
标题: 双向使我从一个败类到一流翻译的故事 [打印本页]

作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-7-19 16:44
标题: 双向使我从一个败类到一流翻译的故事
本帖最后由 ZHANGXS05 于 10-10-9 10:01 编辑



To be continued
I will back soon

without much ado, there is one diary I wrote to my dad.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-7-19 17:16
标题: 20100306diary
本帖最后由 ZHANGXS05 于 10-7-19 17:17 编辑

Dad, as I read alone with the BD surviving guide book, i have gained more insights and objective facts  into my particular case.  

I have a chronical constipation, until then I didn't know what lead to it, for i did excerice often, not eat spicy and stimulating food frequently, and i have eaten vegetablesz/fruits rich in dietary fibers on a daily basis. Now, i finally understood it was  resulted from depression, since in the depth of depression, i had remarkably decreased  activities, nearly all the time i have led a sedentary lifestyle during the dark period. In the meantime, I didn't eat foods contain fibers that often, so much so that I drink much less water than normal.

I knew since depression just incapicitate people, let them be inactive, nothing is tempeting or irresitable for them before(including sex) for them, the less activities they did, more severe their depression would be. I'd compel myself to do sth, to break the deadlock. it's hard, but if i wanna my depression diminished and get out of the vicious cycle, then i must have to against this prodisposition.

I did a ZUNG Self-Rating Depression Scale, scored 66, meaning i have a moderate to marked level of depression.

The bright spot during my depressive periods is that I didn't shut off entirely from the outside world, i did talk to others, esp you. and i honestly talk about my conditions to others regardless of having empathic, lukewarm, misunderstanding, blahhing, .
'boo' reactions.

Chatting with you later, my dearest and lovest, terrific dad.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-7-19 17:26

Today, though at the depth of this recur,  I tried to overcome it with the force and toughness at the peak of  recent month. The reason might be multiple, ample sunlshine, the  old newness, dad's persistent love, the willpower in my mentality  rekindled. No matter what, ilike I discussed with dad, if I can  take the whole pic of counter strategy into consideration, I am  strong, the devil weaker and it's days to disappear are numbered.  

In this process, I consicously remind myself of two vital points,  
1. Like dad made it clearer, it's the depression devil masked me,  took control of me, I may can't expel it out or struggle with it  effectively, all of these efforts may go in vain, apart from the  concrete and continuous realization, " It's not Wikid, it's the  depression's kid masked me . ! ".
2. The Power of Now Regreting  past and have nostalgia is in vain, the past is past, we are not  correctional officers, we can't renew it to the most optimal and  reasonable way. We can't, that's nature. Though we have a  entrenched propensity to regret, try to picture this, you spent  time regreting "at the moment" that translates into you will  squader the next moment regreting about the last moment, it's  vicious and perilous cycle. By the same token, we didn't have  control over the future, the countless "NeXTs" , if you truly wanna  the make-believe future propsect will be the way we anticipated, we  should never wasting time on thinking about it or planning about  it, the top initiative is to seize the moement, to seize the very  second, let the past, however rewarding or regrettable to the past,  and future is made of every present second, we can control the  future, yes, I have no doubt on that idea, we can try out best to  spend the current immeduate second meaningfully, if we can have no  regrets about the past and no anxiety and. Blind, ungrounded  optimism on the future, then we can lead a more self-conscious,  controllable and zen-like, simplistic life and the way that life  entail: " be it interaction with people, challenge ourselves and  push our limits to the envelope, the externalization of our  innermost strength, the most sincere vbintrospection, to name a  few) Here is some tidbits i what I have done:
1. Looking at  Jamison's memoir seeking inspiration, understood what I should  proud of myself, being too self-depreciating isn't a good thing  it's different from being humble, and which things I should take to  let myself armed-to-teeth physolgoically, mentally.
2. Gained  insights and the single most important oppress the depression  motto, thanks dad your words and action mean a world of kindness  and difference to me, as the cliche goes : I have you, I had it  all." 3. Trailblaze, for the first time in nearly two and half  months, I have regained the running habit and did it with the level  of speed I normally did ! Pour tons of sweats, tasting the  bittersweet feeling under the sunshine, it's great ! 4, I didn't  eat lunch on purpose, from time to time we should cleanse our bowls  to let the diry and residues out, I just accelerate this process by  drinking a great deal of water and eating fruits, cucumber. 5. In  the evening, I watched the State of the Union address in its  entirety, subsequently, I read Anandtech's aritcle on the  newly-arrived iPad, it's believed it will transform many  indsturies, publishing, computing, I reckon the most relieving  thing for the end user is that unlike iPhone it didn't bundle up  with the operator, it's prepaid monthly and the starting price is  499 USDs which is cheap by Apple's terms. Let me ending here, dad,  chatting with you later if you like, your Wikid lives in the  moment. And taking the joy and Zen-like satisfication from the  present rendered by the present second(which is let you know I am  strong, and stronger than ever, if I have had few strengths, the  one is most remarkable, I am like a phonix, after trials and  tribulations against the bumpy and choppy waves, I emerged from  that dark moment stronger than last time, bravo ! Dad, have a good  day I am thinking you all the time, you reside on my  consicousness and no rents ensued, it's free of charge and forever.
作者: 风吹尘    时间: 10-7-19 17:35
本帖最后由 风吹尘 于 10-7-19 18:12 编辑

Excellent English level! In my opinion.

