”没有译作exist,而是用了there are这一句型,这是一种常见的译法。
注11. 这一句提到“道德失范”,这是一个概括性的提法,下面才谈具体情况,因此译文在这里断句。此外,译者没有逐字翻译“道德失范”,而译作there are poor moral standards, 这样译比较流畅。
注12. 接下来,原文列举了道德失范的种种表现。译文用三句话来表述,有的一句话谈两种表现,有的一句话只谈一种表现。这样句子有长有短,也不至于太单调。这第一句谈了两种表现,句子并不太长,但用了六个and。分析一下,都是用得有道理的。前半句,between后面有三组词,一组是right and wrong,一组是good and evil,一组是beauty and ugliness,这三组里面的and自然是必不可少的。根据英语的习惯,若列举一连串的项目,最后两个项目之间需加and,因此第二组和第三组之间这个and也是必要的。分号代表一个较大的停顿,从语法的角度来说,分号后面这个and是可以不要的。我想这个and用在这里是节奏的需要,否则blurred和money两个重读音节连在一起,不好读。
注13. 这一句用两个动名词短语作主语,用and相连,这个and也是必不可少的。
注14. 这个句子有点复杂,第二个and 连接前后两个并列分句,第三个and在后面的分句里连接两个主语,一个主语是abuse of power for personal benefit,另一个主语是corrupt and degenerate phenomena。另外两个and就不言而喻了。因此,分析一下,这四个and都是必要的。
注15. 此处译文独立成句,比较有力,可以达到强调的目的。Therefore放在句首,也有助于加强语气。你同意吗?
    最近看到牛津大学出版社1997年出版的一本书,题目是The Deer And the Cauldron,作者是Louis Cha,译者是John Minford。这位译者,虽不认识,却很熟悉,因为读过他和David Hawkes合译的The Story of the Stone(《红楼梦》)。我还知道他在香港理工大学(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)任教。但我没有想到他又将这本书译成了英文,把书打开一看,我立刻被那流畅的译文吸引住了,句子都是地道的英文。于是我就想去找一本中文原文,对照着学一下,一定会提高自己的翻译能力。
1. 北风如刀,满地冰霜。
2. 江南近海滨的一条大路上,一队清兵手执刀枪,押着七辆囚车,冲风冒寒,向北而行。
3. 前面三辆囚车中分别监禁的是三个男子,都作书生打扮,一个是白发老者,两个是中年人。后面四辆中坐的是女子,最后一辆囚车中是个少妇,怀中抱着个女婴。女婴啼哭不休。她母亲温言相呵,女婴只是大哭。囚车旁一名清兵恼了,伸腿在车上踢了一脚,喝道:“再哭,再哭!老子踢死你!”那女婴一惊,哭得更加响了。
    Along a coastal road somewhere south of the Yangtze River, a detachment of soldiers, each of them armed with a halberd, was escorting a line of seven prison carts, trudging northwards in the teeth of a bitter wind.1 In each of the first three carts a single male prisoner was caged, identifiable by his dress as a member of the scholar class. One was a white-haired old man. The other two were men of middle years. The four rear carts were occupied by women, the last of them by a young mother holding a baby girl at her breast. The little girl was crying in a continuous wail which her mother’s gentle words of comfort were powerless to console.2 One of the soldiers marching alongside, irritated by the baby’s crying, aimed a mighty kick at the cart.3
    ‘Stop it! Shut up! Or I’ll really give you something to cry about!’
    The baby, startled by this sudden violence, cried even louder.4
注1. 原文第1段只有一句话,而且很短,但里面包含两个分句,讲的都是自然条件。作者的意图大概是借以烘托气氛吧。这一段,译者没有单独处理,而是把它揉在下面一句话里,其中有in the teeth of a bitter wind,放在句末。至于他为什么这样处理,我也说不好。我想也许是外国人写书喜欢开门见山,于是我就找了几本书看了看。
It was late evening when K. arrived. The village lay under deep snow. There was no sign of the castle hill, fog and darkness surrounded it, not even the faintest gleam of light suggested the large castle. (Franz Kafka, The Castle)
I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills. The Equator runs across these highlands, a hundred miles to the North, and the farm lay at an altitude of over six thousand feet. (Isak Dinesen, Out of Africa)
On they went, singing “Rest Eternal”, and whenever they stopped, their feet, the horses, and the gusts of wind seemed to carry on their singing. (Boris Pasternak, Dr. Zhivago)
    原文第2段也只有一句话。主语是“一队清兵”,后接四个并列谓语,其中最主要的应该是“押着七辆囚车”。译文就突出了这一点,用句子的主要动词来表示,译作was escorting a line of seven prison carts。“手执刀枪”译作同位语加分词短语,即each of them armed with a halberd,语法家可能管这种结构叫“独立结构”。“向北而行”译作分词短语trudging northwards。“冲风冒寒”译作介词短语in the teeth of a bitter wind,作状语。总之,原文是并列结构,译成英文成了主从结构。
注2. 这句译文的原文是两个句子,先说女婴啼哭,接着说母亲温言相呵,最后又说女婴大哭。因此,说原文用了三个并列的主谓结构也未尝不可。译文用了一个which引导的定语从句,这就避免了重复一个“哭”字,也避免了连续更换主语的毛病。译文用的console一词,非常之妙,将母女之情表现得淋漓尽致。我们可能会用stop,那就大为逊色了。
注3. 这一句的原文,主语是“一名清兵”,后带三个并列谓语,其中最主要的是“踢了一脚”。译者就把第一个谓语译作分词短语irritated by the baby’s crying。下面的引语,译文另起一段,“喝道”二字也就不一定译了。此外,“囚车旁”译得很妙。若是静止状态,可译作beside the cart,但此处说的是车队行进中的情况,故译作marching alongside,这样译,也免得重复cart一词。
注4. 这一句的原文,主语是“女婴”,后接两个并列谓语。译者又把第一个谓语译作分词短语startled by this sudden violence,整个句子紧凑而生动。细想一下,此句中的“一惊”,和前面一句中的“恼了”,都表示原因,和后面的动作有因果关系,因此译为分词短语是十分恰当的。这句译文如用并列结构,译作The baby was startled by this sudden violence and cried even louder,就逊色多了。
    此外还有一点值得注意。原文第3段后半段,“女婴”一词先后出现四次。译文用了a baby girl, the little girl和the baby等三种译法。中文“女婴”一词只有两个字,两个音节,重复几次,不觉得有何不妥。英文则不行,a baby girl, the baby girl,重复起来,就觉得受不了。可见替代之法(substitution) 在这里还是有用的。
4. 离开道路数十丈处有座大屋,屋檐下站着一个中年文士,一个十一二岁的小孩。那文士见到这等情景,不禁长叹一声,眼眶也红了,说道:“可怜,可怜!”
    Under the eaves of a large house, some hundred yards from the road, a middle-aged scholar was standing with a ten- or eleven-year-old boy at his side.5 He was evidently affected by this little scene, for a groan escaped his lips and he appeared to be very close to tears.
‘Poor creatures!’ he murmured to himself.6
注5. 这一句原文有两个并列分句,先说某处有座大屋,再说檐下站着两个人。叙事的顺序可以说是由远及近。译文则从Under the eaves开始,然后再处理第一个分句里的内容of a large house, some hundred yards from the roads。原文“站着一个中年文士,一个十一二岁的小孩”,也是并列结构,而译文却是with a ten- or eleven-year-old boy at his side。这样,原文的并列结构就变成了译文的主从结构,突出了a middle-aged scholar。
注6. 原文主语是“那文士”,后面带四个谓语。译文突出第一个谓语,然后用for引出两个从句,最后另起一段处理引铩?lt;/FONT>
5. 那小孩问道:“爹爹,他们犯了什么罪?”那文士道:“又犯了什么罪?昨日和今朝,已逮去了三十几人,都是我们浙江有名的读书人,个个都是无辜株连。”他说到“无辜株连”四字,声音压得甚低,生怕给押送囚车的官兵听见了。那小孩道:“那个小女孩还在吃奶,难道也犯了罪?真没道理。”那文士道:“你懂得官兵没道理,真是好孩子,唉,人为刀俎,我为鱼肉,人为鼎镬,我为麋鹿!”
‘Papa,’ said the little boy, ‘what have they done wrong?’7
‘What indeed!’ said the man, bitterly. ‘During these last two days they must have made more than thirty arrests. All our best scholars. And all of them innocents, caught up in the net,’ he added in an undertone, for fear that the soldiers might hear him.8
‘That girl’s only a baby,’ said the boy.’ What can she possibly be guilty of? 9 It’s very wrong.’
‘So you understand that what the Government soldiers do is wrong,’ said the man. ‘Good for you, my son!’ He sighed. ‘They are the cleaver and we are the meat. They are the cauldron and we are the deer.’10
注7. 英语除了先出引语,后出说话人,还经常把一句引语分成两截,把说话人插在中间。
注8. All our best scholars. And all of them innocent… 都是省略句。这在口语里是常见的。这样译正体现了口语的特点。此外,原文“生怕……”在结构上是前面谓语的并列谓语,但其含义是说明压低声音的原因。因此译文用介词短语加that从句for fear that…,这在句子里叫状语,表示原因。
注9. 原文“那个小女孩还在吃奶,难道也犯了罪?”前半句是陈述句,后半句是疑问句,可以放在一起。英语则不然,前半句和后半句在文字上没有联系,便要分成两句。在陈述句后加句号,问题另起一句。像中文那样用逗号把它们连在一起是不行的。
注10. 最后两句译文中间都加了and。请注意,我们自己译的时候,不要把它丢掉。
6. 那孩子道:“爹,你前几天教过我,‘人为刀俎,我为鱼肉’,就是给人家斩割屠杀的意思。人家是切菜刀,是砧板,我们就是鱼和肉。‘人为鼎镬,我为麋鹿’这两句话,意思也差不多么?”那文士道:“正是!”眼见官兵和囚车已经去远,拉着小孩的手道:“外面风大,我们回屋里去。”当下父子二人走进书房。
‘You explained “they are the cleaver and we are the meat” the other day, papa,’ said the boy. ‘It’s what they say when people are massacred or beheaded. Like meat or fish being sliced up on the chopping-board.11 Does “they are the cauldron and we are the deer” mean the same thing?’
‘Yes, more or less,’ said the man; and since the train of soldiers and prison carts was now fast receding, he took the boy by the hand.12
‘Let’s go indoors now,’ he said.13 ‘It’s too windy for standing outside.’
Indoors the two of them went, and into his study.
注11. It’s和泛指的they都是口语里常用的说法。Like meat and fish being… 也是省略句。这都体现了口语的特点。叙事像叙事,对话像对话,不是很容易做到的,值得注意。
注12. train一词很有用,我们往往想不起它来。它可以指a number of people or animals moving in a line,也可以指a series of events or actions that are connected,用在这里是很恰当的。
       此外,“拉着小孩的手”不要译作He took the boy’s hand,那是中国式的英文,He took the boy by the hand,这才是地道的英文。
注13. 从原文第4段到第6段,“文士”一词共出现五次。第一次出现时译为scholar,随后便不再重复这一译法,而交替使用he (his, him)和the man。这一点,你注意到了吗?



一. 使用并列分句
例1.We played cards to relieve the boredom of long wait.
例2.They let the house go to rack and ruin.
例3.You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.
例4.How can I ever repay you for your generosity?
例5.Dogs come in all shapes and sizes.
例6.The woods are remnants of a huge forest which once covered the whole area.


二. 使用并列谓语

例7.They pain started in my stomach and radiated all over my body.
例8.He dismissed her words as the ravings of a hysterical woman.
例9.She took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse.
例10.Right , we’re ready to go.
例11.He’s still recuperating from his operation.

    这几句译文听着都有些别扭,好像都太文,前三句虽然是叙述,例7“腹部的疼痛”也显得太文了。例8中间部分“视为……胡言乱语”太长。例9 “平静”和宾语“脉搏”似乎也不好搭配。最后两句是口语,原文用了we’ re和 He’s 这种明显带有口语特点的缩约式说法,译文就特别文了,怎么办?我看我们可以充分发挥我们对母语的语感,怎么听着顺耳就怎么译。这五个例子似可改译如下:

三. 使用外位语
例12.The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable.
例13.She broke her public silence in a TV interview.
例14.She recoiled from the idea of betraying her own brother.
例15.I recommend the book to all my students.
例16.Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths form lung cancer.
例17.Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.
例18.No rational person would ever behave like that.

    这几句译文里,有些部分显得笨重,如例12中的“他对信仰的忠诚”,例14中的“要背叛她的亲兄弟的想法”,例16中的“90%肺癌引发的死亡”,例17中的“你在报纸看到的所有事情”,例18中的“ 没有哪一位理智的人”等。有些部分则显得不够突出,如例13中的“她在一次电视采访中”和例15中“我的所有学生”。这些笨重的或不够突出的部分裹在句子里,又没有停顿,意思就显得不够清楚,这个问题怎么解决呢?答案就是:使用外位语。

    作者在第4讲论述句子结构时又提到外位成分。他们说“这是我们汉语常用的一种格式”。“ 应用这个格式,或者是由于消极的原因,这个成分比较长,放在本位上嫌笨重;或者是由于积极的原因,要使这个成分突出,或是便于和上文联络;多半是两种原因兼而有之。”他们还说,应用这个格式,一般是在本位上用个代词,也有不是代词的。
12. 他忠于信念,这是无可置疑的。
13. 她接受了一次电视采访,这就结束了她不在公开场合露面的状态。

例19.An agreement between the countries enables companies to repatriate their profits freely.
例20.Complaints have led to (a) simplification of the rules.
例21.I go hill-walking for relaxation.
例22.He’s already in training for the big race against Bailey.
例23.The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life.


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 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 01:56:56 | 只看该作者
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实用英语口译教程(译林出版社) 冯建忠教授

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新世纪大学英汉翻译教程  上海交大毛荣贵教授


第1讲 “翻译”溯源
第2讲  翻译的本质
第3讲  翻译的标准
第4讲  翻译面面观
第5讲  翻译必有“失” /  失于此而得于彼 (两讲合并)
第6讲  翻译与联想
第7讲  翻译与语法
第8讲 翻译与语体
第9讲 翻译与语篇
第10讲  英汉十大差异
第11讲  形合与意合
第12讲  代词的困惑
第13讲   Connotation的翻译
第14讲  翻译与词典
第15讲  以“模糊”求精确
第16讲  落笔知轻重 译文讲分寸
第17讲  翻译最难是口吻
第18讲 翻译与形象思维
第19讲 翻译与灵感思维
第20讲 英语修辞的翻译(包括连接三讲)
第21讲 翻译中的文化冲击  
第22讲  思维是语言的脊梁 (两讲合并)
第23讲  翻译美学之思考(两讲合并)


第1讲 汉译英呼唤文字功力
第2讲 语篇与翻译
第3讲: 英汉语美感比读(两讲合并)
第4讲: 理性概译:翻译之坦途
第5讲:英语句式的亮点:非人称主语句 (两讲合并)
第8讲:从 “湖光山色”的英译说开去(两讲合并)

第1讲 “翻译”溯源

    1/ Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Eugene A. Nida & Charles R. Taber: The Theory and Practice of Translation, 1969)
    2/ Translation may be defined as follows:
   The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)
    3/ A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. (A. F. Tytler: Essay on the Principles of Translation. 1791)
    1/ 所谓翻译,是在译语中用最切近的自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体。
    2/ 翻译可作如下界定:用一种语言(目的语)的文本材料对等地再现另一种语言(出发语)的文本材料。
    3/ 译文应完全复写出原作的思想。译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同。译文应和原作同样流畅。

第2讲  翻译的本质

1/ Some professional translation take considerable pride in denying that they have any theory of translation—--they just translate. In reality, however, all person engaged in the complex task of translating posses some type of underlying or covert theory, even though it may be still very embryonic and described only as just being “faithful to what the author was trying to say.”( Nida )
    2/ It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. Common sense tells us that this ought to be simple, as one ought to be able to say something as well in one language as in another. On the other hand, you may see it as complicated, artificial and fraudulent, since by using another language you are pretending to be someone you are not. The translation cannot simply reproduce, or be, the original. And since this is so, the first business of the translator is to translate.  (Peter Newmark)
    1/ 一些职业翻译工作者相当得意地称他们没有翻译理论——他们只顾埋头翻译。然而,事实上,所有从事翻译这项复杂工作的人都具有或隐或掩的理论,尽管这种理论尚处在萌芽状态,或者被轻描淡写地说成“忠实于作者想要说的”。(奈达)
2/ 翻译,就是像原作者把思想变成文字那样,把一个文本的意思译成另一种语言。常识告诉我们翻译应该是简单的,就如一个人能够用一种语言自如表达,也能够用另一种语言自如表达一样。但从另一方面来说,你也许会觉得翻译是复杂的、做作的以及虚假的,因为在使用另一种语言的时候,你实际上在扮演一个非你的角色。翻译不可能是简单的复制,或者,也不可能是如出一辙的原本。既然如此,译者的第一任务就是翻译。(纽马克)

第3讲  翻译的标准

    Translation is first a science, which entails the knowledge and verification of the facts and the language that describe them – here, what is wrong, mistakes of truth, can be identified;
    Secondly, it is a skill, which calls for appropriate language and acceptable usage;
    Thirdly, an art, which distinguishes good from undistinguished writing and is the creative, the intuitive, sometimes the inspired, level of the translation;
    Lastly, a matter of taste, where argument ceases, preference are expressed, and the variety of meritorious translation is the reflection of individual differences. (Peter Newmark)


1. 有功绩的;有价值的
2. 值得称赞的;令人敬佩的

    首先,翻译是一门科学,它需要对事实的认知、核查,需要懂得描述这些事实的语言 ---- 错误的内容,错误的事实,应该得以鉴别。

第4讲  翻译面面观

1/ No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that we are passed.
2/ It is very difficult to know people and I don’t think one can ever really know any but one’s own countrymen.
3/ They never fail who die in a great cause.
4/ A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.
5/ So swift was the advance that the German did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp.
6/ The record was considered soft since it was set last May.
7/ Work is the grand cure of all the maladies 【弊病、疾病、坏风气】and miseries that ever beset [包围、困扰] mankind.
8/ Then she saw her husband and two middle-aged men who looked like brokers sitting at a table in the corner.
9/ We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write.
10/ Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.
11/ As the police put it, anything you say may be used as evidence against you. If handwriting reveals character, writing reveals it still more.
12/ Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

1/ 光阴如流水,一去不复返。
4/ 真话未出门,谎言行千里。
5/ 盟军进展神速,德军来不及破坏安特卫普的港口设施。
6/ 这个记录是去(今)年五月创造的,人们并不认为这是什么无法超过的记录。
7/ 工作是医治人间一切疾病和厄运的良药。
8/ 不一会儿,她瞧见丈夫跟两个经纪人模样的中年人在屋角的一张桌子边坐着。
10/ 石头不会腐烂,因而远古年代的石器遗留了下来,尽管制作这些器具的人的尸骨早已荡然无存。
11/ 警察有句话:只要你开口,证据就在手。字如其人,文尤如其人。
12/ 不管追求什么目标,都应该坚持不懈。

第5讲  翻译必有“失” /  失于此而得于彼 (两讲合并)

    It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. Consumer goods are desirable everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. Gone are the days when industrial goods were made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be kept turning. “Built-in obsolescence” provide the means: goods are made to be discarded. Cars get thinner and thinner. You no sooner acquire this year’s model than you are thinking about its replacement.
    This materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education. Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake. Every course of studies must lead somewhere: i.e. to a bigger wage pocket. The demand for skilled personnel far exceeds the supply and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies. Tempting salaries and “fringe benefits” are offered to them. Recruiting tactics of this kind of have led to the “brain drain”, the process by which highly skilled people offer their services to the higher bidder. The wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their most able citizens. While Mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer.  



    1/ The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter whom he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith.
    2/ I took home a briefcase full of troubles. As I sat down on that hot and humid evening, there seemed to be no solutions to the problems thrashing around in my brain. So I picked up a book, settled into a comfortable chair and applied my own special therapy—super-slow reading.
    3/ To the end, the Emperor, like an eagle deprived of its wings, remained submissive to his aunt. Ignorance added to a strong character was a double curse; stupidity joining hands with stubbornness was twice stupid.
4/ The stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at this hour was one wherein their souls expanded beyond their skins, and spread their personalities warmly through the room.


    1/ 世上的莫逆之交可能反目为仇。倾心呵护抚养成人的儿女到头来可能不念养育之恩。我们的至爱亲朋,我们以幸福与名声相托的人,也许会背叛其当初的誓词。
    2/ 我带着满满一皮包伤透脑筋的问题回到家里。黄昏时分,既闷热,又潮湿,我坐下来,满脑子翻腾起伏的问题似乎找不到解决的办法。我只好拿起一本书,坐在舒适的椅子里,施展自己的特殊疗法了——那便是超慢速阅读。
    3/ 皇上象个剪去双翅的仓鹰,一直对这位大权在握的老伯母必恭必敬,百依百顺。愚而妄,其为祸害则加倍的强烈。愚蠢再与刚愎携手,则愚蠢倍增。
    4/ 他们那时所达到的欢畅阶段是:神游身外,脱则形骸,满眼生花,一室生春。

第6讲  翻译与联想


    1/ At the beginning of a romance, a person’s habits may seem unimportant or even endearing, but over the long term his nightly snoring or her thing about never raising the window shades can begin to grate.
    2/ The best indication of whether a man or woman is capable of genuine friendship with a mate, social psychologists say, is whether he or she has close, nonsexual friends of the opposite sex. Also important, says Pittman, is whether that person is friends with his parents, since someone still at war with his parents is probably not ready for friendship with a romantic partner.
    3/ In a fruitful argument, each partner explains why her or she is mad while the other one listens—with respect. Long-term happy couples also tend to argue calmly. Loss of control—yelling, sobbing—seldom helps solve problems. “Couples whose relationship has improved over time usually have learned to keep the lid on arguments,” says Gottman. “They de-escalate anger by suggesting a compromise or solution.”
4/ Feelings of love may wax and wane during a relationship, but trust is constant. Infidelity is the most devastating betrayal of trust a couple can experience. That survey found that when one partner had sex outside the relationship, the couple were more likely to break up. Even a little bit of infidelity can set forces in motion that eventually wrech a marriage. Only when we trust our lover to be faithful and know that he or she can trust us do we fell comfortable and at peace with our own conduct and our relationship.
    5/ Successful couples don’t take each other for granted but work constantly at rejuvenating their good feelings for each other. The most satisfied couples put the thought and energy into their relationship that they put into their children or career.

    1/ 罗曼史伊始,个人习惯似微不足道,抑或还惹人喜爱.但是久而久之,他夜半的鼾声,或是她从不卷启窗帘的小节开始令人不快。
    2/ 社会心理学家认为,一个男人和一个女人是否能成为真挚友谊的相托者,其最佳标志是:他或她是否具有亲密而又无性关系的异性朋友.皮特曼说,此人与其父母是否友好也不可忽视。既与父母为敌,也许与情人无友情而言。
    3/ 一个富有成果的争论中,双方解释他或她为何激怒,而另一方则洗耳恭听。长久的和睦夫妇惯于冷静地争辩。失去控制——吼叫、哭泣——无济于事。“经岁月磨合了关系的夫妇通常学会调控争吵。”高特曼说,“他们会用提出让步与解释来息怒。”
    4/ 卡拉斯勃龙说:“朝夕相处,爱情会退潮,但是彼此信任却天长地久。”不忠,是一对夫妇所经历的对信任的最大破坏。据一项对6000名夫妇的调查,社会学家菲力普·勃鲁斯坦和柏泼·斯克华尔兹发现:一旦一方有外遇,夫妇即可能分道扬镳。“甚至一丁点的不忠也能最终导致婚姻的破裂。”斯克华尔兹说,“只有我们确信爱人忠贞不渝,并知道他或她可信赖我们,我们才能对我们自己的行为与关系感到心安理得。”
5/ “成功的夫妇不是想当然地彼此相处,而是不断努力让彼此的好感情不断更新。”耶鲁的罗伯特·斯坦勃格说,“最感满足的夫妇将其心思与精力投入其关系,又将其关系投入其子女及职业。

第7讲  翻译与语法

    1/ I must confess that I did not expect a speech about oysters here, I thought that Hiroshima still felt the impact of the atomic cataclysm.
    2/ By now I can count the blows again. The only pain I feel is in the lips I have been biting.
    3/ I took the hall-porter of the hotel into my confidence, and asked if he had ever heard of Mr.Whiteman.
    4/  “So that’s it? You were trying to hold out on me, weren’t you?” She laughed softly.
    5/ “My father’s dying,” said Soams between his teeth. “I’m going up. Give my love to Annette.”
    6/ Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.
    7/ Moreover, a successful scientist thinks he can improve the existing conditions, whether of pure or applied knowledge.
    1/ 不瞒您说,我并没有想到会在这里听到讲牡蛎。我原以为广岛还在经受那场原子灾难的影响。
    2/ 现在我又可以计算打的次数了,我唯一的痛感来自一直紧咬着的双唇.
    3/ 我向旅馆的行李搬运工吐露了心腹话,问他是否听说过惠特曼先生。
    4/ “是这样吗?你刚才想把那事瞒过去,是吗?“她和蔼地笑了。
    5/ “我的父亲快要不行了,”沙姆士低声说,“我要上伦敦去了。请替我向南安蒂问好。”
    6/ 过度的勇气变为蛮勇,过度的爱情变为溺爱,过度的节俭变为贪婪。
    7/ 此外,凡是成功的科学家总认为他能够改进无论是基础知识还是应用知识的现状。
第8讲 翻译与语体
    1/ At a time when a towering personality like Mme. Curie has come to the end of her life, let us not merely rest content with recalling what she has given to mankind in the fruits of her work. It is the moral qualities of its leading personalities that are perhaps of even greater significance for a generation and for the course of history than purely intellectual accomplishments. Even these latter are, to a far greater degree than is commonly credited, dependent on the stature of character.
The greatest scientific dead of her life—proving the existence of radioactive elements and isolating them—owes its accomplishment not under the most extreme hardships imaginable, such as the history of experimental science has not often witnessed.
    If but a small part of Mme. Curie’s strength of character and devotion were alive in Europe’s intellectuals, Europe would face a brighter future.
    2/ One evening my sister was sleeping in her bedroom upstairs while her eight-year-old son, Jason, was in his room on the first floor. Suddenly she was wakened by a loud crash. A van has run off the road, smacked into the side of the house and come to a stop in the living room. Her first thought was of her son.
    “Jason!” she yelled out—and from downstairs her son yelled back, “I didn’t do it, Ma!”
1/ 在象居里夫人这样一位伟人与世长辞的时候,我们不要仅仅满足于回忆她以自己的科研成果对人类所作的贡献。杰出人物的道德品质,与其纯才智成就相比,也许具有更重大的意义;无论是对于一代人,还是对于历史进程,都是如此。甚至这些才智成就本身也取决于崇高品格,其依赖程度远远超过人们通常所能想见的。
2/ 一天晚上我姐姐睡在楼上的卧室里,她8岁的儿子杰森在一楼自己的房里。突然,她被一阵巨响震醒。一辆运货车偏离了道路,冲入了房内,在客厅里才停住。她的第一个念头是她的儿子。
第9讲 翻译与语篇
Love Is Not like Merchandise
    1/ A reader in Florida, apparently bruised by some personal experience, writes in to complain “if I steal a nickel’s worth of merchandise, I am a thief and punished; but if I steal the love of another’s wife, I am free.”
    2/ This is a prevalent misconception in many people’s minds that love, like merchandise, can be “stolen.” Numerous states, in fact, have enacted laws allowing damages for “alienation of affections.”
    3/ But love is not a commodity; the real thing cannot be bought, sold, traded or stolen. It is an act of the will, a turning of the emotions, a change in the climate of the personality.
4/ When a husband or wife is “stolen” by another person, that husband or wife was already ripe for the stealing, was already predisposed toward a new partner. The “lovebandit” was only taking what was waiting to be taken, what wanted to be taken.
5/ We tend to treat persons like goods. We ever speak of children “belonging” to their parents. But nobody “belongs” to anyone else; each person belongs to himself, and to God. Children are entrusted to their parents, and if their parents do not treat them properly, the state has a right to remove from their parents’ trusteeship.
    6/ Most of us, when young, had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing. At the time, we may have resented this intruder— but as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with. It was not the intruder that “caused” the break, but the lack of a real relationship.
    7/ On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a “third party.” This is, however, a psychological illusion. The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.
    8/ Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has “come between” oneself and a beloved. This is always a distortion of reality, for people are not the captives or victims of others — they are free agents, working out their own destinies for good or for ill.
    9/ But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved has freely turned away from him — and so he ascribes sinister or magical properties to the interloper. He calls him a hypnotist or a thief or a home-breaker. In the vast majority of cases, however, when a home is broken, the breaking has begun long before any “third party “ has appeared on the scene.
1/ 佛罗里达州的一位读者显然是在个人生活中受过创伤,他写信抱怨:“如果我偷了五分钱的商品,我便是个贼,便要受罚,但是,如果我从别人那里横刀夺爱,却没事。”
2/ 这是一个普遍的误解:爱情,犹如商品,可以“偷走”。实际上,许多州都颁布了法令,允许索取“情感转让”赔偿金。
3/ 然而,爱情并非商品;真爱,买不到、卖不了、不能交换、也不能偷盗。爱情,是意志行为,是感情转折,是个性风标的转向。
4/ 当丈夫或妻子被“盗”,其实,该丈夫或该妻子被“盗”的时机已经成熟,他/她早已移情别恋,“爱匪”盗走之物,等候盗贼的光顾久矣。
5/ 我们往往视人如物。我们总是说孩子“属于”父母。但是,在这个世界上,谁也不“属于”谁。每个人只属于自己,属于上帝。孩子不过是托付给了父母,如果父母不善待孩子,州政府有权取消父母的托管权。
6/ 或许,我们中的多数人,年轻时也许都有过这样的经历:情人被某个更漂亮、更具魅力的人夺走了!当时,我们怨恨过这位“入侵者”,但是,随年岁的增长,我们认识到:所谓情人,原本就不属于我们。不是“入侵者”导致决裂,而是本来就缺乏坚实的关系。
7/ 从表面上看,许多婚姻好像毁在“第三者”手里。然而,这只是一种心理幻觉。第三者不过是一个表象,它瓦解了一个早就失却了其内在完整性的婚姻而已。
8/ 世上最没有出息、最自欺欺人之事莫过于因失却爱情而痛苦,因第三者的“插足”而萌生复仇之念。这其实是对事实的歪曲,因为人,并非他人的“俘虏”或“牺牲品”,他们都是自由的,命运是好是坏,都应该自己作主。
9/ 然而,遭离弃的情人或配偶实在无法相信他心爱的人是自觉自愿地离他而去的,因此,他归咎于插足者心术不正或迷人有招。他把他叫做催眠士、窃贼或家庭杀手。然而,从大多数事例看,一个家庭的破裂,远远早于第三者“登场”之前。

第10讲  英汉十大差异
Americans Eat Out More often and Less Healthfully
    Although food cooked at home is far more healthful than meals eaten at restaurants, Americans are dining out more than ever, the U.S. Agriculture Department said Tuesday. Restaurant food accounted for([在数量,比例方面] 占) 39 percent of U.S. meals bought in 1996, up from 26 percent in 1970, the department said in a report, ``Away-From-Home Foods Increasingly Important to Quality of American Diet.'' ``While(尽管)the nutritional quality(营养质量)of foods consumed by Americans has improved overall, foods prepared at home are generally much more healthful than away-from-home foods,'' the department said. ``Despite nutritional gains at home, Americans will find it difficult to improve their diets because they purchase so many meals outside the home,'' the study said. While (尽管)the nutritional content of food prepared both at home and in restaurants has improved in recent years, food eaten out contains more of the nutrients Americans typically(一般地;通常) eat too much of, including fat and saturated fat(饱和脂肪), and less of what is lacking from most diets, such as calcium, fiber and iron. The department recommended nutrition education programs should place more emphasis on teaching U.S. consumers about how to order healthful meals when dining out. Improved diets have been found to prevent risk of heart disease, stroke(中风), cancer, diabetes(糖尿病), osteoporosis-related hip fractures(与骨质疏松症有关的髋关节骨折) and neural tube birth defects(神经管先天缺损). Osteoporosis-related hip fractures cost up to $10.6 billion each year in the United States in medical care expenses, missed work and premature deaths(早亡), the department said.  
第11讲  形合与意合
    1/ As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.
2/ As water can float a ship, so can it swallow the ship.
    3/ Put into an old Chinese proverb, it means that one will never find it difficult to do anything until one has experienced it.
    4/ A notion has taken hold in the United States to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.
    5/ As soon as the cinema is in darkness, spotlights are focused on the curtains which are drawn slowly apart, often to the accompaniment of music to reveal the title of the film.
    6/ While the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.
    7/ The church was surrounded by yew trees which seemed almost coeval with itself.
    8/ The sea thundered on, over and past, and as it roared by it revealed a hideous sight.
    9/ The research work is being done by a small group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve the health of the human race.
    1/ 天气很好,我们决定去爬山。
    2/ 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。
    3/ 用中国的一句老话来说:事非经过不知难。
    4/ 在美国有一种根深蒂固的观点,说是只有那些抚养得起子女的人才应鼓励其生育。
    5/ 在电影院变成一片漆黑的一刹那见,聚光灯照在徐徐打开的帷幕上,常常在音乐的伴奏下,显露出影片的片名。
    6/ 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。
    7/ 教堂四周,有紫杉环合,两者几乎一样古老。
    8/ 狂澜霹雳,隆隆滚远。汹涌波涛,呼啸喧闹了一阵后,一片惨状,顿现眼前。
    9/ 一群人数不多,专心致志,富有想象力的科学家,正在研究这项工作,专门研究从各种海洋动物中提取增进人类健康的物质。

第12讲  代词的困惑
    1/ The shopman offers you a third apple; but, before biting it, you examine it, and find that it is hard and green, and you immediately say that you will not have it, as it must be sour.
    2/ In this way facts lead to ideas, ideas to more facts, these to revised or new ideas and so on. The process never ends.
    3/ Although the traditionalist may have good intuitions about his language, his grammar only enables him to make invulnerable statements about language.
    4/ This document is the property of Roll-Royce limited and may not be copied or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written authority of Roll-Royce limited.
    5/ Creep processes are diffusion controlled, and are therefore sensitive to temperature and holding time. This is demonstrated in Fig.2.
    6/ Periodic checks are automatically performed to insure that the entire system is operating correctly and that no failures have occurred, unnoticed, that would affect the count data.
    7/ The greater capacity of the depth filter usually enable them to be longer before being clogged.
    8/ In order to achieve a special level of cleanliness, filtration system must be afforded the same degree of attention normally given to the selection of pumps and valves it serves.
1/ 店员给你三个苹果,但这次在吃之前,你把苹果看个仔细发现又硬又青,立刻就说不要这个,因为这只苹果必定是酸的。
2/ 这样,事实产生思想,思想产生更多的事实,更多的事实又产生修正了的或新的思想,等等。这个过程永不止息。
    3/ 虽然传统语法学家对自己的语言可能有着良好的直觉,但是,他们的语法只能使自己对语言提出一些无懈可击的论述。
    4/ 本资料的所有权属于“罗罗公司”,未经本公司明确的书面许可,不准复制或用于所提供的资料的规定用途不同的任何其他场所。
5/ 蠕变过程是受扩散控制的,所以易受温度和保持时间的影响。这一点可以从图2得到证明。
6/ 计数器能自动地作定期检查,保证整个系统正常工作,并不使那些会影响计数数据的任何故障出现或被忽视。
    7/ 深度过滤器的容量越大,通常它们在阻塞之前的使用期越长。
    8/ 为了达到规定的清洁度的要求,人们在选择过滤装置时,必须象选择装有过滤装置的泵和阀一样,给予同样程度的注意。

第13讲   Connotation的翻译
    Seated behind the front desk at a New York firm, the receptionist was efficient. Stylishly dressed, the firm’s newest employee had a pleasant telephone voice and a natural charm that put clients at ease. The company was pleased : (1) Clearly, this was a person who took considerable pride in personal appearance. David King, the receptionist, is unusual, but by no means unique. (2) Just as all truck drivers and construction workers are no longer necessarily men, all secretaries and receptionists are no longer necessarily women. The number of men in women-dominated fields is still small and they haven’t attracted the attention that has often followed women advancing into male-dominated fields, but men are moving into more and more jobs that have traditionally been held by women. Strictly speaking, the phenomenon is not new. For the past several decades, men have been quietly entering fields such as nursing, social work and elementary education. But today no job seems off-limits. Men serve coffee in offices and meals on airplanes. (3) These changes are helping to influence some of the long-standing traditions about the types of work men and women can do – but they also produce some undeniable problems for the men who are entering those fields formerly dominated by women.
What kinds of men venture into these so-called “women’s fields”? All kinds. (4) “I don’t know of any definite answers I’d be comfortable with,” explains Joseph Pleck, Ph.D., of the Wellesley College Center for Research on women.
  1/ 很显然,他是个对自己的仪表感到相当自豪的人。
  2/ 正像卡车司机和建筑工人再没必要都是男的一样,秘书和接待员再也不一定都是女的。
  3/ 这些变化中影响着长期存在的传统观念中关于男女各可以干哪几类工作的看法,但这对于进入原先以妇女为主的那些领域的男人来说,无疑也带来了一些问题。
  4/ 我还没听说过有任何使我感到满意的确切答案。

第14讲  翻译与词典
    1/ Beer is the tipple of choice in Holland, where beer consumption follows hot on the heels of that in Germany, where beer is almost a religion, and Belgium, where they drink it for breakfast and feed it to babes and sucklings.
    2/ Most U.S. brands use German brewing techniques as their basis rather than the British version, which produces a less alcoholic, flatter beer.
3/ Kids can catch up on sleep on weekends ---- up to a point. Going to bed in the wee hours and snoozing until noon only disrupts the brain's clock further. It's better to go to bed within about an hour of usual bedtime and then sleep an hour or two later.
    4/ No doubt you’ve heard this grim statistic about weight loss: 90 percent of dieters who lose weight regain it ---- and sometimes more ---- within five years. This has become an article of faith among dieters, and it leaves many people hopeless about slimming down.
5/ The public health approach was found to be least effective then tried alone. However, the authors found strong evidence that a “full court press” combination of public policy with other types of interventions works best
6/ Tolken, who was not at the conference but is aware of the scientific findings and concerned about the general trend toward cutting physical education programs, said, “What we’re doing in the schools, I think, flies in the face of research.”
5/ 已经发现单枪匹马地实施公众健康方案效果最差。然而,作者们已经发现有强有力的证据表明,公众政策和其他方略介入的“全面出击”式的结合作用最理想。
6/  托尔肯尽管没有参加这次会议,但对这项研究成果是了解的,他对学校削弱体育运动的总趋势表示了关注。他说:“我认为,学校目前的所作所为完全置这项研究成果于不顾。”
第15讲  以“模糊”求精确
Haven't They Seen 'Casablanca'?
1/ Lingering kisses and tearful farewells are to be a thing of the past on the platforms of some of France's biggest railway stations.
2/ In a move decidedly not in keeping with the country's reputation for romance, officials at stations in Paris, Lyon and Marseille have launched new “welcome-filtering operations'' to keep platforms reserved purely for passengers.
3/ “These operations aim to reduce fraud (欺骗)by preventing people without tickets from boarding trains and to make it easier for trains to leave at the exact time,'' Jean-Luc Obadia, manager of Lyon Part Dieu station, said Tuesday.
4/ Uniformed(身着制服的)staff for the SNCF(abbr. <法>Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer法国国营铁路公司)rail company will demand to see people's tickets before letting them onto platforms, while their loved-ones will be encouraged to say their good-byes elsewhere in the stations' precincts(区域).
5/ Officials said a new high-speed link between Paris and Marseille due to open next month will raise the number of trains traveling between the three cities, making it essential that all trains leave on the dot(准时地).
6/ “If you're accompanying a person who is in good health and able to manage alone, we'll ask you to say goodbye before the platform. But if you're with your grandmother and she's carrying a heavy suitcase, we'll let you through,'' Obadia added.
7/ For those left behind at the platform barrier (栅栏), he had a consolatory(慰问的,可藉慰的)thought: “I tell people that they won't see the train leave so it won't be so sad.''
1/ 久吻和泪别将称为法国一些主要火车站的一道历史风景。
2/ 在一项置该国浪漫名声于不顾的行动中,巴黎、里昂、马赛车站的官员们开展了一场新的所谓“情侣止步”行动,以便使月台能方便乘客使用。
3/ “此项目活动旨在通过防止无票人员登上列车而减少欺诈行为,同时也让列车正点离站。”里昂Part Dieu车站的经理Jean-Luc Obadia周二说。
4/ 身着制服的法国国营铁路公司的工作人员在允许乘客进入站台之前将进行检票,情侣们将被要求在车站的别处告别。
5/ 官员们称,连接巴黎和马赛的高速列车下月将开通,往返于这三座城市的列车将有所增加,列车正点发车就显得尤为重要。
6/ “如果你送别的乘客身体健康,能独立行动,我们将要求你在月台外告别,当然如果你和你的祖母在一块,她有携带一只沉重的手提箱,我们会让你进入。”Obadia补充道。
7/ 对那些被阻在月台栅栏外的人员,Obadia表达了这样一个可聊以自慰的想法:“哎,眼不见,心不烦。”
第16讲  落笔知轻重 译文讲分寸
    Standardized tests should be considered in this context. They provide a quick, objective method of getting some kinds of information about what a person learned, the skill he has developed, or the kind of person he is. The information so obtained has, qualitatively, the same advantages and shortcomings as other kinds of information. (1) Whether to use tests, other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation depends, therefore, upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability.
(2) In general, the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted can not be well defined. Properly used, they provide a rapid means of getting comparable information about many people. Sometimes they identify students whose high potential has not been previously recognized, but there are many things they do not do. (3) For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.
    1/ 因此,在某一特定情况下,究竟是采用测试还是其它种类的欣喜,或是两者同时使用,须凭有关相对效度的经验依据而定,也取决于诸如费用和有无来源等因素。
    2/ 一般地说,当所要测定的特征能很精确地界定时,测试最为有效;而当所要测定或预测的东西不能明确地界定时,测试的效果则最差。
    3/ 例如,测试并不弥补明显的社会不公;因此,它们不能说明一个物质条件差的年轻人,如果在较好的环境下成长的话,会有多大才干。
第17讲  翻译最难是口吻
1/ Your friends stopped giving you their doubles, eh? Mooching doubles is a good scam, but you only get the crap nobody else wants (out-of-focus Eiffel Tower, anyone?). It's time to grow up and plunk down some cash for a camera of your own. It's daunting, we know ---- the salespeople use technical jargon, the prices run from $50 to $1,000, and with the advent of digital cameras, you're not even sure what type of camera you want (nobody wants to get stuck with the Betamax of cameras, after all). Don't spaz out ---- we're here to explain the options, outline the prices, and help you deal with tech-happy salespeople. Just say cheese.
2/ Color. What can we say? This is a personal choice. Phones come in many colors from chrome to emerald to basic black. If this is an important consideration to you, you have warped priorities, but hey, we said we'd provide you with all the information, so there you have it.
1/ 朋友不再送你他们加洗的照片了吗?去讨加洗的照片可得动不少脑筋。不料,你得到的只是没人要的废片(焦距没有对准的艾非尔铁塔,有谁要吗?)。现在该像个大人一样,掏出点钱来买一部自己的相机了!不过,这件事可有点棘手。我们知道 ---- 销售人员满嘴的技术名词,相机价格从50美元到1,000美元不等,而且随着数码相机的到来,你甚至弄不清自己想买何种相机(毕竟没人愿意被beta 制大尺寸磁带录象系统搞得晕头转向)。不必去做小傻瓜!有我们呢,我们来给你解释可能的选择,报一报大概的价格,帮你对付那些以谈论技术为乐的生意人。你呢,只要等着说“cheese”,就行了!
2/ 颜色。颜色,我们能说些什么呢?这可是个个人喜好的问题。手机颜色有铬黄、翡翠绿及常见的黑色等。假如颜色对你来说需要慎重考虑,那么,你一定有自己的偏爱。嗨,我们罗嗦了!不过,我们说过要向你提供全部的信息,于是,就扯上了这些。

第18讲 翻译与形象思维
An office is the “Brain” of a business. (1) In an office, figures, lists and information are compiled which tell the managers or heads of the business what is happening in their shops and factories. These figures guide the managers by telling them what has happened and what is happening. Information comes into an office in all sorts of ways but the main items of information come in regularly. (2) It is part of the job of the clerks to collect and classify that information and to put it into such a form that it is easily interpreted and understood. Offices collect information, then they classify it.
This work of collection is common in a office from the sorting of mail every morning to the accountant’s work in finding out the final figure for the year’s profit. (3) Classification always requires the arrangement of the same kind of information, often into lists or columns. (4) For this work, correctness, accuracy and speed, as in all office work, are essential.
There is no value, however, in collecting figures which mean nothing. Figures are guides which should help us make decisions. (5) The interpretation of information and of tables should tell us where success or failure lies, where profit can be had and where losses occur. (6) On this kind of information and from the known figures, a choice is made and a series of such choices may make a policy.
A fire which has three factories may find, for instance, from its figures, that one factory is losing money and a choice may lie between either a change of manager, a cut in production, an increase in production or closure of the factory. Whichever one of these decision is taken becomes the policy. (7) It is clear that a decision leading to a policy can only be as good as the information on which it is based.
Consequently there is a constant search for more and more exact information. (8) Managers will want to have all the necessary facts before they can make the best decision and it is normal for them to seek for more and more information.
    1/ 在办公室,人们将各种数据、表格和资料(信息)加以汇编,使经理或企业主管人了解商店或工厂目前正在发生的情况。
    2/ 职员的一部分任务,就是收集资料(信息),分类归类,制成表格;表格要使资料(信息)易于解释,易于理解。
    3/ 分类工作始终需要将同类资料加以整理,通常将资料列成表格或专栏。
    4/ 对这种工作来说,象所有办公室的工作一样,正确性、精确性和速度,这三者是缺一不可的。
    5/ 对资料(信息)和报表所作的解释,务必给我们显示出成败关键之所在,即指出哪里可以牟利以及哪里出现亏损。
    6/ 根据这种字(信息)和已知数据,就能作出一种选择,而一系列如此的选择就能制定一项决策。
    7/ 很显然,导致形成政策的决定,正确与否只能取决于它所依据的资料(信息)的正确或错误。
8/ 经理务必在掌握一切必要的情况之后,才能作出最佳决定。对经理来说,要求得到越来越多的资料(信息)是很正常的。
第19讲 翻译与灵感思维
It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are going to do afterwards. (1) In one considers the enormous variety of courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to his interests and abilities. (2) If a student goes to university to acquire a broader perspective of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will undoubtedly benefit. (3) Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its timetables and disciplines, to allow him much time for independent assessment of the work he is asked to do. (4) Most students would, I believe, profit by a year or so’s exploration of different academic studies, especially those “all-rounders” with no particular interest. They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and say,”I should like to have been an archaeologist. If I hadn’t taken a degree in modern language, I shouldn’t have ended up as an interpreter, but it’s too late now. I couldn’t go back and begin all over again.
(5) There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of one’s time at university. (6) This is the case of the student who excels in a particular branch of learning. (7) He is immediately accepted by the University of his choice, and spends his three or four years becoming a specialist, emerging with a first-class Honor Degree and very little knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about. (8) It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice. Only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have, on the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside of their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever-increasing number of graduates qualified in subjects for which there is little or no demand in the working world.

1/ 如果想一想为学生设置的那些门类繁多的课程,就不难发现,对学生来说,要选一门符合其兴趣和能力的课程是多么困难。
2/ 如果学生进大学,其目的是想获得在人生憧憬方面更广泛的知识,开阔思想境界,并学会独立思考,那么毫无疑问,进大学对他是有所裨益的。
3/ 由于受课程表和纪律的约束,校内气氛往往令人感到过于拘谨,这使学生没有充分时间对规定要他做的作业持有独立见解。
4/ 我认为:大多数学生,特别是那些不偏重某一门课程的“全面发展的学生”,经过一年左右时间对各门不同学科的钻研,将会从中获益。
5/ 当然,问题的另一方面是如何最充分地利用上大学的时间。
6/ 某一学科中出类拔萃的学生就属于这种情况。
7/ 他一毕业,马上就被他自己选中的一所大学所接受,再花三四年时间,以优异成绩取得荣誉学位,成为一名专家,但对外界的一切事却一无所知。
8/ 因此,如果要学生善于利用上大学的机会,就应该为学生提供大量关于课程方面更为详尽的信息和更多的指点。这个问题显得日益重要了。
第20讲 英语修辞的翻译(包括连接三讲)
The fact is that the energy crisis, which has suddenly been officially announced, has been with us for a long time now, and will be for an even longer time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not, it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. (1) The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.
(2) New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the past. For an indefinite period from here on, mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all. To make the situation worse, there is as yet no sign that any slowing of the world’s population is in sight. Although the birth rate has dropped in some nations, including the United States, the population of the world seems sure to pass six billion and perhaps even billion as the twenty-fist century opens.
(3) The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this, which means we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food.
1/ 石油供应可能随时会被切断;不管怎样,以目前这种消费速度,只需30年左右,所有的油井都会枯竭。
2/ 必须找到新的能源,这需要时间;而过去我们感觉的那种能源价廉而充足的情况将不大可能再出现了。
3/ 食品供应的增加将赶不上人口的增长,这就意味着我们在秒年个粮食的生产和购销方面正陷入危机。
Taking all this account, what might we reasonably estimate supermarkets to be like in the year 2001?
To begin with, the world food supply is going to become steadily tighter over the next thirty years—even here in the United States. By 2001, the population of the United States will be at least two hundred fifty million and possibly two hundred seventy million, and the nation will find it difficult to expand food production to fill the additional mouths. (1) This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.
It seems almost certain that by 2001 the United States will no longer be a great food-exporting nation and that, if necessity forces exports, it will be at the price of belt-tightening at home.
In fact, as food items will tend to decline in quality and decrease in variety, there is very likely to be increasing use of flavoring additives. (2) Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food”.
    1/ 这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗这种美国耕种方式继续下去了,而这种耕种方式使投入少数农民就可获得高产成为可能。
    2/ 除非人类终于意识到要把人口减少到这样的程度,使地球能为所有人提供足够的饮食,否则,人们将不得不接受更多的“人造食品”。
“Intelligence” at best is an assumptive construct—the meaning of the word has never been clear. (1) There is more agreement on the kings of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. But it is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems. An intelligence test is a rough measure of a child’s capacity for learning, particularly for learning the kinds of things required in school. It does not measure character, social adjustment, physical endurance, manual skills, or artistic abilities. It is not supposed to –it was not designed for such purposes. (2) To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.
1/ 人们对智力所指的有哪些不同表现,比对这些表现如何进行解释或分类,看法更为一致
    2/ 批评智力测试不反映上述情况,就犹如批评温度计不测风速一样。

第21讲 翻译中的文化冲击  
(1)“It’s humiliating to be done out of your job by a machine and there is no way to fight back, but it is the effort to find a new job that really hurts.” Some workers, like Jane Mathesen, are retrained to handle the new equipment, but often a whole new set of skills is required and that means a new and invariably smaller, set of workers. (2) The old workers, trapped by their limited skills, often never regain their old status and employment. Many drift into marginal area. They feel no pride in their new work. They get badly paid for it and they feel miserable, but still they are luckier than those who never find it.
(3) The social costs go far beyond the welfare and unemployment payments made by the government. Unemployment increases the chances of divorce, child abuse, and alcoholism, a new federal survey shows. Some experts say the problem is only temporary – that new technology will eventually create as many jobs as it destroys. (4) But futurologist Hymen Seymour says the astonishing efficiency of the new technology means there will be a simple and direct net reduction in the amount of human labor that needs to be done.” We should treat this as an opportunity to give people more leisure. It may not be easy, but society will have to reach a new unanimity on the division and distribution of labor.” Seymour says. He predicts most people will work only six-hour days and four-day weeks by the end of the century. But the concern for the unemployed is for now. (5) Federally funded training and free back-to-school programs for laid-off workers are under way, but few experts believe they will be able to keep up with the pace of the new technology. For the next years, for a substantial portion of the workforce, times are going to be very tough indeed.
      1/ 被一台机器抢走你的工作是很伤自尊心的,可又没法还击,但真正伤我心的是要费很大的劲去寻找新的工作。
      2/ 老工人由于处于技术掌握很有限的困境,往往不能重新获得其原有的地位和就业机会。
      3/ 要付出的社会代价远远超过政府在福利与失业救济方面的开支。
      4/ 未来的科学家海曼·西摩说,新技术所具有的惊人效率意味着所需要的劳力将出现一个绝对的和直接的净减数。
      5/ 为失业工人提供的由联邦政府资助的培训计划和免费重返学校学习的计划目前都在实施中,但专家中几乎没有人认为这些计划能跟上新技术的发展步伐。

第22讲  思维是语言的脊梁 (两讲合并)
1. 将下列段落中的划线部分译成汉语:
    The increasing scale and scope of the experiments needed to test new hypotheses and develop new techniques and industrial processes led to the setting up of research groups or teams using highly complicated equipment in elaborately designed laboratories. (1) Owing to the large sums of money involved, it was then felt essential to direct these human and material resources into specific channels with clearly-defined objectives. In this way it was considered that the quickest and most practical results could be obtained. This, then, was programmed (programmatic) research.
    One of the effects of this organized and standardized investigation is to cause the scientists to become increasingly involved in applied research (development), especially in the branches of science which seem most likely to have industrial applications. (2) Since private industry and even government departments tend to concentrate on immediate results and show comparatively little interest in long-range investigations, there is a steady shift of scientists from the pure to the applied field, where there are more jobs available, frequently more highly-paid and with better technical facilities than jobs connected with pure research in a university.
    Owing to the interdependence between pure and applied science, it is easy to see that this system, if extended too far, carries considerable dangers for the future of science – and not only pure science, but applied science as well.
    1/ 由于涉及到大笔科研经费,因此有必要把这些人力和物力投入到目标明确的具体研究方面。
    2/ 由于私营工业、甚至政府部门都注重快速取得成果,并对长期性研究缺乏兴趣,所以科学家不断从理论科学研究领域转移到应用科学研究领域,因为后者能够提供更多的工作机会,而且通常是待遇优厚,技术设施比大学理论研究工作更良好。
2. 试将下列段落中的划线部分译成汉语:
    According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overloaded force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.(1)Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. “In short”, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.”
(2)Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. The modern school that hails technology argues that such as Edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.
    1/ 他们(新学派科学家们)说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼识,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普通的东西。新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说:“简而言之,我们所称谓的科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。”
    2/ 工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多年来在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家们忽视了。

第23讲  翻译美学之思考(两讲合并)
    American urbanization went forward in the same climate of the unexpected that has characterized urbanization everywhere. Townsmen, home builders, immigrants, businesses, and governments have made their way in a setting of constant change. They have dwelt in a space they could never know or predict. The settlement , the building and rebuilding, the economy and the governance of American cities thus takes the shape of a history of peoples who brought commonly accepted knowledge and traditions to a situation that demanded continuing adaptation and change.
    Today the United States is a thoroughly urbanized nation. Only 3.4 percent of the population still farms, and everyone else, regardless of the size of the settlement, is employed in urban-type jobs. Yet for all the novelty of the present situation, survivals of past stages of American urbanization continues as active tensions within the new totally urbanized setting.
The racial conflicts between whites and blacks, devolving from the seventeenth century enslavement of Africans, grind on. Seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth century conflicts among farmers, village merchants, city brokers, and bankers go forward in the politics of governments-subsidized agriculture and government-managed banking. The rivalries among developers, contractors, and cities that characterized the building of nineteenth century canals and railroads reappear in the politics of interstate highways, and airplanes, telecommunications. The specialized city districts that first took shape in the nineteenth century now have been magnified a thousand times into the giant mosaics of metropolitan suburbs, industrial and office parks, shopping centers, and resort and retirement settlements. The community-destroying tensions of relative poverty amidst great wealth first appeared with urban boom of the early nineteenth century. At that time these tensions found their characteristic outlets in workers; unions. Now riches and poverty are separated into distant enclaves within vast metropolitan regions, and class conflicts appear in the rivalry of economic factions for special advantages within the system of welfare capitalism of the federal government. The American city remains, as in the nineteenth century, the preeminent place of class contrast, but in the current national and international economy of the united States the city is no longer the place where relief can be sought.

    Now we know that all this is caused by the movement of the earth around the sun. As the earth journeys around the sun, it spins on its own axis. This can be illustrated by a simple experiment. If you push a sharp stick through a rubber ball and twirl it with two fingers, the ball spins around in much the same way the earth is spinning at this very movement. The points where the stick comes through the ball correspond to the North and South Poles. If you twirl this ball at night directly in front of a bright light, you will notice that half the ball is lighted up while the other half is in the shade. That is just like our night and day. If you keep the stick strictly vertical to the light and twirl it at an even speed, any spot on the ball’s surface will be in the light and in the shade the same length of time.
    f the earth were spinning just like this rubber ball, there would only be day and night on earth, but no seasons, and days would always be the same length as nights – 12 hours each. But that is not how the earth spins. It spins with its axis tilted. Its axis is always at the angle to the plane of its orbit – an angle of about 23.5 degrees.
    It is this tilting that accounts for our four seasons and the lengthening and shortening of days and nights. For this reason also, the Equator (an imaginary line drawn around the earth at equal distance from the two poles) is not always directly under the sun’s rays. For six months the earth is tilted towards the sun, and the Northern Hemisphere gets more than its share of sunlight every day. Days are longer than nights, and what is more, the sun’s rays come down more perpendicularly instead of slanting down.
    如果地球完全像这个橡皮球一样转动,那么,地球上就只有白天和黑夜,没有季节,而白天和黑夜一样长 ---- 各是12小时。但是地球并不是那样转动的。它旋转时地轴是倾斜的。地轴同地球轨道平面总是成一个角度 ---- 大约二十三度半的角度。
第1讲 汉译英呼唤文字功力
They had known each other for three years. Both of them were of the conservative type, shy and inhibited. Although he had never mentioned the word of “love” before her, yet she could vaguely detect that passion burning in his diffident look.
She dropped him one hint after another to encourage him; however, he remained a big fool, never daring to confess it. Water flowed on under the bridge. Three years later, she was engaged to another young man. On the eve of her engagement, her thoughts went to that young man.
“If he comes and proposes now, I’m still willing to go to him,” she brooded, amidst the congratulations of her relatives and friends.
Yet, he did nothing of the kind. Added to the shyness of his look was a faint streak of melancholy.
Soon, it was the eve of her marriage. The happiness of the happiest girl was not untempered with a touch of sadness.
“Even if he should come and propose now, I would give up all this to embrace the belated happiness,” she repeated to herself as she tried on her bride’s gown. But again he hid his feelings, only his eyes betrayed greater misery.
Fifty years passed. The passage of time had dyed their hair silvery white. She was the first to collapse. When she was in a critical condition, he came from a far-away place to have a last look at her. Holding his hands in a tight grip, she asked him one question, into which she had compressed the wondering and expectations of her lifetime.
“Tell me, what on earth have you been waiting for?”
“Waiting for you to…” he mumbled out his life-long hesitation and expectations only when he had made sure that no one else was within hearing.
“For me to do what?”
“For you to break the ice!”

第2讲 语篇与翻译
   Besides, the thought of my meeting with Xianglin’s Wife the previous day was preying on my mind. It had happened in the afternoon. On my way back from calling on a friend in the eastern part of the town, I had met her by the river and knew from the fixed look in her eyes that she was going to accost me. Of all the people I had seen during this visit to Luzhen, none had changed so much as she had. Her hair, streaked with grey five years before, was now completely white, making her appear much older than one around forty. Her sallow, dark-tinged face that looked as if it had been carved out of wood was fearfully wasted and had lost the grief-stricken expression it had borne before. The only sign of life about her was the occasional flicker of her eyes. In one hand she had a bamboo basket containing a chipped, empty bowl; in the other, a bamboo pole, taller than herself, that was split at the bottom. She had clearly become a beggar pure and simple.
第3讲: 英汉语美感比读(两讲合并)
Something to Look Forward To
Little children look forward to the arrival of lunar New Year, adults to that of spring. When a child I couldn’t understand what the elders hoped for. But New Year’s Day was always the greatest red-letter day of al the year, for it meant the nicest food as well as a lot of fun, which was really fascinating. As soon as the festival was over, another one was my dream and I wished time flew as fast as possible.
Days spent in expectation come and go really very fast. Very soon I finished primary school, went to junior and senior middle school, and finally to college; with ever greater desire for more varied things: for graduation with honours, for an ideal job, for a successful career, for more earnings to share my parents’ burden, for a satisfactory wife…. Climbing the upward steps of hope I had become a fully grown man before I was aware of it, a busy breadwinner with a family on my hands.
Life began to show its various facets. Whether I have turned more vulgar or great, I have always something to look forward to. It may be arrival of a letter, publication of an article, the bonus-distributing day, a gratifying result of something, a get-together of a pleasure trip…Such expectations serve as a prop to a person’s faith in life.
A day without hope would be unimaginably pale. There must be something to look forward to each day to brighten one’s life and keep it out of shadows. To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun. Even if it is a fantasy or an illusion, so long as it shows a ray of hope it still urges you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup.
Deprived of moisture content, soil turns into desert. Deprived of hope, what is there left to a person? A small hope sustains a person for a day, a great one for a lifetime.
Human beings cannot do without something to look forward to.
雄辩症 (王蒙)
A Case of Eloquence (Wang Meng)
A doctor once told me about one of his outpatients who suffered from the disease of eloquence:
“Please sit down,” the doctor told him.
“Why should I?” the patient asked. “Are you going to deprive me of my right not to sit down?”
The doctor could say nothing but offered him a glass of water. “Have some water then.”
The patient retorted, “This is lop-sided talk, so it is absurd. Not al water is drinkable. If you put some potassium cyanide in it, it will be undrinkable.”
The doctor said, “I didn’t put any poison in it. Please rest assured.”
“Who said you put poison in it? Do you mean to say that I am lodging a false accusation against you? Has it been written on the indictment of the procurator that you have put poison in the water? I didn’t say you had put poison in it, but you claimed that I said you had put poison in it. So you have indeed put in more poisonous poison against me!”
The doctor could not but heave a sigh and switched to another topic, “It’s fine today.”
The patient replied. “Nonsense! The fact that it is fine here doesn’t mean that it is fine everywhere else in the world. At the North Pole, for example, it must be freezing, with strong winds, long nights and icebergs colliding with one another…”
The doctor couldn’t help but retorted, “This is not the North Pole.”
The patient argued. “You can’t deny the existence of the North Pole. If you do, you’ll be distorting facts with ulterior motives.”
Finally the doctor begged him, “Please go away.”
The patient again answered back. “You have no right to order me to leave. Yours is a hospital, not a public security office. So you can’t arrest me, nor shoot me to death.”
An investigation revealed the fact that this patient had joined the so-called “Liang Xiao” (An organization during the Cultural Revolution that wrote the major articles which voiced the opinions of the Gang of Four. Here “Xiao” also implies “Loyalty to the Gang of Four.”) writing group. What he was suffering from may have been the after-effects of that period.

