这是《话说中国》课本第一册第6 课的补充读物:
现在你们看到的是世界闻名的美国千里长城。一百多年前,美国国无边防, 连年外患。 北边有来自中国福建的非法移民在尼亚加拉大瀑布闯关,而南边的墨西哥人则常常侵扰美国。国无边防的结果, 使得美国国内生活着1200万非法移民。那个时候,墨西哥人常常进入美国,跟美国人争权夺利。他们不但抢走美国人的工作,而且还常常游行,向美国的中央政府要这要那。那个时候美国的领袖没有什么作为,总是对墨西哥人让步,为了拉选票,还在德州跟着墨西哥人用西班牙语唱美国国歌。后来有个英国人发行了一盘西班牙语的美国国歌音乐光盘,使美国人很生气。 美国领袖的发言人就说他没有唱过西班牙语的美国国歌。不管怎么说, 这个领袖同意让已经在美国的墨西哥非法移民得到工作证。可是美国南方诸侯国有的人很强硬, 发起了“分钟人运动”。为了制止墨西哥人的侵扰,亚利桑那州的“分钟人”更进了一步,在边境建造高墙,阻止墨西哥人进入美国。后来新墨西哥州的分钟人,德州的分钟人, 加州的分钟人也造了墙。等到美国后来出现了一个有作为的皇帝,把这些诸侯的墙连接起来,形成了今天的美国长城。当然在这里它不叫“长城”。 我只是把它比作中国的长城。 在这里它叫FOBN-- Fence of Better Neighbors。
(浮生续)美国长城西起太平洋,东抵墨西哥湾,修筑时大部分人力来自墨西哥, 非法劳工比例不详。在 San Diego, Tijuana 交界处沙海关临海而立,扼五号交通 要道,有北美第一关之称。
自长城西段完工以来,美国加州农业一路滑坡,多数葡萄园废弃。农场主或将土地卖予印地安人共同开赌场,或移民智利阿根廷。现阿根廷 Mendoza 附近的加州城也已有百年历史。由于这一批移民以及加州葡萄酒业的衰落,阿根廷葡萄酒曾一度继智利葡萄酒在美国风行一时。 (浮生续止)
在当时修建美国长城的过程中,出现过很多可歌可泣的事迹。 最有名的事迹是墨家女轰长城的故事。 墨家女本来是齐花花州的一个民女。她的丈夫 Jose Guerrero 因为老家的生活很苦,不远万里跑到加州的萨利纳斯,靠给美国农场主种田为生。他每年都要回齐花花看一次老爹老妈,妻子儿女,并且把在美国挣到的钱带回去买地造房子。他本来打算挣够了钱, 就回老家安居乐业。 可是美国人把长城连接起来以后,Jose 没有办法回齐花花了。墨家女又伤心又生气, 大哭了一场, 哭的老天爷都动心了, 六月里给她下了一场大雪。哭完以后,她先后买了两把盒子炮,一架小钢炮,两挂子弹,三枚炮弹,然后戴上大沿帽,套上Cortes 种的青鬃马,带着妹妹和众乡亲,赶着马车,趁着漫天大雪,一口气跑到长城下,对着城头上值班的分钟人喊话,要求让丈夫能每年回墨西哥探亲。分钟人打电话给加州州长办公室, 发现Jose 已经因为非法进入美国被判三十年徒刑, 发配到阿拉斯加去了。墨家女闻言大怒, 砰砰两枪, 打掉了城头挂着的“我们不要非法移民”的牌子。分钟人赶紧掏枪回击。只见墨家女翻身下马,架好小钢炮, 轰轰轰, 三发炮弹打将出去。 第一发炮弹把城头的探照灯打掉了一个, 第二发炮弹把城墙打开了一条缝,第三发炮弹把城墙打开一个大口子。墨家女把大草帽一挥,乡亲们揭竿而起,冲过口子,把分钟人一口气往北赶了300里。分钟人赶紧向中央报告美墨边境出现恐怖分子,要求政府派兵镇压。当时美国汽油价格天天上涨,代替燃料的计划又没有什么进展,路易斯安娜州被卡吹那飓风破坏的油田还没有能够恢复生产,所以政府正在跟墨西哥谈开发墨西哥湾油田的事情,不好得罪背后有卡斯特罗和查伟斯支持的墨西哥政府,就派地方诸侯跟墨家女谈判。结果墨家女同意退兵, 美国则给了Jose 合法移民身份。Jose有了合法身份以后,正好赶上蒙特瑞国防语言学院因为中美洲反毒品战事告急扩大西班牙语系。 Jose 虽然是个农民,但是因为他是中美洲裔的墨西哥人,祖先不少人当过溜子,所以他从小就说得一口流利的当地土语黑话。国防语言学院派人找到他,把他特聘为副教授, 还给了终身教职, 告诉他一辈子不用担心丢掉饭碗, 还说适当的时候帮着他把老婆孩子都接来。老婆可以安排在食堂卖饭,每年的拉丁传统月里还可以当一当大厨师做点墨西哥饭。从此Jose 每年都大大方方地坐飞机回墨西哥探亲, 再也用不着跟着蛇头在亚利桑那的沙漠里受苦受累了。
墨家女从此成了墨西哥的民族女英雄。她曾经应中国政府和法国政府邀请访问这两个国家。 中国政府的领导人亲切接见了她, 赞扬她是墨西哥的花木兰, 并且送给她一盘好莱坞的电影《木兰》光盘。法国总统说她是墨西哥的贞德, 送给她一座中国制造的圣女贞德的雕像。
2006-05-12 02:23
注册日: 05-01-19
发表数: 42
Re: 美国长城导游词
What's going on?