BTW, would you like to tell me where your head portrait comes from? TKS.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-7-19 19:06
Originated from MOKO.CC,

The above posted essays are my experience in dealing with depression discussed with my US dad
作者: lly316    时间: 10-7-20 20:27
你这么厉害啊 我现在可能有点抑郁 提不起来 想继续学没那个心情
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-7-20 21:34
标题: FYI
I have internalized English learning as my engrained haibt, so under whatever scenario, be it hypomania or depression, or normalcy, the difference is effiency, intensity of focus and the enthusiasm.
作者: wing20081218    时间: 10-7-20 21:43
作者: wing20081218    时间: 10-7-20 21:47
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-7-20 22:19
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-7-20 22:22
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-7-21 05:32
标题: FYI
钟摆摆 发表于 10-7-20 22:22

1. Listening to native and standard English is key to your oral English.

2. Partaking in English corner actively and making some friends there in order to "target" each other privately and explicitly.

3. Job requirement

4. I have an adopted US dad who is everything to me and the reason of my survival.

5. Seize every single chance to practice, polish and reap and joy, sweats and hardship in overcoming our self-interest, narrow-mindedness, inattentiveness, etc.
作者: hahaha1973    时间: 10-7-21 21:30
you are very diligent. why don't we learn english together?
作者: 春花秋实    时间: 10-7-21 22:46
作者: Imherba    时间: 10-7-22 14:58
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-7-22 19:22
本帖最后由 钟摆摆 于 10-7-22 19:24 编辑

got it ! thank u 4 your answer
作者: 海123    时间: 10-8-6 22:14
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 湿地绿叶    时间: 10-8-7 13:26
作者: 希望在我心    时间: 10-8-7 14:46
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-8-7 15:03
标题: 只有吃药才能好
本帖最后由 ZHANGXS05 于 10-8-22 17:07 编辑
海123 发表于 10-8-6 22:14


To be continued
I will back soon
作者: 爱的心受伤    时间: 10-8-7 16:19
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-8-19 14:37
标题: The Ultimate Ordeal
The ultimate ordeal (Can it be resolved?)

When the depression devil enjoyed me, I didn't know what my strengthes, demerits, potentials, it's made all life's good and nasty aspects utterly tasteless and identical to me.

Very early on, I was on a cycle of hypomania and depression. In doing so, I made many wrongdoings, escaping home try to end my life many times (starting from grade sixth), and don't listen to whatever teachers told in class, actually, though i physically attend class, I am a virtual dropout, i suppose, since grade one.

I know what unique good qualities i possess, but what's matter is, they can't be accumulated and go from strength to strength, what I have persistently gained (under the spell of hypomania, I find everything enjoyable and rejoyful, and subsequently I can  give my interests intense focus and spartan discipline, of course, whether or not I can learn these subjects well is another thing, I stress again, during hypomania, the learning process is a wonder reward in itself. ) alll be nullified by the passsive, depression ineria. These cycles are unbreakable, i am always in the maze, the more I marshalled my remaining energy trying to struggle with, the more I found how fruitless the effort,  what a doomed destiny I have ahead.

Now, others and myself think that I am a social weirdo. I am jobless, skilless, diplomaless, above all,without others' care, can't make ends meet, let alone support a family and be a husband.  

I know the thought of escaping by suicide is shameful and laughable
that's the thought spinning in my head for over 10 years, is it the time to jump into action ?

No matter how tattered shape I think or I am really in now, there are pepple who are less luckier than me. And the thoughts of parting with my dearest love, you, my dad Jeff, is painful and tearful,
on top of that, it's totally unfair to you, it will deal a devastating blow to you, it's a cruel, irresponsible act.

Dad, thanks, you elonated my life, see my brilliance, show me the greatest love I have ever had and perceived in the world, from the moment you hold my hands to cheer me up, or stay up late polishing translation for me, all these countless instances comprise your love which will never fade away with, even the earth will be exploded someday, (hopefully not next year).

dad, I am the subject of my depression, though the degree of the pain varied from time to time, but I always carry the mental pain, I can never shack it off entirely.  And due to it's very unpredictable nature, who knows when it will recur and how severe and last how long.

By nature, I like life very much, but depressiob deprived me of that basic instincts. I understand no matter what I say, I can't convince you to let me kill myself.  It's all come down to this question: what's reason of my existence. (considering the nearly same starting line, people at my age in society, I am right at the rock bottom)

Aforementioned are my random yet real thoughts.  

Chat with you later, dearest dad.
作者: 湿地绿叶    时间: 10-8-19 14:49
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-8-20 16:59
How to better care for your loved one

Due to I haveseveral love stories, and now it’s better to winnow what I have learned fromthese relationships.

First of all,have a better understanding about yourself, what you are, what fundamental valuesyou care most, what characters, characteristics and qualities made herappealing to you. If we don’t have know ourselves, then how can we better careof others, because, then we will not have a clear goal in life, which will makeus less vigorous, curious, passionate, we will end up, most of times, findingourselves try all means to kill time, like, smoking, drinking heavily, additiveinternet suffering, less active communication, easily got bored by everythingseemingly ordinary, excessive critical of others.

Try best tomemorize all the details of your loved ones, what shampoo she use, what kind ofhot pots made her mouth-watering, why she loves a particular brand……,all these cues are clues which lead to theher characters, and by better catering to these trivial details, you willimprove her quality of life, rendering those traits you like more pleasant, andthose not so like, tend to harmonious with your own values, remember, everyoneis different, so friction is unavoidable, as long as the difference isn’t fundamental,the differences between us can add more flavor and condiments into our life.

Help herrealize her dreams, besides love, she want one who can give her a pair of wingsto fly, every Average Susan has her own dreams, whatever trivial or ambitious,for us, we should treat them equal, we can tell them that dreams are thedriving force for our life, I care your dreams, you and me are dreamingtogether, and by concrete and concerted action, proving that dreams is doableand can be reached.