第4讲: 理性概译:翻译之坦途

Then he began to relate to me the adventures of his younger days -travelling alone in winter nights through the mountains in the south. As I was interested in stories about wanderers and since the bus had not arrived yet, I encouraged him to go on. “When you end up in the mountains at night,” he said, “and if you are a decent person, you can always turns to the place where there is a light flickering and a dog barking. You push open the bramble gate under the shade and walk in without hesitation. Part the people, men or women, around the fire with your hands and you bring yourself-a cold and wet man with dew-among them. Immediately your nose is filled with the aroma of hot tea and roast sweet potatoes. When you look round you see friendly faces smiling at you; there is no hint of anything like blame for what elsewhere might be considered as brusqueness. Scarcely have you begun to tell them where you come from when a cup of hot and strong tea is handed over to you. Grandma will teal her granddaughter to feed the fire with more wood, saying that the guest needs more heat to warm up. When you are recovered from cold and fatigue, you tend to tease the baby, stroking his chin, giving a gentle pinch to his cheek or making a face to provoke him to gurgle. The delighted young mother will encourage her baby to share his sweet potato with you. The baby will then break it in two and thrust one half into your hand. If you intend to stay overnight, you will be entertained with al possible hospitality.
第5讲:英语句式的亮点:非人称主语句 (两讲合并)
1/  积习难除;
2/ 他想起了母亲,才鼓足了勇气继续干下去。
3/ 他因家境贫寒失学,似乎感到了失学之苦。
4/ 新的一年将出现巨大变革。
5/ 那个寒冷的下午,他独自在雪地里跋涉。
6/ 他在驾车驶过那事故多发拐角时总是格外小心。
7/ 他失去了勇气。
8/ 登上甲板,我们便见到了一轮旭日。
9/ 他绝望了,正在此时,他见到了远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。
10/ 人们使用了电脑,劳动生产率突飞猛进。
11/ 此事需立即办理。
12/ 调查结果证明,他就是那个婴儿的生父。
13/ 你吃了这些药就会好些。
14/ 一见到那孤儿,我就想到他的父母。
15/ 你只消仔细比较一下,就会发现不同。
16/   只要你仔细读一读,一切就会清楚了。
1/ Old habits die hard.
2/ Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength to go on doing it.
3/ The want of his family had kept him from school, and he seemed to feel the loss.
4/ The new year is expected to see great changes.
5/ That chilly afternoon saw him trudging in the snow alone.
6/ He was exceptionally careful when driving past that corner which had seen many accidents.
7/ Courage deserted him.
8/ The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck.
9/ He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue.
10/ The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.
11/ The matter asks immediate attention.
12/ Investigation fathered the baby on him.
13/ This medicine will make feel better.  
14/ The sight of the orphan always reminds me of her parents.  
15/ Careful comparison of them will show you the differences.
    16/ A little careful reading will make everything clear to you.
A hurt to feelings causes much greater harm than an injury. The latter will heal by care and nourishment while the former is sometimes so deep as to leave behind a lifelong suffering.
Love is so much valued because it is the beautiful flower of youth, the golden time of one’s life. Therefore, nothing other than a hurt received in love affairs affects one more severely.
There is such a kind of person who does not love his or her admirer but somehow or other readily accepts the latter’s affection, trying to cover it up by such a cheap excuses as “I’m afraid of causing a hurt”. But the fact is one’s doing so is itself a real hurt.
Do not trust your intuition in love affairs. So-called “one’s intuitive feelings” can be deceiving. A patch of road glistering at night may be a muddy one.
Remember love is mutual. If you don’t have the same affection as the person behind does towards you, never turn round to look even if there’s a tearful pleading face, letting the grief go of itself. There will be a day for that person to find a desirable sweetheart. You will then be pleased to see that there is a reciprocated love between them. Go ahead holding up your head. Don’t be disturbed by your refusal to accept the person’s love for it is not your fault. On your road, you will find flowers here and there, among which you can pick the one you like and are satisfied with.
When you look back at the end of the road, the person you catch sight of will be the one forever grateful to you and wishing you happiness, for you showed respect instead of doing hurt.

1.The next afternoon I went to the post-office and cashed the money order. A short time on the streets under bright sunlight and I was dripping with perspiration. I looked at the people round me, then looked down at myself and felt self-conscious. Trickles of sweat rained down my head and neck. When I had been roaming about at night, there had no sun and the cool air of the spring nights as I strolled through deserted lanes in the small hours was not so incompatible with the shabby padded gown that was my only wear. But now it was mid-afternoon on a warm sunny spring day and I, like a fool, did not have the sense to realize it but had walked down the street still in the same old attire. Naturally I felt abashed when I compared myself with my fellow creatures on the street, who had adapted themselves to the change of the season. At that moment I forgot all about the rent that was due in a few days and the fast emptying contents of my purse and turned slowly towards the clothiers on Zha Road. I, who had not been out in broad daylight for a fairly long time, now felt for a moment that I had entered paradise when I saw the busy traffic and rickshaws rushing down the street with beautifully clothed young men and women in them, the luxurious and dazzling windows of the silk shops and jeweler’s, and heard the buzz of human voices, footsteps and bells and horns. I forgot my won mean existence and felt like singing and skipping as merrily as my fellow men. Inadvertently, I began to hum a long-forgotten tune from some Peking opera. (Yu Dafu:Intoxicating Spring Nights)
翻译练习 2书籍到了我的手里,我的习惯是先看序文,次看目录。页数不多的往往立刻通读,
参考译文2:As soon as a new book comes to hand, I always read the preface first and then the table of contents. If it happens to be a thin one, I often finish reading it at one sitting. Otherwise, I often browse through one or two chapters or sections before putting it onto my bookshelf. I seldom read a thick book from cover to cover unless it is a novel. By dint of the first impression it made on me at the time of buying, I have a rough idea of what a book is about and what useful materials in it are available to me. But I have little idea which book is to be read or looked over again at what time. It is completely subject to the whims of the moment. This often prompts me to liken myself and the books on my shelves respectively to an ancient emperor and his concubines housed separately in a row of adjoining rooms.
    Much as I love books, I take little care of them. In doing my reading, I often mark out what I regard as important in a book. If it is a thread-bound Chinese book, I use a writing brush to draw small circles as markings. Otherwise, I use a red pencil to draw heavy underlines. Consequently, the books I have read are rarely clean.
   It is said that those who have a great liking for candies will sicken to see them when later they happen to work in a candy store. Likewise, ever since I began to work in a bookstore, my obsession with books has been very much on the decline. Nevertheless, I still cannot help slipping back into the same old rut, eager to buy this and that book. This is probably because candies are to be eaten with the mouth and not worth keeping as knick-knacks while books can be bought without being read and just left on a shelf.                          (Xia Mianzun: Books and I)

1。落花生 (许地山)

我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然你们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。” 我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢 ---- 买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月, 居然收获了!
我们都说:“是的。”母亲也点点头。爹爹接下去说:“所以你们要像花生, 因为它是有用的,不是伟大、好看的东西。”我说:“那么,人要做有用的人,不要做伟大、体面的人了。”爹爹说:“这是我对于你们的希望。”

1.The Peanut (Xu Dishan)
    At the back of our house there was half a mu of vacant land. “It’s a pity to let it go to waste like that,” Mother said. “Since you all enjoy eating peanuts, let us open it up and make it a peanut garden.” At that my brother, sister and I were all delighted and so were the young housemaids. Some went to buy seeds, some dug the ground and others watered it and, in a couple of months, we had a harvest!
    “Let us have a party tonight to celebrate,” Mother suggested, “and ask Dad to come for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say?” We all agreed, of course. Mother cooked the peanuts in different styles and told us to go to the thatched pavilion in the garden for the celebration.
    The weather was not very good that night but, to our great delight, Dad came all the same. “Do you like peanuts?” Dad asked.
    “Yes!” we all answered eagerly.
    “But who can tell me what the peanut is good for?”
    “It is very delicious to eat,” my sister took the lead.
    “It is good for making cooking oil,” my brother followed.
“It is inexpensive,” I said. “Almost everyone can afford it and everyone enjoys eating it. I think this is what it is good for.”
    “Peanut is good for many things,” Dad said, “but there is one thing that is particularly good about it. Unlike apples, peaches or pomegranates that display their fruits up in the air, attracting you with their beautiful colors, peanut buries its fruit in the earth. It does not show itself until you dig it out when it is ripe and, unless you dig it out, you can’t tell whether it bears fruit or not just by its frail stems above ground.”
    “That’s true,” we all said and Mother nodded her assent. “So you should try to be like the peanut,” Dad went on, “because it is useful, though not great or attractive.”
    “Do you mean,” I asked, “we should learn to be useful but not seek to be great or attractive?”
    “Yes,” Dad said. “This is what I wish you to be.”
We stayed up late that night, eating all the peanuts Mother had cooked for us. But Father’s words remained vivid in my memory till this day.
参考译文2.Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by her special appeal, a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideals have stayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead or to give play to their genius and virtues. Military commanders such as Sun Quan and Xie An; political leaders such as Hong Xiuquan and Dr. Sun Yat-sen; scientists like Zu Chongzhi, Ge Hong, Li Shizhen and Zheng He; men of letters such as Liu Xie, Xiao Tong, Cao Xueqing and Wu Jingzi; artists like Wang Xizhi, Gu Kaizhi, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi; educators such as Tao Xingzhi; and architects like Yang Tingbao—all these renowned historical figures used to settle on this blessed land to have their splendid dreams fulfilled. The towering Purple Mountains and the billowing Yangtze River nurtured them and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of their genius, vision, and sagacity, those best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation made spectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization.
The tremendous change that have taken place in Nanjing since New China was founded are even more inspiring, just as the much quoted couplet from a poem written by the late Chairman Mao Zedong on the occasion of the liberation of the city on April 23,1949 has it:
The city, a tiger crouching, a dragon curling, outshines its ancient glories;
In heroic triumph heaven and earth have been overturned.
Balmy spring winds returned to bring new life to this historic city, of which the common people came to be the genuine masters. The nightmarish sufferings and humiliations of the past were left behind once and for all. The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-old town a new appearance. Especially for the past ten years or more, the country’s reform and opening-up policy has infused new vigour into this beautiful and famous city. Newly built industries, an efficient transportation network extending in all directions, picturesque urban construction, a booming tertiary industry, a varied and colourful cultural life, all these and more added charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains somehow the ambiance and features of an ancient capita. The prophecy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen father of modern China that “Nanjing will have a future that knows no bounds” is becoming true.
Nanjing, an old city with a rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous.
翻译练习3.匆匆 (朱自清)
参考译文3:Rush (Zhu Ziqing)
Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return: willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again. Now, you the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to return? –If they had been stolen by someone, who could it be? Where could he hide them? If they had made the escape themselves, then where could they stay at the moment?
I do not know how many days I have been given to spend, but I do feel my hands are getting empty. Taking stock silently, I find that more than eight thousand days have already slid away from me. Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean, my days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, traceless. Already sweat is starting on my forehead, and tears welling up in my eyes.
Those that have gone have gone for good, those to come keep coming; yet in between, how swift is the shift, in such a rush? When I get up in the morning, the slanting sun marks its presence in my small room in two or three oblongs. The sun has feet, look, he is treading on, lightly and furtively; and I am caught, blankly, in his revolution. Thus –the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as I reflect in silence. I can feel his haste now, so I reach out my hands to hold him back, but he keeps flowing past my withholding hands. In the evening, as I lie in bed, he strides over my body, glides past my feet, in his agile way. The moment I open my eyes and meet the sun again, one whole day has gone. I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh. But the new day begins to flash past in the sigh.
What can I do, in this bustling world, with my days flying in their escape? Nothing but to hesitate, to rush. What have I been doing in that eight-thousand-day rush, apart from hesitating? Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind, or evaporated as mist by the morning sun. What traces have I left behind me? Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at al? I have come to this world, stark naked; am I to go back, in a blink, in the same stark nakedness? It is not fair though: why should I have made such a trip for nothing!
You the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to return?

第8讲:从 “湖光山色”的英译说开去(两讲合并)
1.An Infallible Singer
One day, a singer sang for the audience. After she finished, nobody applauded. Thereupon, she said at a meeting, “What possibly can applause mean? Does it mean beauty? Art? Or gold? How much is one burst of clapping worth? If on account of some sporadic clapping, a singer should become smug and starts to forget herself, and people around her start to vote her a star, qualified to travel by air and cut discs, this would be sheer folly, and an attempt to corrupt the souls of the people. Believe me, I can get much louder applause if I should sing those smutty songs and swing my hips all the while.” She also suggested that the audiences be polled and classified so that he non-value or anti-value of applause could be established.
On a later occasion her singing was greeted with thunderous applause. At a meeting convened after the performance, she declared, “Songs are composed for the audience. If the audience don’t like your songs, what’s the use of their good content and melody? The audience know what is good for them and they have their own criteria. If we don’t give them what they like, we are meeting the needs of only a few people, instead of the broad masses. We’ll be committing a mistake in political direction. We’ll be acting like Narcissus, admiring our own images and isolating ourselves from he outside world. What I heard at the concert was not just the clapping of hands, but the beatings of a multitude of fervent hearts.”
Sometime later, musicians met for another meeting, at which they criticized the unhealthy tendency in vocal concerts and suggested that the musical taste of the masses be properly guided and their level of appreciation be raised. Citing as an example that occasion when her songs received no applause, she declared, “I resisted that tendency! I did that long, long ago!”
At still another gathering held later, musicians deplored that songs the people really liked were still too few in number and that too few singers song such songs. Citing as an example the other occasion when her songs were warmly applauded, she exulted, “I sang such songs long ago! Long, long ago!”

2.夜间,九时余 ---- 从前面漆黑的夜幕中,看见很小很小几点亮光。人们指给我那就是长江大桥,“江津”号稳稳地向武汉驶近。从这以后,我一直站在船上眺望,渐渐的渐渐的看出那整整齐齐的一排像横串起来的珍珠,在熠熠闪亮。我看着,我觉得在这辽阔无边的大江之上,这正是我们献给我们母亲河流的一顶珍珠冠呀……再前进,江上无数倒影在浮动,那是无数船只在航行,而那由一颗颗珍珠画出的大桥的轮廓,完全像升在云端一样,高耸空中,而桥那面,灯光稠密的简直像是灿烂的金河,那是什么?仔细分辨,原来是武汉两岸的亿万灯光。当我们的“江津”号,嘹亮地向武汉市发出致敬欢呼的声音时,我心中升起了一种庄严的情感,看一看,我们创造的新世界有多么灿烂吧!
2   It is after nine in the evening. Through the black night ahead we see tiny pinpoints of lights. We are told that this is the great bridge over the Yangtze. The S. S. Jiangjin steams steadily towards Wuhan and I remain on deck watching. By degrees I see a row of twinkling lights like a string of well-matched pearls. To me, on this boundless Yangtze, it seems a pearl-decked tiara which we have presented to our mother of rivers … As we approach, innumerable blue, white, red and green lights on different boats appear, trailing long reflections in the water. Then the outline of the giant bridge marked by so many pearls looms high above as if rising to the clouds, while the blaze of lights beyond seems a gleaming river of gold. I see now that it is the millions of lights on both banks at Wuhan. And as the S. S. Jiangjin calls out a loud cheerful greeting to the city, my heart swells with pride. See what a glorious new world we have built!

1.The College

How can I ever forget the beautiful campus in Africa?
The grounds were covered with dark green grass through which stretched a straight white stone path. On both sides of the path were planted what I believed to be poinsettias. Now the flowers were surrounded by pinkish leaves instead of bright red ones as they should have been. Trimmed with light green edges, the leaves looked delicate and charming. Along the long path I often took a stroll which would take me to a wide terrace, where I could watch the enchanting glow of sunset, and occasionally catch the sight of a train puffing and hooting on its way southward.
On my way back I would pass by the laboratory and library building whose large French windows had soft curtains let fall to the floor. Just outside the windows kapok flowers glowed red in full bloom. A short way off stood the dining hall, where I found a tree bearing snow-white blossoms so graceful and soft to the touch. Viewed together from the distance, they were as beautiful as a bridal veil. Later I learned that it was a tree called datura which I had so often read about in books.
In the center of the campus was newly-built fan-shaped fountain. A number of Chinese taihu rocks were arranged in it with a touch of artistry. And there was a story behind it.
In the courtyard of the house where Chinese teachers were living, there was also a similar but much smaller fountain looking like potted landscape. It was built by the Chinese teachers who had come earlier in their spare time. They had graced it with water plants and goldfish. Perhaps out of a yearning for their homeland, they had even engraved on a taihu rock four Chinese characters: “Er Quan Ying Yue” meaning “two springs reflecting the moonlight.” These characters were painted red and written in an ancient calligraphic style. The homesick Chinese teachers seemed to feel that at the sight of these characters, they could by a fight of the imagination bring to their presence a native moon smilingly beaming over the West Lake.
One day the president of the college came to visit the Chinese teachers. Delighted by the beauty of their fountain he asked then to design another one for the college. Thus in the center of the campus, in a field of green grass and colorful flowers appeared a new Chinese fountain spurting out water drops glistening in the sunlight.
    我最大的爱好是沉思默想。我可以一个人长时间地独处而感到愉快。独享欢乐是一种愉快,独自忧伤也是一种愉快。孤独的时候,精神不会是一片纯粹的空白,它仍然是一个丰富多彩的世界。情绪上的大欢乐和大悲痛往往都在孤独中产生的。孤独中,思维可以不依照逻辑进行。孤独更多地产生人生的诗情 ---- 激昂的和伤感的。孤独可以使人的思想向更遥远更深邃的地方伸展,也能使你对自己或环境作更透彻的认识和检讨。
参考译文2:My greatest avocation is musing. I can stay by myself for a long time without feeling disconsolate in the least. Happiness enjoyed alone is a pleasure, so is sorrow tasted privately. In solitude, the mind is not a complete blank; it remains a rich and colorful world. Solitude often induces ecstasy or anguish, and allows thinking to wander in a random way. She inspires the mood for poems, passionate or pathetic. She also enables people to think further and deeper and to have a more thorough understanding and examination of themselves and their environment.
Smile is intricate, for it is not only a phenomenon but also a reflection of something. What we refer to here is a sincere and good-natured smile that comes from the bottom of one’s heart. We do not mean a smile specially put on to please others, or a false one harboring a sinister design, much less a grin with murderous intent behind. That is to say, a smile should be mentally sound, optimistic and firm in faith. Only when a person has a strong love of life, for work and people, can he or she always wear a smile.
Smile is inseparable from its owner, for it can neither be rented nor bought, neither borrowed nor
stolen. It symbolizes the person’s mind and serves many purposes: bringing strangers closer to each other, turning estrangement into reconciliation, giving hope to the disappointed and replacing vexation with joy. It opens channels from heart to heart so that feelings can flow reciprocally
Embodying purity and selflessness, smile calls for friendship and affection. It causes antagonism and displeasure to dissolve. Its soundlessness is even better than utterance in communicating between minds. The ancient said to a well-known Buddha statue: “Always grinning, you look at things past and present, and laugh them off whatever they are.” What is meant by a smile can be understood this way: a compliment given with a smile represents a sincere encouragement to the addressee for further efforts, while criticism with a smile is likely to be accepted as meaning well and helpful to one’s progress. A smiling refusal, which causes no embarrassment, contributes to mutual understanding; while a smiling request, which appeals irresistibly, does a great deal to help tackle knotty problems.
   Where there is a smile, there is a light. A smiling world is a civilized one. Let there be more smiles and less worries.
     1/ 但是,事实胜于雄辩,水落自然石出。
    2/ 青黄不接的季节,……
    3/ 后来出嫁了,两个人还藕断丝连,这只能怪包办婚姻,不能怪她。
    4/ 木已成舟,也只好如此了。
    5/ 她觉得丈夫这句话说得对,真是一阵见血,点头附和道……
    6/ 她听了这话,像是火上加油,立刻说……
    7/ 他对乡里的情况,了如指掌。
    8/ 打蛇先打头,擒贼先擒王。
    9/ 夫妻无隔夜之仇。
    10/ 东风压倒西风。
    11/ 送君千里,终有一别。
    12/ 薛蟠也来上学,不过是三日打鱼,两日晒网。
    13/ 不是鬼使神差,好端端的他怎么会抽上了鸦片烟?
    14/ 人怕出名猪怕壮。
    15/ 最重要的,她不是小姐堆里娇生惯养出来的人。
    16/ 失败者成功之母。
    17/ 人勤地不懒,这话真不假。
1/ However, facts speak louder than eloquence and the truth will prevail in the end.
    2/ In spring when one crop was eaten and the next still green. / When the crop is still in the blade and the old stock is consumed. / Before the green corn grows and after the white crop is consumed.
    3/ After she was married they still kept it up. The arranged marriage was the cause of this; she can’t be blamed.
    4/ What’s done is done, and can’t be undone.
    5/ Feeling that her husband had been right to say this and had touched him on the raw, she nodded and backed him up…
    6/ This only added fuel to the flames of her anger and she said at once
    7/ He knew everything about the township like the back of his hand.
    8/ If you want to kill a snake, you must first hit it on the head and if you want to catch a band of robbers you must first catch their leader / head / cock.
    9/ Enmity between husband and wife doesn’t last the night.
   10/ The East wind prevails over the West wind. / The East wind subdues the West wind.
   11/ Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last.
   12/ Xue Pan enrolled as a student. But he was like the fisherman who fishes for three days and then suns his net for two.
   13/ Had it not been for the influence of devils, how would a decent fellow like him have taken to smoking opium?
  14/ Fame is as fatal to men as fattening to pigs.
   15/ What’s most important, she isn’t one of those well-born young ladies who’ve been pampered and spoiled all their lives.
  16/ Failure is the mother of success.
  17/ If man is diligent, soil is not idle. How true the proverb is!

Absence is mother of disillusion. .....疏离是觉悟之母
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. .....小别情更浓/ 小别胜新婚
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. .....分离令爱加深,相见使情更
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 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 02:01:49 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 般若白莲 于 13-1-24 04:08 编辑




1. 专有名词的翻译和还原


1.1 人名:英译中



  如果查出的译法不止一种,选择常用的一种(把不同的中文名称分别输入Google查找,哪个hits多,哪个就更常用),但最常用的也可能不是最好的,所以还要依据自己的判断,如,要查找缅甸反对党领袖Aung San Suu Kyi的中文译名,可以在Google搜索框里输入Aung San Suu Kyi,点击搜索所有中文网页,可以看到有基本上有三种译法:昂山淑姬、翁山苏姬、昂山素季。如果只有一种,自然没有选择余地;现在出现了三种,就要决定使用哪一个。你可以把三种译名分别输入搜索框,点击搜索简体中文网页(“所有中文网页”中包含港澳台和海外中文网页),看哪个hits多。结果发现:昂山淑姬有610项,翁山苏姬有186项,昂山素季有5620项。从数量上来看,应当使用“昂山素季”。如果你要进一步确保该译法与我国外交部的译法一致,则要看有关文章是否中国官方媒体的文章。检查结果是肯定的。

  1.2 人名:把中文译名还原为英文



  如,要查“史迪威”将军的英文拼写,在Google搜索框里输入“史迪威”,其中一个搜索结果就显示:“史迪威在中国, 约瑟夫·沃伦·史迪威(Joseph Warren Stilwell)是一位与中国有着不解之缘的美国人……”


  如,要查找“诺尔曼·白求恩”,你已经知道Norman,可以把“诺尔曼 白求恩 Norman”同时输入(注意关键词之间加空格),一下就可以找到(当然,这个名字不用输入英文也很容易找到)


  如,要查找“利马窦”的英文说法,输入“利马窦”后,发现搜索结果不计其数,你可以同时输入“利马窦 Italy”,一下子就找到了:

  ……地图信息咨询. Dear sir: Thank you very much for your web and it is very well organized. Congratulations! We are from Matteo Ricci (Li Madou in Chinese) Institute in Italy. ... Best wishes. Filippo Mignini…


  如要查日本首相“小泉纯一郎”和“靖国神社”的英文说法,你可以在Google搜索框里输入Japanese prime minister visit war criminal China Korea protest;如要查澳门特首何厚铧的英文拼法,可以查Macao special administrative region chief Ho.



  用中文搜索“奈娜 卡比尔”,仅得到这样的信息:


  我又用相关关键词法查了多次,也猜了数种拼法,但均未查到。后来在搜索框里输入“Sussex university development institute”,找到研究所网页,在网页的Bookshop下,发现

  Gender Mainstreaming in Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Developing Goals: A Handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders, Published by the Commonwealth Secretariat, By Naila Kabeer





  中文网页查不到这一人名,这时可以输入“danish economist women role economic development”,人名和准确的著作名一下子便可以找到:

  …In 1970, Ester Boserup, a Danish economist, wrote a book (Women's Role in economic Development) showing that women's work had been ignored or underestimated by…



  《中国居民收入分配再研究》, ---赵人伟、李实、卡尔·李思勤著 ----中国财政经济出版

  中的人名“卡尔·李思勤”,用其他方法搜索不出来,可以输入“zhao renwei li shi”,人名和著作名一下子便找到了:

  …S Bj?rn Gustafsson & Li Shi "Is China Becoming More Unequal?" pages 212 - 252 in Zhao, Renwei, Li Shi & Carl Riskin (Eds) Re-study on Income Distribution of Chinese Households




  在中文网页没有查到,但你比较肯定“卡罗琳”是Caroline,你可以在搜索框里输入Carline gender,搜索所有网页,便可以很快找到:

  Caroline Moser …and social capital, social protection, human rights and sustainable livelihoods and mainstreaming gender into development practice. Caroline recently moved to…


  1.3 地名:把中文译名还原为英文




  但对于一些小地名,查找起来确实不易,比如,有一次我翻译“越南义安省义禄县义莲社”,是这样查的:在中文网页查到了义安省的拼法Nghe An,通过Nghe An找到了该省的网站,通过网站查到了Nghi Loc District.

  就剩一个公社的名字,这么小的地名,是否可以找到?总不能为一个小地名去买本越南地名词典。于是,我把省和县的名字都输入Google(注意分别加引号),还真发现有不少文章含有这两个名字,如果逐一查看,说不定有各公社的名字。但这样找太慢了,我就先猜了两种拼法:Nghe Lien和Nghi Lien,经Google检验,果然有一个正确:

  Nghi Lien Commune- Nghi Loc District Nghe An Province…


  1.4 地名:英译中


  1.5 作品名:中译英



  在Google中输入以下关键词:World bank rights resources equality development,得到的第一条结果就是:

  Engendering Development - Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice is a Policy Research Report by the World Bank focusing on gender issues and…


  1.6 组织机构名称



  如,输入“劳动和社会保障部”,便可以看到“简介: Ministry of Labour and Social Security, PRC”。


  如,查找“英国萨赛克斯大学发展学研究所”,可以输入“Sussex university development institute”,一下子便可以找到“Welcome to the Institute of Development Studies”。不敢肯定的关键词不要输入。

  再比如,翻译Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department。这是一个香港政府机构,所以,必定有现成的中文名字,不能随意翻译。用Google搜索,就可以找到该机构的网页,中文是:地政总署测绘处。



  2.1 英译中


  比如,要翻译某一上下文的turnaround time,输入该词组,点击搜索所有中文网页,结果发现该词被翻译为周转时间、回应时间、往返时间、处理时间、回复时间等。你可以根据自己的上下文选择合适的使用,或根据意思再想出一个。





  HO-REN-SO. (Spinach). HO stands for HOKOKU à Report. REN stands for RENNRAKU à Contact. SO stands for SODAN à Consultation…


  2.2 中译英




  可以先猜几个译法,如,integration proportion/ratio/rate, incremental/additional growth rate,然后在Google中分别查找,加以证实,可以发现,正确说法是:integration rate和additional growth rate。也可以输入汉语,加上你可以肯定的integration与growth rate,看有没有文章在这两个词中文词后面夹注英文。不仅外来词可以查到,对于是中国特有的事务,国外也有很多人关注和研究,我们从他们的文章中,就可以借鉴很多说法,不用我们翻译时闭门造车。

  比如,要翻译中国刑法中的拘役、劳改等概念,查China criminal justice system就可能发现这样的内容:

  There are mainly 5 types of incarcerating institutions: 1) prisons; 2) reform-through-labor institutions, in which criminals are sentenced to a minimum of 1 year fixed-term imprisonment; 3) reform house for juvenile delinquents; 4) Juyi house (criminal detention house), which houses offenders sentenced to criminal detention; and the 5) Kanshou house (detention house), which houses offenders awaiting trial.



  比如,在搜索框里输入“再保险 分出公司 insurance”,便会出现众多的搜索结果,进入其中一条:

  Ceded Company分进公司

  分进公司系指接受原保险人(Original Insurer)所分出之业务之保险人,即再保险人(Reinsurer)。

  Ceding Company分出公司

  分出公司系指依再保险契约之规定,将其所承保之业务分予再保险人(Reinsurer)以获取再保险保障之保险公司,又称原保险人(Original Insurer)、原签单公司(Original Writer)或被再保险人(Reinsured)。


  在搜索框里输入insurance +其它英文关键词(各个关键词以空格隔开),点击搜索所有网页,可以找到无数有关的文章(平行文本),你可能从中找到所需词语

  输入insurance glossary (or terminology, terms, dictionary等),你可以找到英英保险词语表或词典,可以据此确定某个英文术语的含义与中文是否完全一致

  输入“保险词语 (或术语、词典)英汉对照”,可能找到英汉对照保险词语表



  3. 引用文献的翻译和还原


  3.1 英译中


  3.2 中译英




  可以输入:"14 months" request consultations 7.5 6。搜索结果中,“沈阳与WTO”项下有:

  (c) Upon receipt of the request for consultations, China agreed to hold its shipments to the requesting Member of textile or textile products in the category or categories subject to these consultations to a level no greater than 7.5 per cent (6 per cent for wool product categories) above the amount entered during the first 12 months of the most recent 14 months preceding the month in which the request for consultations was made.


  如,要查中华人民共和国刑法第141条,只需要输入 China “criminal law” “article 141” ,便可以很快找到。



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 02:05:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 般若白莲 于 13-1-26 18:31 编辑


第一章 总论

(张培基等 1983)
  何谓翻译?关于翻译的定义很多。根据《现代汉语词典》,翻译是“把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来”。根据《剑桥语言百科全书》,“翻译”这个中性术语是指将一种语言(“原语”)里的词句的意思转变为另一种语言(“目的语”)的意思所做的一切,不论其手段是说话、写字还是做手势。美国著名翻译理论家奈达认为,所谓翻译,是指从语义到语体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。(《奈达论翻译》,1984)有人把翻译看作是一门科学 (science),因为它有自身的规律可循;有人看作是一门艺术 (art),因为它是译者对原文再创造的过程;也有人看作是一门手艺(craft), 因为原语的信息需要用地道恰当的目的语再现。在自动化数据处理中,翻译又被定义为:“将计算机信息从一种语言转换成另一种语言,或将字符从一种表示转换成另一种表示。”(《现代科学技术词典》上海科学技术出版社 1980)凡此种种,不一而足。但是,在经济和文化日益全球化的今天,翻译的重要性是有目共睹的。
  翻译是国际间理解的钥匙,据说西欧的文明归功于翻译者(据L·G·凯里 1979)。季羡林教授也说,翻译是永葆中华文明青春的万应灵药。前中国驻联合国代表凌青先生说,从中国来讲,没有翻译工作,就没有中国***和中国近代的革命运动,就没有中国成功的对外开放和四个现代化;从世界范围来讲,没有翻译,就没有世界和平,就没有各种国际交往,就没有一个共同繁荣的美好世界的未来。 中国加入WTO后,翻译的重要作用就更是不可忽视。经济竞争是在交际中进行,而没有翻译在场,交际就很难进行,交际不成,生意就做不成。因此,翻译的作用,再怎么强调也不过分。
  美国当代翻译理论家尤金·奈达(Eugene A.Nida)在《翻译理论与实践》(The Theory and Practice of Translation)一书中指出,一个称职的翻译工作者应具备五个方面的条件:
  1. 必须熟悉原语。仅能理解原文信息的大意或能查字典是远远不够的,还必须能吃透语义的微细区别、词语的情感含义以及决定文章风味情调的各种文体特色。
  2. 译者必须精通译入语。这一点比第一点更为重要。在翻译中,译者对原文信息可以通过查阅字典、注释和专业文献加以理解,而对于是否精通译入语的问题却没有别的东西可以替代。翻译中最常见而且最严重的错误,主要是因为不精通译入语而造成的。
  3. 精通一门语言同具备专业知识并不是一码事。例如译者也许精通某种语言,而对核物理或化学却一窍不通。要翻译这些学科的技术资料,单凭一般的语言知识是不够的。也就是说,翻译者不仅要掌握原语和译入语,还必须充分了解所译题材。
  4. 译者必须具备“移情”本领,即能体会原作者的意图。此外,译者还必须具备一些与原作者类似的文化背景;如果不具备,就应尽快地弥补这一缺陷。
  5. 必须具备语言表达的才华和丰富的文学想象力。
(摘自许建中:《工商企业翻译实务》p.19 2002)
  要保证翻译质量,一个好的译者必须具备一定的自身条件。首先,对于本民族语的语言文字他必须有扎实的功底。这一点往往容易被人忽视。翻译的过程包括理解原文和表达原文。译者如果不能很好地掌握汉语,在中译外时就不能正确地理解原文,在外译中时就无法熟练地运用母语来表现原文。因对自己的母语理解失当而导致错译的例子很多。例如,有人把“我是和尚打伞。”译成:“I am a lone monk walking the world with a leaky umbrella.”(Time December 5,1994 p.37)。这显然是对“和尚打伞,无法无天。”这个歇后语不理解造成的。 正确的翻译应该是:“I am a monk under an umbrella, defying laws human and divine.”。必要时,还可以加上注释。 在外译中时,有时原文的意思理解了,却发现无法准确地表达。请看下面这句话的两种译文:
  Subways, sewers and other underground passage-ways must be blocked to prevent unobserved access into inner city.
  译文1: 地铁、下水道和其他地下通道必须堵死,以防不被发现而进入城市内。
  译文2: 对地铁、下水道和其他地下道必须严密封锁,以防敌人潜入市内。
  Everything seemed to be cut and dry in the minister''s office.
  译文1: 在部长办公室里,一切似乎都是一刀切齐枯燥无味。
  译文2: 在部长办公室里,一切似乎都很呆板。
  译文1是错误的,“ be cut and dry”这一成语指“一切都很少变化”,因此译文2才是准确的。这说明,如果译者缺乏外语素养,翻译质量也同样得不到基本的保证。
  第三,除了对两种语言文字的掌握以外,对两种语言的文化相关背景知识要有足够的了解。相关文化背景知识包罗万象,有历史、地理、政治、经济、科学、风俗习惯等等。光在语言上下功夫,而忽略了不同文化背景造成的文化差异,容易导致错译、乱译。随着国际交往的深入,越来越多的人们意识到在跨文化交际当中,由于对异国文化的不了解,已经阻碍了跨文化交际的顺利进行。这一点表现在翻译上尤为明显。同一国家的不同时期,其文化背景也有差异,译者切不可掉以轻心,不求甚解,胡乱翻译。一定要联系年代、地域和其他相关背景来理解原文。如有疑问还可以查阅有关资料和工具书,甚至发e-mail向native speaker请教。例如,five o''clock shadow到底是什么?是“五点钟的阴影”吗?当然不是。查一下《新英汉美国小百科》就知道是指男子的络腮胡子,早上刮干净后到下午五点有长出的胡子茬。更可怕的是有些译者自以为是中国人就一定会了解中国文化,于是就想当然,随意翻译。如有些正规出版物中,把“八大山人”译为“eight famous recluse monks ”,实际上,“八大山人”是指清僧人画家朱耷。把“二十五史”译成“the history of twenty-five dynasties ”,其实“二十五史”是二十五部史书,不是“二十五个朝代的历史”。可见译者的知识面的宽窄,文化修养,在很大程度上决定其翻译质量的高低。
  “动态对等”(Dynamic Equivalence)是奈达(E.Nida)从交际学方面探索翻译中的对等问题提出来的一个概念。他给“动态对等”所下的定义是:“最切近原语信息的自然对等。”并进一步解释说在上述定义中有三个关键术语: 1. 对等——对原语信息而言; 2. 自然——对目的语而言; 3. 最切近——尚属两者的结合,以达到最高度近似。“动态对等”的理论基础是“效果对等”的原则,即译文读者对译文所作出的反应与原文读者对原文所作的反映基本一致。后来为避免“动态”一词引起概念上的混淆,奈达将“动态对等”改为“功能对等”(Functional Equivalence)。
(《译学大辞典》 p.18)
(沃尔弗拉姆·威尔斯:1989)   三、关于翻译的标准
  要达到忠实、通顺的翻译标准是不容易的,但应当是我们的努力方向。实践证明,我们只能要求译文和原文“等值”,而不能要求完全等同。按照奈达的理论,绝对一致的翻译是不存在的;译者寻求的应当是“对等语(equivalence),而不应是同一语(identity); 理想的翻译是在译入语中找到最切近的对等语。绝对忠实只是一个梦想,是极难办到的事。翻译只可能尽量忠实准确地用译文形式把原作的思想内容、风格、神韵等再现出来,尽可能使译文读者的感受和反应与原文读者的感受和反应基本一致。


  The police went out in force to control the crowd.
  译文1对于in force的理解是错误的,in force的意思是in large number。所以译文2是正确的。
  Some people swap houses for a holiday.
  在英美国家,如果甲到乙住的城市度假,乙到甲住的城市度假,在度假期间,他们可以互换房子住,以节省房租。 译文1的译者缺乏对这个文化背景的了解,故译错了。译文2是正确的。
  这一阶段是译者把自己从原文所理解的内容用目的语重新表达出来的过程。表达是理解的结果,但理解正确并不意味着必然能表达得正确。因此我们必须学习许多具体的方法和技巧,如直译、意译、直译加意译、直译加注释等。译者必须根据实际情况灵活处理。He is a good sailor.若直译,就是“他是一位好水手。”而原文的实际意思是“他不会晕船。”碰到这种情况,就应该意译,而不能直译。例如:
  译文1:He was very sick and lay in bed all the time.
  译文2:He was bedridden.
  译文中运用自己推算出来的数字,应仔细检查,使数字准确无误。对于数字的增加或减少要注意下列用词和概念:增加为过去的二倍,即过去为一,现在为二;增加到过去的二倍,即过去为一,现在为二;增加二倍,即过去为一,现在为三;增加了二倍,即过去为一,现在为三; 超额80%,即定额为100,实际为180;降低到80%,即原来是100,现在是80;降低(了)80%,即原来是100,现在是20。不能用“降低X倍”或“减少 X倍”,只能说“降低X%”或“减少X%”,因为减少一倍,就意味着一减一等于零。 如果“减少X倍”,就更不可理解了。
  关于标点符号,要检查汉语句号应用“。”,不能用“.”,这在电脑输入时经常会错。引号用“”和‘’,不能用 『』和「」(直排时除外)。书籍、报刊、文件、文章等的名称用书名号《》,如果书名号中还要用书名号,就用单书名号〈〉,英文的书名可用斜体表示。括号用(),在括号里在用括号时,外用方括号[],利用圆括号()。但注明参考文献的序号时可单用方括号。汉语的省略号是六个点,英语的省略号是三个点。中文的并列字、词用顿号“、”分开;阿拉伯数字及外文的并列字、词用逗号分开。冒号用于提示下文,不要在冒号之后再用冒号。圆点号“·”用于外国人缩写名字后面,点在中间,如J·A·亚历山大,表示外文缩写字母,则点在该字母后面下侧,如K.V.A.。外国人姓和名均译成中文时,在姓和名之间加圆点号,如约翰·史密斯。在检查汉译英的译文时,还要注意英文转行必须在一个音节完了处转。
  关于注释和引文,译者如认为文中个别名词或概念需要解释时,可以加注说明,并在注文后标出“——译者注”,如“原书此句有误。——译者注”,句号放在注文后,“译者注”三字后不要加标点符号。外文书籍中用星号(*)或其他符号作为注释符号, 在翻译时应改为①、②、③等。文稿中的引文,如果是一整句,则最后的句号应放在引号内;如果是不完全的句子,标点符号则放在引号外。引用他人成段著作或讲话时,引用部分应另成一段,而且整段两边各缩进两格,并注意在第一段开头和最后一段末尾加引号,但不要在每段起讫处都加引号。


(Herbst 1987:116)
  “如果说只有在科学领域中,才使用准确的术语和概念,那就错了。相反,很难全部列举已制订出这些概念的领域。不仅是立法者必须要规定出‘抢劫’的定义和‘盗窃’的定义,体育协会要规定出‘跑’和‘走’的定义,而且在现代文明复杂的世界中,几乎所有使用语言的领域,都在不同程度上存在着一种追求越来越精确的倾向。的确,人们可以说,在那些有悠久语文学、哲学和一般文化作品的语言中,有一大部分所指内容倾向于接近准确的概念,至少在书面语中使用的所指内容是如此。…… 帮助并且促使(即便是间接地)这种概念和术语明确起来,是词典编纂者一项作重要的任务。”
(摘自 中国翻译网)   
  翻译涉及的内容十分广泛,几乎无所不包。因此,译者的知识面越广博,对原文的理解就越深刻,译文的表达就越贴切完美。但是,在信息爆炸的时代,译者不可能样样精通。因此,搞好翻译的关键还在于译者是否有过治学的训练,是否有考据求证的方法可以找到答案。懂得正确使用工具书,善于利用翻译参考资源,就等于有许多专家为你服务, 随时听你调遣,既省时,又准确。
  如何正确使用工具书,避免种种误译、讹译与拙译呢?首先,词典不可不靠。对一些一目了然的词与词组尤不可掉以轻心;一些译文译出后即令人感觉到逻辑上站不住脚,这可视为一个重要信号——需复查词典。因此译者落笔就当格外小心。勤查细览词典不仅可使译者避开译海“暗礁”,而且可使我们在迷茫的译途中步入“花明”的境界。其次,词典也不可全靠。英国著名语言学家Firth与我国学者林语堂曾发表过精神贯通的议论。前者说:Each Word when used in a new context is a new word. 后者称:单靠查字典去翻译,译出来与原文意旨必然相讹。字是死的,有了上下文才是活的。依靠词典过了头也会出毛病,容易“矫枉过正”。除语境外,语体也是一大问题。靠词典往往难以解决。第三,难下译笔时,不妨查阅英英词典,这样也许会令译者豁然开朗。第四,“不要吊死在一棵树上。”翻译切不可靠一部词典。有时两部词典对同一个词的释义会“打架”。有时同一个词(组)在一部词典中苦觅不见,在另一部词典中却赫然在目。有时不同词典对某一专业性较强的词汇会提供“专业性”程度不一的译语。译路漫漫,不乏“车到山前”时,查阅形形色色的专业词典会使我们产生“必有路”的感觉。第五,词典也有无奈时。
  《英汉大词典》陆谷孙 上海译文出版社
  《新时代汉英大词典》吴景荣 程镇球 商务印书馆 较权威
  《英汉美英报刊词典》周学艺 外语教学与研究出版社
  《当代英语习语大辞典》秦秀白 天津科学技术出版社 外语教学与研究出版社
Google网 http://www.google.com
中国翻译网 http://www.chinatranslate.net
译丛 http://www.renditions.org
百科全书 http:// www.encyclopedia.com
词典 http://dictionary.reference.com
金桥译港世界通 http://www.netat.net
新华网 http://xinhuanet.com
英语比萨园地 http://epizza.nease.net/


第二章 词语翻译

原文:Do you have a family?
辨析: 译文1完全照字面搬过来, 译文2将have a family译成“成家了”似乎很贴切,然而两者都是错误的。
  family一词指的是“家庭中的成员”不错,但在这个句中是强调指孩子,全句意思是:你有孩子了吗?(重点在于有养育孩子的责任。)英美人所说的family 一般不包括祖辈,也不包括已成婚的子女。
词汇空缺: 语言之间的词汇空缺现象是一种普遍存在而又给翻译造成很多困难的现象,可以概括为:一、由于生活环境、经验的差异而引起的词汇空缺”;二、由于风俗习惯的不同而引起的词汇空缺;三、由于宗教信仰的不同而引起的词汇空缺;四、由于对客观世界认识的不同而引起的词汇空缺;五、由于语言或非语言方面的原因而引起的词汇空缺。辩证唯物主义认为,语言常常是客观世界的反映,是一种社会现象。人们生活、劳动在一种什么样的环境里,就会产生出什么样的语言。如果某一事物在人们所生活的客观环境里不存在,那么语言中就可能出现空缺。比如在英国,竹子不是一种土生土长的植物,因此,语言中就缺乏这方面的原始词汇。汉语中的“笋”字只能译成“ bamboo-shoot”(意即“竹芽”),甚至连bamboo这个词也是从外来语接引过去的。又比如“salad”(色拉)这种凉拌蔬菜源于法国,英国人最先没有这道菜,语言中也不存在这个词,只好从法语中原封不动地移过来。其次由于风俗习惯的不同,不同语言之间可能出现相对的词汇空缺现象。中国人把生孩子、娶媳妇、贺生日称为“红喜”,把死人的事称为“白喜”,语言中也有“红白喜事”的表示法。对于没有接触过中国文化或佛教文化的欧美人来说,把死人也当成一大“喜事”,令人大惑不解。欧美人多信基督教,认为世界是上帝创造的,世上一切也都按上帝的旨意安排。而在传统中,中国人心目中只有“开天辟地”的盘古和“主宰自然界”的天老爷。“上帝”(God,Dieu,Gott)和“天老爷”所代表的东西不相同,含义也不一样。特别是“上帝”这个概念,它具有较浓的基督色彩,是欧美文化的个性,虽然我们可以把英语的“My God!”译成“天哪!”把法语的“Dieu soit loue”译成“谢天谢地”,但反过来把汉语的“天”译成“God”或“Dieu”,有时就不很合适。翻译古典文献时尤其如此。再如,汉语和英语中都有“龙”的字眼,但“龙”在英语文化中是没有“地位”的爬行动物,是可怕的恶的象征,在汉语中则恰恰相反。在我国古代,龙就是皇帝的象征,后来又引申为高贵、珍异的象征,语言中也就相应出现了“龙颜”、“龙袍”、“龙床”、“望子成龙”等等褒义表达法。另外,人们由于对客观世界认识的不同亦会导致语言产生词汇空缺现象。亦即说,有时人们虽然生活在同一客观环境里,但对某些客观事物却各持己见,对代表那些事物的语言赋予不同的意义。如汉语和英语中“狗”的含义大小不一样。汉语中“狗腿子”、“狗杂种”、“狗崽子”、“狗胆包天”、“狗急跳墙”、“狗屁”等等所表达的意义,在英语的“dog”词汇上属空缺。


  首先是词语层面的对等问题。他指出:“几乎总发生这种情况:即使当一个词指的是精确物体,而且在另一种语言中也有精确的对应词,但它是一种联想与模糊回忆的光环,一种谐波,它在另一种语言中是不一样的,译文中是无法保留的。”纪德这儿谈及的,是文学翻译中一个十分微妙而棘手的难题。从指称意义上看,甲乙两种语言中的词可以是相对应的,但问题是该词在不同语言中却有可能给人以不 同的联想,或具有相当微妙的内涵意义。这样在翻译中便有可能给译者提出一个问题,那就是寻求指称意义上的对应,还是联想意义上的融合?从英语到法语,特别是善于运用词语制造丰富联想意义的莎士比亚,给纪德造成的困难,便不仅仅是语言表达层面的取舍,而是文化意义的移植。

(许钧 《“遭遇”莎士比亚》)

  如:从语义上来讲,“杯子”并不完全对等与“cup”,因为英语的cup,mug,glass等都可以叫“杯子”。“汽车”不完全等于“car”,因为car,truck,bus,lorry,van 等都可以叫“汽车”。从语言色彩上来说,“农民”不完全等于“peasant”, “地主”不完全等于“landlord”。
  参照Mona Baker In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation中关于“常见不对等问题”的论述,英汉之间词层不对等的情况,大概可以归纳为以下几个方面:
  1.有特定文化内涵的词。英语中的cousin,privacy,speaker在汉语中就没有完全对等的词,汉语中没有一个既可以指“堂兄弟、堂姐妹”又可以指“表兄弟、表姐妹”的词, privacy译为“隐私、私事、独处”等都不是很确切, speaker译为“议长”,也难以反映speaker作为维护议会权威和秩序的一个独立个人所起的作用。汉语中的“粽子”、“饺子”在英语中也没有对等词,因为这些是中国特有的食品,笼统地译为dumpling并不等值。
  5.目的语中没有对应的上义词。如汉语中的“酒”,就很难在英语中找到对应的上义词,英语中的wine在多数情况下是指“葡萄酒”,white wine是指“白葡萄酒”,red wine是指“红葡萄酒”,liquor或spirits可用来指汉语中的“白酒”,beer是“啤酒”,Guinness是“黑啤酒”,但在英语中就很难找到统称这些酒的词。中国人讲“喝酒”,这个“酒”就是统称各种酒。
  6.目的语中没有对应的下义词。如英语中上义词 jump 有许多下义词:leap,vault,spring,bounce,dive,clear,plunge,plummet,而在汉语中“跳”就没有这么多对应的下义词。
  8.表达意义不同。如汉语中“宣传”并没有不好的意思,在英语中propaganda就有不好的表达意思。根据《柯林斯伯明翰大学国际语料库》,propaganda是“usually used showing disapproval”,即常用“贬义”。 因此,表达意义的不同,也造成不对等。
  10. 原语中使用外来词。原语中使用的外来词,在译入目的语时会失去原来的内涵,因为大多只能意译。 如英语中讲dine alfresco译成汉语是“在户外进餐”,跟dine outdoors没什么区别, 这就失去原文使用意大利外来语alfresco的特有内涵和异国情调。
  另外还有一种情况叫false friend(假朋友)或false cognate(假同源词), 是指两种语言中形式相同或非常相似,但意义不同的词。如法语单词exp é rience不是“经验”而是“实验”。 英文的eat one''s words不是“食言”(go back on one''s word / break a promise) ,是“认错;道歉”(to admit that they were wrong about something they said)。 汉语和英语属于两个截然不同的语系,因此不存在形式相同的词。但也常常有意义上看似对等其实不对等的情况。如white coffee不能译为“白咖啡”,而是“加牛奶的咖啡”。此类情况甚多,翻译时千万不可想当然,应该认真查证。再看这个例子:
  Last-minute bargain hunters flocked to the shop.
  此句子里bargain hunter无关打猎,是店家大廉售时,想要在最后一刻捡便宜者蜂拥而至的意思。
  英文hobby一般翻成“嗜好”, 但跟中文“嗜好”的意思稍有不同。学生在会话及作文课时,如果提到hobby,常会说watching TV、sleeping、eating、window shopping是自己的hobby。但在英文里这些活动不能算hobby。中文有所谓的不良嗜好(addiction),英文里不止没有不良hobby, 连不够正面、积极的嗜好也不能算hobby。 像看电视、吃饭、睡觉、逛街等,不需要刻意去学,也不用培养兴趣,所以都不算。相对的,bird watching(赏鸟)、gourmet cooking(美食烹饪)、meditating( 打坐)等才算。 骑马(horseback riding)可算是一种hobby,但hobby horse与马无关,而是别人早就听腻,自己却乐此不疲、老爱谈起的话题。诸如此类的“假朋友”还有:
  Chinese rose 月季花
  American Beauty 多年生杂种红玫瑰
  From China to Peru 天涯海角
  Dutch treat 各自付费的聚餐
  French leave 不辞而别
  Italian football 炸弹
  castle in Spain 空中楼阁 , 白日梦
  Greek gift 害人的礼物
  Turkish towel 粗面毛巾
  minutes 会议记录
  greens 青菜
  a bad sailor 会晕船的人
  under the weather 身体不适的
  1.使用上义词。 如英语中的shampoo具体说是“用洗发精洗发”,而译成汉语一般只是笼统译成“洗发”。例如:
  I had a bath and shampooed my hair.
  Today there may be no more than 1000 giant pandas left in the wild, restricted to a few mountain strongholds in the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Shananxi and Gansu.
  原文里的stronghold,具体的意思是“要塞、城堡”,使人想到濒危动物熊猫所能守住的地方不多了,而译文只是把mountain stronghold,笼统地译为“山区”,因为如果直译为“山上的城堡”,可能会引起误解。
  Many of the species growing wild here are familiar to us as plants cultivated in European gardens — species like this exotic lily.
  3.文化概念替代法。原语中有特殊文化内涵的词语在目的语中没有对等的词语,但可以用一个在目的语读者中能产生相同效应的词语来替代。如向外国人介绍“梁山伯与祝英台”,可以说这是“中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶”(Chinese Romeo and Juliet),介绍“七月七夕”,可以说这是“中国的情人节”(Chinese Valentine''s Day)。 这样做的好处是使目的语读者马上能联系到自己所熟悉的文化概念,从而产生与原语读者一样的效应。类似的情况,也可以采用同样的方法,如: 猫哭老鼠假慈悲—to shed crocodile tears,红眼病—be green-eyed,开门红——get off to a good start,红白喜事——weddings and funerals,红板——honor board 。这些词语如果直译都很难达到以这项达到的交际目的,因为英语读者难以理解其文化内涵。
  4.直接使用外来词或外来词加注释。在处理有特殊文化内涵的词项、现代概念和行话时可直接用外来语或外来词加注释。现在我们汉语中也经常直接使用外来词,CD,DVD,CT 都是大家熟悉的。英文报刊中在介绍有中国文化特殊内涵的词语时,也经常直接用拼音,然后加注释方法。如: Mo-er, a black tree fungus used in the preparation of a hot bean curd recipe called Ma-po dou-fu was found by Dale E . Hammerschmidt of the University of Minnesota Medical School to interfere with normal clotting in a person''s blood . ( UPI ) 这里“木耳”、“麻婆豆腐”都是采用音译加注释的方法。
  5.用非相关的词进行解释性翻译。如果原语的概念在目的语中未被词化,在某些语境中仍可以用解释性翻译。如:…the lower mixed broadleaf forests…are the areas most accessible to and disturbed by Man. (偶尔也见于)较低地区的混合阔叶森林之中,因为这些地区是人类最容易进入、干扰最多的地方。 对于accessible to,只好用“容易进入”这种解释性的翻译。这样翻译的好处在于,能够将原文词义表达得比较精确,但很难再现原词表现力和联想意义。
  The panda''s mountain home is rich in plant life and gave us many of the trees, shrubs and herbs most prized in European gardens.
  原文是给英美读者看的,译文是给中国读者看的,省去gave us不译,反而使译文更流畅。另外把the trees, shrubs and herbs (树、灌木和草本植物)化简为“树木”,也使译文更简练。不过这种方法不可滥用,因为,词汇省略必然要造成语义损失,只有在译文的通顺流畅,比某些无关紧要的语义损失更重要时才可以用。
  7.用图示的方式。 如英语中的Mid Bus,实际上是学校接送学生的车,在汉语里找不到对等词,不能想当然译成“中巴”,解释起来也很费事,用图示就一目了然。

  不过,在我们强调词层不对等的同时,也应该注意到人们对客观世界的认识、对自然现象的描述还是存在许多不谋而合之处,即不同文化的“文化共核”(cultural common core)。如汉语中描述自然现象的词:风、雨、云、雾、太阳、地球、月亮 ,大、小、冷、热等都可以在英语语言文化中找到对等的表述:wind, rain, cloud, fog, sun, earth, moon, big, small, cold, hot等。 血缘关系如:父亲、母亲、儿子、女儿及成语“血浓于水”等,在英语中都有对等的表达:father, mother, son, daughter, “Blood is thicker than water. ”等。尤其是科技词汇和专有名词,更容易找到对等的翻译。如:物理、化学、数学、联合国、欧元、香港等,均可在英语中找到对等的翻译:physics, chemistry, mathematics, the United Nations, Euro,Hong Kong等。正因为有诸如此类的文化共核的存在,才使得不同民族、文化之间的理解和交流成为可能。从某种意义上说,文化共核也方便了译桥两畔的译者, 它使目的的语(target language)的语言层次及目的语读者的理解效果,与原语(source language)的语言层次和原语读者的理解效果,达到较完美的一致。再请看下面各组对等译法的实例:
  television 电视
  electricity 电
  wheat 小麦
  I 我
  winter 冬
  skin and bones 皮包骨头
  in deep water 水深火热
  at one''s fingertips 了如指掌
  充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to
  颠倒黑白 talk black into white
  破釜沉舟 burn one''s boat
  Practice makes perfect. 孰能生巧。
  Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。
  Ill news travels fast. 恶事传千里。
  欲速则不达 More haste, less speed.
  当了婆婆忘了本 The mother-in-law does not remember that she was a daughter-in-law.
  He went through fire and flood to save his mother.
  You have a lucky star above you.

  By searching his heart, he could not but admit that he was in the wrong.
  The economic situation in these countries is on the down grade.


  词汇意义的理论原则:如欲判断词语的意义,或有效使用词典,便须牢记一系列有关意义的基本理论原则。首先,任何语境中词汇单位的正确意义,一般应当是最符合该语境的那个意义。就某种意义而言,这也就是说,对词语的正确解释即是给整个语境贡献最少的那个解释。换言之,正确的理解最大限度地依赖于语境,而不是最大限度地依赖于孤立的词语。第二个理论原则是,在任何一个语境里,一个词汇单位只可能有一个意义,而不会有几个意义。通常,只有一种语境是这个原则的例外,在这种语境里,有标记表明某个词汇单位具有两个以上意义,但有时标记不很明显。这种现象叫作“双关语”。例如《约翰福音》(第4章)中的 living water (活水)。就具有双关语义,一为“井水”(或译“泉水”),一为“生命之水“。第三个原则可看作解释原则,是指词汇单位的字面意义即“无标记”意义应被认作正确的意义,除非语境表明具有另一个意义。有些人总是在话语中寻找隐藏的意义,但他们多半会由于自己的求新欲望而受骗上当。这些人必须把本原则引为借鉴。词汇意义的另一个重要原则,是指语言里不存在完全同义的表达形式。两个不同的单词可以用来指同一所指物:例如, keep off the grass (不要踏草)和 keep off the 1awn (不要踏草坪),这两个句子指的是同一件事,但并不意味着grass(草)和lawn(草坪)的意义相同。使用两个不同的词来表示同一件事,其用意可能完全是为了使措词多样化,并且即使两个不同的词似乎指同一所指物,两者在“联想意义”上也几乎总是有所区别。词汇意义的最后一个也许是最重要的一个原则.即:符号总是通过其他符号加以解释的。这些起解释作用的符号分为两个不同的类别:言语符号和非言语符号。对英语单词chair(椅子)的意义进行语言学上的解释,可以采用同一语义场的其他词,如bench(板凳)、stool(方凳)、throne(宝座)和pew(教堂靠背长凳)。但是在市政会议上,Please address the chair一句中的chair则通过非言语的实际环境,标记出它是指人(即“会议主席”),而不是指一件家具。产生这些原则的一个重要原因是,无论在语言中,都只有数量极为有限的言语符号,而要表示的却是无限多的物体、动作和抽象概念。这么一来,除专有名词以外.言语符号的意义不可能是一个点,而是一个面。

(谭载喜:1993,第134-136 页)

  1.1n fact one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out 。
  2.The mushroom fortress loomed indistinct1y but grandly through a morning mist.
  3.He had lived all his life in desert where every cupful of water might be a matter of life or death.
  4. she was ready to go , but first she wanted her book to be in print.
  例如: ”、
  5.For the average consumer, voice-activated devices are a convenience; for the elderly and handicapped, they may become indispensable for a wide variety of chores in the home.
  6.A large segment of mankind turns to untrammeled nature as a last refuge from encroaching technology.
  (把last refuge引申译成“世外桃源”,符合汉语形象的说法。)
  7.Torcello, which used to be lonely as a cloud, has recently become an outing from Venice。
  8.The seasons came and went and they revolved around Joshua。
  9.1n order to get a large amount of water power we need a large pressure and a large current .
  10.A scientist constant1y tried to defeat his hypotheses, his theories, and his conc1usions 。
  11.In older cranes that have already paired off , dancing reinforces the union — it''s a sort of annual renewal of “ vows ”。
  12.Enthusiasm is dampened by habit, but reinforced concrete still deserves a 1arge measure of it.
  (冯树鉴 见《翻译技巧111讲》)
  约翰逊(Samuel Johnson)



  I record all my thoughts in a notebook. (动词)
  I''ll bring you some records next time. (名词)
  How many books have you read?
  Take up the pen and write vigorously.
  He helped sweep the floors of the waiting rooms.
  The government needs to help the needy.
  Trade helps the development of industry.
  I couldn''t help crying.
  This organization may be able to help you with such information.
  Maybe it would help if you took some adult education courses.
  This room is so depressing — I suppose new curtains would help.
  I helped Oakley inside.
  Can you help me with this case please?
  Can I help you to some more meat?
  Mr. Stokes helped himself to some more rum.
  He''s been helping himself to the contents of the till again!
  Humor often helps a tense situation.
  A: Do you let your holiday cottage?
  B: Oh yes, it helps with the upkeep.
  The rain was beating against the windows.
  She sounded the gong lustily.
  Strike the iron while it is hot.
  He hit her on the head with a bottle.
  Li Meiting knocked on the door and entered.
  I broke a bowl.
  Don''t drop the teapot.
  They fought a battle.
  They''ve captured another town.
  They are building a wall ( dyke ) .
  He is putting up a fence.
  He is packing his luggage.
  She is good at knitting a sweater.
  You had better draw squares first.
  Yesterday they sank a well again.
  She is used to holding up an umbrella.
  Let her go in front and flash a torch for us.
  We must raise our spirits to work and study.
  He parted the Japanese-style gauze — curtain patterned with flowers.
  He called her at home.
  Kao Sung-nien cabled me directly.
  Write a letter of introduction for me.
  打 一盆水来!
  Fetch a basin of water!
  The boy went to buy soy sauce.
  I am fond of catching fish.
  他昨天打了 1000 斤谷子。
  He got in 1000 jin of rice yesterday.
  He gathers firewood for his wife.
  You''d better work out a draft first.
  You should estimate the cost at 500 yuan.
  I played center on the basketball team.
  We should spray insecticide upon plants.
  咱告诉大家这官司打不得呀 !
  I can tell you nobody should try any lawsuit.
  The hearing aids are operated from batteries.
  The doctor operated on the patient for a tumor.
  The frontier forces had to operate against the invaders.

  On what terms do you supply spare parts?
  He is in very good physical condition.
  We have to consider the subjective factors and objective circumstances.
  以上这些实例充分说明,在翻译时,词典虽然能起很大的作用,然而,光有词典没有具体的上下文是不够的。一个词在语境中的功能以及它的前后搭配是我们判断和选择词义的重要依据。不过有时候,在一个狭窄的上下文里,尤其是一个孤立的句子里,我们还很难对某一个词进行选义。遇到这种情况,我们就必须借助更为宽广的上下文来选定词语的真正意义。如: He is my uncle. 如果没有更多的信息,我们很难准确判断这个uncle是“叔叔”、“伯伯”或是“舅舅”。 再看下面这两个例子:
  I''m sure I''ll beat John this time.
  译文1:Father has left.
  译文2:Father has passed away.
  For twins they are very dissimilar, Colin is tall and active and Johnny is short and middle-aged.
  这里middle-aged的基本意思是”of or relating to middle age”,如果译成“中年”,显然讲不通,因此可以从“与中年人有关”这个意思引申为“老成”。
  We enclose a list showing our present availabilities .
  This kind of wood works easily.
  After the fall of France, Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground, about equally matched in the air, and gravely inferior at sea.
  Poor Joe''s panic lasted for two or three days, during which he did not visit the house.
  Every life has its roses and thorns .
  The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green .
  The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching the material.
  Beauty lies in lover''s eyes.
  The difference between fusion and fission does not stop here.
  Different systems of gases produce flames of different colors.
  Rubber is not hard and it gives way to pressure.
  We wiped out an enemy regiment.
  在这句里,“吃”的原意是eat, 但在这里引申为wipe out。类似的例子还有:
  With many years'' teaching experience behind him he has no problem with this course.
  We must unswervingly give equal importance to economic development on one hand and to the development of socialist culture and ideology on the other hand .
  In preparing their budgets, governments at all levels should make sure that they can make both ends meet and that budgeted expenditures cover both material and construction costs .
  Fulfillment of the aforementioned goals will yield substantial progress in expanding China‘s comprehensive national strength and improving the living standards of her people.
  Our comrades should take note: Don''t live on the power of your office, your high position or seniority.
  We tried to delegate power to lower levels on a number of occasions. But this was limited solely to readjusting the administrative power of the central and local authorities and of the different departments and regions.


