
标题: 双相日记第四天:精神病 ver 0.1.10 [打印本页]

作者: woodmqf    时间: 09-1-18 18:42
标题: 双相日记第四天:精神病 ver 0.1.10












Day four: psychosis
I’m sitting quietly at my computer and the odd word pops into my head. Just random thoughts in the quiet. But I’m uncomfortable, because there’s a fine line between what is normal for me and what is a sign that something’s amiss.
I’ve had the classic sort of voices, just behind my left shoulder and sounding totally real, but more often when I’m unwell my head just seems to get rather crowded.
This is rather tiresome. For example, I can imagine a conversation with someone. Surely we all do that. I can get involved in my part of the conversation. So far so good. I can forget the other person isn’t really there. Um, not so good. They can sound very real and hold their own in the conversation. Quick, give me the pills before I wear myself out completely arguing for hours with them.
And working out whether the people in my head are really there isn’t the only problem I have. Making sense of what people actually say can be a problem, too.
When I’m not well, I can take things very literally. For example, one day in a benefits office, a member of staff said “I’ll strangle you!” I took it literally, screamed for help and hid under a table.
I calmed down after someone had explained to me that she didn’t mean it literally and that in any case she was saying it to her colleague, who was nagging her to go for lunch, but I’ve been reluctant to go in benefit offices of any sort since.
There’s also the paranoid thinking. Again, this is on a spectrum from being a bit suspicious or worried, through to being convinced that there is a specific plot against me. When it’s mixed with mania it becomes exhausting, as everything seems to be interconnected and I frantically try to work out who is behind the conspiracy against me. It’s also a very lonely experience.
Couple the fear of what others might do to me with a fear of what I might do to myself when depressed, and it feels like there is no escape.
In the very depths of this fear, I have spent nights on roadsides and traffic islands in the belief that this was the safest place to be, where nobody, even myself, could hurt me, with so many witnesses driving past.
Some of this amounts to psychosis, and some of it doesn’t, but it’s all difficult to deal with. Most of the people I know have no experience of it, including most of my friends with bipolar, and when I meet psychiatrists they never use the word psychotic to describe how I am until afterwards, giving me the feeling at the time that nobody knows what is happening.
But I am fortunate that I am one of those who finds that antipsychotic medication and thinking techniques help. I’ll tell you a little more next time about what treatments help me.


[ 本帖最后由 woodmqf 于 09-1-19 10:35 编辑 ]
作者: malnu    时间: 09-1-19 09:24



there’s a fine line between what is normal for me and what is a sign that something’s amiss.
fine有细微,难以察觉的的意味,在此语境中如果是明显的差别,或许对病人来说痛苦就会小一些了。可参见Marriam-Webster Online的释义:
3: delicate, subtle, or sensitive in quality, perception, or discrimination <a fine distinction>


...they never use the word psychotic to describe how I am until afterwards, giving me the feeling at the time that nobody knows what is happening...
此处giving me...的分词结构是前面全句的结果状语,而不应是汉译的时间状语,试译为:

作者: sire    时间: 09-1-19 09:31

作者: malnu    时间: 09-1-19 09:33




作者: woodmqf    时间: 09-1-19 10:42
第三点,翻译腔。。。 这个嘛,本人一大不良特色。。。需要改进。。。
作者: malnu    时间: 09-1-19 11:25

作者: woodmqf    时间: 09-1-19 12:06
我也想让纳兰不辞辛劳 ,但是工作组内成员翻译完了,组外成员又认领走了,最后两篇,领取的人,愣是没联系上。。。本来想在春节前弄完了,现在看来很悬啊,要是明天组外人员还不翻,纳兰,您也许就要收下一篇了。。。
作者: 可以清心    时间: 09-1-19 13:31
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