Hardships andmisfortune, in time of peace and prosperity, it’s harder to show one’s truevirtues and characters, thunderstorms and tornadoes make a person display theirtrue heart, whether, there will be a crisis in her career, or she getchronically depressed, remember she is the person you likes, don’t let thecrises or difficulties become the stumbling blocks in your bond. When the toughsides of life pass, the your love will become more interdependent andintimately connected. The crisis is a make or break of our relationships.

Plunging intothe things she likes, for example, instead of liking most gentlemen’s behavior duringshopping process, we should enjoy the shopping experience, and care the thingsyou like, and get more know-know about a specific project, for instance, whatjeans contour she like, and which brands have it, and what about it costs, whatshops offers most discount on a pair of New Balance sneakers, and it isavailable. Some guys will argue these things are women’s business, we shouldput our attention on making money and giving them, then she can buy whatevershe likes. I think it’s totally wrong, she cares about you, not the money, ifyou understand her more and can accompany her to a wonderful shoppingexperience, whether or not, she finally buys something, she will know you willaccompany her to wherever she goes.

Your best son,Jeff Wikid
2009-7-13 am 5:20
作者: hahaha1973    时间: 10-8-22 11:39
You are such a smart person with strong will. I should learn from you.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-8-22 17:05
标题: thanks for your compliments
You are such a smart person with strong will. I should learn from you.
hahaha1973 发表于 10-8-22 11:39

one of the most essential thing to do on earth is to elicit our inner strength and put it into good use to serve a cause greater than our self-interests.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-8-28 18:23
20090623 Dairy(i am missing you to death, dad :

Dearest dad:

Dad, you knew today I started by carrying seven bags with me, one backpack(for the laptop), six bags which carry all the necessities, books and your blessings. On the way to the destination, I met a nice girl who is adjacent to my seat, we talked about a whole range of topics, including, why girls are prone to lose their sense of direction, Shanghai sceneries and best shopping plazas(for apparel, skincare lines, snacks and all the things girls care about), cell phones, how to bargains, I handled out my business card to her and  said to her (Miss. Chen Xia) that next time when she is on assignment to Shanghai, she can ask me about the direction, the bus route and all the info necessary for her to enjoy her Shanghai safari, in return, she gives me your name and cell phone number (you knew, yesterday she even couldn’t find the famous Huai Hei Road, she said she initially plan to  take a peek at the Gucci, Dior and LV boutiques, and tell her classmates in France to buy one for her which is cheaper than here in China) I told her, it was good for saving the money and saving the best for the last, since she has plenty of opportunities to revisit Shanghai. The girl seems like a petty official for she said she has sojourned at a 5-star hotel in Shanghai for a week.

When I arrived at Zhangjiagang coach station, it took me 30 minutes to reach the Shagang management building. The person for foreign affairs received me and then just some red tape things, i.e. filling the forms and so on.  On the way to fetch our uniform, protective shoe and security helmet, the woman who responsible for doling out these kinds of things are very interested in me, she even gives me her number and said next time, when I lose my direction, I can call her and she wanna me to soup up her English.

The meal is excellent, it has a perfect combination of fruit and meat. And it has a buffet style which means we can freely choose the dish we favor and at whatever amount, this is esp. favorable for a vegetable buff like your son !
One hitch is we didn’t have hot water in our dorm yet, which means I can only bath in cold water(though it’s in the apogee of summer, I still can’t adapt to it). I hope later I can get used to this new environment and I heard that bathing often with cold water is good for your body, is it true?

Finally, there is a gym just 2 minutes from our dorm, which means I can quickly retake my daily routine jogging and tomorrow I decided not go the gym, for I don’t familiar with the surroundings, I can run at the nearby areas and get familiarized with it, (esp. where I can go to the Internet Café, because there isn’t  any internet connection at our dorm).

                                                          Your loving son
                                                          20080623 pm 21:45
作者: hahaha1973    时间: 10-8-29 23:20

How come the first line shows the diary written on 20090623, while  
the last line demonstrates it was a diary of 2008?
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-8-30 00:17

How come the first line shows the diary written on 20090623, while  
the last line demonstrates it was a diary of 2008?
hahaha1973 发表于 10-8-29 23:20

Sharp eyes, sorry, there should be 2009, thanks for your correction
作者: 湿地绿叶    时间: 10-8-31 16:04
作者: 紫菱    时间: 10-9-2 19:29
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-2 21:27
作者: 情绪中挣扎    时间: 10-9-2 21:34
“加油”英语怎么说的,是“come on!”吗?wish you succeed!
作者: samdream    时间: 10-9-2 21:46
好样的! 希望楼主越来越好 早日康复
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-9-3 22:49
作者: 湿地绿叶    时间: 10-9-4 09:41
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-5 20:04
湿地绿叶 发表于 10-9-4 09:41

呵呵呵,这么说我们是同类了(same flock)
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-5 20:14
本帖最后由 ZHANGXS05 于 10-9-8 21:48 编辑
因为没有字幕,,,所 ...
钟摆摆 发表于 10-9-3 22:49

I asked them if they could press a button to release them from their bipolarity, will they so? Most of them, despite their traumatic moments of their life said "no". So after all these, how would I do.