(吕叔湘 1951)
(朱光潜 1980)
  著名翻译理论家尤金·奈达曾明确指出:“翻译中绝对的对等是永远不可能的。”林语堂先生更以自己丰富的翻译实践总结说:“凡文字有声音之美,有意义之美,有传神之美,有文气文体形式之美,译者或顾其义而忘其神,或得其神而忘其体,决不能把文义 、文神、文体及声音之美完全同时译出,……因此,百分之百忠实,只是一种梦想。”许多事实已经表明,文学翻译,单凭字典的义项进行文字的转换是绝对不够的,必须重视作品的文化解读。翻译中一定要联系作者的创作思想及故事的环境等等文化背景来理解。手边就有一例。《尤利西斯》中有一句:“ Wonder is he pimping after me?”金隄译为:“不知道他会不会是想拉我的皮条?”萧乾夫妇则译为:“不晓得他会不会在盯梢?”查字典,pimping的义项确为“拉皮条”,但这里是写布卢姆背着妻子,正从邮局取来一封情人寄来的信,突然遇见妻子的相好麦科伊走来,心虚的布卢姆于是在心里产生这句疑问。试想,大白天在邮局门口,竟想到妻子的相好要给他“拉皮条”?这于理于情都说不通。从“文化解读”来判断,此处译为“盯梢”倒更合情理;何况 pimp 一词在澳洲就有“密探”之意,爱作文字游戏的乔伊斯把它引伸过来暗喻“盯梢”,是完全可能的。可见,对于文学翻译来讲,字典并非万能。
(摘自 李景端《 一句成语翻译引发的争论》 2003)
  汉英翻译中,译文受原文字面影响的问题 很多。现在举三个方面常见的现象说明一下。
  抓紧施肥 grasp manure(pay c1ose attention to or attend to the question of manure)(这个译法曾在许多人中传为笑谈。)
  取得成就 make achievements(have or record)
  学习知识 learn knowledge (acquire or attain)
  把中国建设成为 build China into(turn or transform )
  犯个人主义的错误 make mistakes of indiv1dua1ism( mistakes of succumbing to individualism)
  我们有过这样的经验 We had the experience that(1t was our experience that)
  热烈祝贺亚运会 Warmly congratulate the Asian Games (Hail or Greet)附带提一下,亚运会有这样一句口号:“争取运动成绩与精神文明双丰收”译成“For a good harvest both in sports and mora1s”。“丰收”译成“good harvest”,太拘泥于字面了。“精神文明”不好译,译成“morals”也费了一番苦心。但是morals另有含义,Long11zan Dictionary的解释是:“standards of behaviour, esp.in matters of sex”。口号的译文可能给人印象是东道主十分担心男女运动员之间会发生越轨行为。这句口号译成“For better(athletic) records and sportsmanship”是否稍好些?
  Our cause has won victories one after another.
  cause是没有生命的,而win victories的主语一般是人,二者用在一起,就把 cause 拟人化了。英译文虽然在语法上站得住脚,但不符合英语习惯用法,不是地道的英语。译文需要改写,或者加主语,如:
  We have won one victory after another for our cause.
  A series of victories have been won for our cause.
  The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable ro1e in our history. (不是:Chinese characters have made indelible contributions in history。)
  It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion 。
(不是:Religion must not interfere with politics.)
  进一步简化手续,及时地积极地从国外引进,并且认真 组织科学技术人员和广大职工做好消化和推广工作。
We should simplify procedures and take prompt action to import urgently needed technology … organize scientists , technicians and workers to assimilate and popularize imported technology。
  如果照原文字面在simplify前加上further,在prompt后加上and vigorous,在organize前加上earnestly或actively,在workers前加上the mass of,文字会显得重复和累赘,反而没有很好传达原文的意思。
  此外,有的修饰词要不要译、需要根据情况,仔细斟酌,有时译了反而有损原意,例如“胜利召开”如译为successfully convened, 会使人感到召开前遇到不少困难和阻碍,最后才得以开成,而原文可能根本没有这种含义。

  (摘自 程镇球 《汉英翻译问题》《中国翻译》 1991年第3期)
  概念意义和关联意义(conceptual meaning and associative meaning)词汇意义由概念意义和关联意义两个方面组成。概念意义是词义的核心,它直接地、明确地表示所指对象;关联意义是词的附带意义,包括词的感情色彩和文体意义等等。例如,father,dad, daddy,papa,the old man和male parent这几个词表示的概念是相同的,即具有共同的概念意义,这一点是清楚的;而同样很清楚的是,它们的感情色彩和文体意义之类的关联意义很不相同。词的概念意义事实上也就是词典对词下的定义。了解一个词的意义首先要掌握词的概念意义。typewriter不是打字员,而是打字机;cooker不是炊事员,而是炊具;Bern不是德国的波恩,而是瑞士的伯尔尼。词的关联意义主要包括内涵意义(connotative meaning)、文体意义(stylistic meaning)、感情意义(affective meaning)和搭配意义(collocative meaning)。

  (见《译学大词典》 P.46)

orchid,其中,plant就是上义词,flower是plant的下义词, 但又是rose/peony/jasmine/tulip/orchid的上义词,词义越靠上的,搭配范围越广。还有就是词义多的词,英汉语中都有一些很活跃的词,它们都具有很强的搭配能力,如英语的put,make,get,take,run等;汉语的“打”、“做”、“发”、“搞”等的搭配范围都很广。
  但词义并不能解释所有的搭配模式,如果可以从意义来判断搭配,那么汉语的“进行访问”,也许可以用carryout,perform,undertake和visit搭配。 但是,在英语中,人们会说payavisit,一般不会说makeavisit,更不会说performavisit。 虽然,英国人会把面包放在烤架(grill)下烤,但他们不会说grillbread。汉语可以说“吃饭”,也可以说“吃药”,但在英语里可以说eatameal,却不可以说eatmedicine,而应该说takemedicine。同样,英语可以说maleteacher,也可以说maledog, 但译成汉语只能说“男教师”和“公狗”,不能说“公教师”、“男狗”。一些词尽管有共同的基本义,但搭配不同。例如英语的“pretty”“handsome”都有“好看”“漂亮”的意思, 但和“girl”、“woman”、“flower”搭配时常常用前者;而和“man”、“car”“overcoat”搭配时常常用后者。同样都是讲食品变质,说“奶油”(butter)变质,用rancid,讲“蛋”(egg)变质用addled。尽管这两个英文单词是同义词,都有“变质”的意思,但rancideggs和addledbutter在英语里是不可接受的搭配。在英语里,人们会说breakrules(违规);但不会说breakregulations,会说wastingtime(浪费时间),但不会说squanderingtime。虽然,deliveraverdict和pronounceaverdict(宣判)在英语里都是正确的搭配,但是pronounceasentence是英语里可以接受的搭配,而deliverasentence就不可以。这些例子说明搭配多是约定俗成的习惯搭配,词典释义无法给出任何理由。比如汉语的量词搭配:一位教授、一架飞机、一张桌子、一节电池、一台车床等,这些量词的搭配也都没有任何理由可讲。
  除了词义搭配和习惯搭配外,搭配还和词的语法功能,如词性和词的类别意义有关。如果不了解词性,不了解搭配的意义关系就会产生搭配不当的错误。比如“我印象了这件事”(“印象”不是动词,不能带宾语)这句话的错误原因是不了解“印象”的词性。同样,在英语里,不能说“height speed”,因为这里应该用形容词high和speed搭配,而不能用名词height。又比如“教室里光线很嘹亮”,这种错误的主谓搭配是由于不了解“嘹亮”的词义类别(“嘹亮”能形容声音,不能形容光线)所造成的。在不同用途的文本中词汇也有不同的搭配。 在法律、科技、公文等文本中, 都有特定专业术语和习惯搭配,译者要有相关的专业知识并熟知不同用途文本中的习惯搭配,才能正确理解和翻译。
  例:第二条 中国政府依法保护外国合营者按照中国政府批准的协议、合同、章程在合营企业的投资、应分得的利润和其它合法权益。
  Article 2 The Chinese Government protects, according to the law, the investment of foreign joint ventures, the profit due them and their other lawful rights and interests in an equity joint venture, pursuant to the agreement, contract and articles of association approved by the Chinese Government. (《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》(中英对照))
  to bore a hole 镗孔 ( 机械工程)
  to improve the surface finishes
  不同风格的词一般也有不同的搭配。例如汉语里“压根儿”与“根本”,在与“分歧”搭配时,只能说:“根本的分歧”而不能说“压根儿的分歧”。而且,词的色彩不同,搭配也不一样,如英语a great fool,译成汉语不能说“伟大的傻瓜”,除非是讽刺,因为“伟大”是褒义词,一般应该译成“十足的傻瓜”。特别是一些词义中立的词,在不同上下文中可能有褒有贬,应根据实际情况,以相应的褒贬词来表达。They are ambitious although they are poor. 他们虽穷却很有志气。They have seen through his ambitious designs. 他们已识破他的野心。汉语的“搞”字是中立的词,但“搞活”(invigorate/ rejuvenate)是褒义的,而“搞鬼”(play trick/scheme in secret)就是贬义的。
  搭配模式还和逻辑有关。虽然不同民族存在共同的思维,但作为思维形式的语言是民族内部约定俗成的产物,因此,不同语言的语言逻辑也不尽相同。英语讲back and forth,汉语却只能译成“来来回回”,汉语说“水火”,英语也只能译成 fire and water 。汉语讲时间、地点是按由大到小的逻辑顺序排列,英语则按由小到大的顺序排列。
  例:Airlines fight it out on the world wild web.(Time March 22, 1999)
  1) heavy smoker/drinker→heavy gambler 。
  总之,搭配是约定俗成的,有很大的随意性。因此,给翻译造成了无数的陷阱。在翻译时,我们一定要注意词的搭配意义,所谓搭配意义是指适合用在某一个上下文中的意义。掌握词语的搭配意义对正确理解原文有重要意义。英汉互译时,不能简单地用词典释义来替换。译者应该熟知两种语言的习惯搭配,同时也可以借助词典,来判断词的搭配意义。 例如:
  dry cow 不产奶的母牛
  dry fire 空弹射击
  dry canteen 不卖酒的小卖部
  dry facts 不加渲染的事实
  dry book 枯燥无味的书
  dry shampoo 干洗的洗发剂
  dry party 无酒的聚会
  dry wine 无甜味的葡萄酒
  dry farming 旱作农业
  dry law 禁酒令
  dry nurse 保姆
  以上这些例子中dry的意义, 因搭配不同而不同,不能完全根据词典的释义来翻译。 又如Alternative一词从词典释义来看不难明了,但是在使用和翻译时,必须注意与它搭配使用的限定词和介词以及上下文,否则就有可能导致误用或误译。例如在表达“另一种可采用的方法”时,如用alternative,前面不能加限定词another,因为alternative一词原义就指“二者选一”、“二者之一”,已含有“另一个”的意思,引申后恰好可以表示“另一种(可供选用)方法”,所以只需说an alternative或the alternative就可以了。 再看He has no alternative. 一句,初学者往往根据alternative 的“可采用的方法”这一释义而译成“他没有可采用的方法”或“他一筹莫展”,殊不知alternative在这一句的含义是“另一种可采用的方法”,所以句子应译为“他没有选择的余地”或“他别无良策”。
  As the proverb so aptly says “ A dragon begets nine offspring, each one different. ”
  She grew up to be a graceful charming young woman.
  Abraham begot Issac.
  A woman bears a child.
  The ewe yeans .
  The cow calves .
  The sow farrows .
  The hen lays an egg.
  Her mother died soon after she was born .
  Mrs. Dobson has produced two fine sons.
  尽管搭配是约定俗成的,有很大随意性。但语言不是由词汇随意拼凑而成的,词与词之间的兼容性是有一定限度的,如某类动词只能跟某种主语或宾语一起出现,某些形容词只能修饰某类名词,某些副词也只能修饰某类形容词、动词或其他副词。我们在翻译中不仅会遇到理解原文中搭配词义的问题,而且还会经常遇到翻译表达时选择搭配词的难题。这就特别需要译者有扎实的语言功底,熟知两种语言的习惯搭配,同时,还要善于利用如《英汉搭配词典》、《现代汉语实词搭配词典》或其他词典来判断和选择合适的搭配词。例如,汉语里可以说“人老了”,但不能说“年纪老了”。因此,把“He was weak and old.”译成汉语,不能译为“他身体衰弱,年纪老了。”因为“年纪”和“老”搭配欠妥,应改为“他身体衰弱,年纪又大。”
  这说明,在词语搭配上,特别要注意英汉两种语言的搭配习惯。英语中同一个词译成汉语,也要分别不同情况,采取不同译法,使它合乎汉语搭配习惯。如 shabby这个词,用在不同的地方,译成汉语,就要选择不同的词来表达:
  He lives in a shabby house.
  She is a shabby old woman.
  The professor looks rather shabby .
  This is a shabby excuse.
  They were friendly to me and my opinion.
  He wore dark glasses and a thick jersey.
  Tremendous creativity and enthusiasm.
  He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.
  cocks crow 鸡啼
  deer bellow 鹿鸣
  dogs bark 犬吠
  goats bleat 羊咩
  lions roar 狮吼
  tigers growl 虎啸
  wolves howl 狼嚎
  horses neigh 马嘶
  elephants trumpet. 象吼
  cranes whoop 鹤唳
  bears/bulls bellow 熊/公牛吼
  snakes hiss 蛇嘶嘶
  frogs croak 青蛙“呱呱”叫
  magpies chatter 喜鹊“嘁嘁喳喳”叫
  gooses cackle/ gaggle 鹅“嘎嘎”叫
  nightingales jug 夜莺 啭鸣
  chicks cheep/ pip/ peep 小鸡“叽叽”叫
  mice squeak 老鼠“吱吱”叫
  asses/donkeys bray 驴叫
  sparrows twitter /chirp/ chirrup 麻雀“唧唧喳喳”叫
  cats miaow /mew/purr. 猫“喵喵”叫

5. 英语形容词转译成名词



  但是中国翻译理论的发展则是到了东汉佛教传入中国后为翻译经典而慢慢发展出来的。在三国时代﹝224 AD﹞,译经者支谦在《法句经序》中便引用老子道德经中的「美言不信,信言不美」表示出最初翻译经典时所凭借的理论。三国之后,魏晋南北朝时道安鸠摩罗什慧远等高僧再翻译经典时也发展出自有的一套翻译理论。其中以鸠摩罗什兼通天竺语和汉语,因此常常不拘泥于原文而对译文做更动、删减,但不失去原来所要传达的意义。慧远则主张「质文有体,义无所越」作为翻译的基本理论。





  (摘自 杨孟《翻译地图》1999/11)

  英汉遣词造句的习惯不同,英汉互译时,原文的某些词在译文中要转换词类。比如名词转为动词或形容词,形容词转为名词或副词,动词转为名词等。词类转换是英汉互译时最常用的一种变通手法,通过词类的转换可以突破原文的句式,引起句法的转换,如“近来,研究人员发现感冒可以通过人的手传染”可译为Recent research discoveries indicate that flu can be spread by hand contacts. 原文中的“发现”是动词,而译文根据上下文的需要,灵活地把动词转换成名词 discoveries 。词类转换也 是避免“中式英语” (Chinese English) 或“英式汉语” (Anglicized Chinese ) 的重要手段。译者应根据上下文灵活处理,以求译文符合目的语的表达习惯。
  The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desert countries.
  The pianist gave a fine performance .
  Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the points where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more " unnatural food".
  (在原文中sense是名词,作has的宾语,但在have the sense(of sth./to do sth.)中sense是习语的主体,故译成汉语时常可转译为动词“意识到”。)
  Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.
  He feared the withdrawal of his parents'' permission.
  The settlement of Africa by white people started 500 years ago.
  There was some acknowledgement that the parents had to be involved.
  His excellent performance in the play impressed me deeply.
  This kind of behavior characterizes the criminal mind.
  To them, he personified the absolute power.
  I would very much appreciate it if you could take our suggestion into consideration .
  The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.
  His wife has done everything possible to mother him.
  The new contract would expire in 5 years.
  Please let us know if our terms are acceptable .
  We must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a "valid" or "fair" comparison.
  (sure 是形容词,译成汉语时转换为动词“确保”。)
  英语中有些表示知觉、情绪、欲望等心理状态的形容词,作表语时,常可转成汉语动词。这类形容词有: able, afraid, angry, ashamed, aware, anxious, careful, cautious, certain, concerned, confident, doubtful, glad, grateful, ignorant (不知道),sorry, thankful等。 如:
  I am very concerned about her.
  I am grateful to you for helping me.
  与英语的形容词转换为汉语的动词相反,汉语动词常转换为英语“be+ 形容词”的结构。如:
  Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier?
  I am anxious about her health.
  我们切不可满足于仅仅有一点点书本知识 。
  We should never be content with a little book knowledge only.
  It is doubtful that he will come.
  5. 英语形容词转译成名词
  We must respect the old and love the young .
  The two compounds are both acids, the former is strong, the latter weak.
  This workpiece is not more elastic than that one.
  Glass is much more soluble than quartz.
  Stevenson was eloquent and elegant —— but soft.
  史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱 。
  The Smiths were religious.
  6. 英语形容词转译为汉语副词
  All of this proves that we must have a profound study of properties of metals.
  Only when we study their properties can we make better use of the materials.
  A helicopter is free to go almost anywhere.
  The same principles of low internal resistance also apply to milliammeters.
  He is physically weak but mentally sound.
  The device is shown schematically in Figure 5.
  Electromagnetic waves travel as fast as light.
  The sea thundered on, over and past , and as it roared by it revealed a hideous sight.
  Open the valve to let air in.
  In this case the temperature in the furnace is up.
  9. 英语介词转译成汉语动词
  The government is behind this project.
  Public opinion was against the proposal.
  We are all in favor of his suggestion.
  They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.



  增词法:增词法就是在翻译时按意义(或修辞)和句法的需要:增加一些词来更忠实通顺地表达原文的思想内容:这当然不是随意增加,而是增加原文中虽无其词而有其意的一些词)严复在汉译的《(〈 天演论 〉译例言)中说:“至原文词埋本深,难于共喻,则当前后引衬,以显其意。”意思是有些原文含义艰深,难以理解,便要在这些句子的前后,酌加“引衬”,以便使原文的意思明显。他不说“解释”或“说明”,而说“引衬”,是有道理的。“引”是“引伸”,“衬”是“帮衬”即帮助的意思,所以“引衬”是说多加几个字进去,以助了解。例如:1. When I came to l was in the water, swimming automatically, though I was about two thirds drowned. (Mark Twain)当我清醒过来时,发觉自己在水里,虽然浸得半死,却本能地浮着。(吴玉音译)译文增加了动词“发觉”原文虽无与之相应的动词,但其含义却可以从上下文得到。 2. I judge I would saw out and leave that night if pa got drunk enough, and I reckoned he would.(Mark Twain)我猜那天晚上爸要是醉得够厉害的,我就可以锯完那个洞钻出去,我算计着他是会醉得够呛。(张友松等泽)原文 would后面的动词 drunk根据英语修辞要求省略了,而汉语则重新补出。汉译英时也时常增朴一些词,以符合英语习惯。例如:1.在这样的问题上,越谨慎越好。One can''t be too careful in matters like this. 英译时,增补主语one。2.他把双手放进口袋里,然后耸了耸肩膀。He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 根据英语习惯,增加形容词性物主代词his。3.再试一次,你就会成功。Try again and you will succeed. 增加连词and。(王馥芳 见《中国翻译词典》)
  增益 增益(contextua1 amplification)也叫“上下文增益”,是在译文中明示出原语读者视为当然而译语读者却不知道的意义。增益一般用于以下三种情况:一、为了语法上的需要。例如英语可数名词的复数形式:汉语名词没有数的形式变化。下例是加上一些字来表达原文的复数意义: A conference of developing countries has convened in Washington attempting to identify priorities for improving life among poor areas of the world.一些发展中国家和较富有的工业国家在华盛顿举行了会议,企图确定在改善世界贫穷地区人民生活中应当首先做哪些事情。二、为了表达的清晰和自然。Noontime came and went; Nixon, who rarely had lunch, and Kissinger, who rarely missed it, skipped the meal and went right on talking for almost four hours. 正午到了,又谈到偏午,尼克松是很少吃中饭的,基辛格是很少不吃中饭的,但这回两人都不曾想到这顿饭,接连谈了差不多四个钟头。三、为了沟通不同的文化。汉语中“下中农”和“上中农”两词过去一直译成 lower-middle- peasants 和 upper-middle- peasants, 外国人看了不知所云。如果译文稍加增益,说明“上”和“下”是指什么,译成 lower-middle-income-peasant 和 upper-middle-income-peasant 就好理解了。再如,西安旅游点“华清池龙吟榭”,译为 Long Yin Xie (a pavilion built specially for emperors to recite poetry ) in the Hua Qing Pool. 译文处理得就较好。
(柯文 见《中国翻译词典》)
  减词法 减词法是指原文中某些词在译文中不译出来。减词不能减意,其目的是为了更忠实通顺地表达原文的意思。1.顾及词类使用习惯各种语言的词类使用习惯不同,比如英语代词、连词、介词等使用较多,汉语用得较少。因此:英语在译成汉语时,这类词往往省略不译。例如:① Conrad went outside and began to bounce a ball on the road.(R. E. Sherwood Extra ! Extra !)(康拉德到外面马路上拍起球来。)连词 and 未译出来。② Mrs. Wil1y sat in a chair and folded her hands.(R. Suchow Golden Wedding)(伟利太太手叠着手坐在椅子里。)代词her未译出来,此外,由于关系转移,连词and自然也译不出来。③ Our son, Carl, who is six, goes to a good private schoo1, and our daughter, who is four, won''t go to school until next year. ( J. Cheever The Season of Divorce)(儿子卡尔六岁,在一所很好的私立学校读书;女儿四岁,明年才上学。)(泓湖译)原文中代词our,连词who,and,介词until在译文中都给省略了。译文显得简洁。 2.避免累赘“原文有些词的意义,译文通过上下文能够表达出来;因此可省去不译。、④ Toward evening he saw it again 。 But this time there was fear in its face.(J.Kjelgaad The Black Horse)(接近傍晚时,他再度看到马,马的神情恐惧。)原文this time的意思已包含在“傍晚时”和“再度”中,故可不译出来。如果定要译出(“这一次”),只能使译文变得累赘。⑤“ I must look very funny next to Ralph who is so big.”(S.Benson Little Woman )(“我站在大个子雷夫的身旁,看来一定很滑稽。”)译者将定语从句who is so big 缩减为一个词“大个子”,使译文显得简练。③ I handed him some money to pay for it. He wouldn''t take the money.( M. K. Rawlings A Mother in Mannivil1e ) (我给他一点钱付修理费,他不收)。给他的是钱,不收的自然也是钱。 the money省去不译,读者不会产生误解。译了,反而显得多余。3.顾及译入语习惯 原文中有些词译出来会违反译文语言的表达习惯,有时甚至会歪曲原意,因此必须省略不译。① He decided he had better go home , not to the rooming house in New Orleans , but home to grandpa''s house. ( A. W. Bontemps Lonesome Boy ) (他决定最好还是回家 , 不是回新奥尔良的公寓,而是回祖父的家。) but house to grandpa''s house 若译为“祖父住宅的家”,显然不符合汉语表达习惯。③ He felt sure now he would be able to stay. (L. Hearn The Boy Who Painted Cats )(他确信现在他能够停留下来了。) felt sure 如译成“感到确信”,就不大符合汉语搭配习惯,略去“感到”二字,无损原意。(傅仲选:1993 ,第224-228页)
  I saw the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiers plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts,…
  Both brothers are not here.
  (原文both…not是部分否定,不是全部否定。意思是:两个中,一个是,另一个不是。因此,翻译时要增词,而不能简单地译为:两个兄弟都不在这里。要是两个都不在,英文应该是:Neither of the brothers is here.)
  When I arrived I found her sitting on the stoep. She looked lonely and pathetic.
  Air pressure decreases with altitude.
  The frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely related.
  Air is a mixture of gas es .
  I am and will always be your friend.
  (英语通过词形变化和加助动词表示动词的时态,汉语的动词没有表示时态的词形变化和相应的助动词, 翻译时需要增词,表示不同的时态。)
  We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration.
  The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.
  The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo.
   “Remember: you are not any old Tom, Dick or Harry giving his opinion. You''re a man who was sent as a representative of the British Government.”
  “你要记住,你不是一个 普普通通的老百姓,可以随便发表意见。你是英国政府派出的代表。 ”
  (原文Tom, Dick and Harry 是三个词,译文缩减为“普通老百姓”,如果照原文直译,读者一定难以理解。)
  在党的领导下,中国人民已经完成了解放 事业 。
  Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people have succeeded in their liberation .
  (英文liberation已经包含了“事业”的范畴意义,因此汉语表示范畴的词“事业”就不用译出。The cause of liberation使人觉得是中式英语。)
  Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.
  Heated, water will change to vapour.
  Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in it.
  The plan is considered practical.
  He is very tall.
  She is a student.
  They are singing and dancing.
  Live or die, we should be loyal to our Party, to our people and to our motherland.
  He''s a sick man and he can''t come for his dough.
  The earth moves round the sun.
  You buy stamps at a post office.
  Different metals differ in their conductivity.
  A square has four equal sides.
  There is no cloud in the sky.
  (介词在英文里使用率很高,汉语则不然,主要通过语序和逻辑关系来表示,英译汉时常可以省略不译。另外,像 there 这样的引导词,也可省略不译。)
  I want to buy a book.
  她昨天工作 了 一天。
  She was working all day yesterday.
  Are you a student?
  We think we have freed our slaves, but we have not. We just call them a different name.
  Heat from the sun stirs up the atmosphere, generating winds.
  (译文加上“于是 ” 也是为了使前后语气连贯。)
  The numbers of known hydrocarbons run into tens of thousands.
  (根据汉语的表达习惯, the number of 可以省去不译,意思照样十分清楚。)
  Suitable for men, women and children.
  The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.
  (原文中的“大米白面”、“绫罗绸缎”、“金银财宝”等四字词组分别指“吃的”、“穿的”、“花的”,可直截了当译成 food, clothes, money 。若直译反而啰嗦,而且不符合英语表达习惯。)


  重复(repetition) 重复是最明显的修辞手段,大都能强调、增加整体感和连接语句的作用,特别可以用来标示语句过渡。但在有的语言中,重复可以引起误解。在英语里 Lord, Lord (上主,上主)无疑表示强调,但在某些菲律宾土语中这么重复,则会大大有损于强调。同样,在有的语言中,人们认为《旧约·诗篇》中的排比用法令人不快,因为这种排比就像把同一件事说两遍,低估了读者的理解力。重复可有两种基本类型:一种是同一话语中的重复,一种是多篇话语如引语中的重复。同一话语中的重复有语音重复、单词重复、词组重复、句法结构重复、命题重复甚至整个段落重复,有时较大单位的重复以归纳形式加以表现。
  翻译工作六大新趋势 由八十年代开始,世界各地的翻译工作逐渐在几方面产生变化,其中最明显的趋势包括以下几个——
  翻译和创作 译者的天才要与作者的天才相等时,才能译出上好的作品。这无异是说,翻译也是一种创作,不过是在某种范围之内的创作吧了。意大利的美学家克罗齐(Croce)在他著的《美学原理》一书中,也谈到翻译这回事,虽着墨不多,然颇为精要。归结其大意约有四点如下: 1. 翻译是把原作放到熔炉包中,与译者所获得的印象融合为一之后,由译者创造出来的新作品。 2. 翻译并不是原作的翻版,因译文并不跟原文完全相同,只是与原文有几分类似的一种创作作品。 3. 译文有几分欠缺也是难免的。4. 上好的译文除与原文有几分相似外,必须有它独创的艺术价值,本身即可成为独立的一部艺术作品。
  我们翻译文学作品时,更需要有创作的能力。 Copeland 谈文学翻译时曾说: Literature in translation is almost always sure to be literature at least once removed. . And in the case of poetry the removes are always likely to be as those of Scotch cousins. (翻译的文学差不多总是至少要隔着一代的。至于在翻译诗歌的时候,那就隔得更厉害了,简直好像是极为生疏的远亲一样。)他这里所谓王Scotch cousins (苏格兰的表亲),有时也说成 a cousin forty times removed(隔了四十代的表亲),意指疏远得不得了的瓜葛亲,好像和我们的俗语“五百年前共一家”的意味相近。这无非是说;诗歌经过翻译之后,简直面目全非了。印度的泰戈尔自己将其用本国文学写的诗译成英文时,有许多地方也变得完全不同了,等于新的创作。德文谚语说的 Mit Woelfen Muss man heulen, 英译作 Among wolves one must howl.中文“在狼群中你就得嗥”,但就字面的说法,我们是不容易了解这句话的真意的。如果意译为英文的 When in Rome do as the Romans do. 或意译为中文的“入乡随俗”,含义就显明了。从内容上看:这是释义,而不是翻译。从文字上看这也不是翻译,而是创作了。
(钱歌川1980,第8一11页 见《译学大词典》)
  They may win the war but not the peace.
  We should learn how to analyze and solve problems.
  I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.
  He became an oil baron---all by himself.
  (为了使行文更通顺明确,而重复了表语oil baron。)
  John is a friend of mine and hers.
  The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of one hundred ordinary patients.
  The little apprentice in particular lived in terror of the boss, who had borne down on him so often and so hard that there was little left.
  The President announced, with obvious relish, that the planes took off from "Shangri-la", the fictional, remote retreat in the Himalayas.
  这位总统洋洋得意地宣称,这批飞机是从 “香格里拉”起飞的,而“香格里拉”是一个虚构的喜马拉雅山中的世外桃源。(英语中的同位语,在译文中有时也可以重复先行词。)
  Chairman Mao is an activist, a prime mover, an originator and master of strategy achieved by alternating surprise, tension and easement.
  We talked of ourselves, of our studies, of our prospects, of each other--of everything.
  But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.
  In China, they “made mistakes”, suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory.
  Each country has its own customs.
  Happy families also had their own troubles.
  幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。(英语中用物主代词its,his,their, 等等以代替句中作主语的名词(有时附有修饰语)时,翻译时往往可以不用代词而重复其作主语的名词(有时附有修饰语),以达到明确具体的目的。)
  I''ll take whoever wants to go.
  Whoever works hard will be respected.
  (英语中强势关系代词或强势关系副词如whoever, whenever, wherever等等,翻译时往往使用重复法处理。)
  Some have entered college and others have gone to the countryside.
  He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men.
  The State shall , in light of the needs for the development of foreign trade, set up and improve financial institutions in service of foreign trade and establish development fund and risk fund for foreign trade.
  He covered his face with his hands, as if to protect his eyes. (英文里物主代词用得比汉语多,汉译英时,常要在英文里重复物主代词。)
  Dead is the monarch, dead the servant who cringed before him, dead the city in which they dwelt.
  Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
  During their stay in Peking, they visited some old friends of theirs, visited Peking University and visited the Great Wall.
  We need rapid progress, not slow progress.
  They steal, they rob, they swindle; no one dares to cross their path.
  This is the springtime for the revolution, this is the springtime for the people, this is the springtime for science!
  (这里英译重复this is the springtime,同样也是为了保留原文的强调语气。)
  The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.
  (为了表达生动, 将原文的tongue-tied用两个四字语来表达。虽然语义重复,但中文表达生动。)
  They drove in a black limousine, past groves of birch trees and endless rows of identical new buildings.
  他们乘坐一辆黑色大轿车,经过一片片白桦林,穿过一排排新楼房。这些楼房,千篇一律,望不到头。(英语原文groves和rows都是复数形式,汉译运用词的重叠较生动地表达了原意。 )
  Once he took up his pen, writings began pouring down.
  (汉译用“洋洋洒洒”的重叠词语,生动再现了原文的pouring down。)
  This is the way things are: if they attack and we wipe them out, they will have that much satisfaction; wipe out some, some satisfaction; wipe out more, more satisfaction; wipe out the whole lot, then complete satisfaction.
  After all, youth is youth , or else why should we bother to have a Youth League?
  Silence!Silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence.


  习语译法 广义的习语(或称“熟语”)包括成语、俗语、谚语、歇后语、惯用语,以及部分粗俗语及俚语等。习语是语言中最生动形象、凝练多姿的部分,集中体现了民族文化积淀,因此,为了再现原文的民族特色、语言风采,能直译移植的,当尽量直译;同时,习语又是语言中最富变化而又约定俗成的部分,因此切忌一般对待,而须调动一切手段,务使意求其准,译尽其妙。这两方面既矛盾又统一的辩证结合,形成了习语译法上的灵活多变、纷繁有致。主要方法不外乎直译、套择、意译三种,但详分细剖,却至少有以下14种情况:一、 直译法: 在不违背译语规范、易于理解且使译文生色时,即可直译,保留原语比喻、形象和民族、人文色彩,以利再现原文风格。如英译汉的:“Blood is thicker than water”一“血浓于水”;汉译英的:“跑了和尚跑不了庙”——“ The monk may run away , but the temple can''t run with him ”。二、套译法: (参见相应词目)。三、 意译法 。舍弃原语形象、比喻,抓住内容、喻义,结合上下文灵话传达原意。如汉语中的歇后语,就多用此法处理。(参见“典故译法”、“形象词语译法”两条目中意译部分)四、直译意译结合法。(参见相应词目)。五、应用习语临时变体法。利用习语的临时变体(原习语字面经增、减、改、仿等处理的变化形式)移作译语,亦可取得习语套译的效果。如以变体对正格的汉英译例,以英语谚语“ no gains without pain” 的减字变体,译“守株待兔”,而成“ to wait for gains without pains ”;再如以变体对变体的英汉译例:“ I only know what we see from our worm''s-eye view(‘bird''s eye view'' 的变体)”——“我所知道的只是我们,毛(虫)观天''(‘坐井观天''的变体)所得的一点情况”。 六、“删词一扩词”法 。对含义重复部分删去不译,以使行文干净利落,此法常用于汉外翻译中;而当外汉翻译时(则出于对仗(排比等修辞考虑,常取扩词法。前者如:“铜墙铁壁”—“ wall of bronze ”,后者如:‘‘ catch at shadows”——“捕风捉影”。七、添词显意法。根据原语内涵,增补必需的词语以便于读者理解。如:“修桥补路,你尽派人家官工,这叫借香献佛!”——“··· That was borrowing joss-sticks from a neighbour and burning them before Buddha for your own sake .”。八、博喻、混喻取舍法。 (参见相应词目)。 九、还原法。 将原由译入语引入译出语的习语仍还原为原语形式。如汉译英的:“王牌”——“ trump card ”,“玩火自焚”——“ Whoever plays with fire perishes ”;英译汉的:“ running dog ”——“走狗”, “ 1ose face ”——“丢脸”。 十、注释法。 (参见“典故译法”词目之五)。十一、修辞法。 采用节奏、音韵、对比等修辞手法,重现原语修辞特点,使译语琅琅上口、易懂易记。如英译汉,‘“ An apple a day keeps the doctor away ”——“一天一苹果,医生远离我”;汉译英:“嘴上没毛,说话不牢”—“ Downy lips make,thoughtless slips ”。 十二、仿古法。 无碍理解时,不妨再现原语的古语气息。如英译汉:“ Man propose , god disposes ”——“谋事在人,成事在神”;汉译英:“已所不欲,勿施于人”—— “ Do not unto others what you would not be done by ”。 十三、粗俗语处理法 (参见相应词目)。 十四、追溯原语,引申处理。 追溯所据原习语整体喻意,结合上下文,引申得出确解。如英谚有“ Cut your coat according to your cloth ”(量为出),故“You can cut your coat a lit longer in the future —— I''rn setting ten thousand pounds a year on you at once ”,即应引申译为:“你将来的生活可以稍为宽打宽用一些了 …… ”
(彭嵋森 见《中国翻译词典 . 》)
  套译法 套译法,亦称“套用”、“借用”或“借译”。译习语时,如译入语的同义习语在内容、形式、修辞色彩上和译出语习语大体符合,有些且形象、比喻相同或相似,则可以考虑直接套用,以收发挥译文优势之效。如:“ walls have ears ”——“隔墙有耳”,“to burn one''s boats ”——“破釜沉舟”,“ castle in the air ”——“空中楼阁”,“ at sixes and sevens ”——“乱七八糟”,“ Nothing comes wrong to a hungry man ”——“饥不择食”,等等。 但是, 套译时必须力戒一味“归化”,避免将译语中特有的地理、历史、人文、生活习俗等文化民族色彩强加于原文信息组成中,以至与原作的上下文及总体氛围格格不入。如,不宜于将英语作品中的习语“ Beauty lies in lover''s eyes ”(或: Love is blind. 等)译为“汉化”的“情人眼里出西施”,也不宜于将汉语作品中的“多此一举”译为“英国化”的“ carry coals to Newcastle ”。当然在不便恪守或不必拘泥于原文具体形象时,则借用译入语中色彩淡化或非形象性直译习语也是可取的,如上二例中,前一英语习语和后一汉语习语,就都可以相应“套译”习语,而与原作上下文及总体文化、民族氛围取得协调。
(彭嵋森 见《中国翻译词典 . 》)
  粗俗语处理法 粗俗语(vulgarism)中有相当一部分是极端尖刻、粗鲁、带有侮辱性的词语,尤其是一些骂人话,通常极为粗俗。对于此类粗俗语,一般应借用同义习语,获取意译法。常用骂人话的特点是在使用中早已失去其字面原有的含义,因此在翻译时完全没有必要去按字面直译以恢复其原始意义。如中国人最普通的骂人语“他妈的”,译成英语时可借用同义骂人语“ Go to hell ”、“ What the hell ”、“ What on earth ”、“ Damn it ”,或“ Blast it ”等,都表现了一种愤激、生气、不快的情绪,逐词直译法反而不伦不类,不知所云。汉英语的许多一般俗语习语中也常有“屁”、“屎”、“尿”、“屌”、“屄”、“肏”——“ fart ”、“ *** ”、“ piss ”、“ cock ”、“ cunt ”、“ *** ”等粗俗语出现。外汉互译时一般亦应设法回避,理由也是因为现在那些俗语习语的整个意义已远非每个单词意义的相加,而事实上许多粗俗语也根本无法逐字直译,只能意译,舍貌取神。如《红楼梦》第九回中宝玉的得力小厮茗烟一把揪住金荣所说的那段话:“我们肏屁股不肏屁股,管你既把相干,横竖没肏你爹去罢了!你是好小子,出来动一动你茗大老爷!”我国老翻译家杨宪益就译为:“ what we do is no business of yours,… ”语言干净,而语气的咄咄逼人,并不下于原文。但有时为了充分表达原作用语的泼辣、粗野及性格化,也不得不从译语中选取相对应的粗话来表达。如汉语中的骂人语“放屁”,决不可形式主义地译为“ pass your wind”,而应视人物的身份、性格,说话时的内容、对象、场合、情景,灵活处理译语,可译为听来不怎么刺耳的“ Don''t talk rubbish ”、“ Don''t talk such rot ”、“ What nonsense ”、“ what rot ”、“ bosh ”等,也可译为气势汹汹、粗野逼人的“ Curse you ”及“ your farting fool ”等。毛泽东 1975 年曾怒斥过江青在大寨的一次别有用心的讲话是“放屁,文不对题”, 被译作“ Shit! Wide of the mark ”,以粗话对粗话,泼辣鄙夷,神态活现。而毛泽东词中的“不须放屁,试看天地翻覆”,则译作:“ Stop your windy nonsense!…”正颜厉色,而又意态轩昂,文贵适体,堪称佳译。
(彭嵋森 见《中国翻译词典 . 》)

  习语(idiom)是作为一个单位使用, 意义不能从其独立的组成部分得出的一种表达法。习语和固定表达(fixed expression)是不能随意改动的,其语序和语法结构不能随意改变,更不能增减或替换其中的词汇。除非说话人或作者开玩笑或故意玩文字游戏,如: There was too much buck passing.(正常的习语是pass the buck=推诿责任),否则在使用时习语通常不能进行如下几种情况的改动:
  改变词序: fight tooth and nail(拼命厮打)→
  fight nail and tooth
  删词: spill the beans(有意或无意泄露机密)→
  spill beans
  增词: face the music(勇敢面对困难)→
  face the classical music
  替换: rain cats and dogs (倾盘大雨)→
  rain cats and pigs
  改变语法结构: follow the crowd (随大流)→
  the crowd was followed
  但固定表达和谚语不同于习语,它们的意思通常比较容易推断。如 Ladies and Gentlemen (女士们,先生们), Generally speaking (一般而言), Time and tide wait for no one. ( 时不我待 ) 等等。 同时固定表达的使用又都与特定的情境和语域有关。如 Merry Christmas,年年有余等。 当然,固定表达和谚语的意思不是各个单词意思的简单叠加,我们必须把它当作一个整体来推断其含义。
  It''s raining cats and dogs .
  My neighbours are continually quarrelling, but it is usually a storm in a tea-cup .
  There is no need to jump down his throat, it wasn''t his fault.
  He was blown to kingdom come.
  A lot of the fellows that went to the Saturday night discos spent more time leaning on the wall or drinking in the bar than tripping the light fantastic and so the girls danced with each other, or got fed up and stopped going.
  I''m afraid this sudden wet weather has put paid to ( =finish, destroy ) our picnic.
  恐怕这突如其来的雨天已使我们的野炊泡汤了 。
  3.以like, as等简单的词开头的习语
  Broiled chicken disappeared from before us like magic.
  He accepted his defeat like a lamb ( =meekly ) .
  They''re the same height, or as near as (=nearly; almost) makes no difference.
  This was manly, as the world goes (=according to customary standard) .
  I can''t turn up as I have other fish to fry.
  Mary went out with (= on dates with) Jim for two years before they were married.
  ( go out with 既有“跟某人出去”字面意义也有“跟某人谈恋爱”的习惯意义。)
  Helen felt the vanity of human affairs and it was in those securities that she would have liked to cast anchor.
  海伦感到人世渺茫,只望手里有些产业,安心度日 。
  (cast/drop anchor既有“抛锚”的字面意思,也有“定居;过安定生活”的习惯意义。)
  有些习语从字面上看在目的语有十分接近的对应表达,也容易误译。 如:
  He said that no one could beat him at tennis, but had to eat his words (= admit that sth one has said was wrong) after losing several games.
  他说过打网球谁都赢不了他,可是输了几场之后, 他不得不收回前言。
  (这里 eat one''s words 很容易被误译为“食言”。)
  If you''re going to regard every suggestion I make as criticism, then I must wash my hands of the whole matter (= refuse to accept any responsibility for (sth or sb).
  (wash one''s hands of 在这里很容易被误译为“洗手不干了”,实际上是“拒绝负任何责任”。)
  A .在目的语中没有对等的习语或固定表达。这种情况经常是文化差异造成的。如 carry coals to Newcastle (“多此一举”,因为 Newcastle 是英国的一个煤炭输出地。 ) 、yours respectfully/
  B .在目标语中有相似表达,但适用语境不同,因此内涵也不同。如 to sing a different tune 和“唱对台戏”,前者指“改变对某人或某事的观点、态度”而后者则是指“采取与对方相反地的行动,来反对或搞垮对方”。
  C .原语中使用的习语兼用其字面和习语意义。双关语经常属于此种情况。
  I am reminded of the saying “ Let George do it ”, George , I''ll have a few things for you to do. ( Time Dec .27, 1982 )
  我想起了这句俗语:“让乔治来干吧!” 乔治,我有几件事要你来干。
  ( “ Let George(s) do it ”是一句美国习语,源自法国路易十二的口头禅,每当有什么苦差使没人愿意干时,他总是说:“ Let Georges do it ” ( Georges 是他的大臣Cardinal Georges )。本例背景是美国前国务卿黑格辞职,而由 George Schultz 接任。当时的里根总统在 George Schultz 宣誓就职时说了这句俏皮话。“ Let Georges do it ” .
( Georges 是他的大臣Cardinal Georges )。本例背景是美国前国务卿黑格辞职,而由 George Schultz 接任。当时的里根总统在 George Schultz 宣誓就职时说了这句俏皮话。“ Let Georges do it ” . 一方面指“让 George Schultz 来接任吧!”的意思,另一方面又意含“(既然黑格不干,)就让别人来干的吧!( Let someone else do it )”。)
  More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。
  To fish in troubled waters. 混水摸鱼。
  To kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕。
  castles in the air 空中楼阁
  坐失良机 miss the boat
  充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to
  破釜沉舟 burn your boat
  千钧一发 hang by a hair
  2.用直译法: break silence 打破沉默
  The policeman found a clue to the burglary.

  The monk can run away, but not the monastery.
  To draw water in a bamboo basket.
  Don''t get wise with me , young man.
  But the die was cast , he could not go back.

  He has recounted everything you said in detail to me.
  If anything should happen to you,
  The captain scratched the beginnings of five o''clock shadow and look away.
  上校一边用手抓着下午五点钟长出来的络腮胡子茬,一边向远处望去。(这句里的 ”five o''clock shadow”, 如果直译为“五点钟的阴影”,中国读者一定难以理解,只好一部分直译,一部分意译。)
  She is all by herself and far from home, without a single relative or friend to help her. (这里把“无亲无故”直译为 ”without a single relative or friend”,然后加上意译 ”to help her”,使意思更明确。)
  Don''t know, Captain, but it sounds like Grace is in there talking to her boss at NIS. She mentioned killing off the investigation. Sounds to me like some serious circling of wagons has been going on.
  不知道,上校,不过听起来葛瑞丝好像正和她的调查局老板谈话,她提及撤消调查。听起来像是真的要把大篷车围起来了。( circling of wagons 涉及美国的文化背景,因此可以先直译,再加注:美国人从东部向西部移民时,路上常遇印第安人袭击,于是他们就把大篷车围起来自卫。此处指当权者怕调查深入,火烧到自己身上,于是撤销调查自保。)
  This Sima Zhao trick is obvious to every man in the street. ( Sima Zhao trick 如果不加注是无法理解的,所以加注: Sima Zhao was a prime minister of Wei (220-265 A.D.) who nursed a secret ambition to usurp the throne. The emperor once remarked, “Sima Zhao''s intention is obvious to every man in the street.” )
  Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.
  冷淡的阳光照着他们的愁眉苦脸和长发白眼 。
  Cold pale sunlight illuminated their gloomy faces, long hair and lusterless eyes.
  Could you help me in any way ?
  As it happens , we did not meet there.
  milk and water → 牛奶掺水,淡而无味
  to shed crocodile tears → 鳄鱼掉泪——假慈悲
  树倒猢狲散 → Once the tree falls, the
monkeys on it will flee helter-skelter
  8. 还原法
  一些习语源于外语,翻译时可使之还原。例如“ 夹着尾巴”应写成“with the tail between the legs”; “战争贩子 ”是英文“war-monger”的中译;”蓝图” 则是“blue-print”等 .


  “四字格”在译文中的运用 “四字格”词组,系指广义的概念,包括成语与非成语。一般说来,它涵意深刻,物型短小,‘生命力’旺盛、表现力强。“四字格”的成语,因袭定型,词序固定,不能随意拆散或组合:有些“四字格”并非成语,结构松散,可以根据一定的语境灵活组合。“四字格”在译文中运用十分广泛,只要运用得当,不但使译文大为增色、而且能起到“锦上添花”的作用。 一、使译文笔墨经济,以少胜多。 寥寥四字,言简意赅,在忠实于原文的内容和风格的前提下,恰当采用,译文就显得凝炼、贴切,具有高度的概括力。至于科技翻译,实践证明,不但可用,而且有时非用不可,关键在于要忠实于原文。如: Scientific exploration , the search for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man. 科学的探索,知识的追求,使人类获得了避免天灾人祸的实力。 二、有助于译文通顺流畅,雅俗交融。三、有助于译文生动活泼,形象鲜明。 “四字格”成语,许多是凭借一定的积极修辞手段而构成的,以实指虚,具体生动,形象鲜明。运用恰当,有助于再现原文的语感、情志和形象,增加译文的感染力。四、提高译文语言的整齐匀称和韵律感。绝大部“四字格”词组中,四个字音节清晰,富于变化,连续运用,形成对仗,琅琅上口,抑扬顿挫,起落跌宕,十分和谐、具有语音上的美感,从而提高译文语言的节奏感,如:Empty vessels make the greatest sound。满瓶不响 ,半瓶叮当。 五、使用“四字格”切忌盲目追求词藻华丽而超出“信”的范围。 任何事物一旦超出适当的“限度”,就会走向自己的反面。“四字格”在译文中的运用也是如此。所谓“限度”系指“信”,不仅内容忠实,连同形式、风格也要尽可能忠实,切忌妄加更动。其次,浩如烟海的“四字格”在语体色彩上大有差异,有的属于陈腐冷僻、艰深古奥的书卷语,应该扬弃,有的属于程度高深的书卷语,有的具有深厚的汉语民族色彩,有的属于一般性的书卷语,还有的属于通俗的语体,运用时,均需根据上下文选择得当。此外,还要辨别其褒贬色彩,切忌混淆。“胸藏万汇凭吞吐,笔有千钧任歙张。”在译文中运用“四字格”,一个重要的关键,就在于忠实原文。吃透原文,并琢磨“四字格”正确含义,注意其感情色彩,运用恰当,貌神俱合,才能提高译文的质量,增加译文语言的美感和艺术感染力。
(树鉴文 见《中国翻译词典》)
  新技术使电脑大幅度降价,电脑已经进入千家万户,信息高速公路缩短了人与人之间的距离,随着新型电子通讯的发展,地球将变成一个真正的小村庄。如果我们把这个“小村庄”看作一个并合地区(convergence area),那么对于产生语言的混用现象就不会觉得奇怪。根据《语言和语言学词典》,“并合地区” 是指“一个语言集团( Speech community)和另一种相邻语言接触的地区。在这个地区中,经常性的语言接触会产生混合语言、双语现象,并发生语言演变。”造成双语现象的原因是复杂的,有政治、军事、宗教、文化、教育等方面的原因。但就目前的英汉语言混用现象而言,主要还是由于英语在全世界普及造成的。在国际交往中唯有英语超过其他任何语言,成为最常用的工作和交际语言。据语言专家估计,到本世纪末,会使用英语的人口将超过15亿,除了美国、英国、加拿大、等以英语为母语的国家外全球将有10多亿人会熟练使用英语。据统计,全球四分之三的信件是用英文写成的,因特网上80%的电子信函是用英文写成的。由于英语在信息交流中的强大优势,近年出现了不经翻译直接吸收英文术语的现象。现在随便翻开《光明日报》的电脑周刊,常常可以看到internet,window,homepage,Web,Dos,KV300,UCDOS,等电脑术语混用在汉语当中。除了在电脑技术方面的文本中有英汉混用现象外,在其他方面也出现了英汉混用现象。吴仪部长在电视采访中就直接用英语讲APEC,而不是讲“亚太经合组织”,中央台广播员直接用英语讲CCTV,NBA,MTV似乎已经司空见惯。就连《现代汉语词典》修订版也已经收入“卡拉OK”这样英汉混用的词条。美国畅销书FIT FOR LIFE 在香港译成中文时,题目也译成英汉混用的《FIT一世》。尽管《光明日报》后来也公布了internet的标准译名为“因特网”,但该报文章中仍然经常直接用internet。混用语言有的是自身选择,有的是被迫的,目前这种状况应该是自身选择的结果吧。
  应该承认这种直接借用英文原文的方法,有它的可取之处。第一,在信息爆炸时代,人们没有时间去逐一考虑每个术语既对等又巧妙的译名。直接用原文比较省时。第二,用原文可以避免误解。在社会科学和自然科学方面,有时不同的译者对同一个术语有不同的译法,如果不看原文就会被那些术语搞糊涂了。葛传规先生编的《英语惯用法词典》中所有的语法术语都是用英文,吕叔湘先生译的《文明与野蛮》一书中连“社会群体”( social groups),“文化”(culture)这样的术语都注上英文,足见两位先生治学之严谨。现在港、台及海外其他地区的华人所采取的译名往往与大陆有很大的差别,比如AIDS,大陆译为“艾滋病”,而港、台译为“爱死病”,有了原文就可避免误会。第三,用原文可以将在汉语中一时找不到对等译名的概念直接引进来。包容吸收其他民族的语言是对本民族语言的丰富和发展,英语本身就是各民族语言的大熔炉,它广泛地向其他语言直接借用了大量的词汇。象pai-hua(白话)、wok(锅)、wonton (馄饨)等汉语词汇都已直接进入英语。正是英语词汇的这种世界性,才使它有如此强大的影响力。而且英语离开英国本土后就再也不是英国人的专利了,它和新技术一样可以被其他民族所利用,成为信息交流的载体。实际上用直接借用的方法不但丰富了本民族的语言,而且使本民族的语言更容易与其他民族的语言接轨,从而更方便各民族文化的交流。时下流行的词“酷”源自英语 cool,如果用意译是很难找出与之对等的词的。美国人经常举行各种各样的party, 把party译成“晚会”、“聚会”都很难与原文对等。倒不如直接借用party更好。 直接借用的词可能一开始会比较陌生,甚至难以接受,但随着时间的推移,人们会接受的。用惯汉语数目字的人刚接触阿拉伯数字时一定很不习惯,可是现在汉语已经完全接受了阿拉伯数字。十几年前,有人说“的士”、“巴士”、“打的”等港、台词汇不中不洋,不伦不类,可是现在这些词都已收入新修订的《现代汉语词典》了。
(林本椿 《谈信息时代的翻译》上海科技翻译 1998 第2期)

  四字词组是汉语中一种常见的语言现象,是汉语的一大词汇特点。它由四个语素构成,通常分为自由词组和固定词组。自由词组是临时组成的,可随意拆散,重新组合;例如“广泛开展”,“紧密联系”。固定词组则是一个整体,不能拆散使用,其中的任何词语都不能随意更换,含特殊意义,也称为成语,例如“ 雪中送炭 ”,“路不拾遗”。 四字词组从内容上看,言简意赅;从形式上看,整齐匀称;从语音上看,顺口悦耳;从表达效果上看,形象生动。此外,四字词组迎合了我国人民自古以来的平衡美心理。受中庸哲学思想的影响,中国人的美学观念中特别强调平衡美,所以四字词组就自然特别受宠爱,在行文,说话中人们都常运用到它们。由于四字词组具有如此优点,在英译汉时若使用恰当,既能保存原作的丰姿,又使译文大为生色。最突出的一个例子就是王佐良先生所译的 《论读书》。
  Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business.
  这样一段话读来琅琅上口,实为一篇难得之佳作。现代翻译学认为,译文与原文在意义上应动态对应,不要形式对等。因此,从原文的深层意义出发,英语句中的单词、短语、习语,甚至整句,都有可能译成相应的汉语四字词组。例如 :
  If this was a time of triumph for the many, it was a painful period for the few.
  The truth comes out.
  He sat there and watched them, so changelessly changing, so bright and dark, so grave and gay.
  The two theories vary , but they are compossible.
  Misery loves company 。同病相怜。
  I congratulate myself on my narrow escape。
  On every hand was a charming view of rocky buttresses and wooded heights.
  All things conspired to make him happy 。
  The warmth of the summer months, the amount of rainfall and the gentle slopes of the land have made settlement and cultivation possible over large parts of the continent.
  She exulted to find that she had succeeded 。
  她为自己大功告成而狂喜 。
  He contrived to make a mess of the whole thing 。
  You can''t come round with such yarns .
  It has no counterpart in the world .
  The storm clouds gathered darkly,乌云密布。
  He was daunted by the amount of work still to be done。
  He was silent in default by any excuse 。
  His speech was dreary。他的演讲枯燥乏味。
  The state was in disruption 。
  Harcourt had just bought the book, and had reached into his pocket for the money with a free ready gesture to make it appear that he has been accustomed to buying books for young ladies.
  But their slanders have all been exploded in the face of hard facts.
  ( Explode 已经包含了彻底的意思,所以翻译时无需再用 completely. 彻底破产这一四字词组就译成了一个单词 explode. )
  This is the only road leading to prosperity
  (如果译成 this is the only road leading to affluence and prosperity 就显得多余了。因为affluence和prosperity 表达的是一样的意思。)
  Although the road before us is rough ┄
  (按字面翻译崎岖不平应该是 rough and bumpy, 之所以只用 rough ,道理和上面一个例子是一样的,两个词表达相同的意思择其一即可。)
  It''s impossible to carry in an atmosphere of tranquility such an earth-shaking task as getting some 500 million peasants to undertaking socialist transformation ┄
  But this so-called two-party system is nothing but a device for maintaining the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie; it can never guarantee freedoms to the working people.
  (“自由权利”中的自由即是权利,两者二而一,译成 freedoms 意即保障自由的各项权利。)
  He carelessly glanced through the note and got away.
  Over the past several weeks, she had grown increasingly restless .
  这也是一种常用的方法。这种方法往往是套用英语中最简单的词组或句型。如广告中常用的典雅大方 elegant and graceful, 轻柔松软 soft and light. 再如,某位领导的讲话要求外交人员“立场坚定、目光远大、头脑敏捷、业务熟练、才华出众、风格高尚”,黄金祺将原文译为“ A Chinese diplomat should be firm in stand, broad in vision, swift in wit, qualified in profession, outstanding in talent, noble in character ”。原文的六个四字词组在译文里换作六个 “adj.+ in +n.” 结构的短语,同样对称整齐、简明扼要,与原文相比,形式不同,功能却相似。因此用这个结构来翻译四字词组达到了异曲同工的效果,既保留了原文的风格,又使译文自然贴切,具有可读性。
  In these areas the leading posts in the peasant associations and the organ of political power should be assumed by those activists among the poor and middle peasants who are correct in their thinking and fair and just in running affairs .
  (这个例子同样也是采用 “adj.+ in +n.” 的结构来译四字词组。)
  It was a case of the reactionaries inside a socialist country, in league with the imperialists, attempting to achieve their conspiratorial aims by taking advantage of contradictions among the people to foment dissension and stir up disorder .
  As far as sight could reach, I feasted my eyes on a vastness of infinite charm, which presents itself in a profusion of color, in verdant luxuriance, in dulcet warbling, in pervading perfume, in rippling undulation, in cataract sprays, in hilly waves, in field crisscross and verily in vitality and variety .
  (一小段话连用了八个四字词组,译者将它们处理为 in +adj. + n. 的结构,使得译文同样结构整齐,意思明确,可以说是达到了内容与形式的统一。)
  趁热打铁 strike while the iron is hot
  隔墙有耳 wall has ears
  捧上天去 praise to the skies
  火上加油 pour oil on the flame
  沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean
  挥金如土 spend money like water
  笑掉牙齿 laugh off one''s head
  害群之马 a black sheep
  The president, being told of the strong earthquake in his country, was on tenterhooks every minute.
  (根据英语权威词典 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 英语习语 to be on tenterhooks 其中有一个意思是 to be in a worried, anxious state of mind (心情烦乱,焦急,紧张)。翻译心乱如麻时,我们正是采用这个意思,借助这个习语来替换四字词组。)
  We are embarking on a new era. With the respect and trust from the entire nation, we will be much more equipped to sail forward with confidence and with conviction. We will play a part in facilitating the reunification of the entire nation, and bringing a better life to all in the nation.
  (借助英语的平行结构,用 be equipped with confidence and with conviction 译出“满怀信心”,既传神达意,又上口顺耳;用 embark on 译出登上时代巨轮的形象和升锚启航的呼应,不仅相得益彰,而且加大了“乘风奋进”的力度。“振兴中华”则阐释其义,根据演讲时的语境,根据香港回归在中国统一大业和繁荣昌盛的作用,译作 play a part in facilitating the reunification of the entire nation, and bringing a better life to all in the nation ,与“祖国统一的宏伟目标”融为一体了。)
  Numerous shoals scattered over the 200kms course give rise to many eddies. Pounding on the midstream rocks, the river roars thunderously.


