服药是我的忧郁症康复的秘诀么? 关于忧郁症的药物治疗,发现其不带偏见的资料是个费力的挑战。人一般都是处在什么位置 说什么话。 制药公司当然是说药物治疗是对付忧郁症的最佳方式。但是,许多的研究得出结论,认知疗 法和药物至少一样有效。另外一些研究显示,心理疗法和药物结合起来,比单独的药物疗法更好。但一些研究指出,两者的结合并不比单独的心理疗法更有效。 这样就有争论,什么方法省钱。家庭医生比精神病医生更喜欢开药,因为心理疗法贵。 如果这还不够乱,最近一个有争议的研究发现,百分之75的忧郁改善不是因为吃药,而是因为时间的流逝,生活环境的改变,以及药物的副作用而不是抗忧郁作用. 那药物哪里去了?应该吃药么?不应该么?有还是没有效果? 第一,也是最重要的,如果你在吃药,没有医生的建议和支持,千万别停! 请注意他们的建议和他们所受的培训(无论是一般医生还是精神病医生)更有关系,你自己 最清楚自己。 对付忧郁症有很多有效的办法,这可能是最重要的一点 关键是你要自己对自己的康复负责 你最清楚你的身体需要和你的个人情况。至于你的医生或治疗师首先采取什么措施这可能 不重要。如果没有效果就要求别的办法。和你的医疗专家一起共同努力,而不是把他们看作为无所不知。 服药对我的康复很重要。但更重要的是学习关于忧郁症的一般常识,学习是什么原因引发 了我的忧郁,列出我所需要的帮助。 康复需要很长的时间,需要学会相信自己。你已经在康复的路上了,因为你在看这篇文章。 你能够康复,你已经迈出第一步了 抗忧郁剂对你的康复特别重要,还有心理辅导,改变饮食和疗法等等。 你是独一无二的,完美的。你的生活是独特的,就象你的忧郁症。同样,你的康复也是独 一无二的。 如果你选择吃药,要确信它只是你康复战略的一部分。 在利你的康复专家为你的医疗团队的重要组成部分的同时,相信自己知道什么是自己最需 要的。 你康复的秘诀不是药物,而是你自己! Is Taking a Drug for Depression the Secret to your Recovery? . . . . . . . . . . Finding unbiased information about medication for depression can be an uphill challenge. What is said often depends upon who is presenting the material. Research by drug companies, of course, recommends a drug for depression as the best treatment. However, numerous analyses of research studies have come to the conclusion that cognitive-behavioural therapy is at least as effective as using a drug for depression. Other studies show that combined psychotherapy with a drug for depression is more effective than a drug for depression alone. But then some studies suggest that a combination is no more effective that psychotherapy alone. Then there's the economic argument. A drug for depression is more often prescribed by family practitioners than by psychiatrists because, some argue, managed care companies prefer antidepressant medications because they are less expensive than psychotherapy. And, if that isn't confusing enough, a recent, controversial study found that 75% of the improvement people report is not caused by the drug for depression but rather by the "passage of time, changes in the circumstances of a person's life and the actual side-effects of a medication that has no antidepressant effect". . . . . . . . . . . So where does that leave you and your drug for depression? Should you/shouldn't you take it? Will it/won't it work? Well, first and foremost, if you've been described a drug for depression DO NOT STOP TAKING IT without the support/recommendation of your Health Care Professional. Having said that, bear in mind that their recommendation for treatment may have more to do with their training (whether they're a physician or a psychiatrist for example) than with any particular knowledge of your situation. . . . . . . . . . . The most important point may be that there are a variety of treatments that are effective for depression. The key is that you are responsible for your own recovery. . . . . . . . . . . You know your body and your personal circumstances the best. It may not matter which treatment your doctor or therapist offers first. If it doesn't work, ask him or her about alternatives. It is important to work with a Health Care Professional as part of your Support Team, rather than seeing them as all knowledgeable with the right answers. Taking a drug for depression was an important part of my own recovery (click here for more details). But even more important were learning more about depression generally, learning more about what triggered my personal depression and enlisting the help of a Support Team. Part of long-term recovery is learning to trust yourself. You're already on your way to doing that because you're already taking responsibility by seeking out information such as this. You CAN recover and you've taken the first steps. A drug for depression may indeed be important to your long-term recovery which may, or may not, include counseling, changes in your diet an alternative therapy etc. You are a unique and wonderful human being. Your life is unique - as is your depression. It makes sense then that your recovery will also be unique to you. If you choose to use a drug for depression make sure it is part of an overall strategy for recovery. Trust yourself to know what's best for you whilst using your Health Care Professional as a valued part of your team. The secret to your recovery is not the drug for depression. YOU are! Copyright (c) Gillian Pearce, 2003.http://www.depression-recovery-life.com/drug-for-depression.html |
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