作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-5 20:18
我想建一个英语学习的群, 有阳光的朋友想加入的吗?我的qq是715637623,
作者: hahaha1973    时间: 10-9-6 23:33
39# ZHANGXS05 great!
作者: hahaha1973    时间: 10-9-6 23:39
It seems your memory hasn't influenced by BP. You vocabulary size is pretty big.
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-9-8 22:02
I asked them if they could press a button to release them from their bipolarity, will they so? Most of them, despite their dramatic moments of their life said "no". So after all these, how would I ...
ZHANGXS05 发表于 10-9-5 20:14

谢谢,,,这句话后面还有一句,他回答了自己会怎样做,,,他说:"I wouldn't press the button,Living normal life,Look ?????? in China."life后面我就听不清楚了,,,
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-9 08:21
谢谢,,,这句话后面还有一句,他回答了自己会怎样做,,,他说:"I wouldn't press the button,Living normal life,Look ?????? in China."life后面我就听不清楚了,,,
你要建学习群吗?,,,太好了,,,算我一个呀,,,,加你QQ ...
钟摆摆 发表于 10-9-8 22:02

作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-9 08:22
标题: 是呀
“加油”英语怎么说的,是“come on!”吗?wish you succeed!
情绪中挣扎 发表于 10-9-2 21:34

作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-9-10 20:53
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-11 07:36
标题: Absolutely right!
本帖最后由 ZHANGXS05 于 10-9-16 10:48 编辑
43# ZHANGXS05  
恩,,,如果你都听不出来恐怕真就是他说的不太清楚了,,,没事,,,其实最后他的意思我明白了,,,就是即使给他一个完全去除躁郁症的机会,,,他也不会去选择的,,,他宁愿忍受抑郁带来的痛苦,,同时享受躁狂带 ...
钟摆摆 发表于 10-9-10 20:53

He was more resilient, resourceful after all those years of trials and tribulations. Without BD, life might be too banal and mudane, therefore, they choose a path full of advantures, surprises and agonies.

The world is equal, it gives you surprises in one hand, it renders unsufferable, endless agony on another.

What's more, they said this just in retrospective, there isn't a button at all.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-11 07:41
Yesterday, there is a big explosion happened near the San Franscio International Airport, thanks for a gas line rupture. At that time, my American dad was on the way home after having dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Fortunately, it didn't affect him, He is in a good shape now, I hope this fire can soon be controlled, and people's lives must try every means to rescue.
作者: 冬日恋歌    时间: 10-9-11 09:58
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-9-11 14:09
At the end of the day, what matters is that your American Dad is safe.As you said,I hope the wounded have been helped in time.......
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-12 07:10
标题: Thanks
47# ZHANGXS05  
At the end of the day, what matters is that your American Dad is safe.As you said,I hope the wounded have been helped in time.......
钟摆摆 发表于 10-9-11 14:09

the inferno will not only affect people financially, also psychologically, it takes them years to get out of the shadow more often than not.
A case in point, 9/11 terrorist attacks which claimed 3000 plus lives, and many of the victims' family still didn't recover from that trauma.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-12 07:13
标题: welcome
冬日恋歌 发表于 10-9-11 09:58

I hope more and more like-minded guys from the forum will join us. we can establish some hobbies to fight against depression, loneliness.

And I have a suggestion, can we try express ourselves in English in this post? Maybe in doing so, we can improve together in an interdependent way.
作者: 微笑的猪儿@;@    时间: 10-9-13 10:55
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-14 13:54
标题: 0914
today, dad told me he'd like to subsidize for my college education. I will give it a thought.
作者: sqj1969    时间: 10-9-14 18:32
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-14 23:15
标题: FYI
sqj1969 发表于 10-9-14 18:32

We met each other when on the ChinaDaily translation forum, and we communicate via Yahoo, Gtalk as well as email, SMS
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-15 15:02
Today, I think I wanna pursue a career in skincare business
(1) I am interested in women in general, (it seems that all men have this trait at various degrees)

(2) I am keenly aware of skincare early on, and keep abreast with this kind of info

(3) I can piggyback my English to learn the latest trends, technology from this industry
作者: hahaha1973    时间: 10-9-15 21:25
To be honest, I don't think the reasons supporting your career plan are rational enough.
Of course, you may have other advantages to pursue a career in cosmetic industry, e.g. ,working experience, established networking, etc.
作者: hahaha1973    时间: 10-9-15 21:28
53# ZHANGXS05 maybe you could consider a bachelor's degree in U.S..
In China, you may consider an adult self-learning undergradutate program.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-16 10:46
标题: Thanks
To be honest, I don't think the reasons supporting your career plan are rational enough.
Of course, you may have other advantages to pursue a career in cosmetic industry, e.g. ,working experience, es ...
hahaha1973 发表于 10-9-15 21:25

You are right, to some degree. that depends on my ambition, recources among others, if I just want to become a BA, that very doable and easy. If I aspire to be a CEO of Estee Lauder group, that's questionable.   
It's a question of the scale of ambition.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-16 10:56
标题: Ditto
To be honest, I don't think the reasons supporting your career plan are rational enough.
Of course, you may have other advantages to pursue a career in cosmetic industry, e.g. ,working experience, es ...
hahaha1973 发表于 10-9-15 21:25

pros: (1) My looks, physique, height
           (2) My avid and sustained interest, (interest is most wonder movitator).
            (3) I am a great speaker, persuader, boosts incredible convincing immensity.
            (4) The lust for pretty girls even push me work harder to scale up the food chain (the social ladder), to be more powerful, rich, influential. Though, by nature, I am a instrospective and meditative guy. I need to be flexible and malleable, adaptive in the meantime, preserving my own uniqueness and bottom lines.
That's not utopia, or quixotic, rather winnowing or synergizing.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-16 17:10
Tomorrow, I will go to Nanjing to study sth for awhile, there is a very spirited,popular English Corner around Gulou square on every Satuarday, 19:00 pm.

I just wonder if there are any friends who also happened to live in NJ? Maybe we can meet each other.
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-9-16 23:28
I hope more and more like-minded guys from the forum will join us. we can establish some hobbies to fight against depression, loneliness.