第三章 句子翻译

  动态对等(Dynamic Equivalence)“动态对等”是奈达(E. Nida)从交际学方面探索翻译中的对等问题所提出来的一个概念。他给“动态对等”所下的定义是:“最切近原语信息的自然对等。并进一步解释说在上述定义中有三个关键术语:1. 对等——对原语信息而言;2. 自然——对目的语而言; 3 .最切近一上述两者的结合,以达到最高度的近似。“动态对等”的理论基础是“效果对等”的原则,即译文读者对译文所做出的反应与原文读者对原文所做出的反应基本一致。后来,为避免“动态”( Dynamic )一词引起概念上的混淆,奈达将“动态对等”改为“功能对等”( Functional Equivalence )。
  对等概念 对等是一个科学描述性的概念,比文艺派喜欢用的“忠实”、“信”客观一些。“忠实”指的是态度,当然是译者的态度了,但是“忠实的译文”又转而指译文质量。“对等”不涉及译者的态度,概念比较明确一些。从语言角度研究对等,重点放在音、词素、词、词组、句、句群、语段等各层次上的等值关系。深入细微而又符合两种语言实际使用情况的调查研究,对于翻译工作中掌握语言规律有很大的帮助。层次越高、这些成分的语义内容越清楚。但是言语的实际效果,靠语义分析还不一定能确定究竟是什么。如纽马克分“通达型”和“语义型”翻译时,发现有时信息正好和语义相反,如法语 objets trouv é s 译为英语 1ost property ( Peter Newark : 1981 , P. 2 )。为什么语义相反的东西会形成对等?这里需要利用符号学、语用学的观点。据德国学者诺伊贝特(A. Neubert)分析,语言成分对等和语义对等都必须受语用对等的制约。(郭建中:86,5《中国翻译》)从这个角度观察纽马克的例子,可以发现法语 trouv é s (找到的)和英语 1ost(失去的)两个词虽然语义相反,可是各自和objets 与 property 结合后;两个词组指义相同,都是两个词组出现在招牌上,对两国人民都有“失物招领”的语用意义,因此语用关系是对等的。这才是翻译对等的基础。
  但是语用学中的对等还不完全等于翻译中的对等;诺伊贝特从语用学角度指出,莎士比亚十四行诗中的 Shall I compare thee to a summer''s day ,如果译人语国家的夏天并不柔和可爱,那么夏天不应该按词义译出。对此,纽马克却又从语义加文学的角度提出了异议,他说读者是有想象力的,读这首诗可以获得鲜明的印象,认识到英格兰的夏天是美好的,所以不会误会,反而可以加深他对英国文化的理解。(P. Newmark:82,2 BABEL)由此可见,翻译中需要的对等是一种综合性的关系。不是机械地综合语言学、语义学、语用学等等方面的对等,而是依靠艺术的眼光和文化语言素养,全面细微地考虑各方面因素。效果上的对等,就是这样一种综合性的对等关系。
  为了达到效果上的对等,译文必须通达。奈达用“自然”( natural )这个概念,比“通顺”要求高一些。“通顺”主要指语言,“自然”除了指语言外,同时还指文化上、思想习惯上可以通得过。奈达主持翻译的《今日英语版圣经》中将《新约·罗马人书》中保罗对罗马信徒们说的一句话译为 Greet one another with a brotherly kiss ,而没有沿用“钦定本”的译法—— Greet one another with a holy kiss(请你们以圣吻互相致意),“钦定本”中的“圣吻”从语言上讲并不是不通顺,但是现代英语读者无法想象什么样的吻才是“圣”,所以不自然。
  对等从来就是一个相对的概念。语言学家雅各布森( R. Jakobson )论翻译时有一句名言:“差异之中的对等,这是语言的根本问题,也是语言学的关键课题”。 ( Roman Jakobson in ON TRANSLATION , Harvard University Press , 1959 , P. 232 )因此,如果证明某些实例中的两种效果有所差异,这并不能否定等效概念,而只能说明需要进一步努力减少差异,争取能用可能范围内最自然的语言,达到可能范围内最接近原文的效果。在这样努力之后还有差异,仍不能证明等效概念无效。就是在非常严格的自然科学中,称为“绝对零度”的温度一 273 . 15 ℃,也是从理论上算出来的,实际上从未达到过,但是当然不能说它因此就没有意义。对等是一切严肃的翻译工作者必然追求的目标,不是这样的对等,便是那样的对等。只有一个办法可以否定等效原则,那就是在证明实际上并不等效的同时,能指出另一种更有意义而又更切实可行的对等。如果能确实证明有那么一种对等,那么等效原则就应该退让;除此以外,一切指出不等效的批评和质疑,都可以看作是对等效论的积极帮助,可以促使它在理论上进一步发展,从而在实践中起到更有效地提高翻译水平的作用。(金隄: 1989 ,第 21 一 24 页)
  几年前,有一次众友驱车由中文大学前往沙田市区午膳,途中因天热无风,有人提议关车窗、开冷气,车主说:「雪种不够,要去加了。」此时,同车的洋教授不禁好奇地问:「雪种是什么?」洋教授是一名汉学家,中文造诣相当不错,但没听过港式粤语「雪种」的说法。告之以「雪种」即 refrigerant(致冷剂),教授听罢不由得喟然兴叹:「啊!Seed of Snow!真是太美,太有诗意了!」同车之人,闻之皆无动于衷。
  另外有一次,利国伟博士来函提到苏东坡〈和子由渑池怀旧〉一诗的前四句:「人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥,泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞那复计东西」。他说深喜此诗,但英译本读之「总觉得称心者甚少」。其实,在这首诗中,「雪泥」的意象颇费踌躇。「雪泥」两字,到底是什么意思?「雪泥」在中国诗词中,是常见的词汇,《现代汉语词典》却解释为「融化着雪水的泥土」。《辞源》中只有「雪泥鸿爪」词条:「喻行踪无定,偶然相值也」。「雪泥」两字,按字面直译,当然就是 “snow-mud”,而“snow-mud”是否诗意盎然?我就此请教过一位加拿大名诗人,他曾经从意大利文转译过王维《辋川集》的四十首诗,其后再加上其它中国诗人作品的英译,结集成书,出版了《寂寥集》。这位诗人本身的诗作,也以吟诵自然景观为主题,深受东方文化的影响。这样的一位诗人,我问他“snow-mud”令他引起的联想是什么?他的答案是“Terrible thing!”诗人长年居住于温哥华,该处冬日寒寂、阴雨连绵,这「融化着雪水的泥土」,无论如何,都唤不起美感的经验,也是理所当然的。
  在中文里,「雪泥」是典雅优美的意象,盛载着千百年文学的遗产,携带着世世代代文化的信息,这样一个充满诗情画意、内涵极深的词汇,一旦直译照搬为 “snow-mud”, 丝毫唤不起外文读者对「人生无常、往事留痕」的丰富联想,反而引起了「泥泞不适、举步维艰」的感觉;「雪种」是只流行于粤语地区、甚或香港一地的俗语,一般香港的中国人一听「雪种」两字,就会想起汽车、冷气机等实际的事物,而决不会因此而浮想连翩,诗情洋溢。
(摘自 金圣华 《认识翻译真面目》 2000,12)

  人看牛 A man is looking at the cow.
  牛看人 A cow is looking at the man.
  看牛人 A cowherd
  He went to Shanghai yesterday.
  Yesterday he went to Shanghai.
  He has something important to tell you.
  他有重要事情告诉你。(英语中修饰any, some , every, no构成的不定代词的形容词要后置,而汉语里定语一般放在所修饰的词前面。反之,在汉译英,就要注意将定语后置。)
  这个句子没有什么 不对的 地方 。
  There is nothing wrong with this sentence.
  The guests present at the meeting are from Shanghai. (汉语原文的定语是放在“来宾”之前,译成英文, present 要放在 guest 之后。
  This is the only reference book available here.(英语中某些以 -ible 或 -able 结尾的形容词用作定语,与 every, the only, 或形容词最高级连用来修饰一个名词时,通常放在所修饰的名词之后。)
  He is the greatest poet alive . ( 英语中作表语的形容词,用作定语时,通常要后置。 )
  It was partly as a result of those economics that many of our most important new projects in other fields become possible.
  a new international economic order
  an outstanding contemporary American writer
  a little, yellow,ragged beggar (前置)
  一个要饭的,身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛 (后置)
  their attempt to cross the river (后置)
  他们渡江的企图 (前置)
  the decimal system of counting (后置)
  Britain was the first Western power to recognize the People''s Republic of China.
  军事法庭 Court Martial
  (联合国)秘书长 Secretary General (of the U.N.)
  当选总统 the president elect
  We warmly welcome you, advanced workers from various fronts, to the conference.
  This is Mr. Zhou, director of our hospital .
  The college interviewed only two applicants for the job, Professor Brown and me.
  His book, Walden Pond, has been translated into Chinese.
  He was very active in class.(前置)
  他在班上很活跃。 (前置)
  Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.(后置)
  He is running fast enough (后置)
  他跑得够快的了。 (前置)
  Seeing this , some of us became very worried.(前置)
  看到这种情况,我们有些人心里很着急 。(前置)
  A jeep full sped fast , drenching me in spray .
  一辆坐满人的吉普车急驶而过,溅了我一身水。 (后置)
  He was born in Beijing on May 20 , 1970. (地点在前)
  Close by a door at the extreme left of the veranda sat a man of about thirty.
  她是1949年12月8日出生 。
  She was born on December 8, 1949.
  他住在福州市仓山区公园路 120号。
  He lives at 120 Park Road, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City.
  Please turn off the light when you leave.
  I went out for a walk after I had my dinner.
  After I had my dinner , I went out for a walk .
  He had flown yesterday from Beijing where he spent his vacation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in Tianjin .
  He studies English hard at home every night.
  Professor Zhang is working with his two new assistants in the physical laboratory at the moment.
  张教授此刻正在物理实验室和他的两个新助手一道工作 。
  Led by the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese people, united as one , are engaged in the great task of building socialism.
  He had to stay in bed because he was ill .
  因为他病了,他只好呆在床上。 (前置)
  Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life. (汉语原文显然是个因果句,前面为因,后面为果,译成英文,要用符合英语习惯的复合句,语序由前移后。)
  I still hope you will come back if arrangements could be made. (后置)
  Better take your umbrella in case it rains.
  That laser is a new light source is known to us .
  我们知道,激光是一种新光源 。
  6.英汉句子重心不同,英语的句子重心在前,汉语的句子重心在后。英语的句子主语突出,汉语的句子主题突出。因此, 英汉互译时必须注意调整句子的结构。
  It is good you are so considerate.
  你想得这样周到太好了 。(英语句子可以用形式主语 it 开头,汉语没有这样的结构,而是以话题开头的句子较常见。)
  发生这样的事不是你的错 。
  It is not your fault that this has happened. ( 与上例相反,从汉语译成英语,要用符合英语习惯的句子结构。 )
  On and on Byron talked.
  Never have nuclear reactions stopped inside the sun.
  The computer can give Mary the right lesson for her: not fast, not slow.
  计算机能给玛丽上课,上得恰到好处,不快不慢 。(如把 right 和 lesson 的搭配关系硬译出来,未必圆满。现将right分离出来,译为“恰到好处”,更符合译文的搭配习惯。)
  钢铁工业 the iron and steel industry
  敌我矛盾 the contradictions between ourselves and the enemy
  衣食住行 food, clothing, shelter and transportation
  东南西北 north , south , east and west
  西南 south-west 东南 south-east
  When the correspondent again opened his eyes, the sea and the sky were each of the grey colour of the dawning.
  当记者再次睁开眼时,天刚破晓,海天一片灰色。(把 of the dawning 提前译出,语句就生动活泼,更具层次感。试比较“ 大海和天空都呈现黎明时的灰色”,就逊色多了。)




  There are four seasons in a year.
  Now, heat is being added to the substance.
  At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.
  High-quality machines of various types are produced in our country.
  An automobile must have a brake with high efficiency.
  Water has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot.
  This sort of stone has a relative density of 2.7.
  A crystal receiver is a less complicated structure than a valve receiver.
  Ice is not so dense as water and therefore it floats.
  Two widely used alloys of copper are brass and bronze.
  某些动词如act, behave, feature, characterize, relate, load, conduct 等在汉语中往往要译成名词作主语才符合汉语的表达习惯。
  Neutrons act differently from protons.
  Water with salt conducts electricity very well.
  Manganese has the same effect on the strength of steel as silicon.
  The wings have controllable sections known as ailerons.
  Solids have a shape independent of the container.
  There are many people who want to see the film.
  “We are a nation that must beg to stay alive, ”said a foreign economist.
  一位外国经济学家说道,“我们这个国家不讨饭就活不下去。 ”
  A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.
  A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here.
  His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.
  以上作为句子主语的名词往往是含有动作意味的名词,或动词派生的名词。以 care, need, attention, emphasis, improvement等名词及名词化结构作主语时,也常这样处理。
  Care should be taken at all times to protect the instrument from dust and dump.
  There is a need for improvement in our experimental work.
  The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious.
  This explanation is against the natural laws.
  We were on the supposition that they could improve the complex machine.
我们 认为 他们能改进这台复杂的机器。
  He shouted as he ran.
  As the match burns, heat and light are given off.
  When power is spoken of, time is taken into account.
  Considerable use has been made of these data.
  Mr Billings cannot be deterred from his plan.

How many electrons has a magnesium atom in its outer layer
  Various substances differ widely in their magnetic characteristics.
  Without air, the earth would undergo extreme changes in temperature.
  For nearly all substances the density gets smaller as the temperature is raised.
  In this world, things are complicated and are decided by many factors.
  Throughout the world, oil consumption is growing rapidly.
  Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families.
  He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for.
  We should have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of mechanics.
  The modern world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology.
  Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary. (汉语原文中“打开抽屉拿出词典”是连动式谓语,汉译英时,其中一个动词可以用非限制性动词短语来译,将谓语转换成状语。)
  We went back to our hometown to pay respects to the deceased on the Pure Brightness Day. (谓语转成目的状语)
  They welcomed the Irish guests with warm applause.
  He drove his opponent into a defensive position.
  The earthquake reduced all the houses to ruins.
  He asked me to teach him French.
  We must keep the room clean and tidy.
  What made you so excited?
  You took me because I am useful .
  Say what you may, I won''t change my mind.
  He returned home after the sun had set.


  分句,合句法 分句法,又叫拆译法。合句法又叫溶合法,是改变原文句子结构的两种重要方法。所谓分句法就是把原文句子中的个别词,短语或从句分离出来后单独译出、自成一句;合句法就是把原文两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句在译文中用一个单句来表达。一、分句法:分句法的采用,是因为英语中的一些词的词义搭配能力很强,或者在句中的位置灵活多变:再者,英文的词和句各部分要用连词连接,如果照英文结构翻译,一来易使词义不清,二来使译文句子显得滞重,带有明显的“翻译腔”,因此宜把它切断,译成两个或两个以上的句子。例如:“ But this naval competition strained the liberal Government''s principles as well as their budgets”,“但是这种海军竞赛使自由党政府的原则无法自圆其说、也使其预算捉襟见肘。”(这儿 strain 词义搭配馅力很强,汉译时,拆译为“无法自四其说和捉襟见肘”。) 2. “ Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof ”,“ 司法部门如果对此不闻不问,那就是没有尽到责任。”(拆译的目的是补足语义。)“ A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who insisted that women have outgrown the jumping-on-the-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and a colonel who says they haven''t. ”“一位年轻的女子和一位上校展开了一场热烈讨论。女士坚持己见,即妇女已有进步,看见老鼠就吓得跳上椅子的时代已经过去了,上校则认为没有。”(汉译时,将英文从句译成独立单句,另外根据汉语习惯,调整了语。序。)二、合句法:实际上,合句法与省译法有许多相似之处。原语中部分语言形式和词类(如英文冠词)在译语中是空缺的,还有一部分在译语中有时是多余的(如英文某些代词)。这两种情况往往无需再现。例如: 1. “ The mo1ecules give up some of their energy of motion to push the piston that does the work. ”“ 这些分子释放出一部分动能推动活塞做功 。” 2.“She was quite a child, perhaps seven or eight years old slightly built , with a pale , small-featured face , and a redundancy of hair falling in curls to her waist .”( Charlotte Bronte:Jane Eyre, CH. XI ) “ 她完全是个小孩,七八岁光景、身材纤细、脸色苍白、五官小巧,过长的头发卷成发卷垂到腰际。”汉译英时,由于中英句法不同,中文有时用几个句子描写事物或事件发生情况,英文只需用一个句子表达。反之,中文用一个句子时,英文却可拆译成几个分句。例如: 1. “ 他身材高大,青白脸色,皱纹间常夹些伤痕,一部乱蓬蓬的花白胡子。 ”(《孔乙已》)“ He was a big man with pale face and scars that often showed among the wrinkles and a large , unkempt beard streaked with white 。” 2. “况且这通身的气派竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿 . ” (《红楼梦》)“ Her whole air is so distinguished ; she doesn''t take after her father,son-in-1aw of our Old Ancestress, but looks more like Chia. ”
The specification of Patent No. 1,012,052 describes and claims a body of polycrystalline dielectric ceramic material having a lead zirconate--lead titanate--lead stannate composition falling within the area A B C E F of the triaxial diagram 1d of the drawings accompanying this specification and containing at least one substitutional additive ingredient selected from the group consisting of elements having respective ionic radii sufficiently close to the ionic radius of one of the elements lead, tin, titanium, zirconium and oxygen to permit of substitution, and a valence state differing from that of said one element by less than three units, the aggregate quantity of additive ingredient amounting to from 0.1 to 5 percent of the replaced ion on an atom basis, each additive ingredient present in said material being in ionic form and substituting for a finite percentage of the ions of a particular one of the elements lead, tin, titanium, zirconium and oxygen with respect to which it conforms with regard to ionic radius and valence state, said additive ingredient replacing a quantity of said elements having in the aggregate an equal number of valence units.
  第1012052号专利说明书介绍一种含有锆酸铅、钛酸铅、锡酸铅的多晶陶瓷介质材料,其组成在说明书附图 ld三元相图中处于A B C E F区域内,该组成至少还含有一种置换添加物,这种添加物从一组离子半径分别接近于铅、锡、钛、锆、氧的元素中选出,以利于互相置换,而与上述一种元素化合价之差应小于三价。该添加物的总量为被置换离子的0.1%~5%克原子。上述材料中的每种添加物是以离子形式存在的,它以一定的百分数置换铅、锡、钛、锆、氧中的某一元素的离子。添加物在离子半径和价数上必须类似于上述任一元素,并且置换添加物的量与被置换的元素在总体上具有相等的化合价数。
  本句由两个简单句构成,一个主句,另一个是定语从句。定语从句由 with respect to开始至全句结束。句中有介词33个,现在分词12个, 过去分词6个,动词不定式1个, 形容词短语2个, 连接词and 7个。
  主句中的 describes and claims用减词法译为一个词“介绍”即可概括其意义。a body of polycrystalline dielectric ceramic material可通过减词和变换法译为“多晶陶瓷介质材料”。英语长句一般拆译为汉语断句,如下面的两个分词短语falling within the area...和containing at least one substitutional...原来都是作定语修饰composition的,经过拆句处理可将其译成汉语的谓语,与composition构成主谓结构的句子,而分别译成“其组成在说明书上附图ld三元相图中处于A B C E F区域”和“该组成至少还含有一种置换添加物”。
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  The mother might have spoken with understandable pride of her child .
  母亲在谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感, 这是可以理解的。(形容词)
  The night was chilly—it was early November. A light drizzle added to my discomfort .
  夜里冷风飕飕,那是 十一月初,天下起了毛毛细雨,令我倍加难受。(名词)
  They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.
  他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 (分词)

  She sat with her hands cupping her chin,staring at a corner of the little kitchen.
  I wrote four books in the first three years,a record never touched before .
  我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。 (名词短语)
  The rain having ruined my hat , I had to buy a new one.
  His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery .
  因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。 (名词短语)
  She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success.
  她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。 (不定式短语)
  The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules.
  多孔壁的作用就像一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开。( 译成并列分句)
  With all its disadvantages this design is considered to be one of the best.
  Man''s warm blood makes it difficult for him to live long in the sea without some kind of warmth.
  We cannot see it clearly for the fog.
  The machine is working none the worse for its long service.
  This body of knowledge is customarily divided for convenience of study into the classifications:
  mechanics, heat, light, electricity and sound.
  为了便于研究起见,通常将这门学科分为力学、热学、光学、电学和声学。 (译成目的分句)
  I can hardly work with that noise going on.
  那个声音响个不停,我几乎没法工作。 (译成并列分句)
  Their power increased with their number.
Despite their differences , their love will conquer.
  I found the house suddenly, and stood there with my heart beating fast and tears coming to my eyes.
  我突然找到那所房子。 我站在那里,心剧烈地跳着,泪水也涌上眼睛。 (并列分句)
  Then a cloud came over the moon, like a dark hand before a face.
  It is much more convenient and, incidentally, cheaper to shave oneself at home.
  Striking through the thought of his dear ones was a sound he could neither ignore nor understand….
  It is certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO.
  Because the young man frequently came to the lady''s house, he was regarded as the mistress''s lover.
  The singing did not last very long. Soon, together with the sound of the flute, it faded away in the darkness. ( 汉语原文一句分译为两句。)
  二、 合译
  He was very clean.His mind was open.
  There are men here from all over the country.Many of them are from the South.
  I know a doctor. He is expert in curing stroke.
  It is New Year''s Day. Go and see your father.
  Darkness fell. An explosion shook the earth. It did not shake his will to go to the front.
  She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill.
  He laid special stress on the word “this,” but nobody appeared to understand what he means. (原文两句,合译成一句.)
  The summer before, he had sold his nineteen-year-old daughter Joy to an army officer for two hundred silver dollars.(把原文第二句,译为介词短语。)

  When I negotiate,I get nervous.When I get nervous,I eat.
  When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people,we are not merely being polite.
  As he stood there, he saw two men enter the bank.
  I am blest if I know.

  It was in mid-August, and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.
  The time was 10:30, and traffic on the street was light.
  Stir and you are a dead man.
  With the sun right overhead now, the fields, the clumps of trees and the huts were all picked out clearly on a vast, flat surface, brilliantly lit and still. ( 原文第一句,译成介词短语。 )
  They arrived at Yangji, the village where Liu Hong and his men had first met Shen Mao''s group when they came from Zaozhuang. ( 原文第二句译为同位语。 )
  总之,分译还是合译,都要在 分析句子的语法结构,搞清楚各层意思之间的逻辑关系后, 根据目的语的表达习惯,灵活掌握,以避免出现生硬的译文。


  正反、反正表达法 英语和汉语均有从正面或反面来表达一种概念的现象。如果原文的反面表达直译出来不合乎译语习惯,就可考虑从正面表达,反之亦然。何时使用哪种方法,主要视译语表达习惯、修辞效果而定。一、英文从正面表达,译文从反面表达。英语中,有些句子形式或结构上是肯定的,但意义却是否定的。汉译时,如找不到对应的,内含否定意义的词语,则往往转译成否定说法。例如1. Herb may be dying somewhere , calling out for his mum and dad , and only strangers around him. 赫伯也许正在什么地方快死了,嘴里喊着爹妈,而周围连一个亲人也没有。 ( Strangers 转译成“连一个亲人也没有。”) 2 . I dared him to jump. 我量他不敢跳。 (dared 转译为“量……不敢”。) 3.You''re telling me ! 不用你说! ( are telling 转译为“不用……说。”) 4 ., A true friend would have acted differently. (如果是)个真正的朋友,就不会这样做了 。(acted differently转译成“不会这样做了”) 二、语从反面表达,译文从正面表达。英语中、有些句子形式或结构上是否定的,但意义上却是肯定的,例如: 1.When the country calls you for help , you can''t but go. ) 当祖国需要你奉献的时候,你应该不顾一切。 2. None but Jane could do this crossword puzzle. 只有简才做得出这个填字游戏。 3 . You can''t make an omelet without breaking eggs. 要有所得就必须有所失。(直译:不打破鸡蛋就做不成蛋卷。)一般来说,反说比正说来得委婉,当然在一定的场合,这种委婉可以是含蓄的强调语气(understatement
),因而汉译英时,中文用正面表达,英文有时用反面表达, l. 论相貌,她也很正常。 As far as 1ooks are concerned , she isn''t anything special.2.小马也就是十二三岁,脸上很瘦。 (《骆驼样子》)
  Little Horse was not more than twelve or thirteen years old , with a very lean face.
  反译法 反译法,亦称“词义反译法”、“反面着笔法”、“语意反述法”、“正反、反正表达法”、“正说反译,反说正译”等。由于不同民族在思维方式及语言表达角度上的差异,一种语言从正面来表达的内容,另一种语言有时为了取得修辞效果,或出于习惯,却从反面来表达,由此就产生了反译法。“反译法”包括“肯定一否定”的反向处理,包括以与原文相矛盾的表达方式来表达原文的容。此法还往往和词类转换法同时使用,反向处理所及,可以是个别词语,也可以是整个句子。一、“肯定一否定”的反面着笔:肯定译为否定,或取双重否定,或换反义词加否定语气。如:“ Al1 music is alike to him ”——“他一点不懂音乐”,“The significance of these incidents wasn''t lost on us ”——“ 这些事件引起了我们的重视。 ”二、“动态一静态”的反面着笔:静态动词(static verb)和动态动词 (dynamic verb)的互换,“整个城市披上了(is in)节日盛装”以及“今年元旦是( falls on )星期天”。三、“单数一复数”的反面着笔:如英译汉的“大家( One )很快就会知道这件事”,“看待同一个问题(the same subjects),往往因人而异”等。此外,对英文中一些表示质量:程度、范围、距离;方向、次序等范畴的词语,为求贴切达意及符合译语规范,有时也采取反面着笔法。如“好一坏”这对矛盾方面的处理;“get a good scolding ”——“挨了一顿臭骂”,“take a bad beating 一一“挨了一顿好揍”。”
(彭嵋森 见《中国翻译词典》)
  语义冗余与翻译 同一言语片段中,各词项中可能反复出现同一些义素。除了第一次出现的义素之外,以后出现的重复性义素就构成语义冗余。重复的义素可能是构成概念的内涵的“所指义素”,也可能是构成话语的风格意义的风格义素,也可能是表达使用者的感情色彩的色彩义素。在翻译中可利用语义冗余选择词义:抽出多义词各义项之间的共同的语义核心,加上言语链中有关词语要求这个词所具有的共同义素,看看二者之和等于这个多义词的哪一个义项。还可利用语义冗余发现“新义”:发现新义的方式与选择词义的方式本质上没有什么不同,即抽出一个词在词典中的各义项的共同语义核心,加上有关词语与这个词应该共有的重复性义素,再用恰当的汉语词来加以表达。利用语义冗余不仅能为单个的词选择意义或发现“新义”,而且可以准确译出一段中的许多词语。利用语义冗余还有助于表达:一般说来,词义理解正确了,其表达也就迎刃而解了。但也不尽然。至少有下列情况值得注意: a)原文总的说来具有某一风格,这种风格在某种程度上表现在某些词语的风格义素的重复上,但并非表现在所有的词语上。风格义素的重复缺乏普遍性,并不会影响原文总的风格、不会产生风格上的不协调;但是,如果照此译出,在汉语中却可能产生风格的不协调现象。 b)原文某些词语具有或褒或贬的感情色彩,其余的词是中性词,但并不影响总的感情色彩。但如果译者把原来的中心词也都译成中性词,可能不足以再现原来的总的效果。因此,译者在表达时不仅应该再现这些风格义素、色彩义素,而且可以在不具有或不明显具有这些义素的词语中添加这种义素,以达到风格的统一、色彩的统一。
(长江文 见《中国翻译词典》)
  感情意义 (affective meaning)英、汉语中含有感情色彩的词是少数,大多数词在感情色彩方面是中性的。有的词主要是表示感情的,感叹词都属于这一类,如英语感叹词 oh, ah, wel1 , dear me , goodness 等,汉语感叹词嗯、嘻、咦、哦等。有的词本身就有爱憎喜怒哀乐的感情意义。例如,表示热爱、喜欢的词 love 一爱,admire 一羡慕, worship 一崇拜等;表示憎恶、不喜欢的词 hate 一憎恨, disfavour 一嫌弃 , abominate 一厌恶等。英语中有的词缀可构成具有感情意义的词,如后缀 -y 和 -ie 表示“亲呢”的感情: daddy (← dad ), auntie ( ← a unt ) , girlie ( ← girl ), dearie ( ← de ar) ;后缀 -1ing 带有“鄙夷”的感情: weakling (体力弱或意志薄弱的人), underling (下属,走卒), hireling (为金钱而受雇佣者);后缀 -ster , -eer , -ard , -art 都可能使词带有贬义: gangster (匪徒), profiteer (牟取暴利者), drunkard (酒鬼), braggart (吹牛者)等。有些词的概念意义并没有表示明显的爱憎和褒贬,但是由于其内涵意义而出现了感情意义。例如, anarchism ——无政府主义, fascism ——法西斯主义, hegemony ——霸权主义等是明显的贬义词; human rights ——人权, patriotic ——爱国主义的, mother 1and ——祖国等是明显的褒义词。英汉语中都有一些成组的概念意义相同的词,一个是褒义的,一个是中性的,一个是贬义的。例如, slim ——苗条、 thin ——瘦、 skinny——皮包骨; bachelor girl ——姑娘、 single woman ——单身女子、 old maid , spinster ——老闺女等。词的感情色彩是因时因地因人而有所不同的,对于中国人来说, China ——中国是个带有感情意义的词,因为它指我们的祖国,而对其他国家的人来说,则不带感情意义或带有不同的感情意义。即使是 sea ——大海这种属于基本词汇的词,也可能因时、因地、因人而带有不同的感情意义。
(见《译学大词典》 P.46 )

  正译:In the United States, everyone can buy a gun.
  反译: In the United States, guns are available to everyone.
  正译:You can obtain this information on the Internet.
  反译:This information is accessible/available on the Internet.
  正译: Suddenly he had a new idea.
  He suddenly thought out a new idea.
  反译: A new idea suddenly occurred to/struck him.
  正译: He still could not understand me.
  反译: Still he failed to understand me.
  正译: She can hardly be rated as a bright student.
  反译: She is anything but a bright student.

  Please withhold the document for the time being.
  正译: 请暂时扣下这份文件。
  反译: 请暂时不要发这份文件。
  正说反译或反说正译的相互转换,其目的主要有三个: 1. 明确语义。 2. 加强修辞。 3. 符合目的语习惯。例如:
  Please tender exact fare. 自备零钞、不找零钱。(明确)
  That''s a thing that might happen to anyone.
  He''s still in bed. 他还没起床。( 符合汉语习惯)
  But we must bear in mind that the great proportion of books, plays and films which come before the censor are very far from being "works of art".
  To criticize it (intelligence test) for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity.
  批评智力测验不反映上述情况,犹如批评温度计不能测出风速一样。(such failure是正面表达,但从上下文看,是指 "An intelligence test does not measure character, social adjustments ...", 故译为“不反映上述情况”。)
  He was absent from his own country last year.
  We may safely say so.
  Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity.
  The decision has to come.
  If it worked once, it can work twice.
  The child can walk without any help now. (汉语原文正说,英文译文反说。)
  Law is no respecter of persons .
  Just to have a word with Old Wang. I won''t be long .
  在不少情况下,有的介词短语如不从反面着笔,译文就不通,这时必须反译。像 beyond, past , against 等表示超过某限度的能力或反对 .... 时,其短语有时用反译法。如:
  It is past repair. 这东西无法修补了。
  There are some arguments against the possibility of life on this planet .
  Radio telescopes have been able to probe space beyond the range of ordinary optical telescopes .
  off, from 等表示地点,距离时,有时用反译法。如:
  The boat sank off the coast.
  but, except, besides等表示除去、除外时,也用反译法:
  Copper is the best conductor but silver.
  The molecular formula, C6H14, does not show anything except the total number of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
  An iron case will keep the Earth''s magnetic field away from the compass .
  The signal was shown about the machine being order.
  请注意所谓英语正面表达是指在原文中没有用no、not或带否定意义前缀的词,如: dishonest, impossible, indirect 。
  英语中有些词或短语常常正说反译,如: miss the bus( 没有赶上公共汽车 ) , live up to the Party''s expectations( 不辜负党的期望 ) , be absent from the meeting( 没有出席会议 ) , a final decision( 不可改变的决定 ) , (be) at a loss ( 不知所措 ) 等。
  英语中有时原词所表达的并不是其字面意义,而是其字面意义的反义,或者说是对其字面意义的否定。例如: gas mask( 防毒面具 ) , riot police( 防暴警察 ) , crisis law( 反危机法案 ) 。
  In fact, the willingness to experiment is one of the most striking features of China today, and it seems to be rooted in confidence rather than security.
  I won''t keep you waiting long. 我一会儿就回来。(明确语义)
  Isn''t it funny! 真逗!(加强修辞)
  “You will try to tide me over, won''t you?” “Won''t I!”
  “你会帮我渡过难关的,是吗?” “当然!” (符合汉语习惯)
  In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better off if smoking were banned altogether, but people are not ready for such drastic action.
  The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind.
  It is no less than blackmail to ask such a high price.
  开这么高的价, 简直是 敲竹杠。
  I am not so sick but I can come to sit for the exam.
  The beaten enemy had no other choice than to surrender.
  You cannot attach too much importance to the matter.
  He is no less clever than his brother.
  The man over there is none other than our principal.
  No spitting !
  The train coming from Moscow will arrive in no time.
  Don''t lose time in posting this letter.
  Such flights couldn''t long escape notice .
  Keep quiet. (汉语原文反说,英语译文正说。)
  His arrival three days in advance is beyond our expectation .
  Wet paint.
  Before the receipt has been signed, the money must not be paid.
  But for her help, I should have failed.
  His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.
  He evidently thinks otherwise.
  我要铅笔,不要钢笔 。
  I want a pencil instead of a pen.
  Hardly anybody likes him, because he is too selfish.
  He was the last man to say such things.
  The African people refuse to be intimidated and taken in.
  Friction neglected , the output will be equal to the input.


  汉语和英语数字式略语相似的结构在作字面互译时不难处理,尤其是因为现代汉语比较容易接受数字式略语,英语的许多数字式略语译成汉语,已经作为译借词成为汉语词汇的一部分,例如 three unities (三一律), trinity (三位一体,三一), decathlon (十项全能), Group of 77(七十七国集团),Seven Wonders of the World(世界七大奇迹)。汉语的某些数字式略语“三民主义”,( Three Principles of the People ),“三国”( Three Kingdoms ),“五行”( five agents ),“五谛”( Five Noble Truths ),“五福”(Five Blessings),“四书”( the Four Books ),“五经”( the Five Classics ),“八仙”( the Eight Immortals ),连“三反运动”( Three-Anti Campaign )和“四人帮” ( Gang of Four )等也已进入英语辞书。
  但是,数字式略语作为一种略语( compact expression )其所指对象涉及多方面的社会一文化知识,具有百科性词语的性质,内容比一般词语丰富得多,翻译成另一种语言的时候不是简单的字面对等就能使人理解的。以本文引言中乔伊斯的一段文章为例,文中的 the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost 和 the seven dead1y sins仅译成“圣灵的七件礼物”和“七大罪恶”显然并没有给读者传递足够的信息。 Brewer''s Dictionary Phrase and Fable 提供了这方面的信息:前者指的是 wisdom,understanding , counsel,fortune , knowledge, righteousness 和 fear of the Lord ;后者指的是 pride , wrath , envy , lust , gluttony , avarice 和 sloth 。顺便翻一下词典,还可以看到 the seven virtues(或称 the seven principal virtues ,七大美德),指的是 faith , hope. Charity, justice, fortitude , prudence 和 temperance ,前三项可称作 supernatural virtues 或 the theological virtues 或 Christian virtues ,后四项可称作 Plato''s Cardinal virtues 或natural virtues 。由于文化背景知识缺乏,中国人要读懂这么短短一个句子就必须付出相当的努力,难怪 Peter Newmark 认为:“ As a last resort , the explanation is the translation ,” (作为最后一招,解释就是翻译。)
  He offered, in effect,a variant of the “ one country , two systems ” solution which China is offering the people of Hong Kong. ( The Times, P . 3 , Oct . 6 , 1989 )
  ( He has consistently advancing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the norms of establishing a new world political and economic order. 一Beijing Review P.20,Nov.20一26,1989)
  To ensure a correct direction for the modernization drive,he raised the question of adhering to the four cardinal principles in clear-cut terms ( adherence to the socialist road, the people''s democratic dictatorship , the Communist Party leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought 一 Tr.)
  The output of autumn grains is expected to be lower in some areas of three Northeast China provinces (Jilin,Liaoning and Heilunjiang provinces and north China. (Beijing Review, p.16, Nov. 27-Dec.3, 1989)
  带头过“五关” 廉政促勤政
  看了正文以后才知道这“五关”指的是房子关、职称关、车子关、票子关、孩子关(《光明日报》, 1989 年 12 月 3 日)。如果把“五关”按字面译成英语“ five passes ”,英美人根本不知所云。
  有些数字式略语在翻译时甚至可以不进行字面翻译,仅译出其原来的全部内容。例如,把“三光政策”译成 the policy of “ burn all , kill al1 , 1oot all ”倒也干净利索(《汉英词典》,商务印书馆, 1979 年 10 月第一版)。
(摘自 汪培榕《数字式略语的汉英对比研究》《外国语》 1990 年第 3 期)
  易序而译 单从译文的行文上考虑,有时需要对原文的词序作一番调整,以适应英文的修辞习惯,或者为了避免因结构而产生的歧义。例如:
  (1) 到西安你可以买兵马俑;唐三彩。
  Unique local creations are available in their own cities , such as … and Xi''an''s three colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty and terra-cotta figures. (“初到中国旅游可到哪些地方”,何志范译注)
  原文中的“兵马俑”(与“唐三彩”到译文中交换了位置,是为了避免修饰语“ of the Tang Dynasty ”在结构上产生歧义。
  (2) 在四千多年前,这里已有人类繁衍生息。
  Our ancestors lived and multiplied in this area as long as 4,000 years ago,(郭建中译)
  (3) 我撬开小木箱一看,是四条鲜鱼。 Carcassonne 教授一定是怕鱼在路上耽搁坏了,在鱼的上下两旁放了冰,冰有点融化,水从木箱的空隙中流出来了。(陈学昭《永久的怀念》)
  I opened the little box to find four fresh fish in it . There was ice a11 round them. Since the ice was melting , water ran through the cracks on the box . It was clear that Prof . Careassonne had placed ice in it for fear that the fish would go bad during the delivery. ( 郭建中译 )
(王治奎主编: 1997,第73一75页 见《译学大词典》)   六、汉语无主句和外位语结构的处理
  1 .无主句的处理
  在英文里,句子一般都要有主语,而在汉语里没有主语的句子比比皆是。所谓无主句就是只有谓语部分而没有主语部分的句子。 这种句子本身意思是完整明确的,可是在译成英文时往往需要补出主语,或改变句型,使句子结构符合英文习惯。
  1 .根据上下文补上适当的名词或代词作主语:
  Do you speak English in New Zealand?
  One is never too old to learn.
  If you can pardon me, I''ll turn over a new leaf.
  If things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost.
  Still primed by all the wine, Wu Song continued climbing the ridge. Before he had gone another half li he came upon a Mountain Spirit Temple.
  The speaker made no mention of this point elsewhere in his report.
  2 .采用 there be… 或 it is… 结构翻译:
  In short, there are two aspects, not just one.
  There must be less empty talk and more hard work.
  There was no sound but that of gunfire.
  There are a cigar-box and a fan on the table.
  It is snowing.
  It is five miles from here to the Summer Palace.
  It is half past twelve now.
  It is a pleasure to meet you.
  3 .不加主语,套用英语祈使句型翻译:
  Please open the window.
  Sing different songs on different mountains.
  Be steady in doing your work; be resolute in correcting your mistakes.
  4 .不加主语,套用英文倒装句型翻译:
  By the river stands a forest of oaks.
  On the gilded Fujian lacquer tray also lay the morning newspaper.
  On both sides of the avenue were students to welcome the guests.
  5 . 用英文被动句型翻译:
  The quality of the products must be guaranteed.
  A hospital will be built here.
  Practically no scientific experiments have yet been made on this question.
  A landing –craft could be seen tied up nearby.
  Two starving pandas were rescued last month.
  Smoking is not allowed in this theatre.
  Eight hours'' sleep must be guaranteed.
  不过英语也有无主句,如祈使句, 翻译时要译成“让……”。另外,要注意译出同位关系。如:
  Let his exterior conflict be the mirror of
the protagonist''s own interior conflict,the clash of his desires,his own strength against his own weakness.
  2 .外位语结构的处理
  在现代汉语中,如果有两个词或词组指同一事物,一个用在句中充当句子成分,另一个放在句外。居于结构之外的成分叫外位语,处在结构之内的成分叫本位语,后者常常是一个代词。如:青春,这是多么美好的时光啊!这里“青春”是外位语,“这”是本位语。从形式上看,外位语(extra- position )很像同位语(apposition),但又不同于同位语,外位语指的是独立于句子之外,同时又和句中的某个成分指同一事物的成分。外位语的使用往往是说话人为了突出某事物,在句前说出或在句后补充说出该事物,同时又在全句中用代词指称这一事物。
  英语也有外位语结构,如:Jane Austen, she was a novelist. 这里 “ Jane Austen ”也是外位语结构。不过,汉语中外位语的使用远比在英语中普遍。汉语外位语结构英译时,可套用英语的外位语结构。汉语外位语英译的方法是多种多样的,究竟用哪一种方法,要看外位语结构的繁简和上下文来决定。
  ( 1 )译成相应的英语外位语结构
  To take such things seriously , that is what I should never do.
  The unification of our country, the unity of our people and the unity of our various nationalities —— these are the basic guarantees for the sure triumph of our cause.
  “横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”, ——这是鲁迅先生的方向,也是鲁迅先生的立场。
  “Fierce-browed, I coldly defy a thousand pointing fingers; head bowed, like a willing ox, I serve the children.” — that was Lu Xun''s attitude and that was the position he took.
  ( 2 )译成一个独立句或并列分句
  He not only wants to excel —— he does excel. That''s not easy.
  The imperialists have many institutions of aggression like schools and colleges, hospitals and churches. These must all be taken over by the Chinese.
  In order to solve the problem it is necessary to make a systematic and thorough investigation and study. This is the process of analysis.
  ( 3 )用 it 作形式主语或宾语,将外位结构转化为名词从句或不定式,放在句尾作逻辑主语或宾语。
  It is sheer irresponsibility to pick up the pen and “force ourselves to write” without investigation or study.
  It''s no good for us to shut ourselves up in a room, remaining ignorant and uninformed.
  It has been proved that the enemy cannot conquer us by force of arms.
  We consider it not only possible but necessary to pay due regard to the language peculiarities of the original work and at the same time make the version in the purest possible Chinese.
  ( 4 )把外位结构译成由介词 of ,as for , as to, as regards 等引导的介词短语,放在句首。
  I could stay for one or two days, but as for staying for a week, it would be out of the question.
  Of the people who hankered after those ways , some have fallen, some have awakened and some are changing their ideas.
  As for the remaining imperialist economic and cultural establishments, they can be allowed to exist for the time being, subject to our supervision and control, to be dealt with by us after country-wide victory.
  ( 5 )指称外位结构的代词(“这”或“这些”等)略去不译,直接把外位语结构译成句中的一个成分。
  能不能尽快把科学技术搞上去, 这是一个关系到社会主义建设的全局,关系到我们国家命运与前途的大问题。
  Whether science and technology can be pushed forward as quickly as possible is a question of vital importance for socialist construction as a whole and for the destiny and future of our country.
  He has bought a refrigerator, a television and a tape-recorder.
  The general trend of events and the will of the people had become irresistible.
  ( 6 )将原文中主语指代的外位语译成表语。
  For a relatively long period ahead, the focus of our work is to realize the four modernizations.
  The material conditions are factories, railways, fire-arms, artillery, and the like.
  In China, the Communist Party was born, an epoch-making event.
  Those who can be split off from the enemy camp should be won over, educated and helped.


第四章 篇章翻译

  (123) “雷鸣也要上前线去了!这就证明了前线确是吃紧;不然,就不会调到他。”
  (124) “······任何牺牲都得去干!这是命令!”
  (125) 天空挤满了灰色的云块,呆滞滞地不动。他脸上的气色和窗外的天空差不多。
  (126) 在一顶很大的布伞下,四小姐又遇到认识的人了。是三个。
  (127) “…我从没见过他办一件事要花半天工夫!何况是那么一点小事,他只要眉头一皱,办法就有了!……”
  (128) 朱桂英立即也站了起来。可是屠维兵拦住了他。
  (129) “我——我就看不起资产阶级的黄金!”“因为资产阶级的黄金也看不起你的新诗!”
  (130) 可是床里的小孩子却哭得更厉害。同时,房外楼梯上脚步声响了,连哭带嚷的青年妇人奔进房来。
  以上仅仅是极为初步的探讨。随着研究的深入,我们相信人们会总结出汉语中更为丰富的衔接手段。有一点是可以肯定的, 汉语也要表现语篇功能。
(胡壮麟 等编著 《系统功能语法概论》 P.165-167 )
  语段层的翻译 语段,亦称句群,是大于句子的语言片段。它是由两个以上句子构成的语义整体。以语段为翻译单位,要求译者在翻译运思过程中以语段作为一个逻辑单元,确立原文语段与译文的等值关系。其中词、词组、句子的转换应服从于整个语段的等值转换。以语段为翻译单位,在理解与表达时要注意段内的逻辑联系、段意的向心性,段内上下词语的匹配性以及段落处理中可能的转序和分合。 一、逻辑的关联性 语段中,句与句的集结包含着不同的逻辑关系,有着不同的承接手段。
  As the manager of the performance sits before the curtain on the boards , and 1ooks into the Fair, a feeling of profound melancholy comes over him in his survey of the bustling place. There is a great quantity of eating and drinking …“领班的坐在戏台上幔子前面,对着底下闹哄哄的市场,瞧了半响,心里不觉悲惨起来,市场上的人有的在吃喝······”(杨必译,后句加上“市场上的”字样与前句贯通。) 二、意义的向心性 语段是一组意义相关的句子的集合,每一句话都围绕一个中心意思。 The four men huddled there and said nothing. They dared not smoke. They would not move ,“四个人聚在那儿不说话,不敢抽烟、也不愿走开”。原文三句话都围绕主语述说状况。汉语一气呵成,省译两个代词,译语精炼,内容集中。 三、词语的匹配性 整段的中心意义对词、句意义的确定或引申具有一定的支配作用: A man trying to see a single atom would be some what like a man trying to see a single drop of water in the ocean while flying many miles above it . He would see the results of a great many drops of water having coming together. But he certainly would not be able to see a single drop of water. “一个人想要看到半个原子,就有点像想在海洋上空许多英里外看到大海中单独的一滴水一样:他只能看到无数水滴汇成的一片汪洋,而单独的一滴水肯定不可能看到”。例中 results 之引申为“一片汪洋”完全取决于语段的特定情境。从句子本身很难作出这种选择。四、 语段的重组 在英汉互译中,相应语段的信息安排不一定完全一致。汉译时,要根据汉语语段组合的要求,理顺语义关系,合理安排信息。具体地说,原语句子(或分句)有的可能要超前译出,有的可能要滞后表达。语段的重新组织或局部调整,以信息重心安置得当、语段文气贯通为主要目的。此外,在翻译过程中,原文语段也可能合并或分拆。
(方梦之 见《中国翻译词典》)
  翻译语言学 翻译语言学是站在语言学高度对经验层次上的翻译技巧进行的理论概括,可分为五个分支:翻译句法学,翻译语义学,翻译语用学和翻译文体学。
(张今 见《中国翻译词典》)

  Mrs Thatcher has resigned. She announced her decision this morning. ( she 和 her 都是指 Mrs Thatcher 。)
  Mrs. Thatcher has resigned. This delighted her opponents.(This 指 Mrs. Thatcher has resigned. 这句话。 )
  It had been damaged; when he lifted it , he heard something clink feebly inside. He set it back on the ground.
  (原文中的三个 it 指的是同一个东西,其中一个转换为名词“那东西”,其余两个未译出。中文用代词的频率比英文低。一般在英译汉时,英文代词可以不译出,或转换成名词。)
  To parliamentarians trained in British terminology, “the government” means the cabinet: a group of the legislature''s own members, chosen by it to devise public policies, to manage the legislature''s major activities, and to exercise executive powers.
  (译者对原文中 it 的指代关系没有弄清, 以为 it 是指 cabinet, 按这样翻译,英国内阁是由内阁任命的,不合逻辑。实际上, it 是指 legislature , 因此,应改译为“由立法机构任命”。可见有的指代关系,光从语篇中的语言关系来判断还不够,还要有相关的背景知识。就这一句翻译来说,如果译者对英国政体有所了解,就不至于闹出这种笑话。)
  The section at Badaling was restored in 1957, and it is typical in its structure,. It is 7.8 metres high on an average, 6.6 metres wide at the bottom, and 5.8 metres wide on the top.
  (根据汉语习惯,一个主题第一次出现后,如果下文又是同一主题,那么主语可以省略。而在译成英文时则必须补上主语,按英语习惯,如果主语相同,第二次出现时,就用代词指代。原文中“这一段”是主语,但在后面叙述中主语省略了,英文中补上代词 it 两个。因此,翻译汉语省略主语的句子时,必须根据上下文,弄清省略的主语是什么,才不至于在译文中把指代关系搞错。)
  柯灵,生于1909年,浙江省绍兴人。中国现代作家。1926年发表第一篇作品叙事诗《织布的妇人》。1930年任《儿童时代》编辑。1949年以前一直在上海从事报纸编辑工作,并积极投入电影、话剧运动。解放后,曾任《文汇报》副总编辑。 现任上海电影局顾问。
  Ke Ling was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in 1909. He is a modern Chinese writer. His first writing, a narrative poem, The Woman Weaver appeared in 1926. He was one of the editors of Children Times from 1930 onwards. Before 1949 he was all along engaged in editorial work in newspaper offices and took an active part in activities of film and modern drama in Shanghai. After liberation he filled the post of deputy editor-in-chief of Wenhuibao for a period. He is at present adviser of Shanghai Film Bureau.
  (汉语原文里第一句点出“柯灵”后,以后每句话中的主语都省略了,按汉语习惯这样行文较紧凑简练,也不会引起误解。但是,按英文表达习惯必须补上主语,根据原文的指代关系,补上人称代词 he 是最佳选择,使英文语篇上下文指代明确,行文流畅。)
  替代是用一个语言项目去替换另一个语言项目。省略是因前面已经提过,没有必要再出现而省去句中的词或短语。 翻译时应理清语篇中的替代关系和省略的项目,才能根据英汉不同的语法结构,灵活转换,准确表达原文的意思。
  My axe is too blunt. I must get a sharper one.
  (原文第二句one替代第一句的axe,翻译时one可以不译,也可以重复 axe 的意思。)
  A: I''ll have two poached eggs.
  B: I''ll have the same.
  A: 我要两个荷包蛋。
  B: 我也要两个荷包蛋。/我也一样。
  (原文 the same 替代 two poached eggs. 译文可以重复替代的项目,也可以不重复。)
  A: Do you think he''ll come tomorrow?
  B: Yes, I think so ./ No, I think not.
  是的,我看会(来)。 / 不,我看不会(来)。
  (英语原文 so 替代 he''ll come, not 替代 he''ll not come, 由于汉语没有对应的替代词,翻译时必须重复被替代的部分。)
  Mary ate an apple and Jane (ate) a pear.
  玛丽吃了一个苹果,简吃了一个梨。(原文省略动词 ate ,但根据汉语习惯, 译文须重复动词,才能表达清楚。)
  Here are thirteen cards. Take any (card). Now give me any three (cards) .
  A: Is Jenny coming to the party ? 珍妮来参加聚会吗?
  B: Yes, she is. 是的,她来的。
  原文第二句省略了coming. 。翻译时还得根据汉语习惯,重复动词。)
  If he finds it , she will send it to you.
  “How about a couple of eggs?”
  “ (I) Can''t eat a thing.”
  “ (Are you) Dizzy?”
  “(I am) Just a bit (dizzy).”
  ( 在以上对话中,原文和译文都省去主语谓语。 )
  “Do you want some?”
  (有些汉语句子省去的成分虽然较多,但仍能完整表达意思,可是在汉译英时,还是要根据英语习惯把省略的部分补上。 )
  If you confer a benefit, never remember it, if you receive one , remember it always. 施恩勿记,受恩勿忘。
  (英文原文中的两个连词 if, 在汉语里没有译出。英译汉时,可以按中文习惯,省略连词,使译文更简练。)
  Even if you go there, there won''t be any result.
  去了也白去。 (连词省略。)
  When you have tanks of air on you, you can stay in deep water for a long time.
  ( when 转译为“如果”。英译汉时可根据连词在语篇中前后关系,判断其意思,灵活翻译,不要对号入座, if 未必是“如果”, when 未必是“当 …… 什么时候”,可以用转译的方法。)
  I couldn''t think much of John after he had done a thing like that.
  ( after 转译为“由于”。)
  From the gossip that I heard, it seemed that Kong Yiji had studied the classics but never passed the official examinations and , not knowing any way to make a living, he had grown steadily poorer until he was almost reduced to beggary.
  (汉语也存在形合的句子,汉译英时可以保留汉语的连词, 译成对应的英语连词。)
  How could you, when you knew that this might hurt her?
  The monk may run away, but the temple can''t run with him.
  If you give up the pass, I may spare your life; if you delay, I will grind your bones to powder and make mincemeat of it.
  (译文中添加两个连接词 if 。)
  What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness . This is compensated for by an outer impressiveness. Such impressiveness usually takes the form of a truly grandiose realism.
  (英语原文 inner emptiness —— this 是用替代把语义联系在一起,译成汉语“内容空虚——这种空虚”,是通过重复将语义联系在一起。原文 impressiveness —— such impressiveness 是用重复把语义联系起来,译文也是用重复。)
  Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament , is in discourse; and for ability , is in the judgment and disposition of business
  Extending into the river was stone jetty, and beside it Li''s boat was moored. The boat was surrounded by thickly growing water lilies . Many purple flowers were in blossom. The leaves pressed against the prow.
  Of all my friends , those I have known since childhood are most worthy of remembrance. They are few in number. Some of them live far away and we seldom have opportunity to see each other. Some of them are older than I am, and some a few years younger. But all of us are in late mid-life.


  语义和翻译 译者的任务是准确、恰当地传达原文的意思;语义是翻译活动的起始点,也是其终点。语义问题是翻译研究的中心问题。语义是语言符号的属性,它是语言符号(包括音素、字素、词素;词、短语、句子、话语等)与其自身之外的某个东西之间的关系。美国哲学家和逻辑学家莫里斯( C. W. Morris l901 一)把符号与其所指称或描写的实体或事件之间的关系定义为语义关系,把符号与符号之间的关系定义为符号句法关系,把符号与其使用者之间的关系定义为语用关系:根据这种划分,可以把语言符号的各种意义相应地分成三大类,即指称意义、(语)言内(部)意义和语用意义。语言交际情境至少包括5种要素,即发讯人、收讯人、发讯人和收讯人之间的沟通渠道、发讯代码(即语言本身)和交际主题。三大类语义当中的每一类都同这5种要素中的某一种或某几种特别相关。指称意义是语言符号和它所描绘或叙述的主观世界与客观世界的实体或事件之间的关系。它主要同交际主题相关。这里的交际主题是指最广泛意义上的话题,例如,它也包括语言符号本身(所谓语言的“元语言功能”,因为语言可以用来讨论任何事物。在大部分情况下,指称意义是语言符号所传递的主要信息。它也被称为“概念意义”或“认知意义”。言内意义是语言符号之间的关系,它主要同语言本身的结构有关;言内意义可以在语言描写的各个层面上实现:(1)音素层面(音系意义),如头韵、半韵、和音、尾韵、格律等;(2)字位层面,如汉语中的拆字修辞格;(3)词素层面,如表示性、数、格的词形变化;(4)词汇层面,如前后呼应的字词、双关语、一语双叙的修辞格等;(5)句子层面,如句子成分的语序;(词素层面和句子层面的言内意义即平常所说的语法意义,由于语法形式大多是强制性的,因此在大多数情况下,语法意义是言内意义中最不突出的一种。)(6)话语层面(语篇意义),如词汇接应、句子的形合连接与意合连结、对句等等。言内意义同话语的效果有关系;把谚语译成散文,就可以看出由于音系意义的缺失,谚语的整体效果减弱了多少。语用意义是语言符号与其使用者之间的关系,它包括:(1)表征意义,即话语中揭示发讯人身份及其所属地理、历史和阶级背景、性别、年龄、在交际情境中的态度等等的成分,如地理、历史与社会方言等;(2)表达意义,即语言符号所传达的情感内容及其表达发讯人个性或个人创造性的成分,如抒情、讽刺、咒骂等等;(表征意义和表达意义主要同发讯人相关。)(3)社交意义,又称“情境意义”或“人际意义”,是语言符号同建立或保持某种社会关系有关的方面,它由称谓、交际内容的性质(实质性的还是寒暄性的)和语域三个因素确定,主要与沟通发讯人和收讯人的渠道相关:(4)祈使意义,主要与收讯人相关,指发讯人改变收讯人行为或心态的意向,具体表现为命令、敦促、说服、乞求等:(5)联想意义,指语言符号析唤起的联想,亦即它所暗示的、或者作为它一部分的概念或印象,它同时与发讯人和收讯人相关,是各种形式的比喻说法的基础。以上三大类社会符号学语义概括了语言与翻译研究中涉及到的各种意义,例如“元语言意义(或功能)”就是以语言自身为指称对象的指称意义;“美学意义(或诗学意义)”只不过是多种言内意义与表达、祈使等语用意义的复合体而已。广义的风格(地理、历史、社会方言以及语言使用结构上的特异性成分,如韵律、文字游戏等)可以归结为表征意义、社交意义及诸种言内意义;而狭义的风格(语言交际中参与者之间的关系;主要指语域)就是社交意义的一部分。翻译过程中的问题因而大体都可以还原为语义问题。
(柯平 见《中国翻译词典》)
  语义连贯 词语连结是通过词汇或语法手段使文脉贯通,是篇章的有形网络,而语义连贯是以信息发出者和接受者双方共同了解的情景为基础,通过逻辑推理来达到语义的连贯,这是篇章的无形网络。语义连贯是构成话语的重要标志。译者只有理解看似独立、实有照应的句内或句间关系并加以充分表达,才能传达原作的题旨。例如: All is silent . The coffin is closed and : carried s1ow1y down the stairway , through the corridors , and out into the windswept streets. Outside , a sea of faces . Fluttering red banners against a background of snow , It is the coldest day , they say since 1812 , but the people have stood in the streets all night.“万籁俱寂。灵柩合上了,被缓慢地抬下楼梯,通过走廊。抬到那寒风凛冽的大街上。外面人山人海,白雪皑皑,红旗飘展。据说这是自 1812 年以来最冷的一天,但人们已在街上站了整整一夜”。这是 Lenin''s Death 一文中描写到列宁灵柩从工会大厦运送到红场的一段。气氛庄严肃穆。描写顺序由先至后,从内到外。尽管这一段文字中少用连接词,段中还有两个单部句,但语义连结十分紧密。译文较多地采用小句,读来深沉激昂,犹如身临其境。由于整个话语是靠细微而精妙的内在联系而达到语义连贯的,翻译这类语段时一般顺次翻译,以维系其原有的逻辑顺序,使译文读者产生与原文读者相同的联想。
(方梦之 见《中国翻译词典》)

  例: I bought a Ford. The car in which President Wilson rode down the Champs Elysees was black. Black English has been widely discussed. The discussions between the presidents ended last week. A week has seven days.
  A: Could you give me a lift home?
  B: Sorry, I''m visiting my sister.
  A :能让我搭你的车回家吗?
  B: 不好意思,我要去看我姐姐 。
  ( A 的提问和 B 的回答之间没有任何语法和词汇联系,但 A 和 B 都知道 B 的姐姐的住处与 A 家的方向相反,因此,对话有连贯性。译文读者一般不难判断其间的语义联系。)
  A: There''s the doorbell.
  B: I''m in the bath.
  A: Ok
  A: 门铃响了。
  B: 我在洗澡。
  A: 好的。
  (对话中虽然没有显性衔接标记,但语篇的语义是连贯的. 从对话所提供的信息、情景语境、对话者的关系等因素中,可了解到彼此要想传达的信息,使读者很容易在潜意识中,根据语境推断出语篇隐含的部分。)
  A: I''m rather short of cash at the moment!
  B: Oh, I''m sure they accept credit cards here.
  A: 我此刻身上没有现金。
  B: 噢,他们这里肯定收信用卡。
  (日常交际中,大量的信息是由说话者暗示而不是道明的。一般听话者能理解说话者在话语中的暗示。如以上对话中, A 的意思可能是要 B 替他付午餐钱, B 能理解 A 话中的蕴涵,但叫 A 自己用信用卡去付款。由于两人能互相理解,因此,两句对话的语义是连贯的。)
  语篇的连贯性还取决于运用非语言知识 , 如对话双方的共有知识 , 事先存在的常识 , 世界知识 , 跨文化知识等 , 因此对语篇的理解有时还要调用相关的知识来掌握说话人或作者的交际意图,在某种意义上来说 , 读者或听者对语篇的理解得越透彻 , 越能掌握语篇的连贯性。连贯性取决于读者对篇章的理解和判断。
  A: Are you going to work tomorrow?
  B: I''m on jury duty.
  A: 你明天去上班吗?
  B: 我在当陪审员。
  (尽管对话表面并不衔接 , 但实际上是连贯的片断 . 关键是听者或读者若了解陪审团成员在法律上有不上班工作而参加陪审的权力,就不难理解B的回答是肯定的还是否定的。)
  I was drenched from head to foot like a drowned rat.
  A: Shall we go for a walk?
  B: Could I take a rain check on that?
  A: 我们去散步好吗?
  B: 改天可以吗?
  (英文原文中的“雨票”(rain check),源自美国棒球比赛因雨天改期,可看另一场比赛的票根。语篇中蕴含意思的理解,不能只靠语言知识,应该具备相关的背景知识才行。而翻译时,很难照字面直译,应该准确把握原文的意思,把真正意思翻译出来。)
  A: Shall we go for a walk?
  B: It''s raining.
  A: 我们去散步好吗?
  B: 下雨了。
  (在这个对话中, B的回答就不仅仅是对天气的评论,还产生了它的隐含意义:或者是“因为天下雨了,我们最好还是不去。”;或者是“好啊,既然我们都喜欢在雨中散步。”这就给翻译造成困难,译者必须根据上下文提供的其他更多的信息来判断其真正的意思。)
  A: Can you drive ?
  B: Is Pope Catholic ?
  A: 你会开车吗?
  B: 教皇是天主教徒吗?
  (如果没有相关背景知识,就很难理解B 答语中的蕴涵意思。教皇当然是天主教徒了,这还用问吗?对于中国读者来说,也许不太容易理解其中的蕴涵意思,不能理解,就无法达到语义连贯。因此,改译成“这还用问吗?”或“当然了。”就使中国读者比较容易理解。)
  The river had been dry for a long time. Everyone attended the funeral.
  (这句话反映了非洲加纳人的一个习俗。如果读者不了解有关非洲加纳河神习俗的情况,就会觉得该句不连贯,但了解背景的读者是会这样理解: If a river has been dry for a long time, then a river spirit has died. When a spirit dies there is a funeral. The river had been dry for a long time. 对于这样的句子,翻译时最好要加注。)
  有些语篇表面上看缺乏连贯,无任何衔接纽带,似乎作者思想杂乱无章,不合逻辑,但实际上是经作者精心挑选,潜心琢磨创作出来的。因此,语篇连贯性有时要读者运用联想和想象去理解、体会。例如 :
  The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
  Petals on a wet, black bough.
  (1)对文本进行补充说明)expand a text(:对于译者认为的读者不熟悉或根本不了解的相关背景知识,译者应该给译文加注或者直接在译文中阐明。
  (2)省略(delete information): 对于译者认为读者已经了解的相关背景知识则可省略,不必再加以注释。


第五章 语法与翻译

  The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks . The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords . But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.
  From where he swung lightly against his oars he looked down into the water and saw the tiny fish that were coloured like the trailing filaments… (E. Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea )
  他从坐着轻轻荡桨的地方低头朝水中望去,看见一些颜色跟那些拖在水中的触须一样的小鱼 ...
  英语fish 为物质名词,不用复数形式。这里虽为单数形式,实表复数义,故译文在“鱼”前加量词“一些”。
(傅仲选,1993,第65-67页 见《译学大辞典》)
  语境 语境是语言环境的简称。语境有微观语境(狭义上下文)和宏观语境(广义上下文)之分。微观语境指词、短语、句子、语段或篇章的前后关系,是语言内部诸要素相互结合、相互制约而形成的语境。宏观语境是指使用某个语言项目时的广阔的社会背景,即与语言交际有关的语言外部诸要素相互结合、相互制约而形成的语境。微观语境常常可以帮助理解词或短语等语言成分的特定意义。例如 Wait a moment中的 moment 表示“瞬间”, be of little moment中的 moment 表示“紧要”,而moment of inertia 中的 moment 则为“(力)矩”了。宏观语境除了有助于确定词或短语的意义,常用以确定言语行为的类型。在翻译过程中、必须弄清言语的施为目的,例如请求、命令、抱怨、许诺等,这就是言语行为的类型。例如 It''s getting hot in here,这句话可以代表不同的言语施为目的或产生不同的施为作用: 1. 作为直接话语,告诉某人“这里热起来了”; 2. 作为间接言语行为,请求某人打开窗户; 3 .作为反话,抱怨说话的地方太冷; 4 .作为暗喻,指某种争论在不断升级,大有大吵大嚷之势。从以上四种言语行为的类型来看,后三种与表面词义相差甚远。这只有通过宏观语境才能确切了解。所以,译者的语境意识及语境的综合分析能力对译品的高下有直接的影响,译者应该努力提高掌握并运用语境的能力。
(方梦之 见《中国翻译词典》)
  语法与翻译 语法是描写一种语言的结构,说明词的变化和用词造句的规则。它研究句子的结构功能和意义。“每种语言都有它自己的语法和词汇的使用习惯。我们不能想象把原作逐字逐句,按照其原来的结构顺序机械地翻译过来的翻译方法,能够恰当地传达原作的面貌;我们也不能想象这样的译文会是纯粹的本国文字。”(茅盾语)所以,要搞好翻译,必须具有较高的语言文字修养,而其中熟悉外汉语知识、学会语法分析又是基本条件。语法分析的目的在于揭示各种语法单位用什么形式表达什么意义。
(方梦之 见《中国翻译词典》)

