本帖最后由 夏秋 于 10-12-9 15:45 编辑
[提要] 这就是独一无二的伦敦全景图,一幅令人目眩的伦敦全景图,世界上最大和分辨率最高的伦敦全景图。世界上以十亿像素计的图片包括一幅260亿像素的巴黎影像,一幅700亿像素的布达佩斯影像,一幅260亿像素的德累斯影像,和前记录保持者马丁在2009年拍下的一幅180亿像素的布拉格球面影像。
600)?'600px':'auto'}" src="http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqsj/shbt/201011/798f04837ab7fb931134392841ceeecf.jpg"> It is a unique portrait of London, a dizzying panorama of our capital city captured in unparalleled detail. A newly published 360-degree image of London takes the crown as the largest, highest-resolution panoramic photo in the world. The image of London has a total resolution of 80 gigapixels, or 80 billion pixels.
This new London gigapixel image, if printed at normal photographic resolution, would be 115 feet long and 56 feet high.
Shot by photographer Jeffrey Martin over a period of three days from the top of the Centre Point building at the crossroads of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road, the image reveals the highest-resolution view of any city that has ever been captured.
摄影师Jeffrey Martin在牛津街和托特纳姆法院路的交汇处,中点间大楼顶部,花了3天的时间拍摄而成,这张照片是曾被拍过的城市中分辨率最高的。
From this vantage point - 36 stories up in the air - an astonishing number of landmarks, houses, skyscrapers, shops, offices, and streets are visible.
Previous attempts at world record gigapixels include a 26-gigapixel image of Paris, a 70-gigapixel image of Budapest, a 26-gigapixel image of Dresden, and Martin's previous record holder from 2009, an 18-gigapixel spherical image of Prague.
Martin, a panoramic photographer and the Founder of 360Cities.net, created the London gigapixel image from 7886 high-resolution individual photos taken from the Centre Point building. These thousands of photos were then stitched together as one single image on a powerful Fujitsu CELSIUS computer.
来源:国际在线专稿 |