这次复发是由于生产,算是严重爆发,重度抑郁加重度焦虑,而我的生活环境应该说算轻松,复发是由于生产及内分泌,经过一段时间挣扎后,我不得不选择吃药,服药后所有症状都减轻及消失了,药物对我来说就是仙丹,不管副作用如何都得坚持吃下去直到医生说可以停...作者: jadeice 时间: 08-10-31 19:06
Do you think anyone has the right to say what he or she want to say?we cherish freedom of speech,but the speech that is not responsible only can destroy freedom.
Maybe you are good enough to say these,maybe you have gotten out of depression,but do you think other patiences who is still suffer from the pain.do you think the impact that your speech bring will have a bad effect on others?作者: ze11co 时间: 09-8-7 20:17
抗抑郁药效果本来就不是很好 安慰剂效应倒是蛮大的 去看看来士普的说明书嘛 上面自己都承认在双盲实验者中的有效率也就是比安慰剂好那么几分之一 而且来士普还要算是现在药效最新最好的药 尤其是文拉法辛一类的药物 副作用蛮大的 大得甚至比正作用还要大 价格还那么贵 真实抗抑郁药让人越吃越抑郁