Aren't you a fan of Mexicans?
How come you are making fun of them?
Or who are you making fun of?
I am confused.
####ad removed###
2006-05-12 13:18
注册日: 05-04-22
发表数: 4596
Re: 美国长城导游词
七星元帅 --- 醉臥沙場君莫笑,古來征戰幾人回.
2006-05-12 16:16
注册日: 06-02-28
发表数: 95
Re: 美国长城导游词 [ 向本山、KING-KONG推销巴士票]
2006-05-12 17:14
注册日: 03-03-04
发表数: 1666
Re: 美国长城导游词 [ 向本山、KING-KONG推销巴士票]
"In the end, we can only preserve what we love. We can only love what we understand. we can only understand when we take the time and effort to study them". Philadelphia Zoo
2006-05-12 18:47
注册日: 06-03-15
发表数: 107
Re: 美国长城导游词 [ 向本山、KING-KONG推销巴士票]
俺五岁的时候就做了汉奸,无人教唆,纯属自愿,因为俺热爱自由,这世界上无人能剥夺俺做汉奸的权利,自由万岁 !
2006-05-12 19:41
注册日: 06-02-28
发表数: 95
Re: 美国长城导游词 [ 向本山、KING-KONG推销巴士盷
热血汉奸 写道:
2006-05-13 12:12
注册日: 05-04-22
发表数: 4596
Re: 美国长城导游词 [ 向本山、KING-KONG推销巴士票]
热血汉奸 写道:
七星元帅 --- 醉臥沙場君莫笑,古來征戰幾人回.
2006-05-13 16:25
注册日: 04-01-12
发表数: 11
Re: 美国长城导游词
Intertexuality in Fang Huzhai's Posting
"Intertextuality" is a concept in text analysis which means a text may contains other texts. This is similar to Bakhtin's concept of polyphony.
In this posting of Fang, we see the following examples of intertexuality.
国无边防, 连年外患,侵扰, 争权夺利, 中央政府, 领袖, 诸侯国, 出现了一个有作为的皇帝,把这些诸侯的墙连接起来,形成了今天的美国长城。
墨家女轰长城的故事, CF: Meng Jiangnyu cried over the Great Wall
哭完以后,她先后买了两把盒子炮,一架小钢炮,两挂子弹,三枚炮弹, Chinese guerrilla fire arms
套上Cortes 种的青鬃马,带着妹妹和众乡亲,赶着马车
Cf: Dabancheng's Girl
Cf: Zhiqu Weihushan
Typical Chinese historical story
分钟人打电话给加州州长办公室, 发现Jose 已经因为非法进入美国被判三十年徒刑, 发配到阿拉斯加去了。
Ancient Chinese legal system
Fusheng's posting also contains allusion: 沙海关, 第一关之称。
2006-05-14 20:11
注册日: 06-05-09
发表数: 28
Re: 美国长城导游词
American tour across the Great Wall word Time : 3050 Location : southern United States Miss tours : Tourists Comrades : Now you see is the world famous Great Wall across the United States. More than 100 years ago, no American States border, after Bush. North of illegal immigrants from Fujian, China, the Great Falls in Niagara way through our checkpoint, and the Mexican side is often intrusive United States. Border States without results, allowing the United States to live with 12 million illegal immigrants. That time, the Mexican frequently to the United States, with Americans fighting for power. They not only looted Americans, but also often procession to the central government to the United States to that. Then leader of the United States as a little, always on Mexican concessions in order to win votes, also sing in Spanish Texas follow Mexican American national anthem. Later a British issued a plate of the American national anthem Spanish music CDs so that the Americans very angry. American leaders spokesman said he did not have the American national anthem sung during Mr Spanish. In any case, the leaders agreed to allow Mexican illegal immigrants in the United States has been working permits. But state leaders of the South American people are very tough, launched "minutes programme." To stop the harassment of Mexican, Arizona "minutes" as a step in the construction of the border wall to stop Mexican to the United States. New Mexico minutes later, the minutes were Texas, California also creates a wall of minutes. Later when the United States has emerged as one of the emperor to connect these leaders wall, a great wall of the United States today. Of course here it is not called "Great Wall." I just make it than the Great Wall of China. Here it is FOBN-- Fence of Better Neighbors. (4,000,000 continued) Great Wall West of the United States Pacific East in the Gulf of Mexico, most of the human built from Mexico, the proportion of illegal workers is not known. In San Diego, Tijuana, maritime stood at the junction of the use of such tactics, giving 5th traffic routes, one of North America called. Since the completion of the Great Wall 3,000, agriculture continued to decline in California, most vineyards abandoned. Farmers or to be sold to Indians common land opened casinos, or immigrant Chile and Argentina. Argentina Mendoza is near California City also has a history. As this group of immigrants and California wine industry decline, the Argentine wine after Chilean wines in the United