第二句,我没有水准,你有水准作者: 郁维 时间: 04-8-25 14:11
没问题啊,你怎么看我我无所谓,你说话也够分量了,你应该知足了,我承认一切够了吧,life is just a game you have to play,how a game it should be?happy,the only purpose of a game is happyness,so you have to face all the things with your smile,not just face,that must be with your heart.remember!anything will be worked out if you are alive.作者: 郁维 时间: 04-8-25 14:12
不要总是盯着我,OK?免得弄的你又血压上升,注意身体作者: 长风 时间: 04-8-25 14:15
至于其他斑竹删你的贴子,希望你不要用你的思维去判断我们,这里的斑竹都是被站长和广大会员朋友(当然,不一定包括你)认可了的~~~~作者: 长风 时间: 04-8-25 14:19