标题: The Condoleezza Rice Story-----边转载边评00001 [打印本页] 作者: Charlie Z. Song 时间: 06-6-30 05:18 标题: The Condoleezza Rice Story-----边转载边评00001 When Condoleezza Rice was ten years old, her parents too her ona trip to Washington, D.C....Strolling along Pennsylvania Avenue, they stopped to peer through the gate in front of the White House. Condoleezza stared quietly at the pillared facade. The trio sttod in silence until the girl turned to her father and said, "Daddy, I'm barred out of there now because of hte color of my skin. But one day, I'll be in that house."
现在大家都知道了,CONDI 有意要竞选美国总统!! 和前第一夫人希拉里克林顿一决
雌雄! 真是厉害!!! 不是一般的厉害!!!作者: Charlie Z. Song 时间: 06-6-30 07:32 标题: the author of that book: Antonia Felix This is the remarkable and galvanizing true story of Condoleezza Rice---Secretary of State, close confidante to President
George W. Bush, and the most influential woman in American political history.
Drawing from exclsive inteviews with dozen of friends, relatives, colleagues, and teachers as well as scores of pevious articles and interviews, national bestselling author Antonia Felix paints a compelling portrait of a born leader of resolute character who broke all barriers to excel as a back woman in an arena usually dominated by white men.
From her childhood in segregated Birmingham, Alabama, where her parents fostered a love of learning and excellence at
an early age, to her rise through the political ranks to the halls of power in Washington, D.C., Condi is a fascinating look at the past, present, and possible future of the most powerful woman in politics.
There is no pretense, no power play, none of the usual false airs...She's got the power and everyone knows it.作者: Charlie Z. Song 时间: 06-7-8 05:12 标题: 07/07/2006 Friday 5:01pm Boston Home Page 8: During a visit with George and Barbara Bush in Houston in 1995, George asked Condi to make a call on his son in Austin before going home. George W.
was settling in as as the newly elected governor--his first political office (in 1978, he had made an unsuccessful bid for a
state congressional seat). Perhaps George Sr. felt that Condi could be an asset to his son beyond the state of Texas. Or
maybe he wanted to introduce them because they share an bosession for sports and carry their steely self-desicipline into
their workout routines, a trademark of hte athletic and competitive Bush clan.
小BUSH,就像是韩信,不能将兵,但能将将!!!作者: Charlie Z. Song 时间: 06-7-28 22:32 标题: 07/28/2006 10:14am As a high guidance counselor, Condi's father John had many opportunities to talk to kids about colleges and the steps necessary to be accepted into them. The principal of ULLman High, where John was a guidance councelor, was the ncle of Alma Powell, wife of SEcretary of State Colin Powell. Her
father was also a principal at another school, and she recalled that they often spoke about the Reverend John Wesley Rice
as "this fine young man they were so lucky to have in Birmingham."
看到没有,美国国务卿CONDI RICE 和上一任国务卿COLIN POWELL的关系! 现在她正
在中东地区斡旋以色列和阿拉伯的关系呢! 那可是全世界的焦点!!!作者: Charlie Z. Song 时间: 06-7-28 22:33 标题: 刘伯松来稿:评美国国务卿莱斯走访中东 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
莱斯迟迟才往中东走一趟,可惜,她不但没有呼吁双方停火,而且把“停火”条件以色列化,成为一个恐怖的以色列-美国联盟。或许维和部队不久将会驻扎在以色列和黎巴嫩边界,但委实太迟太迟了。整个中东、整个阿拉伯世界、整个回教世界已经播下了新一代的反美反以的仇恨种子了。(2006/7/24)作者: Charlie Z. Song 时间: 06-8-7 17:59