原帖由 夏秋 于 08-6-14 11:40 发表 ![]()
-----据说,原始部落的人不抑郁,大家都按生存原则办事,集体生活也很有趣。想去,问一下,他们的婚姻或男女关系是怎样的?不会太麻烦吧,可能比较开放吧,我喜欢 ...
An unknown Amazon Basintrib
An unknown Amazon Basin tribe and their dwellings are seen during aflight over the Brazilian state of Acre along the border with Peru in this May, 2008 photo distributed bySurvival International. Survival International estimates that there are over100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, and says that uncontacted tribes in theregion are under increasing threat from illegal logging over the border in Peru.
(Gleison Miranda-FUNAI/Handout/Reuters)
In this image made available Thursday May 29, 2008, fromSurvival International, 'uncontacted Indians' of the Envira, who have neverbefore had any contact with the outside world, are seen during an overflight inMay 2008, as they camp in the Terra Indigena Kampa e Isolados do Envira, Acre state,Brazil, close to the border with Peru. 'We did the overflight to show theirhouses, to show they are there, to show they exist,' said uncontacted tribesexpert Jos。
In this image made available Thursday May 29, 2008, fromSurvival International, showing 'uncontacted Indians' of the Envira, who havenever before had any contact with the outside world, photographed during anoverflight in May 2008, as they camp in the Terra Indigena Kampa e Isolados doEnvira, Acre state, Brazil, close to the border with Peru. 'We did theoverflight to show their houses, to show they are there, to show they exist,'said uncontacted tribes expert Jos
An unknown Amazon Basin tribe and their dwellings are seen during aflight over the Brazilian state of Acre along the border with Peru in thisMay, 2008 photo distributed by Survival International. Survival Internationalestimates that there are over 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, and says thatuncontacted tribes in the region are under increasing threat from illegallogging over the border in Peru.
REFILE - REMOVING RESTRICTIONS. THE PICTURE CAN BE ARCHIVED.Members of an unknown Amazon Basin tribe and their dwellings are seen during aflight over the Brazilian state of Acre along the border with Peru in thisMay 2008 photo distributed by Survival International. Survival Internationalestimates that there are over 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, and says thatuncontacted tribes in the region are under increasing threat from illegallogging over the border in Peru.REUTERS/Funai-Frente deProtecao Etno-Ambiental Envira/Handout (BRAZIL). FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY.NOT FOR SALEFOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS.
An unknown Amazon Basin tribe and their dwellings are seen during aflight over the Brazilian state of Acre along the border with Peru in this May, 2008 photodistributed by Survival International. Survival International estimates thatthere are over 100 uncontacted tribes worldwide, and says that uncontactedtribes in the region are under increasing threat from illegal logging over theborder in Peru.
In this image made available Thursday May 29, 2008, fromSurvival International, 'uncontacted Indians' of the Envira, who have neverbefore had any contact with the outside world, are seen during an overflight inMay 2008, as they camp in the Terra Indigena Kampa e Isolados do Envira, Acrestate, Brazil, close to the border with Peru. 'We did the overflight to showtheir houses, to show they are there, to show they exist,' said uncontactedtribes expert Jos
[ 本帖最后由 晔阳 于 08-6-15 00:03 编辑 ] |