States once a passing fad. (4,000,000 Add only) Great Wall was built in the course of the United States, there have been a lot of heroic deeds. Mohist school is the most famous deeds of the Great Wall female Bang story. Mohist school female was a presence Qi Huahua states. Her husband Jose Guerrero because his life miserable, the salinas Peng went to California, the United States relied on farmers to farm for a living. He Qi Huahua back every year to see a Laodielaoma, wives and children, and to send money back to buy in the United States to constantly. He had intended to Zhenggou the money back home to live and work. But Americans to connect beyond the Great Wall, Jos no way back Qi Huahua. Mohist school female also sad and angry, a cry, cry of God is one's mind is perturbed, June Lane to her under a heavy snow. Kuwan later, she has bought two Hezipao, a small steel guns, two with bullets, three shells, and then wear a hat along, bearing Cortes of the Tsing Ma bristles, with sister and fellow believers, urging carriage, took all over the sky snow, one went to the Great Wall, opposite the city head on the minutes were statements, calling for her husband to return to the annual visits Mexico. Minutes were telephoned the California governor's office and discovered that Jose has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for illegal entry into the United States, made to the allocation of Alaska. Mohist school female cut cat, went two shots, the first fly out of the city "we do not illegal immigrants" brand. Minutes were immediately fired back. One woman stood up Mohist school hours, small aircraft good steel artillery Honghonghong, three shells hit will be out. 1 shells to destroy a city head searchlight, the city opened two shells a stitch, three shells to open a big city thing. Mohist school female big straw hat to hide the ugly side, the villagers rise in rebellion and dash through cuts to go north out of 300 people minutes Lane. Minutes were immediately report to the U.S. Mexican border in the Central terrorists, asking the government to send troops to suppress. U.S. gasoline prices were rising every day, the plan does not replace what fuels progress Luyisianna states that the card hurricane winds damaged oil fields have not yet been able to resume production, the government is the development of Gulf of Mexico oil fields with Mexico on matters not offend Castro and behind-wai's support of the Mexican government, Mohist school on sending female negotiations with local leaders. Agreed to withdraw troops female Mohist school results, and the United States to Jose legitimate immigration status. Jose had legal status after falls Mengterui defense language institute because the Central American anti-drug war emergency expansion Spanish department. While Jose is a peasant, but because he is of Mexican origin in Central America, the ancestors of many people when the ring, so he had to speak fluent in the local language territories black. Defense language institute sent to find him and put him in an ad, to a life of teaching and tell him not to worry his lost their jobs, that the appropriate time to let his wife and kids are now. My wife can be arranged in the cafeteria selling rice, the annual Latin tradition months when one can do something when chefs Mexican rice. From Jos annually to travel by plane back to Mexico to visit relatives across, no longer need to follow snakeheads in the Arizona desert suffering going to feel the impact. Mohist school female Mexican national on a female hero. She had to be invited to visit the Chinese government and the French government in both countries. Chinese government leaders cordially met with her, she was commended Mexico Hua Mu Lan, and gave her a plate of the Hollywood film "lily magnolia" discs. French President said that she is Mexico 21-25, gave her a Chinese-made statues of Mary 21-25. We see that women in Bang Mohist school wall. Look, a section can be seen here is a new repair.
2006-05-17 00:41
注册日: 05-04-22
发表数: 4596
Re: 美国长城导游词
"I can’t see an advantage to building a wall unless they stop making ladders."
--- from my local newspaper |