1 。自闭症者很少撒谎
2 。自闭症者大多活得真实
3 。自闭症者很少对他人品头论足
4 。自闭症者充满激情
5 。自闭症者不怎么虚荣
6 。自闭症者大多拥有非比寻常的记忆能力
7 。自闭症患者不那么物质主义
8 。自闭症者往往一根筋
大多数自闭症者不会玩那些声东击西,顾左右而言其他的游戏,-并且他们也不认为你是在玩游戏。这在感情如儿戏,人情变幻无常的现实社会, 无疑就像火星人一样让人感到清新和美妙。
9 。自闭症者都很耿直
在大多数情况下,当一个自闭症者告诉你什么, ---他就是在告诉你什么。不会拐弯抹角,让你猜来猜去,琢磨不透。
10 。自闭症者开启了一扇精神领域的新大门
原文及链接 http://autism.about.com/od/inspirationideas/tp/besttraits.htm
If you're sick of hearing about all the "deficits" challenging people on the autism spectrum, join the club. But for every down side to autism, there seems to be a positive -- an unusual trait that rarely appears among the "typical" community, but shines out among autistic folk. These plusses are well worth celebrating.
1. Autistic People Rarely Lie
We all claim to value the truth, but almost all of us tell little white lies. All, that is, except people on the autism spectrum. To them, truth is truth -- and a good word from a person on the spectrum is the real deal.
2. People on the Autism Spectrum Live in the Moment
How often do typical people fail to notice what's in front of their eyes because they're distracted by social cues or random chitchat? People on the autism spectrum truely attend to the sensory input that surrounds them. Many have achieved the ideal of mindfulness.
3. People with Autism Rarely Judge Others
Who's fatter? Richer? Smarter? For people on the autism spectrum, these distinctions hold much less importance than for typical folks. In fact, people on the spectrum often see through such surface appearances to discover the real person.
4. Autistic People are Passionate
Of course, not all autistic people are alike. But many are truly passionate about the things, ideas and people in their lives. How many "typical" people can say the same?
5. People with Autism Are Not Tied to Social Expectations
If you've ever bought a car, played a game or joined a club to fit in, you know how hard it is to be true to yourself. But for people with autism, social expectations can be honestly irrelevant. What matters is true liking, interest and passion -- not keeping up with the Joneses.
6. People with Autism Have Terrific Memories
How often do typical people forget directions, or fail to take note of colors, names, and other details? People on the autism spectrum are often much more tuned in to details. They may have a much better memory than their typical peers for all kind of critical details.
7. Autistic People Are Less Materialistic
Of course, this is not universally true -- but in general, people with autism are far less concerned with outward appearance than their typical peers. As a result, they worry less about brand names, hairstyles and other expensive but unimportant externals than most people do.
8. Autistic People Play Fewer Head Games
Who was that woman, and why were you looking at her? I know I TOLD you I didn't mind if you went out, but why did you believe me? Most autistic people don't play games like these -- and they assume that you won't either. It's a refreshing and wonderful change from the Peyton Place emotional roller coaster that mars too many typical relationships!
9. Autistic People Have Fewer Hidden Agendas
Most of the time, if a person on the autism spectrum tells you what he wants -- he is telling you what he wants. No need to beat around the bush, second guess, and hope you're reading between the lines!
10. People with Autism Open New Doors for Neurotypicals
For some of us neurotypicals, having an autistic person in our lives has had a profound positive impact on our perceptions, beliefs and expectations. For me, at least, being the mom of a son on the autism spectrum has released me from a lifetime of "should" -- and offered me a new world of "is." 他们好象是独立于人类文化现象之外的一个群体.他们会得到他人的情爱吗(我指的不是父母亲人之爱)?他们也会在意别人的爱,并去爱对方吗? 会,只是比较困难
回复 2# yzplq 的帖子
自闭症板块贴的第一篇文章,就是关于自闭症和恋爱的。自闭症是一个很宽的谱系,在高功能一端的患者是能恋爱结婚生孩子的。http://www.sunofus.org/bbs/thread-42500-1-2.html 目前还不能和女人正常呆在一起,会感到非常的不舒服
很难去爱别人,情感方面应该有障碍,对自己的父母也很冷淡 你有自闭症?Aglaya?没有食物没有衣服没有房子,那以什么为生呢? 原帖由 yzplq 于 09-4-14 00:17 发表 http://www.sunofus.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
我觉得自己也是这样。“衣服”“房子”类似,感觉自己赤身裸体,感觉自己只能流浪 80年代崔健有一首摇滚“一无所有”,我也常常这么想,还常常说自己是三无产品呢,呵呵
不过这种想法应该是自己的心态造成的,因为极端点说,任何人都是一无所有的,也可以说拥有生命就拥有一切:) 这些特征我怎么有六七个啊? 完全正确。 很棒的文章,角度很积极!这样看起来,比起现今的花花公子们,反倒是自闭症患者更可爱些:):) 还不如原来头像,一个眼睛
让人发现怎么办? 11# aaronguan