节前被诊断为焦虑症,大夫给开的喜普妙,先服了6天半片,只感觉头疼、头晕,又服了4天1片的,晚上突发惊恐7、8次,每次1、2分钟,叫救护车来查心电图正常。请问是药物引起的吗?我还继续吃药吗? http://www.sunofus.org/bbs/thread-18987-1-1.html 该药可引起惊恐发作。建议停药。喜普妙——选择性的SSRI, 氢溴酸西酞普兰片
Side effects and drug interactions
Citalopram is safe and well-tolerated in the therapeutic dose range of 20 to 60 mg/day. Distinct from some other agents in its class, Citalopram exhibits linear pharmacokinetics and minimal drug interaction potential, making it a better choice for the elderly or comorbid patients.
Citalopram can have a number of adverse effects. In clinical trials, over 10% of patients reported fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), trembling, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, cardiac arrythmia, blood pressure, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, heightened anorgasmia in females, impotence and ejaculatory problems. In rare cases (around over 1% of cases), some allergic reactions, convulsions, mood changes, anxiety and confusion have been reported. Another uncommon side effect is bruxism (teeth grinding). When you stop using citalopram you may experience a feeling similar to electricity or minor shocks in your upper body and in your hands. This is caused by the chemical changes occuring in your brain and they will pass in time. Occasionally, panic attacks (惊恐发作), thoughts of suicide or self-harm may occur or increase in the first few weeks, before the antidepressant effect starts.
Citalopram and other SSRIs have been shown to cause sexual side effects in some patients, both males and females. Although usually reversible, these sexual side effects can sometimes last for months, years or possibly indefinitely even after the drug has been completely withdrawn. This disorder is known as Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction.
Citalopram is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs. It is considered relatively safe in overdose, although fatal cases of dosages 840 mg to 1960 mg have been reported. 原帖由 晔阳 于 07-3-1 22:27 发表
啊!!!!:L :L :L 难道喜普妙不是治惊恐的吗?:L :L :L 我现在还坚持吃呢,每天难受极了,我倒是比较敏感,出汗、头疼、头晕、眼发花、心跳快、失眠、多梦、疲劳症状全了。本想放弃的,看了大家的帖子才鼓足勇气坚持下来,这下心又凉了。 Citalopram 也是SSRI抗抑郁药物。这类药物都有可能引起惊恐,但一般发生率较低。让你碰上了。 原帖由 晔阳 于 07-3-2 22:46 发表
Citalopram 也是SSRI抗抑郁药物。这类药物都有可能引起惊恐,但一般发生率较低。让你碰上了。
这类药物引起的惊恐会逐渐消失吗?我现在慢慢学会控制它,深吸气,想想别的事。不过比吃药前发作的次数多了。:handshake:handshake :handshake 会逐渐消失的。 谢谢:handshake 晔阳 昨天看了心理医生,叫继续吃 喜普妙 。:Q 是心理医生还是精神病一生?注意,心理医生不是医生。 心理咨询门诊药就是他叫神内开的
[ 本帖最后由 ddd12345 于 07-3-6 13:55 编辑 ] 服 喜普妙 第20天 开始能吃饭了:lol :lol :lol 但是没什么胃口只是比过去能吃了:D