How do you measure success?
Examining your hopes and expectations is an important
thing for you to do. Ask yourself if youʼre withdrawing from
Paxil because youʼre tired of how it feels or is it because
you feel like giving life a go without it. Also decide what is
the perceived reward from withdrawing from this medication.
These questions are important because if you have an
uncomfortable withdrawal, your defi nition of success will be
challenged. To help with your attempt to defi ne what success
means to you, consider the following possible perspectives:
- 18 -
Freedom is in you
Does success mean the reaching of one REALLY
BIG goal where you and your love/hate relationship
of the world depends on it? Differently said: The reward
is in the end result and if you donʼt get it, itʼs a
failure because without the end result, the reaching
is meaningless.
Does success mean a daily commitment to reach
for something better every day if you reach them or
not? Differently said: The reward is in the process
of moving towards something and there is no failure
because just by reaching for it, you are successful.作者: 1212128 时间: 09-5-4 15:19
非常感谢楼上的关心。能够得到回音本人非常高兴。可是你用的英文我翻译不了,乐友我断断续续吃了三年了。因为这个药太贵。现在连续吃了四个月了。每天两片。作用不明显。所以想要换药。可能与我的好喝酒和吸烟有关吗?作者: 般若行 时间: 09-5-4 16:18
我是停了氟西汀,医生说可以直接用帕罗西丁,已经吃了两天,没有什么不良反应作者: 般若行 时间: 09-5-4 16:21