第六章 数、格、时态与翻译

  并不是所有的语言都有数的语法范畴,英语的数是属于语法范畴,汉语的数则属于词汇范畴。汉语除表示人的名词后可加“们”表示复数外,其他均无复数。因此,在英译汉时就可能忽视原文数的信息。如 my book 和 my books ,译成汉语一般都译成“我的书”,原文数的信息就被忽视了。当然,译者也可以采用词汇手段,将原文复数概念表达出来。如: There are books on the table. 桌子上有许多(几本) 书。可见,译者可以选择省略关于数的信息,也可用词汇手段表达关于数的信息。
  China''s Panda Reserves
  Ladies and gentlemen
  Flowers bloom all over the yard.
  The lion is the king of animal s.
  狮子是百兽之王 。
  Newsmen went flying off to Mexico.
  woods 森林 trousers 裤子 clothes 衣服 goods 货物
  a sheep 一只羊 two sheep 两只羊
  a deer 一只鹿 two deer 两只鹿
  a fish 一条鱼 two fish 两条鱼
  fruits 各种水果 fishes 各种鱼 peoples 各国人民
  一条消息 a piece of news ( 不能用 a news)
  一套家具 a set of furniture ( 不能用 a furniture)
  一支粉笔 a piece of chalk ( 不能用 a chalk)
  The Long March is the first of its kind in the annals of history.(原文“记录”没有复数形式,英文用复数annals。)
  For better (athletic) records and sportsmanship.
  我是福州人。 I am from Fuzhou.
  你是福州人。 You are from Fuzhou.
  她是福州人。 She is from Fuzhou.
  他们是福州人。 They are from Fuzhou.
  The prosperity of township enterprises is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural area.( 主语单数,谓语也用单数。 )
  Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country. (主语复数, 谓语也用复数。)
  Every means has been tried but without much result. ( means 虽然形式是复数的,但这里做单数用,要用单数动词。 )
  Much of this data is conclusive.
  Many of these data are conclusive. (有些名词,其单复数形式是固定不变的,但其动词的单复数取决于其限定词和上下文内容。)
  That Japanese has been to China for twenty times.
  Those Japanese are visitors to our university.
  ( Japanese 既可单数也可复数,视其限定词而定。)
  《古代中国神话》是由那位老教授编写的 。
  The Tales of Ancient China was written by that old professor. (专有名词作主语用单数动词。)
  The audience was excited by the excellent show.
  He is a teacher. ( 主格 )
  I am his teacher.( 所有格 )
  The teacher likes him. ( 宾格 )
  Who are you?
  Whom are you speaking to?
  Whose umbrella is this?
  We love our motherland.
  He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing.
  John is in his fifties.
  英语名词作主格和宾格使用时没有词形变化,这一点与汉语是一致的。但英语的名词有所有格的变化,汉语则没有。英语名词的所有格一般是在名词后面加“ ''s ”构成,以“s”结尾的名词所有格,只需在名词后面加“ '' ”,或者用 of 短语来表示所有关系。如:
  yesterday''s lesson 昨天的课
  my father''s room 我父亲的房间
  the fox''s tail 狐狸的尾巴
  Hemingway''s novels 海明威的小说
  Engels'' works 恩格斯的著作
  somebody''s friend 某人的朋友
  the man in the corner''s hat 那个角落里的男子的帽子
  the colour of the book 那本书的颜色
  a question of theory 理论问题
  the capital of our country 我国首都
  at Mary''s 在玛丽家
  the butcher''s 肉店
  St. Paul''s 圣保罗教堂


  译者的版权保护 根据我国的现行版权法律(主要指1991年6月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国著作权法》及其《实施条例》,1994年7月5日起施行的 《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于惩治侵犯著作权的犯罪的决定》)和我国参加的国际版权公约(即1992年10月在我国生效的《保护文学艺术作品怕尔尼公约》和《世界版权公约》),译作属于文字作品,是版权保护的客体之一,译者对其译作享有版权。译者对译作享有的权利与原作者对原作享有的权利相同,即既有人身方面的权利(国外亦称精神权利),也有财产方面的权利(亦称经济权利),人身方面的权利包括:发表译作的权利;在译作上署名、表明译者身份的权利;修改或授权他人修改译作的权利;保护译作的完整性,使其不受歪曲、篡改的权利。这几项权利为译者终身享有,译者去世后,除发表权可由译者法定继承人行使外,其他三项权利只能由译者的法定继承人或法律规定的法人团体(在译者无法定继承的人情况下)保护其不受侵犯,不得继承、转让和行使。财产方面的权利包括使用权和获得报酬权,即以复制、表演、播放、展览、发行、摄制电影、电视、录像或者改编、翻译、注释、编辑等方式使用作品的权利;以及许可他人以上述方式使用作品,并由此获得报酬的权利。财产方面的权利,译者可以自己行使,也可以授权别人行使;译者去世后,译者的法定继承人或法律规定的法人团体(在译者无法定继承人的情况下)继承和行使50年。50年期满,译作成为公共财产,任何人都可以使用。译者对其译作享有的版权,是一种专有权利,除法律另有规定外,未经译者同意,其他人不得行使。译者作为演绎作品的版权所有者,同其被译之原作者享有的版权是有区别的,那就是如果原作仍有版权,则译者翻译该作品,必须事先取得原作者或其他版权所有者的授权,译者对译作行使版权时不得损害原作版权所有者的权利。译者仅对其译作享有权利,而对其被译的原作不享有权利。例如我国某个剧作家仅将其某一剧本的英语上演权授权给英国某家剧团,英国剧团可以将我国剧作家的剧本译成英文并在合同约定的地区与时间内上演该剧,未经我国剧作家授权,英国剧团不得将该剧本(英文版)出版、不得将该剧在电台、电视台播放,亦不得将该剧的演出制成音像制品或电影、电视片,总之,如果被译的原作仍有版权,译作作者行使版权就受原作版权所有者的制约。如果被译的原作已经进入公有领域,则译者对其译作享有版权,就像原作者对原作享有版权一样。译者对其译作行使版权,如果被译原作仍有版权,必须处理好两层关系。一是提醒译作的使用者(不论是出版者、表演者、音像制作者还是广播电视组织)首先取得原作版权所有者的授权,并与其签订授权使用作品的合同,避免侵犯原作版权所有者的版权。二是与使用者签订授权使用译作的合同,明确授权的种类、时间、范围、付酬数量与方式等,明确双方的权利与义务。译者授予译作使用者的版权,可以是独占权,也可以是非独占权;收取报酬的办法可以是一笔一次付情的报酬,也可以是提取一定百分比的版权使用费(版税)。除法律另有规定外(主要指无需授权也不必支付报酬的“合理使用”已发表的译作,和无需授权但应按规定支付报酬的“法定许可”使用已发表的译作,——见我国著作权法第22条、32条、35条、37条、40条和43条),不经译者授权,擅自使用译者的译作,则侵犯译者的版权。译者版权受到侵犯,译者或其他版权所有者可以采取三种方式寻求版权保护。首先,受害者本人或委托律师与侵权者直接交涉,要求侵权者承认错误,停止侵害,赔偿损失。第二,受害者或者委托的律师,带上版权受侵害的证据和有关材料,到侵权行为发生地的政府版权管理机关,请求当地版权行政管理机关制止侵权行为,对侵权者予以行政处罚,并责令侵权者赔偿其所受损失。第三,受害者或其委托的律师可以直接到侵权行为发生地或侵权人居住地的人民法院提起诉讼。如果当地法院设有知识产权审判庭,可向知识产权审判庭投诉;如果未设知识产权审判庭,则可向民事审判庭投诉。当然,除上述三种方式外,如果侵权方同意仲裁,也可以到仲裁机关或双方认可的机构(政府机关或协会团体)进行仲裁。
(沈仁干:97,2《中国翻译》 见《译学大词典》)

  I had known two great social systems.
  I had never thought I''d be happy to find myself considered unimportant. But this time I was.
  The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird.
  He has been working for two years.
  This attractive black and white mammal has widespread human appeal and has become a symbol for conservation efforts both within China and internationally as the symbol of The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
  这一吸引人的黑白哺乳动物为人们所广泛地喜爱。作为世界自然基金会( WWF)的标记,熊猫已经成为中国和国际性自然保护努力的象征。(译文加“已经”。)
  Species like this mountain rhododendron were collected by 19 th century botanists and then transported back to Europe for horticultural collections.
  像这一山杜鹃花等种类为 19世纪的植物学家所采集,然后运回欧洲作为园艺收藏品。
  The sun rises in the east.
  He is working in Beijing now.
  Mr. Lin was and still is my teacher.
  I shall have got married to Mr. Huang this day next year
  I wrote two letters this morning.
  (汉语时态助词“了”的用处比英语完成式广,不一定都要译成英语的完成式。而且这里有明确表示过去时间的状语 this morning , 也不能用完成式。)
  Keep it for yourself.
  误:I am loving her very much.
  正:I love her very much.
  (love是表示情感的词,已经有表示现在的状态的概念,因此,不必再用现在进行时。这说明汉语的“现在”未必都要译成英语的现在进行时。同样的理由,在英语里不能说: I am hating him. I am liking apples. 遇到表示情感的动词一般不用进行时态。)
  她现在有房子 。
  误:She is possessing a house.
  正:She possesses a house.
  误:She is having tow dogs.
  正:She has two dogs.
  (以上两例中 possess 和 have 都是表示占有的词,已经表达了目前的状况,所以不用现在进行时。)
  误:I am seeing flowers.
  正:I am looking at flowers.
  (动词的进行时态表示的动作或状态是暂时性的和可以立刻停止的。如果动作或状态是长期性的或不能立刻停止的,则不可用进行时态。"see" 是外界的形象传入我的眼中,使我看见;"look"是我用心去看外界的形象,使我看见。 "see" 不能立刻停止, "look" 可以立刻停止的。)
  误:I am hearing the radio.
  正:I am listening to the radio.
  (同样的理由, "hear" 是外界的声音传入我的耳中,使我听到; "listen" 是我用心去听外界的声音,使我听到。 "hear" 不能立刻停止, "listen" 可以立刻停止。)
  We will have completed the work before you come.
  (“你来”在将来发生,应用 "You will come" , 但习惯上却用 "You come" 来代替。根据英语习惯,在时间和条件状语从句中,一般用现在时代替将来时。)
  I had taken my supper when he arrived.
  Please take a smell at the milk.
  Give the enemy a taste of our shells.
  It''s necessary to have a check-up.
  You two have an exchange of views.
  Let him have a try on the coat.


第七章 修辞与翻译

  严复在翻译 Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays (天演论)一书时,书名当道,有如雄关,晨夕推敲,寝食俱废,呕心沥血,面色憔悴。其妻力劝:“勿为一词而轻生。”严复答道:“蜉蝣此生何足惜,一词足以垂千秋!” 最后将 Evolution一词置于案上晨夕推敲,落成“天演”二字。“天演”即“自然演化”之意,比“进化”更为醒豁,而且言简意赅,堪称“造化之笔”!但“一词当关,万夫莫开”,个中辛苦,有谁能识?译成之后,严复不禁谓然长叹:“一名之立,旬月踟蹰!”总之,“修辞美”是翻译艺术的不可缺少的要素,正如翻译家帕里什 (Parrish) 所云:“修辞美是维系翻译艺术生命的高级蛋白,没有修辞美,译品就会失去生命力。”此语堪作翻译工作者的座右铭。
  (黄龙 1988)
  修饰关系的理解和翻译 对于英语句子重复杂的修饰关系如果理解错误必然造成错译;这主要表现在修饰语与被修饰语的关系上,(1) 修饰语概括不全She read the letter again and again , now fully aware of the significance of the message his unusual request and a real condescension. ( A )她一次又一次读他的信,现在已经充分意识到信的内容的意义,意识到他那不同寻常的请求,以及明确无误的屈尊。( B )她一次次读信,现在对信的主旨,他那不寻常的请求以及确实放下了架子的谦卑口气所具有的含义已经充分理解了。关键在于对句子最后部分的理解,request 和condescension 是和significance平行还是和message 平行? ( A )认为是前者( B )认为是后者。联系第一部分考虑,最后两部分并不需要一次次读信才能理解,除非是要体会其言外之意。所以( B )的理解是正确的,不把这两部分包括进去共同修辞significance就是“概括不全”( 2 )扩大了概括范围主 I had been delayed by someone who had come to see me and was a trifle late .( A )我被耽搁了,有人来看我晚了一会儿。( B )有人来看我,耽搁了一下,我晚到了一会儿。定语分句不应包括 was a trifle late ,( A )认为应包括便是扩大了修怖语的概括范围。( 3 )搞错了修饰对象 In the British system of collective cabinet responsibility , a minister is accountable to his colleagues in the government and in the Parliament for the function he directs. ( A )在英国的集体内阁负责制中,一名主管大臣在政府中对其同僚负责,在议会中对自己的职务负责。( B )按英国的内阁集体负责制,大臣应就其掌管的本职工作对政府和议会的同事负责。( A )在 and 处断开,把最后部分( in Parliament …)连在accountable上,这是没有搞清accountable的搭配关系 ( 应连 to ··· for ···两部分 ) 因而搞错了修饰对象;其实它应修怖 collleagues ,译成( B )那样。
(陈文 见《中国翻译词典》)
  翻译的美学观 翻译家拉姆斯登( Ramsden )指出:“翻译之美集中表现于修辞美、意境美、采风美、形象美、典型美与宏观美。要思维抽象化、想象升华化与语言形象化,才能译得表里俱秀,形神兼似,味如甘醇,吮之欲醉。具有上述美感的译品能起潜移默化、陶冶感染的作用,可使读者获得感情上的享受与精神上的满足。”由此可见,翻译之美是客观存在的反映,而不是“先验论”的产物。审美能力是翻译家的主要条件之一。很难想象,一个不辨美丑的翻译工作者能够忠实于作者与原文,……诸“美”之间具有内在联系,相互渗透,相互依赖,相辅相成,相得益彰。“修辞美”犹如人之谈吐美,“意境美”犹如人之心灵美,“采风美”犹如人之举止美,“形象美”犹如人之神采美,“典型美”犹如人之个性美。诸美璨然俱备,浑然自成一体,既不容分割,又不可偏废。关于翻译美学观的问题,近年来外国翻译家对此极为重视。杰文斯( Jevons )甚至认为“美是翻译的灵魂。美之所在,即灵魂之所在。”事实上,如果修辞工巧,意境深邃,采风淳朴,形象生动,便可谓译笔优美,得其神髓。
  有人不禁要问原来是美的,理应以美译美;但若原来是丑的,怎能以美译丑?果真如此,岂不是涂脂抹粉,将丑予以美化?非也。提出上述问题,是由于对“美”的误解或曲解。为了澄清模糊认识,不妨举例加以阐明。君不见戏剧、绘画与小说中的反面人物?莎士比亚擅演小丑,“身穿斑衣,供人赏玩”(十四行诗),但却演得有声有色,赢得天下演艺之美,夺得艺苑大师之称。意大利画家古亚蒂( Guiatti )精于画鬼,但却画得惟妙惟肖,掠尽灵派风格之美,荣获“幽灵画家”之名。《聊斋志异》作者蒲松龄善于《画皮》,但却写得栩栩如生,显出世态素描之美,博得讽刺作家之誉。莎士比亚、古亚蒂及蒲松龄等人并不因演“丑”、画“丑”、写“丑”而有损其“美”。与此相反,只要“丑”得精采,“丑”得逼真,“丑”出水平,便是一“美”对翻译而言,亦是如此。翻译亦不因译“丑”而失其“美”,只要把“丑”译得淋漓尽致,神态毕露,便是一“美”。
  仅就演丑角戏而言,“丑角丑角,越丑越俏”,此是古语。嬉笑怒骂,全在一俏,无丑不出俏,无俏不成戏,故丑角乃不可或缺之角色。翻译亦然,不限于正面人物或事物,有时要涉及反面人物或事物。译者必须“美”“丑”兼容,将“丑”译得“美”,而不是将“丑”译成“美”。由是观之,无论是戏剧、绘画、小说,翻译均不应嫌“丑”弃“丑”,而应亲“丑”爱“丑”,以“丑”致“美”;只要“丑”得可观,便会各有其美,各领风骚!翻译学家格伦瑟( Gruenther )强调指出:“翻译美学是翻译学的不可分割的组成部分,美学观点应该贯串翻译教材的始终。”翻译学是新兴的边缘科学,现已风靡世界,翻译审美学(trans1ation aesthetics )亦随之应运而生。不言而喻,开设翻译美学课,进行翻译美感教育,以提高译文水准,实属刻不容缓之举。
(黄龙 1988 ,第 84 、 109 一 111 页 见《译学大辞典》)

  修辞是提高语言表达能力的一种方法。翻译质量高低和修辞形式的正确运用有重要关系。英汉两种语言常用的修辞格有许多相似之处,翻译时应该采取恰当的、最接近原文的处理方法,使原文中音、形、意的修辞效果尽可能完美地传达到译文中去。例如培根 (F.Bacon) 的散文以结构严谨,对仗工整,尤以三项式排比著称。他的 Of Studies 第二段的开首句是:
  To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humour of a scholar.
  It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silence at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm.
  Jane''s uncle is an old fox , up to all kinds of evils.
  She is t he prettiest girl in the world.
  His wife spent all her life on the stage.
  (英文原文用“ the stage ”转喻他妻子从事表演艺术,译者用直译法,在中文里保留了原文的转喻。而且,“在舞台上”,其隐含意义在汉语也是明确的。)
  April, April,
  Laugh thy girlish laughter.
  . Having shoveled *** for some of the great men of Washington for almost twenty years, he was still little better than an enlisted man , the eternal snuffy, paid to take out the garbage, thrown a couple of bills by the fat cats in their thousand-dollar suits.
  (英文原文采用暗喻“ Having shoveled *** ”,隐含“ he ” 是专为华盛顿的要人所干的坏事擦屁股,又用借代“ fat cats ” 代表“有钱有势的人物”,译文保留了原文的修辞手段,再现了原文的生动表达。)
  He gave his life; life was all he could give.
  Just as dark clouds can''t hide the sun so no lies can cover up the fact.
  “你在这里 ┅┅ 呆了好久?”成岗不愿对孩子说出那个可怕的“关”字,改口说“呆了好久”。
  “我从小就在这里 ┅┅ ”
  “How long have you been staying here?” Cheng Gang avoided using that terrible phrase “locked up.”
  “Ever since I was a baby…”
  According to the official write-ups in the papers, he''s the best man in the world. He doesn''t have a single defect in his whole body. Why, he doesn''t even have a belly-button.
  Day after day and year after year , they fought and lived stubbornly in the wild mountains and forests
  (汉语用重叠,英语也有同词连续反复的手法,即将同一个词用介词( after ,, in , to , upon , with 等)连续起来使用,用 and 连接起来连续使用,用连字符( hyphen )连接起来使用,或者用逗号(,)隔开重叠使用。 这就为直译创造了有了条件。)
  Trust me not at all or all in all. ( 同上 )
  When the cat''s away , the mice will play.
  The ship plows the sea.
  Early Reagan was a mirror image of early Carter.
  里根刚上台时的做法跟执政初期的卡特毫无二致 。
  With their heavy winter clothing changed for lighter spring wear they could leap or crouch down much more freely and nimbly.
  我那里管得上这些事来!见识又浅,嘴又笨,心又直,‘ 人家给个棒槌,我就拿着认作针 ''了。脸又软,搁不住人家两句好话儿。
  I''m incapable of running things. I''m too ignorant, blunt and tactless, always getting hold of the wrong end of the stick. And I''m so soft-hearted, anyone can get round me.
  (汉语原文用了谐音双关的歇后语,译者用意译法,采用英语同义的习语 get hold of the wrong end of the stick 可以生动地传达原文的意思。)
  大家心里都乐得开了花,像办 喜事 那样忙忙碌碌地做着准备工作。
  Everyone was as pleased as though a festival was approaching, and set about getting ready for it.
  (汉语原文仍然是用了明喻,译者在英译时保留了辞格的形式,但将比喻的对象转换为“节日” (festival) ,采用转换法,也是辞格翻译的一种重要方法。)
  He made money fly.
  Up shot the rocket into the sky.
  He came home safe and sound.
  We have enrolled every local Cicero.
  This young couple is not well matched, one is a Xi Shi —— a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhang Fei —— a well-known ill-tempered brute.
  This session has also decided to propose to the National People''s Congress the deletion of the provision in Article 45 of the Constitution concerning the si da , that is , speaking out freely, airing one''s views fully, writing big-character posters and holding great debates.
  (汉语采用统括的修辞手法,把“大鸣、大放、大字报、大辩论”简称为“四大”,外国人难以理解。外文出版社的一本根据“四大”音译,又加了脚注—— Si da: This is a shorthand way of referring to the provision in Article 45 of the Constitution of 1978 concerning “speaking out freely, airing one''s views fully, writing big-character posters and holding great debates.” Since in Chinese each of these expressions contains the character da or “big”, they have come to be known as the si da , or “four bigs”.)


第八章 机器翻译

  机器翻译大致可分为四个阶段。 1、设想和初探阶段(1933-1954年)。其中最早的代表人物当推法国工程师阿尔茨努尼(Artsruni, George)和前苏联的特罗绛斯基(Trojanski,P.P. )。 1933 年阿尔茨努尼设计出一种他称为“机脑”的翻译机,并获得专利证书。同年特罗绛斯基提出借助机器进行翻译的详细步骤,并于同年设计出样机。 1946 年,美国的韦弗 (Weaver, Warren) 和美国人布思(Booth,A.D.)首次提出将电脑用于机译系统。 1947 年,布思与布里顿提出用数字计算机查阅储存在电脑记忆里的词典。同年,他们编制出自动查阅字典程序。1950年,美国人E 凯弗拉提出在机译中由人工进行译前编辑和译后审校的方案。 1954 年,美国乔治敦大学与 IBM 公司联合试验使用电脑的机译系统。这标志着机器翻译进入新的发展阶段。 2、迅速发展阶段( 1954-1966 年)。美国先后出现许多研究小组;英、法、德、意等政府积极为研究项目提供资助;苏联和东欧一些国家的研究工作也很活跃。 3 、低潮阶段( 1966-1976 年)。互相竞争和封锁导致研究内容重复,耗费大量可以节省的时间和金钱。一些研究人员又遭到困难和挫折。在美国,最初人们认为机器可以完全代替人译的幻想普遍破灭,研究经费随之大幅度收缩,西欧也是如此。美国语言处理自动化咨询委员会于1966年发表了一份调查报告,她的出笼标志着机译研究低潮阶段的开始。4、复苏阶段(1976-现在)。直到1976年3月, 在弗吉尼亚的拉什陵举行了一次机译研讨会,美国的机译研究才开始复苏。展望:翻译是十分复杂的脑力劳动。让电脑做这种工作也会困难重重。目前比较一致的看法是,机译首先要解决精细的电脑程序编制和计算方法问题。这又要解决两个问题:一是电脑如何分析和综合语法现象;二是如何选择词义的问题。此外,因为语言是丰富多彩的,因此,机译系统绝对达不到尽善尽美的程度。 (靳文 《中国翻译词典》)
  如今机器翻译对于许多人来说应该已经不是很陌生的的词儿了。今天我们可以在软件商店买到形形色色的 PC机译软件,各种语言对的,如英文到中文的,中文到英文的,或者日文到中文的,甚至也有英文到日文的等等,还有什么家庭版的,专业版的,配带各种不同专业词典可供选择的等等。据估计,世界上目前市场上有1000多种不同的机器翻译软件在销售,我国具有一定规模的PC机器翻译软件也有近20种。在世界范围内PC机译软件的价格都不贵,而且价格还在不断地下降。现在我们甚至可以在网上免费享用翻译系统的服务。因此现在用户已有较大的选择余地。当然一个用户在选择机译系统时,应该首先很好地弄清自己的需求。具体来说,我们有如下的建议。
  第三,如果你是为了浏览网上信息要用到翻译,那么你一定要选择可以在网上运行的系统。如果你的外语水平还可以但词汇量有限,那么还可以选择一种只有大规模词典但可随点随译的系统。今天机器翻译比起10年前,可以说相当繁荣。但是我们愿意提醒,在这繁荣的后面,却存在着危机。前面说到那个ALPAC报告曾给机器翻译带来的创伤如今似乎已被抚平了。但实际上它的阴影始终会时不时地再出现在机译研究者的头上。如今随着有越来越多的机译系统走向市场,政府的投资者感到在这种情况下如果还要投资攻关似乎有点名不正言不顺了。而商家则只是想现在该是把现成的技术包装包装就可以赚钱的时候了。经常会听到老板们会这样问研究者,“你估计开发出产品要多长时间?你的系统正确率如何?”,大概没有一个研究者会回答说,将来“正确率大约在百分之 五十左右”的。如果果真那样回答,那么他的项目还不当场就被“枪毙”了。可是现有的机译系统(不仅是英汉或汉英,国外的其他语言对的系统)在面对真实文本时,其正确率实际上有多少呢?机译的译文质量确实还远不能令人满意。近来国外有些人挖苦地说“MT,不是 machine translation 的缩写,而是 mad translation(疯子的翻译)的缩写。他们是近乎要跟机译来番决战似的。他们劝说人们不要购买机译系统,要翻译的话应该雇翻译人员。国内也有人讽刺地说,有了机器翻译,“满篇英文难不住,满篇中文看不懂”。这些固然是比较极端的评价,但机译译文质量确实一直是个老大难问题。著名的机译评论家 Hutchins在最近的机器翻译峰会上的发言中说,机译译文质量至今并没有取得实质性的进展,很多 50 年前未解决的问题如今依然存在。还有一种更加深层的危机,那是来自研究人员自身的。他们说“在现有的技术条件下,机译译文质量也只能这样了。”说这话时似乎他们不是“现有的技术条件”的创造者。这样一来,可能出现的情况将是投资者和研制者都在以较低水平的系统忙于行销赚钱,而不再有足够的经费和技术投入。机器翻译无论在理论上或是技术上都还未成熟。现在只是由于人们对于克服语言交流的障碍有着很强烈的需求,尤其是因特网的出现这种需求更显突出,机器翻译才获得了以较低的译文质量满足这种需求的机会,并利用这一机会来求得进一步的发展。我们对这一现实要有清醒的认识。在行销上,应切忌不切实际的宣传。现在在报纸杂志上常能见到关于机器翻译系统的过度夸张的宣传。从长远看,这是“自砸牌子”的不智作为。正确的做法是把产品拿到用户那里去,老老实实地告诉他们机译系统能做什么和不能做什么,如何来利用它,利用它之所长,避它之所短。同时根据用户的需求来调试和改进系统。换句话说,多做培养用户,培养系统,培养市场的工作。近20年左右,机器翻译研究的方法真可谓花样翻新,令人目不暇接,有基于规则的、基于知识的、基于语料库的、基于统计和语料库的、基于例子的、基于对话的等等,从另一种角度,还有直接法、转换法、中间语言法等等。但其中哪一种也未能在翻译质量上取得实质性的突破。如何才能取得实质性的改进呢?我们不妨先对现有的机译和人译做一番比较。
  在九月的峰会上几位机译权威教授都一致提出要进行深层次的基础研究,使对于源语言的分析基于理解。呼吁投资者加大对于基础研究,如大规模知识词典建设的投入。笔者经过十多年的努力建立的大型知识系统《知网》,今年已上网供研究免费使用。它引起了海内外学者的广泛注意,并已有人在它基础上开始进行新的探索,如上面介绍的基于理解的分析以及新的排除歧义的方法。请读者浏览www.how-net.com 网页。 
  随着因特网的普及,随着信息时代的到来,机器翻译的应用前景是广阔的。作为人类探索自己智能和操作知识的机制的窗口,机器翻译研究将更加诱人。愿 50 年来尚未解决的问题会在新世纪里得到解决。
http://tech.sina .com.cn 2000/07/06 新浪科技

  机器翻译(machine translation), 又称机译(MT),是利用计算机把一种自然语言转变成另一种自然语言的过程。用以完成这一过程的软件叫做机器翻译系统。
  从30年代起,人们便产生了利用机器翻译自然语言的想法。但是直到第二次世界大战以后的数年才有适宜的发展气候。但是信息理论的兴起,先进的密码破译技术的成功以及电子计算机的发明预示着机器翻译可能成为现实。50年代有几个小组开始研究机器翻译项目,人们对这一课题的发展前景期望很大。然而,最初的结果并不令人鼓舞。翻译系统能够处理的资料种类十分有限,译文拙劣,错误百出,而且需要人工后期校订,以致证明比用人工完成整个翻译工作的成本还要高。主要原因是缺乏充分精细的语言理论来为机器翻译需要承担的任务提供一个参照系。最早的机器翻译系统所做的不过是在各语言的单词之间寻找对等的成分——实际上是在充当一部自动化的词典。到了70年代语言学和电子计算机知识和技术的重大发展,又为机器翻译的发展创造了新的机遇。 特别是进入90年代,CPU的处理速度越来越快,储存器的储存量越来越大,这在物质上为机器翻译提供良好的发展条件。机器翻译繁荣期的最重要的特点是机器翻译研究造像了实用化,出现了一大批实用化的机器翻译系统,机器翻译产品开始进入市场,变成商品,机器翻译系统的实用化引起了机器翻译系统商品化。机器翻译的繁荣期是以1976年加拿大蒙特利尔大学与加拿大联邦政府翻译局联合开发的实用机器翻译系统TAUM-METEO正式提供天气预报服务为标志的。这个翻译系统投入使用后, 每小时可翻译6万到30万个词,每天可以翻译1500到2000篇天气预报资料,并能够通过电视、报纸立即公布。TAUM-METEO系统是机器翻译发展史上的一个里程碑,它标志着机器翻译由复苏走向了繁荣。机器翻译已经不再是学者们的梦想,他已经变成了活生生的现实。
  中国是世界上第五个进行机器翻译实验的国家,从一开始就得到了国家的高度重视。早在1956年它便以“机器翻译”/“自然语言的数学理论”列入了当时的《科学发展纲要》。以后则列为“六五”、“七五”,以及“863”等重大科研项目。 中国的机器翻译研究虽然也有过10年的停滞,但与国外不同,并不是由于对机器翻译研究本身的中断投资引起的。70年代中期,我国机器翻译研究从停滞走向了复苏,是协同攻关的特点体现最充分的时期。80年代中90年代初期是我国的机器翻译研究自复苏以来第二个重要时期。在这一时期里,产生过两个在中国机译史上具有重要意义的实用系统。它们分别是军事科学院研制的“KY-1”英汉机译系统,它获得了国家科技进步二等奖,后来被开发为“译星”,成为中国第一个商品化系统,另一个是中科院计算所研制的“863-IMT”英汉机译系统,它获得了国家科技进步一等奖,它的技术带来了十分可观的效益。这两个系统也是多单位、多方面人材通力合作的结果。在这一时期里还有一个机译系统是不应被遗忘的。它就是由邮电科研院研制的“MT-IR-EC”,这是一个非常实用的通讯题录系统,人们利用它翻译出版通讯题录刊物,从而使刊物的发行效率得到很大的提高,它因此成为了第一个荣获国家科技进步奖的机译系统。在这一时期里,中国参加了由日本发起的亚洲五国机器翻译研发的合作项目。国内近10个单位参加了这一长达7年的国际项目。这次的大协作对于培养人才、传播技术、积累资源(如词典等),以及使中国的机译研究走向世界,都有着深远的影响。另外,这个时期又正值“七五”,它给了更多的单位和研究人员参与机译研究的机会。在此期间,清华大学和南京大学研制了实用的日汉机译系统。中国科大在机译通用工具方面进行了富有成果的研究。北京大学研制成功了机译系统自动评估系统,这在国内外尚属首例。90年代初期至今,中国的机器翻译走入了快速发展的时期,出现了许多商品化系统。近期的机译系统大体上有这样一些特点:多数配有大规模的多种领域的专业词典,多数能在网上运行,有相当不错的方便用户的界面。新的应用领域的机器翻译研究,如对话翻译系统的研发等也已开始。中国的机译研究的水平在总体上从一开始就不低,如今在PC产品、网上系统的开发方面与世界上机译研究发达的国家相比并不逊色。
  机器翻译从工作原理上分为两个派系:传统派和现代派。传统机器翻译从总体模式上可以分为三类:直接翻译法(Direct Translation)、中间语言法(Interlingual approach)以及转换法(Transfer approach)。
  目前多数的机器翻译系统都是先用人工建立的语法分析规则,逐句分析句子的词间关系,并通过字典来确定词意,然后才能将一个句子转换成另一文种。因此,系统必须知道句子中每个单词的精确含义,才能产生出准确的译文。一旦遇到一词多意的单词,系统便无法自行做出正确选择,译文也就会出错。比如基于语法分析的机器翻译技术无法自行判断bank一词应译为“银行”还是“河岸”,cool一词应译为“冷”还是“很棒”。 此外,机器翻译系统只能通过人工建立的语法规则来分析语句,但人类的语言十分丰富灵活,语法规则不可能覆盖所有的语言现象,同时,规则越多也会使系统越复杂,最终有可能导致系统难以管理。目前典型的商用机器翻译系统仅就两种比较复杂语种之间的翻译,就要有25万到50万个词的词典,以及500到1000条的语法规则。即使规模如此,一旦遇上规则中没有定义的语言现象,系统依旧无计可施。
  Toss fish slices with marinade ingredients. Place fish in center of a platter. Arrange daikon and carrot shreds around fish. Scatter fresh and pickled ginger, the pickled scallions, lime leaves, chiles, green onions and cilantro over fish. Sprinkle with peanuts and sesame seeds.
  Just before serving, squeeze the lime or lemon juice over all. It is customary for everyone to join in and toss the salad. Using chopsticks, each diner digs from the bottom of the salad and lifts the ingredients to mix together.
  关键的错误出在石灰一词,将石灰水加入菜中岂不是要害人。这是因为机器无法在 lime一词的多个含义“石灰”、“粘鸟胶”、“酸橙”中做出正确选择才闹出的笑话。
  Prepare a saturated solution of sugar.
  (多义词与不同的辞搭配具有不同的词义,原文中的 solution 有“解决办法”、“解决”、“解答”、“溶解”、“溶液”等意思,人工翻译可以根据语境来选择词义,机译尚无法达到通过对语境的分析判断来翻译的水平,计算机往往是根据该词的第一个词典词义来翻译,因此,就出现这样的错误。正确的翻译应该是:准备一份饱和糖溶液。)
  Telescopes are housed in large buildings called observatories.
  (英语中的一词多类也常常造成机器翻译困难。如 do, have 等既可作实义动词,又可作助动词,但计算机往往都把它们当作实义动词来译。那些形式上与谓语动词相同,实际上却是作定语或状语的分词,机器翻译时也统统作为与动词处理。“调用天文台”的错误就是这样产生的。正确的翻译应该是:望远镜都是安置在高大建筑物即天文台上。)
  Welcome to the world of computer telecommunications.
  (汉语中没有冠词,英语中的冠词常译成汉语的“这”、“那”、“该”等。但并非所有冠词都要译出来,因而,如何把握成了机器翻译的难题。译文中的错误“该计算机的世界”就是这样产生的。 正确的翻译是:欢迎到计算机电信世界来。)
  Water quality has improved in many ways .
  机译: 水品质有改良的在许多方面。 (“有改良的在许多方面”是不符合汉语习惯的表达,主要是状语的位置不对。计算机尚无法根据状语、定语等在句子中的修饰关系,灵活准确地处理状语、定语等在汉语中的恰当位置。正确的翻译是:水质已在许多方面得到改善。)
  What''s the temperature at the sun ''s center ?
  (译文表达不符合汉语习惯,计算机错把 sun''s 当作sun和is的缩写。英语中名词所有格“ ''s ”形式和系动词“is”的缩写“''s”相同,所以计算机在翻译时经常把两者混淆。正确的翻译是:太阳中心的温度是多少?)
  机译:Zh Zh is fixed on Nan Ping of Fujian and works.
  (某几个汉字的组合是人名、地名或其他词,计算机尚无法作准确判断,这是汉英机器翻译的一个难点。译文错误主要出在对“张文定”这个名字的判断上,正确的翻译应该是: Zhang Wending works in Nanping of Fujian. )
  机译:If there is no sunshine to shine, there are no trees on the earth.
  (根据汉语习惯可以说“阳光照射”,但英语应该说“太阳照射”,另外原文是假设,英文应该用虚拟语气表达。这些在人工翻译时,都可以根据语境来判断,而机器翻译就难以做到。正确的翻译应该是:If the sun didn''t shine on the earth, there would be no trees. )
  机译:Fujian cuisine represented by Foochow cuisine , It is one of eight major famous dish in the whole country. (每一个英语句子都有唯一的一个限定形式的谓语中心成分,汉语句子则随意得多,句子之间也没有明确的界限。汉英机器翻译时很难准确断句。另外汉语名词没有复数形式,英语有单复数之分,机器翻译时也很难判断何时该用单数,何时该用复数。正确的翻译应该是: Fujian cuisine represented by Fuzhou cuisine is one of eight famous cuisines in China. )
  由于计算机不断升级换代,计算机翻译的能力也随之增强。目前西方各种语言之间通过机器翻译的准确率有的已经达到 95% 。在欧、美、日本等发达地区,机器翻译已经分担了很大一部分过去由人工翻译的日常工作,而且正朝着智能声控翻译通讯技术的方向发展。近十几年来,我国也先后开发出东方快车,金山快译通、译星、通译、金桥译港世界通(www.netat.net) 翻译网站等,但由于英汉两种语言之间的差异大大超过西方各种语言之间的差异,英汉机器互译的难度仍然很大,结果也不尽人意。不过我们还是应该承认机器翻译毕竟有了很大的进步,从七、八十年代只能处理简单的句子,到现在能处理大块的文章,从一小时能翻译几千字,到现在的几十万字。而且机器翻译在处理专业性强、数量大的技术资料和论文方面,具有相当大的优势,最起码省去了大量查字典和文字输入的时间。
  当我们讨论机器翻译系统和翻译工具的发展时,首先需要区分四种基本的翻译需求:第一是传统型,它要求翻译结果和人(翻译家)翻得一样好,即翻译结果达到出版水平;第二种需求对翻译质量的要求稍低一些,尤其是对文体的要求较低,用户这时最感兴趣的是了解某篇文章的基本内容,因此希望翻译速度越快越好;第三种需求是对话双方一对一的交谈(打电话或者在 Internet 聊天室里聊天)或无需写在纸上的演讲 (如外交场合的谈话);第四种需求是在信息检索、信息抽取、数据库访问等多语言系统里所需进行的翻译。
  第二种需求是为了了解信息而使用机器翻译系统,这一需求实际上已经作为第一种需求的副产品得到了实现。既然机器翻译系统尚不能直接产生高质量的译文,因此用户能从未经编辑的译文中找出或猜出他们需要的东西也是很有帮助的,毕竟翻译出一部分总比一点没有翻译要好。在这种情况下,尽管机器翻译的译文结果很糟糕,但随着 PC 价格越来越低廉,这类机器翻译系统的需求量也大大增加了。
  第三种需求是以交流信息为目的的机器翻译。由于信息更新速度很快,不可能由人来翻译,用户需要马上得出翻译结果以便传达信息的基本内容。例如基于 Internet的在线翻译系统,它能实时进行翻译,但翻译质量难尽人意。有些机器翻译系统目前正在探索如何“自然”地扮演自己的角色。另一种用于人际交流的机器翻译系统是口语翻译系统,它可以用在电话交谈、商务会谈等场合。目前有很多专家正在研发这类系统,其难点在于语音合成和自动翻译。这一领域的研究尽管进展缓慢,但我们仍然可以希望将来在非常受限的领域里应用在线口语机器翻译系统。


第九章 文体与翻译

  翻译家应具有独特风格 无论从理论上讲,还是从实践的角度看,译家都应具有自己的风格。从理论角度上看,翻译是译者用一种语言表达原作者用另一种语言所表达的思想。由于所要表达的是同一思想,而使用的却是两种不同的语言,因而翻译的过程显得复杂和迷离,并受多种因素的干扰。其中最重要的两个因素是:一是译者对原作所表达的“思想”的理解的程度、精确性和方式;二是译者把理解所得,转换成自己熟悉的语言时,往往会不自觉地体现译者自己的个性特色。对原文理解上流露出来的个性,加上具体转换时语言表达上所显示出的个性,就构成了译者的风格,从翻译实践上看,我国现代和当代翻译史上的大家无不具有自成一家的风格。鲁迅的译文凝重洗炼;朱生豪的译笔浑厚畅达,气势磅礴;傅雷的译品则圆熟流畅,干净利落,巴金的译文则明白晓畅、文气自然。就翻译而言,没有风格便不成家。译者要有自己的风格,绝不意味着可以忘掉原作风格,我行我素,让自己的风格恣意流露,用自己的风格代替原作的风格。恰恰相反,译者应当尽最大努力,调动自己的文化素养和中文功力,准确地传达出原作的风格。作者风格与译者风格之间的关系可粗略概括为:一是两者的风格比较接近;二是两者之间有相当距离;三是两者之间距离很大:在第一种情况下,比较容易达到预期的目的;在第二种情况下,译者会遇到相当大的困难,虽经努力,仍未必会获得满意的效果;在第三种情况下,要谋求作者、译者之间风格的统一,几乎是不可能的,译者的努力往往导致两败俱伤的结果,既难以传达原作的风格,又会消融译者个人的整体风格。一个在使用本国语言方面已经形成独特风格翻译家,其风格总是要在他的译文中顽强地表现出来。译者要求得作者风格与自己风格的统一,首先必须尽可能地选择与自己风格接近的原作来译;其次是在这一前提下适当地抑制自己的个人风格,并努力传达原作的风格。译者只有求得自己风格与原作风格的最佳结合,才有可能产生翻译的佳品。总之,造就独具风格的翻译家是我们时代的需要,也应当是我们努力奋斗的目标。
(黄文 见《中国翻译词典》)
 法律翻译 法律文件的文体正式程度很高。翻译法律文件时要采取各种相应的语言手段来防止可能产生的误解或歧义。文件的全部内容必须字面化、外部化,含蓄的表达、深层的蕴涵在法律文件的翻译中没有施展的余地。了解法律文体的特点将有助于正确翻译。 一、词汇方面,除了法律专用术语外,常用一部分古词、旧词:其中、,特别是here, there,where加上一二个介词构成的复合副词,如 hereto, herein,hereunder, hereinabove,thereon,therein thereat, therethrough, whereby, wherein, whereof wherefor, whereupon等。古体副词的大量使用构成了法律文体特有的稳定性和保守性。二、句法结结构方面 结构严密,长句多。为了把意思尽可能说得周全,各种附加语、修饰语前后编插、碰床架屋、句中套句、不厌其烦,以致节外生枝,语法关系显得复杂。三、篇章结构方面 法律文件在篇章安排上并不首先考虑读者阅读的方便,有的通篇不用句号或逗号表示停顿,有时相同的内容在不同的部分也可作适当重复。另一方面,为了突出内容要点和逻辑程序,法律文件也采用一定的版面手段,如大小写、字体、序列和文字布局等。诚然,不同类型的法律文件各有其特定的结构程式。翻译法律文件首要的是严谨与精确,力求把每个词的含义都显现出来。过译或欠译都意味着对法律文件中涉及的权利义务的增减,或对法律条文的歪曲 。
(方梦之 见《译学大辞典》)
  法律文献的汉译英 一、法律词语的理解 对专业词语的正确理解,是翻译法律文书的前提和基础。1 .注意伺义在上下文中的一致性一个法律词在不同的场合,译成英文有不同的含义,要正确理解法律原文的词义,必须使词义在上下文中保持一致。例如,“如在解释上遇有分歧,应以英文本为准。”“解释”一词,可译成
"exp1anation "、"exposition"、
较恰当,故译成“In case of any divergence of interpretations,the English text shal1 prevai1. 2,注意同义词在译文中的不同含义在进行法律文书汉译英过程中,碰到汉语同义词时,一定要注意语言的逻辑性,勤渣专业工具书,例如,“草签文本”、和“草签合同”。前者的“草签”指“缩写签字”(如: John Smith 草签为“J.S”), 所以“草签文本”应译成 initialed text 。后者的“草签”指构成对合同条款的认证,但尚不具法律效力,因此,“草签合同”应译成 referendum contract。3.从法律概念上理解词义除了熟悉法律专业术语外;还要对法律词语的内容和给构进行分析,从而把深层的含义译为英语。例如:“诉讼参加人”不译成 litigant,而译成 litigant participant, 因它指参与诉讼活动的人,包括“当事人、第三人、共同诉讼人”等;“法律权限”不译成 authority of 1egal body ,应译为“ corporate power ”,“power 是指“权力范围”。 4. 正确选择结构词 英文中的结构词属于“小词”,却比实义词更难掌握,在汉英翻译中,决不能与汉语句子套用。例如:“合营各方”应译成 parties to the venture 。这里的介词 to 不能用 of 代替,因为 to 是指“作为一方参加某个机构”。“外国企业的所得税以人民币为计算单位”此句中的“以……”就不能简单的套用 by means of 或according to ;应选择 in terms of 表示“以……换算”,前选择其它词是不能达意的。 二、译文的表达 翻译法律文书应以“严谨”为宗旨,如果流畅和准确发生矛盾时,应选择后者。举一个不当例子:“李明在中国居住期间没有受过刑事制裁”。 Li Ming has not been punished according to the criminal law during his living in China. 此句中的 not to be punished 与表示一段时间的 during 短语连用不恰当;“触犯刑律”应译成“ commit an offence against the criminal law ,故改译为“ Li Ming has no record of committing offence against the criminal law. ”意义更具体明确,“在中国居往期间”,应译为 during his residence in China, residence 强调一个住所的永久、合法性。总之,译者须深入理解原文,选择最确切的表达方式。同时,也要不厌其烦地查专业工具书。使译文准确、严谨、规范。
(王春文 见《译学大辞典》)
  短期来华访问特别是常驻我国工作的美国律师,大多为初出茅庐之辈,但见初会时递过来的名片上,“法学博士”四个大字赫然在焉。乍一看来,好不气派!定眼一看,所谓“法学博士”者, J.D. 也。然则何谓“ J.D. ” ?
  曰: J.D. 者, Juris Doctor 也。但是 Juris Dector 是指什么呢?请看:
  1. Juris Doctor, the first, or lowest, professional degree in legal education 一 Cochran''s Law Lexicon
  按职业训练(即培养律师)乃美国法律教育的三大特色之一。所以“ Juris Doctor ”即“法学博士”仅是一个职业学位( professional degree )而不是什么学术学位( academic degree ),所以大可不必给唬住,不仅如此,这低级“法学博士”即“ J . D. ”只是最初的( the first )、最低级的( the 1owest )学位——如此而已!所以美国律师再蹩脚,也没有一个不是 J . D 。(即低级“法学博士”)。这是基本常识。
  与此同时,也必须注意到:别小看美国少数律师名片上的“法学硕士”即 LL.M. (Master 0f Laws )。说也奇怪、在美国,美国人只有得了J.D.即低级法学博士之后,才能攻读法学硕士即LL.M.。从这一点上看,可说在美国,法学硕士高于称作J.D.的“法学博士”。
  请注意这放在引号内的法学博士只是指J.D.而言的, 如果得了法学硕士的学位还要深造,那就得攻读真正的法学博士即J.S.D.亦称S.J.D.——这当然也是缩写:2.J.S.D.,Doctor of Juristic Science ( Latin , Juris Scientiae Doctor ) 一 The World Book Dictionary 3.S.J.D. , Doctor of Juridica1 Science ( Latin , Scientae Juridicae Doctor ) 一 ibid 。
  据说近年来,职能部门越来越懂行了,所以已通报各有关高校:J.D. 不享受博士待遇云。
(摘自 陈忠诚 吴幼娟 《辞语翻译丛谈续编》)

  Yu XX, this court has made a judgment of divorce between you and Wang XX. You are requested to receive the judgment at this court within sixty days starting from the publishing date of this announcement. Otherwise, the verdict would be deemed to have been served.
  (译文采用书面语体,所用的词如 request, deem 等都比较正式。)
  Modification, dissolution or termination of a contract does not deprive a party of the right to claim for damage.
  ( Modification, dissolution or termination 不但语义精确,而且正式、规范。)
  The Government of the People''s Republic of China has decided to resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997.
  中国 XXX公司与XXX国XXX公司遵照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营法》及有关法律规定,本着平等互利的原则,同意共同投资兴办合资经营企业,兹签订本合同。
  In accordance with the stipulations of THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE''S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON JOINT VENTURES USING CHINESE AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT and other related laws and rules, and on the basis of mutual benefit, XXX of the People''s Republic of China (PRC) and XXX of XXX, both agree to establish a joint venture enterprise with joint investment and hereby sign this contract.
  (法律文本常出现古词,以体现精确性和正式性。汉语原文的“兹”是古文体,译文也用了相应的 hereby 。)
  Where products are imported at prices lower than its normal value, thereby causing substantial damage or threat of substantial damage to the relevant domestic industries already established, or substantially hindering the establishment of relevant domestic industries, the State may take necessary measures to eliminate or reduce such damage or threat of damage or hindrance.
  Li Ming has no record of committing offences against the criminal law during his residence in China. ( 汉语文本用动词,但英文法律文本更喜欢用名词。所以汉译英常把汉语的动词转换为名词。 )
  Against all liabilities, claims, demands, proceedings, costs or expenses of whatsoever nature which may be made or brought against or incurred by the lesser by reason of any loss, injury, death or damage caused or claimed to be caused to any person or of any loss of or damage to property occasioned by or arising or claimed to be occasioned or to arise directly or indirectly out of the manufacture, delivery, presence, possession, provision, operation, use, installment, removal, transportation, replacement or repair of the goods and whether arising or claimed to arise out of defects in the goods or by reason of the goods infringing or being claimed to infringe any patent, copyright, confidential information of other intellectual property rights."
  (这是一个租赁合同中关于保证对出租人给予补偿的条款中的一部分。这里保证补偿的是“…… 一切责任、索赔、要求、诉讼、费用或任何性质的开支”,其原因(by reason of)有两种情况,一是租赁货物对人或财产造成损害,二是租赁货物侵犯智力产权。关于第一种情况,合同不厌其烦地列举“直接或间接因货物的制造、送交、存在、占有、供应、操作、使用、安装、移动、运输、替换或修理,不论是否由于或据称由于货物有缺陷 ……”。这段话中多次提到“造成”、“引起”,但都要加上“或据称”,成为“造成或据称造成”、“引起或据称引起”。)
  第三十三条 国家根据对外贸易发展的需要,建立和完善为对外贸易服务的金融机构,设立对外贸易发展基金、风险基金。
  Article 33 The State shall , in light of the needs for the development of foreign trade , set up and improve financial institutions in service of foreign trade and establish development fund and risk fund for foreign trade .
Export Contract
  This Contract is entered into this 5 th day of August, 1993 between ABC Trading Co. Ltd (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co. Ltd (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and conditions.
  (涉外合同一般行文规范,条理清晰,为了传达某种“标准信息”,往往句式都相仿,尤其是各种涉外合同的前文几乎大同小异,同业见之,照此办理,译文不必,也不可标新立异。在词汇方面也和其他法律文本一样,用词精确,喜用古词和同义重复的词,如 hereinafter, terms and conditions 。)
  Mr.Foster died domiciled in England 。
  (这句不能译成“死时住在英国”,更不能译成“福斯特先生死在英国”。因为 domicile 有其特定的含义,特定的译法,只能译“住所”,不能译“居所”、 “住处”、“居住地”、“所在地”、“住的地”等。另外在法律文件中 England 最好译“英格兰”而不译“英国”,因为“英国”包括英格兰、苏格兰等,而苏格兰与英格兰的法律制度不同,上一句的情况可能涉及遗产处理问题,涉及适用什么法律的问题,译成“英格兰” 或“英国”就很不相同了。)
  Without prejudice to any rights which exist under the applicable laws or under the Subcontract, the Contractor shall be entitled to withhold or defer payment of all or part of any sums otherwise due by the Contractor to the Subcontractor.
  (普通词在法律文本中常有特殊意义。原文中 prejudice 原是普通词,此处作为法律用语,意为 harm done to someone 。)
  In case of any divergence of interpretations, the English text shall prevail.
  (“解释”,在汉英词典上可译成:“construe”、 “explanation”、 “exposition”、 “interpretation”,但这个句子的 “ 解释 ” 是指对法律条文的正式解释,选择 “interpretation” ,较为恰当。一个法律词在不同的场合,译成英文有不同的含义,要正确理解法律原文的词义,必须注意词义在上下文中的一致,切不能拘泥于字面上的一致,如果保持字面上的一致,译文往往不能准确达意。)
  Royalties arising in a Contraction State and paid to a resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that Contracting State.
  (原文中的“特许权使用费”要译的准确是不大容易的,如果译成“fee of special permitted right”不能体现出原文的含义。根据规范文件的正式解释及其在句中的作用,本句中的“特许权使用费”是指使用或有权使用专利、商标以及文学、艺术、科学著作等所支付的作为报酬的各种款项,所以把“特许权使用费”译成“royalty”才能体现出与原文的一致性。)
  All the activities of a joint venture shall comply with the provision of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People''s Republic of China.
  (这一条文中的主语是“活动”,汉译英时谓语动词应选择 “comply with”,表示“to act in accordance with a provision, rule, demand”。 英文中observe, obey, abide by, comply with,在词典上都有“遵守”的含义,但在法律文书的翻译中并不都是同义词,在不同的条文中就有不同的处理方法。在进行法律文书汉译英翻译过程中,有时会碰到不少汉语意义相同的词,但这些词在不同的搭配中和特定的上下文中,是有明显区别的,译者一定要注意语言的逻辑性,勤查专业工具书。例如:“草签文本”和“草签合同”,这两个术语中的“草签”的含义是不同的,前者是指“缩写签字,草签时,当事人只签其姓名的第一个字母(如:John Smith 草签为 “J.S”),所以“ 草签文本”这条术语应译成:“initialed text”而后者的“ 草签 ”是指构成对合同条款的认证,但尚不具有法律效力,因此“草签合同”应译成:“referendum contract”。再如:“正式协议”和“正式声明”这两条术语中的“正式”就不能盲目地套用,必须弄清它们之间的不同含义。第一个“正式”是指“符合规定的”;第二个“正式”是表示“官方权威性的”,)
  In case the consequences of a force majeure event affect the contract execution for more than 180 days, the parties shall convene and reach an agreement upon the further execution of the contract”,
   (此句中的“如果不可抗力的事件影响….”是指“如果由于不可抗力事件的缘故影响….”所以应选用“in case the consequences of”较好一些。)
  This is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or party.
  The proceedings of the General Assembly in respect of matters brought to its attention under this Article will be subject to the provisions of Articles 11 and 12.
  本条约签字原件应为一份,其英文、阿拉伯文、 中文、法文、俄文和西班牙文各文本具有同等效力。
  This Treaty shall be signed in a single original in the English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish languages, all texts being equally authentic.
  (法律文书中表示义务或规定时,第三人称后面要用“shall” 不用“will” 。)
  This is to certify that Zhang San (male, born on October, 3, 1960) is now unmarried.
  (在这份公证书中,所证明的事项是张目前的婚姻状况,所以应改译成:“ Zhang San (male, born on October, 3, 1960): present marital status is unmarried. )
  Li Ming has not been punished according to the criminal law during his living in China.
  (此句中的“not to be punished”与表示一段时间的during短语连用不恰当,况且,此句证明的是“没有受过刑罚的记载”,而“触犯刑律”也应译成:“commit an offence against the criminal law”, 所以改译成: “ Li Ming has no record of committing offences against the criminal law”意义更具体明确;另外,“在中国居住期间”应译为“during his residence in China”,“居住”这个词选用 “residence”而不用 “living”, 更强调一个住所的永久性和合法性。)
  The right of interpretation for the Detailed Rules and Regulations belongs to the Ministry of Finance of the People''s Republic of China. (“the right of interpretation for the Detailed Rules and Regulations”不能准确地表达出 “解释细则的权利”,应改为 “the right of interpreting the Detailed Rules and Regulations”。句中谓语动词 “belong to”也用得欠妥: “belong to”的含义是“属于…的财产”,这里的“属于”是指“权利、权力等为….所有”,故应选用“reside in”,如:“决定权属于上级机构”,译为: “The power of decision resides in the higher authorities” 。)


  新闻报道的英译 新闻标题(news headline )起到“画龙点睛”的作用,但由于汉英两种语言在字形、语法、修辞等方面的不同,它们的“点睛”之术也存在较大差异。1.概括程度不同。新闻标题起到概括或浓缩消息要点的作用、在概括程度上,汉语新闻标题倾向于尽可能详尽完整地综述新闻要点,先给读者一个总的印象、而英文标题则相对简单,常以精炼的文字把新闻中最重要的一点概括出来,以点代面,吸引读者。例:在社会主义现代化建设和改革开放事业中做出贡献。
  《人民日报》1996.9.28) Foreign Experts Awarded Medals (China Daily,Sept.28,1996)
  2 .措词手法各异。动词是中英文新闻标题中都发挥重要作用的一类词,但英文标题出于版面考虑,常选用简短动词,即所谓“小词”( midget words ),如用ban 代替 interdict , restrain,用 back 代替 support 等,而汉字大小相同,无此顾虑。此外,英文标题鲜见以动词开头,而中文标题以动词开头者却屡见不鲜。
  State Eliminates Illegal Banking
  (China Daily,Nov,25,1996)
  Pivotal Commodity Fair Open(China Daily,Oct,16,1996)
  3 .时间表达有别。为了增加报道的生动性和真实感,英语新闻标题常使用一般现在时表示过去发生的事,而中文新闻标题则往往借助时间词,如“昨天”、“明日”、“将”等以衬托时间关系。例:
  亚洲人民“团结、友谊、进步”的象征第十一届亚运会在京隆重开幕(《新民晚报》 1990,9,23)
  China Sweeps First Day Golds Asiad Opening Ceremony Draws Millions of Viewers.( China Dai1y , Sept. 24,1990 )
  汉语新闻标题的英译:由于汉语新闻标题与英文新闻标题有着较大的差异,因此,在翻译时,应注意做到:1 .抓住新闻要点,以点带面。如:
  Foundation Honors 53 Scientists
  (China Dai1y Oct.18,1996)
  2 .注意选用小词。如:
  China Backs Ghali UN Re-election ( China Daily , Nov.19,1996)
  3 .时态宜多用现在时,用被动语态时注意系词的省略。如:
  US, Japan Conclude Okinawa Base Deal
  (China Daily,Dec,4,1996)
  4 .删除多余的修饰语。英语新闻标题中冠词、连词等也常做省略。如:
  (《大众日报》 1996 , 11 , 18 ) Women Spikers Win Super Title
  (China Daily, Nov,18,1996)
  新闻报道正文的编译:新闻报道的翻译,往往采用非逐字对译法。新闻报道之所以能引起读者的兴趣,是由于新闻价值在起作用。所谓新闻价值 (news value) ,即只衡量新闻事实的客观标准。“读者兴趣”是新闻价值特殊要素之一。对外新闻报道,应在邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论指导下,一要考虑本国国情,二要考虑外国受众的要求和兴趣,对新闻内容进行选择,做到正确无误,“有的放矢”。因此,有时在国内报道中占相当篇幅的新闻,在对外报道中则被编译成简讯,图片新闻等:例:
  Li Shoots Nation''s 6th Gold China''s Li Duihong won the women''s 25 — meter sport pistol O1ympic gold with a total of 687.9 points early this morning Beijing time. ( China Dai1y July,27.1996)
  新闻报道正文的解释性翻译:新闻讲求清晰易懂。同英语新闻一样,汉语新闻报道词语求新、创新意识强,“行话”、“套话”、“历史典故”等丰富多样,变化多端。要想清晰易懂地把它们翻译出来,介绍给国外受众,常常使用解释性翻译的方法。解释性翻译能使报道更趋客观,清晰明了,有助于增强传播效果。在汉语新闻报道的翻译中,常常对有关历史事件、地理名称、我国独有的机构、节日、习俗、“行话”、“套话”、历史典故等采用解释性方法。譬如“巴金”、“老舍”译作“ Chinese writers Ba Jin and Lao She ”,“北京”、“上海”分别译作“ the capital city of Beijing ”和“the largest industrial city of Shanghai ”。
(王治奎:1995 ,第376一382页 见《译学大辞典》)
  新闻翻译 新闻包括时事报导、社会新闻、社论、特写、书评、广告、气象预告等类目。就文体而论,常以新闻报导( news story , news report)为研究和论述重点。新闻报导文体简洁明晰,语意清新,用词生动,表达客观。翻译新闻报导文体要注意以下各点。 一、准确用译词语 。新闻报导内容包罗无遗,词汇庞杂臃肿,新词层出不穷,因此特别要注意准确翻译 In provincial towns like Shadrisk there is a real vacuum of other information. “在沙德林斯克这样的边远城市,其它消息完全付诸阙如”。句中, vacuum 借自科技词汇,但又不能译成本意“真空”。 二、用各行业习惯词语译出 。新闻报导涉及各行各业。各行业都有一些惯用词语、文体学的一个基本要求就是语言要适合社会场合,译文当然也讲究切合, A free kick by Uruguayan star forward Paz in the 20th minute forced Co1ombia to take the offensive and Sarmiento headed home an equaliser in the 40th minute 。“比赛进行到第 20 分钟,乌拉圭队明星前锋帕斯在罚任意球时破门人网,迫使哥伦比亚队采取攻势。第 40 分钟时,萨米恩托顶球人门,扳成平局”。译句中,用了报导足球比赛的一些常用词语。 三、要特别注意人名、地名的解释。 有些人名有习惯译法,按约定俗成处理,不要标新立异,例如法国科幻小说作家加 JulesVerne 译为“儒勒·凡尔纳”,不译“丘耳斯·魏恩”;美国军人 Claire Lee Chennau1t 的译名是“陈纳德”,而非“克莱尔·李·兴诺尔特”。
(方梦之 见《译学大辞典》)
  我们所说的新闻是指经过通讯社、报纸、广播、电视等新闻工具报道或评述的事情。新闻翻译就是此类文本的翻译。新闻文本一般都应当交待清楚有关的人 (who)、事(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、事因(why)、怎样发生、发展(how)等。新闻文体讲究真实性和时效性,在语言风格上力求鲜明、准确、通俗、朴实、生动。由于新闻文体涉及的题材广泛,几乎无所不包,译者必然会遇到自己不熟悉的领域以及与该领域相关的词汇,再加上记者为了表达新鲜事物,或为了表达生动,经常创造出新词来,对于生疏或新造的词汇,切不可望文生义,应该加倍谨慎,认真推敲,力求准确地把它们译出来。新闻文本常有结构松散的句子,但意思还是明白的,因此翻译时可不必拘泥语言形式,抓住内容,准确传达原文的信息就可以。另外,新闻文本也不像法律文本,为了生动活泼,更多使用非正式语体,因此,不宜译得太“雅”,也不可太“俗”。
  由于新生事物不断出现,有时也为了标新立异,新闻文本中常出现新词、新造的词,主要还是抓住其实意来翻译,有的用直译,有的意译,有的直译加注 : Whitewatergate 白水门事件 (由 watergate 和whitewater造成的新词,指与克林顿夫妇有关的白水开发公司偷漏税丑闻。) Wi-Fi 无线保真,pre-emptive 先发制人的, 再就业工程 re-employment project, 在线网上书店 online bookstore, 高分低能 high scores and low abilities,唐装 Tang suit,南水北调South-to-North water diversion,外向型经济 export-oriented economy。 新闻的政治词汇中还有不少以动物作比喻的词汇,一般采用直译,有时加注释:fat cat 肥猫(竞选运动的主要资助人), eat crow 吃乌鸦(被迫认错或收回前言),dark horse 黑马,纸老虎 paper tiger,亚洲四小龙the four tigers of Asia (由于“龙”在西方文化中是凶残的动物,所以改用tiger。)新闻中还常用外来语: 英文中使用的外来语如glasnot 公开性,sputnik 卫星, 可以意译。从汉语进入英文的外来语如ying ,yang,wok等,英译汉时可直接还原为“阴、阳、镬”。现在汉语新闻中也常常直接使用英文如WTO,SARS,APEC等, 汉译英时只要照搬就行。英文新闻中好用委婉语,我们在汉译英时不妨注意使用这些词, 如“被解雇”不用fired而用selected out,“穷人”不用poor people而用underprivileged/disadvantaged。 总之在新闻文本的英汉互译中,应注意新闻的用词特点,灵活掌握。
  China is home to one of the world''s most diverse populations of wild animals with its 4,400 species of vertebrates, accounting for over 10 percent of the world-wide total.
  At a recent conference, many in the audience pricked up their ears when Pat Gelsinger, Intel''s chief technology officer and head of research, began passionately complaining on stage about U.S. technology competitiveness.
  Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder''s left-of-center coalition returned to power by a very narrow margin in parliamentary elections on September 23, following a campaign in which Schroeder''s repeated refusal to support a possible U.S. attack on Iraq became a central issue.
  9月23日, 德国总理施罗德领导的中左翼联盟在德国议会大选中以微弱优势击败对手赢得胜利。大选中,伊拉克问题成为两派竞选的中心问题。施罗德多次宣布德国不支持美国可能对伊拉克进行的军事打击。
  The Computer Institution of the Chinese Academy of Science has developed China''s first universally- applied CPU, which they''re calling the "Dragon Chip" . The chip is being used in the "Soaring Dragon" , China''s very first server using the Dragon Chip. The birth of " Dragon Chip" is considered a landmark on the road for the development of national sci-tech industry.
  United States authorities confirmed on October 12 that a latest deadly shooting was linked to nine other sniper attacks in the Washington D.C. area. Since October 2, eight people have been killed and two wounded by an obscure gunman in Washington D.C. and the neighboring areas in Maryland and Virginia.
  Aiming at improving the state sector of the economy as a whole, we shall effectuate a strategic reorganization of state-owned enterprises by well managing large enterprises while adopting a flexible policy towards small ones.
  Most information we get through that channel.
  The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.
  The governments at all levels should strengthen their leadership in these reforms and do a solid job of propelling the reform forward.
  It enjoys a temperate climate with well-marked seasons and has plenty of rainfall and sunshine, favourable for growing crops.
  The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will retain the status of a free port and separate customs territory.
  (新闻英译也是一项外事工作,必须掌握对外宣传的原则,了解外国读者接受心理,不可不假思索地直译。原文中的“独立关税地区”如果直译为 an independent customs territory ,就可能被误解为香港是独立于中国的政治实体,因此,译为 separate 比较妥当。)
  Some localities and departments even went so far as to disobey orders and defy prohibitions.
  Taiwan Recognizes Mainland Currency
  幼儿遇良师 家庭添乐趣 (主题)
  订购新有如雪片飞来,总印数已逾两百万册 (副题)
  Shotgun Death Riddle Drama
  Dayton Accord Reached
  (标题中常用小词 (midget words) 或单音节短词,这里用 accord 而不用 agreement ,就是新闻特色标题词汇。)
  WHO Ranks France First in Providing Health Care
  (WHO= World Health Organization,用缩略语可以使标题简约。译文也用了缩略语。)
  Comment: Keep a cool head while fighting SARS
  Japanese carmaker loses suit
  Jones Planned to Kill Carter?
  17 Chinese students missing in Moscow fire
  Ballot, Not Bullet
  Tokyo''s Own Gang of Four


