我也同意。作者: falling angel 时间: 04-4-19 22:33
To me, it's sth like chain-reaction.
The more depressed I feel,the more I withdraw myself from the people,the more I hate to talk to sb,the more I feel unsure of what I have done and do the check-ups time and time again to leave me feel more obsessive. :twisted:作者: falling angel 时间: 04-4-19 22:34
living hell, isn't it!!! :evil:作者: 天行 时间: 04-4-25 22:25
也算我一分子吧,我得过神经衰弱作者: 天行 时间: 04-4-25 22:27
疑病,强迫怀疑,抑郁性神经症作者: x'x 时间: 04-4-30 12:29
抑郁社恐,作者: xcv999999 时间: 06-7-28 15:30
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: 8849 时间: 06-7-29 22:29
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