
标题: 为什么要尽早地诊断和治疗双向情感障碍? [打印本页]

作者: 精灵娃娃    时间: 04-4-16 13:17
标题: 为什么要尽早地诊断和治疗双向情感障碍?
On average, people with bipolar disorder see 3 to 4 doctors and
spend over 8 years seeking treatment before they receive a correct
diagnosis. Earlier diagnosis, proper treatment, and finding the right
medications can help people avoid the following:
● Suicide. The risk is highest in the initial years of the illness.
Over the course of the illness nearly 1 out of 5 individuals with
bipolar disorder will die from suicide, making it one of the most
lethal psychiatric illnesses.
● Alcohol/substance abuse. More than 50% of those with bipolar
disorder abuse alcohol or drugs during their illness. While some
individuals may use substances in an attempt to “self-medicate”
symptoms of bipolar illness, individuals with a combination of
substance abuse and bipolar illness have a worse outcome.
● Marital and work problems. Prompt treatment improves the
prospects for a stable marriage and productive work.
● Treatment difficulties. In some individuals, it appears that
episodes become more frequent and harder to treat over time.
This is sometimes referred to as “kindling.”
● Incorrect, inappropriate, or partial treatment. A person misdi-agnosed
as having depression alone instead of bipolar disorder
may incorrectly receive antidepressants alone without a mood
stabilizing medication. This can trigger manic episodes and
make the overall course of the illness worse.

作者: malnu    时间: 06-2-23 13:42
●        自杀。该病前几年这种风险最大。该病史中近1/5的双相病患死于自杀,使它成为了最致命的精神疾病之一。
●        酒精/药品滥用。50%以上双相病患在患病期酗酒或嗑药。尽管有些人使用一些药品是出于“自我药品调节”双相症状的初衷,但药品滥用的双相患者往往效果最差。
●        婚姻与工作问题。即刻治疗会改善稳定婚姻和有效工作的前景。
●        治疗困难。有些人身上,症状出现更频繁且随时间推移越来越难治疗,这有时被称为kindling(这个术语不敢乱翻)
●        不正确、不适当或偏颇的治疗。错误把双相诊断为单相抑郁的病人可能只拿到抗抑郁药而没有情绪稳定剂。这可引发躁狂并恶化整个病情。
作者: cocofu    时间: 06-2-23 18:19
●        不正确、不适当或偏颇的治疗。错误把双相诊断为单相抑郁的病人可能只拿到抗抑郁药而没有情绪稳定剂。这可引发躁狂并恶化整个病情。

作者: malnu    时间: 06-2-23 18:26
作者: 我想飞的更高    时间: 12-10-22 19:03
我第一次躁狂是由于受到外界刺激,第二次是由于服用博乐欣(当时感觉比较正常后就停了药,医生也没有嘱过我要不要停,但他根本也没有警告过我有躁狂的可能呀,我倒怀疑他知不知道双相。绝对的偏颇治疗!沈阳的一家知 ...
malnu 发表于 06-2-23 18:26

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