Novartis has stopped development of agomelatine (AGO178) in major depressive disorder. The product had already been approved in the EU (where it is sold by Servier as Valdoxan) and US approval was expected to ensue in 2013, with peak sales of $2.6 billion for depression alone in the seven major markets..作者: 唯一的爱与希望 时间: 13-10-31 15:06
肯定不适合我,MDD ?火力太大,记得怡诺思也是号称对付这个,搞得大脑不能歇息天天早醒,罢了。作者: 拉番窑 时间: 13-10-31 15:17
商品名:Brintellix 通用名:vortioxetine 中文名:沃替西汀