游到对岸的鱼 发表于 11-3-9 19:50:19



blackeye 发表于 11-3-9 22:46:53

本帖最后由 blackeye 于 11-3-10 00:31 编辑

Dear Mr. xxx

I would like to draw your attention to a bullying issue in which my son Jack was a victim.

After today’s parents meeting, a friend of Jack’s told me that some children in the class constantly called Jack names such as lunatic, brainless, retarded, etc.He even suggested that I be there at the recess to witness it myself.Jack had told me before that he was bullied by Ben, John, and White, and that he was sometimes beaten up by John.Jack is a gentle-natured child.He didn’t fight back because he thought it would be against the rules of the school.

As you can imagine, I am very concerned.Jack used to be a confident student and was good in all academic subjects.However, because his English is a bit behind of other students, his self-esteem has suffered.Besides, he is very naïve and is not very good at making friends.He once told me that Ben offered friendship in exchange for 1000 yuan.

You may not have spotted such bullying because the abusive exchanges were made in Chinese.My son can not tell you what was said because he doesn’t speak much English.He gets very frustrated and has become anxious about going to school now.

As his parent, I would like to see that the school takes the matter seriously.I hope that you could investigate the issue and intervene as appropriate to stop the verbal and physical bullying against my son.

Many thanks for your help.


Charlie Z. Song 发表于 11-3-10 05:53:53



沉~静 发表于 11-3-10 07:11:29

如果学校同意,我建议你在recesstime去陪孩子。AS孩子受到这样的对待是很正常的,他自己没能力应付,靠老师可以说不会有多大效果。你经历的这些我去年一样都经历过。我儿子的老师自己有一个AS儿子,已经很了解这种状况很关心帮助他了,但正常孩子应对大人的能力太强,recess time是老师的休息时间,不可能时时看着。我去年后半年每天morning tea和lunch time都到校陪伴,半年下来孩子不再受欺负,而且有了几个可以。也愿意一起玩的伙伴。这对他自己的整体情绪、自我评价都太有好处了。

游到对岸的鱼 发表于 11-3-10 09:32:57

谢谢blackeye的翻译,谢谢沉~静的建议,谢谢Charlie Z. Song 关心谢谢各位的帮助,我已经发给他的老师了,等着回复了。
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