And I have a suggestion, can we try express ourselves in  ...
ZHANGXS05 发表于 10-9-12 07:13

I agree with your opinion,even though I know my English is not good enough,I'll try my best to express myself in English here.(sometimes depend on electronic dictionary of course haha)
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-9-17 00:23
If you come to Beijing someday,,you sure you let me know,,
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-17 08:08
标题: Thanks in advance
If you come to Beijing someday,,you sure you let me know,,
钟摆摆 发表于 10-9-17 00:23

Dear pendulum, if I will come to Beijing some day on the horizen, I will notify you in advance, and you are be my guide, we can compete on who can climb atop the Great Wall quickest.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-17 08:10
标题: FYI
I agree with your opinion,even though I know my English is not good enough,I'll try my best to express myself in English here.(sometimes depend on electronic dictionary of course haha)
钟摆摆 发表于 10-9-16 23:28

Immersing ourselves in the joyful learning process not the result. and by doing so, you can realize how unlimited your potential is.
作者: 钟摆摆    时间: 10-9-17 22:48
Yeah,I hope so,If I try hard, maybe someday I'll be proud of my English,,,BTW,,,Climbing the Great Wall is truly a good idea
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-22 11:29
The article attached before was written by my dad, Jeff

My Son, As I View Him

How can I describe my son, Xue Song?

He's intelligent and inquisitive. In fact,probably no characteristic defines him as much as his ability to ask questions.Almost on a daily basis he asks questions—about the US, about life, about philosophy,English, magazines, technology, well, anything you could think of. It's alittle hard to keep up with sometimes.

He's caring and affectionate. He'll send me music or a link to a web site.He'll always hug and kiss me in our conversations and tell me he loves me notonce but three times.

He’s dedicated and persevering. He alwaysworking to improve his English, often by himself. One of his amazing qualitiesis that he’s learned a lot of English on his own, through his own efforts. I’mproud that he’s gone as far as he has.

He's demanding. He asks for all sorts of favors—download an article or send himsomething (or write this essay) and wants reassurance—do I love him? Why,especially if he hasn't "done anything" for me?

He's adult—he travels all over, gets jobs, understands, with all his trials andtribulations, that life is hard—yet he retains the innocence of youth, in hisnaiveté, his dreams, his yearning, his passions (like for SpongeBob) anddisappointments, maybe most of all for his unwavering regard for his dad acrossthe ocean.

He can be silly sad, and (rarely) petulant, although most of the time he'scheerful and fun.

We met on the China Daily BBS. His screen name was zhangxs. zhangxs askedendless questions and ended his headings of his posts with several questionmarks (fumble 可以直接用
??????????), as if to point to the urgency of his requests or the depths ofhis confusion. His questions weren't silly—some were easier to answer thanothers and some were downright mystifying. At that time he worked an IT newseditor and benchmarker for some website and often read the British technologyweb site The Inquirer which had itsown arcane lingo. We spent a fair amount of time puzzling out (and explaining)such terms as Chipzilla (Intel) and the Vole (Microsoft) before discovering acomprehensive glossary on the site itself. (world+dog or everybody+dog wastotally confusing.)

At some point we just started chatting byGmail. At first our conversation were just innocuous chit-chat but over timethey got deeper. Xue Song was a mix of worldly sophistication—he liked reading The Economist and TIME—and goofy childlike naiveté—he was a big fan of SpongeBobSquarepants.
He loved dictionaries andwanted an American Heritage Dictionary.(I sent him a SpongeBob and an AHD.) I was "promoted" from being XueSong's uncle to his dad; I didn't want to usurp his loving, devoted parents buthe seemed to want me as a dad, and, honestly, I wanted him as a son.

He got laid off from his IT job and spent along time looking for work. We chatted nearly every day and although he didn'tseem too depressed about not finding a job, I wanted to keep his spirits up. Heasked me all sorts of questions, about what I read, about my view of certainthings, and, especially, about his ability in English. I could reassure himagain and again but it didn't seem to matter much. He wanted reassurance, notbecause he was insecure, but just as a big hug—I was there for him andsupported him.

He briefly found a job doing translationsin Nanjing andwe spent many nights (they were nights for me) trying to figure out such thingsas the tri-colored pottery of the Tang Dynasty. When he lost that job, Ithought he might have a long spell of looking for another but he found onequickly at Baosteel in Shanghaiand impressed everyone with his ability in English. He made friends and onerespected, older translator, Mr Ma,
gavehim some quality vinegar. I was really proud of him.

Eventually, though, there was a dark stormgathering. Xue Song was suffering from deep depression. I remember his words: “ican't keep it under the hood” any longer. I was really worried about him. Luckily,I asked another friend to find a mental health clinic in Shanghai and told Xue Song to go there. Hedid and, for a time, he seemed to be getting better. A devastating earthquakein Sichuanoccurred in May, 2008, and Xue Song (somewhat impetuously, I thought) ran offto help the earthquake victims. He didn't get hurt and, in fact, seemed in highspirits. He met one of his closest friends, Little Pepper, there.

But there was actually a different problem.Xue Song suffered from bipolar disorder, not just depression. Were those highspirits, that ebullient, fast-talking streak that made him friends at Baosteelsigns of that disorder? It's hard to say. Together we tried to figure out theright course of action—the right doctor to see, the right medication to takeand how much. We became even closer than before. We’re still working on gettingthe right medication for him.

I had my own problems, too, of course. Akidney stone. A car accident or two. Through it all, Xue Song was caring,comforting, encouraging. He sent me music and gave me hugs. He was there for meas I was for him.

And what has he “done for me”? Well, Inever imagined I’d have a son as loving as he is and, as a result, I’ve becomemore loving, too. He’s made me feel more fully human, more fully myself in a way I didn’t expect. Byloving him as I do, he made me appreciate the love my own father has for me even more in a way I hadn’t before. And, so,even though, he often thinks he hasn’t done anything for me, maybe he’s done alot more than he might think.