  英语科技词汇的翻译 英语科技词汇除以常用语汇的专业化和同一词语词义的多专业化构成科技词汇外,还以传统的英语构词法扩充新词,科技英语以下述方法构词:合成法、混成法、词缀法、缩咯法、专用名词借用法。所谓合成法,即将两个或两个以上旧词组合成一个新词。科技英语中的合成词有合写式(无连字符)与分写式(有连字符),大部分科技英语合成词均取直译法,即将两个合成词素的词义直译作偏正联缀。有些合成词汉译时需适当增词,才能准确通顺地表达原意:所谓混成法,即将两个词中在拼写上或读音上比较适合的部分以前一词去尾后一词去首,加以叠合( Overlapping )混成,混成后新词兼具两个旧词之形义。混成词是合成词的一种变体,翻译时应注重直译,一般取偏正式复合结构构词。如 escalift = escalator lift 译为 自动 (偏一修饰语) 电梯 (正一中心词)。所谓词缀法,即指利用词缀作为词素构成新词。词缀具有极大的灵活性,同时又具有极强、极广泛的搭配表意能力,这是因为一方面词缀的基本词义都比较稳定、明确,另一方面它们的附着力都很强,附着在根词之前或之后,概念可以立即构成。许多长科技词汇都可以通过构词规律先解析(析出词素或词素意义)后合成(将词素意义进行调整联缀),从而得出一个完整的词义。由于英语中的前后缀及科技构词成分大都来自拉丁语,因此翻译工作者最好具有一些拉丁语知识,并备有拉丁语汉语(或英一拉)字典。 所谓缩略法,即将某一词语组合中主要的词的第一个字母组成新词的构词方法。常见的科技缩略词有 ADP (automatic data processing 自动数据处理), IC ( integrated circuit 集成电路)等等。英译汉时遇到没有把握的缩略词,只能多查几本词典。另外.许多科技名词和术语是借用专有名词(包括人名、地名、商号、商标、机构等等)。遇到这种词也宜多查词典。除了以上几种主要的构词法外,科技英语还利用剪截法( Clipping ,如从 laboratory 剪截出 lab )、逆序法(如从 laser 逆生出to lase 发射激光)、造词法( Coinage ,如物理学中的 quark 夸克)、词性转换法及借用外来语等构词法构成通用或专用词语。翻译这几类词语首先需要溯本求源,找出原词或根词(先从词形上加以判断,再悉心参照上下文),除了新造词以外,它们的新义不会与原词或根词的本义相距太远。科技词汇和术语用在某一专业范围内时词义一般比较稳定,但有许多常用词语在科技英语中的词义就可能非常灵活,变义可能很多,必须根据上下文细心判断。
(刘宓庆:1985,第311一316页 见《译学大辞典》)
  英语科技译名统一问题 根据汉语习惯,我国的翻译传统以及我国翻译工作者译名的总趋势,统一译名的原则可大致确定如下: ( 1 )原文命名凡有词义者,应取其义,译其义而得译名,即所谓意译。科技术语大量是名词,按词义译名时,宜选择最宜于用作译名的名词性词义,不应取动词性词义(或其他词性词义)。英语命名的规律是一般按事物或现象的本质属性或特征,如组织成分、作用结构、外形,部位等等。因此,以义定名时,译名最好考虑以上命名理据,做到名副其实,恰到好处:原名为多义词时,往往以基本词义为最合适,译名与实当然是越切越好。( 2 )原文命名无词义者,可取其音;译其音而得译名,即所谓音译。音译的发音依据应为国际音标( IPA ),译名则应按汉语拼音,不应用方言音译名。此外,音译科技术语应遵从名从主人的原则,即原文如果是法语则应按法语发音,是德语则按德语发音。( 3 )汉语注重“因形见义”,音译不能表示事物的本质属性或类属时,可取音兼意译。音兼意译既能取原名之音,又能暗示读者事物的类属、类别、属性等等。如 Mig 一米格式飞机;Pumi一普米族。这种翻译又被称为“注释性音译”,其中“注释词”往往落在词尾,点出事物的类属类别,属性等等。( 4 )以还原法析开原词,再顺序递加词义,得出译名。这种译法有两种情况,其一是缩略词,其二是混成词。英语缩略词在科技文献中用得极多(其次在新闻英语中);原因是缩略词用来很简便。缩略词用来简便,但也带来一些问题,一是难以拼读发音,二是难以辨出词义。因此.目前我国翻译这类词的主要方法是以还原法译全称。混成词在科技术语中也叫做“行囊词”(portmanteau words ),是一种非常时兴的构词现象。原先人们使用这种词是出于幽默或心血来潮的插科打诨)以剪缀词头、词尾加以粘合来取悦读者或听众。后来发现这样构词很有实用价值,特别是近 20 年来)在科技、新闻和广告英语中越来越流行。翻译混成词也采取还原法,析出全称,再按顺序递加词义,即得译名。( 5 )汉语对应词早已有之者,不再作新译名。( 6 )约定俗成的不规范译名,由于沿用已久,不应再按以上所述的原则重新译名。(刘宓庆: 1985 ;第 316 一 320 页 见 《译学大辞典》)

  Do you know that the bee navigates by polarized light and the fly controls its flight by its back wings?
  (原文中的 polarized light, 是指不同方向显示出不同特色的光线,叫“偏振光”。有人误译为“极光”( polar light ),就是不懂专业,望文生义造成的。译者要勤查专业词典,切忌想当然。)
  Plastics was at first based on coal and wood.
  (原文中 base 是常用词,但在这里有特殊的专业涵义。因此在翻译时要特别注意常用词在科技文本中的引申意义。)
  Iron and brass are base metals.
  (词类不同意思也不同,例2的 base 是动词,而例3的 base 是形容词。)
  Power can be transmitted over a long distance.
  ( power 作普通词,是“力量、能力”,此处指“电力”。)
  The fourth power of three is eighty-one.
  Other things being equal, copper heats up faster than iron.
  In 24 hours the heart in a human body receives and pumps out some 1000 quarts of blood.
  (有些词的字面意思很具体,若直译则令人费解,翻译时可用概括或抽象的词来引申原语的词义,因此 receives and pumps 不能译作“接受和泵出”。)
  The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.
  At one time it was thought that all atoms of the same element were exactly alike.
  Mankind has always reverenced what Tennyson call “the useful trouble of the rain” .
  The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.
  Zhang Heng also created the world''s first meteorological instrument —— anemograph. He made a pointing-south cart with a wooden figure always pointing southward no matter what direction the cart was moving in. The cart has since been lost.
  (这一段汉译英, 第一句基本直译, 2 、 3 两句则被拆解,重新调整了语序。先把指南车描述清楚,然后再讲他已失传。这样,英文表达反而条理清晰,重点突出。)
  The heat loss can be considerably reduced by the use of firebricks round the walls of the boiler.
  (这句不宜译为 If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss can be considerably reduced. 科技文本应尽量避免使用第一、二人称,以示客观,且科技文本多用名词,用“by+ 名词短语”使译文更简练。)
  A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction.
  (为求行文简洁,英语科技文本常用非限定动词短语代替从句,以便缩短句子。试比较: A direct current is a current which flows always in the same direction.)
  The forces due to friction are called frictional forces.
  The results obtained must be checked.
  看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相互作用的 。
  It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting.
  (It…that… 是英语科技文本中常用的句型,汉译英时可多使用这种句型。)
  Computer may be classified as analog and digital.
  (as 结构句型也是科技英语常用的句型。)
  科技论文摘要一般不超过 150 words ,不少于 100 words ;少数情况下可以例外,视原文文献而定,但主题概念不得遗漏。 翻译可不受原文摘要的约束。译文尽量取消不必要的字句:如 "It is reported…","Extensive investigations show that …", "The author discusses…", "This paper concerned with…" 取消或减少背景情况 (Background Information) ; 作者在文摘中谈及的未来计划不纳入文摘; 尽量简化一些措辞和重复的单元,如:不用 at a temperature of 250℃ to 300℃ 而 用 at 250-300 ℃ ; 此外注意:摘要第一句话切不可与题名 (Title) 重复。用重要的事实开头,尽量避免用辅助从句开头。如:用 "Power consumption of telephone switching systems was determined from data obtained experimentally", 而不用 "From data obtained experimentally, power consumption of telephone switching systems was determined". 要用过去时态叙述作者工作,用现在时态叙述作者结论。如: "The structure of dislocation core in Gap was investigated by weak-beam electro microscope. The dislocations are dissociated into two Shokley partial with separations of (80+10) and (40+10) A in the pure edge and screw cases respectively. 不使用俚语、外来语表达概念,应用标准英语。
  This paper presents a thorough study of the input/output stability theory of relay pulse senders.
  本文深入研究了中继脉冲发送器的输入 -输出稳定性的理论。
  This paper discusses the relation between the sampling period and the stability of sampled-data.
  This paper proposes (develops, extends) a new approach for the analysis of tolerance.
  This paper concludes that the new method for selecting the sampling period is desirable.
  The purpose of this article is to explore the measurement for weak magnetic fields present in the human body.
  It is suggested that some basic steps be taken in order to convert from manual calculation to the use of programmed calculators.
  The author describes the techniques of open-loop vibrational control.


第十章 英汉对比与翻译

  Brown 指出三点:( 1 )英语不是统一的语言,它有许多类别,许多方言,这些东西各有其习惯,各有其格式,各自表现出当地文化的价值观。( 2 )英国文化也不是统一的,它包括许多不同的成分。这些成分各有其价值观和习俗,英国人对它应该同样尊重。( 3 )外国人也有他们的看法、价值观、传统、情感、文化,这些东西与英国人的不同,然而都应该是为同样地有理由,有价值。( Brown, Gillian, 1990. “Cultural Values: The Interpretation of Discourse”, in ELT Journal , 44/1:17
(转自王宗炎 自我认识与跨文化交际《外国语》1993第1期)
  法国语言学家葛兰言(Granet) 曾这样评价汉语:“中国人所用的语言,是特别为‘描绘''而造的,不是为分类而造的,那是一种可以抒发特别感情,为诗人或怀古家所设计的语言,而不是为了下定义或判断而设计的语言。”
(引自贾文波 《汉英时文翻译》
  翻译的地区差异 由于汉语的覆盖面很大,讲汉语的人中,汉语的习惯也不尽相同,有时差异还十分明显,这就要求不同的地区努力将这种差异逐步缩小,以求汉语的大统一。如果不注意这个问题,外译中时就会译出五花八门的中文,不仅不能求得汉语的统一,反而会演变成种类不同的汉语。以 have 一词为例,这是英语中使用率极高的一个普通词汇。它既可以表示“有”,又可以表示“吃”饭,“上”课等等,还是构成完成式的主要字眼。 Have you seen my brother ?回答不外乎 Yes , I have. 或者 No , I haven''t. 这样一个非常普通的句子,问句好译,答句在不同的汉语地区就会译出不同的汉语句子来。大陆同胞会说:“对,我见过他了。”“没哩,我还没见着他。”谁知到了港台竟会说出另外一种似汉语非汉语的语言来;问某人有没有带入场券,答日:“有哇,有哇。”或“有带,有带。”将英语中常见的完成式句照译成汉语,是大陆人民所不习惯的。汉语的完成式是借助于“曾经”、“已经”、“了”、“过”等辅助词来表示的,所以“有没有”,这一句式的问句,汉语尚可接受,可是答句就照搬不得了。因为汉语说“看见过”,就是“看见过”而不会说“有……”。港台影视中经常出现这种欧式汉语,大陆多数观众心中不免纳闷。对此,我们译者不可能不注意。
(李全安 见《中国翻译词典》)
  翻译工作者与文化交流 许渊冲在《翻译的艺术》论文集(中国对外翻译出版公司1984年)前言中说:“我国文学翻译家傅雷在谈到‘中国艺术家对世界文化应尽的责任’时说:‘惟有不同种族的艺术家,在不损害一种特殊艺术的完整性的条件之下,能灌输一部分新的血液进去,世界的文化才能愈来愈丰富,愈来愈完满,愈来愈光辉灿烂。’我想中国文学翻译工作者对世界文化应尽的责任,就是把一部分外国文化的血液,灌输到中国文化中来,同时把一部分中文化的血液,灌输到世界文化中去,使世界文化愈来愈丰富,愈来愈光辉灿烂。”
(许渊冲 见《中国翻译词典》)
  翻译的文体层次 层次可以从文体分,有通俗口语式的,有文雅一点的,有古汉语体的,也有与原文文体接近的。一个句子或难或易,都可以在不同的译者笔下,或在同一个译者笔下,译出不同文体的译文。这就看译者是为哪一个层次的读者译,什么文体最适合;或译者译笔习惯以哪种文体来译;或原作的文体比较鲜明,译者想充分体现其原来的文体、风格占 Here , I''ll give my viewpoint. 这么一个极其普通的句子,也能译出不同层次的文字来: a. 通俗口语式——好吧,我来说说我的看法。 b .文雅一点的——关于这一点,我可略抒己见。 c. 古汉语式的——在此,某谨表一己之见。 d. 原文体式的——关于这一点,我来亮一亮个人的观点。这里面, I , my , give , viewpoint 以及 here ,几乎句中的每一个字都译出层次来了。不能说哪一种文体(层次)好,这要一看读者对象,二看译者风格。尽管 give 一词不同层次的译法一个也没有出现在英汉词典上,它还是有必要从不同层次去着眼的。文体层次应当完整统一。作品中除了刻划人物的需要,不同人物的语言有意在层次上现出差异外,一般叙述文字应当一个作品头尾始终,层次风格一贯到底。通俗文学取稍低一点的层次,纯文学则可取较高的层次。层次不应该理解为译者本身文字能力的强弱、高低。文字能力太低的压根儿就不能从事翻译。
(李全安 见《中国翻译词典》)
  汉语属汉藏语系( Sino-Tibetan Language Family ),英语属印欧语系( Indo-European Language Family ),虽然汉英两种语言属于不同的语系,但还是有许多共同点,通过比较两种语言的异同,可以加深对两种语言的认识,学会如何在两种语言之间进行转换。
  从类型来说,汉语和英语都有分析型语言的特征,汉语的语序和虚词,英语的语序和助词在句子的构成和语义表达上都有重要的作用。但汉语又具有粘着型语言的特征,词的构成依靠词素的粘着,如国 + 富→ 国富 + 民强 → 国富民强。英语则具有综合性的特征,有丰富的变形,如名词的复数形式,动词通过形式变化来表示时态等。
  从文字来说,汉语属表意( ideopgraphic )文字 , 英语属拼音 (alphalbetic) 文字。由于两种文字的不同,在汉译英时就无法再现汉字象形和指事会意带来的美感以及它们给读者带来的联想,尤其是汉字书法之美,更是丧失殆尽。不过,汉语拼音的发明,给汉字音译带来了极大方便。英语虽是拼音文字,但单词的读音和拼写常常不一致,有些词甚至拼写相同,读音却不同,意思也不一样,译者应该特别注意。
  从语音来看,汉语属声调语言(tone language),英语属语调语言(intonation language)。 汉语的四声起着区别或改变字义的重要作用。如:吗mā、马mā、麻mǎ、骂mà。英语的单词则没有固定的声调,一个单词可以读成不同的声调而不会改变其词义。但英语的句子必须有语调,语调对于表达思想感情起着非常重要的作用。汉语的句子虽然也有语调,但由于汉语每个字都有固定的声调,语调就必然受到相当大的限制,实际上是在字调上加语调。在节奏和韵律方面,汉语和英语也有很大差别,汉语是以音节计时的(syllabletimed), 而英语是以重音计时的(stresstimed)。 汉语古诗是按照音节的数目来决定它的韵律和节奏的,英语诗歌则是按重音和轻音交替出现的模式安排节奏的,但占主导地位的是重音。由于汉、英两种语言在声调、语调、韵律和节奏上的不同特征,在翻译音美特征明显的文本如诗歌、散文、戏剧等时,就很难再现原文的音美特征。
  从词汇来看,汉英都有名词、代词、动词、形容词、数词、副词、介词、连词和叹词。这是汉英词汇的相似之处,但汉英词汇之间也有许多区别。如汉语有助词,英语没有;汉语有量词,英语没有量词;英语有冠词,汉语没有。由于词类划分标准不同,相同词类之间也有区别。汉英两种语言在词汇方面相应的词所包含的词义范围不同,词的搭配也不同。英汉互译时,英语冠词容易被译者忽略,而汉语的量词在英译时则常被省略,无法再现汉语量词的生动性。汉英词汇的构词法也有异同。汉语的复合式构词法与英语的合成构词法是相同的。汉语通过联合、偏正、后补、动宾、主谓等方式构成的复合词占词汇总量的绝对优势,而英语中合成词占词汇总量的比例要比汉语少得多。汉语的加缀式和英语的派生法相同。但汉语的词缀数量有限,而且一缀一义,十分严格。因此,汉语的加缀式合成词数量很少。除了名词、动词、形容词有少量词缀外,其他词类大都没有什么形态标志。而英语词汇中有大量的派生词,许多词根加上前缀或后缀就构成了新词。因此,派生词在英语词汇中占优势。汉语有重叠式构词法,英语中几乎没有叠音词。因此,重叠式是汉语构词的一个特色。汉语中的兼类法与英语中的转化法相当。但汉语中的兼类词不多,因此,并没有专列为一种构词法。而英语通过词性转换构成新词的现象极为普遍。由于构词法不同,在翻译时我们不能用英语的转化法来套汉语中某个相应词的词性。 如英语的“water”,可以转化为动词,而汉语中的“水”则不能转化为动词。汉语的单字词译成英语不一定是单字词。如“虹”、译成英语是合成词“rainbow”。 汉语词缀的意义也不一定非要用意义相符的英语词缀表示。如: 阿 姨 —— aunt, 阿 婆 —— granny, 长 度 —— length, 硬 度 —— hardness, 被 子 —— quilt, 院 子 —— courtyard 。同时,我们还应该注意汉英词汇的词义涵盖宽窄不同,汉英看似对应的词,其含义并不对等。如:“light”(光)包含“光线”、“光明”等意思, 但汉语的“光”还可以表示“光泽”,“赤裸”等含义。又如汉语的“白眼”译成英语也不是“white eye”。 这些都是学习英汉互译时必须格外小心之处。
  从句子来看,汉英都有陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句四大类。汉英陈述句基本相同,句尾都用降调。汉英疑问句都是用升调,句尾加问号,这是相同之处。但汉语疑问句分特指问、反复问、是非问、选择问和反问五种,而英语只有一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意问句四种。汉语的是非问句和英语的一般疑问句相当,但语序不同。汉语是非句是陈述句式,或在陈述句尾加“吗”、“吧”表示。英语一般疑问句的谓语动词“ to be”,“to have”和助动动词或情态动词都放在主语之前。 如:Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗?汉语的特指问句和英语的特殊疑问句相当,但词序却不尽相同。汉语特指问句的词序和陈述句相同,而英语的特殊疑问句则一定要把疑问词放在句首,其句式是“疑问词 + 一般疑问句”。如:What are you doing? 你在干什么?汉语的选择问句和英语的选择问句相同,只是词序不同。 汉语的选择问句仍然是陈述句的词序,英语则是一般疑问句的词序。如:你去看电影,还是去看戏? Are you going to cinema or to theatre? 对于英语反意疑问句的翻译则要把握原文意思,用最恰当汉语形式来表达。如:
  He is your teacher, isn''t he?
  译文 1. 他是你老师吧? (表示猜测)
  2. 他是不是你老师? (表示怀疑)
  3. 他是你的老师,对吗? (表示没把握)
  4. 他是你的老师,不是吗? (表示肯定)
  汉语的反复问句是用肯定否定相叠表示疑问的,英语中没有与它相当的形式。译成英语用一般疑问句即可。如: 这本书是不是你的? Is this book yours?
  汉语的反诘问句可用否定形式表示肯定意思,也可用肯定形式表示否定意思。可以用英语的反意问句或一般问句来翻译。如: 她不是没进城吗? She has not gone to town, has she? 你不能走快点吗?Can''t you walk a little faster?
  汉语的祈使句和英语的祈使句通常都没有主语,句子都用降调,句末用句号,语气较强的用叹号。如:把它给我。 Give it to me. 不许动! Don''t move!
  多可笑啊! How funny it is!
  真可惜! What a pity!
  从句法表现形式上来说,汉语和英语的表现方式也不同。汉语重意合( parataxis ), 而英语重形合(hypotaxis)。 汉语句子的主语和谓语只要求在语义上一致,不必在形式上呼应。英语的主谓语则严格要求在数、人称、动词的时态上一致。汉语一个句子可以有好几个短句组成,它们之间只有在意义上的联系,无需形式上的连接;英语的句子则往往要求用关系代词或关系副词将句子成分连成一个意义和形式完美结合的整体。就篇章组织而言,汉语是主题突出语言( topic-prominent )语言,英语是主语突出( subject-prominent )语言。汉语在表达思想时往往突出主题而不在意主语;英语的主语却是一句之主,对句子结构甚至词语选择起统帅作用。
  至于标点符号,中国古代书籍一般没有标点符号。到了汉代才有“句读”符号。所谓“句读”,即文辞语意已尽处为“句”,语意未尽而须停顿处则为“读”。19世纪末,随着大量外国书籍被译成中文,在西文中使用的标点符号也被吸收过来。1897年王炳耀根据中国原有断句方法,吸收西文的标点,首次拟定了10种标点符号。 1990年3月国家语言文字工作委员会和新闻出版总署公布了重新修订的《标点符号用法》,共有标点符号16种。正是由于这个历史原因,汉语和英语的标点符号有许多共同之处。汉语和英语都有相同的逗号(comma)、问号(?)、叹号(!)、冒号(:)、分号(;)、引号(“”)、括号(())、破折号(——)、连接号( – )。但是句号,英语是一点( . ),汉语是一小圆(。);省略号,汉语是六点( …… ),英语是三点( … )。汉语有顿号(、)、间隔号( · )、书名号(《》)、着重号( ﹒ )、专名号( __ ),英语没有这些符号。英语有撇号( '' )、斜线号( / ),汉语则没有这些符号。港台及海外华人所用的汉语标点符号与中国大陆略有不同,不要混淆。


  翻译中的文化比较 翻译者必须是一个真正意义的大化人。他必须掌握两种语言。但是,不了解语言当中的社会文化;谁也无法真正掌握语言。不是说一个大概的了解,而是要了解使用这一语言的人民的过去与现在,这就包括了历史、动态、风俗习惯、经济基础、情感生活、哲学思想、科技成就:政治和社会组织等等;而且了解得越细致、越深入,越好。途径之一,就是利用各种现代传播工具,如电视、录像片、录音带、电影、报纸、杂志、书——各式各样的书,而其中文学作品又必然会占重要地位。因为文学无所不包,各种各样的社会生活和思想感情在文学作品里得到最具体、最生动、最厚实、最有来龙去脉的描绘;而从语言的使用上讲,文学作品里什么文体都有,各种表现手段齐现,正是语言的灵魂所在。译者的第一个困难是对原文的了解:不论怎样难的原文,总有了解的可能,因为人类有很多共同的东西,这才使翻译成为可能;同时,原文尽管很容易,也总含有若干外国人不易了解的东西,这又使深入了解外国文化成为十分必要。同样,译者还得深入了解自己民族的文化。不仅如此、他还要不断地把两种文化加以比较。他在寻找与原文相当的“对等词”的过程中,就要作一番比较,因为真正的对等应该是在各自文化里的含义、作用、范围、情感色彩、影响等等都相当。困难在此,希望也在此。因为有翻择,哪怕是难免出错的翻译,文化交流才成为可能。语言学家、文体学家、文化史家、社会思想家、比较文学家都不能忽视翻译。这不仅是因为用译者的辛勤劳动才使得一国的文化遗产能为全世界的人所用,还因为译者作的文化比较远比一般人细致、深人。他处理的是个别的词,他面对的则是两大片文化。不论比较或同或异,翻译界前辈中的有心人总是在寻找对国家民族有益的东西。但是翻译也带来问题。以文学翻译而论,常有这样一种情况:外国真正优秀的作品移植不过来,而二三流的作品却受到远超过其本身价值阶应得的欢迎。也有另一种情况,在本国受到不应该的冷遇的作品,译成另外一种文字,显示了独特的光辉。这里面因素是复杂的,不能仅仅归因于译者的眼光与能力。主要的仍是历史的、社会的、文化的原因。另外,同一著作或作品在不同国家的译本引起的反响常不一样,这也因为文化情况不同之故。一种思潮起自一国,通过翻译传播于世,有的国家接受很快,有的则抵抗强烈;在另外一些国家(往往是有古老文化传统的均区)则外来思潮还常被改造而濒于消失。翻译中也有今与古的问题。这里指的是同一作品有几种译本,在不同时期出版。每个时期的译本也透露了当时的语言、出版、文学风尚、读者要求和总的社会文化情况。通过这些方面的对比,也可看出一个地区或国家的文化的发展是快还是慢,而后者又反映了整个社会面貌。 20 世纪的下半叶,翻译实践规模更广,质量更高。由于新的传播工易大量利用,学习外语的人大量增加,各国之间的文化交流也空前频繁,翻译的势头更猛了。现代语言学、文体学、文艺理论等方面的进展,电子计算机的利用,又为翻译研究开辟了新途径。如果我们能进而探讨翻译的文化意义和历史作用,或者更进一步把它同比较文化这个新学科结合起来:那就会增加一个新的方面。
(王佐良 见《中国翻译词典》)
  翻译与文化反差 由于文化上的反差,使我们在翻译相同的词句时必须作出不同的考虑。“雨后春笋”在中国尽人皆知,可是在别的语种里,同样的信息却由不同的载体表达出来。如俄国人熟悉雨后山林里到处冒出蘑菇来的情况,于是同样表示一事物蓬勃发展,他们就不会说“雨后春笋”,而说“雨后蘑菇”;美国女孩子跟人家借橡皮用一用,会说 eraser ,而英国女孩子却说 rubber ,如果在美国也说 rubber ,那就要弄得大家哄堂大笑了,因为那是向人家借一个避孕套哩。魏源早在 150 年前就说过:“翻夷书必先悉夷情”。因此,翻译一个国家的作品,必须熟悉该国的文化背景。
(李金安 见《中国翻译词典》)
  翻译与语言背景 在翻译实践中,语言的背景知识对于准确地揭示原文语里、忠实地传达原文内容从而得出高质量的译文,是至关重要的。语言的背景知识,即语言的社会环境知识,当然地包括社会科学、自然科学以及技术科学等各种领域的专门知识。但是,我们这里主要是指除此以外的地理知识、历史知识、习俗知识,写作者、讲话人以及他们所谈到的人和事物所处的时代,人物的身分、立场、经历,以及事物所处的其他特定背景等各种语言资料。有些翻译工作者常常以为掌握了外语和所译专业的科学知识,就能在翻译事业的大道上畅行无阻。其实不然。由于译者缺乏语言的背景知识而使译文与原作意思不相吻合从而造成种种误译的情况,时有发现。所以,我们在翻译实践中必须纵横地、全面地分析语言现象所在的交际环境,瞻前顾后地考察研究事物的客观背景,以便根据合理的语言背景知识,采用适当的翻译手段理顺和协调这些语言现象。只有这样;所得出的译文才能准确地揭示原文的语里,忠实地传达原文的内容,原文的这些非语言单位所传递的超语言信息,才能为译文读者所理解,所接受。
(阎德胜 见《中国翻译词典》)
  翻译的思维层次 层次系指客观事物的等级。有人将翻译分为三个层次:翻译的思维层次,翻译的语义层次及翻译的美学层次;井认为,具有全人类性的思维是翻译的基础,而译者的思维是辨证概念的确切含义,运用判断、推理等手段,理清概念之间的逻辑纽带。因此,思维活动便构成翻译活动的基础层次。
(董史良 见《中国翻译词典》)

  英汉互译的方法和原则不仅建立在英汉语言对比的基础上,而且要建立在中西文化对比的基础上。 Susan Bassnett 把语言比作文化身体中的心脏。翻译在进行语言转换时,不能不顾及文化,就像外科大夫在进行心脏手术时,不能不顾及身体。
  1.词汇方面。英汉词汇对等关系有三种情况。第一是汉语有,英语没有;汉语没有,英语有。这类词语所包含的文化因素最具特色。如汉语的“叩头”,英语没有,只好用音译 kowtow 。英语的 privacy ,也很难在汉语中找到完全对等的词。中国人见面打招呼说,“吃了吗?”,英语国家的人会说, How do you do? 或 Lovely day, isn''t it ?。中国人表示惊叹会说,“老天爷”,英语国家的人则说“ My god. ”。第二是词义大小不等。比如英语“ story ”的词义显然大于汉语的“故事”。它还有“消息”、“内情”、“传说”、“热门”、“遭遇”、“实情”等意思。而汉语的“打”的含义就远远大于英语的 beat 或 hit 。汉语的“打落水狗”、“打退堂鼓”就充分反映了汉语的文化特色。第三是词义表面相等实际不等,这种现象在社会科学和人文科学中很常见。比如 propaganda 和“宣传”, politics 和“政治”, individualism 和“个人主义”, liberalism 和“自由主义”。这些词既反映了文化上的不同,也反映了政治上的差别。词汇的文化色彩不同还反映在词汇的社会意义、情感意义、搭配意义、联想意义或引申意义的不同上。如一些动植物名词: dog, dragon, owl, rose pine, plum 和汉语的“狗”、“龙”、“猫头鹰”、“玫瑰”、“松”、“梅”的理性意义相同,但比喻意义和联想意义均不相同,甚至相反。英汉颜色词的理性意义没什么差别,但比喻意义和联想意义的差别就比较大, 有的搭配意义也不相同,如 bay 与汉语的“栗色”理性意义相同,但在英语 bay 一般只能与 horse 搭配,而汉语“栗色”则可修饰所有带有这种颜色的东西。中国人如果说“你吃饭了吗?”,“饭”可以指“早饭”、“中饭”或“晚
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[第13楼] fuzhigang - 2004-04-16 12:53 - 回复:[分享]高校英语专业翻译课程,要下的赶紧下
中国人如果说“你吃饭了吗?”,“饭”可以指“早饭”、“中饭”或“晚饭”,人们往往无需细说,但若译成英语,就得把早饭( breakfast )、中饭( lunch )和晚饭( supper )分清楚。同样,英国人说,“ My cousin is older than I. ” , 这个 cousin 可以指“堂兄”、“堂弟”、“表兄”、“表弟”、“堂姐”、“堂妹”、“表姐”、“表妹”,若要译成汉语,最好要把它分清楚。
  2 .习惯用语、成语、俗语、谚语、典故具有丰富的文化内涵,反映了不同民族的人民在认识方法、心理状态和文化积淀方面的差异。 如英语中说 The fish always stinks from the head downwards. 汉语说“上梁不正下梁歪。”英语说 Look before you leap. 汉语说“三思而后行。” 不同的文化产生出不同的习语。请看下面这个句子:
  Don''t know, Captain, but it sounds like Grace is in there talking to her boss at NIS. She mentioned killing off the investigation. Sounds to me like some serious circling of wagons has been going on.
  这里 circling of wagons 典出美国西部开发时,向西部移民的大篷车队常遭到印第安人的袭击,于是他们就把大篷车围起来进行自卫反击。这里比喻葛瑞丝调查的谋杀案深入以后,牵涉到海军高层人物,于是调查局老板要撤销调查以保护大人物。翻译时为了使意思明确,译者加了“自卫”两字。如果译者不了解美国的文化背景,就很难正确翻译这个句子。有一位美国记者将中国俗语“嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。”翻译成 If a woman marries a chicken, she should act like a chicken; if she marries a dog, she should act like a dog. (Fox Butterfield Alive in the Bitter Sea p.162) 还有一位中央领导的翻译把“和尚打伞 …… ”翻译成 I am a lone monk walking the world with a leaky umbrella. 这些都是对中国文化不了解造成的。习语翻译是英汉互译的难点之一,也是译者必须认真研究的问题。
  The light-some dragon-boats appear on the river as though the stars twinkle in the Milk Way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendent awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairyland or a mere dream? Looking above, you can see the beautiful doves flying about. Looking below, you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Cracking are the fireworks, which present you a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. Circling are the lantern-dancers, who present you a variation of exquisite manner. Over there the motorboats are plowing the water, thus a tide stirs up. Over there, the marksmen are shooting to their targets, thus colorful beads whirl around. Therefore, we should say that this is a city of no light; and its Dragon Boat Festival a gathering of heroes.
  这样照原文直译的译文,不符合英文的表达习惯,也很难在英语读者中产生共鸣。英文表达重形式、重写实、重理性,句子结构严整、表达思维缜密、行文注重逻辑性、用词强调简洁自然、描写突出直观可感。于是有 Brevity is the soul of wit.和A proper word in a proper place is good English. 之说。汉语中华丽的词藻往往无多大实际意义,大多出于讲究声韵对仗、渲染情感气氛或顺应汉语行文习惯方面的考虑。翻译时必须根据英语表达习惯,去掉那些不必要的“溢美之词”,保持译文简洁直观。不妨看看以下这个译例:
  Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. The trees are in their greenest in spring when intensified by colourful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lakelands. As summer merges into autumn, the maples trees turn fiery red. Splashing color through the thick forest hills…Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year.
  汉英修辞差异的另一个特点是,汉语多用修饰语,英语则慎用修饰语。现代汉语好用双音节词和四字词语,在表现形式上追求形式整齐、字词对称。如英语说 He is good to me. 汉语是“他对我很好。”汉语习惯在“好”前加“很“,读起来较顺口。要说某物“完好”,就会用四字词语“完好无缺”、“完好无损”。汉语的这种表达习惯常造成词语堆砌,同义重复和修饰语滥用。而英语恰恰相反,十分忌讳同义重复和修饰语滥用。因此,汉语读起来很顺口的词语,直接转成英语就不顺了,汉译英时如果按汉语思维习惯处理,译文就会让人不忍卒读。例如,每个会议召开,我们总爱说“胜利召开”,直译成英语是 successfully convened, 可是英语读者一定会以为会议之前有不少阻碍,所以才这么说。“彻底粉碎”直译就是 thoroughly smash ,难道“粉碎”了,还不算彻底吗?“不切实际的幻想”直译就是 impractical illusion ,幻想本来就是不切实际的,难道还有切合实际的幻想吗?“不幸的悲剧” 直译是 an unfortunate tragedy ,悲剧本来就是不幸的。这些修饰语在汉语读起来都挺顺口的,而在英语这些修饰语都是讲不通的。请看以下几个译例:
  The idea of saving energy should be promoted to the general public.
  译文 1 : The Chinese government took all possible eventualities into account when it made this policy decision.
  译文 2 : The Chinese government took all eventualities into account when it made this policy decision.
  译文 1 受汉语思维习惯影响,加上不必要的修饰语possible, 而英语的 eventuality 就是 something that may occur, 已经包含“可能”的意思,因此,译文 2 才是正确的。

  WASHINGTON(Reuters) - Know your way around a lock? Then the CIA wants you: "The Central Intelligence Agency is seeking locksmiths to work with the best minds in the country while performing a mission critical to our nation," the CIA said in a recent job posting on its website, www.cia.gov .
  Locksmiths, who in spy agency lingo are called technical opera-tions officers, are needed for such tasks as to "familiarize non-technical people with technical capabilities; do hands-on work; and travel worldwide."
Skill in making lock parts is an asset for prospective CIA lock-smiths. "Knowledge of electronic and manual safe lock servicing, electricity, and alarms is ideal. Knowing how to operate machinery to fabricate lock parts and tools will be beneficial," the CIA job posting said.
一、英译汉 (参考答案)  
  华盛顿 (路透社)-你是否精通有关锁的技能?如果精通,美国中央情报局正想要你呢。“中央情报局正在物色锁匠,他们将与美国精英一道执行对国家至关重要的任务,”中央情报局最近在其网站www.cia.gov上贴的一则招聘通知上如是说道。
  拥有造锁技能是候选的中情局锁匠的资本。“熟悉电子及手动保险柜的维修、电路和警报系统的人是理想人选。熟悉如何操作机器来制造锁件和工具将有利于得到这份工作。 ”CIA 招聘通知写道。
二、汉译英 (参考答案)  
  The Bible has played a very important role during the development of English. It has signficant impact on the formation of the English vocabulary and English idioms. People quote the Bible almost everywhere during their daily work and life. An American lexicologist once said that it is hard to imagine one can learn English well without reading the Bible. We are not discussing whether what he said was true or not. However we are on the YES side about the Bible''s contribution to the language.
  If people mean anything at all by the expression "untimely death", they must believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others. Death in old age is rarely called untimely---a long life is thought to be a full one. But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best years lay ahead and the measure of that life was still to be taken.
  History denies this, of course. Among prominent summer deaths, one recalls those of Marilyn Monroe and James Deans, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26, and only half playfully judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year. The idea that the life cut short is unfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue.
一、英译汉 (参考答案)  
二、汉译英 (参考答案)  
  FDI absorption constitutes an important component of China''s basic state policy of reform and opening up. As the reform and opening up going into depth over the past two decades and more, China has been constantly improving its FDI utilization in terms of scale and quality. As of the end of July 2001, China had cumulatively approved 378,000 foreign funded enterprises with a contractual value of USD 717.01 billion, of which USD 372.83 billion had been actually paid in.
  China has maintained a good momentum in its FDI attraction since this year. January through July, 14,000 foreign-invested enterprises were approved to establish, 18.2% higher than the corresponding period of last year, the contractual value of foreign investment grew by 45.8% to USD 40.29 billion and the actually utilized value climbed by 21.7% to USD 24.21 billion.

  A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness: amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.
  Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors'' minds ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products, for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.
一、英译汉 (参考答案)  

   Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. Driving southward from Cairo into the valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era. For the next 1,800 miles the thin blue ribbon of the Nile, flowing slowly north, unwound over brown soil and green fields, some only a few yards wide, others as broad as an Iowa cornfield. At the edge of the fields, rising in dramatic hills or stretching flat to the horizon, lay the brown barren deserts. The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert.
一、英译汉 (参考答案)  
二、汉译英 (参考答案)  
   The most important holiday in China is the Lunar New Year. Since it is based on the lunar calendar, it comes about a month later than the Western New Year. The Chinese New Year season traditionally lasts about a month . The period has now been reduced to a week or less. There are some parallels with the Western New Year: houses are cleaned thoroughly, for instance, and families all get together for the festivities. All debts must be paid off so that new year can be started with a fresh beginning. Feasts are enjoyed with family and friends, and there are lively dragon and lion dances in the streets. Everywhere there is the sound of fire cracker explosions. Children receive gifts of little red envelopes with money inside them.
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 楼主| 发表于 13-1-24 02:06:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 般若白莲 于 13-1-24 04:40 编辑




I. 经济商贸专题

The renminbi question has been the focus of world attention,with many foreign trading partners urging China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate.
While China’s nongovernmental businesses are playing a more pivotal role in foreign trade, governmental business contacts between China and the rest of the world also saw remarkable and continuous growth.
Both China and the United States exert a considerable influence in the world,and the two peoples wish to maintain and develop healthy and stable ties. Such a relationship is also beneficial to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world.
Rural reforms centers on reform of the rural taxes and administrative fees, and the purpose is to change those elements in the superstructure in the rural area that are  no longer consistent  with   the economic phase.
We must maintain a balance the nation's defense construction and its economic development.
We have been successful in avoiding major ups and downs in the economy and preventing excessive price hikes.
A major reason for the rapid development rests with the fact that the economies of the two countries have a strong nature of mutual supplementation.
China will gradually lift its restrictions on the telecommunications infrastructure market and the value-adding market, allowing foreign companies to invest directly in China or to set up joint ventures.
It is important to tap the market potential around the world. And geographical market diversification is the key to surviving the unsteady world market.


Over the past year,China has won more understanding ,trust ,respect and support in the international arena. China's international status and influence have been on the rise.
The strengthening of national defense and the armed force is a strong backup for our national security and it bolsters up the nation's modernization drive。
We must act in accordance with the law and put people first. That is our principle in domestic affairs as well as international affairs.
Human rights issue is a very complicated issue drawing more and more attention from the international community.
To be friends forever and never be enemies is what the two countries have correctly chosen to do.
We discussed the questions such as the economy and Wade,the terror question,counter-terrorism,Iraq,and North Korean nuclear issue.
We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of China-US relations and settle our differences properly so as to reach the goal of promoting mutual understanding ,broadening common ground, developing cooperation and building a future together.
We must act in accordance with the law and put people first. That is our principle in domestic affairs as well as international affairs.


The energy industry has become an important driving force in the Chinese economy.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to forestry .Tree planting and green creation projects have made steady progress.
Energy is an important basis as well as a safeguard for economic and social development.
As China continues to open to the outside world.the energy market is opening up faster.
The century-old trend of reclaiming or wresting farmland from lakes has been checked . And the lake-converted plots are being restored to their former status ,which constitutes a change of historical significance.
Most of the world's poor people earn their living from agriculture. So if we knew the economics of agriculture, we would know much of the economics of the poor.
My second question is about energy and the environment.The rapid development of China has brought about good opportunities.To other countries ,especially the neighbours. We are glad about it.
However ,there is also the question of sustainability of energy supplies and the environment. This is a particular concern for China's neighbors. What measures are you going to adopt to solve these problems?
The main threat to the survival of the panda species come not from the poor propagation of the species ,but from mankind's destruction of pandas’ natural habitat.
China is known for her massive land,abundant natural resources,cheap labor ,low taxation,potential consumer market, stable environment ,attractive investment policies ,and high economic returns of investment.


With the centennial impressiveness of the Olympics and the millennial civilization of the Chinese history,the Olympic Flame tied Beijing and Athens ,the Chinese people and the people of the other countries together closely.
Wherever the torch went,whatever was focused on by the lens of TV camera was like unfolding one by one the beautiful picture rolls of the unique eastern traditional culture .
June 8th to 9th ,2004,the history shall forever remember the date. The Olympic Flame came down to China's divine land ,with mankind's yearning for peace ,friendship ,civilization and progress and with the Greek people's friendship for the Chinese people.
Not only in Beijing ,but also in Qingdao ,the co-host city with a sub-site for competition for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games ,people, in their own way ,express their warm welcome to the Flame.
China's community service has a late start and its development is by no means balanced;therefore,much work need be done to offset the problems and strengthen the weak links.
6.它的疆域从太平洋沿岸一直延伸到大西洋沿岸。北部是冰封的北冰洋,南部与美国接壤。人口2 500万。
It spreads from the Pacific to the Atlantic, its northern boundary is the frozen Arctic and its southern ,the American border.Its population is 25 million.
The destination of our trip is the Jiu Zhaigou Nature Reserve ,the natural range of the world-famous giant pandas ,listed as one of the world natural heritage sites.
In the past ,China was called "the sick man of East Asia ".Not a single Chinese name could be found among the top world-class athletes or world-record holders in competitive sports before 1949.
we are sure to bring into effect the strategic blueprint of 'New Beijing, Great Olympics" and we are sure to dedicate to the world this Olympic Games that perfectly embodies the Olympic ideal and spirit.
Edinburgh is named the world's first City of Literature by the United Nations’cultural body UNESCO.


The Chinese educational ,scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with the university.
But because of the differences in history ,culture and stage of development ,countries have chosen different social systems and they believe in different values and different concepts of human rights.
The modern recording industry was born to satisfy an enormous market for all types of music :folk ,classical ,orchestral and popular.
Despite occasional division in the Chinese history, ethnic harmony and national unity have remained the main stream in the history of the Chinese nation, and an important guarantee for China's development and progress.
As far as I know ,among all the academic exchanges conducted between our research institute and our American friends ,this is the first time that human rights issues are given an important place. This is a very good start. This is a very good start.
It has enriched itself through the contention and infiltration of various disciplines and schools fo thought ,and also through the mutual exchanges and learning between China and other countries in the world.
Once,America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family,scholarship,and honor.
Since its founding some 360years age, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding political leaders ,scientists, writers and businessmen ,including six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize winners.
The Chinese nation has always valued human dignity and value. Even in the ancient days, our ancestors came up with the idea of "people being the most important ,"believing that "man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters. "
Our American food styles have undergone many changes over the last decade. More and More Americans have shown particular interest in the natural food that requires the least possible amount of processing.


The tremendous wealth created by、China in the past quarter of a century has not only enabled our 1.3 billion countrymen to meet their basic needs for food,clothing and shelter and basically realize a modestly comfortable standard of living but also contributed to world development.
The information industry in China forms the basis for information .It is also part of the process.
China is a country with 1.3billion people. It stability and rapid development are of vital importance to the stability and development in Asia-Pacific Region and the world at large.
So long as the two sides act in good faith ,such problems can be properly resolved through consultations on equal terms and the expansion of bilateral cooperation .
Therefore, some local officials talk loudly about agriculture but their actions do not match their words. In fact ,they are harming agriculture.
6中国仍然是一个发展中国家 城市和农村。东部和西部存在着明显的发展差距。
China is still a developing country. There is an obvious gap between its urban and rural areas and between its eastern and western regions.
Employment is also connected with growth .With the growth slowing down ,enterprises will have to cut down its staff and more people will lose their job.
One important reason for America's huge deficit t is that the United States has failed to adjust itself properly in this structural change.
China holds a huge market and great demand for development and the United States holds advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force. The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other.
The United States,as the world's largest developed country ,has a large economic size and abundant capital funds, as well as advanced science and technology.
For a very long time in the past,we limited the rural issues to agricultural issues and we considered the agricultural issues from the perspective of cities and industrial development,with agriculture providing grains and raw materials.
Since 1949,China has followed a socialist development guideline of” developing the  productivity and improving the livelihood of the people”.This has determined that we adopt a defensive military strategy.
The rapid development of the economic partnership between China and the US  have also contributed to the economic well being 0f their surrounding areas and to the global economic growth,which is therefore the world to see.
By doing this,America is actually fully participating in the international division of labor ,and making full use of the cheap labor and resources of other countries.
It gives me great pleasure to attend the Boao Forum for Asia 2004 Annual Conference today.Let me begin by extending,on behalf of the Chinese government,my warmest welcome to all of you present here.
Being the world's largest developing country ,China has a huge market offering plenty of business opportunities and low labor costs,but it is lacking capital funding ,sophisticated technology and advanced managerial expertise.
Such differences and complementarities will continue to exist for a long time ,and are likely to be standing out in the process of economic globalization.
I just had a friendly meeting with President Bush. This is our second meeting in this year.I think that, in itself,shows the very sound momentum of the development of our bilateral relations.
The great achievements in our diplomatic work cannot he made without the support from people from all ethnic groups in China,including compatriots from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan as well as the overseas Chinese
A person born in the family of a millionaire and a person born in a slum will never enjoy the same rights after birth.
We both agreed that the  economic cooperation and trade between our two countries have benefited our two peoples tremendously,and we stated our readiness to resolve whatever questions that might emerge in our economic exchanges and trade through dialogue.
In the future,we will continue to care for the interest of our people,address the people’s concerns and try our best to do concrete deeds to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese legal persons and citizens in the international arena.
We advocate the establishment of a peaceful,stable,just and rational new international order on the basis of the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,mutual
non—aggression and non—interference in each other's internal affairs,equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.
The Chinese government is committed to protecting the fundamental rights of all the working and the right to property,both public and private.
I'm ready to work together with the President to promote further development of our constructive and cooperative relationship.
We should promptly solve problems so that fishermen from the mainland can continue their contract labour services in Taiwan. There are other favorable policies and  convenient  measures  we will adopt for this purpose.
Military spending is relatively small and that Chinese armed forces are entirely defensive in nature.
Let me also say,as a matter of fact.every person in China has great interest in the affairs of their own country.
Now the session of the NPC is over,yet the road ahead could be rather bumpy. We must be mindful of potential problems and get fully prepared for the worst. We must be sober-minded,cautious,prudent especially when the situation is getting a little better.
China’s friendly and cooperative ties with its neighboring countries have been brought to a new high,its relations with major countries and developed countries further strengthened and its solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries continuously expanded.
I'd like to use this opportunity to express my thanks to the journalists for their interest in China’s reform and development as well as their objective and fair coverage of China.
In a word,the top priority for the government is to further strengthen and improve macro regulative policy measures in order to sustain a steady and fairly rapid economic growth rate.
The law has clearly provided for promoting personnel exchanges,encouraging and facilitating economic cooperation,including” three direct links” between the two sides.encouraging and facilitating exchanges between the two sides in educational,scientific,technological and cultural fields.
36.在这部法律里规定了要保护台商的利益。这部法律是遏制和反对 “台独”势力的。
The law has also provided for protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan business people.The law is matched to check and oppose Taiwan Independence forces.
Only by checking and opposing Taiwan independence forces, will peace emerge in the Taiwan Straits.Peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits will create favorable conditions for Taiwan business people to invest in the mainland and also for foreign investors to come to the mainland.
You ask for specific measures,that is,according to the recent important remarks made by Party Secretary—General Hu Jintao Oil the question of Taiwan,we will protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan busines8 people in the mainland:for anything that is conducive to the people of Taiwan, we will do it.
President Bush restated his government’s position of adhering to the one China policy,the three China—U.S.joint communiqués,and his opposition to Taiwan independence.And we both stated our desire to further intensify our cooperation against the terrorism.
Your question actually gets to the essence of this law.This law is meant to strengthen and promote cross—Straits relations.This is the law for the peaceful reunification,and it is not targeted against the people in Taiwan.nor is it a war bill.
If a journey is 100 miles,traveling 90 is half of it.We must not stop and we must not waste Our previous efforts.In the meantime,we must also take special attention to differentiated treatment for different situations.We must take both administrative and economic means to achieve macro regulative objectives.
The world is undergoing profound changes,but peace and development is still the theme of the era.
Our objective for the reform is to create a market—based, managed and floating exchange rate.When we consider reform plans,Our purpose is to make the exchange rate more responsive to supply and demand in the market.
In the first phase,we introduced the basic economic system of a family contract responsibility system,which in essence was to give greater autonomy to the farmers In production and management.As a result,it has liberalized productivity in the countryside.
We agree to intensify cooperation in broad areas of trade and investment,which we will promote through the Joint Economic and Trade Commission,in line with the recommendations of the Task Forces which are set out in the Annex.
It is China’s sincere wish to cultivate with the fellow Asian countries an overall and close partnership geared to Asian rejuvenation,a partnership that features equality and mutual trust politically,mutual benefit and win—win economically.exchange and emulation culturally,and dialogue and cooperation on the security front.To this end,China will take the following steps.
In the second phase,we should make industry nurture agriculture and cities support the countryside.We should give more to,take less from and liberalize the countryside.
With the successful launch of Shenzhou V,China has become the third nation in the world to put a human into space, entirely self-reliantly,only next to the former Soviet Union and the United States.
49.参加两会采访的中外记者有2 000多名。因为今天会场的限制,到会采访的只有700
There are more than 2,000 journalists from China and abroad covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions.However,due to the limited seating capacity of this hall,only about 700 of them are present here.
We should promptly make cross—Straits charter passenger flights available not only on traditional festivals,but also on a more permanent basis.
Owing to the success of China’s agricultural policy, we have had good harvests for the third consecutive year. So China’s grain stock has reached an all-time high.
I'm deeply convinced that a frequent exchange of visits between the top government officials of the two countries is beneficial not only to the improvement of our relations,but also to peace and stability of the Asian—Pacific region and the world as a whole.
In addition,we will build infrastructure in the rural areas.We call it the comprehensive improvement of mountains.rivers,forests,fields and roads.This is the first measure.
We note the important role that the China—UK Forum has played in bilateral relations and invite the Forum to consider its future role,in particular in the areas of industry,financial services,science technology and the environment,in light of the proposals made by the two Task Forces.
Because of weak stock market, it is now more difficult for the SOEs to get listed in Hong Kong.
Mr. Chairman,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen, the 32nd World Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)has its grand opening here in Shanghai today.
Safeguarding solidarity and unity of the Chinese nation is the very foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and is where the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups lie.
President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of common interest, and in a spirit of mutual respect.
Please allow me on behalf of the Chinese government and Chinese people to extend our warm welcome to all the participants. I offer my best wishes for a full success of the congress.
There is only—one China m the world. Although the mainland and Taiwan have not been reunified,the fact that there is only—one China has never changed even in the slightest way.That is the status quo in the Taiwan Straits.
We are facing a seines of dilemmas in our economy. For example, a slow economic growth rate won’t do, because it would make it more difficult for us to create jobs, increase revenue,and engage in necessary undertakings for society.
Yet too fast economic growth rate won’t do either, because it may make the economy to stretch out for a long time in an unsustainable situation.
At present, we are at a crucial juncture of carrying our relationship into the future where we face both opportunities and challenges. The changing situation has continued to add new substance to our relations.
A quarter of a century ago,leaders of our two countries made the strategic decision to establish diplomatic relations,thus opening a new era in China—U.S relations.
If we fail to manage the rural—urban migration, some social problems and chaos will arise.
I will pay a visit to India. The focus of my visit will be to achieve agreement on three important issues. One is to come to grips with the importance of friendship between China and India from a strategic and comprehensive perspective.
Although I seldom speak on the stock market, I am watching it every day. Let me say here, China will continue the policy of developing the capital market and increasing direct financing.
Our cooperation in a wide range of areas ,such as countering terrorism, economy, trade and international and regional issues,has effectively safeguarded our mutual interests and promoted peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.
Because our combined population is 2.5 billion, more than 40 percent of the world total,the importance of friendship between China and India is immeasurable for Asian countries as well as for the world.
The two sides will also increase cooperation in the areas of science, technology, education, culture and environmental protection in line with the Task Forces’ proposals.



1.As reform deepens and China opens up even more to the outside world,the country is showing increasing overall economic strength.It is no longer a mere recipient of foreign capital,instead,it is encouraging Chinese enterprises to go international
2.Shares on the London Stock Exchange traded sharply lower than Friday,undermined by turmoil on bond and currency markets.
3.The state will increase investment in basic research to such a level that the money used for basic sciences accounts for 20 percent of the state’s total research and development expenditure.
4.Some Asian economies now face the danger of overheating as labor and other costs rise,trade balances get worse and inflation climbs.
5.About 1,300 billion yuan(US $157 billion)is needed for future environmental protection,an environment official predicted yesterday.
昨日一位环境官员预测,未来环境保护将需要约13 000亿人民币(1 570亿美元)的投入。
6.True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence,and necessitous men are not free men.
7.Two—way trade has risen sharply in a few short years.The United States is now China’s third largest trading partner.Our bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future.
8.The US economy is going to enjoy steady growth for the remainder of the year with unemployment rate lowered and inflation kept under control.
9.China’s GDP was estimated to grow by about 9.2%in 2004 while tax revenues grew at a much higher rate of 25.7%.
10.Branches of Chinese banks have at times appeared to behave more like subsidiaries than branches,as if they had their own capital and balance sheet,and this,consequently,complicates the internal risk management of institutions.


1.We place a high value on the bilateral human rights dialogue and will continue this exchange on the basis of equality and mutual respect.
2.China would view two things threatening to China regarding Taiwan:one would be Taiwan declaring independence;the other would be the intervention by foreign force.
3.So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture,with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world
4.Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation;God moves and chooses as He wills.We have confidence because freedom is the permanent hope of mankind,the hunger in dark places,the longing of the soul。
5.President Hu and I have had a very constructive dialogue.We talked about a 10t of important issues.We talked about the issue of trade.We talked about the need to make sure that trade is open and that both countries benefit from trade.I congratulated China on its recent space launch.
6.The UK reaffirms its consistent position on the question of Taiwan as set out in the China/UK Joint Communiqué of 1972,in which the UK acknowledged the Chinese position that Taiwan is a province of the People’s Republic of China and recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China.
7.The United States and China have made great progress in building a relationship that can address the challenges of our time,encourage global prosperity and advance the cause of peace.It is my hope that your visit will further that progress.
8.Our countries will increase coordination in the UN to promote reforms in the UN to meet the challenges of the 21st century and to ensure greater respect for the UN Charter and international law.
9.America has need of idealism and courage,because we have essential work at home--the unfinished work of American freedom.In a world moving toward liberty,we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty.
10.The Foreign Minister said that the two countries reached consensus on many international and regional issues,and that they would continue to exchange notes on these issues.


1.We can discourage the use of cars by putting higher taxes oil petrol,and on cars themselves--especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol.
2.Towards the end of the 1990s,there was a significant shift in China’s energy supply and demand.We said goodbye to overall energy shortages.
3.A devastating attack will hit the Internet or the country’s electrical grid in the next decade,a majority of experts predicted in a new report.
4.Energy cooperation between China and Russia is an important component to the overall friendly relationship between the two countries·
5.Part of the petrol—air mixture is not completely burned up,and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemical,such as carbon monoxide,nitrogen oxides,lead and hydrocarbons.
6.In the first two months of this year,power generation has increased by12 percent.Yet 25 provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities experienced blackouts.In the economy,the  supply  chain  is  overstretched.
7.The two sides also agree to share scientific and economic experience to take forward the China's and UK’s efforts to achieve a low carbon economy and sustainable development,and to accelerate and develop the global market for climate friendly technologies,including through the renewable energy and energy efficiency Partnership.
8.China's forested area increased by 1 6 million hectares from 2000 to 2003.The rate of forest coverage rose 1.7percentage points,from 1 6.6 percent,in the period.The data come from the nation’s first complete survey of forest coverage in five years.
2000年到2003年间,中国森林覆盖面积增长了1 600万公顷。在此期间,森林覆盖率从16.6%又增长了1.7个百分点。这一数据来源于中国五年来第一个全面的森林覆盖率调查。
9.In terms of energy,Asia is a mix.Asia includes big oil importers like Japan,China.Republic of Korea and India,while it also boasts oil.rich countries in middle east and middle Asia.It is essential for off importers and suppliers to closely collaborate.
10.The two sides reaffirm their wish to strengthen exchanges on environmental issues including climate change,sustainable management of natural resources,and measures to address forest law enforcement(including illegal logging),conservation of water resources,improving air quality and pollution control,and to learn from each other on environment-related legislation,supervision and personnel training.


1.We wish the Olympic Flame to blaze forever! We hope to meet in 2008 in Beijing! May the Olympic torch be handed down from generation to generation! May the Olympic spirit be promoted in the whole world!
2.The United States today may be more accurately described as a multicultural society in which acculturation is defined more in terms of” integration”than“assimilation”.
3.The Olympic Game is the international arena viewed by billions on the spot or on the TV where the athlete’s spirit,mind and body endeavor to excel, fulfilling the Olympic Motto“Citius,Altius,Fortius,”which means swifter,higher and stronger.
4.Australia is a land of exceptional beauty;it is the world’s smallest continent and largest island,and a relatively young nation established in all ancient land.
5.As Canada’s third—largest metropolitan city after Toronto and Montreal,Vancouver is the principal commercial, industrial,shipping,financial,tourist,and cultural center for western Canada.
6.January 7th,2005“Passion for the Olympics:My Courtesy and Charm”is the title of an education campaign launched this week in Beijing.
7.Olympic champion Zhang Guozheng,joined some 900 school students at the Jingshan School in Beijing to launch this campaign on promoting politeness and good manners amongst young people.
8.London is a major repository of the greatest Western art and a creative center for contemporary artists.


