I lie awake
I've gone to ground
I'm watching porn
In my hotel dressing gown
Now I dream of you
But I still believe
There's only enough for one in this
Lonely hotel suite
The journey's long
And it feels so bad
I'm thinking back to the last day we had.
Old moon fades into the new
Soon I know I'll be back with you
I'm nearly with you
I'm nearly with you
When I'm weak I draw strength from you
And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
And when I'm down you breathe life over me
Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny
On a clear day
I'll fly home to you
I'm bending time getting back to you
Old moon fades into the new
Soon I know I'll be back with you
I'm nearly with you
I'm nearly with you
When I'm weak I draw strength from you
And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
And when I'm down you breathe life over me
Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny
When I'm weak I draw strength from you
And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
And when I'm down you breathe life over me
Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny
I'll fly, I'll fly home
I'll fly home and I'll fly home作者: allaalla 时间: 06-7-25 20:04
《When It Falls》是Zero7在2004年3月推出的最新专辑,如果算上去年1月发行的《Simple Things Remixes》这张混音专辑的话,那么这就是他们在连续四年里发行的第四张专辑。在Zero7身上你可以清晰地感受到原本刻板得有些木讷的英国人在电子乐面前那种丝毫不含糊的浪漫表达,在第一曲《Warm Sound》里你几乎会以为重又听到了Air的《Moon Safari》,那种与这个时代逆向的唯美情调在伦敦大雾的包裹下却同样显得迷人万千,在长笛的悠扬声中,你也许早就忘了这首作品居然出自两位电子艺人之手。《Home》里的铜管乐所占的比重虽然不多,却总是让人想起遥远的西藏,与宗教节日上的乐声相比,它的轻柔当然可以忽略不计,但是做为波澜搅动你的心海却已经足够足够。《Somersault》踩着略有沙质的华尔兹节拍,和着Sia Furler同样具有沙质的嗓音,就像是一张砂皮反复地在你身上一遍又一遍地擦拭着,稍有疼痛却又欲罢不能。《Over Our Heads》里的背景声虽然还用了六七十年代欧陆怀旧风情的电子合成器音色,不过在爵士化的镲片单调地敲击声中还是给人一种现世的压抑感觉,而音乐也就在这种时空交错中恍惚行进着。同名曲《When It Falls》无疑是专辑里最“慢”、最“轻”的一首音乐,在贝司懒洋洋的跳动中,空气仿佛被凝固了,而因为慢的程度往往与记忆的强度直接成正比,所以这也可以说是一首相当适合你回忆起更多往事的音乐。而《In Time》无疑就是专辑里最让人心潮澎湃的音乐了,催枯拉朽的弦乐、神经质的口琴、英式的吉它扫弦,再加上那些于不经意间响起的电子音效——或空灵、或诡魅,说不清是应该顺着音乐奔跑还是就此停下,是该伤心落泪还是该开怀满面,颇有种被矛盾折磨的快感。《Morning Song》总是让人分不清是应该在早上听还是在晚上当催眠音乐听,因为它的懒散总是会给人一种无望的感觉,一种经久不逝的疲惫和一种与世俱焚的颓废,也许和你所期待听到的那种晨间健康歌的理解相去甚远了吧!如果是这样你可以仅听5分钟以后的段落,试一试在欢快的鼓击和吉它扫弦中去撑起你的脚尖,像多年以前那样没心没肺地背着书包上学堂的一样轻灵,这种感觉倒是久违了。(转自tom网)作者: allaalla 时间: 06-7-25 20:05
Zero 7由Henry Binns及Sam Hardaker两位在伦敦当地录音室工作的伙伴一起组合而成,九零年代初期他们潜伏于录音室中,锻炼各种音乐制作上的技巧,并逐步发表他们改造别人歌曲的混音作品.支撑Zero 7成为“英国Air”的,是他们在电子时代抒情曲中不可救药的温情与浪漫。零敲碎打的吉他贝司鼓都融化在键盘和弦乐引导的曲调中,轻灵的音符就像是虚构的曼妙曲线。后Trip-Hop节奏与Soul化人声的结合又是另一种风情。
Zero 7's ability to conjure beautiful lullabies with all the romance of 1960s French pop (as found on their debut LP, Simple Things) would have made them the toast of soundtrack composers and chill-out connoisseurs the world over. Unfortunately, two Frenchmen beat Henry Binns and Sam Hardaker to the title of "masters of comedown cool," leaving the London duo to be forever called "the British Air." And this is fair; the similarities between Zero 7's lush cinematic soundscapes and those of Air's Moon Safari and the Virgin Suicides score are so strong as to sound almost intentional. Nonetheless, their debut is a truly gorgeous album. It has all the tried and tested atmospheric tricks--bleeps and whooshes layered over plodding Fender Rhodes chords, swathes of strings and tender trumpet parps--but it's Binns and Hardaker's languid grooves and the soft melancholy of their melodies that make dream-state instrumentals "Give It Away" and "Polaris" utterly enchanting. The real power of Simple Things, however, is in its songs. As beautiful as the ambient strains are, when laid beneath the seductive vocals of Australian diva Sia on the ethereal "Destiny" or the heart-breaking "Distractions," their potency becomes apparent. --Dan Gennoe作者: allaalla 时间: 06-7-25 20:14
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