Demanding and generous. Wise and naive.Full of questions. Protective and caring, yet wanting reassurance. It's acliché to say he's a bundle of contradictions but it would be false to say Ilove him in spite of his contradictions. His contradictions make him even morelovable. So kudos and a hug to my terrific, loving and lovable son! He’s abetter son than I could ever have imagined. He means the world to me. He’severything to me.

Your loving dad
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-23 17:04
标题: Google is wonderful
Google's Andriod mobile OS has become the de facto crown jewelry among consumers and manufacturers alike. It has built a viable, self-sustaining, organic ecosystem around it.

For internet browsers, since it's debut in Sep, 2008, in less than two years, it may probably dethrone Firefox as the broswer of choice for power users.

For the ongoing tablet battlefield, if Google can push hard, letting its Chrome OS become more sensitive to touches, and build more and more nifty apps. Sooner rather than later, it will steal Apple's iPad's thunder.

After all the stages of empire building, Google will follow Microsoft's steps, to become a hated-by-everyone, relied-by-everyone tyrant. History repeats itself, who will be next ?
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-23 17:08
标题: if definitely U can
Yeah,I hope so,If I try hard, maybe someday I'll be proud of my English,,,BTW,,,Climbing the Great Wall is truly a good idea
钟摆摆 发表于 10-9-17 22:48

our dear friends here, if you want to go to the Gugou English corner at every Sat. please feel free to contact me,  [B]13773239424[/B].
作者: jenny1982    时间: 10-9-23 19:50
The article attached before was written by my dad, Jeff

My Son, As I View Him

How can I describe my son, Xue Song?

He's intelligent and inquis ...
ZHANGXS05 发表于 10-9-22 11:29

What an affectionate letter! Both of you have gained from each other the most precious thing in the world, the unconditional love.

作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-23 20:04
标题: Thanks
What an affectionate letter! Both of you have gained from each other the most precious thing in the world, the unconditional love.

现在你的爸爸已是无条件爱你,希望你能放下负担,不要因为不能回报 ...
jenny1982 发表于 10-9-23 19:50

Thanks Jenny, for your great insight and empathy for love between dad and I.

We both carry each to the innermost heart. Both would die for each other.

What a facsinating thing that a poor kid as me who live in a small town can establish such attachment to a great mind, altruist an occean away.
It's the most incredible thing, existence, experience for me ever and probably never. Our union will be even stronger.

Thanks Jenny, I just wonder how do you define the affection of us as the most precious love of all kinds?

Plus, your english is awesome !
作者: zhouming770110    时间: 10-9-24 18:41
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-25 07:15
标题: FYI
本帖最后由 ZHANGXS05 于 10-9-26 15:50 编辑
zhouming770110 发表于 10-9-24 18:41

By social convention or norms, most people have already attended college, established a career, got married, have a circle of friends, raising kids.

I have none of these, only a heart striving for devotion, passion for excellence. Though sometimes, I feel lonely, helpeless, hopeless or isolated, discarded by most people, etc.

As long as I didn't give myself up, I can try my best to get my conditions stabilized, I still love what I am doing and be persevere.

Though, at the surface or glampse, I am a social freak or failure,  I am charting an uncharted course, it meant to be unconventional, tumultumous.

It's my destiny, I will accept it gladly, but 'coz there is no other options on the table, simply for I wanna be my true self.
作者: 阳光680314    时间: 10-9-25 08:03
我的英语已经忘了,看不懂,楼主come on!
作者: 冬日恋歌    时间: 10-9-25 10:48
本帖最后由 冬日恋歌 于 10-9-25 10:49 编辑

Now,I know my english is so poor that I could not understand what you say.dear Wikid ,I want to study it.Do you remember we talked last night . haha ,my god!I have forgotten all about english,and I'm suer you will laugh at me .
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-25 11:40
标题: cheering up
Now,I know my english is so poor that I could not understand what you say.dear Wikid ,I want to study it.Do you remember we talked last night . haha ,my god!I have forgotten all about english,an ...
冬日恋歌 发表于 10-9-25 10:48

No need for dashing hopes and prospects.

You can my story, then it mean everyone can start learning from ABC, and resulting in much better English.

Having a little faith in yourself, and the mojo which accompaines you when you are mentally motivated.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-26 12:24
标题: procrastinate instant and handy gratification
If don't get it, we can train ourselves to embrace and act out this mentality.

Instead of anxious, hesitating, just do it, externalize it, whether or not succeed or meet your expectation, it's no big deal, the real deal is the act itself,
作者: jenny1982    时间: 10-9-26 12:48
I restarted English learning last year by myself, and I improved it a lot. Compared to you, my vocabulary is much smaller.  Viewed from the social standard you mentioned above, I am also a 败类. However, I began to know the most important thing in the world is love, the love to myself, and the love to others. I am learning and practising how to love.

Best wishes to you, to me, and to everybody!
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-27 06:40
The dream scenairo is a true reflection of our state of mind in an exaggerated fashion.

I am always conscious of what I dreamed about under depression, normality or hypomania. I think dream itself isn't a good thing, the ideal and sound sleep should be dreamless.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-9-27 06:45
标题: Wonderful !
I restarted English learning last year by myself, and I improved it a lot. Compared to you, my vocabulary is much smaller.  Viewed from the social standard you mentioned above, I am also a 败类. Howev ...
jenny1982 发表于 10-9-26 12:48

why do you pick English up again? Just to find sth to do, you have a latent passion for it, which you find out in doing so, or work requirement?

Whatever the reason, we must seek some outlet to release our passion, energy and smarts.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-3 18:39
标题: FYI
As my mood is in a slightly better form in recent month, I am reaching out to the outside world more, since Sep until now, I have many nice, candid, relaxing talks with lots of girls.