1.I think cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one's own culture to a foreign culture,but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures.
2.China yesterday was a big ancient country that created a splendid civilization.
3.The civilizations of different nations are all fruits of human wisdom and contribution to human progress;they call for mutual respect.
4.China since ancient times has had a fine tradition of sincerity,benevolence,kindness and trust towards the neighbors.
5.Tsinghua undergraduates are fortunate in that more and more your university is encouraging teamwork in your case work.stimulating the transition from“me”to“we”.
6.Education is provided from primary school to university,and is compulsory between the ages of six to fifteen.
7.The ascendance of work teams in large U.S.organizations puts a new premium on the relationship of team members.
8.The Chinese civilization,thanks to its strong cohesive power and inexhaustible appeal,has survived many vicissitudes intact.The 5,000一year-long civilization is the source of pride of every Chinese.
中华文明以其顽强的凝聚力和隽永的魅力历经沧桑,而完整地延续下来。拥有5 000年的文明史,这是我们中国人的骄傲。
9.On this day,prescribed by law and marked by ceremony,we celebrate the durable wisdom of our Constitution,and recall the deep commitments that unite Our country.
10.Consequently,there’s not enough excitement in the classroom for children to get interested in the subject.


1.It's staying cloudy tonight with a 60% chance of rain or drizzle,and tomorrow it's going to start dry with bright spells.
2.Our nation has gone through so many disasters and hardships in history that we are now blessed with the essence of urgency,determination for survival and aspirations for peace and development.
3.Today about 20%of American children live with only one parent.One of the reasons for this is the increasing number of women who have children without being married.
4.From Olympia to the Great Wall,the blazing Olympic torch brought the Olympic spirit to Beijing.
5.We will far more widely mid deeply realize the ideals of the“Green,Hi—tech,People’S Olympics”.
6.The taking of oath by a competitor from the host country file athlete swears on the Olympic Flag:“In the name of all competitors I promise that we shall take part, in these Olympic Games,respecting mid abiding by the rules which govern them,committing ourselves to a sport without doping and without drugs.in the true spirit of sportsmanship,for the glory of sport, and the honor of our teams.”
7.The boys and girls,representing all school students in the city,received new books entitled ‘‘School Students’ Manual of Amenity’’ and ‘‘New Children’s Rhymes’’ from BOCOG Executive Vice—President Jiang Xiaoyu.
8.London is the capital of the United Kingdom and chief city of the British Commonwealth.With a population of about 7 million and an area of 1,580 sq km.this cast metropolis is by far the largest city in Europe.
伦敦是联合王国的首都.也是英联邦的首府。这个有着约700万人口、l 580平方公里土地的大都市是欧洲最大的城市。
9.If consumption remained high, gas supplies would not meet tile demands of the coming Spring Festival and the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.These sessions,in Match,are among the most important political events in China.
10.As a result.Beijing has had to draw up all emergency plan for natural gas supplies,halting or reducing supply for industrial use and replacing more than l,300 natural gas powered buses with oil-fuelled ones.
11.The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)chief underlined the adherence of OPEC member states in supplying the market with its crude needs for price stabilization
12.The winner of this year’S Nobel Peace Prize,Kenyan environmentalist,Wangari Maathai,is in New York to call attention to her message linking environmental protection and peace.
13.Demands for OPEC’s oil during the first quarter of 2005 would increase by 500,000barrels per day(bpd),higher than the anticipated 28.6 million bpd production ceiling of the cartel,an OPEC analysis showed.
石油输出国组织的一项分析表明,2005年第一季度对石油输出国组织的石油需求将增加50万桶,需求总量将高于该组织预计最高产量2 860万桶。
14.But the analysis predicted that even if the consumption increase is similar to the level observed in 2004,the producers are going to meet the challenge.
15.First,the foundation for macro regulation needs to be consolidated further.We face considerable difficulty in further raising grain output and increasing farmers’income.In particular,because of price rises in capital goods,it is more difficult for us to achieve these goals in terms of increasing grain output and farmers’incomes.
16.Moreover,investment growth fixed assets may pick up again.Coal,electricity,oil and transportation are in short supply.
17.In order to ease the pressure of economic growth on energy supply, the Chinese government,over the years.has formulated a series of encouraging policies in energy investment,energy development and application,in pricing,and in the credit system.
18.My country certainly has its share of problems and faults:like most nations we're on a long journey toward achieving our own ideals of equality and justice.
19.We reiterate our determination to combat terrorism.Our governments will launch a China-UK anti—terrorism dialogue and intensify exchanges and cooperation in this area.
20.I want to thank the President for leading the Beijing talks.We talked about how to advance the Beijing talks.We talked about how to advance them to achieving a mutual goal,which is a weapons—free Peninsula,as well as addressing the security concerns of North Korea within
the context of the six一party talks.
21.Despite the absence of chemical,biological,or nuclear weapons in Iraq,White House spokesman Scott McClellan says it was still the right thing to topple Saddam Hussein because he had the capability to restart illegal weapons programs.
22.Both sides will work together to help developing countries in addressing poverty and other development--related problems so as to better manage challenges posed by globalization.
23.There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom.
24.We have an obligation to do what Americans have always done, and that is to build a bet ter tomorrow for our children and our grand-children.
25.I thanked the President for his work on the recent Security Council resolution for Iraq. We talked about our mutual desire to wage and win the fight against terror. We spent time, of course, talking about North Korea. We have a mutual goal, and that is that the Peninsula be free of nuclear weapons.
26.China is on a rising path, and America wel comes the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China.
27.We have a Constitution, now two centuries old, which limits and balances the powers of the three branches of our government: judicial, legislative and executive, of which I am a part.
28.America's influence is not unlimited, but fortunately for the oppressed, America's influence is considerable, and we will use it confidently in freedom's cause.
29.We agree to increase the exchange of high-level visits. Government leaders and foreign ministers of the two countries will exchange visits annually to reinforce and extend bila teral political cooperation in fields such as strategic security and non-proliferation.
30.In the appreciation of a work of art of art form, consideration of the receiver never proves fruitful.
31.The two sides place particular emphasis on peace and security, the fight against HIV/AIDS and sustainable development in Africa and give their full support to African countries in their efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals.
32.We reaffirmed our commitments to work together to combat illegal immigration. The two Governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Facilitation of Legitimate Travel and Cooperation to Combat Ille gal Immigration.
33.As a founding member of the UN and a permanent member of the Security Council, China has regularly taken a cooperative, prudent and responsible attitude.
34.The two sides also endorse closer police cooperation. They agree, in accordance with international legal instruments such as the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, to enhance information ex change and law enforcement cooperation and work closely to crack down upon trans national crime.
35.Lately we expended our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers in particular, China is such an enormous market that nobody can afford to neglect.
36.Local and foreign investors identify soft ware, telecom, materials technology, bio technology and health care as core technolo gy strengths in China.
37.China's development is blessed with a rare period of strategic opportunities. And if we don't grasp it, it will slip away.
38.The emergence of electronic business has created enormous and exciting challenges for business managers. Internet commerce im mediately opens global and more efficient markets.
39.A successful knowledge-based economy re quires large public investments in education, infrastructure, and research and develop ment.
40.Both sides recognize the importance of effective protection of Intellectual Property Rights and the vital role that protection of IPRs plays in fostering foreign investment and creating a positive business environment.
41.Both sides speak highly of the positive achievements of the ASEM in promoting equal partnership between Asia and Europe, and express  their readiness to further strengthen co-operation in the ASEM.
双方高度评价亚欧会议在促进亚欧平等伙伴关系方面取得的积极成就,表示愿进一 步加强在亚欧会议上的合作。
42.We agree to intensify cooperation in broad areas of trade and investment, which we will promote through the Joint Economic and Trade Commission, in line with the recommendations of the Task Forces which are set out in the Annex.
43.The two sides will also increase cooperation in the areas of science, technology, education, culture and environmental protection in line with the Task Forces' proposals.
44.Mr. Premier, member of the delegation, It in my honor to welcome you to the White House. Your visit reflects the increasing ties of cooperation and commerce between our two nations.
45.You've outlined some of the difficult, ambitious reform programs in state-owned enterprises and in the banking system, which will take three year.
46.The automobile industry's most fierce competition has been staged in China, the biggest virgin auto market in the world.
47.WWEC (World Wind Energy Conference) is organized by the world Wind Energy Associ ation and it was held in Germany in 2002 and in South Africa in 2003.
48.India and China will see the 55th anniversary of their establishment of a diplomatic relationship next month. How do you see the prospects of this bilateral relationship? Can we be good friends and good neighbors?
下个月印度和中国就要庆祝两国建交55周年了。您如何看待双边关系的前景? 印度和中国是不是能够成为好朋友、好邻居?
49.A pioneer in social welfare, New Zealand has a comprehensive social security scheme for the aged, disabled, sick and unemployed.
50.America and China share many common in terests. We are working together in the war on terror. We are fighting to defeat a ruth less enemy of order and civilization. We are partners in diplomacy working to meet the dangers of the 21st century.
51.I am grateful for the honor of this hour, mindful of the consequential times in which we live, and determined to fulfill the oath that I have sworn and you have witnessed.
52.The United States and China have a historic opportunity: there is much we can share. I think progress in these areas is particularly promising, that is, trade, technology, in vestment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise.
53.As our two nations work constructively across areas of common interest, we are candid about our disagreements. The grow ing strength and maturity of our relationship allows us to discuss our differences in a spir it of mutual understanding and respect.
54.Two-way trade has risen sharply in a few short years. The United States is now China's third largest trading partner. Our bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future.
55.The US economy is going to enjoy steady growth for the remainder of the year with unemployment rate lowered and inflation kept under control.
在今年剩下的这段时间里, 美国经济将有稳定的发展, 失业率下降,通货膨胀得到控制。
56.About the North Korean nuclear issue, I said to the President that China will continue to strengthen our communication and consulta tions with various parties concerned, and we will continue to work to promote the Beijing six-party talks process, so as to strive for a peaceful resolution of this issue.
57.In the history of Iraq, a dark and painful is over. A hopeful day has arrived. All Iraqis can now come together and reject violence and build a new Iraq.
58.As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said to President Nixon, "Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world twenty-five yeans of no communication.
59.Your government has repeatedly said that Taiwan should, Taiwan authorities should prove with deeds, not only with words, that they are willing to return to the principle of "one China, one country".
60.Ladies and gentlemen, China is an Asian country. China's development is closely related to Asia's prosperity. China has, and will continue to make a positive impact on Asia in the area of development.
61.According to statistics from the Ministry of Commerce, in the first ten months, China's direct non-financial investment overseas was USD 1.8 billion, 93% of which was currency investment. Foreign project contracting brought in USD 14. 48 billion in revenue in the same period, up about 30% year over year.
62.Last week I had a chance to observe village elections in Jilin and Liaoning provinces, which generally enabled villagers to elect or throw out their leaders.
63.China, a major country of invention in the world, finds itself in the awkward situation of being unable to get many of its inventions out of the laboratories. A lot comes down to a simple problem of funding.
中国是世界上的发明大国, 但是很多发明无法走出实验室,归根结底是资金问题。
64.Our country Is so big, problems so numerous and complicated. And we, as a nation, must have courage to overcome difficulty, confidence to win and dauntless spirit to work hard and prevail.
65.In the past few years, with the support of the fellow Asian countries and the larger international community, the Boao Forum for Asia has developed steadily, playing an increasingly prominent role in regional cooperation and demonstrating to the rest of the world the fervent desire of the Asian people for a win-win scenario through closer coop eration.
66.The problems we face in China's economy can all boil down to structural problems,  growth patterns and institutional problems. All these deep-rooted and underlying problems will take time to be addressed.
67.House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says the president needs to explain to Americans  why he was so wrong for so long about the reasons for war.
68.Some Asian economies now face the danger of overheating as labor and other costs rise, trade balances get worse and inflation climbs.
69.During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakes of friendship and commerce.
70.As an important foreign trade and interna tional exchange port in China, Shenzhen has made the brilliant achievements in the urban construction and boasts the city with a fine environment for both investment and tourism.



I. 经济商贸专题

1. 经贸关系是两国关系的经济基础。互利共赢的中美经贸关系,不仅给两国人民带来了实实在在的经济利益,而且成为中美关系发展的重要基础和强大动力。至于中美经贸合作的迅速发展,对于周边地区经济繁荣乃至世界经济增长所起的促进作用,更是有目共睹。
Trade links form the economic foun dation of bilateral relations. Pursuing mutual benefits and win-win situa tions, the China-US trade ties have produced tangible economic benefits for the two peoples, but also under- pinned the two countries' overall re lationship , giving it a strong impetus for expansion. The rapid develop ment of the economic partnership between China and the US have also contributed to the economic well be ing of their surrounding areas and to the global economic growth, which is therefore the world to see.
2. 能源是国民经济和社会发展的重要基础和保证。中国是世界上最大的能源生产国和消费国之一。为缓解经济快速增长和能源供给之间的矛盾,多年来,中国政府在能源投资、开发利用、价格、信贷等方面制定了一系列鼓励政策。
Energy is an important basis as well as a safeguard for economic and so cial development. China is one of the largest energy producers and consumers in the world. In order to ease the pressure of economic growth on energy supply, the Chi nese government, over the years, has formulated a series of encoura ging policies in energy investment, energy development and application, in pricing, and in the credit system.
3. 当今世界,所有国家和地区的经济都是相互关联的,没有哪一个国家和地区能够在自我封闭的状态下得到发展。中国也是如此。所以,在自力更生的基础上,我们把进一步对外开放作为我们的一项基本国策。有中国特色的社会主义市场经济
In the world today, as the economies of all countries and regions are closely interrelated, no country or region can develop in self-seclusion. The same is true with China. There fore, we have taken it as a basic state policy to open wider to the out side world on the basis of self-reli ance. A socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics is an open system with an open economy as its core. We will continue to im prove the investment environment so that overseas investors will make profits. We are ready to assimilate and draw upon the science and tech nology and managerial experience that are useful to us.
4. 中美贸易之所以能迅速发展,根本原因在于两国经济具有极大的互补性。这种互补性,很大程度上来自两国经济资源条件、经济结构以及消费水平存在着很大的差异。中国是最大的发展中国家,市|场广阔,发展迅速,劳动力成本低,但资金短缺、科技和管理相对落后。
The strong growth in China-US trade is fundamentally attributed to the highly complementary nature of the two economics, which, to a large extent, stems from the big differ ences in their natural resources, eco nomic structures and consumption levels. Being the world's largest de veloping country, China has a huge market offering plenty of business opportunities and low labor costs, but it is lacking capital funding, so phisticated technology and advanced managerial expertise.
5. 在中国,把发展、改革和稳定三者结合起来具有极端的重要性和艰巨性。百闻不如一见,只要朋友们到中国实地看一看, 对改革开放以来中国的人权的进步和中国政府为保障人权所做的艰苦努力,就会有个客观的理解和认识。
It is extremely important and difficult in China to combine development, reform and stability. Seeing is be lieving. If our friends come to China and see for themselves, they will be able to judge objectively and appreci ate the progress made there in hu man rights and the Chinese government's hard work in upholding human rights since the beginning of reform and opening-up.
6. 谢谢你。我想起了诺贝奖金获得者,一位经济学家舒尔茨的话,他说世界大多数是贫困人口 ,如果你懂得了穷人的经济学,那么你就会懂得经济学当中许多重要的原理。世^夹多数贫穷人豸中,又主要躉以农业为生计的。如果你懂得了农业,那你就真正懂得了穷人的经济学。我不是经济学家,但我深知农业、农民和农村问题在中国的极端重要性。
Thank you. Your question has remin ded me of remarks made by Nobel laureate economist Theodore Schultz. He said most of the people in the world are poor. So if we knew the economics of the poor, we would know much of the economics that really matter. Most of the world's poor people earn their living from agriculture. So if we knew the economics of agriculture, we would know much of the economics of the poor. I am no economist, but I am deeply aware of the paramount importance of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China.
7. 要全方位开拓国际市场,市场多元化是立于之地的关鍵。俗话说:“不能在一棵树上吊死。”在选择新辟市场时要权衡其风险与机会,并且要反应迅速;要随时跟踪市场变化情况,以便选择利时机和地点抓紧出口。只有那些富有活力、洞察力和应变力的企业才能在市场景气时大显身手,而在市场萧条时也能站稳脚跟。当某些市场疲软时,总还有另一些市场坚挺,所以能够做到"东方不亮西方亮"。
It is important to tap the market po tential around the world. And geo graphical market diversification is the key to surviving the unsteady world market. In common parlance, it is unwise to " put all our eggs in one basket". The selection of new markets should be done by evalua ting both their risks and opportuni ties—simultaneously  and quickly. Monitor all markets constantly so that we can export to the right coun tries or regions at the right times. Only a dynamic, forward-looking and viable export company is capa ble of weathering over the bad times and making a good killing in good times. When some markets slump, there are always other markets remai ning buoyant. Thus, we can stand chance to gain on the swings what might be lost on the roundabouts.
8. 另一方面,美国是最大的发达国家,经济总量大,资本充足,科技发达,但劳动力成本高。这种差异性和互补性,将在今后长期存在,在经济全球化的大背景下显得更加突出。这就是中美贸易能够持续发展的客观基础。
On the other hand, the United States, as the world's largest developed country, has a large economic size and abundant capital funds, as well as advanced science and tech nology. But the costs of labor in the US are high. Such differences and complementarities will continue to ex ist for a long time, and are likely to be standing out in the process of economic globalization. This has provided a solid basis for the sus tained and rapid expansion of China-US trade.
9. 自从全年国务院发布推进资本市场改革和发展的决定,就是我们所说的"国九条"以来,虽然有关部门采取了很多有力的措施,但是市场反应比较冷淡,股价下跌得比较厉害,很多股民被套其中。请问:我们政府将能够采取有力的措施,改变目前股市的现状吗?您认为广大股民对今年的股市应该有什么样的期待?
The State Council has issued a" nine-point guideline" on reform, opening-up and stable development of the capital market. Despite this issue, the stock market has been haunted and the prices of stocks have conti nued plummeting. Many investors have been trapped in the stock mar ket. Will the government take strong measures to revert such a situation? What expectations do you think in vestors can have of the stock mar ket?
10. 国际商会已具有78年的悠久历史,在140 个国家和地区拥有会员,是一个重要的世界性经贸组织。它在推动国际贸易、经济合作、资本流通方面发挥着重要作用,以及它所具有的广泛性和务实性受到国际社会的髙度评价。选择上海这座充满生机和活力的城市举行年会,充分表达了国际商会对中国经济发展的重视,也说明具有远见卓识的国际商界对发展前景广阔的中国充满了巨大兴趣。
The ICC has a long history of 78 years, and has membership in 140 countries and regions. It is an impor tant world business organization. Its function in promoting international trade, economic cooperation and capital flow, its broad representation and pragmatism are highly appraised by the international community. The ICC has chosen Shanghai—a city full of vigor and vitality—as the venue for its current congress. This choice in itself demonstrates that the ICC attaches great importance to China's economic development and the far-sighted world business community has great interest in China.


1. 中国的发展为亚洲区域合作注人了新的活力。中国全面参与亚洲各种区域合作机制,注重同各方的协调配合,积极推进区域经济一体化进程。中国和亚洲国家正在商谈建立自由贸易区,开展形式多样的安全对话,在亚洲区域合作进程中不断加强同各国的合作。
China's development injects fresh vigor to regional cooperation in Asia. China has been extensively involved in the various mechanisms of Asia-based regional cooperation, empha sizing its cooperation and coordina tion with all the parties and promo ting regional economic integration. China has joined the fellow Asian countries in discussing the possibility of free trade areas, conducting various forms of security dialogues and cementing cooperation on the bilat eral level while promoting regional cooperation.
2. 第一,增进睦邻友和政治互信。中国将在联合国宪章、和平共处五项原则的基础上,同亚洲国家发展伙伴关系。坚持大小国家一律平等,坚持通过对话解决彼此间存在的问题。中国希望同亚洲各国加强高层往来和各层次的交流,适时就重大国际和地区问题进行磋商和协调。
First, enhancing friendship and polit ical trust and good-neighborliness. China will develop partnerships with other Asian countries on the basis of the UN Charter and the Five Princi ples of Peaceful Coexistence, trea ting all countries as equals irrespec tive of size and committing to settling whatever disputes there might be through dialogue. China hopes to see stronger high-level ties and interac tions at other levels with other fellow Asian countries, and more timely consultations and coordination on major international and regional is sues.
Fourth, promoting cultural interac tion and personnel exchanges. China is committed to stronger cultural ex changes in Asia, and encourages media cooperation to jointly build an Asia-wide cultural market. China supports inter-culture and inter-reli gion dialogues in Asia, and advo cates greater understanding and tol erance. China is ready to work with other Asian countries in promoting youth exchanges, and providing greater convenience for people's travel on public, business and tourist purposes.
4. 在这一年里,我们高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持走和平发展道路,努力维护世界和平、促进共同发展,在一系列涉及世界和地区安全和发展的重大问题上发挥了建设性作用,推进了中国同世界各国的友好交往和务实合作。
In the past year, we held high the banner of promoting peace, develop ment and cooperation, adhered to the independent foreign policy of peace, and adhered to peaceful de velopment. We made great efforts to safeguard world peace and promote common development by playing a constructive role in a series of im portant issues concerning world peace and regional development. And we have also promoted friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and many other countries around the world.
5. 请记者先生告诉伟大的印度人民,中印两国不是竞争的对手,而是朋友。我想用一段印度的古诗来结束我的话,三千年前, 印度有一篇著名的古诗叫《奥义书》,可能是梵文,意思是:愿我们同受庇佑,愿我们同受保护,愿我们共同努力,愿我们文化辉煌。不要仇恨,永远和平、和平、和平。
I wish to ask this reporter to send my message back to the Indian people that China and India are not competi tors but friends. I wish to conclude by quoting from an ancient Indian scripture, probably written more than 3,000 years ago in Sanskrit, which is in the title of "Upanishad. " It is to the effect: "May He protect us both together. May He nourish us both together. May we work con jointly with great energy. May our study be vigorous and effective. May we not hate anyone. Let there be peace, let there be peace, let there be peace."
6. 首先,我们的外交是全中国人民的外交。有着全国各族人民的支持,包括港澳台同胞和海外侨胞的支持,外交工作才取得这么大的成就。从本质上说,中国和平发展,13亿中国人不断富裕起来,这本身就是对人类进步事业的最大贡献。事实上, 外交工作就是服务,首先是服务于全国人民全面建设小康社会的崇高目标,为国内经济建设创造一个好的国际和周边环境。此外,外交就是交朋友。我们的朋友越多越好,去年中国一共接待了18位国家元首、22位政府首脑、31位外交部长。
First, China's diplomatic work is di plomacy of and for all the Chinese people. The great achievements in our diplomatic work cannot be made without the support from people from all ethnic groups in China, in cluding   compatriots   from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as the overseas Chinese. In the final analysis, peace and development in China, as well as the growing pros perity of the 1.3 billion Chinese peo ple are in itself the biggest contribu tion to the progress of humanity. In fact, diplomatic work is to serve, and primarily to serve the lofty cause of the nation, that is to build a mo derately prosperous society in an all-round way and to create a favorable international and neighboring envi ronment for China's economic deve lopment. Secondly, diplomatic work is to make friends, and the more the better. Last year, China received 18 heads of state, 22 heads of govern ment and 31 foreign ministers.
7. 新时期的中国外交也贯彻了以人为本、执政为民这一宗旨。去年我们和有关部门、有关地方以及有关国家配合,妥善地处理了日军在华遗留的化学武器泄露事件、俄罗斯友谊大学火灾造成我人员伤亡事件、新西兰语言学院倒闭导致中国留学生失学事件、伊拉克战前和利比里亚内乱期间协助安排中国公民安全撤离等问题。今后,我们将继续急人民之所急,想人民之所想,在国际上为维护我国法入和公民的合法权益多做实事。
China's diplomatic work in the new era has carried out the principle of putting people first and adminis tration for the people. Last year, we coordinated with relevant agencies, regions, and countries to properly handle the incidents such as the lea king of abandoned Japanese chemi cal weapons in China, the fire in the Russian Friendship University that caused some Chinese casualties, the bankruptcy of a language school in New Zealand, which left some Chinese students stranded, and the evacuations of Chinese nationals on the eve of the Iraqi War and during turmoil in Liberia. In the future, we will continue to care for the interest of our people, address the people's concerns and try our best to do con crete deeds to safeguard the legiti mate rights and interests of Chinese legal persons and citizens in the in ternational arena.
8. 第二,拓展和深化双边经济合作。中国将发展同亚洲各国全面的经济合作关系,加强贸易投资、资源、信息、医药卫生、环保、交通、科技、农业、扶贫、人力资源开发等领域的合作。中国将继续采取实际措施和优惠政策,帮助亚洲发展中国家的经济建设。中国将把亚洲作为鼓励企业"走出去"的主要方向,努力把西部大开发、振兴东北老工业基地等发展战略同加强周边经济合作结合起来。
Second, expanding and deepening bilateral economic cooperation. Chi na is ready to develop all-round eco nomic cooperation with fellow Asian countries with emphasis on trade in vestment, natural resources, infor mation, pharmaceuticals, health service, environmental protection, transportation, science and technol ogy, agriculture, poverty alleviation, and development of human re sources. China will continue taking practical steps to help other develo ping Asian countries with their eco nomic development through prefer ential policies. China will encourage its enterprises to take Asia as their principal destination for "going glob al" strategy, and combine its west ern development strategy and the Northeast rejuvenation strategy with strengthened economic cooperation with the neighboring countries.
Third, accelerating regional economic integration. China hopes to study with fellow Asian countries on possible free trade arrangements of various forms consistent with prospective coopera tion network of free trade areas in Asia. China is ready to step up its co ordination with other Asian partners on macro-economic and financial policies and probe into the establishment of re gional cooperation regime of investors, securities market, and financial institu tions. China will work actively to pro mote the institutional building of all kinds of economic cooperation organi zations with a view to consolidating re sources, prioritizing the key areas and conducting performance-oriented co operation.
10. 第五,推进安全对话和军事交流。中国将坚持互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观, 希望同各国建立不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方的安全合作关系。中国将同亚洲国家加强在地区反恐、打击跨国犯罪、海上安全、防扩散等安全领域的对话和合作,充分发挥多边安全机制的积极作用。中国愿同各国建立军事安全对话机制,积极推动军事领域信任合作措施。
Fifth, facilitating security dialogue and military-to-military exchanges. China will stick to its new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutu al benefit, equality and cooperation, and hopes to establish a security rela tionship and cooperation featuring non-alignment, non-confrontation, and non-targeting at any third party. Chi na will step up its cooperation and di alogue with other Asian countries in such security areas as regional count er-terrorism, combating transnational crimes, maritime security, and non-proliferation, giving full play to exist ing multilateral security mechanisms. China is ready to set up a military se curity dialogue mechanism with other Asian countries and actively promote confidence-building cooperation in the military field.


1.中华人民共和国位于亚洲东'部,太平洋西岸。960万平方公里的国土面积相当于整个欧洲大陆。国家陆界长达2万公里, 大陆海岸线长18 000余公里。辽阔的海域有岛屿5 000多个,最大的是台湾,其次是海南岛。最南端的是南海诸岛。
The People's Republic of China lies in East Asia on the western Pacific coast. Its area of 96 million square kilometers is almost as large as the entire European continent. The na tional inland boundaries, total over 20,000 kilometers, with over 18,000 kilometers of coastline. There are more than 5,000 islands in its vast territorial waters, the largest being Taiwan and the second largest, Hainan. In the extreme south are the South China Sea Islands.
2. 国际旅游是促进各国人民相互了解的有效途径。有着五千年文明史的中国是各国人民向往的旅游目的地。中国人民创造了世界上无与伦比的灿烂文化,名胜古迹比比皆是,如北京的长城和故宫、杭州的西湖、桂林的山水。
International travel is an effective way of promoting mutual understanding among the people of the world. China, with its history of five thousand years' civilization, is an at tractive tourist destination for people of various countries. In its long his tory of development, China has crea ted a splendid national culture in comparable elsewhere in the world, with numerous scenic spots and his toric sites all over the country, such as the Great Wall and the Palace Mu seum of Beijing, the West Lake of Hangzhou, and the Natural Scenery of Guilin.
3. 中医认为人体内的系列运动贯穿于人的一生,这种系列运动在西医上叫做"新陈代谢"。如果这种运动受阻,就会出现异常情况,人就会得病。这是中医关于疾病防治的一个指导思想。
Traditional Chinese medicine be lieves that a series of movements, called the superseding of the old by the new, or metabolism in western medicine, exist within the human body throughout its life. If such movements are obstructed, abnor mal circumstances will occur and people will fall ill. This is an impor tant guiding concept of traditional Chinese medicine regarding disease prevention and treatment.
Mount Tai is a perfect example of the kind of mountain resort that embod ies natural scenery and cultural herit age, boasting numerous grotesque rock formations, clear waterfalls, age-old pine trees, stone bridges, temples, pavilions, pagodas, halls. And in particular, tourists will invariantly marvel at the vast number of stone inscriptions left by famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties.
5. 有些展品是美中合资企业的产品,请各位与我们一起分享这种自豪和快乐。虽然这些展品数量微不足道,仅占所有展品的5%,却表明了我们广阔的合作前景。我们始终认为,"良好的开端是成功的一半。"我预祝美国朋友们在参观期间取得丰硕的成果。
Please share with us the pride and joy we have that some of exhibits are the products from some US-Chinese joint ventures. Although display of these exhibits is proportionally a mere fraction, only 5% of all the ex hibits , it is nevertheless a promising sign of our future cooperation. "A good beginning is half the battle," as we always believe it. I wish my American friends a most rewarding visit.
June 8th to 9th, 2004, the history shall forever remember the date. The Olympic Flame came down to China's divine land, with mankind's yearning for peace, friendship, civi lization and progress and with the Greek people's friendship for the Chinese people. From Olympia to the Great Wall, the blazing Olympic torch brought the Olympic spirit to Beijing and compromised the Chi nese people's expectation for peace, their aspiration for participation and their appreciation for the Olympic spirit.
7. 8月29日,北京将从雅典接过会旗,从那一刻起,全世界的目光将聚焦北京。2008 年北京奥运会的筹办工作将进入新的阶段。我扪将以最高的标准、质量和水平做好2008年奥运会的各项筹备工作,更加全面、深入地实施"绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”的理念。
On August 29th, Beijing shall take hold of the Olympic flag from Ath ens. From that moment onward, the attention of the whole world shall be focused on Beijing and its preparato ry work shall be arranged in a new schedule. ,We will make all the preparations proceed forward to the highest standard, in the highest qual ity and with the highest level. We will far more widely and deeply real ize the ideals of the "Green, Hi-tech, People's Olympics"
8. 中国的体育运动经历了几千年的发展,但直到1949年中华人民共和国成立之后才成为国家的事业。目前,一个全国范围的体育运动网络已经建立起来,其经费开支已被列人国家预算之中。中国发展体育运动的目的是在人民中普及体育运动,增強他们的体质,提高整个民族的体育水平,创造新纪录,以促进经济、道德和文化的发展。
China's sports have undergone sever al thousand years of development. But they had not been regarded as undertaking of the state until 1949, when the People' Republic of China was founded. Now, a nationwide network for physical culture and sports has been set up and expendi ture on this field has been included in the state budget. The purpose of developing physical culture and sports in China is to spread sports among the people, enhance their physique, improve the sporting level of the country as a whole and chalk up new record, thus helping to pro-mote the country's economic as well as moral and cultural development.
9. 我国的教育体系分为四个种类,即:基础教育、中等职业技术教育、普通高等教育和成人教育。基础教育指学前教育和初等、中等教育,即幼儿园、小学和中学。根据国家颁布的义务教育法,所有16岁以前的孩子都有接受教育的义务。
China's education system falls into four categories, namely: elementary education, secondary vocational and technical education, higher educa tion and adult education. Elementary education refers to pre-school and primary and secondary education, in other words, education at kindergar tens, primary school and high school levels. Under the law on Compulsory Education promulgated by the state all children below 16 are entitled to education.
10. 中华民族的传统文化博大精深,源远流长。早在2000多年前,就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说,和以老庄为代表的道家学说,以及其他许多也在中国思想史上有地位的学说和学派。这就是有名的"诸子百家"。
The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 years ago there emerged in China Confucianism re presented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism, represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theo ries and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought, all being covered by the fa mous term, "the masters' hundred schools. "


1.在前进道路上我们还面临不少通待解决的矛盾和问题, 也会遇到各种风险和挑战, 伹中国人民有信心、有能力战胜各种艰难险阻,实现国家的现代化和中华民族的伟大复兴。
On our road to progress, we are still en countering the multitude of contradictions and problems, and the various risks and challenges. However, the Chinese people have the confidence and the capability to overcome all kinds of hardships and diffi culties and make China's modernization and great rejuvenation reality.
The relations between China and the ROK are very good. There are frequent and productive exchanges between the two sides. There is also a rapid growth in the economic and trade cooperation, and in the cultural exchanges. In Beijing, the Korean culture is in vogue, and the Chinese culture is also popular in the ROK. ROK football fans cheered for the Chi nese men's football team during the World Cup. We would like to thank the ROK for supporting Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympics.  We welcome the ROK sportsmen to come and compete in the games and wish them good luck. We also thank the ROK for its support to Shang hai, the biggest city in China, in its bid for the 2010 World Expo.
3. 艺术家对自然科学望而生畏,敬而远之,原因之一是里面有一大堆高深的数学公式。其实,撇开数学,绕过那一大堆公式,一门学科的基本思想还是可以被我们理解和欣赏的。
One of the reasons why artists stand in awe before science or keep a respectful distance from it is that science involves a huge stack of abstruse mathematical formulas. But leav ing aside mathematics and bypassing that huge stack, we are still able to understand and appreciate the basic principles underlying a certain discipline of science.
4. 谢谢你的问题。首先我还是想说明这是一部什么样的法律。这不是针对台湾人民的一部法律,而是反对和遏制"台独"势力的法#;这不是一部战争的法律,而是和平统一国家的法律;这不是一部改变两岸同属一个中国现状的法律,而是有利于台海地区和平和稳定的法律。
Thank you for your question. First of all, let me explain again what kind of law the Anti-Secession Law is. It is by no means promulgated against the people in Taiwan. It is to oppose and check Taiwan Independ ence forces. It is by no means a war bill; it is for peaceful reunification of the country. It is not aimed at changing the status in the Taiwan Straits, which both sides belong to one China. It is conducive to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits.
5. 记者先生,你可以翻开1861年贵国制定的两部反分裂法,不也是同样的内容吗?而且随后就发生了南北战争。我们不愿意出现这种情况。中国有一句古话,"一尺布,尚可缝;一斗粟,尚可舂。同胞兄弟何不容?"  
If you care to read two anti-secession reso lutions adopted in the United States around 1861 , you will find that they are very simi lar to each other. In the United States, the civil war broke out soon after. But we here do not wish to see such a situation. In Chi na, there is an ancient saying: "Even a foot of cloth can be stitched up; even a kilo of millet can be ground. How can two blood brothers not make up?
6. 中国政府是根据国内法、国际法和人道主义精神来处理有关问题的。值得注意的是,有少数人把问题政治化,把非法入境者和所谓难民混为一谈,甚至打着人权的旗号,纵容一些非法入境者制造政治事件,比如说闯入一些国家驻中国的大使馆、总领事馆。这是不能接受的。我们要依法办事、以人为本, 在国内如此,在处理国际事务中也是如此。
The Chinese Government has been handling this issue in accordance with the Chinese law, the international law and the humanitar ian principles. It is worth noting that a small number of people try to politicize this issue  and confuse the two concepts of illegal border-crossers and refugees. They even use the pretext of human rights to encourage those il legal border-crossers to create political inci dents, for example, to force their ways into the foreign embassies or consulates general in China. It is not acceptable. We must act in accordance with the law and put people first. That is our principle in domestic affairs as well as international affairs.
7. 随着中国经济的稳步增长,中国从美国迸口的商品数量也在逐年增加。这再一次说明了中国是一个具有巨大潜力的市场,也是向世界广为开放的市场。我相信中国经济的持续增长及其宏伟的经济发展计划将会为美国企业创造更多的贸易和投资机会。
Along with the constant growth of the Chi nese economy, imports from the United States have increased annually. This once again shows that China is a market with tremendous potential and is a market open wide to the outside world. I believe that the sustained growth of China's economy and the country's grand economic develop ment plan will create even more favorable trade and investment opportunities for American enterprises.
8. 女士们、先生们!纵观历史,放眼世界,能否顺应时代潮流、把握发展机遇,依靠人民的智慧和力量,走出一条适合自己国情的发展道路,是一个国家在日趋激烈的国际竞争中赢得主动、加快发展的关键。
Ladies and gentlemen, both in history and the present-day world, a country can emerge victoriously from tough internation al competition and enjoy faster develop ment only when it gets along with the tide of the times, seizes the opportunities for development, blazes a trail suited to its na tional conditions and relies on wisdom and resourcefulness of its own people.
9. 我国今后20年太空探索远期发展战略是:使空间技术和空间应用实现产业化和市场化;建成多种功能和多种轨道的、由多种卫星系统组成的空间基础设施;建立中国的载人航天体系和开展有特色的深空探测和研究。
China's long-term strategies for space exploration in the next 20 years are to realize the industrialization and marketization of space technology and space applications, install a multi-function and multi-orbit space infrastructure composed of various satellite systems, set up China's own sys tem of manned space voyages, and imple ment the China-specific program of explo ration and research into the remote outer space.
10. 1972年尼克松总统第一次访问中国时说,对美国人民来说,远隔太平洋的中国是一个遥远神秘的国度,将近30年后的今天,这种神秘感显然是减少了,但两国之间的了解比应该达到的程度仍相差很远。人民之间的了解和友谊是两国关系的基石,“2000年中国文化美国行”就是为铺筑这样的基石而努力的。
During his first visit to China in 1972, Pres ident Nixon said that to the American peo ple China was remote and mysterious coun try on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Nearly 30 years later, this sense of mystery had reduced remarkably, but the level of mutual understanding between the two countries is still very far from where it should have been. Understanding and friendship of the two peoples are founda tion stone of bilateral relationship. China Cultural Exchange 2000 is designed pre cisely to lay such a foundation stone.
11. 中日关系是最重要的双边关系,我们高兴地看到,中日邦交正常化以来,中日关系有了很大的发展,去年双边贸易额接近1700亿美元。双方的人员往来超过400万人。正如你们所讲的,中日关系也存在着障碍,这种障碍主要是在政治方面,其根本问题是日本方面如何正确对待历史问题。
The relationship with Japan is one of the most important bilateral relationships for China. We are pleased to see that after normalization of ties, the relationship between China and Japan has enjoyed tre mendous development. Last year, our trade approached US $ 170 billion. People traveling back and forth between the two countries exceeded 4 million. But as you said, there are obstacles to this relation ship, especially in the political field. The fundamental problem is that Japan should correctly view history.
12. 至于人民币的完全可自由兑换,也就是说在资本市场上也自由兑换,这个按照我们预定的改革进程是要推后,需要一定的时间。到什么时候呢?也就是说中国的中央银行的监管能力力能够达到的时候,我们就会施行。
As for the full convertibility of RMB, that is, the full convertibility of RMB under the capital account, it should be postponed un til some time later, according to our reform schedule. This may take some time. When? When the supervision of the Central Bank of China is good enough, we will achieve this goal.
13. 科教工作的根本详务是提高全民族的思想道德水 准、科学文化水平和创新能力。大力发展教育和科技事业是我国现代化事业进一步发展的需要,同时也是适应世界科技革命和全球经济竞争新形势的需要。
The fundamental task of our work in sci ence and education is to raise the ideolog ical and ethical standards, the scientific and cultural lever of the entire nation and creativity. The mission of vigorously deve loping education and science and technolo gy is dictated by China's need to further its modernization drive and, in the meantime, to meet the requirements of the new situa tion of the world's scientific and technolo gical revolution and global economic com petition.
14. 女士们、先生们!中国的发展离不开亚洲,亚洲的繁荣也需要中国。中国将坚持和平发展的道路,高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,同亚洲各国共创亚洲振兴的新局面,努力为人类和平与发展的崇高事业做出更大的贡献。
Ladies and Gentlemen!China's development cannot be achieved in isolation of Asia, and Asia's prosperity also needs China. China will follow a peaceful development path holding high the banners of peace, development and cooperation, join the other Asian countries in bringing about Asian rejuvenation, and making greater contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development in the world.
15. 1995年初,墨西哥遭受了金融危机,但它在仅一年左右的衰退后,经济就强劲地回升。出了问题的亚洲各经济体也能做到这样吗?答案可能是否定的。尽管东亚和墨西哥的问题都是由高额经常性项目下的赤字和推迟短期美元债务引起的,它们的根本原因却不同。
In early 1995, Mexico witnessed its finan cial crisis, but the country had only about one year of recession before growth re-bounded strongly. Can the ailing Asian economies do the same? The answer is probably no. Although the trouble in both East Asia and Mexico was triggered by large current-account deficits and difficul ties in rolling over short-term dollar debts, the underlying causes were different.
16. 中国有一句描写泰山感受的古诗:"会当凌绝顶,― 览众山小。"我们对待中美贸易问题,要有这种高瞻远瞩的战略眼光,诸如美中贸易逆差问题,人民币汇率问题,知识产权保护问题,贵国社会各界甚为关注。所有这些问题,是在中美贸易发展中出现的问题,是可以取得共识,也是可以逐步得到解决的, 本应该也不可能影响中美经贸发展大局。随着中美经贸合作规模的扩大,有点摩擦在所难免。只要双方有诚意,这类问题完全可以通过平等协商和扩大合作来加以妥善解决。
Depicting this exhilaration of climbing Mt. Tai, an ancient Chinese poet once wrote, "I will ascend the mountain's dominant peak   to have a commanding view all in a sweep.'  When approaching problems in China-US trade f we also need to see things in a panoramic and strategic perspective. Problems such as US trade deficit with Chi na, the RMB exchange rate, and the IPR protection, are all understandably of con cern to various circles of American society. However,  those problems are growing pains accompanying the growth of China-US trade, and they can be ironed out gra dually since common understanding can be reached  through  bilateral approaches. They should not, and will not, impede the general trend of development of China-US trade.  With the expansion of two-way trade and economic ties, certain frictions are bound to be cropping up. So long as the two sides act in good faith, such prob lems can be properly resolved through con sultations on equal terms and the expan sion of bilateral cooperation.
17. 我们高兴地看到,亚洲形势总体稳定,和平、发展、合作已成为亚洲前进的主流。经过共同努力,亚洲有关国家摆脱了金融危机的阴影,战胜了非典和禽流感疫情的冲击,经济结构调整取得成效,产业升级换代步伐加快,区域合作方兴未艾,抗御风险能力不断增强。亚洲继续是全球最具发展活力的地区之一,也继续是全球贸易的重要增长点之一。我们对亚洲的发展前景充满信心。
We are glad to see that Asia has, on the whole, enjoyed stability, with peace, de velopment and cooperation becoming the mainstream of an advancing Asia. With concerted efforts, Asian countries have freed themselves from the shadow of the fi nancial crisis, overcome the impact of SARS and bird flu, succeeded in domestic economic restructuring, and quickened the tempo of industrial upgrading and transfor mation, promoted a robust regional co operation, and increased the capacity to tide over potential risks. Asia retains its position as one of the world's most dynam ic regions and a key growth point in global trade. All this gives us much confidence in Asia's future.
18. 进入新世纪,世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势在曲折中发展,科技进步日新月异,我们既面临着必须紧紧抓住的发展机遇,也面临着必须认真应对的严峻挑战。尽管当今世界还存在着这样那样的矛盾和冲突,不确定、不稳定因素有所增加,但和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题,世界要和平、国家要发展、人民要合作是不可阻挡的历史潮流。
Coming into the 21st century, the international situation has continued to undergo profound and complicated changes. World multipolarization and economic globalization are progressing amid twists and turns. Science and technology are advancing with each passing day. We have before us both development opportunities that we must seize and grave challenges that we must deal with. Despite the widespread con flicts and clashes of interest and increasing numbers of factors of uncertainty and instability, peace and development remain the overriding themes of the times. The world needs peace, countries desire development and people want cooperation. This has become an irresis tible trend of history.
19. 至于你谈到的中国军事力量的加强,我想在这里多讲两句。中国实行的是自卫的国防方针,中国的军事力量如果和贵国比起来,特别是与军费比起来,那简直相差很远,这里不需要我列举数字。我只想说明一个事实,就是近百年来,中国人总是受人欺辱的,至今中国没有派过一兵一卒去占领任何国家一寸土地。解决台湾的问题纯属中国的内政,不容外国千涉。我们不希望外国干涉,但是也不怕外国干涉!
You also asked about the increase in China's military strength. Let me spend a few mi nutes on this. China pursues a defensive na tional defense policy. China's military strength, if compared to that of your coun try , especially in terms of military expendi ture, is left far behind. I don't think I still have to cite any figures here. In the recent hundred of years, China was subjected to bullying and humiliation. Yet till now our country has never sent a single soldier abroad to occupy an inch of foreign land. Taiwan is completely China's internal af fairs. It brooks no interference from any foreign country. We do not want foreign in terference. Yet we are not afraid of any.
20. 环顾全球,多极化趋势正在加速发展。科学技术突飞猛进,世界经济持续增长,国际贸易和投资不断扩大,世界各国国联系更加紧密,区城性的合作势头更加强劲,成为世界经济新的增长点。这都是令人高兴的亊。同时我们也应该看到,世界仍然充满矛盾,经济发展很不平衡,贫當差距仍在扩大,不等价交换还在损害广大发展中国家的利益。
Around the world, multi-polarization tendency is strong; science and technology de velop very fast; world economy, interna tional trade and investment keep increasing; the economic relations among countries have become closer and regional economic cooperation develops rapidly and has be come a new growth area for the world. All these are very inspiring, but at the same time, we should be aware that the world is still full of contradictions, that the economic development is uneven, the gap in wealth keeps widening, and the inequitable ex-change of goods and services are damaging the interests of many developing countries.
21. 国际商会把"全球经济中的亚洲"作为这次会议的主题,具有重要的现实意义。我希通过这次大会,能够加深大家对中国的了解,对亚洲的了解,对世界的了解。中国愿意在平等互利的原则基础上,进一步加强同亚洲各国,同世界各国的合作与交流,为促进世界和平与发展的崇高事业,做出新的贡献。
It is significant for the ICC to have "Asia in the World Economy" as the theme of this congress. I hope that this congress will en hance people's understanding of China, Asia, and the world. Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, China is will ing to further strengthen its cooperation and exchange with other countries in Asia and in the world, to make new contribution to the promotion of the world peace and develop ment.
22. 为了实现这—目标,我们将坚持以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观。这个科学发展观,总结了 25年来中国改革开放和现代化建设的成功经验,吸取了世界上其他国家在发展进程中的经验教训,反映了中国政府和人民对发展问题的新认识。我们将以经济建设为中心,以实现人的全面发展为目的,统筹城乡发展,统筹区域发展,统筹经济社会发展,统筹人与自然的和谐发,,统筹国内发展和对外开放,坚持走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的
To achieve this goal, we will continue to follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theo ry and the important thoughts of the "Three Represents" and conscientiously act, in an all-round way, on the concept of people-ori ented,  comprehensive,  coordinated and sustainable development.   This scientific concept of development crystallizes the suc cessful experience of China's reform, opening-up and modernization drive in the past 25 years and that of the other countries in their course of development, and reflects a new understanding of the issue of develop ment by the Chinese Government and peo ple. We will take economic development as our top priority, aim ourselves to the all-round development of man, and follow a development path characterized by high pro ductivity, affluent life and sound ecosystem by properly balancing urban and rural deve lopment, development among regions, eco nomic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic develop ment and opening to the outside world.
Though China has achieved impressive results in its development, there are still many acute problems, such as overpopulation, weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and a fairly sharp contradiction between the country's ecological environment and natu ral resources on the one hand and its eco nomic and social development on the other. China's per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1,000 US dollars last year, still ranks behind the 100th place in the world. To make China's modernization pro gram a success and deliver a prosperous life for all the Chinese people still requires a long and uphill battle.
24. 我们已经明确了本世纪头20年的奋斗目标,这就是全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,到2020年实现国内生产总值比2000年翻两番,达到4万亿美元,人均国内生产总值达到3 000美元,使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进歩、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实。
We have already set a clear goal for the first 20 years of this century. Namely, in build ing a well-off society of a higher standard in an all-round way for the benefit of well over one billion Chinese people, we will quad ruple the 2000 GDP to 4 trillion US dollars with a per capita GDP of 3,000 US dollars, further develop the economy, improve de mocracy, advance science and education, enrich culture, foster greater social harmo ny and upgrade the texture of life for the people.
25. 外国人看到我们的敦煌壁画,看了以敦煌壁画为基础
创作出来的"丝路花雨",非常赞赏。那里边就有许多是吸收了外国文化的东西, 南亚文化,西亚文化很多东西都被我们吸收进来了。我们的文明,也曾经广泛地影响过世界各国,各个民族。
Many foreigners appreciate very much our Dunhuang grotto murals and . Along the Silk Road", a Chinese dance drama based on the murals. These forms of art have taken in many alien cultural ingredients. Including those of South Asia and West Asia. Mean while, Chinese civilization has had exten sive influences on countries and the peoples worldwide.
26. 亚洲这块饱经沧桑的古老大陆,经济的发展已经取得
Asia is an ancient land that has gone  through many hardships. Asia's economic development and achievements today attract worldwide attention. For many years, East Asia has been leading the world in economic growth, which has become a driving force behind the economic development of Asia-Pacific region and the world. The Asian  people are working hard to bring a peaceful, stable, prosperous and progressing Asia into the 21st century. The potential of Asia is great and the future of Asia is bright.
27. 世界上只有一个中国,大陆和台湾同属于一个中国,中国的主权和领土完整,不容分割。中国对台湾拥有主权,在《开罗宣言》和《波坦公告》中已经有明确的规定,也为国际社会所公认。台湾当局的某些人假借民主,搞旨在"台独"的公投, 实际上是破坏世界公认的一个中国的原则,也威胁台海地区的稳定。在这种情况下,世界上一切负责任的国家,会理所当然地表明他们自己的态度。
There is but one China in the world .Both the mainland and Taiwan are part of China. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of China allow no division. China's sovereignty over Taiwan has been explicitly recognized by the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation and is universally recognized by the international community. However, some people in the Taiwan authorities have been trying to push for a referendum aimed at Taiwan Independence under the pretext of promoting democracy. As a matter of fact, what they have been doing has under mined the "One China" principle which is universally recognized by the whole world and posed a threat to the Taiwan Straits area. Under such circumstances, it is only natural that all responsible countries in the world would make clear their positions on this question.
28. 中美就中国加入世界贸易组织达成双边协议,这是一个具有重大现实和深远历史意义的事件。这一协议的签署将有利于我国面向21世纪进一步推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业,有利于中美关系的稳定和发展 ,并将为世界经济的发展与繁荣注入新的动力。
China and the United States reached a bila teral agreement on China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), This is an event of immediate and far-reaching his torical significance. The signing of the agreement will help further push forward China's reform and opening-up and socialist modernization drive geared toward the 21st century. It will also contribute to the stability and development of Sino-US relations and bring about a new impetus to the development and prosperity of the world economy.
29. 中国的发展给亚洲的发展带来了重要机遇。中国是世界上最大的潜在市场。25年来,中国的市场不断发育,年均进口增速达到15% 以上,已成为世界第三大进口市场和亚洲第一大进口市场。2003年,中国从亚洲国家和地区进口的商品总额达到2729亿美元,同比增长42.4%,从东盟、日本、韩国、印度的进口增长均在35%以上。近年来,中国对亚洲国家和地区的直接投资以年均20%的速度增长。2003年,中国出境人数突破2 000万,大量中国游客把亚洲国家和地区作为出游的首选地。
A developing China generates important opportunities for Asia, As the world's biggest potential market, China has presided over in the past 25 years a steadily expanding and maturing market with import growing at an average annual rate of over 15 percent, which has made China the third largest importer globally and the largest importer in Asia. In 2003, China imported from the rest
of Asia a total of 272. 9 billion US dollars worth of merchandise, up by 42.4 Percent, with imports from ASEAN, Japan, ROK and  increasing by over 35 percent. Direct investment in the rest of Asia by China has risen at an average annual rate of 20 percent  in recent years. In 2003, more than 20 million outbound visits were made by Chinese nationals, as more and more Chinese tour ists made Asian countries and regions their choice destinations.
30. 21年来;中国坚定不移地推进改革开政,社会主义市场经济体制初步建立,开放型经济已经形成,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。从1978年至2003年的25年间,中国经济年均增长9.4%。 25年前,中国年国
内生产总值为1 473亿美元,去年已达到14 000多亿美元。25年前,中国年进出口贸易总额为206亿美元,去年已达到8 512亿美元。25年前,中国外汇储备为1.67亿美元,去年已达到4 638亿美元。目前,经济总量居世界第六,进出口贸易总额居世界第四。中国之所以能够发生这样巨大的变化,最关键的原因是我们始终坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,始终坚持改革开放,这样激发了全体人民的积级性、主动性、创造性。
In the past 25 years, while pressing ahead with reform and opening up, China has put initially in place a socialist market econo my, an economy that is open to the outside world. China's productive forces and overall national strength have been constantly en hanced. With various social undertakings developing in full swing, the Chinese people as a whole have made the historical leap from subsistence to modest prosperity. In the course of 25 years between 1978 and 2003, China's economy grew by an average annual rate of 9. 4 percent, with its GDP, foreign trade and foreign exchange reserves jumping from 147.3 billion US dollars, 20.6 billion US dollars and 167 million US dollars to over 1.4 trillion US dollars, 851.2 billion US dollars and 403. 3 billion US dollars re spectively. China now is the world's sixth largest economy and the fourth largest trad er. The reason why China has produced such tremendous changes is because we have adhered to the road of building social ism with Chinese characteristics and perse vered in reform and opening-up, thus galvanizing the Chinese people's initiative, enthu siasm and creativity.
31. 中国的发展促进了亚洲的和平与稳定。中国的稳繁荣,本身就是亚洲和平稳定的重要贡献,中国自古就有亲仁善邻、崇信修睦的优良传统。中国外交政策策的宗旨是维护世界和平、促进共同发展。中国不仅是这样说的,也是这样做的。我们坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,奉行睦邻、安邻、富邻的周边外交政策,着力加强同亚洲各国互信合作,积极推动缓解热点问题,努力维护亚洲的和平与安宁。
China's development contributes to peace and stability In Asia. A stable and prosperous China is in itself an important contribution to peace and stability in Asia. China since ancient times has had a fine tradition of sincerity, benevolence , kindness and trust towards the neighbors. The very purpose of China's foreign policy is to maintain world peace and promote common development. China always practices what it preaches. Persisting in building good-neighborly relationships and Partnership with the neigh-boring countries, we pursue a policy of brining harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors and dedicate ourselves to strengthening mutual trust and cooperation with the fellow Asian countries, easing up hot spot tensions, and striving to maintain peace and tranquility in Asia.
32. 中国有5000年的文明史,有过辉煌的过去,也有过屈辱的往事。中国的崛起是多少代中人的梦想。中国和平崛起的要义是:第一,中国的崛起就是要充分利用世界和平的大好时机,努力发展和壮大自已。时又以自己的发展维护世界和平。第二,中国的崛起应把基点主要放在自己的力量上,独立自主、自力更生,依靠广阔的国内市场、充足的劳动力资源和雄厚的资金积累,以及改革带来的机制创新。第三,中国的崛起离不开世界。中国必须坚持对外开放的政策,在平等互利的基础上,同世界一切友好国家发展经贸关系。第四,中国的崛起需要很长的时间,恐怕要多少代人的努力奋斗。第五,中国的崛起不会妨碍任何人也不会威胁任何人中国现在不称霸,将来即使强大了也永远不会称霸。
China has a history of 5,000 years. We had a glorious past, but we also suffered humiliation and subjugation. The rise of China and its rejuvenation are the dreams of the Chinese people for many generations. What are the connotations of China's peaceful rise? Let me make the following points .  Firstly, in promoting China's peaceful rise, we must take full advantage of the very good opportunity of world peace to endeavor to develop and strengthen ourselves, and at the  same time safeguard world peace with  our own development. Secondly, the  rise of China can only be based on our  own strength and on our independent,  self-reliant and hard efforts. It also has to be based on the broad market of China, the abundant human resources and  capital reserves as well as the innovation  of our systems as a result of reform  Thirdly, China's rise could not be  achieved without the rest of the world.  We must always maintain the opening-up policy and develop economic and trade exchanges with all friendly countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Fourthly, China's rise will require a long period of time and probably the hard work of many generations of Chinese people. Fifthly, the rise of China will not stand in the way of any other coun try or pose a threat to any other coun try , or be achieved at the expense of any particular nation. China does not seek hegemony now. Nor will we ever seek hegemony even after China becomes more powerful.



1.Due to reform of the currency sys tem, high inflation and major finan cial frauds, most people had little confidence in domestic commercial banks and even doubted the financial policies for the Central Bank and the government. The government and the rubber industrial companies are in se vere dispute over settlement of the latter's tax bill.
2.China's reform and opening-up have spread from rural areas to the cities, from the economic field to the politi cal, cultural, and social arenas. Each and every step forward is de signed in the final analysis to release the gushing vitality of labor, know ledge, technology, managerial ex pertise and capital, and allow all sources of social wealth to flow to the fullest extent.
3. China's reform and opening-up is ex actly aimed at promoting human rights in China. The two are mutual ly dependent and reinforcing. Re form and opening-up creates condi tions for the advancement of human rights, and the advancement of human rights invigorates the former. If one separates the two and thinks that China only goes after economic growth and ignores the protection of human rights, such a view does not square with the facts. Just as Presi dent FDR said, true individual free dom cannot exist without economic security and independence, and ne cessitous men are not free men.
中国改革开放的目的是提髙中国的人权。两者是相互依存,相互促进的。改革开放为人权进步创造了条件,人权进步为改革开放增添了动力,如果把两者割裂开来, 认为中国只注意发展经济而忽视人权保护,这种看法不符合实际,正如贵国前总统罗斯福曾经指出的,真正的个人自由在没有经济安全和独立的情况下,是不存在的,贫者无自由。
4. You've outlined some of the difficult ambitious reform programs in state-owned enterprises and in the banking system, which will take three years. Will the difficulty of these reforms postpone China's expected entry into the WTO? And will the world have to wait until China has reformed its banking systems before more bank ing licenses for foreign banks can be given?
5. For an ambitious business such as Motorola, it is just not enough to be come a household name. Our com pany wants to shape your entire home entertainment network in the coming age of broadband, and as a result become just as important as other well-known business like Intel and Microsoft.
6. On the other hand, the massive as sets owned by the state can now be revitalized. A private capital pool in the amount of trillions of yuan can take shape, and more than 500 bil lion U. S. dollars' worth of overseas capital can flow in. This combina tion of capital and labor results in a drama of industrialization and urba nization of a size rarely seen in hu man history being staged on 9.6 mil lion square kilometers of land called China. Here lies the secret of the 9.4 percent annual growth rate that Chi nese economy has been able to main tain in the past 25 years.
另一方面,规模庞大的国有资产得以盘活,数万亿元的民间资本得以形成,5 000 亿美元的境外资本得以流入,这种资本和劳动的结合就在中国960万平方公里的国土上,演进着人类历史上规模极为宏大的工业化和城市化。过去25年间,中国经济之所以按年均9. 4%的速度迅速增长,其奥秘就在于此。
7. Generating a team of high compati bility requires excellent public rela tion expertise. Some people never get out of the individual " me-thinking" mode because they have limited expertise with the interpersonal skills required for team-building. But the highly effective people of success are those who move from child-like de pendence to independence, and then onto interdependence, or win-win, " we-thinking".
8. Both sides recognize the importance of effective protection of Intellectual Property Rights and the vital role that protection of IPRs plays in foste ring foreign investment and creating a positive business environment. Both sides agree to enhance mutual cooperation on protection of IPRs. China will comply with its commit ments under relevant international IPRs conventions or agreements it has entered and protect the interests of IPRs holders according to its do mestic laws.
9. Both sides will work together to help developing countries in addressing poverty and other development-relat ed problems so as to better manage challenges posed by globalization. The two sides place particular em phasis on peace and security, the fight against HIV/AIDS and sustain able development in Africa and give their full support to African countries in their efforts to reach the Millenni um Development Goals.
10. The trade and economic relationship between China and the United States has developed during the 20-year pe riod, especially since the 1980s, due to the mutual efforts of both sides. Through  official  and non-official channels a cooperative relationship has been established  in various fields. Trade, economic and techno logical exchanges, loans and no-paid capital cooperation all have been es tablished smoothly.

