在本栏目的第二页看见这个量表,是英文版的,可以清心朋友翻译了一下,不是很准确。现重新翻译如下,旨在方便和英文不兼容的朋友。GBSS 4.0
The items below refer to how you have felt and behaved over much of your life. If you have usually been one way, and have recently changed, your responses should reflect how you have USUALLY been. Circle one of the numbers under each item using the following scale:
0 = Not at all 1 = Just a little 2 = Somewhat
3 = Moderately 4 = Quite a lot 5 = Very much
0 = 完全不符或几乎不符 1 = 稍微符合 2 = 有点符合
3 = 比较符合 4 = 较多符合 5 = 非常符合或完全符合
1. At times I am much more talkative or speak much faster than usual.
0 1 2 3 4 5
2. There have been times when I was more active or did many more things than usual.
0 1 2 3 4 5
3. I get into moods where I feel very speeded up and irritable.
0 1 2 3 4 5
4. There have been times when I have felt both high (elated) and low (depressed) at the same time.
0 1 2 3 4 5
5. At times I have been much more interested in sex than usual.
0 1 2 3 4 5
6. My self-confidence ranges from great self-doubt to equally great overconfidence.
0 1 2 3 4 5
7. There have been GREAT variations in the quantity or quality of my work.
0 1 2 3 4 5
8. For no apparent reason I have sometimes been VERY irritable or hostile.
0 1 2 3 4 5
9. I have periods of mental dullness that alternate with periods of very creative thinking.
0 1 2 3 4 5
10. At times I am greatly interested in being with people and at other
times I just want to be left alone with my thoughts.
0 1 2 3 4 5
11. I have alternated between periods of great optimism and other periods of equally great pessimism.
0 1 2 3 4 5
12. I have had periods of tearfulness and crying that alternated with times when I laugh and joke excessively.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Add up the scores you have given each of the 12 items. Individuals with total scores of 15 or less are most likely suffering from Major (unipolar) Depression. Those scoring between 16 and 24 may have either major depression or a disorder in the bipolar spectrum. Those scoring 25 or more have a high probability of having a bipolar spectrum disorder.
总分小于等于15分可能是单相抑郁;总分大于等于16分,小于等于24分可能是重抑郁轻躁狂;总分大于等于25分则可能是双相情感障碍。 谢谢 寒武 的翻译。
我刚刚做了一下的我的得分是 22
还在吃药在,都是这个数字,不乐观啊。 支持寒武纪的努力。
Those scoring between 16 and 24 may have either major depression or a disorder in the bipolar spectrum.这句话中的bipolar spectrum是指双向情感障碍的“谱”,即是说,只要诊断为双向障碍,无论是抑郁发作,躁狂发作,或是混合发作,都包括在这个“谱”内;而major depression指的是不伴躁狂的重型抑郁。具体标准大家可以参考DSM-IV,中华精神卫生网上就有。
http://www.21jk.com/p/ZDBZ/allZDBZ/DSM-IV/csp_article_main.htm 我21分,哎~! 我12分,属于单性抑郁,什么意思?能解释一下吗 41我! 你在服用锂"药以后出现过几次明显的躁狂呢?
因为双向主要是药物治疗,环境影响和自我调节都是在这个基础上的。 心境障碍的分型和治疗
总分大于等于25分应该就是双相I型了,对于这一亚型,治疗上以情感稳定剂为主。 刚测完。。22分
挺准的,这半年来我大多时间是抑郁状态。现在也是。我在坚持吃碳酸锂。这半年发生的一些人际关系变化令我苦恼。我觉得这是我陷入抑郁的很大原因。 你现在的判断力因为狂躁处于一种激进的状态吧。其实可能没有这么高。 每个人在做测试的时候都会有偏差的
而且再好的测试表,都不是万能的。心理测试是很复杂的,一般的心理医生都不能随便给病人做测试。要经过专门培训的拿证的才行。 我觉得这种测试大家可以消遣一下,但不要把自己轻易放进那个框框里。因为凡是能够流入民间的测验都没有经过严格的信、效度的校对,是不严谨的,也是容易给人误导、暗示的。 我承认之前我有点轻躁狂,大约一个月以前,不过现在很稳定了,我现在这些天始终在没感到自己头脑好使过.不知道是不是我的病在好转,或是,我有了其他的症状