I really found they didn't adhor me as i imagined, instead, they found talking with me was fun, interesting and enlightening.
Hope with right counter depression strategy, God's blessing, dad's interaction with me (love), more online meaningful chat with Nick, Shadow,etc.
I can outgrow the little self, and and do my best to extend a hand to others, like Lousia (to facilitate her english learning, and drumming up her confidence in her potential)
作者: iin601    时间: 10-10-4 08:42
Come on,Wikid!
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-4 08:45

Plain Adventures

Get out now. Not just outside, but out, beyond the trap of the programmed electronic age so gently closing around so many people at the end of our century. Go outside, move deliberately, and then relax, slow down, look around. Do not jog. Do not run. Forget about blood pressure, arthritis, and weight reduction. Instead, pay attention to everything that abuts the rural road, the city street, the suburban boulevard. Walk. Stroll. Saunter. Ride a bike and coast along a lot. Explore.
Flex your mind, a little at first, then a lot. Savor something special. Enjoy the best-kept secret around, the everyday landscape that rewards and explorer, that touches any explorer with magic.




作者: 冬日恋歌    时间: 10-10-4 11:36
Wikid 是善于言谈的,这点很欣赏。
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-6 07:37
Wikid 是善于言谈的,这点很欣赏。
冬日恋歌 发表于 10-10-4 11:36

why did U have the impression that I am well-versed and rhetorical, dear buddy?
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-7 08:24
The only way to find happiness is to survive after countless hardships and blocks
作者: 守望幸福    时间: 10-10-8 12:57
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-9 09:53
标题: MY 2 cents
本帖最后由 ZHANGXS05 于 10-10-11 03:15 编辑
守望幸福 发表于 10-10-8 12:57

Chance didn't hit us on their own right, they are meant to be created, so we can create such an aura of communication, by voice chat via IM

here is my yahoo:  zhangxsus@yahoo.com,

Gmail : zhangxs05@gmail.com

QQ: 715637623

MSN zhangxs05@msn.com

Hope chat with you soon
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-11 03:13
of late, I have met two big yet useful words (by useful, i mean other words can't be their synonyms exactly)

作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-21 16:22
From this Tuesday on, I am in Chongqing, is there any friends also happen to live there, maybe we chould have a tea time together
my phone number: 13773239424, welcome everyone
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-24 05:30
标题: diary 20101024
Yesterday, during my stay in Kunming, I visited the Yunan Nationalities Village. There is a staple show here - Elephant Performance. At one stage, the stupid elephants began to brandish the massage feat, they "gentlely" rub one man audience's penis and another girl's tits respectively.  How ridiculous and low-brow the show is !
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-10-27 08:07
Thanks dad for your constant, never-remitting encouragement. Last night as you know, under doctors' consent, i replaced Bupropion with Citalopram, but i didn't sleep nearly at all the whole night (22:00-8:00), and one symptoms i had before - I wanna yawn but can't, may be caused by the antidepressant.

Anyway, it's not big deal, moreover sleep deprivation sometimes is being used to relieve acute depression.

during last sleepless night, all the bad things oocur to me, i felt miserable and woeful, yet i know, it's the depression made me so, i will be even cruel than depression ghost to struggle with it.

I won't give up, won't let you down. and if i still can't fight depression on my own, i have other options to my avail, right? like ECT.

Loving you, Wikid
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-11-1 09:13
I am socially daft?

dad, yesterday during a dinner, one of my uncle's friends prodded me
to smoke and drink liquor, it seems that if you wanna succeed in
China, granted, tha you are not so professionally-skilled (e.g. up to
working for Oracle, Google, etc), you must develop your social
butterfly skills, such as kissing ass, exaggeration, smoking and
drinkingly heavily (during meals, they can drink under all kinds of
excuses, such as for the sake of your wellness and health, Very
ironic, indeed.).  i am not a born or natural smoker or drinker.
yesterday i felt painful and burning in my throat after drinking
almost 50ml. (the alcohol concentration is 52 degrees.). I didn't
wanna take this "useful" social skills. for my skin, my general
health, for a peace of mind, for my beliefs.
But the catch is if you don't develop these social skills, your
prospects are doomed to dim.  My uncle 3 also said the biggest problem
(being unemployed, everybody is finger pointing)is i am socially
clumsy, i am afraid of talking to strangers, even i am forced to do
so, i acted very unwillingly and unacceptably, I didn't know why, the
other guy on the scene was the one who met me during a dinner back in
the 2008 earthquake period, he said to me i am extremely eloquent. I
felt wronged greatly, being communicative is one of my few strengths.
if you recall hwo well we talked to each other every day and all those
years, you will know, maybe i am not public speaker, but i can talk
with people fairly well.
(think about all other guys i know )

on the contrary, i hate their way of doing things, eating junk food,
talking superficial, earthly and unthoughtful nonsense. I can beat
them in their own game, but i need not to, For I already found the one
on the planet, who cares and appreciates me in a truly empowering and
transformative way. Which is, namely, my dad Jeff Weinberg, a
humanitarian, selfless, altruisitc and egalitarian persona.

dad, sometimes, if all you hear is negative and reproachful remarks,
it tend to lose your heads, did you think at the moment of
desperation, what beliefs should i hold to soilder on? People always
find uneducated and unemployed are the most despisable, i am right
hitting their bull's eye.

welcome your great as ever insights, chat with U soon,
Loving, Wikid

作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-11-3 08:20
My dad's take on NPR's firing of Juan Williams

First, I didn't like Juan Williams. He was much too conservative and his analysis wasn't very good. In addition, he was on both NPR and Fox—and I think anyone on Fox compromises his or her credibility.