II. 外交政治专题

1. The direction China takes toward cooperation or conflict will pro foundly affect Asia, America, and the world for decades. The emer gence of a China as a power that is stable, open, and non-aggressive, that embraces free markets, and that works with us to build a secure inter national order is deeply in the inter ests of our people.
2. The question I would ask is about the Anti-Secession Law. In the legisla tion you stated that you would call China's right to use non-peaceful means against Taiwan. Could you clarify what those means could be? And if there is a conflict, a broader conflict with the United States, could China build an army that could win any war it has to fight, as you stated in your address to the NPC?
3. The purposes of the United Nations include maintaining international peace and security and developing friendly relations among nations. Based on the sovereign equality of all its members, the United Nations re quires that all members fulfill in good faith their Charter obligations. In ad dition , the member states should set tle their international disputes by peaceful means and without endan gering peace, security and justice.
联合国的宗旨包括维护世界和平与安全, 发展各国之间的友好关系。联合国以各成员国主权平等为基础,要求所有成员国必须忠实履行联合国宪章所赋予的职责。此外,成员国应该通过和平手段并在不威胁和平、安全和正义的前提下解决国际争端。
4. There has been discussion about the death penalty during the last week. It is said that there has been heated debate within the government about the question of whether the death penalty makes any sense any longer. Is your government really planning to abolish the death penalty? And, if so, when? Possibly before the Olym pics?
5. When he was a young man, Zhou Enlai wrote a poem for a schoolmate who was leaving to study abroad. Zhou appreciated the responsibilities that separated them, but he also re membered fondly the qualities that made them friends. His poem ends: Promise, I pray, that someday when task done, we go back farming, we'll surely rent a plot of ground and as paring neighbors let us live.
当周恩来年轻的时候,他为即将出国留学的同学写了一首诗。周恩来明白是某种责任将他们分开,但也牢记促使他们成为朋友的原因。他的诗结尾写道:待得归农功满日, 他年预卜买邻钱。
6. All Americans have witnessed this idealism, and some for the first time. I ask our youngest citizens to believe the evidence of your eyes. You have seen duty and allegiance in the determined faces of our soldiers. You have seen that life is fragile ,and evil is real, and courage triumphs. Make the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself, and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character.
所有的美国人都见证了这理想主义,有些人是第一次看到。我要求我们的青年相信自己的观察。你们看到了我们士兵们充满责任和忠诚的坚毅面孔。你们也看到了生命的脆弱和魔鬼的真实,你们更看到了战胜的勇气。请选择参加这―进程, 它比起个人需要重要得多,比个人大得多。 一旦轮到你们,你们不但增加加了我们国家的财富,将更为它增添光彩。
7. As America learns more about Chi na, I am concerned that the Chinese people do not always see a clear pic ture of my country. This happens for many reasons, some of them of our own making. Our movies and televi sion shows often do not portray the values of the real America I know. Our successful businesses show the strength of American commerce, but the community spirit and contributions of those businesses are not always as visible as their monetary success.
8. When the Declaration of Independ ence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebra tion, a witness said, "It rang as if it meant something. " In our time it means something still. America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof. Renewed in our strength—tested, but not wea ry—we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of free dom.
9. In America's ideal of freedom, citi zens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. This is the broader definition of liberty that motivated the Homestead Act, the Social Security Act, and the G. I. Bill of Rights And now we will extend this vision by reforming great institutions to serve the needs of our time and to give every American a stake in the promise and future of our country.
10. Sixteen years earlier, nearly four billion people in 74 countries had turned into witness the marriage of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, to Lady Dania. a young English school teacher. Married in a grand ceremony at St Paul's Cathedral in the presence of 2,650 guests, the couple's romance was for the moment the envy of the world. However, before long the fairy tale couple grew apart, an experience that was particular painful under the ubiquitous eyes of the world's tabloid media.
16年前,在74个国家有近40 亿人在电视上目瞻英国王位的继承人査尔斯亲王与年轻的英国女教师黛安娜的婚礼。他们俩在圣保罗教堂举行了盛大的仪式,有2 650人出席,当时他们俩的浪漫故事使世人羡慕。但是不久,这童话般的一对恋人的感情就破裂了世界各地的小报密切跟踪,使得这段经历更加令人痛苦。

III. 其 他

1. Many of the values that guide our life in America are first shaped in our families, just as they are in your country. American Moms and Dads love their children and work hard and sacrifice for them, because we believe life can always be better for the next generation. In our families, we find love and learn responsibility and character.
2. Consequently, there's not enough ex citement in the classroom for children to get interested in the subject I think there's too much theoretical teaching given and not enough prac tical education and knowledge, with the result that students are too busy studying for examinations to have time to learn about life itself and how to live in the world.
3. If you travel across America, you will find people of many different ethic backgrounds and many differ ent faiths. We are a varied country. We are home to 2.3 million Ameri cans of Chinese ancestry, who can be found working in the offices of our biggest companies, serving in my own Cabinet, and skating for Ameri ca at the Olympics.
4. Mr.  President, ladies and gentle men, I would like to begin by sincerely thanking President Sum mers for his kind invitation. Harvard is a world famous institution of high er learning, attracting the best minds and bringing them up generation af ter generation. In its 367 years of history, Harvard has produced seven American presidents and more than 40 Nobel Laureates. You have reason to be proud of your university. It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you.
和伟人,在360多年的历史里,哈佛已经产生了 7名总统及40多名诺贝尔奖获得者,你们应该相当的骄傲。今天,我非常荣幸地能站在你们的讲台上和你们面对面的交流。
5. We Americans are rediscovering the family and social significance of the dinner table. We regard dining with family, relatives and friends as a special way of enjoying and sharing. While we still rush through lunch at a fast restaurant, we prefer to take time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes of home style dinner with our family after work.
6. Once, America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble tradi tions of family, scholarship, and honor. And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world as demonstrated by all the knowledge and potential right here in this room.
7. January 7th 2005, " Passion for the Olympics: My Courtesy and Charm" is the title of an education campaign launched this week in Beijing. The boys and  girls, representing all school students in the city, received new books entitled " School Students* Manual of Amenity"  and " New Children's Rhymes" from BOCOG Executive Vice-President Jiang Xiaoyu. The campaign is jointly spon sored by the Culture and Ceremonies Department of BOCOG and the Edu cation Committee of Beijing Munici pal Government.
8. The workteam system plays an increasingly important roe in large US organizations. It places a new pre mium on the relationship of team members. In fact, emphasis on teamwork has long become the most frequently valued managerial compe tence. About half the Fortune 500 companies say they are using self-managed workteams and expect to expand their use in coming years.
9. And many Americans voluntarily de vote part of their lives to serving oth ers. An amazing number, nearly half of all adults in America volunteer time every week to make their communities better by mentoring chil dren, visiting the sick, caring for the elderly and helping with a thousand other needs and causes. This is one of the great strengths of my country. People take responsibility for helping others without being told, motivated by their good hearts and often by their faith.
10. Entering the 21st century, mankind is confronted with more complicated economic and social problems. The cultural element will have a more im portant role to play in the new centu ry. Different nations may speak dif ferent languages, but the people's hearts and feelings are interlinked. Different cultures may present mani fold features, yet they often share the same rational core elements that can always be passed on by people. The civilizations of different nations are all fruits of human wisdom and contribution to human progress; they call for mutual respect. Conflicts triggered by ignorance or prejudice are sometimes more dreadful than those caused by contradictory inter ests. We propose to seek common in a spirit of equality and tolerance, and carry on extensive inter-civiliza tion dialogue and closer cultural ex changes.


1. According to Long Xinmin from the mu nicipal government, the campaign is de signed to help develop good manners and habits among school children, such as taking the initiative to say " Hello" to people, being more understanding and tolerant of others, showing respect for elders and teachers and also showing pride in singing the National Anthem aloud in public. The campaign will go on for the next three years till 2008.
北京市委副书记龙新民出席并讲话,他认为从2005 ~2008年,宣传教育实践活动的主题应以培养礼仪为重点。希望经过三年努力,让青少年学生自觉养成“主动问好”、“友善宽容”、“尊敬师长”、“唱响国歌”等文明习惯。
2. We've come to this moment through pa tience and resolve and focused action. And that is our strategy moving forward. The war on terror is a different kind of war, waged capture by capture, cell by cell, and victory by victory.
3.China and the UK reiterate their support for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and urge parties that have not yet done so to ratify the Kyoto Protocol as soon as possible. The two sides also urge all countries to make the most efficient use of energy resources that they can, and call on all Annex 1 countries to lead the way by making con certed efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions so as to move towards the goals defined by the convention.
中英重申支持《联合国气候变化框架公约》,敦促尚未批准《京都议定书》的各方尽早批准该议定书。双方同吋敦促所有国家最有效地利能源,呼吁所有签署公约附 件一的国家带头采取一致行动,减少温室气体的排放,实现该公约制定的目标。
4. Beijing, the city built more than 3,000 years ago is always radiating its charm which exists along the wide streets and narrow lanes. Its primitive simplicity and latest modernity is showing Beijing's wide opening-up scope, relating how they live actively and optimistically, en joy their life styles and yearn for the Olympics, and presenting the Chinese people's passion of how they are longing and preparing for the 2008 Beijing Olym pic Games.
北京这座具有3 000多年建城史的城市,大街小巷间到处散发着迷人的魅力,其古朴与现代展示着北京开放的胸怀;示着中华民族的乐观向上、热爱生活的奥运情怀;展示着中国人民期盼奥运、积极筹办2008 年奥运会的精神风貌。
5. A hotel is a temporary home for people who are traveling. In a hotel, the travel er can rest and has access to food and drink, either on the premises or nearby. The hotel may also offer facilities for rec reation , such as a swimming pool, a golf course, or a beach. In many cases, the hotel also provides free space for the traveler's means of transportation, which nowadays is the automobile. All of these services are designed to accommodate the traveler, so the hotel business is of ten referred to as the accommodations industry.
6. China, a major country of invention in the world, finds itself in the awkward situation of being unable to get many of its inventions out of the laboratories. A lot comes down to a simple problem of funding. We hope venture investors and private equity investors will join us in solving the problem of capital shortage. They can structure their investments in a way that leaves them more protected than other direct investors.
中国是世界上的发明大国,但是很多发明无法走出实验窒,归根结底是资金问题。我们希望风险投资机构和私人权益投资者能参与解决 资金匮乏的问题。这些机构的投资方式能使它们得到的保护大于其他直接投资商。
7. Our American food styles have under gone many changes over the last decade. More and more Americans have shown particular interest in the natural food that requires the least possible amount of processing; most of them prefer to get their essential proteins from beans, cheese and eggs. We Americans are re discovering the family and social signifi cance of the dinner table. We regard dining with family, relatives and friends as a special way of enjoying and sharing.
8. The two sides will work together for the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals- the elimination of poverty, hunger disease, environmental degradation, illiteracy ,discrimination against women, and delivering the commitments of made at the World Summit on Sustainable Development at all levels, interalia, through the Commission for Sustainable Development CSD).
9.And this afternoon, I have a message for the Iraqi people: You will not have to fear the rule of Saddam Hussein ever again. All Iraqis who take the side of freedom have taken the winning side. The goals of our coalition are the same as your goals—sovereignty for your country, dignity for your great culture, and for every Iraqi citizen, the opportunity for a better life.  
10. You, the students at Fudan University, and the scholars at all the universities in China and America, play a great role in both our countries' futures. From your ranks will come the understanding and skill the world will require in decades to come. Today's leaders can pave the way of the future. That is our responsibility, But it is always the younger generation who will make the future. It is you who will decide if a continuing personal friendship can span the generations and the differences that divide us. In such friendship lies the hope of the world.
复旦大学的学生们,中美两国各大学的学者们,你们对于两国的未来发挥着重要的作用。在未来的几十年中,这个世界所需要的理解和技能来自你, 今天的领导者可以为将来铺平道路,这便是我们这―辈人的责任。但是缔造来来的终归是年轻的ー代。持续的个人友谊是否能跨越代沟和分歧,这取决于你们。正是这种友谊孕育着世界的希望。
11. Modern economics has emphasized the importance of the financial system. It serves as the brain of the economy, ensuring that scarce capital is allocated to wherever it is most productive, and ensuring that funds are used in the way that the firm promised. Well-functioning financial markets enable risks to be transferred and diversified.
12. Both sides are committed to international trade liberalization and they will continue to advance the Doha Development Agenda negotiations. Both sides agree that realization of the development objectives is of fundamental importance for the suc cess of the round. They agree that it is in the interests of all WTO members to reach a balanced conclusion of the Doha round as soon as possible, and that they will work towards reaching a framework agreement in 2004. The UK and China agree to maintain their dialogue on this.
13. A successful knowledge-based economy requires large public investments in edu cation, infrastructure, and research and development. Some countries are willing to invest in research and development; others are not. For countries or compa nies technological leadership is not the same thing as research and development spending.
14. Our countries will increase coordination in the UN to promote reforms in the UN to meet the challenges of the 21st centu ry and to ensure greater respect for the UN Charter and international law. The two sides are committed to expanding cooperation within the framework of UN peacekeeping. China would like to strengthen consultations with the UK, on the Middle East and Iraq.
两国将加强在联合国的协调,推动联合国改革,使其能够应对21世纪的挑战, 并确保《联合国宪章》和国际法进一步得到尊重。双方将扩大在联合国维和框架内的合作。中国愿与英国就中东和伊拉克等问题加强磋商。
15. The typical secondary school is the co educational comprehensive or multi-pur pose high school, offering a wide range of subjects. Some states have separate high schools and colleges specializing in technical, agricultural, commercial and other fields. Their curriculums include general academic subjects and practical training.
16. One of the oldest surviving structures in the world, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, was built about 4,500 years ago. It seems to have been lined up with the po sition of one or more bright stars in the sky. About 500 years later, Stonehenge in England could have been used to indi cate the midsummer sunrise position.
世界上现存最古老的建筑之一,埃及大金字塔大约建于4 500年前。它似乎和天空中一颗或更多颗的发光的星排成一条直线。大约500年后,英格兰出现的巨石阵,可能是用于指示仲夏日出的位置。
17. Australia is an exceptionally beautiful country. This is the world's smallest continent and yet the largest island. Here the tourist will witness with admi ration a variety of astonishing environ ments, from tropical beaches to white snow-covered fields, from vast deserts to rain forests. The tourist will also ad mire a wide array of unique and intrigu ing animals and plants, and a sunny and comfortable climate, and meet an inter esting, cosmopolitan and friendly peo ple.
18. In an era dominated by electronics and telecommunications, we can never em phasize too much the importance of change. Motorola defines "change" as both challenge and opportunity. The past decade has seen Motorola seize the opportunities opened up by changes in China and build itself into one of the most successful American investor in the country.
19. Since the late 1970s, township enterpri ses in China have become the mainstay of the rural economy. Township indus try, with its value-added output in 1996 totaling 1,700 billion yuan, accounted for 60 percent of the rural value-added output and 30 percent of the country's GDP. Township enterprises are inde pendent accounting units responsible for their own profits and losses; they are highly motivated and have a sense of ur gency.
从20世纪70年代末期开始,乡镇企业就成为农村经济的主要支柱。1996年乡镇产业增加值总共为17 000亿元,是农村增加值的60% ,占中国国内生产总值的30%。乡镇企业是自负盈亏的独立核算单位,它们具有非常高的积极性和强烈的紧迫感。
20. Peterson University Library has over 524,000 book volumes, 79,000 bound periodicals, 2,700 periodical subscrip tions, and 23,000 media holdings. A wide range of service is available to sup port teaching and research. Records of holdings in the library are accessible through the voyager online catalog which may be accessed through the University Intranet.
彼得森大学图书馆有藏52万4千余册,装订成册的期刊杂志7万9千多套, 定购的期刊2千7百份,音像资料2万3千份。品种繁多的服务为教学和科研提供了方便。图书馆所拥有的资料记录可以通过大学的校园网从电脑在线浏览目录上查询。
21. Liberty gives our citizens many rights, yet expects them to exercise important responsibilities.  We are a Nation of laws. Our courts are honest and inde pendent. The President, me, I can't tell the courts how to rule and neither can any other member of the executive or legislative branch, Under our law, everyone stands equal. No one is above the law, and no one is beneath it.
22. The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now ser ving in Iraq. The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for mem bers of the fallen regime, and in their ef fort to bring hope and freedom to the Ira qi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks.
23. The United States and China have a historic opportunity, there is much we can share. I think progress in these areas is  particularly promising, that is, trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise. In a few short years, two-way trade has ris en sharply. The United States is now China's third largest trading partner. Our bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future. We intend to strengthen these trends. We have begun to write a new chapter for peace and progress in our histories, and I believe, together, we can make tomor row a better day.
24.We reiterate our determination to pro mote non-proliferation.  The UK wel comes China's commitment to non-proli feration and the actions it has taken to that end, and in particular welcomes the steps taken by China to strengthen its re lationships with the non-proliferation ex port control regimes. China appreciates the efforts of the UK in promoting the resolution of the implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in Iran within the framework of IAEA, and in persuading  Libya  to  abandon  WMD programmes. The UK also welcomes Chinas leading role In the Six Party Talks on the nuclear issues on the Korean peninsula. The two sides will intensify exchanges and cooperation in security, arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation areas.
申在推动防扩散问题上的决心。英国欢迎中国在防扩散问题上所做的承诺和为此采取的行动, 特别欢迎中国为加强与防扩散出口控制机制的关系所采取的措施。中国赞赏英国在国际原子能机构框架内为推动伊朗执行《不扩散核武器条约》保障监督协议,以及说服利比亚放弃大规模杀伤性武器计划所做的努力。英国欢迎中国在朝鲜半岛核问题六方会谈中发挥的领导作用。双方将加强在安全、军控、裁军和防扩散领域的交流与合作。
25. Economic and technological cooperation and trade and investment liberalization are closely linked and mutually reinforcing. The rapid and dynamic advance of science and technology today has become the decisive factor behind the development of productive forces and exerted a profound impact on world economy and social life. We warmly welcome the convocation of the ninth informal APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Shanghai.
26. We place a high value on the bilateral human rights dialogue and will continue this exchange on the basis of equality belief that all states should respect and protect human rights. The UK side welcomes the recent addition of respect and protection for human rights to the Chinese Constitution. The next round of the dialogue will take place in May 2004 and provides a genuine opportunity for concrete cooperation between our two countries.
27. The purposes of the United Nations in clude maintaining international peace and security and developing friendly rela tions among nations. Based on the sovereign equality of all its members, the United Nations requires that all members fulfill in good faith their Charter obliga tions. In addition, the member states should settle their international disputes by peaceful means and without endange ring peace, security and justice.
28. The Chinese government and people are confident enough to overcome all the dif ficulties and achieve our ambitious goals through our vigorous efforts. This is be cause the overriding trend of the present-day world is towards peace and develop ment. China's development is blessed with a rare period of strategic opportuni ties, And if we don't grasp it, it will slip away. We are determined to secure a international environment and a stable domestic environment in which to concentrate on our own development, and with it to help promote world peace and development.
29. The Diasporas are not only investing, they are contributing to hospitals, uni versities and their native villages. They are returning home to sweep their ancestors' graves. They are the entrepre neurial heart of a Greater China that seems to become an economic, cultural and perhaps military superpower in the next century.
30. Over the years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, we have carried out sin cere and rewarding cooperation in po litical, economic, trade, cultural, edu cational, scientific and technological, public health and other fields. We are very satisfied with the development in these areas, and we are willing to make further efforts with your govern ment and people to push these cooper ative relations to a new high.


篇章一 汉译英


〈3〉中国坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。中国人民对中东地区各国人民始终怀有深切的同情和友好的感情。中国政府为推进中东地区的和平事^ 业,促进这一地区各民域和睦相处,做出了不懈的努力。;在此,我衷心希望在中东地区能够早日结束对抗,了结争端,消除敌意,携手合作,让中东地区各国都能集中精力发展经济文化事业,各国人民都能享受和平生活的美好。
(1) Mankind has created hitherto unknown material and spiritu al wealth in the 20th century, but has also been subjected to the scourge of wars and the threat of war. In the Middle East, ethnic conflicts, territorial disputes and endless flames of war have over the years taken countless lives and displaced numerous people. That has severely dampened the economic and social development of the region and affected world peace and stability. At the time when the Old Testament was written over 2 000 years ago on this fertile land, our forefathers in China advanced the doctrine that " harmony is the best option". Many stories of " burying hatchet" have been handed down in the Chinese history. Haying gone through the long years, people have come to understand more than ever before how impor tant this doctrine is and how precious peace can be.
(2) At present, the Middle East is at a historic turning point. Peace, stability and development have become a strong and common aspiration of all the peoples in the region. Due to reasons of history and the realities, there is no easy solution to the Middle East ques tion which involves complicated contradictions. Nevertheless, to settle the question at an early date is the unshirkable historical re sponsibility of the people of all countries in the region as well as all the peace-loving and progressive people in the world. The settle ment lies in peaceful negotiations rather than force, in cooperation rather than confrontation, and in mutual understanding rather than mutual exclusion. This has increasingly become a consensus drawn from past experience and lessons. Now thanks to the joint efforts of all the parties concerned, much progress has been made in the Mid dle East peace process. The relevant UN resolutions and the " land-for-peace" principle have become the basis for negotiations among the parties. It is gratifying and encouraging to note that leaders of the Middle East countries, with the vision and courage of statesmen, in a historical perspective and bearing in mind the greater interests of peace and development, are working hard for an early settlement of the Middle East question.
(3) China consistently pursues an independent foreign policy of peace. The Chinese people have always cherished deep sympathy and friendly sentiments towards the people of all the Middle East countries. The Chinese Government has made unremitting efforts to help advance peace in the Middle East and facilitate amicable coexis tence of all the peoples in the region. It is my sincere hope that con frontation will come to an end, disputes be settled and hostilities be removed in the Middle East and that concerted efforts will be made so that all the countries in this region will be able to concentrate on economic and cultural undertakings and all the peoples there will en joy a peaceful and better life.
(4) Today, peace and development represent the trend of the times. With the accelerated political multi-polarization and economic globalization and the dynamic advances in science and technology, humanity is faced with not only rare opportunities for development but also grave challenges. All in all, opportunities outnumber chal lenges and hope outweighs difficulties. As long as the people of all countries work together, they will keep advancing the lofty cause of world peace and development. However, we must not fail to see that the world is still far from being tranquil. For this reason, the maintenance of lasting world peace requires greater efforts and that there is still a long way to go before the objective of common deve lopment for all countries is attained.

篇章二 英译汉

(1) Next week I will meet Vladimir Putin, the Acting President of theRussian Federation here in London.
(2) When I was growing up, like many of you, the Cold War was at its height. Our relations with Russia and the old Soviet Union were characterised by hostility and mutual suspicion. Since then, we have witnessed a transformation which few people would have believed possible.
(3) President Putin arrives here as the democratically-elected leader of a country in the midst of a massive transformation. He was the overwhelm ing choice last month of the people of Russia in free and fair elections。
(4) And while much has changed, Russia remains a great and powerful country—and an increasingly important partner for us in business. It's a country with which we share a continent and many common concerns and interests. Russia is the European Union's largest trading partner. Many British firms are already playing their part in rebuilding and modernising its economy and many more firms want to follow their example.
(5) (Russia has the potential to make a huge contribution for good in the world.) Its soldiers serve alongside ours in Bosnia and Kosovo, and we work closely with Russia in the United Nations Security Council where we are both Permanent Members. All of this explains why the decision to continue building a strong relationship with the new democratic Russia must be the right one.
(6) And it is a relationship that Russia is keen to foster as well. Britain is here seen as having something of a pivotal role, because of our place in Europe, the close relationship with our European partners but also the fact that we’ve got a close partnership with the United States of America.
(7) However I understand why there is some controversy about Presi dent Putin's visit, just as there was over my decision to accept his invita tion to meet him in St. Petersburg last month.
(8) Of course there is real concern over what is happening in Chechnya.
(9)Last month when I met President Putin, we talked this over in de tail together. I can understand Russia's need to respond to the threat of force from extremists and terrorists. But I am also clear that the measures taken should be proportionate and consistent with its international obliga tions. Russia should allow full access to international organisations which have a role to play in Chechnya and I hope that Russia will act on the clear lesson from similar such conflicts around the world: that there are no pure ly military solutions. Political dialogue is essential.
(10) So of course I will take the opportunity of the visit to London to repeat our concerns, clearly and frankly to President Putin.
(6)而且俄罗斯也热切希望加强这种关系。英国被视为具有枢纽作用, 不仅因为我们在欧洲的地理位置和我们与欧洲盟国的密切关系,还因为我舰

第四章 习语、谚语、俗语、诗句的翻译及口译分类词汇


每种语言的背后都有深厚的文化积淀,各国各族人们在长期实践和使用过程中不断提炼出一些习语,反映本国、本民族的社会历史、文化、风土人情,用简练、优美的语言体现出深厚的文化底蕴和丰富的意义。这些习语是语言的精华,是人类智慧的结晶。汉语和英语均是使用广泛的语言,都有十分丰富的习语,人们在交往过程中往往使用习语来表达深刻的道理,增加语言美以达到更好的交际效果.在国际交往中也是如此。另外,人们也常引用一些经典诗句来表情达意。因此,在进行口译时经常会遇到需要快速传译习语、诗句的情况。例如温家宝总理在纽约演讲时就引用了一句古诗“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”(I will ascend 1the mountain's dominant peak—to have a commanding view all in a sweep);在哈佛大学的演讲中引用了“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”(Everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country)、“衙斋卧听萧萧竹,疑是人间疾苦声”(The rustling of bamboo outside my door sounds like the moaning of the needy poor);迎接外宾时人们常会说“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”(It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar)。在这些情况下,若口译员平常没有训练过习语、诗句的口译,没有熟记一些常用的习语、经典诗句,而是临场翻译,势必难译其妙,甚至会语塞卡壳。习语、诗句的转译对口译人员来说是艰难而又必须跨越的障碍,因此,了解和掌握一些耳熟能详的习语和经典诗句对提高口译质量将大有益处。

  Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend.
  Lifting a rock only to have his own toes squashed.
  When the visitor arrives,it is as if returning home.
  Until all is over ambition never dies.
  No matter what you may say.
  How can one get tiger cubs even without entering the tiger's lair?
  Strike while the iron is hot.
  There’s no rose without a thorn.   
People may become princes or thieves,depending on whether they’re successful or not.
  He knows most who speaks least.
  We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight,even though miles apart.
  To maintain independence and keep the initiative in our hands and rely on our own efforts.
One person cannot accomplish much.
    If two people ale of the same mind,their sharpness can cut through metal.
    Sweep the snow from your own front door,leave the frost on the other man’s roof to thaw.
    The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.    .
    Like the dog that bit Lu Tungbin--you bit the hand that feeds you.
    A bosom friend afar brings distance near.  
    What’s at the back of it?
  Take things as they come.
    Do not do to others what you would not have others do to you.
    To concentrate on minor matters to the neglect of maior ones.
    When you see men of worth,you should think of equaling them.
    Good wine needs no bush.
    In time of peace prepare for war.
    A hedge between keeps friendship green.
A long road tests a horse’s strength and a long task proves a man's heart.
The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.
The people are the most important element in a state;next al'e the gods of land and grain;least is the ruler himself.
Man proposes,God disposes.
The wood is already made into a boat--what’s done is done.
All lay loads on a willing horse.
Better die with honor than live with shame.
The extreme of adversity is the beginning of prosperity.
One who will risk being sliced to pieces dare unsaddle the Emperor.
The pupil outdoes the master.
Not even good officials can settle family troubles.
Great honors are great burdens.
Nothing so bad,as not to be good for anything.
Everybody’s business is nobody’s business
The minority is subordinate to the majority.
A young idler, an old beggar.
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.
Common fame is a liar.
    Even the grandest feast must have an end.
  Life springs from sorrow and calamity,and death from ease and pleasure.
    What we lose in hake we shall have in herring.
  It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people
    Whosoever understands the times is a great man.
    The passage of time is just like the flow of water,which goes on day    night.   
    Let the nature take care of it.
    Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.
    There are plenty of fish in the sea.
    A clear conscience is a sure card.
    He who by reviewing the old can gain knowledge of the new and is fit to be a teacher.
    One rejoices when he is told to have a fault.
    No smoke without fire.
  Flowers fall off, do what one may.
  The moon is not seen when the sun shines.
    Little chips light great fire.
61. 学如逆水行舟.不进则退。
  Learning is like rowing upstream:not to advance is to drop back.
    Highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy.
    To have grandiose aims but puny abilities.
    Seeing is believing.
A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan.
    The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.   
    An inch of time is an inch of gold.   
    It takes two to make a quarrel.
    First time strangers,second time friends.
  A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizens of the community;a good citizen of the world will befriend the other citizens of the world.
    0ne careless move loses the whole game.
    It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.
Two dogs strive for a bone,and a third runs away with it.
    0ne evening’s conversation with a gentleman is worth more than ten years'
    We widen our views three hundred miles by ascending one flight of stairs.
    More haste,less speed.
    The grass is greener on the other side.
    True blue will never stain.
    The best horse stumbles.    .
    Many hands make light work.


l. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
2.A bird is known by its note and a man by his talk.   
3.A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.   
4.A good beginning is half the battle.
5.A rolling stone gathers no moss.
6.A small leak will sink a great ship.
7.A wise man tightens his tongue, speaking less than thinking.
8.Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
9.Actions speak louder than words.
1O.All is not gold that glitters.
11.All the rivers run into the sea;yet the sea is not full.
12.Barking dogs do not bite.
13.Beggars cannot be choosers.
14.Be slow to promise and quick to perform.
15.Birds of a feather flock together.
16.Can not see the wood for the trees.
17.Can the leopard change his spots!
18.Care kills a cat.
l9.Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance.
20.Caution is the parent of safety.
21.Constant dropping wears away a stone.
22.Content is better than riches.
23.Diamond cut diamond.
24.Do in Rome as Romans do.
25.Don’t put the cart before the horse.
26.Easy come,easy go.
27.Empty vessels make the most noise.
28.Every dog has his day.
29.Every man has his faults.
30.The style is the man.
31.Fine feathers make fine birds.
32.Fortune knocks once at least at every man’S,gate.
33.Four eyes see more than two.
34.Great minds think alike.
35.Great oaks from little acorns grow.
36.Half a loaf is better than no bread.
37.He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.
38.He who laughs last laughs best.
39.If you cannot stand the heat.get out of the kitchen.
40.If you will.you shall be taught.
41.Ill news comes apace.
42.Ill workmen often blame their tools.
43.In a calm sea,every man is a pilot.
44.In the end things will mend.
45.It’s a long lane that has no turning.
46.It never rains but it pours.
47.Jack of all trades,and master of none.
48.Justice has long arms.
49.Kill two birds with one stone.
50.Let sleeping dog lie.
51.Let's put all the cards on the table.  
52.Like father,like son.
53.Like knows like.
54.Look before you leap.
55.Lookers-on see more than players.
56.Make hay while the sun shines.
57.Many hands make light work.
58.Many kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake.
59.No smoke without fire.
60.One false move may lose the game.
61.One is never too late to learn.   
62.One swallow does not make a summer.  
63.Out of sight,out of mind.  
64.Practice makes perfect.   
65.Put the cart before the horse.
66.Reading makes a full man,conference a ready man,and writing all exact man.
67.Rome was not built in a day.  
68. Speak of the devil and he will appear.
69.Still waters run deep.
70.The early bird catches the worm.
71.The finest diamond must be cut.
72.The higher up,the greater the fall.
73.The longest day must have an end.
74.The parent's life is the child's copy—book.
75.The pot calls the kettle black.
76.Things done cannot be undone.
77.Time and tide wait for no man.   
78.Too many cooks spoil the broth.
79.To save time is to lengthen life.
80.Two heads are better than one.   


absentee ballot缺席选票
absentee voter  缺席投票者   
abstain from放弃,弃权
acceptance  总统候选人接受政党提名时所作的演讲
activism  激进主义
activist  激进主义分子
adjourn to休会,推迟
administration  统治,政府   
administrative  行政的,管理的
advisory committee  顾问委员会
affirm  批准,确认
air raid siren空袭报警
aircraft carrier  航空母舰
announcement  发表,声明
anthrax  炭疽
anti-war demonstrafion  反战游行示威
Apache helicopter  “阿帕奇”直升机
apartheid  种族隔离
Arab league  阿拉伯联盟(阿盟)
aristocracy  贵族政治
artillery barrage  炮火网
atypical pneumonia  非典型性肺炎
autocracy  专制政治,独裁
autonomous body  自治体   
B一52 bomber  B一52轰炸机
backbencher  后座议员
backstage  后台的,秘密的
Baghdad  巴格达
Basra  巴士拉
big stick  大棒政策;政治(军事、经济的)威胁
big tent  大帐篷政策(包含各种不同政治和社会观点的政策)
blue book  蓝皮书
board of elections  选举委员会
bolter  脱党者;对自己的党(或其候选人)拒不支持者
botulin toxin  肉毒杆菌毒素
boycott 抵制,拒绝参加
bracket      (用以抵消竞选对手影响的)反宣传
brain trust  (政府的)智囊团
briefing  简报   
brinkmanship  紧急政策;边缘政策(指冒险把危急局势推到极限)
buffer state  缓冲国
bureaucracy  官僚主义
by-election  (英下议院的)特别选举
cabinet  内阁
call for an early end to the war  呼吁早日结束战争
camp  (政治的)阵营
campaign  运动;选举
candidate  候选人
canvass  向…游说;征求,请求
carte blanche  全权,自由处理权
cascade  讯息由上级层层向下级传达(的会议)
casting vote  决定票,关键的一票   
casualties  伤亡   
cavalry division装甲师
cemetery vote  死人票(指竞选舞弊,将死人充数)
character  名誉,名声
chemical and biological weapons  生化武器
cloakroom  议会休息室.
clout  (政治方面的)影响力,神通
club law  暴力统治,暴力
cluster bombs  集束炸弹
coalition force  联军   
coattails  提携能力
cohabitation  共处,合作(尤指不同党派人士之间的和谐共处或合作)
commentator  (广播、电视中的)时事评论员
Commonwealth of Independent States  独联体
compromise  妥协   ’
concession  让步,承认,认可,(政府、当局、公司的)特许权
conciliation  和好,和解,调解
conclave  秘密会议,秘密集会
conclusion  缔结,议定
confrontation  对挽.冲突
conservative  保守的
deadly virus  致命病毒
demilitarized zone  非军事区
Euphrates River  幼发拉底河
friendly fire incident  友军火力误伤事件
Geneva Convention  日内瓦公约
global positioning satellite  全球卫星定位
humanitarian aid人道主义援助
human shields  人体盾牌
infantry division  机步师
Iraqi civilians  伊拉克平民
Kirkuk  基尔库克
Kurdish Democratic Party  库尔德民主党
Kurds 库尔德人
laser-guided bomb  激光制导炸弹
Medina Division  “麦地那"师
missile attack  导弹袭击
mortar  迫击炮
Mosul  摩苏尔
Najaf  纳杰夫
Nasiriyah  纳西里耶
oil—for—food—program  石油换食品计划
open a northern front  开辟一条北方战线
paratrooper  伞兵
Patriot missile“爱国者"导弹
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan  库尔德斯坦爱国联盟
Persian Gulf  波斯湾
precision—guided bomb  精确制导炸弹   
preemptive strategy  先发制人战略
prison of way(POW)  战俘
reinforcements  增援部队
reject the use or threat of force in international affairs
respect for Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity  尊重伊拉克的主权和领土完整
Saddam Hussein  萨达姆·侯赛因
Samoud missile  “萨默德”导弹
satellite.guided bomb  卫星制导炸弹
Scud missile  “飞毛腿”导弹   
settle international disputes by political means用政治手段解决国际争端
Shiite Muslim  穆斯林什叶教徒
Special Republican Guard  特别共和国卫队
spy s8tellite  间谍卫星
stealth fighter  隐形战斗机
suicide attack  自杀性攻击
Sunni Muslim  穆斯林逊尼派教徒
supply problem  补给问题
surface-to-air—missile  地对空导弹
tanks and armored vehicles  坦克和装甲车辆
the 101st Airborne Division第101空降师
Tigris River  底格里斯河
Tomahawk cruise missile  “战斧”航导弹   
ultimatum  最后通牒
Umm QaSr  乌姆盖斯尔
UN Secretary:general Kofi Annan  联合国秘书长科菲·安南
UN Security Council Resolutions  联合国安理会决议
UN weapons inspector  联合国武器核查人员  
US;Defense Secretary Donald Rurndeld  关国国防部长唐纳德·拉姆菲尔德
USMine Expeditionary Unit  美国海军陆战队远征部队
weapons of mass destruction  大规模杀伤武器
accounting  会计
accounting cost会计成本
accounting profit  会计利润
adverse selection  逆向选择
allocation  配置
allocation of resources  资源配置
allocative efficiency  配置效率
antitrust legislation  反托拉斯法   
arc elasticity  弧弹性
Arrow's impossibility theorem  阿罗不可能定
assumption  假设   
asymmetric information  非对称性信息
average  平均   
average cost  平均成本
average cost pricing  平均成本定价法   
average fixed cost  平均固定成本
average product of capital  资本平均产量
average product of labour  劳动平均产量
average revenue  平均收益
average total cost  平均总成本   
average variable cost  平均可变成本
barriers to entry  进入壁垒
base year  基年   
bilateral monopoly  双边垄断
benefit  收益
black market  黑市
bliss point  极乐点
boundary point  边界点
break even point  收支相抵点
budget  预算   
budget constraint  预算约
budget line  预算线
budget set  预算集
capital  资本
capital stock  资本存量
capital output ratio  资本产出比率
capitalism 资本主义
cardinal utility theory    基数效用论
cartel  卡特尔
ceteris paribus assumption  “其他条件不变”的假设
ceteris paribus demand curve  其他因素不变的需求曲线
Chamberlin model  张伯伦模型
change in demand  需求变化
change in quantity demanded  需求量变化
change in quantity supplied  供给量变化
change in supply  供给变化
choice  选择
closed set  闭集
Coase theorem  科斯定理
Cobb-Douglas production function    柯布·道格拉斯生产函数
cobweb model  蛛网模型
collective bargaining  集体协议工资
collusion  合谋
command economy  指令经济
commodity  商品
commodity combination  商品组合
commodity market  商品市场
commodity space  商品空间
common property  公用财产
comparative static analysis  比较静态分析
compensated budget line  补偿预算线
compensated demand function  补偿需求函数
compensation principles  补偿原则
compensating variation in income  收入补偿变量
competition  竞争
competitive market  竞争性市场
complement goods  互补品
complete information  完全信息
completeness  完备性
condition for efficiency in exchange  交换的最优条件
condition for eminency in production  生产的最优条件   
concave  凹
concave function  凹函数
concave preference  凹偏好
consistence  一致性
constant cost industry  成本不变产业
constant returns to scale  规模报酬不变
consumer  消费者
consumer behavior  消费者行为   
consumer choice  消费者选择
consumer equilibrium  消费者均衡
consumer optimization  消费者优化
consumer preference  消费者偏好  
consumer surplus  消费者剩余
consumer theory  消费者理论
consumption  消费
consumption bundle  消费束
consumption combination  消费组合
consumption possibility curve  消费可能曲线
consumption possibility frontier  消费可能性前沿
consumption set  消费集
consumption space  消费空间
continuity  连续性
continuous function  连续函数
contract curve  契约曲线
convex  凸
convex function  凸函数
convex preference  凸偏好
convex set  凸集
corporation  公司
cost  成本
cost benefit analysis  成本收益分析
cost function  成本函数
cost minimization 成本极小化
Cournot equilibrium古诺均衡
Cournot model  古诺模型
cross-price elasticity  交叉价格弹性
dead—weights loss  重负损失
decreasing cost industry  成本递减产业  
decreasing returns to scale  规模报酬递减
deduction  演绎法
demand  需求
demand curve  需求曲线
demand elasticity  需求弹性
demand function  需求函数
demand price  需求价格
demand schedule  需求表
depreciation  折旧
derivative  导数
derive demand  派生需求
difference equation  差分方程
differential equation  微分方程
differentiated goods  差异商品
diminishing marginal substitution  边际替代率递减
diminishing marginal return  收益递减
diminishing marginal utility  边际效用递减
direct approach  直接法
direct taxes  直接税
discounting  贴税、折扣
diseconomies of scale  规模不经济
disequilibrium  非均衡
distribution  分配
division of labour  劳动分工
distribution theory of marginal productivity  边际生产率分配论
duality  对偶 。
durable goods  耐用品
dynamic analysis动态分析
dynamic models  动态模型
economic agents  经济行为者
economic cost  经济成本
economic efficiency  经济效率
economic goods  经济物品
economic man  经济人
economic mode  经济模式
economic profit  经济利润
economic region of production  生产的经济区域
economic regulation  经济调节
economic rent  经济租金
exchange  交换
economics  经济学
exchange efficiency  交换效率
economy  经济
exchange contract curve  交换契约曲线
economy of scale  规模经济
exclusion  排斥性,排他性
Edgeworth contract curve  埃奇沃思契约线
Edgeworth model  埃奇沃思模型   
efficiency  效率,效益
efficiency parameter效率参数
elasticity  弹性
elasticity of substitution  替代弹性
endogenous variable  内生变量
endowment  禀赋
endowment of resources  资源禀赋
Engel curve  恩格尔曲线
entrepreneur  企业家
entrepreneurship  企业家才能
entry barriers  进入壁垒
entry/exit decision  进出决策
envelope curve  包络线
equilibrium  均衡
equilibrium condition  均衡条件
equilibrium price  均衡价格
equilibrium quantity  均衡产量
equity  公平   
equivalent variation in income  收人等价变量
excess—capacity theorem  过度生产能力定理
excess supply  过度供给
exchange  交换
exchange contract curve  交换契约曲线  
exclusion principle  排他性原则
existence  存在性   
existence of general equilibrium  总体均衡的存在性
exogenous variables  外生变量
expansion paths  扩展径
expectation  期望
expected utility  期望效用   
expected value  期望值
expenditure  支出
explicit cost  显性成本
external benefit  外部收益
external coat  外部成本
external economy  外部经济   
external diseconomy  外部不经济
externalities  外部性
factor  要素   
factor demand  要素需求
factor market  要素市场
factors of production  生产要素
factor substitution  要素替代
factor supply  要素供给
fallacy of composi tion  合成谬误
final goods  最终产品
firm  企业
firms’demand curve for labor  企业劳动需求曲线
firm supply curve  企业供给曲线
first—degree price discrimination  第一级价格歧视
first—order condition  一阶条件
fixed costs  固定成本
fixed input  固定投入
fixed proportions production function  固定比例的生产函数
flow  流量
for whom to produce  为谁生产
free entry  自由进人
free goods  自由品,免费品
free mobility of resources  资源自由流动
free rider  搭便车,免费搭车
function  函数
future value  未来值
game theory  对策论、博弈论
general equilibrium  总体均衡
general goods  一般商品
Giffen goods  吉芬晶收入补偿需求曲线
Giffen's Paradox  吉芬之谜
Gini coefficient  基尼系数
golden rule  黄金规则
goods  货物   
government failure  政府失败   
government regulation  政府调控   
grand utility possibility curve  总效用可能曲线  
grand utility possibility frontier  总效用可能前沿
heterogeneous product  异质产品  
Hicks-Kaldor welfare criterion  希克斯一卡尔多福利标准
homogeneity  齐次性;同种
homogeneous demand function  齐次需求函数
homogeneous product  同质产品
homogeneous production function  齐次生产函数   
horizontal summation  水平和
household  家庭
how to produce  如何生产
human capital  人力资本
hypothesis  假说
identity  恒等式  
imperfect competition  不完全竞争   
implicit cost  隐性成本
income  收入   
income compensated demand curve  收益补偿需求曲线   
income constraint  收人约束   
income consumption curve  收入消费曲线   
income distribution  收入分配   
income effect  收入效应   
income elasticity of demand  需求收入弹性  
increasing cost industry  成本递增产业
increasing returns to scale  规模报酬递增
inefficiency  缺乏效率
index number  指数
indifference  无差异   
indifference curve  无差异曲线
indifference map  无差异族
indifference relation  无差异关系
indifference set  无差异集
indirect approach  间接法
individual analysis  个量分析
individual demand curve  个人需求曲线
individual demand function  个人需求函数   
induced variable  引致变量
induction  归纳法
industry  产业   
industry equilibrium  产业均衡
industry supply curve  产业供给曲线
inelastic  缺乏弹性的
inferior goods  劣品
inflection point  拐点
information  信息
information cost  信息成本
initial condition  初始条件   
initial endowment  初始禀赋   
innovation  创新
input  投人   
input-output  投入一产出   
institution  制度   
institutional economics制度经济学   
insurance 保险
intercept  截距
interest  利息
interest rate  利息率
intermediate goods  中间产品
internalization of externalities  外部性内部化
invention  发明
inverse demand function  逆需求函数
investment  投资
invisible hand  看不见的手
isocost line  等成本线
isoprofit curve  等利润曲线
isoquant curve  等产量曲线
isoquant map  等产量族
kinded—demand curve  弯折的需求曲线
labour  劳动
labour demand  劳动需求
labour supply  劳动供给   
labour theory of value  劳动价值论   
labour unions  工会
laissez hire  自由放任   
Lagrangian function  拉格朗日函数   
Lagrangian multiplier  拉格朗日乘数
land  土地   
1aw  法则
law of demand and supply  供需法
law of diminishing marshal utility  边际效用递减法则
law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution  边际替代率递减法则
law of diminishing marginal rate of teehnical substitution  边际技术替代率
law of incrcasing cost  成本递增法则
law of one price  单一价格法则
leader-follower model  领导者一跟随者模型
least-cost combination of inputs  最低成本的投入组合
leisure  闲暇
Leontief production function  列昂节夫生产函数
licenses  许可证
linear demand function  线性需求函数   
linear homogeneity  线性齐次性
linear homogeneous production function  线性齐次生产函数
long run长期
long run average cost  长期平均成本
long run equilibrium  长期均衡
long run industry supply curve  长期产业供给曲线
long run marginal cost  长期边际成本
long run total cost  长期总成本
Lorenz curve  洛伦兹曲线
loss minimization  损失极小化
luxury  奢侈品
macroeconomics  宏观经济学
marginal  边际的
marginal benefit  边际收益
marginal cost  边际成本
marginal cost pricing  边际成本定价
marginal cost of factor  边际要素成本   
marginal period  市场期   
marginal physical productivity  实际实物生产率   
marginal product  边际产量
marginal product of capital  资本的边际产量
marginal product of labour  劳动的边际产量
marginal productivity  边际生产率
marginal rate of substitution  边际替代率
marginal rate of transformation  边际转换率
marginal returns  边际回报
marginnal revenue  边际收益
marginal revenue product  边际收益产品
marginal revolution边际革命
marginal social benefit  社会边际收益
marginal social cost  社会边际成本
marginal utility  边际效用
marginal value products  边际价值产品
market  市场
market clearance  市场结清,市场洗清
market demand  市场需求
market economy  市场经济
market equilibrium  市场均衡
market failure市场失败
market mechanism  市场机制
market structure  市场结构
market separation  市场分割
market regulation  市场调节
market share  市场份额  
markup pricing  加减定价法
Marshallian demand function  马歇尔需求函数
maximization  极大化
microeconomics  微观经济学
minimum wage  最低工资   
misallocation of resources  资源误置
mixed economy  混合经济   
model  模型
money  货币
monopolistic competition  垄断竞争
monotmlistic exploitation  垄断剥削
monopoly  垄断,卖方垄断
monopoly equilibrium  垄断均衡
monopoly pricing  垄断定价
monopoly regulation  垄断调控
monopoly rents  垄断租金
monopsony  买方垄断
Nash equilibrium  纳什均衡
natural monopoly  自然垄断
natural resources  自然资源
necessary condition  必要条件
necessities  必需品
net demand  净需求
nonconvex preference  非凸性偏好
nonconvexity  非凸性
nonexclusion  非排斥性
nonlinear pricing  非线性定价
nonrivalry  非对抗性
nonprice competition  非价格竞争
nonsatiation  非饱和性
non-zero—sum game  非零和对策
normal goods  正常品
normal profit  正常利润
normative economics  规范经济学
objective fimction  目标函数
oligopoly  寡头垄断
oligopoly market  寡头市场
oligopoly model  寡头模型
opportunity cost  机会成本
optimal choice  最佳选择
optimal consumption bundle  消费束
perpect elasticity  完全有弹性
optimal resource allocation  最佳资源配置
optinlal scale  最佳规模
optimal solution  最优解
optimization  优化   
ordering of optimization(social)preference  (社会)偏好排序
ordinal utility  序数效用
ordinary goods  一般品
output  产量、产出
output elasticity  产出弹性
output maximization  产出极大化
parameter  参数   
Pareto criterion  帕累托标准
Pareto efficiency  帕累托效率
Pareto improvement  帕累托改进
Pareto optimality  帕累托优化
Pareto set  帕累托集
partial derivative  偏导数
partial equilibrium  局部均衡
patent  专利
pay off matrix  收益矩阵、支付矩阵
perceived demand curve  感觉到的需求曲线
perfect competition  完全竞争
perfect complement  完全互补品
perfect monopoly  完全垄断
perfect price discrimination  完全价格歧视
perfect substitution  完全替代品
perfect inelasticity  完全无弹性
perfectly elastic  完全有弹性
perfectly inelastic  完全无弹性
plant size  工厂规模
point elasticity  点弹性
positive economics  实证经济学
prediction  预测
preference  偏好
preference relation  偏好关系
present value  现值   
price  价格
price adjustment model  价格调整模型
price ceiling  最高限价
price consumption curve  价格费曲线
price control  价格管制
price difference  价格差别   
price discrimination  价格歧视
price elasticity of demand  需求价格弹性
price elasticity of supply  供给价格弹性
price floor  最低限价
price maker  价格制定者
price rigidity  价格刚性
price seeker  价格搜求者
price taker  价格接受者
price tax  从价税  
private benefit  私人收益
principal-agent issues  委托一代理问题
pfivatc cost  私人成本
privale goods  私人用晶
pfivate propeay  私人财产
producer equilibrium  生产者均衡
producer theory  生产者理论
pinduct  产品
product transformation curve  产品转换曲线
product differentiation  产品差异   
product group  产品集团
production  生产
production contract curve  生产契约曲线
producfion efficiency  生产效率
production function  生产函数
production possibility curve  生产可能性曲线
productivity  生产率
productivity of capital  资本生产率
productivity of labor  劳动生产率
profit  利润
profit function  利润函数
profit maximization  利润极大化
property rights  产权
property rights economics  产权经济学   
proposition  定理
proportional demand curve  成比例的需求曲线
public benefits  公共收益
public choice  公共选择
public goods  公共商品   
pure competition  纯粹竞争
pure monopoly  纯粹垄断
quantity-adjustment model  数量调整模型
quantity tax  从量税
quasi—rent  准租金
rate of product transformation  产品转换率
rationality  理性
reaction function  反应函数
regulation  调节,调控
relative price  相对价格
rent  租金
rent control  规模报酬
rent seeking  寻租
rent seeking economics  寻租经济学
resource  资源   
resource allocation  资源配置
returns  报酬,回报
returns to scale  规模报酬
revealed preference  显示性偏好
revenue  收益
revenue curve  收益曲线
revenue function  收益函数
revenue maximization  收益极大化
ridge line脊线
risk  风险
rivalry  对抗性,竞争
satiation  饱和.满足
saving  储蓄
scarcity  稀缺性
law of scarcity  稀缺法则
second-degree price discrimination  二级价格歧视
second derivative  二阶导数
second-order condition  二阶条件
service  劳务
set  集
shadow prices  影子价格
short—run  短期
short-run cost curve  短期成本曲线
short-run equihbrium  短期均衡
short—run supply curve  短期供给曲线
shut down decision  关闭决策
shortage  短缺
shut down point  关闭点
single price monopoly  单一定价垄断
slope  斜率
social benefit  社会收益   
social cost  社会成本   
social indifference curve  社会无差异曲线   
social preference  社会偏好   
social security  社会保障
social welfare function  社会福利函数   
socialism  社会主义
space  空间
stability  稳定性
stable equilibrium  稳定的均衡
Stacckelberg model  斯塔克尔贝格模型
static analysis  静态分析
stock  存量
stock market  股票市场
strategy  策略
subsidy  津贴
substitutes  替代品
substitution effect  替代效应
substitution parameter  替代参数
sufficient condition  充分条件   
supply  供给
supply curve  供给曲线
supply function  供给函数
supply schedule  供给表
Sweezy model  斯威齐模型
symmetry  对称性
symmetry of information  信息对称
tangency  相切
taste  兴致
technical efficiency  技术效率
technological constraints  技术约束
technological progress  技术进步
technology  技术
third-degree price discrimination  第三级价格歧视
total cost  总成本
total effect  总效应
total expenditure  总支出
total fixed cost  总固定成本
total product总产量   
total revenue 总收益
total utility  总效用
total variable cost  总可变成本
traditional economy  传统经济
transtivity  传递性
transaction cost  交易费用
uncertainty  不确定性
uniqueness  惟一性
unit elasticity  单位弹性
unstable equilibrium  不稳定均衡
utility  效用
utilitv function  效用函数
utility index  效用指数
utility maximization  效用极大化
utility possibility curve  效用可能性曲线
utility possibility frontier  效用可能性前沿
value  价值
value judge  价值判断
value of marginal product  边际产量价值
variable cost  可变成本
variable input  可变投入
variables  变量
visible hand  看得见的手
vulgar economics  庸俗经济学产
wage  工资
wage rate  工资率
Walras general equilibrium  瓦尔拉斯总体均衡
Walras's law  瓦尔拉斯法则
wants  需要
welfare criterion  福利标准
welfare economics  福利经学
welfare loss triangle  福利损失三角形
welfare maximization  福利极大化
zero cost  零成本
zero elasticity  零弹性
zero homogeneity  零阶齐次性
zero economic profit  零利润
abroad student  留学生
academic activities学术活动
academic dean  教务长
academic year学年
assistant dean  副院长
associate professor副教授
auditor  旁听生(美)
commissary in charge of entertainnment文娱委员
commissary in charge of organization组织委员
commissary in charge of physical labor劳动委员
commissary in charge of publicity宣传委员   
commissary in charge of sports体育委员
commissary in charge of studies学习委员
commoner  自费生
courses completed所学课程
courrses taken所学课程
curriculum included课程包括
dean of students  教导主任
dean of studies教务长
department chairman  系主任
doctor(Ph.D)  博士
educational background教育程度
educational highlights课程重点部分
educational history学历
educational system  学制
education  学历
excellent leader优秀干部
excellent league member优秀团员
exiracurricular activities课外活动
foreign student外国学生
government-supported student公费生
graduate student研究生
guest professor客座教授
guest student旁听生(英)
in-job training在职培训
intelligence quotient(IQ)  智商
junior  大学三年级学生;高中二年级学生
league branch secretary团支部书记
lecturer  讲师
off-job training脱产培训
part—time jobs业余工作   .
Party branch secretary党支部书记
physical activities体育活动
post doctorate博士后
prize fellow奖学金生
probation teacher代课教师
recreational activities娱乐活动
refresher course进修课程
research assistant助理研究员
research fellow  研究员
returned student  回国留学生
rewards  奖励
scholar  学者
schoolmate  同校同学
scores  分数
social activities  社会活动
social practice社会实践
sophomore  大学二年级学生;高中一年级学生
special training   特别训练
specialized courses专门课程
student council学生会
summer jobs暑期工作   
supervisor  论文导师   
teaching assistant助教
vacation job假期工作
appeal play  申诉行为
artificial waves  人工海浪
assist  助杀;协助
back court  后场
back up  策应
back  后卫
backstroke  仰式
bag  垒垫,垒包
balk  (棒球)投手犯规
ball handling  控制球
ball in play,live ball  继续比赛,活球
ball not in play,dead ball  死球
ball playing skill  控球技术
bar arm with grapevine  锁臂缠腿
base line  垒间线
base on balls  四球安全上垒
base running  跑垒
base umpire  司垒裁判员
base  垒
baseball field,baseball ground  棒球场
baseball player  棒球运动员
baseline ball  底线球
baseman  守垒员
base—runner  跑垒员
basketball  篮球
bat  球棒
batsman  板球运动员
batter  击球运动员
batter—runner  击跑员
batter's box  击球员区
batting order  击球次序
batting,hitting  击球
bench,dug—out  队员席
bicycle kick,overhead kick  倒钩球
bikini bottom  比基尼式泳裤
bikini top  比基尼乳罩
bikini  比基尼泳衣
block tackle  正面抢截
boat race  赛艇   
body check  身体阻挡
boxing  拳击   
Brazilian formation  巴西阵式,4-2-4阵式
breaststroke  蛙式,蛙泳
bridge  角力桥
bull—pen  候补投手练习区
bunting  触击
butterfly(stroke)  蝶泳
called game  有效比赛
canoe  划艇
car  车类运动
catcher  接手
catcher's box  接手区
catching  接球
centre forward,centre  中锋
centre half back  巾卫
centre kick  中线发球
centre mark  中点
changing room  更衣室
chase  追逐赛
chest protector  护胸
chest-high bail  平胸球
chesting  胸部挡球
clean catching  (守门员)跳球抓好
clearance kick  解除危险的球
close pass,short pass  短传
close-range shot  近射
coacher  跑垒指导员
coacher's box  跑垒指导员区
consecutive passes  连续传球
corner ball,comer  角球
court  网球场
cover  补位
crawl stroke  爬泳
cricket  板球
cross-country race  越野跑
crosscourt  斜线球
cut  削球
cut-off  拦接
decathlon  十项全能运动
deceptive movement  假动作
deep balI  深球
defensive team  守队
designated hitter(DH)  指名击球员,
deuce  局末平分,盘末平局
diving competition  跳水
diving header  鱼跃顶球
diving platform  跳台
diving pool  跳水池
dolphin butterfly stroke  海豚式蝶泳
double fauIt  双误,两次发球失误
double leg lock  抱单腿拦腿摔
double play,double kill  双杀
downhill race  速降滑雪赛,滑降
down-the-1ine shot边线直线球
dribbling  盘球,运球
earned run  投手责任失分
fair ball  界内球
fair charge  合理冲撞
fair territory  界内地区   
fence  障碍   
fencing  击剑
field,pitch  足球场   
fielder  守场员    .
fielding average  防守率
fielding  防守   
fifteen all  一平
figure skating  花样滑冰
finger-tip save  (守门员)托救球
first base  一垒
first baseman  一垒手
five-meter platform  5米跳台
flank pass  边线传球
flat drive  平抽球
flat stroke  平击球
fluke,set—up,easy  机会球
fly ball  腾空球
flying header  跳起顶球
football player  足球运动员
football,leven  足球队
football,soccer,association football  足球
force out  封杀
fore court  前场
forfeited game  比赛弃权
forty all  三平
forward  前锋
foul ball  界外球
foul line  边线
foul territory  界外地区
foul tip  擦棒球,界外球
four backs System  四后卫制   
four—three—three formation  4-3-3阵式
four—two—four formation  4-2-4阵式
free kick  罚任意球
free style wrestling  自由式摔跤
freestyle  自由式
game  局
glove  手套,分指手套
goal kick  球门发球
goalkeeper  球门员
goalkeeper,goahender,goalie  守门员
golf  高尔夫球
grass court  草地网球场
grazing shot  贴地射门
Greece—Roman wrestling  古典式摔跤
Greek—Roman wrestling  古典式摔跤
ground ball,grounder  地滚球;地面球
ground stroke  击触地球
ground,field  场地
gut,string  (球拍的)弦
gymnastic apparatus  体操器械
gymnastics  体操
half back  前卫
half-way line  中线
hand ball  手触球
handball  手球
header  头球
heavy ball  重球
helmet  护帽
high ball,lob  高球
high jump  跳高
high lobbing pass  高吊传球
hit,safety hit  安全打
hockey  曲棍球
home base本垒
home plate  本垒板
home team  后攻队
horizontai bar  单杠
ice hockey  冰球
ice skating  滑冰
illegal,gal pitch  不合法投球
illegally batted ball  不合法击球
in the mixed doubles  混合双打
infield diamond  内场
infielder  内场手
inning  局次,回合
inside left forward,inside left  左内锋
inside right forward inside right  右内锋
jockey,polo  马球
judo  柔道
jump smash  跃起抽球
jump  跳跃
jumping  跳跃运动
kayak  皮船
kick-off circle  中圈
kick-off  开球
land drill  砧上练习
lawn tennis  草地网球运动
left half back  左前卫
left full back  左后卫
leg protector  护腿
Iet  重发球
lifesaver,lifeguard  救生员
line ball  触线球
liner,line drive  平直球
long drive  远射
long jump  跳远(美作:broad jump)
long shot  长球
long—distance runner  长跑运动员
love game  一方得零分的一局
low ball  低球
low drive  抽低球
low volley  低截球
manager  总教练
marathon  马拉松
mask  护面
medley relay  混合泳
men’s singles单打运动员
middle—distance race  中长跑
midfield  中场
mishit  未射中
motorcycle,motorbike  摩托车
net  落网球
not up  两跳,还击前球着地两次
non-swimmer's pool  浅水池
offensive team  攻队
off-side trap  越位战术
offside  越位
0lympic Games,Olympics  奥林匹克运动会
on deck circle  击球员准备区
one base hit  一垒打
one—meter springboard  l米跳板
on—the—ground wrestling  跪撑摔
open football  拉开的足球战术
out,down,away  出局
outboard boat  船外马达
outfield  外场
outfielder  外场手
outside left forward.outside left  左边锋
outside right forward,outside right  右边锋
overhead smash.overhand smash  高球扣杀   
parallel bars  双杠
passed ball  接手漏接球
penalty kick点球
pick—off  (投手)牵制跑垒员的传球
pitch  (足球、橄榄球)场地
pitcher  投手
pitcher's circle  (垒球)投手圈
pitcher's mound  (棒球)投手土墩
pitcher's plate  投手板
pitching  投手投球
plate umpire  司球裁判员
play deep  后撤防守
play shallow  近迫防守
pole vault  撑杆跳
put—out  接杀
putting the shot  推铅球
race 计时赛,跑
racccourse,racetrack  跑马场,赛马场
racing car  赛车
racing driver  赛车驶驶员
racket press  球拍夹
rackct  球拍
rally  汽车拉力赛
receiver  接球员
red card  红牌(表示判罚出场)
relief pitcher  后援投手
rider  马球运动员
riding  骑马
fight back  右后卫
fight half back  右前卫
ring  圈
rings  吊环
road race  公路赛
roller skating  滑旱冰
wring pass.ground pus  滚地传球
rope with cork floats  水线
rowing  削船
rugby  橄榄球
run and hit,hit and run  击跑配合战术
run down  夹杀
run score  得分
sacrifice bunt  牺牲触击
sacrifice fly  牺牲腾空球
sacrifice hit  牺牲打
safe  安全上垒
sailing  帆船运动
scissor pass  交叉传球
second base  二垒
second baseman  二垒手
server  发球员
service line  发球线
set up position  (棒球投手)侧身投球法
set  盘
shoot—on-sight tactics  积极的抢射战术
short shot  短球
shortstop  游击手
show jumping competition  跳跃赛
shower  淋浴
side horse,pommelled horse  鞍马
side stroke  侧泳
sideline ball  边线球
ski jump  跳高滑雪   
ski jumping competition  跳高滑雪比赛
ski  滑雪板
skiing  滑雪
slalom  障碍滑雪赛
slide tackle  铲球
sliding  滑垒
slillg shot  (垒球投手)后摆投球法
snlash  抽球
softball field,softball ground  垒球场
softball player  垒球运动员
spin  旋转球
spot kick  罚点球
spot pass  球传到位
sprint  短跑(美作:dash)
squeeze bunt  抢分触击
stadium  运动场
standing wrestling  站立摔
starting block  出发台
starting dive  出发起跳
stealing  偷垒
steeplechase  障碍赛
straight ball  直线球
strike zone  好球区
struck-out  三击出局
supporter  护裆
surfboard  冲浪板
surfing  冲浪
swimmeFs pool  深水池
swimming cap  泳帽
swimming lane  泳道
swimming pool with artificial waves  人工海浪泳池
swmaming pool  游泳池
swimming trunks  泳裤
swimsuit,swimming suit  泳衣   
swing  挥击
team.side  队
ten-meter platform  10米跳台
tennis  网球,网球运动
the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏
third base  三垒
third baseman  三垒手
thirty all  二平
daree base hit  三垒打
three—meter springboard  3米跳板
throw in,fine-out  边线发球
throw  投掷
throw—in  掷界外球
throwing the discus  掷铁饼
throwing the hammer  掷链锤   
throwing the javelin  掷标枪
throwing  传球
throwing  投掷运动   
time wasting tactics  拖延战术
timekeeper  计时员
break loose  摆脱
break through,to beat  带球过人
break up an attack  破坏一次攻势
control the midfield  控制中场
convert a try  对方球门线后触地得分
disorganize the defence  破坏防守
fall back  退回
pass the ball  传球
score a goal射门得分
set a wall  筑人墙
set the pace  掌握进攻节奏
shoot  射门
take a pass  接球
trap  脚底停球
ward off an assault  击退一次攻势
total football  全攻全守足球战术
touch out  触杀
touching the finishing line  终点触线
track  跑道
trapeze  秋千,吊杠
treading water  踩水
t[iangular pass  三角传球
triple jump,hop step and jump  三级跳
triple play,triple kill  三杀
trotter  快跑的马
two base hit  二垒打
underwater swimming  潜泳   
velodrome,cyeling stadium  自行车赛车场
visiting team  先攻队
volley pass  凌空传球
volley  截击空中球
volleyball  排球  
walk  竞走
wall bars  肋木
water polo水球
water ski  滑水橇
water skiing  水橇
weight.lifting  举重
weights  重量级
wide  打出边线的球
wild pitch  (投手)暴投
wild throw  野传球
wind mill  (垒球投手)绕环投球法
windup position  (棒球投手)正面投球法
wing play  边锋战术
Winter Olympics  冬季奥林匹克运动会
winter sports  冬季运动
wrestler  摔跤运动员
yellow card  黄牌(表示警告)
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