I really need sex !
Now I have strong sex desireBut Ihave notgirlfriend
I feel so bad that I can notfall asleep
I feel ashamed for my thougth so I write it in English
Woud anyone can help me please let me known
Thanks a million 考,你猛。居然到这里找。。。。。 you d better use your hand to resolve that.
[ 本帖最后由 York 于 08-4-15 15:49 编辑 ] 没福报很难过日子,好好修行吧 Now I have strong sex desire
But Ihave notgirlfriend
I feel so bad that I can notfall asleep
I feel ashamed for my thougth so I write it in English
Woud anyone can help me please let me kno ...
zjf3295286 发表于 08-4-7 19:08 http://www.sunofus.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
好猛。。虽然是老贴子,还是想说下,这种事,用钱不就解决了嘛。。{QQ20} 3#真相了