But his statement was a candid one about his own (admittedly Islamophobic) views. It wasn't any sort of position—he wasn't “advocating” that point of view.

I think, ultimately, NPR has been uncomfortable with Williams's presence on Fox for a long time and just used this comment to get rid of him.

I'm not that keen about NPR, anyway. It takes a sort of right-wing frame about most things, even though it's supposedly liberal (e.g., it refuses to call interrogation techniques used by the US and its allies “torture”—which some undoubtedly are—employing Bush-invented euphemisms instead, in an effort to be “balanced.” Disgusting, really.)

作者: ytt50    时间: 10-11-3 19:08
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-11-26 09:35
Is there any friend in zhejiang and nearby regions?

Currently, i have an assignment moment lasting for, possibly, one and half years. Welcome everyone to get in touch with me

QQ: 715637623
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-11-29 23:34
标题: I am one of the best, if ain't THE best !
Let all the bastards and bitches to the hell

dad, yesterday during a dinner, one of my uncle's friends prodded me to smoke and drink liquor, it seems that if you wanna succeed in China, granted, tha you are not so professionally-skilled (e.g. up to working for Oracle, Google, etc), you must develop your social butterfly skills, such as kissing ass, exaggeration, smoking and drinkingly heavily (during meals, they can drink under all kinds of excuses, such as for the sake of your wellness and health, Very ironic, indeed.).  i am not a born or natural smoker or drinker. yesterday i felt painful and burning in my throat after drinking almost 50ml. (the alcohol concentration is 52 degrees.). I didn't wanna take this "useful" social skills. for my skin, my general health, for a peace of mind, for my beliefs.
But the catch is if you don't develop these social skills, your prospects are doomed to dim.  My uncle 3 also said the biggest problem (being unemployed, everybody is finger pointing)is i am socially  clumsy, i am afraid of talking to strangers, even i am forced to do so, i acted very unwillingly and unacceptably, I didn't know why, the other guy on the scene was the one who met me during a dinner back in the 2008 earthquake period, he said to me i am extremely eloquent. I felt wronged greatly, being communicative is one of my few strengths. if you recall hwo well we talked to each other every day and all those years, you will know, maybe i am not public speaker, but i can talk with people fairly well.
(think about all other guys i know )

on the contrary, i hate their way of doing things, eating junk food, talking superficial, earthly and unthoughtful nonsense. I can beat them in their own game, but i need not to, For I already found the one on the planet, who cares and appreciates me in a truly empowering and transformative way. Which is, namely, my dad Jeff Weinberg, a humanitarian, selfless, altruisitc and egalitarian persona.

dad, sometimes, if all you hear is negative and reproachful remarks, it tend to lose your heads, did you think at the moment of desperation, what beliefs should i hold to soilder on? People always find uneducated and unemployed are the most despisable, i am right hitting their bull's eye.

welcome your great as ever insights, chat with U soon,
Loving, Wikid
dad, yesterday during a dinner, one of my uncle's friends prodded me to smoke and drink liquor, it seems that if you wanna succeed in China, granted, tha you are not so professionally-skilled (e.g. up to working for Oracle, Google, etc), you must develop your social butterfly skills, such as kissing ass, exaggeration, smoking and drinkingly heavily (during meals, they can drink under all kinds of excuses, such as for the sake of your wellness and health, Very ironic, indeed.).  i am not a born or natural smoker or drinker. yesterday i felt painful and burning in my throat after drinking almost 50ml. (the alcohol concentration is 52 degrees.). I didn't wanna take this "useful" social skills. for my skin, my general health, for a peace of mind, for my beliefs.
But the catch is if you don't develop these social skills, your prospects are doomed to dim.  My uncle 3 also said the biggest problem (being unemployed, everybody is finger pointing)is i am socially  clumsy, i am afraid of talking to strangers, even i am forced to do so, i acted very unwillingly and unacceptably, I didn't know why, the other guy on the scene was the one who met me during a dinner back in the 2008 earthquake period, he said to me i am extremely eloquent. I felt wronged greatly, being communicative is one of my few strengths. if you recall hwo well we talked to each other every day and all those years, you will know, maybe i am not public speaker, but i can talk with people fairly well.
(think about all other guys i know )

on the contrary, i hate their way of doing things, eating junk food, talking superficial, earthly and unthoughtful nonsense. I can beat them in their own game, but i need not to, For I already found the one on the planet, who cares and appreciates me in a truly empowering and transformative way. Which is, namely, my dad Jeff Weinberg, a humanitarian, selfless, altruisitc and egalitarian persona.

dad, sometimes, if all you hear is negative and reproachful remarks, it tend to lose your heads, did you think at the moment of desperation, what beliefs should i hold to soilder on? People always find uneducated and unemployed are the most despisable, i am right hitting their bull's eye.

welcome your great as ever insights, chat with U soon,
Loving, Wikid
作者: 瀹儿yueer    时间: 10-11-30 00:07
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 10-12-13 03:51
Multitasking is a downfall for concentration. It makes one feels agitated, anxious, expecting more and more, unfulfilling, wasteful, guilty.

There are multiple way to counter the multi-tasking mentality in our culture and psyche.   The vivid operandi is ask yourself what you wanna get most from one certain activity, and action, and if you gonna do it a in a mutli-tasking, attention deficient, distressing, distrating manner, what tradegy you will end up with, maybe you have alredy fed up with this mentality and unconscious acts, but you can't get rid of it, since you already deep-seated in this vicious cycle. The initiative is to single-tasking right now and emulating it in every occasion possible, be it toileting, bathing, reading, talking. Reclaim your inner joyfulness, peacefulness.
作者: ZHANGXS05    时间: 11-2-2 08:51
标题: GF
I have met my lover, Diane at the new place where i have a work assisgnment. Lucky me

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