mal 发表于 15-9-4 03:56:24


本帖最后由 mal 于 15-9-4 10:23 编辑

美国哥伦比亚大学和其他一些地方的研究人员终于找到证据表明慢性疲劳综合症,通常称作肌痛性脑脊髓炎( ME/CFS)是一种生理问题。 研究人员选择了298例慢性疲劳综合症患者和348位健康人进行对比研究,在血浆样品中发现了51个免疫标记,从而确认了与慢性疲劳综合症有关的生物模型。这种病症的主要症状包括极度疲劳、屡屡头痛。全美有超过200万人遭受这一病症的折磨。
the cytokine profile of ME/CFS patients is abnormal and changes markedly after three years.
Patients who had the disease for three years or less had the elevated immune molecules, but persons with the disease for more than three years showed low levels of the cytokines, which could be evidence that the immune system is exhausted

the scientists found differences that support a popular hypothesis about the syndrome’s cause: that it occurs when the immune system, in the course of fighting off an acute infection, gets stuck in high gear and eventually wears itself out. The evidence? People in the early stages of chronic fatigue syndrome have elevated levels of immune--system messenger chemicals called cytokines, which indicate an active immunological response, while those who have been ill for three years or longer have unusually low levels of these cytokines.

“We believe the initial trigger could be any number of viral, bacterial, or fungal infections,”.
“The end result appears to be the same: the immune system goes out of whack and exhausts itself.”

She also says that physicians have a difficult time determining when an infectious disease like mononucleosis, Q fever, or Lyme disease — all suspected preludes to chronic fatigue syndrome — has evolved into the full--blown syndrome, thus necessitating a new treatment strategy. ... syndrome-biological

mal 发表于 15-9-4 06:42:58

本帖最后由 mal 于 15-9-4 08:42 编辑

   在取自300名ME患者和350名健康人的血液标本中,在患病3年或不到3年的ME患者血样中发现特殊形态的免疫分子,这些患者的细胞因子,特别是一种叫做伽马干扰素的分子与许多病毒感染后的疲劳相关。健康人和患病超过3年的患者没有出现这种情况。 就是病毒感染破坏免疫系统的方式。

  ME协会医学顾问Dr Charles Shepherd说,这项研究有趣而且有用,更有助于了解慢性疲劳综合症患者产生的异常免疫应答。“如果不同的细胞因子异常模式与疾病的分期和严重程度相关,就能够找到诊断依据,使用抑制异常免疫系统应答的抗炎药物。但是目前离这一步还有些距离。"他补充说:“尽管有些医生仍然错误地认为ME/CFS 是一种心理疾病, 目前已经有充分证据说明它是一种会出现显著的脑部,肌肉和免疫系统异常的生理疾病过程。"

mal 发表于 15-9-4 10:28:32

本帖最后由 mal 于 15-9-4 10:29 编辑

Their 2012 study of 61 patients given the anti-viral drug valganciclovir found that 52 percent experienced at least a 30 percent improvement in physical or cognitive functioning. Among these, 59 percent had physical improvements and 81 percent improved cognitively.
Their 2013 double-blind study with valganciclovir against a placebo involved 30 chronic fatigue patients who had elevated antibodies against human herpesvirus 6 and Epstein-Barr, found that patients who received the drug had a greater improvement in mental fatigue, fatigue severity and cognitive function within the first three months. The benefits continued for the remaining nine months.

mal 发表于 15-9-4 10:37:31

本帖最后由 mal 于 15-9-4 10:38 编辑

A recent systematic review of 35 ME/CFS trials shows only three treatments are scientifically proven to reduce symptoms: Rintatolimod (marketed as Ampligen), counseling therapies and graded exercise therapy.

New study shows Milnacipran (marketed as Savella) may improve symptoms of juvenile fibromyalgia.
Recent study shows testosterone gel performs just as well or better than any of the three drugs approved by the FDA to treat fibro.

mal 发表于 15-9-12 05:13:15

患病3年: 从什么时候算起?

mal 发表于 15-9-12 05:15:43

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查看完整版本: 人类首次发现慢性疲劳症是生理疾病