The Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Treatment of Depression
HanCui Li Xiaohong Zhang Youzhi
(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029)
[Abstract] Depression is one of the affective disorders, which include many psychiatric and somatic symptoms. Our study specialized the syndromes related to depression and symptoms similar to depression in TCM. Conclude the decoctions in ancient literature, many of which have been widely used to treat this disease. We conclude that: 1 the pathology of depression relates to “five Zang” of TCM. We must distinguish which Zang it belongs to and distinguish the Yin, Yang, Qi, blood, deficiency or excess of that Zang. 2 Ancient clinicians had profound and particular knowledge of symptoms about depression, and created many effective decoctions. We should integrate the traditional effective decoctions and results of an overall analysis of signs and symptoms to improve curative effect.
[Keywords] Depression, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Study of theory